5ha Boanoko Boagoji. 'ike OJlicial LMpcrofAVwU" iugiou County,. - Published 'J'.'TIS KoAJ&pKK Every Friday by i'UBIilfUN- CoMPAHY, FUSTCIIBtt AUSBON, Edito. O. V, W, AUSBON, Business Manager. uixcrptiiw pice, $1.83 pojyciir. Ailyeni.-'fmwnta inTtJtlv Tt'. '!'!' !.iiiir will not boieKiisiWu tor' the views x,f I'ljifffiK-ridonta. . - ,A11 ar!:.'i!i for publication must bo .nccotnnnnied . i t the name of J no writer. Corrwpot dent x NHjuittid not to j.itcon Uut : cv wiic uf the paper. . A!) communication must bo cjujt Jo by Thursday ' 1, i.-irij i uir or they wiy not tir-jHiar. jldui.'S all eommnctwis to TU& liOANOJIE BEACON, " Plymouth, N. P. Wn to erery reader of Tu. Koanokk Ttwwviu rt 11M no 4n Tnntrincr it nn ilf-f'i'ntAhlH mil 'ri)i!u)lic medium ,ij.avi to our .citioni. Let T'hir.oni.Ii people a n4 th.o public kuw yvhnt i. (iiujt on m Plymouth. Report to iin all ltonwof . .-.ve-'i 'm arrival and departure ot i rinuds, suelid rvi'iii, deaths, witiqus Umat, aeclconr. new , iMiiidingi, flew enteryriuca and improvemento if ' irTirtiever character! ohamco in fcusiue- indeed rtuylliinx and etayytjitiig tat would be of uturot i r n.tnli. 1 FRIDAY, AUGUST , 1SS0. Tie legislature of North Carolina will )mva more farmers in its Df xt session than nuy legislative ljoi J eyer aeeiubled in the State. I.v, as reported, tea Republican SeDators ?.re opposed to the Force bill and that ten 'rill vote against U, the chances ace that ;be bill will be defeated. ., r 97T D 1Anviiffia Ann f I V Ttn..s cratio candidates for the Congressional nomination and a strong AUian.ce man, was :u cur midst thin week. The fight cow eecnis to be betweon Branch &rd Roberts and had th nnmina. tiou been made two weeks ago Mr. Brauch would Iwp undoubtedly beea nominated, but the increased popularity of Qun. tlob- rle bioCd Jtha tLno will make it .1 hard M;iht. The election law as auisued by the lost ieftislatare renders a uey registration ucces. 'Mry in every county whee uo repjistaaiion lia been &a under the law as amended in ; m. - a It is important that tho county CoraiiiLs- juuiiin bvu iu tuts iibi'uue 11 iuv.-y unyuuvi Joue so. It is necessary that they meet Mid order a new registration by Aug., 2 in order to give the required thirty days notice thereof. j the Registrars must be ni'. pQiutti by the first Monday iu Sept. 3 n"V A Ti'TJTlT7T T Otl! frlin 5a vtrjf . i. . .. : p i. 1 .. .1 one of those "Hot headed" Southerners' )pf. a statesman who is as fanjous for his onserva,tism as for his patriotism, says : "If Federal supervisors, deputy marshals j0nd spjes attempt to interfere with the y.ongreHsional elections in Ohio uet No reuiber I will order out the railiU of the ,tate and drive them from the polU, 11 ml l!.jua protin;t the freedom of the ballot and ijiu rights of the peopie. If the force bill designud, as we all know it is. for the j..U'-pcJ3e of causipg trouble iiud giving the itepablicans aa opportunity to steal Ibe 1 Jctjoos in Pemocrric S:ateK and districts, t lie bQouer the issue is met the better it will voforthe country at l&rge. I tiall not ltsnuit aoy mterrerance iu me conduct 01 the elections in my State if! ktive o ijsn tue wholo of Us railitary pover to preveut &uCli interfejrance. LEGISLATIVE MAKESHIFTS, ' This i3 a day of legislative makeshifts, Mr hen men uadertake to regulate the laws - nature, the laws of commerce, the laws -f (supply ami demand end to correct the jmaj;iuary inequalities or bhorteningH by legislative enactment. Ijiere are few of i he ills that atljicj he people or any dass ;f the people that eprne crank don't think Jie can thus cure. vmuu xiiaxf u uuei ifj'iu. iu (UULUIU ilia growing generation of thfi Arntiican pro- c of both colors, at a ctct of about 70,. 00 ),O0() when the truth is a majority of j those whom bp especially wanted ediKsitf d wouldn't take an education it' It was Lauded to them in a Bilver plate. They wouldn't know what to do with it if they had it. Another statesniau undartnkes by sub. idies to build ships to establish a coQiiucrco etweeu coijptriej where hostile legislation iuakes com raerce impossible. He attempts pecies of .legislation by the enactment of ir other, Ipaying both in operation and iu if, constant state of plash. ; Another nnrevtakcs to adjust the preja fiioes of race, bqrn pf instinct, by legisla tive remedies and becomes mad and dis gusted to fjnd after all hs efforts tl)at be -.n Ijeen trying to clirnb a greased pole Jieud downwards. , Another undertakes by legislative tqji j'iolory tfl wake a two-dollar shepp profiti ble on a hundred-dollar au-aure farm, ft"4 iails tn Sep the fplly of it aftpr over quar Jer of a pentury of friaf. Another thinks he pan cure all the ills of nhiiCh the farmers of he ppnutry complain p7 lending thcrn money at a low rate Qi juterest pr np iuterwt pn their crops. This Utter is tho so called sub-treasury plan whipli Lafr been bo rnuph taikeJ of itpjy, whicl Jr. Whaler, f Alabaipa. 4pl3 pflnsiderep; n the llou, aud far vvhioh Senator Yauce wai -uollei by" the I'rogreHHiye Farmer because he declined to i-tipport it. . ThifiJ3 the ftst makeghitt in the iutcreet . i iUe lariucr, and, in our judgment, the qrcsj thut iias-been invented ip, forty ; vM-i. In its sum and BUoMtunce it is gipi. , .1 schemo to hnye the government help f ; .".iriiiLT to hold h's cr p f jr a period . 3 price3 suit Ijim better, Ly loaning -ry to cnab'e l.'.j i to a:ot g without marketing his crop. Tin's wouM bo at best but a temporary rsliof, bocnuse jt Oocs uot proyid-i for tha comoval of any of the .causes , to ybich the depression tf t)iu agricultural industry is.du- and tis one urop must b3.dbiS(.d of tffoie the nest cojucs ou, tbefaxticr would bo couipelic-d to sell to repay the govern uieut the money advanced or throw tho .produce deposited on the har.di of the government for sale. But even if it worked all right it would b?u' fit only a limited number of farmers, aud these the richest atd best; abb- to tukc care .of themsel ves, while tiio poorest, who need ut-sUlaucu most, would gt uo benefit from it, In this respect it is not ns good u the real estate plan, for Jy that the ,lUr nier who desired could borrow money from the govtrument 00 bis farm whether he lived ;n a county which iroduced f!, W)0 wortji of products or not. lis only result would Jba to hold the crops back for a timo, during that lime running jUe prices up perhaps, and later turning l-hem looss all -at ouee and runuing the prices dowu. a see-saw process by which the produce storer would lose as niiuh or more in the end than he bad gained in tho beginning. How is th.e warehouse goiug to help luni dispose of his surplus to better advantage when it does not iu any way provide him with a market for that surplus, oud while he is practically limited by restrictive tariff legin1at,iou to the '"houio market" which has not tho capacity to tate what he hog to offer ? . The farming industry of the country is in the condition qf a gorged stream which overflows its binks until thegwge is broken and the surplus waters find an outlet, no the restrictive tariff legislation stops the current ot foreign trade vuid throws the surplus back ou the hands of tho farmer. Breik this gorge tint! the surplus would find an outlet to the markets of t be world. While the farmer couuaues to raise more tbau he can find a market lor, this sub treasury plan to put him on his feet will be but a poor makeshift at bet, of whiph he ayd everybody ls,e will be fully convinced afier it has had a brief trial. The trial would be b'icf, if its advocates Rnjcet-dod in passing it through Courcss, for there is not vitality enough iu it to maku it last Jong. Star, W50 IS TO DO XT? Roanoke Is.cws. Much hns been written recently upon tho subject of patronising State iuij,uufiic tnrers.'and we heartily believe in it. But there is one point which we wupld Jike to have nome light upon. Who is to iuduce the merphuuts and the fiiruieru and eyejy body else to bijy of humo manufacture.) s the newspapers or the nianufaeimcr-t tbem selvesV The manufacturers if w ma 10 jutlcs by the little apparent effort they make, fit) not seem to care for homo patrou fias:. TJiev do not ndvertise iu the State, and lew of them have couiiutvjial tourists! iu the State. Do they expert the press of tjie tSbtte to build up for them a home maikjct, depending for reward solely on pratiiied State pride? That is not fair. We believe iu State ptide and have lots of it. but our eypetionee is that while it is a most excellent commodity . it will uot run a newspaper. We believe tho press should doits part, and we honestly behove it has already done its psrt ami more, thun its part. That is more- limn we believe of the manufacturers. This building up of homo manufacturers is a mutual dti'y and we hope the manufacturers will Hicoguie it as bucu. If they wunt the p.'.t rouao they ought to help g'-t it. We have heard mora tb.HU one com plaint of tno unsatisfactory innnuer in wt.i,ch maimt'.ictmvrs do busi ness. No longer than two or three days ago a gentleman told us h had wri:ten to a hrm ruiative to jcxcjs wbiuh they manufao. tilted and had rtve-ived no answer to his letter although a Week or mere had passed since it was mailed. Siioli neglect has oc curred more than once within our own ex perience. Northern lminufact'irers aGcord ing to our ejcpbricr.Ots me fur more prompt ii; business than our home people. This is sopi'-thinp; which the manufacturer alone can remedy. DIED. At her home in this town on Thursday morning kst, July Ulst, nfter a short but painful illness, Mrs. bailie Howard, uco Fearce , 'J'he deceased was the dnughter of Capt. P. i'carce. deceased, and was a native of this county. Sh was married on the 10th ofCct., W. to Mr. Charles T. Howard, of NorlVilk. Vn., who after iijuniugo located here, where tho pine months of their wed ded lifu passed happh . The deceased was a devoted clinstiau, a member of Ur.ico Episcopal church, an obedient daugh ter and n loving and devoted wife, While it may sec-m bard that two lives tjO young and full of promise, (but have been linked together in the holy bonds of matrimony, should no soon bo separated forever, yet God iu his infinite mercy saw fit to take the one and leave the oilier. Our beantlt sypipath.es to tho bereaved husband and relatives. Leoqett At hin home, corner Main and Monroe streets, Monday nitrht at about 11 o'clock, Mr, Alfred Leggett, in the oGth year of Lis age. The def eased leaves a wife and several children to mourp his Joss. The remains were interred in the Haplist church-yard on Tuct-uay afternoon at i o'clock, Itev. J, y. Tnttlo oliici.it ng. Our sympa. hies are esten4ed to the bereaved. 1'pBois, Pa., July 2I, Miitj. S. A. Bouii'l', Plymouth, N. C. . Deau Mada.- Pardon the intrusion, I defeiru to make iiquiry, that's all. During the war I was a nieiber of Co., A loist llegt. pu, , and fur a time stationr d at Ply mouth. 1 became ncqiiaiuted with ti Mig Emma Blount and a Miss Hannah Cratin, residing perhaps j'lile from town, uhero I was Ireqiiently ou picket duty. Both these young ladies treated m- wi'h maiked kinduens. I wuh but a buy at the time, let; than 1Q years of age, and appreciated tutir kindness so much that I liavo never forgot. leu thera. If you will kindly advise mo na to their whereabouta I shall regard it a 1 a great favor. It may transpire that at scmo future time I cau reciprocate the i Wmy acts of kindness ou their part. J Youfi truly, Ii. hi. Tjiuxall. Coittttttnionei Mooting. At a special ineeiiog of1 (JiHiuly Omlmi nonui'N July 1-tth the following bayi-te-ss was transjietad ; .., ;rhe board revised the tax lists retnnjo.d to them by inn list takeis In the several townpliips of tho couuty.and heard all persons objecting to tho valuation cf their properly &e. : The following persons .appeared "and eomplaiuod of their rrt'ipt-riy being valuca Irvi nigh It was ordered that tho'samo be reduced as follows : ' Lucy Ht ss w p lot no. 1J3 valued at $230. reduced $.-0. Lucy ifcoKs sb,ip yard valued at $7.". re duced $2.. -' Levi Klount lot uo. 1G.1 valued at $:20). reduced $140 , . ' li F. Owens ltankin tract vnjucd at goo. rtduced $100. B. F. Owens borne place valvtfd at $2200. reduced $4tX). ; i ' , ' " ' tsam'l Bay nor u p lot no. 15C valued at jgllOO. reduced Jf,r0. S. Hayuor, lot Ko. 1S7 valued $200, vs. duccd !50. Saml. Bayuor, w p lot NO. lr)r & IZJ vahud at $300 reduoed $3o0. L. II. Iloruthal lot no 111 valued at $lo00. xeducod S"50. - ... Oi dered that W II Hardison be allowed the Bum o$H 10 for feeding JLloyd Arnold iu Wiliiamston jail. uraereu mate; 11 Aiige be nppointea to survey and plot a piece of hind entered by liobt Gurganeous June 13 1800, BruCIAL TJSETIKO AUOJJsT Orderfd that II J fetar be allowed the sum of $10 20 for services as commissioner and mileage 88 milen at o per udlo. Ordered that r W 15esley be allowed tho sum of $3 7.1 for hauling lumber for jail. ; Ordered that L I Fngau Jie allowed the sum of 2t) 70 for feeding prisoners in jail for the month of July Oi-dered that J A Harrison be allowed the sinu of $3 2o for services as - keeper of the poor house for the month of July. Ordered that J P Milliard bo allowed the sum of $19 25 for ii-suitift notices to mer, chants, Clerk board Jaly li, .canceling oiders and jury ticlceis, issuiua and reconl. iu iy orders, rtcording 1 orders. Clerk board this day &c Or lered that Horuthal Jt Bro., be allowed the sum ol'vl6 4ifor provis.ons furnished the poor house for the month of July. Ot.dered tbut U'ornthal A Bro.. be allowed the sum of iji.t 05 for goods furnished jail. Ordered that the iIoanoke Beaton be allowe d the sum of 4 IS for publishing proceedings o f eommissioi.ers f(r the motitli of Jujy. O dsn d that Dr. Hassoll be allowed tho Miin ofiJ.". for ono visit to Lenuis Arnold. Ordered that L 0 Marriner bo allowed to lemove hit bar from near M&ckey's Ferry to i'ly mouth. A ilfeftr Loose. No little excitement was cuus-xl ou Mon day morning by the breaking loose of Mr A If. Garrett's" bear. 'Die bear h;is been clninet) up back of Mr. Grnotl's stora i.ir styeral aionuis. and feemed to be getting tame, but as so n as it found th it it was free it made for the riyer, followed by u large number of people who endeavored to capture it, but 1 ot a man got in ruiCh of it until Mr. Ed VV indiey, a young mail with an ir.m nerve, took the ck ain and walked up jk old bruin with as much grace ns he would to a horse, and without any assistance tee bear submiitsd to having th collar put around its neck and to n led back to its place of copliuemeni. tr.HUge to say that when this animal is ragiug, aud threatens to damage any ouo Who gets j 11 reach of its iron arms, that Mr. Windley can to it. His voieo seems to qu.et lie unyry jiassion when nothing else will. COURTS- Flit T JUDICIAL DISTJtlCT. Spuing Judg AVhitaker. Fall Judge Connor. Beaufort Feb. 17th. May 2f5th, Kov 24th. Currituck March Sth, Popt..laf. Caindon March H)tU, Sept. filh. Pasquotank ilarch 17th, Sept. 15th. PerquimauH-srjlarch -irli, Sups. 22. ClhoWan -March '3 1st. Sept. 2:th. Gates April 7lh, Oct. Jth. llertfordr-April 17th. Oc(, l.'Ub. Washington April 21st, Oct. 2Kh. Tyrpli April 2t.h, Oct. 27lh. Dnro--May 5th, Nov. I5d Hyde May 12lh, Nov, loth. Tainhco May 11th. Nov. 17th. A GOOD POSITION To piilius mid fruiiiiemon who loiro ti in:ikc money tiinidly vp 01' cr a gplundid o) jicr: iinlly. We have :i lare nuiuiier of ai;entT niilknii; )''in' to uiKht Collars per Uii.v scllinjj jjicttiri.s ol Jerlnruon 1 in vis for which there is u ivl deinaiiil e.very wlicrc.. Tfyoa nre ulroady in airent, no matter whiit yon are tit-Hun; you hlnnii.l parry nr piotureN, oa will be Sana iu.-d to i.ee how rapidly tln-v sell, Our ontllt coi)f-iA of four (liferent nyies of pic ture. Three of Mr, IJuvh mid one or Menry ', (iratly. size 11x14 iu. and sell lor lifty cents eiich, Wu hrrve lim liuusl si eel ei):n avni; wliioh Jlrs, Uavis Buys is the heft hltuness luJ li.u seen cf her late lamented Uiisbmid size 1 1 .v IS inches piio go i-i). t'liltUw cuiuplete consNts ol all ihe above liu-nlioti-ed picturvH worth $.",iu hut will he hunt to tll.'t-o only who mean buMin-i-s for jri. 'j bia inchides the linu steel ciixraviu-r witli frame nnd Wenlf-o 1 nave oinnuj tor 1,00 im: it will piy you to have the I beut, 'J'hi.i is a ureal oppovtinity to make money 1 and you thould order at once or wiite for partic ulars, w o pay agents W per cent commission snd allow thorn lo collect bi;toie letumiuy our juoney ou refe' illai oriluirt tor piciures, r, r, l'iciuro of either Jcffuri'nn Duvis or lU-nry V, llraty aloum si:5e 8cen:s, hoih' tent to any ail-drt-MB fur names of U agents and silver diuie or poiiiagc slumps, . AIIiuiioiirt cheerfully answered, DAVIS MEMORIAL CO. LH)7 Main Stuk&t, DALLAS, TKX AS. PS0F. P. A. TOOBLE, PLYMOUTH, N- C. The Finest Tonsorial Artist in Eastern Carolina- Strictly a First-class establish meut. Washington 'street, three doors from Water. jy is if. EDUCATIONAL NOTICE. Tfa-vincr been remif sled bv llio Prrebinnf O J - . . fc of North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanical Art, to Hold an elimination of applicants of Washington couuty d- siro ing appointments in this Coll.-ge, 1 hereby give notico that I will be jt tho Court House for this purpose on Monday Auiiht ISth a( 9::iQ a. iu. I.p'Tiicu Fu ill T 1 TlTT'Q V ,m . m.r -" "--r1 --''j '. '. j " KlkiusI your Ran it twica a year, top onoe iwpek end you Lave the Uncit-polhhad store !i wvrM. yr ,wle by til (ir-jwi tltcv? p. Ua. i. . r.. VoWiWni aa-jsrJil fgniili NORFOLK SOUTH CBN 11. .11. TjlK' DtllKCT IfllORT LTNE BtTWFr.N PLY MOUTH. UoNNTO-l Ai'Hi'.ASTLltN' Noit'fH . CAliOLtNA AJ1 .4MollVCLK, ALU rOINl'8 K031TU. ' Mail and Bxprtsa leaves'1 Norfolk daily except Sunday) at !:20 A. M., arrives at iidomon 12:ii5 I'.M-, making close connec tion with ull jiai-senter lines to nnd from Baltimore, New York and Philadelphia auj the north. . . ' t. , i t i ; , Connect at Edontou tlaily exoepi Sunday) with the Cnmpany's Steiutur l-lymmth for ltoanoko Bivor, JaMii-sville & Wtishimr'oii It. lt Albemarle ii Kftleigh It. M: Muimer goes to Hamilton Tuesday and Fiiday Sir. Bertie l'or Windsor and Cnsbie 1 iver, also with tho . Btr. M. E. Bobeils , Trcday, Thursday and S.Uurduy for all lard ny n Chowan Kiver us h.gh as W mum and on Mouday and Friday, fov Columbia aiil landinai on th-i r-cupp-onioiig Kiver. Leavo Kdenton every v wi n,d ty for Mi I Iivi. ing, Salmon Creek and returns fo.io ipjj day. Through tickets on sale on Strs. Plymouth and M L lioberts and baggage checked t- sto lions ou th.e Norfolk Souiheru K B., aud landings on liiver routes, nnd to Baltimore, Philadelphia and Nw York. Norfolk freight and passenger stations at Norfolk & Western It. K. depot. Freight received daily until 5 P. M. (except Sunday) and forwarded promptly. , '. o EASTERN CAKOLINA DISrATCII FAST FREIGHT LIKE. lingular Una of Freight Steamers ply between Elizabeth City nnd New Borne and Washington,. N. O.. connecting with tho Atlantic & North Carolina lisilroaJ. Daily all rail service between F.tizabeth City, Edouton and Nw York, Pniladel phia aud Baltimore and Norfolk. Through cars -without breaking bulk, low' rales and quicker time than by any oilier route L'irect all goods to be shipped via Eastern Carolina Dit patch as follows: From Nortoik, Via Norfolk Southern Ilailroad. From Baltimore, via P, W & II. It. It. President St. citation, ' From Philadelphia, by Penu. It. B. Dock St. Station. From New York, by Perm, 11. li. Pier 27 North Uivcr. Z3T For larthcr iuformxtion apply to Iievi Blount, Agent, l'lymoutb, or to tho (ieneial Ollico of the Norfolk Southern liailroad Company Norfolk n. o. nunaiNs, Geu'l, Ft't. &Pats. Ag't, M. K. KING, Gen'l. Manager, ungl;-ly. " EDUCATIONAL. PLYMOUTH HIGH 8 21. Lt 9 FGR BOTH -SEXES STRIC PLY NON-SECTAllI N, opens its Second annaul lerm SEPJ'Stb,' ISih). Vrepaies for '.)lle!.M or hnsiiieasi. iieid.js a liioi-onU f'.utf'i-h coure-c, Surveying. Telejioiphy. IJook-keepin;:, Lai in, l''reni-li and Uerinau will no tau;.;hl. r'nie opporlunuies lor bus-imss education, l'uinary ciue.cs n-cuivo spucuil tttteniiou. 'i'LITloN is reasonable considering the class of work done. Your pytioung-j most h.eartilv t-oiicit-ed. For lurt.her parnculaiau'lds die t riucipal. (J. W. TuMi, Ph. B., (Univ. .f N. C.) aug-ltf Ply mouth, U. O. CHOVi'AN BAPTIST ?iirR7i:E-.sr.oiJO, n. c. Parents nod guardians will do well to uote the following tacts : v The Institute whs located at MurfVocs boio iu luel'i rcneo to iinny other very dcsihbib daces bucuse of its colbnty tor health, ami '.lie history of the school for more thun fotty years demoiintiattB tho wisdom of their course. The beauty of tho locution is not surpas sed in North Carolina. The dormitories were refurnished and carpeted last summer. Tho course of instruction is as extensive as the demands of the public will ullo.v. Only the best and most experienced teachers are employed iu all departments, and the work done is thorough. 'lho charges are h reasouablo as they can be made fur th class of work done. Tho tall session begins on Wednesday; September loth. Fcr Catalogue or additional information, address JNO. B. BREW EH, President. WESLEYAir "W.ft5f ow Si'AUN LON. VIRGINIA Opens September In h, IH'.K). Ono of this matt tltor ough and uttinetive Schools for yennf ladies in ihe Uuiju Oons"irvat,ory course itl Music. Lnsuipi.Mied iidvunines in Art. Elocution uiiu Calisthouics. l-'i-.m comiaar ciul course. Situation raud. CHuiate' nnsilrpas sed. J'npi a from nineteen , Stales, Terms' low. Special luducuxients to pM'tou- ai a oi.-iuiice. I' or the low terms und fjrtal uilvaniues of tins Celebrateti VirKinia School, write for a eiilalouiio tu W. A. Aiir.io, l'fcsiUei,t, btuunion, VirKi'Uii. L0UI6BUBG FEMALE COLLEGE, LOUIS3URG, N. C. Fall session begins .Sept., Ui'd 18!Q. Full and strong Faculty, peeili udvanta ges offend m Vooal and lustruiurtal itiusic, Art and ii".l'jcuii;n. jJuo promi nence given to study of l'.uglish and tlie Bible. Clliirgts to suit tho limes. Apply for Catalogue io S. D. BAG LEY, A. M.. jyll-2uios I'l-et-ldont. WESLEY A.i FEMALE COLLEGE, iiUlUjT.KIlISB .iIiO, n. c. The next sofsiou will botrin Sept., li'th 18'.)0. Wo call the ulli'iitou ot pnic-r.t! o mis well-known fcIiooI as oilrriut; Siip(Hlr Mental teaming, ctuvl'ul Miervision of buarniut; pupils and home com Ion s. There aie exteiifive rouude tor exercito. lare liric.k building healed .by etuum, lii'h-pitciiud uud woll-veiitiliited l)d-rooii). Terms for half year very low- lioMiu. wn-uin, li-iiU. fuel uud Kiulii-h tuition $75. 'J'he t-aiue with Latin, French or (Jerniuu, i0. The above wuh Mm ic uiu ime of piano, 105. Jr.." li. l'Alttl AM, Tres't. NOTICi:. 'Mas Vidl Siwsion of 1SW (Jreswell Ili'h School jviil ojien H KIT KM UhAi Ml under favorable auspice-. 'Hie services of I'rof. A. ii. I'.oo;n, of Diirliaiu. ;n. C, a KL'iith-nir.u ol luIi eiilmre and loin' I'.xoei-ii nct; in lenchn!" in t!ii. ili11i'i-inr. 1 1 i . . 1 1 grade vehools ban been secuii-d. vebe leave to iiilonn tho public lliat every a('.vauia-;e for thorough tiiiiiiin-; in the coiu-alionid dopuruuei'.ts tuiiti:-1 in the hi'U echfjoln of thj coil n try are here offered. Our (;ruutusi, dewiie and hi;;he-t anil is to udvioico tuocuurc of hdueation, to w hicli end wo luvu H:iiriul tile fen lew of the inoit eltioii-nt i n-i rilf.tora of the land. Local ion li c;t 1 1 i v find l.ecei-a convouii nt. Hoard cuu be hud la lic-,-at private laiuiie m moderto liile. , . Juiy 1-i l.jju-iiw iNV Wn V n- If' ff i r f - : -f tr-1 . ! ', Tlio above 'well-known 'firm is reprcseutc'l . in this section by V, H. Hsui'pton; , Farmers, Mill-inen and all others wishing engines boilers cotton gins, saw mills, thresh ers, &c, &c.v or any-Kind of msK)hino supplies should,, apply to W. H. KAHPTOF, Ag't for i Shriek Ooinpauy, Xlymontb, JS-. O, Jyll-3m.n. f liiE "OLD. RELIABLE'! Carriage Factory, H. PEAL Proprietor. . x . 0 T. II OVARJ) .Business" Man1 g, . - rivmoutli, H. c. m wzr.x Huskies. Plinctons, Hoad-carrs, Parm-carts, wajons &cM at pricey lower than ever. Men with the cash can get a bargain... I defy competition 'and will not be undersold, lepairing ot' all kinds done. Give mo a call. FANCY Q R OC-Eh DEALER IN Heavy and Fancy tiroeeiics, Hay, Corn, Mal and Hominy, FRUITS AND CONFECTIO'EBIES, South side Water -Street. . Plymouth, N. C. nto. 23 UNION SGUARE.NY. srn,r.--sT.LCLiis.i.'.o. rnrTOrprtn cjallas.tex. 1. O. 1UUNKL1CY Ss CO. r Dealers iu Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors. CHOICE BEAN PS OF C1UU13. A. Full Lin .? of Superior Canned" C? ootid ulwaya on liuiitl. X O -JE for sale by wholesale or retail, m PLYMOUTH, N. 6 . L. PKTTIGKKW, ATTOItNEY-AT-LA W, Practicey i:i nil tlio tjtutcs and Federal Courtu. Ollicc, Water Street, PLYMOUTH, N. C. HOKXTHAL & 15KO., AKD BEAJiEKS IN (Ming, LVy iomls, Notions. Boots, Shoes, Una rm, I'rugs, I'aiiits, Oils, Stovt-s Etc. SSI1" HEADQUARTERS FOR FEHTIL1. ZEUS. mar 11-ly. PLYMOUTH, N. C. Havini; located pf-rmanciitly iu Plj'- ' mouth, N. C tenders his professional servieos to the citizonn of the Towu aud eurrouudiug country. Oflioe at Bryaus Druo; Storo Iienid;nce at Latham House, Notice.' Nokth Carolina, Washington County. A. Iu. Uay lord J - Notice of I'artitiou. Stephen Gaylord j By virtne of authority ennfored upon mo by order of the hupeiior (:onrt of the aforus.tid county, made in I lie above entitled cnuxo. l)n tho 7lh dav of .Tuiy 1K'.!0, 1 will M.-I1 on Monday, tlie 11th day of Ansriw Ifl'H), at the, Court Iloue-J door in Plymouth t the liiKlifft, bidder for cash, tho land described in tho petition filed in ibig Cttiiae. Uluated. iu Haid connly and State. One tract Unown nnd denial -ttid iu tho (.'hurt of the town of Plymouth an lot no. 'l.i Another truftt adjoins; lot no. ati aud known as I the pluco S. T. Ciiiylord rofldod. h. h. bPUUILL, ' juy-ll.-iv ComniisBioner. DEMCDHATIC SEKS.TOItIA. CONVIJNION. The Doniocratio Convontiou of tho Sec. oncl (senatorial District will meet in the Court llousi nt Plymouth ou Tuesday, Aiip;.. -jGlh I8((0,at 11 o'clock, A. M.. for the,purpoae' of nouiinatinfr two Senators j'lomlhiH district to be -voted for at the next i;i:iieral election, and lh trrtiisuohou ol KV.(h ether businom as may bo he'ooirsary. Tiiu; S. AlM is'J'lad, W, B'Bodman, J11. il h- il'Yr' ' m Vf f-IN ESI .bLbi Wl- 9 MANUFACTURERS OF . - 4 KtUJrSK KNGIKES,- WAYNEsBOPvf), PA. frrrn nn nx WHEELKR&-WILSONS - New 3r2ig?li k.tant. light niiining and noiseless niacin ne. THE r " 0NLY PERFECT FOR Send for eirouiai aiitl price list, ' & mm m. co., Atlanta, Ga. 3lToi- Ssnio By J- W. BRYAN, . PLYMOUTH, N. -C. PhYMOUTH COTTAGE Our Ixuniin hr.usf t NAG'S 111$ AD will h ) ojii i.t'-i between t!i o l?t find 5ih oi' July.. Terms for boiird tiro it a 'oil s." '01' SliM'ic pica - 3 .80 - ' 1.00 0.00 - ' t.'ilV " li Olltll xour p.-itrouafrc is renpectlully solicited. AiUS. F. 2.1, liUNOII, Yoi 1 njrjotre8s F i; E. - , O"erino I!l"oik-d II iv r jer old," perfectly bound and L;i-iiiie. W 11I wn 1; fn ml liarns. Apt P'y o ' . 1, lllK0!'Sf. J. Nokman, aun 1-tf. I'Jymomh.M. C. FOB SALE. Ah I orji gointr to leava tli u Stati T oiJVr for s le thi-m fine milu cows An; ono wishiucr 10 purchiiKe will gotn h.i'gaiii Ly applying to . L. J. l'EACOCK, It ')v.-r N.J. JdDNUj MENTAL AGE Ipi, NY j?. t Hcprjsenfint; thn woll-knowu M.trblo Woiics of i'- W. BA'IKS, VVorw4lk, Conn. MONUMENTS AND TOMB STONES Any one wishing to mark the last resting place of decnanod relatives or friends by erecunn a luonuniout to their memory, will do wt-U loeall ou llo nndernipD, who will furuiuh istknates aud dtsijjusnpon applica tion. " . C."TAlso Ap.eut for'Five Insurance. Only ' bebt Companies reprosouted. . H. II. Brown, ' , Plymouth, N. U. ATTENTION MILL MEN- I wish to inform the public that I am a. mill wrij?ht of 80 years experience, luljy master of the business, any person wiBhim; water mill work done will apply to the undersigned- A flptcinlty to build Fohayu, Wnler hoii.'mt, Pen-took, riood mites, Tumbliiitr- damM and w ul(:r wheeln. nnd isi-ltm;? in the machi nery, f w ill Insure all Fohuys or wuter houst-ii that I put. down never to bloiv up, 1 11111 ulso the Inventor of a iirst-clasa, compound TitrUm water wheel t.hut will do na uint-h v.orU wiUi tin-, mine pre.i-tire uh liny uheel ever oUcreil to lim juihlic, at a umull cost. Kcftrvuco given if rciiinrtc!. ; ' O. W. Aseicw. juy-H tf . viywouth, n,o,

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