The. Boanoke Beacon Thp Official Fapcr of Wash Ington Oonntr. PLYMOUTH. - N,0 Entered In the Pott Office at Plymouth N. C, m conu ewea tamtuat. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 20. J 880. .' Directory;; iTATI GOVE1KMEKT. Governor, Daniel Q. Fowl, of Wake. Lieutenant-Governor, Thos, M. Holt, of Alimanoe. . . Secretary of State, Wni. L. Saunders of wane. ; v . Treasurer, Donald W. Cain, of Wake Auditor. Geo. W. Sanderiln, of Wayuc w Superintend eat of jfnblid Instruction Siduev M. Fineer, of Catawba. Attorney General, Theo. F. Davidson, of -Buncombe. ; ""' COCKT? OOVERHUESt. Sheriff, John B. Chesson. : Deputy Sheriff, L. I. Fagan. :. ' Trfftsur. r. TjOqIb Horutbul. Superior Court Cierk, Tbo. J, Marriner liciyister 01 jjeeus, j. tr, riiiiiara. Commissioners. H. J. Starr. A. II. John ton, Levi Blount, Demrsy Spruill and VV . 11 Plivionn Boaid of Education. T. 8. Armistead ftani'l. Johuaton and .luliua L. Howell. Suocrinteudent of Public Instruction Itev. Luther Eborne. VV -':'-.- citt. ; Mayor and Clerk, E. B Latham. Treasurer, W. H. Hampton. . Volif a. J. P. Avers'. Couni-ihueri. J. W. Piercy, James Daven- ; port, John Willoughby, 4. ti. bimtlt, John Wiggins and Josepu Mitchell. encuctz bluviceb. Methodist ltev. O. W. Robinson, pastor, Service every Sunday, at 11 a. m., and 7 . m. Prayer weeiing every Weduewiay uiut at 7. wntiday sc&ooi m : a. ra a . Norman, superintendent. Youug Men' Prayer meeting every Monday night at 7 BaDtikt Rev. It. 13. Collier, pastor Servioea ever SSud Huoday at 11 8. ui . and 7 p. ui. Snuday tkhool at U a. tu., uapi Jan. Swift Bunerluti-ndent. Prayer tuwt lug vevy Tunraday niybt at 7, and every fourtu Kuaday at 4 p. m. Episcopal Rv. Luther Eborne, rector Services every 2nd Suuday at 7.30 p.m. wd every 3rd Sunday at It a. m. and 7-iiU P. m. Suuda t-cnoot ai 10 a. in., u, i. Fagan, superintendent. . ; CITT MARKET- REPORTED BY M. J. BUNCH & CO., Dealer in Meat, Owen and Heavy Groceriw. Pro ducr. Cuufectioueriu and rateut ilediciue. Bus- duce, Cuufectioueriu and fateut , r of Corn ana outer I'loaucw. Corn, per Bu., Meal. - - O. 11. Bides per Tb Bacon ' bboldera Bacon Brrakfaat Strips Ham H. C, Lard refined. r.r cts 8 10 Flour, per barrel, from $3-50 to $G.(H) W. 1 Mblaaaea. lr ual.. Black strop M " Hyrnp " " Granulated Sugar, per tb Light browu " " " 20 a.-. -. j 8 2.- &ao 20 & 22 25 20 23 to 1 00 ; to 8 Butter " " Green Coffee " " Hunted Cotfe EggH per dox.. Tobacco, per Tb Shot .. " " UIULI A, T ttra 25 to Coal Oil Wbite.Safety 150, per gal. IS tt . fc . J St mm . 1 4 O Bed 0.. twr irnl 18 30 8 75 18 Apple Vinegar " " JSultaniia Priiues, per lb Pictuea. Cucumberfi. per 100, liee'a Wax, rer lb TallriV' .. " " 0 M 8 13 to 2.1 40 CO 80 lldecj'reen, " Hbest mm, " to H Candy Salt, fine, per Bna., T. 1 , " " " Blown w n COURTS. FIR-T JUDICIAL DISTRICT. JBpmkg Judge Boykin. Fall Judge Brown. Beaufort Feb. 18th. May 27tb, 25th. CurrituckMarch 4th. Sept. 24, (Jamdeu March 11 tb, Sept. 9tb. PfthqnotttUk-SIarcb Ibtb, June ISth. Pept. I6tb. Perquimana Marah 25th, Sept. .23. Chowan -April 1st. Sep.. 3(lth. Gates April 8th, Oct. 7th . Hertford April 15lh. June 17th, Oct. Hth. Waablupton -April 22d, Oct.21et. lyrell April 2th. Oct. 28th. DareMay 6th, bov. 4th Hyde May Mth, Nov, Uth. Pamlico May 2uth. Nov, 18th. GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE! . OK DRY G00D8. CIOTHING. FURNITURE BOOrS, SU0E8, GltOCEKlEtS, &c., to make room for an immense new stock ' to arrive Irom the Ko;th. 011 and ny Great Bargains lor Cash 0TAI1 kiudb of Summer Good told at Cost Plymouth, N. C. Sherrod & Newberrj's old atand. D. O. BRINKLEY& CO. Dcalera In . Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors. . . ;. - CHOICE BRANDS OF CIGARS. A Full Line of Superior- Canoed Goods always on hand. ' 'icTe for sale by wholesale or retail. .. rnucvTH, h cv . BEACON FLASHES : Mr. J. L. noweiC Mayor of CreawelJ, ha$ betn authorized to collect and receipt all bills for , the Beac jN. Subecrlbera at thatplaco Vfho have not already , Battled their subscriptions will, if due, see him at once a id get their receipts: Mr, VV. VV, Loary, cf lioper, has boeu authorized to collect and receipt all bills due ths Beacon at tuat place. All sub scribers ut that place who have not settled and are due are notified to see him at ones and get their receipts. ' Christmas only six days off. . The Beacon Is six months old. Miss Margie Gar re t closed her school on Friday last. We wish j cm a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Where is tba turkey you were going to send ua for Xmas ? A cross (X) mark on your paper means your subscription is due. On our first page we give a report of the foueral of ex-Preuid6Ct Davis. If you watt to hire, bny, sell or trade holies, B. F. Owens is your man. - Eev. H. C. Bo wen. of Wiiliamstcn, made us a pleasant call on Monday. Preparations are being made by the ladiaii to decorate the M. E. Church for Xtnas, Mr- 8' PV Wlxon, of E lcnton, Is the guest of Mrs. E. E. Hines, on East Water btrt. Fob SALE One set second-hand double Harness, hand-made. Apply to . E. Dukk. B. W. Cobb, of the Wilmington Messen g-r, and W. B. Jordan, of the Morning Star; are in the city. Mies Bettie Robinson, of WiUiamston, baa beeu the guest of Mi Vonuie Leggett duritg the past weeR We would Bay Unit the rumor that we are to be married ou the 18th, 21st and 23id of January is incorrect. The "Equine Bazaar" of B. F. Owens is the plaee to board yonr horses if you want tliem to receive projier attention - Rev. C. VV. RobiuRou is proving himself quite proficient in administering the aacred ceremony of holy matrimony, aud be is kept quit bnsy. - Th Beacon will not be issued Decem ber 27tb, as we ar going in skip that issue owing to the Xmas holidays, but will appear agnia January 3rd, 1890. One of tie moat interesting vUitors at our office this week was Mastsr Charlie Layton, of Bridgnvi'.Je, Del., who is on a visit. tr hiu Mr AnniA WnllrAr. What in the matter with our Police that I he can't see the fast driving through the streets anymore? If we are to have a law let it hold good and make offenders pay the p. natty.' , Messrs. W. W. Wallanc and T. J WalkAr of Roper, and J, W, Blount, of Mackey's Ferry, called to se' r.s thii week. While iu they paid their subscription j. Thanks Call again, frierds. If you want a fine tournout during thev Xmas br-Iulars to take a nbort or long driv. call on B. F. Owens. He has on hand the mot stylinh and best roftddtrs ever offered for hire before. . Funiture! Furniture! The largpst stock ever in town. Bed sU ad . and mattress only $3 75. fi nice chirs only $2 00, rock ing chuirs oOo and np. Hen room snits aud parhr suits in proportion at K. Schnllz & Co'a. ,- Mr. AL C. Howcott. formerly of this !)lace but who has been holdina a. nosilion n the U. S. govermueut at Washington, D. C. for the past two years, i home to spend tho holidays with his mother, Mrs. L Howcott ; . 1 The following name is found upon the register at the Latham House this week : B; C. C'rexnaiivertzadinorspextorn. Onlv one man has undertaken to pronounce it r.nd lis had his nn3er jaw badly twisted and then failed. C'othiusi Clothing! For old and young big and small. Men's suits from $1 00 and np. Dovm' snit- SI 00 ana up, meu's over coats $2 25 and np. I oys' overcoats $1 00 and up. fine suits a specialty, at It. bclmlfz & Go's. A pair of horses belonging to Mr, B. F. Owens, While standing tied near the drpot Tuesday mgbt became tngu'ened and ran away. No serions damage was done far. ther than tte demolishing or the hack to which they were attached. The members of the ex-Uonfederaf As. soclfttkra of this county are wearing a band of black crape on their left arms as a token of respect for tb lamented Jefferson Davis. by request of Jftliau S. Carr, President of State veterans' Association. Tbe business manager will celebrate his 20fb birthday to-inorrow almost a man, but don't sport a mnstacne yet. eexte nd to hint oar congratulation, hoping that h may live to see many more, and . soon be aide to sport a mustache. Tlieie wh a young lady ami uur name was fleet, Who liau bunion all over ut feet; When bennl of tho glad news f Schnltr'n well flttitic fhoes. She tumbled ri'ht off her neat. Shoes for all, cheaper than ever at K. Scbulta & Co's. We are requested by Mr. T. S. Artuistead, Chnirmau of the Board of E iueatioo, to say that all persons entitled to payment for taking, school census this year can receive their orders, which are now ready, by applying to him at tbe Court House. Special attention is called to the large ad of Mess. Hines A Everett, upholsterers and cabinet makers. to be foaud ia this issue. These gentlemen mke a specialty of repairing sewing machines. We be speak for them a liberal suppo.t from our people. Dry Goods! Dry Goods-! , The largest stock of calicoes, benrietta cloth. fUnuols, cashmere of all 1 colors. Calicoes only tc per yard, cotton poplin Be par yard, t yard wide cottons uo per yarn, ana au cmer eoods in proportion. Don't throw dollars in tbe fctreet when yea esq sve them by buj ing your goods from R. Schultz & Co. Mr. J. W. Read aud his charming wife. nee Claud Owens, left Plymouth on Friday morning last, for Read's Wharf, Va ; where they go to spend the holidays with Mr; Head's parents. After Christmas they will go to Baltimore, where they propose making their future home. Mrs Rettd is a lady of high culture and accomplishment and will bn sadly misled In the social circles of PI r month. We regret to loose such a coupie from our midst, but wish for taem a long and happy me, trusting mat ere long they will return to old Plymouth and permanently locate within her historic bor. ders. ' '' - t Hats! nats! In all shapes and styles. Men's bats 25c and up. Come one, come all. and give us a call, before buying else. wnere. eatistaction guaranteed on every article, or money refunded. Iteppectlally lours, . R. ScnuLTZ & Co- New Brick Store, opposite fide Sam'L Baynor's Kentucky Livery Stabler, Plymouth, N. C. Oar entire community was mournfully shocked on Friday last by receiving tbe news that Mrs. J. B. Vincent, of Mnrfrees. boro, the lute widow of Dr. II. G. Lewis, and who for so long added to the social circles of Plymouth, was dead. Her ie mains were taken to Mackey'a Ferry on Saturday and interred in the burial grounds of St. Luke's charch on Sunday at 10 o'clock by Rev. Luther Eborn. . ' Hotel Arrivals. r ' The followlag named pet-sons were reen tered at the Latham Hoime duriug the past week: B. W. Cobb. A. S. Brown. Sam. Cobs, O. H. Jaoev. W. C. Cooke, E. F. Cooper, (J F. Weyfourtb, L W. Fargo, T. C. Cox, J. F. Anderson, C. H. James and sister, G. H. Toavine, W. K. Gtrdnr, J. L. Sydoor, H. L. Durall, ii, E. Crabtree, J. M. Fitzgerald, S. H. Marcus, M. E. Mayer, A. H. Ashburu, J. II. Johnston, and VV. B J ordan. . A Good Time. Perhaps one of the most enjoyable events 01 tbe seaon was tho entertainment given at the residence of Reuiet ir of Deeds. J. P. Hilliard. on Friday evening last, by Misses Mary ttuiiara, Ua MUgttt and Stella Latham. At o'clock I be spacious parlors of the residence was filled to overflowing with the gay young people of our town. Tho g imes or olden times were indulged in , and that gronp of yonog ladies and gentlemen presented a most pleasing scene as they passea vo ana xro across tue room. At 10 o'clock refreshments were served. arter wuicn, various amusements were indulged iu by one end all. At 11 o'clock the merry crowd repaired to their homes, fooling quite repaid for ftoing. Ye editor and business manager returns thanks for an invitation. Is Consumption Incurable? Read the following ; Mr. C. H. Morris, isewarK, atk., says: "Was down wun Absoes-t of Lungs, and friends snd physicians pronounced me an incurable (Jonsnmptive, Began taking Dr. King's New Discoverv for Gonsnprntion, am now ou my third bottle, and able to oversea the work cn my farm, it is toe finest medicine ever made Jessie Midllewart. Ohio, says: "HaJ it not been for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption 1 would have died of Lnug 1 roubles. Was given no by doctors. . Am now in best of health " Try it. Sample Dottie9 tree at J. w. Kryau's Drugstore. Matietoa has been proclaimed King o Samoa and is 80 recognizad by the consuls a The Italian Chamber of Deputies deprived the clergy of that country of tbe direction vi an cnanues. ' Funeral services over the remains of thi Austrian Cardinal Ganglbauer were held in oiepnen's uatnedral in Vienna. " One hundred thousand cartridges was del stroyea in cne artiuory raugaameat Baku b tna exDiosion pi a shell, -and four parso were kuieu. ; j : .,. i M. Etnile Roux, a director of the prefe ture oi ine oeine, was muruered in nis ora in rang by his former 8 crata-gg- Jim Maiitin Newberuy At tbe residence of the bnde's mother, on Third street, Wednesday morning at : o'clock, Capt. Charlie Martin, of 8tr. . Oracle Titus, and Miss Bertha Newoerry, of this city, Rev. O. W . Roblnsou, officiating. The happy couple left per Str. Plymouth for Norfolk, where they will, make their future home. .. The Beacon extends best wishes. Sewell Tadlock At the residence of th bride'tf lUther, Mr. J. E. Tad oolt. Mr. Edward Sewell. of Union. Hertford county, and MissMollie J. Tadlock, of Cashie Neck, B -rtie couuty. Rev. H. C. Bowen, ofllci. ting. , Ibis happy con pie mot only a , few months sgo, aud ripened Uifiracquaintanou rapidly iuio love and matrimony On buu day Mr. Sewell called upon his lady love, and thej decided 10 marry ut ouce ; sent fr tbe liceuse and preacher; t oth cnmt in due time, and they were madu one without delay. . 0 i FROM LONG ACHE- Lono Ache, N. C, Deo. 1G '89. Editor Roanoke Beacon ; -, DeahSiu: If yuu will allow me t-poce in your valuable pper, I will give you tbe news of our section. Times are dull iu our midst. They continue to oteh btars very rapidly, they have caught thirty, I believe, this fall. The Farmers Alliance is still progressing. Next week I will tell of a wedding. I will close, for of ruakiog mf first letter too long, with kind wishes to the editor. -"4 ' . : : 1 ' Rose, CRESWELL LETTER. Cbeswell. N C, Dec. 10, '89. Editor Roanokb Beacon : Deau iMK : Mr. W. A. Alexander, who owns one tbe L tka Farms near here, seems to be peculiarly uofortuuate; last year he met with tbe misfortune to lose his barn by fire, iuoiudiug his whole crop of corn, and again this year he met the same bad luck. Ou Friday last his burn, containing ruQ barrels of corn, 2'0 bushels of rice and Several bales of cotton took firo from an engiue with which he was giuuiug, and oousumed everything. There was a small insurance on the building aud engine but his loss will amount to $2,000. Our towu oouimissioncrs met last week, and an effott Was made to past an ordinance Etohibitiug fast driving through the streets, at. it was . voted dowa by a majority of the commissioners, It was somewhat ainu siug to ber the matter discussed; one of the commissioners said he hod no children to bi run oyer by fast driving seeming to care for no ones interest but Lis-.own another said tf any of his children was run over and killed he would not have it to feed and clothe, and several other such flimsy excuses Were made, hence the young people can oontinne to ' go through our town at a three minute gait. r Mr. Henry T. ilassell moved last week from Main street to his old residence ou bixih strel iu front of A..G Walkers. Mr. T. B. Batoman thmks of moving this week; he Is now haying erected on his lot in town a large stock house. The young people are beginning to feel merry, and have commenced having parties and an gar stews to., one was held in our place lutt week at the residence of Capt. A. L. Cahoon, and lone at the residence of Mrs. A. B, Owens, 21 tulles from' town, to-hight. More anon, X. Y, Z. Backltn'i Arnica Salve, Tub Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Brakes, Sores, Ulcers, Salt I then m, Fever Soren, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded, l'nce 20 cents per box. For sale by J. V. Bryau. ' ' - F.LI PP.," Mr. EoiTon : As this is your last issue for the year 1 889. and as you say m&k tbe Beacon six months old, allow mo to congratulate you upon your success I littie thought when the Beacon Hashed Its rays before our people, that it would be bere six months, but as yon have held on so long without skipping the country I think there is a chance for you to : hold on longer. From your culumns I see that the business men of our town are not giving you the support they ought in the way of udyer.Ljiug, that is the reason we cannot keep a good paper in tbe town, the men fail to give it the proper support , 8a editor, I went down to the 'Latham House Sunday night to have a little round with Col. L. S. Real, Jack's" pa, who has been stopping there far several (lays. Well I got iu the olQce and shook hands with the old gontlemau, I think bo is the jolliast and best hearted man I ever met, , bat be fore I oould say more tbau two words I was all broke np by some of the kufers . Why man there were so many boys in that office the boarders and strangers had to stand up and tbe clerk, Mr. Smith, be had to stand out on the piazza. We saw one young man walk iu and get mad because he could not get a rocking chair. I think Mr.'bmith must have a good disposition or he would put the inakehoste on some one. Of course I expected to see you, the editor of a newspaper, there but I must say I was surprised to ,see you oocupying the louuge, while men like Mr. Read and I, had to stand up. It ie natural that the young men want to be together but, they should not take charge of the hotel. Weil, Xmas is almost at hand and tbe average child is looking forward to its coming with joyous anticipations, and even the old folks, whose silvery locks Show that they have seen many Caristmas Mays, will gladly welcome its eooriug, I look upon tbe coning ot Christmas as one of the most sacred holidays of our nation, as tbe day draws near it brings together friends and relatives that may have been parted for months, or if by chance some loved one has wandered too far to return and mingle turir joys with the rest around the family fire-side, their thoughts will bj turned homeward. At this time the girl or bay that has been absent at college are returning homo to spend the Xmas voca tion with their pareuts. Parents are busy preparing good things for the young folks, i'onu lovers are bnsy selecting presents for their sweethearts. Then remember tbe little oues, as on Christmas-eve night they hang np the little stocking for Snta Claus to nil, and retire with heart almost burst ing with the happy thoughts of the morrow morning. I suppose the Beacjn will take a week's vacation during tho holidays, if bo let me give you some advice, don't drink too much dram bt-c rase it mizht cause some delay in tbe next issue of the paper. That wire of mine" says if I get drunk Christmas she will go home to bar ma, she forgets her ma, has died eince I got drunk lost, but any way I shall try to stay sober aud enjoy tbe holidays. What has become of my "Tormentor," as he sign hi Jiself.-has he met tbe fool- killer or committed ouioide ? If no accident has happened to him 1 guess he will come out iu the paper this week giving me rat You will please iuforuo him for me, that if he uses auy more slander in his letters that I sha I outer suit, having employed Mr. C, L. Pettigrew, one of the swiftest little lawyers iu the State, Hon 8. U. Sprui.l, perhaps one of the steadiest and most suc cessful attorneys that ever faced a jury, also A. O. Gay lord, a fine lawyer and perhaps as hard a mau to down as ever stood before a B r (I dou'i mean a bar room ) . M r. J. L. Wheodbe has been employed as a body guard and will also appear before ihe jury. On beating aronud the town Wednesday my attention vas called to the crowd that were making for Bryan s Drug Store, so J, out of cariosity went in to see what the excitement was and guess what it was. I was surprised 10 se so many canons things in the way of Christmas presents, I tell you "Jack" is getting to the front, end that elerk, 1 tell you the truth he is a dandy. I bought several presents and left. TLiPP." ROPER I ETTER. RipebTnT C, D jo. 17, '89. Editor Roanoke BraciN: I notica that in a former issao of tne Beacon, you cen. sure the c'tizens of Roper right much for not having enterprise enough to write up tbe news of this pluoo for your paper, so I thought 1 would drop you one or two items this week. The fict is, Mr. Editor, that our people have so much enterprise that they dou't have time to wr.te. Ou, no! is is not for lack of enterprise or because we do not like to see our name in print, but it is because we are too bnsy in tbe persuit of mammon. The A & if. R. ttn is, so we bear, noanng completion. It is graded as fir as Pantego and tbe whistle of the iron horse is heard within l wo miles of the town. Mr. T. W. Blonnt. one of tho moit pros. perous merchants in our county, is already running three stores, two at Koper and one at the Turn Pike, bnt, Mr. Editor, his en. terprise does not stop there, lor we hear that be is actually going to put up another One at Pantego. 'there is one thing needed at Roper to cap the wholo, aud that is an Academy. This being the most certral part of the county, with good traveling facility and being c bve, growing towu, makes it, with. out any exception, the most desirable loco, tion for an institution of learning of any place in Washington county. $2,000 in vested ia a school budding at this plaoe would pay a handsome per cent. we are sorry to statw that Mr. A. r. Wailaoe, a young and highly respected merchant of this place is very sick, also Mr. John Gayiord. proprietor of the hotel. Miss Marttie (Jooper, one of Uoiuaibi t's fairest daughters, has been spending some time in our coraunity visitiug relatives. Mr. N. 1. Uernugtoa an enterprising farmer and jolly old batohelor, of our section, has improved bis plaoe by puting a plank fence in front of his house on tho road. He says his last girl has gone back on him. We are sorry for yon old boy. but you must remember that a faint heart never won a tair lady." I will close before I weary both editor and reader. D. N, Y. Eluctrle Bittera. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special men tion. All who have used Electric Bitters sing tbe same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist aud it is guaranteed lo do nil that is claimed. Electric B titers will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kid neys, 1 wdl remove Pimples, Boils, halt Rheum' aud other affections caused by im. pure blood, vviu drive Malaria from the system ad prevent as well as cure all .Malarial fevers. For cure 01 Headache, Constipation and Indigestion try Electrio Bitters. Eutire satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded;, Price 50c and $1 00 per bottle at J. W. Bryan's Drugxtore. Tb Newspaper Law, Below we give the United States Postal Laws relating to the newspapers aud sub scribers: ' 1. Subscribors who do not give express notice to the contrary, ero considered as wishing to continue their subscription, ( 2. If the subscribers order the ,tsiscon tinunnce of then periodicals tbe. publisher may continue sending them until all ar. rearages are paid. f 3. If subscribers refuse or neglect to take their periodicals from the office to which they are directed, they are held re sponsible until they have settled their, bill and ordered them discontinued. ; 4. If subtcribers move to another place and fail to inform the pub'Uher, and tbe papers are sent tb the former direction, they are held responsible. . 5. Any persan who receives a newspaper and makes use of iti whether he ordered it or not, is held in law to be a subscriber. 0. If subscribers pay in advance they are bound to give notice to the publishers at the end of their time, if they do not wish to continue taking it, otherwise the pub lisher is authorized to to send it on, and the subscriber is responsible until express notic-, with payment of all arrears, is sent direct to tbe publisher. The new postal amendment has mode it a penal offense to refuse to pay lor a news, paper and the subscriber may be impris oned for fraud. " Delinquents take warning. ob Sale As I wish to leave Plymouth. - I offer for sate my brick business and stock of merchandise. A good in vestment for anyone wishing a good business. , xerms reasonable, aug23-tf. J. T. PETTIFORD. Washington County Supebiob Coubt Roanoke R. R & Lumber Co. V v 8 j Ella W, Walter B, William j W. Josephus and Willie C. I Gurganus, -Mary W. Gurganus for self I aud as euardiau for other defendants and Jno. W. Chambers. .1 To Jno. W. Chambers. Take Notice. The above entitled action is brought for the purposo of selling the Calvin Chambers land described iu the petition for partition, of which you claim one-fourth interest. The cause will be beard on Saturday, Jan nary tl 1890, at the Court House before me, when and. where you are required to demur or answer to tho petition, or the relief demanded will be eranted C. L. Pettiouew, T. J. Maiibiner, Plff. Atty. Ci'k Sup. Court, nov 29-6w IVotice. Let the creditors ot Daniel Swain - take notice that a petition has been filed with me by the widow of said Swain to have her homestead allotted from the lands of said Swain ia Washington conuty, adjoining the lands of S. Patrick and others. J. A. Ciiesson. J, P. Nov 28'89-C w DR. K S. MURRA 7, DENTIST- PLYMOUTH, N. C. 0. L, PETTIGRKW, ATTORNEY-AT-L A W, Practices in all the States and Federal Courts. Office, Water Street, PLYMOUTH, N. C. DR. C. P. BOGERT, SURGEON AND MECHJNICAL DENTIST, EDENTON, ..... N. C, INPATIENTS VISITED WHEN REQUESTED. MRS. S A. BLOUNT Calls the attention of the Ladies and the public generally to her choice selection of 3IILII NEK Y To which she lias added a fine Hue of Dress goods and Trimmings. Ladies cheap coats on hind Spe ia! atetion given to fino 0RDE113. Water Street, - Plymouth N. C. WES!,EYi FEMALE COLLEGE, MURFIIEESBOHO, N. C. This Old and Weli. Known School will open on WEDNESDAY, SEPIY, 18ihl889. It offers many advantages: A thorough course under teachers of ABILITY and experience, a . large and well arranged building with rooms for 80 boarders, a large aud heaut if ul Chapel, high-pitched and well ventilated rooms, lecture and prnctico rooms, all heated by steam, afford, ing all needed comforts for boarders. fr"TKItMS VEKY MODERATE. CorretpondcoCQ Solicited. E. J3. PARIIAM, A. M., IWr. SAM'L WIGGINS Renovator and Dyer Cleaus old clothes of all kinds making them look as if new. Ladies dresses renovated and male to look as if just tt ooi the bolt. Have your old faded... suit dyed and your soiled one cleaned. Residence, East end Main Street Oct-18.'8-tf Plymouth. N. C. o RAIL ROAD RESTURANT, JOHN H. LEE, Proprietor. Meals at all hours day or night Fresh 0Sters served in any style. I employ none but polite aud attcnt! ve waiters for my tables and yo-i will always find my rooms comfortable. Stand near the A fc R., Depot, GIVE ME YOUR PATRONAGE. Everytjocii. LISTEN -AT "THIS I Hi. -a. 'FOE . Christmas Presents AM ED HOLLID AY .GOODS GO Drug Storei The most select assortment o f fancy goods to Tbe fbund in the city. Presents from 26 cts. to $12. Among tlioso exhibited arc Toilet case?, , Lap tablet3, Music rolls, - ! Manicuro sets, ,-, . , . Thotograplj albums, Autograph albums,'. PITJSH WOES BOXES Smoking sets, Silver sets, And novelties in Oxidize y Silver. Don't forget that tho aboro presents also a thousand and one other articles ..will -bo . -. found over there at i J. V. BRYAK'B Drug Store, First. door below Yv4 ;Li; TO

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