7he , Roanoke. .Bfiacon.' "Tho Official Paper ojFWasb iusrtou Cx)iintv. ; - PLYMOUTH. r- N. a Entered In tlye fast OfRceat Plymouth N,C. (is jocund cltus uitter. FRIDAY. AUGUST JB, Directory. , .Governor, Pftnicl Gv Fowle, of Wake. Lieutcnant.OocreriiorVThos. M. Holt,' Alimance. .. Secretary of State, Win. L. Saunders, JYaXe. , , . Tndmnn Tlnnnl,1 W. Rain, Of Wfike. ' V Auditor, eo. W. Baijderlin, .of Wayne, ' i Superintendent of iublio Instruction, idney JU. linger, .01 www. Attorney General, Thao. F, Dayidaon, ol fJuncombe. :, , . count oayfiNK!T. Sheriff, John B. Chesson. Deputy Sheriff, L. I. Fagan. - v Treasurer, Louis Ilorathal. ' Superior Court OiOfk, Thou. J. Marriner Register of L-eeds.J. P. Hllliwd. Commissioners, II, J. Starr, A. M. John. ton, Levi piount, Dcmf sy Spruill and W. 1 tfl nnrmtl Board of Education, T S. Axmistead, . o 11 'TAnatm on1 V J. Mercer. Superintendent p , JPuWio lusftuetion,, .lev, ijuiuti iuu" ' oirr. " ' Mayor and Clerk, E. R. Latham. -. Treasurer, J. M. Reid. Poltee, Joseph Tjucfcer. (vi Tor,;tnf TCarnRt Car8tarcuen. Counoilmen, I). O. Bfluley, G. H, Har rison. J. YV. liryan, a. ; jduu, .Mitchell Ana jonn w,iggiu. ' 1 ' cntjBcn pt&vic&b. ' Methodist Rev. 0. W. Robinson, pastor o . MnnJav Rt 11 a. m.. and i p.m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday F. Wgrroan, superwiendeji. Younj? Men . Praver meeting very Monday night At Baptlfit-Kev. I. P. Tuttle, pastor, ger. Tices every zuu, uu -ku. v- in., and 7:30 p. L ' P flueeuug every TUureday uiglil at 7:30, Sunday School Snnilav fit 9 a. XU.. J. W. 0)W f. v j W .... Superintendent. .-. w tss i T.nthAr TJiorne. rector Services every tfrd Sunday at 11 a. m. aaid 1-30 P. m. Suuday School at 10 a, mM JLi. I. Fagan, BJapermtoudent. LODGES. , K. of H. Plymouth Ledge No. ."08 meet. 1st and 3d Thurdny nighta m each montii. ' W.tt-Hwwpton Dictator.. , , . N. B,eger rin. Jleporter. ? ! Ki & L. of H.' Roanoke'. Lodger-Meets "iid and 4th. Tharsday ,niu u month. J. P. Norman protector, ; . N. B. Yeager, Sect'y. CITY. MARKET REPORT. C; ' H- HARRIS OH, - I UEALEtt IN ; Corn, per Bus., Meal, .. " 43. K. Sides per tt Bacon - . : r. . .ii i- 0 Cts 70 ; 8 .9 7 i -10 . m Pry Salt Breakfast Strips flams S. C, jLard refined 10 Flour, per liarrel, from $3 S0 to $0.(K) W . 1. WOlSyiSfcB, PCI Black strop " 2? Wyrup ' '. granulated Spsar. perjb Light brown " " . Butter M- " 2r,&S0 fireenCofiee " .-.W&M poafltedUoifo " 2' KkRs per doz.,. ' 10 tobacco, , per lb 23 to 1 00 Shot " " H to 8 nn Powder n " 25 to 73 Coal Oil WhUe.Safetv inO, per gal. l- ' " Ke4 0., per gaL, 18 Apple Vinegar " " 30 hiiltanna PrnneB, per 5 Pickles. Cnsumbers, per 100, lice's Wax, ' per Jh 1 Tallow. :. " " Hides, best flint. " , " Candy " " ' W to S5 Salt, fine, per Bus., ; " T. I , " M W " Blown " " 150 $EW ADVERTISEMENTS, , Edmund Alexander ATIOBNEY-AT-LAW &REAL ESTATE AGENT, '. - ' Washington, N, 0 Branch Office Plymouth, N. C. tfiTALL BEAL ESTATE BUSINESS in "Washington county transacted by Mesa C, V. W., W. F, AUSBON at THE BOA - ;.' NOKE BEACON OFFICE. Citizens Barber Shop, West SMe IVasbinglan St, I'car Water St L.E. Jackson, Artist, The only white Tonsorial Artist in Plymouth. Your trade solicited. . geo- Mcdonald, DEALER INt-. Jorcign; Ss pojnegtie Wines and JDif juors. . o A Fine lino of CIGAKS and TOBACUO Always on hand, outh sido Water St. BEACONFJiASllESv We want a city MAItET; Commissioners met Monday. Fodder pnUiug will soon bo in crdor, Old papers 30 ,ccnt3 per hundred at, , this oflico. - . The encased girl wears a gold heart on a chain.. ; Mr. FM. Bunch is at iTag's Head this weoit Cotton is beginning to open" in this BUIMUU. V . . : iComtnerciaj touiisU have been numerous this week. , - . s Mrs, W. A. Forbes of Roper was in the city on weanesaay. , Put a sinner where he .can't hide, ' and that s where hell begins. 1 Mr. Q. L. ptittigrew npent several days at isag'a Head ttus week, Mrs, E B. Normau and Miss Hope Hun. ter are visiting at Jiiiuleld. A pleasant call from Mr. E. F. Butlor While mine city this week. The tpwa authorities have placed several More tamps on w ater strict. The Democratic State Convention will fuoet at Holeigh August Oth. Mr. J, P. Norman has been srjourniug at .wag's Head lor tne past we9tt. Miss Annie Yeager is visiting relation m the wcttteru part or the state. Mr. C. D. Loivne and wifa have returned from a pleasant visit to Baltimore Miss Eliza Newberry, of Maryland, is tie guest of lars. W. 11. Hampton. Mr. Theo. Bowen has accepted a position wiua J . ill. lieid ou as ealt'SQiaa. TJte Pemocratio Congressional .Conven tion ietts at E. City on Tuesday next- The young men over the county should organize ttieuseives into Democratic Club a. Misses Susie Bros?D and Ejna Pallinser, of Sans Souoi, were in the city on Tuesday, The BepuWican - &tate Convention has been called to meet in Haleign on the . Sth instant-- ' Mr. Willie OwejR of Creswcll was in the city this week the guet of hi uncje, Mr. B.F. Owens. Dr, J,L. ITwssell, one of Creswell's pispu- lar young phyBiciauB gave us a pluusaut cull on AAouduy. Miss Anuio Mizell, of Williams ton. has pe?ii visiting in the city this week as tho gucsJtojMrfi. A. Bftidea. Mr. M. Baker, a youug ninu of Edenton, has located in our town ttud will establish a firnt-class jewelry bUdintBS, The railroads of this country have killed only C823 persons duui the past twelve months and mja:eJ wju'J Mr, J, 8. Day left on Saturday for his new homo it New Berne. Our best w.shes go wUh you friend Johnnie. Mre. J, B. Hayes, of IjJeuton. 6peut a few days in the city during the past week, the guest of Mrs. & E. limes . f Miss Maggio Morgan, o! Ilichmond. Va , is the guest of her sisters, Mrs. J. 0. Mid. gott Dud Miss Chlode Morgan." - Miss Mattie Vincent, who has been visit. inc her brother, Mr. J, E. Vincent, return ed to her home on Fruiay list. ' Mr. J. E. Vincent, wife and child left on Friday last for WlialeyviUe, Va., where thej- have gone to visit relatives, f Soli work continues to coma in. Good work and jOw. prices i bound to bring a large patronage in any btwiness. ' . After a pleasant visit of three weeks to fiieuds in Hyde oouuty, Miaa Mary Smith returned home on Saturday 1.-st, We notice that a now bridpe has been placed over the creek near Hunk iu's mill lhi county, a much needed improveiueut. Mr, Johnnie Wbley filled the pulpit at the M. E. Church on Sunday morning and evening last. IJ.U discourse was able and instructive, . - Tho Senatorial Convention meets i n Plymouth August 20 and not tho l2'-h' or Glh as has beeu announced, Delegates will please note this fact. A young man has been arrested at Bar Harbor, one of the fashionable summer resorts pf Maine, for the grave oifeue cf wearing false whiskers. fr. W. TT. TTamnf.nn'a Rfihonnftr. Arnifl AVillnofl wan in nort this wfifik. wlin irt inst . . . K 1 J oif the ways wbere she has been thoroughly overhauled and repainted. U 41. A T?flnli'.l Cnnnir nnl.A.t .-til thi town and the Sunday school of Vol Spring. It was quite an enjoyable affair. Mr. R. F. Butler, representing the Per. city this week, he gave an exhibition on m .3. .... tw- i.;. l . a . ..t.;i iuesuay un tv uuuingtun Mieei wuicu was bueu-'ss. Mr. Will Denhardt, who has been in the employ cf A. M. Walker, at this place during the past year, has returned to his old home in Baltimore, We regret giving you up, W ill. ' Mrs. M. N. Ditnock and Miss Katie Shaw, of Washington, passed through lJjvmoutli tins weos, enrouto for Uld (Jr. chard, Me. They spent one day with Mr. H. H. Biown. : . . . . There was a strike of Sunday car drivers a week or two since in Brooklyn, not an might be eupposed. however, agalust Sun- day work, but for pay by the day instead of by the trip. Mr. N, B. Yeager. our popular jeweler, showed us a peach from his garden this week that beats anything in the line we have teen this season. It measured 10 inches around . Master Charlie Bowen, a bright little oy Las entered the Bjsacox office where he will play tho 'devil." Charlie is a smart boy aud we expect to moke a first claes printer of him. The schooner, Marion Temple was struck by lightning one day last week, while lying at anchor near New Berne, and a hole was made through the bottom by the electric bolt, sin king the boat, ' Pr. B.'Chears, formerly of Thomasville, N. C , a gentleman of high medical training and long experience in practice has located in Plymouth and offers his profldsional services to the public. See card in this issue. The Plymouth High School will open September yth, under the direction of an able facwliji Pro, 'fbius has secured the services of Mr3E. A. Carter as JIuwc tfiacber and :-WAi Mary .Cbnrtts a Art teacher.'1 Air-Plymouth will like now is a suitable building; - , LvC Marriner h'ns opened a skilyou in 11. k". Bailer's old standi and has secured tho services of Mr. .11 B. Hayes. -a well knovn bnloon keeper of Eastern Carol) n. Don't clcnk, but if you do, -Little hob." .can fix 'em up right in any style. If you don't -believe it try him. A telegram wns recoived here yesterday sent to the .Sheriff of .the cruity from the authorities of Brunswick, G a., asking if young whito man, one J. F.. Gaylord wan wanted in this county. Doputv Sheriff I-n I. Fagan replied at once that said Gny lord wanted, and to havo him .arrested at once.' It will bo remembered th.it. young Gaylord broke j&il at this ' p!;ice on June Oth, and escaped together with Dennis Arnold.. : ( iCn company with Dr. VE. L. Cox we made a pleasant visit down the county on Friday lost. We stopped at Roper, where we met several old frieuds, then drove on .down to the country home of Mr. W. J. Star where we eDjoyed a spleno.id .dinner and wore served to water melons in eban dacce. At 3 o'clock we" bade farewell .to the hospitaVde family and started for noma via Maekey's Ferry. We enjoyed the rida hugely, all save that part when the Dr., W(.uld rein np a hog path or drive across a swamp ' juit to sew a patien'." as he Kaid, lie may sec the tun in such but we don't. The Roanoke News ays: At 2 p. m , lost Saturday as tho U, h. Government elemer 'Nell'1 was coming up the river from Plymouth, she ran upon a hiddeu snag near Popular Point, a few miles below Hamilton and snk at once in twenty feet of water. All on board lost nearly every thio; they lad with them. In a party of eleven, consisting of Uapt. Scb.uxf.er,. . the crew of the -Nell," the Captain and part of the crew of the Dredge Nannie," oniy one coat was left. Several watches aud pocket books went down m the wreck. No lives were lost, but the engineer, Mr. Jenkins, though a good swimmer, was caught in tbe eddy made by the sunken bout and went iowu twice before h was rescued. All hands speak in hijeh terms of the kind, ness shown them by the oifiuors of the str, Comet and the good people of Hamilton, Bncklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Outs, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Itheuni, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cores Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box, For ali3 by J. V. Bryan. ' A BTedica.1 Society Organised. The physicians of the county met at tho Court House on Monday and organized a Medical Society for this county wuh Ur. 11 P. Al urray a8 Chairmau aud Dr, E. h. Cos as Secretary. . Tne obj jot of this organization ia tobriwg tho medical men of the county togyther once each mouth that they n.my excfcauga viows unou tho various diseases and to advance- the medical' profession Lt our county.' i ' KOPR LETTER- V ' Kop,N, C. Aug., 5, '1890. Miss EiU Knight, an attractive young lady of Tj rrell county, i.s ill. th village, the guest of her cousin. Dr. ii. F. Hullsey. Mios Mav Johnston, of Puutegn. former. ly of this place, is visiting Mrs J.G. Biouut. Miss (iertrudo Lhosson, one of taotiili-f-st of tho Kuckey's Ferry bt aaties, is in town, the guest of .vliss Gutsle Ci-sttirphen. Mr. 11-C. t-piuuJ, who has boeii confined for some timo with f.n attact of typhoid fover, is, wc are glad ioJo.irii(-ooiivasrii0ont . Mr! I W. JI." Didly, our po.ilts and accom. odating postmter, huti moved his oflice from the old stand to the hsd 'belonging to Mr. Hutoa's store. A noth:r Bt.Tft hay been opfer.cd in our rnidst by Mr. M. liosensteiu. ile in occu pying die main body of Ilutou'u store. Mrs. John tiny lord, who lus beeu n great suffers!" for novenil month v departed this life on&aturday last, aud her reinniufc were interred iu S:. Luke's cemetery yesterday morning. Wo extend to the bereaved fam ily our deepest syuipttthieit in their lots. A protracted nieetmf ber'ati at Zitous Chapol last Friday niht . The pastor, ltev. Mr. Brickhousa, being absent, llev. 1). D. Bailey, Protestant Methodist,, iilicd thowppoiutmeui. Mr. Brickhouse arrived aaturclay on the traju and tcok charge of tho lueeiiog-at "night. Ho is assisted y Kev. Mr. Somers, of Pusqnotank county. We wish the meeting much succes s. . . D.N. Y. ; MoritWins. We desive to way lo our citizens, that for years we have beeu selling Dr. KiDg's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King's sew Dife Fills, Bneklen' Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, aud . have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have givn such universal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and, we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow their use.' These remedies havo won their groat popularity purely on their merits. J. W. Bryun, Druggist. A RIGHT START. Richmond Christian Advocate.-. A young man was recently graduated from a scientific school. ' His home hnd been a religious one, He wa a member of a Christian Church, hud pious parents, brother aud fclsters ; his family was one in Christ. ; '. . - On graduatiag 'he determined ,npon a Western life among the miners. Full cf courage and hope, he staried on his journey to strike out tor himself in a new weld. The homo prayer followed him. Ai ho went he foil into company with older men. They liked Lim for his frank manners and his manly independence As they jour neyed together they stopped lor a Sabbath iu a border town. On the morning cf the Sabbath Que of bis follow travelers said to him, "Come, let us be eff for a drive and the siahts." No," said tho young mJin, "I am going to church. I have boen brought up to keep the Sabbath, and I have" promised my mother to keep on in that way." His roai acquaintance looked at him for a moment, and then slapping him on the shoulder, said: "Rights my boy. p began in that way. I wish I tad kept on; Yonnq man, yon will do. Slick to your briugiaj; up. aud your mother's words, and yon will win." Th'i boy wcut'lo church, all honor to him in that far-away; place, and "among ouch men. His companions had their drive, but. the . boy gained tlieir confidence and won their respect by his manly avowal of cacred obligations. Already" sucaess is smiling upon the young rami. . '1 Lt j-e no laci of places for him. . ARNOLD UE-OAP-T U 11 El). ' DENNIS AJiKOLD, AN Ef-Cil'F.D VIlTSpNEH, . EB CAFTUIiliD. Ol'-ilCfill .CAII00N ASH HIS. MEN irA.E THE AE1JEST. THE TltH OSUEll BEHI8TIK6 UNTIL SHOT DJWS. '. It will bo remembered - by our readers thai Dennis Arnold, colored, was arretted sometime ago, and confioed in the- jail ul this place, charged with the shooting of a woman aud borne men at. Roper, and that he made his escape on June 'Jlh, together With one Gaylord. , 11 seems that after' making their, cccapc lhey parted, Gnylord going bouth and tut negro going to Chowan count'. On Sunday last officer Warren Cahoon, of Roper,' learned that Arnold was in that community, so he went to. work to re-capture him." Sunday uigLt after dark Mr. Oahoon with a posse went to tho house wher6 Arnold had lived, and secreting themselves in the fuild from which position they could watch the house, also the path leading to it, they waited for Arnold to appear. About 10 o'clock he was seen mnking his 'way to the bouse. .Officer Cahoon halted liiut, but, instead of stopping he began to run and fire his "pistol, Beeing that L13 escape was sure unless stopped by being shot, one of the party fed, and Arnold fell with a load of xmull shot in his body and arm, after which be was taken and brought to Plymouth jail, und Dr. Cox summoned, who oitrafcUd about fifty of the shot. . , . On beiuj interviewed by a Beaco& re-. porter, the prisoner stated that when, Mr. Cahoon called to him to halt that he was fired upon ' before ho could .turn around, but the officer state3 that the prisoner wim trying to make his escape, which must be iruc, as he was wounded in the back, and roui the nature of the wounds we should jutlge that there was some distance between tbe priRouer and the. man who did the snooting. Deputy Sheriff Fagan took the prisouer to Widiiiinston jail on Tuesday for safe keeping, . , ' , A Safo Investment Is one which ia guaranteed to bring you satisfactory results, or iu case of failure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan you can buy from our advertised Drugsist a bottlo of Dr. King's Now Discovery for 'Consumption. It ia guaranteed to bring relief in every case, when used for any af. lection of Throat. Lung? or Chest, such as Consumption, Inflammation cf Lung", Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough Croup, etc., etc. - It is plearmit aud agree able to taste, perfectly safe, and can always be depended upon. Trial botties free at J, W. Bryan'3 Drugstore. Board of' Health Organise The physickus of the county, the Mayor of Plymouth, the county Surveyor and th' Chairman of the Conitaissiojcers met at tho Court liouas on Monday and organized a Board of Health for SVubkingtou county. The meeting was called to order by Dr. 11, I'. Murray as temporary Chairmau with Mayor Latham as temporary f-ocrotary 'The ekictiou ol officers being in order, Mayor Ltitham was put iu nomination and elected as permiu'int Chairman for tho first term of ouo year aLd Dr. D. Choars was elected as perminent Secretary: Dr. E. L. Cox was elected Superintendent of the Board or the saidtary ohlct r of the county. All other neces.-ury business being trans. acted the Board adjourned to nitet a'Mii the first Monday in Jauuary 1S91 and twice each year therecfier. The duty of this body is to look aiter tho health of the county and endeavor to keep the county in a sanitary condition. . A PEIISQUER'S REFLECTIONS. 'Aiiitcu by a prisoner i" State prison. 111. It's curious, ifn't ;t liil.'y, Thvi cliaiis tliait w.lvo monitis mny bring. Last ywir 1 wae in uruuf;u. Aa lmi)i)y Mini licit t;fl a ; I was niliin in pouls on tliu race:', Ami fi-eiiiji tho wiiiv.-rs wi Ii '-tun-"," Auu Mppiui? tuiut jaiip I'J iwilisflit, And lo-ilwy i am litiro iu tuu "iiojis." What lud Jin; to it ? riint. always L-!iil men t 'Itstrncnon and crhno ' Tho i- rodi. l Son, wnotn you'vo ruail of, ilai mrui'L-d sjoiewhiit iii his tunc Ho rpuiiil-1 jM:)niano frovly A llio biuliuai lVllw ol ill ; But wliou it is t)ue Ue fuiif ics The luifks will turu iir.o guid. ChamxnxM; ami a box tit the oini, Iii(jU R.C'ii- witn foi'iuuu in flush. The pntteioiiate kl.s.s f women Vlnwe ciiet-ks luivrt foioituii to blusli. Tlic old, old story, Billy, Of iileahuivt tiiAtend m tear", The l'rcth I'uut fomus foriiu Hour, The dregs that arc Uuted for years. Last night na I Mt here and pondered On iheeml of my evil wny?, Tlii-re RfiO lllco a phatitoui ooforo Die. . Ta? vision of my boyhood ily. I thought of my old homo, Uiily, i)f Hie school house l hut stood' on tho h'H ; Of the brnol; ilmt .flowed through the meadow, I can e'l.'ii lieur its music vttii.' Aii'-i I thought of my mother. Of th miiuer who taught utj to pray, M'hoif love was a perfec ireasuic That, I hecdlessl? f;:il away I Kaw id u iu my vihinns. The fioi.ii lUitu-d, careless hoy. To whom the future wa NjuihiIi'"-.", And thu world out a mighty toy. I thought of all this as I at hutc. Of my ruined and wasted iife. And the pruirsof remorsu were hittev They pierced my heart liku a ku:fe, It takes fiiiiie i ourujfM, A Illy. To laugh iu the face of lure. When the yearning ambitii-ns f manhood Are bla?tel at twetily-eifiht. A11E YOU AN HEIR? More than half a billion of dollars iu un claimed estates aro awaiting tho rightful heirs in England, Scotland, wales and In land. Mosc of theno heirs nrc in the United States, and have boon' advertised for in English papers. Thousands of heirs hnvo never seen these advertisement". If your ancestor on your father' or mother's sido came trom any of iho above named coun tries do not fail to write to E. Ross, Euro" pean Claim Agency, if 7 Grand St., New York, and ascertain if you aro an heir. Your deceased ancestor's rights are yours by British law. Wo have information of every estate and deceased persons whosa heirs have been advertised for iu V2 years, fcond postal note for '.." cents to iusuro in formation. It you are an beir we will recover tho estate for you. No recovery, no fee. ' ; Notice The firm of 'Davenport & Piorcy cf Ply mouth, N C, composed of Jas.'E. Haven port and J no.rW. Ficrcy is ct'solvcd this day by mutual - consent. Juo. W. Picrcy iil succeed Bt-id iYrm and settle ull unlinisLtcl business therei f. -lhi.3 July V.i 1S!m. tw Tl c

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