The "Roanoke". Bsacon, The Official Paper of Wash- mgton County. PLYMOUTH. N. 0. Entered In the Post Oflice at Plymouth N, C. second elftfls luattat . a i FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 29. 1889. Directory. STATE GOVERNMENT. Governor, Daniel Q. Fowlo, of Wake. Lieutenant-Governor, Thcs. M. Holt, of Alimance. Secretary of State, Wm. L. Saunders, of j Wake. Treasurer, Donald W. Cain, of Wnke. Inifnr Clan W Mn nAaf i n nf WaVnA ' Superintendent ot Public Instruction, Sidney M. Finger, of Catawba. Attorney General, Tbeo. F. Davidson, of . .Buncombe. C0TJ3KTY GOVERNMENT. - Sheriff, John B. Chcsson. Deputy Sheriti", L. I. Fugan. " Treasurer. Louis Horn thai. Superior Court Cierk, Tboa. J. Marriner. Register or Deeds. J. l', Hiinara. Commissioners. H. ft Starr, A. M. John- . Bton, Levi lilount, Domysy Bpruill and VV. R. Chesson. Board of Education, T. S. Armlstead, Sam' I. Johuston. and .1 uhus L. Howell. Superintendent; of Publio Instruction, Rev. Luther Eborne. - CITV. Mayor and Clerk, E. R. Latham. Treasurer, W. II. Hampton. Police, J, F, Ayers. ' Counoilmen. J. VV". Piercy, James Daven. port, John Willoughby, J. II. Smith, John .Wiggins and Joseph Mitchell. CH0BCH SERVICES. Methodist Rev. C. W. Robinson, pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 a. m and 7 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday iiiuht at 7. Sunday school at 9 a.m., J- F. Norman, superintendent. Young Men's Prayer meeting every Monday night at 7. Baptist Rev. U. B. Collier, pastor. Services ever 3Jud iSunUuV at 11 8. in . ana 7 p. in. Sunday School at 9 a. m., dpt. Jas. Swift. superintendent. Praye: met- . ing every Thursday night at 7, and every fourtu Suaday at 3 p. m. Episcopal llev. Lutlier Eborn, rector. KA.uifMiQ'Avui'it vn, nnnnv nr ri ill . and every 3rd Sunday at U a. m. and 7 -ill) IlVMIVIOVM'II k.v. mwu.m. - ' p. m. Suudav School at 10 a. in.. L. I. Fagan, superintendent. CITY MARKET. REPORTED BY M. J. BUNCH & CO., pwaiew i" Mpflis, Green and Henry Groceries. T'ro riuue, Coiifeclioumeu mid rateut Medicine!1. Buy ers of Corn and other 1'ioducts. Corn, per Bus., r5 Meal. " , " tin .C. K. Sides per tb 7 Bacon 4 9 fcholders Bacon 7 . Breakfast Strips In Hams 8. C, 14 Lard refined t 8 Lard Country . ' 10 Flour, per barrel, from $3 50 to $0.00 V. I. Molasses, per gal., ." cts- Black strop " " 20. Kyrnp " " ' " Granulated Sugar, per lb 9 Light brown " " " . 8 Butter " ". 25 & 30 Green Cnfiee , " 20 & 22 Ki.asted Coffee 21 Eggs per doz., 20 Tobacco, per lb 23 to l.ou fehofc " " i'i to 8 Gun Powder " " ' . 23 to 7" Coal Oil White.Safety ir,0, per gal, 15 " " . Red (J., pr gnl., Apple Vinegar n " iSultanna Prunes, per lb Pickles. Cucumbers, per 100, .. . m . v. 18 30 8 75 13 G 1 8 2; 40 CO 80 Tallow. ' " " " lwut. flint. " " 13 to Salt, fine, per Bus., - fiiown " " COURTS- FIRVT JUDICIAL DISTKICT. Ppiiinq Judce Bovkin, Fall Jndgo Brown. Beaufort Feb. 18th. May 27th, 25th. Currituck March 4th, Sept. 2d. Camden March 11th, Sept. 9th. PaMinotauk March 18th. June 18th. ' PefOuimans March 2ith, bept. 23. - Chowan -April 1st. Sept. 30th. Gates April 8th, Oct. 7tn. . Hertford April 15th. June 17th, 14th. Washington April 22d, Oct. 21et. . lyrell Apnl 29th, Oct. 28th. s PareMay 6th, Nov. 4th Hyde May 13th, Nov, 11th. Pamlico May 20th. Nov. 18th. Oct. GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE -OF- D BY GOODS, CLOTHING. FURNITURE BOOTH, SHOES, UKUUttKUUB, EC, t'o make room for an immense new stock to arrive irom the North. Gall and lee my Great Bargains lor tasbi A1I kiudb of Summer Goods sold at Cost. S. ADLKU, Plymotjtu, N. C. Sbcrrod & Newberry's old ttaud. D. O. BKINKLBY & CO, Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Wines and, Liqut iors. CHOICE BRANDS OF CIGARS. Full Line of Superior Canned Goods always on hand, for Bale by wholesale or retail, rnuovTst n. c, . " BEACON PUSHES: P4oo 7" cents. Cotton 91 cenU Beaufort Court this week. ' First quarter mooa to day. Yesterday wftb Thanksgiying. We are to have a publio pump. How. was your turkey yesterday? Plymouth is to have street lamps. The Schools gave holiday yesterday, Sunday is the first day of December. Board of Education meets on Monday. Get your Chribtmis advertisements ready. Who went to Windsor last Sunday? Ha! ha! County Commissioners meets on Monday next. The tievf Railroad is handling right much freight. Yerrily this has been a week of change, able weather. For Sale Brick, at $3.00 per thousand, by Roid & Duke. Read the notice by Justice J. A. Chesson in another column. If you want the latest styles In Pants call on R. Schultz it (Jo. A cross (X.) mart on your paper means your subscription is due. Yon will only receive three more issues of the Ueaoon during lsts'J. Read Clerk's notice R R. R. & L. Co vs Ella Gurgauus and others. Reid & Duke's stock of ladles and gents Underwear can't be surpassed. 1 Miss Pearl Manning has returned from a visit to relatives in Jamesville. Miss Ida W haley has returned home after a pleasant visit to Norfolk. Mr. W. C Avers is North, looking after the interest of his Garlic machine. The General Superintendent of the A. & lv. Railroad was in the city this week. Several of our people have gone to the M. E. Conference at Greensboro this week. Fon Sake One set second-hand double Harness, hand-made. Apply to E. a DtiKE. Quite number of onr young people went lo tue- circus at Williamston on Mon day. Capt. C. W. Askew has opened a shoe shop next door to Mayor's office ou Water 8iieet. Reid & Duke sells the most goods for the least money m the city. Come aud be end viuced .- Dr. W. H. Ward and wife are in Balti. Bore, where the doctor has gone to attend lecturts. We call attention to the ad of E. E. IIine8. Machine Remiror. tn Via fnimrl in thiiS Usue. Go t3 Reid & Duke's for the finest and bebt selected stock of Boots and Shoes in the city. Messrs. C D. Loane fc Co.. have erected a shingle mill ou tue Furnace, l'aim iUbt below 10 wn. The Str. Brtie did not como to Plymouth on Monday, us she took an excursion to Wi.liamstOL.. Mr. M. J. Norman and wife have been visiting relatives in Bertie county during the past week, The best Henrietta Cloth and Flannels and ladies' Dress Goods can be found at R. Scbultz & Co's. Messrs. R. B. Latham and Louis Owens have accepted portions as clerk at the A, & R. depot. If you want a gooS suit of Clothes, eood goodrf and a good fit, don't fail to call on R. Schultz & Co. The Thompson House belonging to Mr. Jos. Skittletharpe, on Washington streei, is receiving a new coat of paint. Miss Lizzie Waters after a plensant visit ot two weeks to our town returned to her home at James villa on Sunday last. Mr. A. S. Legjzett formerly of this Dlaco bnt now with Thos. O. Pugh & Co. of Balti more is the guest of his parents in this city. For good health onr town can't be sur. pabst-u. Xnere in only one doctor Lere and he is not kept busy more than half his time. Mr, Jessie Allen, of the firm of Wallace Jb Allen, formerly of this place but now of Aurora, passed through town on Tuesday for Baltimore, If you want your money's worth call and examine Reid & Duke's Clothing aud their entire stock aud be convinced of thtir unprecedented offers. Found A Bangle, four miles below Plymouth. The name Lola ou one side and a monogium ou the other. Owner will pleuse call at this office. The excitement in onr office on Tuesday evening was not as some supposed a bus. pension of the Beacon. It was only caused by the falling of the stove pipe. Furniture ! Furniture ! Largest stock ever in this town and the cheapest you ever heard of. Bed room suits and parlor suits a specialty, at R. Schultz & Co's. Miss Cottie Smith, of Leechville, who has been on a visit to her cousin, Mr. W. S. Spruill, in this city, is now the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. B. Allen, in the country. If you wish a fine pair of carriage call at the ''Equine Bazaar" of li. r . Owens. He keeps always on handsome of the most fctylish, and will never be undersold. Call aud see lor yourself. , Don't fail to call on R. Schultz &, Co., when you are in Plymouth. Bring your father, mother, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, nephew, ncice in fact, bring all yonr family connections. We notice since our streets have been graded that vehicles are allowed to drive in the gutters That should be stopped. They should be made to drive on the grade and keep out of the gutters. The celebrated Liveryman, B. F. Owens, is still getting to the front with fine horses and buggies, for Bale or to hire. Dou't forget his place when in want of a fine rig the "Equine Bazaar, Main street, " fii,C00 must bo raised within the next 30 days. To do this, we will sell our entire Htock of Dry Goods, Clothing, nat, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Furniture, Crockery, in fact, everything, cheaper than ever before. . it, ecnuxTz a co. Rev. Josiah Elliott of Hertford while in the city on Thursday called to seo us. Mr. Elliott is a line preacher, and as a man is loved by all who know him for his gentle and social manner. lie held prayer meet. ing in the Baptist church on Wednesday nignt. . , , , Mr. J. I. Bateman, of Creswell, cave n, a cdl on Tuesday, paid his subscriptions and said : "Let the Beacon continue to flourish." That is the way to make " it flourish, friends, Just give us your help ana we win mane tue jlseacon all that you may wiHii. . At our offlce can be seen a enriopity in the way of a ear of corn ; it is nine inches long, the main body is four inches, then two seperate ears branch off, they are five inches in length and well doveloped. It was raised by Mr. J. E. C Johnston, ou the 'Roanoke Dale" farm of W. H. Hamp. ton. The rolatives of Mr. Stuart Ward, deceased, have placed a beautiful tomb at his grave in the M. E Cnurch yard. It is of blue marble aud handsomely engraved, and perhaps there is not a more costly stone to be Keen in the yard. It was purchased from Mr. II. II. Brown, who is agent for one of the finest marble works in America. He also furnished the iron fence that encloses the tomb. To subscribers who do not receive their papers regularly, we would say your taper l put in ihe Post Offlce EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. And ret some say they do not get a paper for two or three weeks, and, then tney get them all at once. This U caused by an over-look iu the Postoffice. We hope our officials will be more careful in the future, for if such complaints con. tinue to come to us we will be forced to inquire into the matter. The Latham House presents quite a differ ent appearance Mnce' the new piazza has been finished. In place of the double piazza a neat single one has been erected. The popular manager, Mr. J. H. Suaitb, informs us that the house will at once receive a new coat of paint, and other additional irn. provements. Rav. C. W. Robinson delivered his fart, well sermon on Sunday night last, to a large and appreciative congregation, which was one of the most able efforts of his life. His text was from the 92 Psalms, 13th verse. He is now in attendance ' upon the Conference at Greensboro. Yesterdny Thansgiving was unniversally observed by our people. All the stores were closed and business of every branch almost suspended. Owing (o the absence of the pastors there were no services in any of the churches. The day was bright and our people had every caube for a glorious Thanksgiving. We are informed that town author?. ties are about to awake, and will at an early day giye us treet lamps and also a public pump. Wo thought our Conncilmen were not going to Rtaud it much longer, when we saw one of them a few nights ago lall down ia the dark. We would aek Mr. Flipp to be more explicit in his description of characters. In his article last week he described a man that many would take to be ye editor We ware eye-glaKSes and at times sports a cane but are not quite so seutiuuntal as the individual spoken of. Crazy Mariah" is again raving. She should be seut to the Asylum If there is any chance to get her in, if not she should be confined somewhere. While there may not be any danger in her yet the ladies and children are afraid ot her and even it they were not she should be cor fined for her own good. We trust that some Btep will be takou at once, Later She attacted lady last night and was arrested and sent tijiil. Hotel Arrivals. The following named person were regis tered at the LUhain House during the past week : J. A. Hill Elijah Harris T. M. Bnna Samuel Hodges W. Bncanan D. N. Dur ham VV. J. Tarter W,. Gallop Joseph White O. A. Sledger w. S. Ramsey. Train Ditched- Engine No. 2 on the R. & L. Railroad while ou hr out bound, trip about two miles from town yesterday afternoon was ditched, causing a general smash-up. The engineer, lire man and two passengers escaped unhurt save a terrible jar. Or. E Murray had his foot broken, and one of the breakmen had a hand mashed. Messrs. Webbie Cooper and Johnnie Skittletharpe who were on the train narrowly escaped all injuries. Engine No. 1 was alo on he. out bound trip and not fur behind No. 2 but was held up iu time to tave a terrible collision with the wreck. Cyolona in Beaufort County- A cyclone passed through Beaufort coun ty on Friday, of last week. Jho serious damage was done only at Campbell's Creek, six miles from Aurora, where houses were blown down and oiher property distroyed. liok Phillips, (colored) aud live children were killed, and several others seriously injured. Remarkable Resoue. Mrs. Michael Cirtain, Pluinfbld, 111., makes thu statement that she caught cold, which settled on her lungs; she was treated for a mouth by her family physician, but grew worse. He told her she was a hope. LESS TICTIM ov consumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New D scovery for Consumption; she boucht a bottle and to her delight found herself benefitted from first dose. She continued its nse and after taking ten bottles, fouud herself sound and well, now does her own housework ani is as well asauo ever was. Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery at J. VV. Bryan's Drugstore, large bottles 50o and, $1.00, Branson'N. C. Almanac, 1890. As an old friend, comes every year with a familiar, smiling face. The title page has a fao smile of the State coat of arms and of th great seal of , North Carolina. Every page looks bright and new, and yet cheerful as a bosom friend. Much valuable mfor. matlon is given on almost every page about our native State, such as you cannot find in patent medicine calendars. The short cal endar on the last page is always handy. Few nouns are more familiar to the golden mediocrity than that of Hranson'g Almanac. It has carried knowledge, science and fun into thousands of happy North Carolina homes. Bucklon'tf Arnica Salve. Tee Best Salve iu the world for Cuts, B ruiscs, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and pci. tively cures Pilas. or no yay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect natUfrtction, or money refunded. Pnco 25 cents per box. jfc'or Bale by J. W. Bryan. FLIPP." TAKES A TllIP TO JAMESVILLE HAS A CONVERSATION WITII ONE OF TUB EXCURSIONIST GIVES HIS VIEW OV Til IS TIIII' TELLS HOW A MAN GOT A HIDE SEES A MAN FALL IN THE CREEK SITS A WOUD TO HUSBANDS ETC, ETC. Mb. Editor : It seems that onr people dislike to stay at home on the Sabbath day. On last Sunday there were several who went to William6ton on the train to spend the day. Quite a number drove through the country to Jamesvjlle, and among that number wore "Pesky Snipes" and myself. On my Arrival I went down town, there, in the midst of a large crowd, stood ''Pesky" he was telling some joke as usual, and I think his subject was aluut that J. & W. Railroad. While part of our town were thus enjoy, ing the gentle breezes of a more western climate, there was yet another crowd tb. it were off for a day away from this historic city. That party, composed of only four of our most popular young men, had char tered the steamer Arniitago and gone to Windsor, In a conversation with one of the party I got the following report, he said : "Wo left Plymouth at 8 o clock in the morning and arrived at. Windson at 11. The day was spent quite pleasant until 5 p. m., wheu we again, boarded the little steamer for home, everything went lovely until about six miles down stream, when the Captain, who was not altogether right, ran the boat into the woods, some one cried out that we were sinking, we grabbed as many lite preservers as we could carry and all four made our escape over the bow of the boat into the swamp leaving the captain and his crew to fill, as we expected, a watery grave. We wandered through the swamp for one hour without hearing a sound, when all at once one of the boys yelled 'bear' we made a rush for other parts. From the first, one of our crowd had made night Hideous by calling for help, but not until after we had been scared by the supposed bear, which was nothing more than one of our number who fell in the swamp, did any answer or living sound greet our ears, then it was we heard a voice. On going to it we found a man standing in the road, we thanked him for his kindness and asked him how far it was to Windsor, on being told six miles, we laid aside 1501b of life-preservers vach. pulled off our shoes and started for Wind. sor whore we arrived at t o'clock. Next morning we came home on the Bertie, and as these No. 11 feet of mine embraced old Plymouth's grit again, I promised my Ma and my God that I would never take such a trip again on Sunday." 1 can imagine how those young men looked as with an excited rush they deserted that steamer and went plunging through the swamp, then, after being scared almost to death, i can Bee their faces grow bright as through the darkness thro comes the voice of a rescuer. Then again methiuks I Fee the bright smile, from their visage tade, and I can hear the slow dull thump of Uiokc heavy hearts, as they are told six miles, 1 hen editor, imagine what a picture tho36 young men uiadj, as they took from their backs all the Lfe prteervrs they had brought from the ill fated steamer. Bit down and taking off their shoes tied them togeth er aud swinging them over their shoulder they marclLon up the road in the darkness, theu see them as they march through the deserted streets of the town where only few hours before they had said good bye to their "best ' girl aud left tor home with light hearts. Then see them again, as in the early dawn they board the steamer Bertie and the Captain refuses to admit them, with their muddy aud torn garments to firt-class fare, and they, have to be stowed away iu the dark recesses of the freight room like so many tramps. "What fools some moi tals bo." I think the most anxious man for a ride I ever saw was that dark haired gentleman who walked to Jamesville on Sunday last to get a ride back on the train. I asked him why he did not go out ia the morning and he said he got left, but ''if that train comes bank I will ride or fight," gress he got the ride I left him at 4 o'clock sitting in the middle of the track waving a red bandanna. I understand that some of the gentler sex did not liko the way I scared ''that wife of miue" with a mouse. Really, I am sorry if any of them are mad. but think if all husbands would use the mouo trick more and less jiwthey woul j find home nioro comfortable. Yon had as well try to re verse the moon or feel safe near the rear of a mule as to try to jaw with a woman, he will always Lave the last word and if you are not sharp she will say every word and make you believe yourself unworthy to be a man. 1 have adopted the mouse as my wife subducr, and it works like a charm . ' One cf our popular counter hoppers was out to the mill yesterday with several other young meu ami while there ho saw some men rafting logs. Thinking himself as smart as the raft men he mounted a log to help them. 1 hut log took a turn. That boy took a fall and I never saw a man so wet and scared in nir life. He crawled up ou a log to dry but after shaking the b irk all off he found more comfortable quarters in a nigger hut near by whero hewas dried out and sent home. Well as tomorrow is Thanksgiving I guess our town will be quiet. I had a fine turkey up fatning for that day but I found this morning that some one else had him aud the coop is empty so I will feast on fried herring while the individual who stolcd my turkey will be making arrange ment for his burial cause let me tell you that turkey has been fed on danymite for tho last ten days and the man that tackels him will have a fine time. 3ay I am going to Washington next week and will write up tho trip. Flipp. A Love Letter. The following letter was written by some genius editor who, like all editors, had some non-paying suoscribers. and we address it tb those on our books who have failed to come up : 'Dear darling delinquent ! Qur precious subscriber in arrears ! You are so shy. Do you think ws have sold out and gone ? No, little sugar plum, we could not get away if we wanted ro. We are still at the same old stand dishing ont the Advertisers on sweet promises and bright expectations. Ihey make an excellent diet, darling, with a a I tie pndding, flavored with a word of encour. agemeDt to serve as a dessert. We are waiting atd watching for thee, our turtle dove. We long to hear thy gentle fixmtep on the stairway below and hour the silver ring of the happy dollars wilhm our oltice. Dear one, we feel, unusually sad and Imcly without you, dear. Now little pto-crnst will you come? Do we hear you answer ia a voice so sweet and beading, "I'm coming," or is it only the wiuds that around our office roar? We pause for further devcl. opuaent," it B710U SALE One 12 Horse-power eclipse . Engine and boiler. One 50 saw Gin, Feeder and Condenser, been in use about five years. One close condenser only u&ed about ten days. One steam power cotton press. Reason for selling, no use for same. Address L. C. MARRINER, ug.9-tf. Mackey's Ferry, N. C. Fob Sale As I wish to leave Plymouth, I offer for sate my brick business and stock of merchandise. A good investment for anyone wishing a good business. ierms reasonable, aug 23-tf. J. T. PErriFORD. Washington County Superior Coubt Roanoke R. R & Lumber Co." v s Ella W, Walter B, William W. Josephus aud Willie 0. I Gurcanua. V Mary W. Gurganua for self aud as guardian for other defendants and J no. W. Chambfirs. To Jno. W. Chambers. Take Notice The above entitled action is brought for the purposn of selling the Calvin Chambers land described in the petition for partition, of which you claim one-fourth interest. The cause will be heard on Saturday, Jan uary 11 1800, at the Court House before me, when and where you . are required to demur or answer to the petition, or the relief demanded will be granted. 0. L. Pettigrew, T. J. Marrtner, Plff. Atty. Cl'k Sup, Court. nov29-6w IVotioo. Let the creditors ot Daniel Swain take notice that a petition has been filed with me by tLe widow of said Swain to have her homestead allotted from the lands of said Swain ia Washington county,' adjoining the lands of S. Patrick aud others. J. A. ClIESSOX, J, P. Nov 28 '89-G w DR. S. E. MURRAY, -DENTIST- PLYMOUTH, N. C. C. li, PETTIGKEW, ATTORNEY-AT-LAVV, Practiced iu all the States aud Federal Courts. Office, Water Street, PLYMOUTH, sr. c. DK. C. P. BOGERT, SURGEON AND MECHANICAL DENTIST, E DENTON, ..... N.C, f-PATIENTS VISITED WHEN REQUESTED. HINES, jjAciiin I am prepared to repair all kinds of sewing machines will put them in perfect order or no charge, Give me a trial if your machine is out of order. MRS. S. A. BLOUNT Calls the attention of the Ladies aud tht publio generally to her choice selection of )I I L L I N B K Y To which she has added a fine line Dress goods and Trimmings. Ladies cheap coats on hand Spe. ial attention given to fine ORDERS. Water Street, - Plymouth N. C. of PNU I MENTAL AGE IL NCY Representing the well-known Marblo Work of V- W. BATES, Vorwlk, Conn. MONUMENTS AND TOMB STONES Anyone wishing to mark the last resting place of deceased relatives or friends by e reeling a monument to their memory, will do well to call on the undersign, who will furnish estimates and designs upon applica tion. t'Also Agent for Fire Insurance. Only best Com pames represented. H. H. Brown, Plymouth, N. C. RAIL ROAD RESTURANT JOHN H. LEE, Proprietor. Meals at all hoursday ornight Fresh oysters served in any style. I employ none but polite and attentive waiters for my tables and yon will always hud my rooms comtortaule. Stand near the A & R., Depot, GIVE ME YOUR PATRONAGE. JUDICIOUS ADVERTISING CREATES many a new business; ENLARGES many an old business; REVIVES many a dull business, RESCUES many a lost business; SAVES many a failing lUiiincs; PRESERVES many a lirgo basinesi-; SECURER success in any buio'is 0PENIN& o Job Printiiii This Office! We do EverythingJin the Printing Line. IF YOU WANT Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Envelopes, Circulars, Programmes, cards &cT Or .posters of any descrip tion, Send us your order. Our Prices Reasonable. OUR WOUK FIRST-CLASS. come and seo samples be. fore you send your Work elsewhere. AH Work Executed With Neatness aai! Dis patch. A TRIAL IS ALL WE ASK. Our Motto Is, Satisfaction and Promptness, We Respectfully Ask a Share of Your Patronage . We also do everything ia tho, line of Padding, Don't forget us but send ia a trial order at once Kemember wo furnish every' thing you WANT.