THE NEWS Tong Voong & 1C0., members of ai xtcn. M re merchandise house, have fled with$I'J,000i the wage of '140 Chiuese fishermen. Johu Keller, a Chicago millionaire, was robbed of a tin box containing over $100,000 worth of , valuable pa pern.- Burglars entered the post office at Silver Creek, Chautauqua county, N. Y., forced pen the sal, and stole about flHX) worth of Wamps, three 'registered letters and SIS in'mouey. A block of bowses was de stroyed in Nantieoke, Ta. Rear Admiral A'liver S. tJlissoo, IT. S. N., retired, died at i'hHadeiphia. Amoa Beal, of Dover, Me-, died from the eflects of wbiskcy. The jury in the Pettit poisoning case found a verdict of guilty.- It it not thought likely that there will be any pension legislation this fall. Cardinal Gibbons has sued llyacinthe Archi bald Kingrosr, of the Vale University, for libel, in using his name in the dedication of a book withonttheCnrdinal'sconsent Martha 1.5ft vis, colored, of Philadelphia, was sentenced 1o ten years in prison for attempting to poison Anthony F. Ervin and his family, by putting arsenic in coffee. -Mr. Cleveland made a xpeech at the banquet of the Jewelers' Asso ciation in New York. John Feeney, an insane man, smashed a rotten egg on the bald head ot Dr. Kiernan, in a Chicago court. -Darker & Co., failed in Philadelphia. Their liabilities are estimated at three million. .Wheeling's -grand jury tnrned down tiie Law and Order Lrague of that city, rejecting Fixty-nine out of seventy bills pr'senttnl by the. leap tie -.for Sunday selling. --Anuy officers think.tbe reports of an Indian uprising in the Northwest greatly exaggerated. At Lima, O., a new building fell, and two work, men, were killed outright, and a dozen or more injnred,- Francis K. Warren, governor of Wyoming, was elected to the I'nited States Senate. -A. W. IlasseH and John Robinson, two young white men, stonecutters of Chat tanooga, Tenn., working side by side and loug time friends, got into a dispute about a trival matter. The lie was passed, and Hasell struck Robinson with a wooden mallet, from the effects of which he died. An unknown man who had been hanging around a railroad depot in Hartford, Ct, tor several days de liberately laid his neck on a track in front of a switch engine, and was decapitated. A heavy log- fell upon "the head of William Hackett, a road supervisor of the Reading Company, at Mahnnoy City, Pa., breaking his . neck. The general missionary Methodist committee in session in Boston appropriated funds for the various conferences, and decided to hold the next annual meeting ih Clevcfjuid, O. -Adam Huron was drugged to death by a horse near Windsor Township, York county, Pa. Philander Brown and wife, Spiritua lists, of Susquehanna, Fa., were convicted of securing eortUvi over an old man named Paul Hill, and 'obtaining 3,000 from him. Michael 0Neill attempted to rob Mrs. Harriet Dunn in the streets of New York in broad daylight He was arrested. During a re ligious revival in Birmingham, Ala., Ro:la Wright was killed by auother enthusiast crushing the life opt of her. Rear Admiral Charles Steedman was buried in Boston. The United States armored cruiser Maine was launched from the Brooklyn navy yard. The Italians iu "New Orleans change the authorities with brutally treating the prisoners.- -Emma Clemens killed Max Sueskind, her recreant lover in Chicago. Green glassy workers threaten to secede from the Knights of Labor;-; An accident on the Ferney Mountain Railway resulted in the killing of two men and the injuring of four others. Wilson Stafford was sentenced to life impris onment for murder, in Wilmington, Del. Gen. John B. Gordon was elected I'nited States Senator by the Georgia Legislature. . An .attempt to wreck a train in Texas was frustrated of the men exposing the scheme. Fourteen children were tnken sick at North Braddock, Ta., after drinking milk. There were bo e tyinptoms of poisoning. The grand jury of Polk county. Mo., has been asked to indict all the constables and justices in two townships on the charge of cheating . the county, '-The American Window glass Company, has been incorporated at Spring field, lil. A heavy hail storm swept over the Wyoming Valley, Pa., being particularly severe it Plymouth, where Ihe wind blew down tbeteple ef the Lithuanian Catholic Church William Robinson, western pas senger agent of the Grand Trunk Railroad, wa kLJeil at the Michigan Central Depot in LopW, M fchlby falling under a moving train. -The American Harvester Campany has been reorganized in Chicago with a capi tal tock -of t3,,OJ,030. The military have surrounded the Pine Ridge Agency, and troops ar? rapidly hemming in the other In dian agencies in the Korth west, but General Miles does not think the Indians will now at tempt an outbreak.- MI. J' Thorp wits shot and killed in Chicago' by Kdward Weinder. Both worked as !ook-binders. A new ehooirhone was burned at Hamburg, Iowa. Jaks S25,(HK; iiiMiranee12,r00. Drivers in the block coal mines near Brpjril, Ind.,' have struck for an advance of wagea to $2 a 'ay. Aincntgage for $75,000,000 filed by the Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis Railroad Company to -the New -York Trust Company , wa 'recorded at Peru, Did. Fire in Tur- ,, tier's livery stable at Evans-ton, Ind., caused ; lo of 4t',O0M.-r-i--E-P6tuinster Thomas Jones, brother'of United States Senator Jones, riled nt Cleveland, Ohio.- John Dunn was Oiillcd by the explosion of a boiler at Marble Brad, Miiss Henry ; C. Merritt, employed jn the -Memphis Fostoflice, was arrefted charged with embezzlement. The Indian ware, sceius to be eubeiding. AN OLD FARMER'S JEALOUSY. tie Hunters Ills Wife nod Then KIHa Himself. i - . f i -The most horrible tragedy in the tnnals of I Fulton county, HI-, was enacted CUtica, a " village ten miles southeast of Canton, rhilip T. Smith, a farmer, sixty year cf age. had for some time lieen jealous of his wife, aged fifty years. Mis. Smith had beer absent from dome nttvudiiiir n sick dtiughterdu-law. On her return Smith at once began a quarrel, and throwing her to the floor, choked her severely. Mi-. N'.uth ir.t a u h y from him and ran Into (He yni.1. Smith m-icI a Winchester ritlo Mtil to. bwed her, fit nig fonr shots into her io(ij U hen sht tell smith went back into ib hoii.i I'M-niic;: tl the rifle for a revolver and ret r, nod totlu; Mde of his wife's body, Asemt.iif.M'g Hint !ie was dead, he laid down y l.r m::. pbii'cJ t ie muzsleof th revolver CABLE SPARKS. TnE Wellington barrack.', in London, were destroyed by lire. Joscm Savory was installed as lord mayor of London. Armed Armenians raided Kurdish villages, killing five persous. Vice-Admiral Obey, commander of the French Levant Squadron, is dead. Several persons were killed at Rosario, Argentine Republic, in election disorders. During the past three mouths 300,000 Rus sian and Polish peasants have lett Russia for Brazil. Prof. Koch will found a hospital in Berlin fot the treatment of consumptives by his method. President Carsot. of France, bas been elected an honorary member of the Bunker Hill Association. By the burning of a tobacco factory in Madrid, Spain, ten thousand persons are thrown out of work. Mrs. Kino, widow of Thomas King, of (ieorgia, and mother of the Marchioness of Anglesea, is dying in Paris. Two hundred Portuguese patriots have uiled,froin Rio Janeiro for Lisbon to reinforce the Portuguese troops in East Africa. M. Deroui.ede and M. Lagourre fought a duel in a wood near Monceau, France, with pistols, but each failed to wound the other. A SCHOOL boy in Vienna who found great difficulty in mastering the third declension in a Latin grammar killed himself in despair. A FKRRY bo:vt, overloaded with men, wagons and iiorjses, capsized in the river Waag, Austria, and fifty-five peasants were drowned. The newspapers of Russia hail with ap proval the pacific declarations made by Lord Salisbury! at the lord mayor's banquet in London. - . The roof of a house in Prague collapsed, demolishing a scaffold upon which a number of men were working. Several of the men were killed. ' In a speech from the throne opening the Prussian- Diet Emperor William announced that a bill to tax iucoraes would be introduced iu that body. This lord mayor of London has called a meetingof representative Englishmen to dis cuss the subject of the persecution of the Hebrews in Russia. The Jfofwegian ship Terpsichore, from Quebec tor Newcastle, Eng.. was sunk by collision with the British steamer Cassa, in the English channel. W. S. Gilbert and D'Oly Carte are friends again, and they will colaborate with Sir Arthur Sullivan in the production of an opera at a London theatre. In the town of Args, France, burglars fractured the skull of a parish priest, killed his housekeeper, a woman of sixty -five years, and then robbed the house. The police of Galway, Ireland, and the military stationed at that town bad a iht. in which the police were routed and chased to their barracks by the soldiers. The Paris Siecle says that Signor Antonelli will visit Abys-inia in order to prevent King Menelek from again protesting to the powers against Italian domination in his country. Twenty-one of the pictures illustrating the works ot Rabelais which were seized by the London police at an art gallery in that city are to be destroyed by order of court. . A London newspaper states that the basis of negotiations between Great Britain and France for the settlement of the Newfound hind fishery dispute is that France shall surrender to Great Britain the French shore of Newfoundland and shall be compensated therefor by the cession of one of the British West African colonies. ROBBED OF $100,000. John Keller, the Chicago Millionaire, a Heavy Loser. John Keller, the millionaire dealer, who has an office on South Halstead street, was robbed of a tin box containing over $100,000 worth of deeds, notes, mortgages and other valuable collateral. The story of the robbery is a strange one, and indicates plainly that the robbery was planned with great care and executed in a most dexterous manner. Mr. Kelier left his oflicc in the afternoon to make a number of business calls. He left the office of the Northern Trust Company with the tin box and drove to sev eral other business places. By seven o'clock he arrived at a wholesale meat market on the West side. He was inside hardly 15 minutes, but when he returned the tin box, which he had leftinthercarof the buggy-box, was gone. Mr. Keller jumped into the vehicle and drove rapidly to the Desplaines street station, where he reported the robbery and offered a reward of ?.500 for the return of the box. Captain Hayes at once detailed eicht detec tives on the work, and a thorough search of the neighborhood was made without result. There can be no doubt that it was taken by men who knew Mr. Keller and were iu some way acquainted with his business. On such trips theJbox frequently contained thousands of dollars. If it was not money the thieves were looking for, it possibly may have been some one interested iu destroying some of the valuable papers the box con tained. The work of the detectives reveale I the presence of two men in the vicinity at the aZ ll - 1. 1 ' .1.1 uuue me roooery was coiuinnieu, ami me cir cumstances indicate strongly that they are the guilty persons. The work of replacing the papers will cost Mr. Keller many thousands of dollars. 38 PERSONS DROWNED. A Ship LonJriI With Laborers ('nj).izctl Off Pnlmatla -lOO Aiilmnl- Lust. A despatch from London, Enj., njz: A ship having on bonrd a party of laborers and a large number of animals, en route for the Island of Bra.z.i, where they were to be em ployed in the olive harvests, was capsized off the Dalmatian coast by a sudden, heavy gust of wind. All on board were thrown into the sea, and the capsized vessel was soon surrounded by a struggling mass of men and animals. A number of boats put out from the shore and succeeded in rescuing 13 human beings and 34 animals. Thirty-eight persons and one hundred ani mals perished. .. MARKETS. Baltimore Flour City Mills, extra.$5.20 S $.3.37. Wheat Southern Jfultz, 1014($M2 orn southern wuite, ou(ct(tic., leiiow. 5y(t$61c. Oats Southern and Pennsylvania 48WW)jC. Bye Maryland and Pennsylvania 75.(j)7Gc. Hay Maryland and Pennsylvania 11.6Ot2.0O. Straw Wheat, 7.50J&50. Butter Eastern Creamery, 23ft$24c., near-by receipts 13(14c Cheese Eastern Fanev Cream, 10 He, Western, 85J.le. Eggs 21(4 22c Tobacco, Leaf Interior, l$l..k), Goo Common, 4(9$.X, Middiing, 6$8.00, Good to fine red, 9(ij$l1.uo. Fancy 1213.00. FEW okk -Flour Southern Good to choice extra, 4.25(q,$5.85. Wheat No. 1 White 1.06(5' 1.08c. Itye-State 58(o;G0c. Corn-South-em Yellow, 5e-l0fcic. Oats White, State 45Qj50c Butter State, 12flPc. Cheese State, HiiUc. Eggs 23(g 21c. Philadelphia Flour Pennsylvania fancy, 4.'250$$4M. Wheat, Pennsvlvahia and Southern lied, 1.031c. Bye-Pennsylvania, outage. Corn Southern Yellow, 5P4 49 69c. OnlR SJlfcfiow-. Butter State, Zi($2i:. Cheese New York Factory, lOt' lOic. Ejrs State, 22fa24c . CATTLE. Bai.tijiork Beef 4.25ffi;f 1.45. Sheep 3M'i il.uo. lings S.00()-,o.(M). Nmv York lioef -.ti.y.v,;. i;7 on. FVr4 Horace Greeley's Ham. ' After the Tribune had moved - ita offices to Spruce and Nassau Btreets, in the old building, Mr. Rhoadoa came down one moroing about 9 o'clock and saw a big ham lying on the heater J Franklin J. Ottaraon, the oitj editor, Mtnie in and Baid: "Dave, whose haia is that?" "I don't know, fOt,' " was the reply.j I only know ; that when I came into, iha office that ham was there.1 ; "Give it to me," said "Ot." "Nothing of the kind," said Bhoades. f If you want it, come around and get U.-Y Otterson promptly went around and took it At 12 o'clock Mr. Greeley pame aloDg and said: Dave, where is my ham ?" ' "Your ham! Get up to Ottsrson's a -juick aa you can, and probably you will Jind it in the pot, boiling." "Well, confound you, said Mr. Greeley, usinp more vigorous language, however. Why did you give Ottarson that ham?" "lie took it." was the reply. "Ottar son came down and asked for the ham. I- wouldn't givo it to Mm, aud he took It." Next day Mr, Greeley said: "Con found you, you gave 'Of that ham." "Nothing of the kind!" 'Of says you did!" He's not telling the truth." Shortly afterward Mr. Greeley tm burdened his mind to his associates, in words somethinst like these: "You lot of thieves, I'll nave to pin my shirt on my back if I don't want to lose it among you!" The Commissary's Mvsterlous Disappear ance. The two lines were facing one an other, with only a short distance sep-j arating them. A farmer rode into the Confederate camp on a mule. Most of the soldiers had been farmers, and were good judges of horseflesh, so that in conversation with the old farmer the merits and demerits of the mule came up naturally for some discussion. It was a good mule, they agreed with the farmer, "but," added the owner, "I've; never seen another man that could ride him." This remark brought on another dis-, eusdon. Several of the soldiers pro-; tested that they had never been thrown from a mule, and were willing to bet that they could ride this one. One of the most vociferous in praising his own horsemanship was a commissary.- He swore he could ride that mule, and finally it was decided to let him try. He had no sooner mounted than the mule began plunging viciously, and then he ran around in a circle several times at breakneck speed, the commis sary holding on for his life. Suddenly that mule made a break for the front. The commissary sawed and shouted in vain. Ev ery attempt was made to stop them, but the mule was wild, anil the commissary knew that if he once let loose he would have to be buried. On like a ternado and as straight as the crow flies on past the Confed erate outposts and heading for the Yankee lines. They watched him un-t til the mule wa3 lost to sight. I That was the last seen of them, nor has one word ever, been heard, from that day to this, of the commissary or'; the mule. Atlanta Constitution. A Startling Admission. ; "What becomes of all the stale.1 candy?" was asked a well-known con-, jfectioner. "It is made up into fresh, candy." There is not an ounce of waste ! about confectionery. You like chocolate caramels? Well, they contain moj-e' craps than any other candy. They are- Epecially adapted for this on account of eir dark color. They were first made j a confectioner who received the in--fapiration from his great stock of stale sweets. Journal of Useful Inven tions. Tt is said of the 800 convicts in the ;Kansaa Penitentiary that not one is an editor. liut ju9t wait till the poor-; iiouse statistics are published. if ar ion, (Kan.) Record. Trade nnd Occupation. The Youth's Companion for 1891 will give an instrnc ive ami helpful Seriea of Papers, each of which describe: the character of some leading Trade for Hovs or Occupation lor Girls. They ive information as to the Ap prenticeship required to learn each.the Wages lo ba expected, tho Qualities needed In order lo enter, and the prospects of Success. To New Subscribers who scud $1.7.'at once tha paper will be sent tree to Jan. 1. 1691, and for a ju'.l year .from I fl it flat. Address, Tub Youtu's Companion. Boston. Mass. Where rumor Is afloat gossip rinds smooth sailing. II nw'a Tins? We offer Ob Hundred Dollars reward for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by taking II all's Catarrh Curu. F. J. CifENEY fc Co., Prop., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known K. J. Cheney for the last, 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all buniness transac tion, an4 financially able to carry out any ob ligations made by their Uito. Wkit 6c Truai, Wholesale Drugsists, Tole do, O. Walding. Kinxam & AIarvix, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, O. Halt's Catarrh Uuro is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of tha system. Testimonials bent fret. Price 15c. per bottle. Sold by all 'irugtjlsts. Havo to draw the line Washerwoman: FITS popped free by Dn, Kum's Grkat Nkrvk R kstob BR. No fltjs after first day' usei. Marvelous cures. Treatise and $3 trial bottle tree. Dr. Kline, 831 Arch St., Pblla., Pa. As trade srows dull competition will begin to nharpen. Ringing Noises In tbe oar, numutlmes tt roaring, buzzing sound, or (napping like tbe repor. of a pistol, are caused by catarrh, that exceedingly dl agreable and very coinmou rtieoae. Loss of smell or hearing also ra ta ts from catarrh. Hood's SarsaparlUa, tbe great h ood purifier, Is a peculiarly successful remedy for tatarra, which It cures by eradicating from the blood the Impurity which causes and promotes th tiseaw. Try Hood's Sarsaparilla. "I used Hood's Sarsaparilla for catarrh, and re reived great relief and benefit from it. Tbe catarrh was very disagreeable, cspoc'a'ly In the winter, rausfun constant dlfcoharpa from my none, rluglii -nofscs In my ears, nnd pnlns In trie hock of my beM. '1 he effort to clear my bead in ti e morning by hawk ing and fplttlng wa painful. Hood's tarsoparlUa gave me roll 'f Immediately, whlln In time I was en tirely cured. I am ncviir without tbe med c tie la my houiio as I think it la worth ru weight la gold. Mitf. a. B. Gibb, V)'i0 Llgbih ttrcfct, N. W Wash ington, I). C. HoocPg Garcapnrilln A DOCTOR'S CONFESSION. rie Dee-n't Take !ttch Medietas and Ad vises the Reverter NftTe. 'Humbug? Of course it is. The so-called science of medicine is a humbug ani has been from the time of Hippocrates to the present . Why the biggest crank in tha In dian tribes is the medicine man." "Very frank was the admission, eepeciall.r so when 1t came from one of the bijrgeel young physicians of the city,' one whosj practice is among the thousands, thoujrh h has been graduated but a few year," says the Buffalo Courier. "Very cozy was his of fice too, with its cheerful grate fire, its Queen Anne furniture, ani its many lounges and easy chairs. He stirred the lire lazily, lighted a frenh cigar, and went on." 'Take the prescriptions laid down in the books and what do you And? Toisons mainly, aud nauseating stuffs that would make a health man an invalid. Why in the world science should go to poisons for ita remedies I cannot tell, nor cau I flud any one who can." "How does a doctor know the effect of hU medicine?" he asked. "He calls, prescribe, and goes away. The only way to judge would be to stand over the bed and watch the pa tient. This cannot be done. 8o really I don't know how he is to tell what good or hurt he does. Sometime ago, you remem ber, the Boston Globe sent out a reporter with a stated set of symptoms. He wont to eleven prominent physicians and brought back eleven different prescriptions. Ibis just shows how much science there is in medicine." There are local diseases of various charao tens for which nature provides positive reme dies. They may not bo included in the regu lar physician's list, perhaps, because of their simplicity, but tbe evidence of their cura tive power is beyond dispute. Kidney dis ease is cured by Warner's Safe Cure, a strict ly herbal remedy. Thousands of persons, every year, write as does H. J. Gardiner, of Pontiac, R. I., August 7. 1B0O: "A few years ago I suffered more than probably ever will be known outside of my self, with kidney and liver complaint. It is theoldstory I visited doctor after doctor, but to no avail. I was at Newport, and Dr. Blackman recommended Warner's Safe Cure. I commenced the use of it, nnd found reliei. oimediately. Altogether! took three bot tles, and I truthfully state that it cured ine." Connndrnms. Why is a cat's tail like the earth ? It is fur to the end. What kin is the doormat to the door? A step farther. What is a waist of time? The mid dle of an hour-glass. Why is a doctor never seasick ? He is used to see sickness. Why does an old maid wear mittens ? To keep off the chaps. What is the difference between a dog?s tail and a rkh man? One keeps a wagging and the other keeps a car The French authorities are very rigor ously suppressing gambling. De Yen Ever Specnlate T Any person Bondintr us their name and ad dreKswill receive information that will lead to a fortune. Beuj. Lewis St Co., Security Duihliny, Kansas City, Mo. When a railroad cms rates, it doesn't cut w th intenl to kill. Woman, her diseases an-1 their treatment. T2 page", illustrated; price 60s. Bent upon re ceipt of 10c., cost of inailiasc.etc. Address Prof. H. II. Klink. M.D.. 931 Arch St. Phila., Pa, The truth never apologizes for comins. LeeWa's Chinese Headache Cure. Harm less in effect, quick and positive in action, fceat prepaid on receipt of $1 per bottle. Adder & Co.,523 Wyandotte sUKaiusftsCltyIo Laid down to be broken Eggs. Timber. Mineral, Farm Lands and Ranches In Missouri, Kansas, Texas and Arkansas, bought and sold. Ty ler & Con Kaubaa City, Mo. Lnmbermen and mariners keep a log Look. Oklahoma Guide Book and Map sent anywhere on receipt of 60cts,Tyler & CoKanaaa City, Mo. Catch words Stop thief. Ii 'echam.s Pills act like magic on a Weak Stomach. Astronomers usually play star encase ments. FOR PAIN i-or Coughs Colds There Is no Medicine lika DR. SCBENCK'S iUUMIC HSYRUP. It 1" plea-ant to the tnet- suit dos noi contain particle o.' opium oranythlng injurious. It i-the BeetCough Medicineinthe World. For Sale by all Druecists, Pries, fl.00 per bottle. Dr. 8r.bencks Bonk on Coti-umpilon and its Cure, mitilfd freo. Adilreta Dr. J. H. Hoh-nck & Son. Philadelphia- A MOSTn Q Br!frht Yon-i Mea or rrtfor lntlies In each County. Zlceler tt: C'., I'riUadelpbta.Pa. l-nUC f 'l'Uin, uooK-keepuig, Uuttluess Forma, fjwlllt Penmanship, Arithmetic, Sliort-tiuml, etc, I thoroughly taught by MAIL, circulars free. Brunt'- 0llegr. 457 Main fit, Buffalo, N. r BAGGY KNEES & POS1T1VELT RKMKDIED. Ireely rant Stretcher. AUonteil by itudentn nt Harvard. Amherst, and other College, also, by proicisional and business men every where. If not for "ft If In yniir town -end 83. to . B. J. OKEELY. 715 Waahlngton Ktrfft. Bo-ton. td WHISKEY HAB ITS cured at home wi la- oat pain. Hookofnar Ucnlara aent FREE. iTLAitlA. bi. oak. ,Wu4iU flC AJILE GREASE JSST IN THE WOttLD t.r uv turn uenume. Sold nuTWher-h FNSIONSS s ei-t and Katbera a,re oay ti'li-ii Ut tlU m mo. 1-eetlO when vnu trrt your mMr. Iruo. MHKl'U II. tit kit It, lui, HwblutlM. a 4, ' I 1 prtwnh and tn'tyen I ("onto Bit; as tin only spwiilc tr the ciil cure of this rjisrm-e. O. U. 'J It A H A M. M. n Atnaterdaia, Jf. Y. W avr sold U'T G tof antiiiv jf-ara, mod il Ihi f-s ,m beat i fm'- -' y I O-rmIb ' 1 TO t DATS. 1 TheGreat; tsj A BP IU FBMIH Ton Dyspepsia, IndlseMtrtn and ftomach disorders, uso Brown's Inin Bitters. The Best I onic, it rebuilds the system, clean- the ftlood and streni'thens tbe muscles. A splendid ton lo for weak aud deuiluaied pursons. No man Is as trood at home a his picture '.cofea In a neighbor's album. Guaranteed nve year elKht per cent. First 3dortgaK on Kansas City property, interest payable every six months; principal aud inter est collected wnen due aud remitted without expense to lendor. h or salt) by J. 11. Bauerlein 4 Co Kanrini City. Mo. me tor particular Ladies in waiting Old maids. Fonlmpnreor thin Blood, Weakness. Mala ria, NeuiRliclo, Indnrestion aud BillouHne, tako Hrown's Iron Biit rs it Rives strength, making old persona fuel younj aud young persons strong; pleasant to take. I' one cannot ro to sleep, why not wait patiently for steep to com t him. Mediocrity nlwaun copies wne frif m. Dob bins's Klectrlo fckap, first made in 1H0 ha been imitattd more tnan any Kap iuale Ask your grocer for J.hhni' Elfctrlo Heap, all other Electric-, Electricity, Magnetics, etc., are Imitations, Teacher Mv l'ttl Rr', what must you do to be forgiv-n? L ttle Girl S n, sir. Oae Thonsand Dollars. I win forfeit theahove amonnt,lf I fall to prove that Floraplexion is the best medicine In existence for DyspepsiaIndiKcstionorlJUious neHa. It Is a certain cure, and affords imme diate casos of Kidney and Liver Com- f laint. Nervous Debility and Consumption, loraplexion builda up the weak system and cures where other remedies fail. Ask your drru-ist for it and tret well. Valuable book Thinn; Worth Knowin," also, cample bottle sent free; all charcres prepaid. Address Frank lin II art. 88 Warren street. New York. It is the locomotive t hat whistles at Its work -Honey Invested Inoholce one hundred dol lar building lots in euhurhi-of Kansas City will pay trom nve hundred to one thousand per cent, the next low years under oar plan. eaai and $6 per mouth without interest cua trola a desirable lot. Particulars on application. J. U. Uaueriaw J Oo Kanaad City, Ma. Tbe seamy side The inside of a coat, If afflicted with are eyes use Drlac Thomp son'sEyo Wjiter.Dru -rfistsS'-il M-o p.-r bo Ul a Honey Lees never stina on another. . oisn ENJOYS Both the method and results vben Syrup of Figs ia taken; it ia pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts Esntly yet promptly on the Kidneys, iver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs ia the enly remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the mosi healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities com mend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50o fuod $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FJ9 SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAU LQVtSVILLE, KY. i'EW YORK, . t. Liver Oil and HYPOPHOSPHITES g of Lime and Soda Is endorsed and prescribed by ladlng physicians because both the fJwi Liver Oil and UyvophoBphitet are the recognised agonts In the cure of Consumption. H Is as palatable as milk. Scoffs Eiiaulsion is a wonderful If'ltsh .Prod ucw. It is the Best lietneAy for CONSUMPTION, Scrofula, Bronchitis, Wasting Dis eases, Chronic Coag'hs and Colds. Ask lor Scott's Emulsion and take no other. IX, JiJk Of Pur Cod Km RELIEVES INSTANTLY. ELY BKUTHSRS, 65 Warren St, New York. Price 60 eta. THE WOMOSRFULIf ZS-3ZZf FUHNITURE. (INVALIDS & WHEEL Aatmsii Itrafte oa all and sb'p cuod- w bo fl-Mif&S&t'i ine TtiKIiLnUl ugae. --c: DEbltaax, LDUrjEQ MfS. CO 2l$ UaPa lEUbRAPHf AK9 SHGRTtfAKD. JjF.AItJMi tSCtlOOI. IM'H, rniii.,,rfi,., ireti. cOLUll iV I.Li.KN HbEi, truuin, i tir.i Best CouRh JIcdicine. Rcommendril I)y Pbrsioiuns. Cures nrhrts all else fails. Pleasant and a'.-rncable to the taste. Children take it without objection." By lru crista. MUSICAL. ; There seems to be little goinff on ia musical circles of late, but there is much talk, among musical people, of the marvelous cure of Miss fa , the high contralto singer, who has long suffered from a severe throat or bronchial affection, superinduced by Catarrh in the Head, and who has been perfectly cured by the use of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, coupled with the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. For all bronchial, throat and lung affec tions, and lingering coughs, it is m unequaled remedy. When compli cated with Chronic Nasal Catarrh, its use should be coupled with the use of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remcdy. Of all druggists. RAhTinU w -' ronla Kbees are WHvilurfa warranted, and evert pair has his name aud price stamped oa bottom. i' . a iiN-taiHiHmsim!i.',3tii.iii wn W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE Cenft11meN. t3Send address on postal for vnlunblo lnformstlon. VV. I.. U(H;iiAS. Urockion. Mai-. FOR A ONE-D01,l,AIl BII.T. sent as by mall we will rtfli vi r, free o all charge, to any person la th Dnlt d States, all of the following articles, caro folly packs . : One two-ounce bottlo of Pure Vaspllnn, - - lOota One two-oil' ce boitle nf Viueltne Pomade, - IS ' One Jar of Vast line Cold Cream, 15 " One Ci k of Vaseline Camj nor Ice, - - - - 10 " One Cake of Vaaeliue f-oiip, un-cent-nt, - - 10 " One Cake of Vaseline Soap, exquisitely scented,!! " One two-ounce bolt e of White Vaseline, - - 25 " $1.10 Or for pottagt stamp any slnffUi article at the prtr named. On no ziocount be persuaded ta aceept from pourdrugoist ami Vaaelins or preparation thtrefrom VnUs labelled with ow name, because- you Urtli cer tainly receive a n imitation which hat little or no valtu Checbrjii-U Ilfar. Co., ii4 State tit., N. V. GRATEFUL COMFORTING. BREAKFAST. " , "By a thorough knowledge of the natural lawi which (tovern tbHopcratl ns ordlge tlon and nutrfc ti nt, and by a carerul appllc ntloii of the line t roi er. tlea of wit -n lectei Coooo, Mr. Epos has provtd d our breakfast tables wlch a delicately flarourod ! erage wblch may aavo ui many heavy doctor' l . It 1 oy the Jjll(ji)j me of auch ortlolo of dl I that aooaulkatioii may 09 m dually uuiit upuuilt f (rou eaoun to racist every teuduncy to ctL-etm, Ilundred- of subtle maladies ar s rlontlm; aronuil m rpadyto attack wherever there Is a weak po nt. We may escape many a fatal abaft by keeping our (elves well turtlflo 1 with our 9 blond a d u properly n- urLahed frame." "Civil Oervloe Oasette," Made -Imply with bollln; water r ml'. ! old onlv In half-pouui tin, y Oroccr. Ubolle i thus: JA.UEM El'I V:CO.. HomoBopatile Cliptnuts l,ONDO, KNOl.ANI). IF TOtT WISH A GOOO KEVOI.VT.R rtmhaae one of tbe cele brated HM.ITU wtSKUN -rt 'MKaa ..nna The nnaat -mall arma a V- w ever mannfaetured and the O U Brat choice ot all expert Y d Maaafactnrea ia oaiibrea ana M-i'A Bin- IS " irlfiar double action. Bafety Hammerluaa and v?" Target mouela Construoted entirely or bet -ill. Ity wrought eteel, carefully inepertoil for vorfc. aianahlpand atock, they are unrivaled for fiolnh, damblllty and acearaey Io not be deceive, i bi cheap malleable eaat-l ron tmlrntloaa wbiok are often sold for tha genoine article and are aoi enlv mi reliable, but dantreroua The HMITM a WESSON Kevolvera are ail atamprd ojon the bar. rafa with Ina'i name, addreee asd datoa of p al and are oaaranieed perfect la wery detail la alpt upon having the gennlne artiule. and If rotte dealer cannot supply you an Order aont to addr-ag below will receive prompt and careful attentl tk. tiwmi iitlveoataloirie aid urines f'-rnlfhed mon ao SMITH & WESSON, PTUcattoa tal paoor. HaringUelc. Ms ' " BNU47 COMMERCIAL FOUNTAIN PEN li the only PCIhtect low-price.l ieaiB tbe niarkn', ade ot all havU ruboer; cannot et otit of order; writes 5,wu worm .roni ouu ml u ;. Se. tcoim Irlc mlh two pen -hiiucx; llllt-r all lu a ui;nt b.-a for n clump, ur curre cy. Knarumeuil an rup teuusa or muuey rt-fiuided. As i- wnutid. W. R. Wr,Sl;ly I.K n'ofitmnntert, priuviilo, u.isut'naiiuu Co., 1'tfuu. r .. a . ::m Mmmm& Tit IlihBEi r.:fv . , : -ijxi. -m . .1 ill VASELIfil a ttt y i v rt -i jf TON SCALESA of $60 B1SGHAMT0N Beam Box Tars Beam W W. a

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