HtunokG Lsaccn. ihoQfiici , ijtgtou County. Published Every Friday by , " Kqahokk VvBugmxa Qi upi.?, V. FLETCHKbt AU3BJN, Editor. V. W, AUSBQW, Busines Manager, SubtoHMon price, $J.?3 py ywy, Tlw 4Uw will not bo reopuwllde fgr (be views All sMieiiM (or unMlcaJJnii inuit La accomuauied tif the fall nw of iu wrifer. Cotresrttn&inta are resetted not to write on but aynwaiuj.fye in. All coMwwiniciuou mu4 be eut in by Thumluy eJiygliiK or tliey will not appear. ijjfjfuiH ail coinmuiucaUuiM to THE ROANOKE BEACON, - Plymouth, N. C. . M I. . ' ' ' We appeal to every reader of Tn Koanoik Bi.con, to aid na in making It an acceptable aud frofiUbU medium of new to our citueiia. Let lvmouth people and the public know wnat I foluK on in Plymouth. Kcport in n all item of ttewa the arrival and departure of friend, .oclal event, deaths, sorioua Utile-, accident, new buildings, new enierpritea aud Improvement" of whatever character. chMtitfw in biiwine iud;ed aaythiug and everything that would be of iuterest to our people. FRIDAY, DECEMBERS, 1800. OT7R$brigUt exchange, the Orphans' Friend, has recently douned a new .dress. If you wish to aid in the support ot a good iwejjej)il one dollar andj'become a sub. ccriber te the Friend. You will enjoy the paper and at the tame time be adding to the comfort of 250 orphan children. Foa large collections for the Orphan 3 ol thia State taken up on Thanksgiving day, Durham takes the lead, a collection wm taken up at the Main Street Methodist church in that city which amduuted to $300 thia was tent to the Oxford Orphan Asylum which will add greatly to the comfort of the little onea, Tuc collectioas throughout th State for that purpose were large. Ths Canvassing Board of the First Con gressional District have given their official count which is as follows : Dam. Hep. CoTJXTIES. BjfANgn. ' BNAIU. Beaufort, 1980 1338 Camden, f(9 filti BarUret, 1093 458 Chowan, 735 801 Currituck, 941 341 Pare, 28.1 25 Utef, 1121 :9 Hertford, 1103 1075 Hyde, 8U6 624 Martin, 1658 10l Pamlico, 702 492 Pasquotank, 843 llit.t Perquimans, 831 858 Pitt, 2600 1834 Tyrrell, 443 331 . Washington, 571 725 Total, 16,430 12,683 Thb Wilmington Star says : "Abraham Lincoln taay not have been a prophet but there waa aomething of the prophetic order in the f w'ritUii shortly before hi death to a friend in Illinois : ' lt has been a trying bonr Ibr the Repub lic, bat i see is the future a crisis arising which nnnearres me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As a rult of the War corporations have been enthroned, and an era of corruption iu high places will follow and theu the uiont-y tower of the country will orolona its reicn by working upon the people, until all the Wealth ia aggregated in a few hands and the Republic U distroyed. X feel at this tiuteutore anxiety for the safety of Iniy ctjoutry than ever before, eveu in the midst vi me war. uoa granijinat my lears may prove groundless." Mr. Lincoln saw In the mercenary, grasp ing spirit ao prevelent during the war, the trouble ahead. Hid he lived a few years longer he would have seen how f ally his predictions came to pass. The eud is not yet aud will not be until the party which called Lincoln to the Presidency is killed as dead as Hector. While it lives and has the power to ntiuggle it will be a com est between the people and the money lords Who endeavor to control the country for heirown profit. RED COTTON Jdanufaciurar.' Record. For two yeais or more considerable pub licity haa been gm-u to aud no little inter ent excited by the discovery of ted couon ana the efforts to perpetuate its growth According to the latest report the tev-ral attempts tiave ben successful iu the main. A planter iu Alpharetta, Ga , has au acre of cotton, -every stalk of - hicb.i said to be of a deep red color, leaf, boll and bloom. Tni3 novel crop is tne product of need de, rived three yearn ago from two stalks ot red pottou loffnd hi a cottoo fluid, if this Variety can be perpetuated it will likely ' mean a lurtRQ Y) the successful pmuter. 11 1 1 , ,Ki.'f,JJ4,ji AN EDITOR'S LIFE. Durban fiub, One of the beauties and charms of an editor's life ia in Lb dead-heading it on all occasions. To one who ha never feasted . on the sweet ot that bliss can't begin to take iu the glory of its happiness. He does lt0 worth of advertisiug for a railroad, ' tfet a "pa" for a year rides $25 worth. kud then be ia looked on as a dead-head or 'a half blows dead-beat. He '-puffs" eouoert trouue $10 worth aud gets $1 iu . compliiuenurieM apd Is pasted "free Jl the hal) is crowded be is begrudged the room he occupies, for if Lis comphnienta rlcs were paying tickets the trpnpo would hi so much iu pocket. He bk.wa aud putt's a cliorgh; festival free to. any tttesirrd extent . , au4 d' the poster priming at h.tlf rates, . sm4 rarely gets a thank yoCfor it. Jt goes , ni parof hia duty as an tditur. lie does . Trfore work gratoitoniy tor the town and ftjOTiSBsity than a( the rewt tf the p-pu. jitiiou pat together and get earned for it while in many iuaUice where a man WhQ (hjuatea fcW dnlUra to a fourth of ' duly celebration, bait piub, or church, js uruttfliy reujeiureii. Ob (t is a nweet (itiug to b an editor lie parses "tree" you kuow. ' i:r i ?0TlC3 Ve Jbavd drefis. goods from $bi W f 1 per yard, tall and pnrfbae be. ; rv ftU'ar fcoue J. iU WfclP Sin. Our cbicebh is ok ths fekcc aoaih CROWING. II B IS KOT CKOWIKO OVKB 4 DEMOCRATIC VICTORY AT THE BALLOT lioi THIS TIME, BOT OVER DEMOCRAT K5 OfFICE UtUDKBS RIGHT WILL RULE REPUBLICANS TAKE A " iX(SK 8B.VT, AND Oiya VP TUB SHIP. On Monday last the Republican ofijeers elect appeared befowi the County Commis sioners una submitted their bonds. First considered was Sheriff's bond, which was fuiind wanting. He whs given uutil Monday next to finish up his bond, after which, unh-ss the boud isgiven, that office will b decltired vacaU, aud his successor will be appointed by the Board of(kmmissioners. The Treasurer waa the rcxt to render a bond. His ahio was considered and found to be insufficient. That office was declared vacant, and his opponent in the recent election, Mr VV. T. Freeman, was ap. pointed to fill the office. The Clerk, who is a Democrtt. and the only one elected at the polls, submitted bin bond, which, with some changes, was ac cepted . 1 he Itegister of ljdeda elect plaoed W bond upon the table, which was. like the Sheriff1- and Treasurer's weighed in the balfauces and found wanting, beuce that office wos doclaired vacant, aud the present t & a - . lucnuioem, ana ir.soppoueut, was appoint ed to fill that ofljje for two years longer. Tho refusal of the bonds Wtro honest and uupartisHn. Each man was given jas- iiuc, acu one uhu nis uona uiaae up, but on t-x itniantion it was found ibat the ptriies who bad signed thera were not good for the amounts signed, aud the bonds conld uot be takeu. In the linnin'!' of the content we said : Hitliard for K-uUter, Marriner for Clork and Freeman for Treasurer, and in the end we say it is o : und Democrncy will have the helm for tuo years at least, despite the efforts of republican voters aud Democrat ic bondsmen. Democrats who voted to keep Republicans out of office, signed the bonds of the lit-publicans, but they didu't get mere," ROPER LETTER Roper, N. C. Dec., 3, 1890, Editor Boaxoke Beacon : The street lamps, pat up by our enter pn. ing mercbauN at their stored, besides being a great convenience to the people at night, improves the appearance of the place very in net). Mr. W. W. Leary and wife while out riding on the 22nd ult.. had their horse to brcoujti frightened aud nic. awtv. throwine Mrs. Leary from the vehicle inflicting quite severe injuries, but we are pleased to note mm uuuer tne auie treatment of Lr. li. F Hallsey, the patient was soon restored. Mr. TJ. J. wanner horse ran awar with bim t-nd Mr. J. C Gray on the 24th ult, throwing them both out, breaking Mr. Kwanuer's left arm inst above tho wrist and It-aring Mr day insensible for awhile. lnank8giving Ur was, to the honor of our inerpuauts ana otners, strictly observed nere. Soveral of our people attended the mar nageof Mr. T. J. Lewis and Miss Sallie ChesKOti on the 26ib. Thanksgiving day will be remembered by Mr- &"d Mrs. Lewis a the happiest day of their life. We join tueir mauy friends in wishing them long, happy and prosperous lives. Mrs. A, H. Casey who has been a grrat sufferer for some time is now in Baltimore where he bus gone to hnvo a tumor reuiov ed from her abdomen. We hope soon to see ner back again razored to health. We did ho Do at one time to see ft Ml siouary B.iptist church built at this place. but the friends of the church have become disinterested it seems And the building of the chnrch is indefinitely post poned. Mrs. I. F. liitrrisou is teaouiug school at this place and we hear her spoken of as a good teacher. Mess. G. W. Boper and C. M. Cherry have recently returned from a visit to New York. D. N. y. A SERMON IN RHYME, If you hnve a friend worth loving, Lotehtm. Yes. and let him kuow That you love him. eru life' evening 'I lug-" Ma brow with sunset gli w. Why . uould good word ne'er be said Of-H frieuU-tili ne is dead 1 If you hear a aonir tbut thrills you , sung by any child of song, l'rair-e it. Do nut let thu .aiugcr Wait decerned praiae long. Why chonldone Whtj thrill, your Jieftrt Lack the joy you may impart f If you hear a prayer that move you, Uy It. humble pleading tone, Join it. bo not (et the ueker Jkw lief or- hi Uoa a'oue. Why uliould not your brother share The treiii;th ot ' iwo or three" iu prayer f If you a -e 'he liof teapi falling f rom a brothet'is weeping eye. Share them. And by kindly ghadtig, Own your k n)iip witl tiiuckioH. Why i-hould anyone be gla Wliuu a brotlier heart i tad f If a silvery laugh soea rippling Through the rpuphjueon hi face. Share it. ' i is te wiv mu' saying If or both grief and joy a place. ThureN health und goodnth in the mirth J n which an houetuaiuli hua birfj, If your work is mode mpre pasy jjy a friendly. helpioK baud. Say o. bweult oi(tlrave and frqjy, Ere ibe clurkiiend veil t0 land, 8oulil a brother worknian d ar Falter for a word of cheer f Scatter tbnj your tteed-j of kindness, All enriching ax you go Leave them, 1'niut the Harveat Oiyer lie wil make each eeed to grow. So. until lt Itappy end Your life kJuU ueyer lack n friond. mm can bMrnIUoirllKW Hit. of work r.ldly ! Iioucmblv. Lr ikm of hhi4Mt. nl.l .l.jf i.t ,k4 own HKwnn,n iiemw Hit r, wlr on. l .n la Ibo work. E.r la lurri. W. fumi.h .verrthiHr. W. Man Ton. Ka rtik. Tun ran dnota jvvr .par. ratnyatt is, or ii jour mm ip in. work. iti is .Qiinlr n.w lr.d Jind brfnra woador Ail Heeni tt .v.rv wrkML BcKluiwr. ar. csimIi. from If 2 to Uti pwwMk .nil upward., .nil MM. m ft-- . II ..tZ - 1 . - .1 1 it 1 L . 1 T ph.Tin.iii .oil t. Mli jron rKI:K. Nt) iiMic. to twra. rail (HfurUMtiof) tkXi. 'flf. U.E fc Hit., AliiLkTA, JUUIt, Bnngr little fortunwhrhn irao'M wurk Tot n, by P.lf. Aotu. Ttui, and Jno. Bonn. Toledo, Ohio. Sir. cut. Other, are (loin 2" Z''T Sow. rara orer ,-." can do Hie work ana live wbentrer Jfoo re. t f.- Ily Mtilnir irotnr.w iro. W ehnw 7 b"w ana inn ron. tsn worm ! ' "' J or ell tho time. Bin money for work er,. Failure unknown among th:m. Jff-.W and wonderriil. Partlcnlare rrw. n&nut foul n atnoDth, Ton Sat hnm, wtai jf rinners are em f iliri(iw.Alli ri,;iull?tt4; Co.,o Slor!l-vrnl,raRnj LDL-'CAliUNAIV: PLYnOUTH fflGHM " FOlf BOTH SEXES STRICTLY NON-8ECTARIN, opens its Second annual Term HEPT., 8tb, 180. Prepares for Ooltafje or buwuieM, - Besides a thomnga Kniti-h couret Kurwyinij. Telegraphy, rhMik-ket-nlnjc. Latin, Frwuch and Uorman v.111 be taught, rtue opportunities for builnw education, Priitisry clttrer receive rpeclaj atteution. TUITION I reasonable conniderlnir therlaaof work done. Year patronage moot heartily aoliciir ed. For f urtivr iiarticulan addres the I'rlncipal. U. Y. Toms, Pa. B., (Univ. of N, 0.) ang-ltf Plymouth, N. 0. Coiaoircial Colics mikV-fSiW. Cheaptti i ltttBu$ina Coltgt ia tht World, mha P M4al mr all k MteM, at Wrl4's EaaMt, Tmt jU.h-fcl k 1 l1lMM HU7I iMlnMai TaiMem Sea HgrlH4lNi4,tMlH. akrt-MH4, rru Tyna-Wn. tmn4 TalaawrwnT epI.IHe.. (i -itnt tmmm. Tkla attf it baauSfat ajta kaaitkM, retrelra WlltM M, Bmitk, ipHn DR. VV. H- WARD, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON 0Omci at Bbian's Druo Store, night otitis at J. P. Uilliard's residence opposite Methodist Charh. SEE HERE! Wiiv throw that old last seasons dress aside, orthose splotched pants sell for uolhieg, when you may, at a small cost, have the &uu bUaned or dyed and made to look ut K'SodaV new? SAfflL- WIGGINS. the clothes cleaner and dyer i prepared to surve yon pTtbis line. He is also prepared (o npholater furniture in the latest styles. Uive bim a trial ana save money, aug.?? u ATTENTION MILL MEN T wish tn lufnrm thf nnbllfi that I am a mill wright of 3 year experience, iully master 01 ine otumess, any perauu ioniu0 wulnr mill wnrlr rlntm Will ttoolv tt) the undersigned. A spcialty to build Fobays, ater nouaev, renuc, riiwu ")- dam. and ater v. heb. and netting in the matmi nery. 1 will tnirare all Fobays or water houi-ea that 1 puiaown neTer to uiuw up. i .1. In.iuiinif ttMtjlnjH. rinmnound M UIU a'r-J ,u in. w. " Tnrbin water wheel tbat will do as ranch vork with the ame prex-ure a an) wheel ever offered to ine ptionc, ai a aniaii vurt. ueierence gtveu it rajmrei., C. W. ASKKW. juy ll-tf Plymouth, N. C TAXES- Th Tit for the vear 1S90 ha been placed in my hand for collection. All peraona indebted te me for Tate lor tue yea mw wm forward and aettle at once. A word to tb wipe ia kufllcient. John u. uhesok. sep4w Blriff Wa-hingtou Connty. FOR RENT OR LEASE. WkT u TJ..-.W. Vrwx-.wa.a- aiilit. TrVk IMVi-ntWirt YTxrm fttlft mile from Cre-well,N. C, conuining 185 acre, of goou inriiiiiiR wuu, wijumiHg ' T . - i ? tn i . lu..keM an si ..rhftre Till. I9.rtlt il .1 - 1 1 ., Aillnf..inifh. I . till fir 1. w. A rood order, about 75 acrea laying ont thia year . f : . V. . . .. n,,- Innlv l.i V lit rent or icaao c:oj vvt ' U. WtTB PaMLrs. to-j.1 Cweli, N.U, TOR SALE, u tha Ilenderaan Lewia farm. nUiiaied in Tyrrell county. Term f3.5C0.00, $1,000.00 caah, balance on time. Apply to ill IwO. -ny. sv4uv-t oct,24-tf. Sunny, N.C C-jlSttETS TH0S. J. MARRINER. Dealer m CASKETS, CASE8, MET ALIO and WOOD CASES Prices rancing from S15 to 9 100. - w- Customers will be furnished with con- EjjrAll orders at a distance filled promptly Stand J. W. NwDerry aoia aiore. FAN CY QROOIii DEALER IN Heavy and Faney Groceries. Hay. Corn, Mal and Uominv, FRUITS AND CONFECTIOEKIE8 South side Water Street. Plymouth, N. C. HORNTHAL & BRQ C0M11SS1II m FORWACDIK. lEECHAKTS AKD DBALEBSJH Ctotbisg, Dry tij, Mm, Boots, lm, (irccc m, Drugs, hink, Oils, Stovtsi Ik. rar HEADQUAKTERS FOR FERTILI ZERS. marl4-ly. PLYMOUTH N, C. flURNilY g JACKS DN UNDERTAKERS i o-A N D o CABINET WAKKItS, w-r JOjO$ Furniture repaired and all other work ia our line done with neatness and dinpittob. Contractors and builders of long expert, ence. All work guaranteed, tfctrOrdars left at our shop with Mr. L. E. Jackson will be promptly filled. NURNEY JACKSON Bep-lgtf ' " Yl; mouth, N. 0, CHRISTIiS and HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Call early. My stock of Christmas and all Holiday goods are displayed and ho public are invited to call early whil they have a complete stock to select from. My Mock consists of all kindsof perfumery, toilet soaps. &c, put up in Jne style. PLUSH GOODS. Snch as Work boxes, Toilet oases. Infant cases. Handkerchief cases, Glove cases. Writing desks, Ac. A fiuo line of Photograph and Autograph Albums. Come now and purchase your goods while you have the laigcst stock ever seen iu this town to select from. Any kind of present you want at prices raugiug Iroin 25cts. to 12. al 1 now our Mr. E, L Tarkenton will take pleasuie in showing the goods and giving you prices. In cnneciton with tho Holiday good, a sto- k of fine candies have been purchased expressly for the holiday trade. Respectfully, J. . Bryan. Plpiouth, N,C. F u i i in -Ml' - v s, HE NUliFOLK SOUTHERN R. It. t TIB PTRKOT SHOUT MJfft BBTWI'EN f LY UOVfH JCOKNTO.1 1M If.AHTfcKN AOKTH UAHOUA ASP NcJiPuLlt, AkD ALL, POPIT KOBTH. vrtl anJ VrnHtl laawaa Vlrfi-ktV elailtr r...inl ennrlivl at tl.OO i 1 nrrivea at fflnton l't:H' P.M., making close connec tion with all passenger liuea to and I row Baltimore, New York and Philadelphia and IV, nnrlh. Connect at Edenton daily (except Sunday) with the Company's Steamer Plj mouth for Koanoke lliver, JamesvilJe b Washington n AlhniirlA & ltalMo-h H. R. Ktr. Bertie for Windsor and Cashie River, also with the Dir. M. j. uoberts Xfesday, Thursday' aud Saturday for laudings en Chowan ; River and on Mouday and Fri drfy for Cqnablajaud land(ng on the Bcuppemoug . Kiver. ieve , aenton every Wednesday for Mill Jjauding, Salmon Creek and returns following day. Through tickets on sale on Strs. Plymouth anil I. VL Roberts and baeffaco cboked to stations on the Norfolk Southern K li., and . 91 . . M. . t.' lanainga on nirr roatea, ana iu DtuuioDrt), Philadelphia and tVew York. Norfolk freight and passenger stations at Norfolk & Western R, H. depot, Pnrioht nMiaivatl until fi P. If. (except uu,dij and forwarded promptly. EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH PAST FBSIQHT LINE. Regular line of Freight Steamers ply between Elisabeth City and New Borne aud Washington, N. C connecting with the AtJantio 46 North Carolina HailroaC. Daily all rail service between Elizabeth City, Edenton and New York, Philadel phia aud Baltimore and Norfolk. Through oars without breaking bulk, low rates and quicker time than by any other route. Direct ail goods to be shipped via ISastern Carolina Dispatch as follows: From Norfolk, via Norfolk Boo thera Railroad. From Baltimore, via P. W & B. R. R. President St. Station. From Philadelphia, by Peun. R. R. Dock St. Station. From New York, by Penu, R. R. Pier 27 North River. m twm I . IV t..m l ! cor lurttier luiuriiiaiiuu aipptj to Levi Bloupt, Agent, Plymouth, or to the (tanai-al Offinn tit thn Nnrfnlk Kntithrii Railroad Company Norfolk. H. C. HUDGINS, Gen'I. Fr't. & Pass. Ag't. H. K. KING, Gen'I. Manager, angl6-ly. 0, Jj PJKTXIGRK W, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Practices in all the States and Federal Court. Office, Water Street, PLYMOUTH, N. C. m ii 11 rt y ii t 1 1 r t- tt t . tie "ULLI iv - JjLlAUL 1 TT. PEAL Prnnrip.tnr. Plymouth, N. C. 3tASUPACTtREn OP Buggfloa, Phaetons, ltoad-carts, Farm-carts, waTons feo., at prices lower than ever. Men with the cash can get a bargain. I defy competition and will not be undersold, Repairing of all kinds done. Give me a call. PI.OTPJNO f rlLOTFlING iiiTruiism VlArTtl ING CLOTHING My stock of Clothing ia immense, and as it is neooN-iarj for me to nis 5.000 BOIilARS During the next thirty days, I have reduced my already low prices, and will sell 70a Clothing cheaper than you ever dreamed cf before. My stock of Ladies' and Gent's Furnishings, Dry Goods, Drr,a Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Furniture and Groceries is complete, aud will be sold cheaper than ever before durlncjthe next thirty days. Give me a call and be convinced of what'I guy, Yours to Pit ase, S. ADLEK, Is a big sight, but EXHIBITED F H E IS My J. 31, KEID & SON will "KNOCK IT SILLY " They are headquarters for Clothing, Dry Goods, Notions, Boots Shoes, Hats, Caps, Groceries, $c, fcc, In fact, a varied and well selected assortment of everythhig kept in a well equipped, first-clasi General Store. ICoontry Produce bought and sold, and the highest market prices guaranteed. Jg Come and bo convinced that we offer first-class goods at x'- figures that defy competition. WATER STREET. - - PJLYAIOtJTH, U. O. iWArj;iTBiD.. Every man and boy In want of a good .snit of f Hothen or a oontl fWrrrvmt cVinnl.1 avail themselves of the opportunity which is now offered by the undersign. ' 200 Men and Boy suit aJt qtialkiesJ.andat M tonishiug prices such as was never heard of before. 250 Pairs Men, Ymth andrBoya ,j)ai)te all quality from 83 cents to $ 7,00. 50 Overcoats 50 fvom $2 93 to $15.00. ; Latest Styles. 1000 Pairs Shoes at prices that defy competetion. Also my line of Dry Goods is complete and at prices within reach of all. Also a fins Una of Notions, Ladies and Gents Furnishings, Jewelry, Trimmings, Fancy Goods, Ac. Call eany every body and see for y turself that I do just as I say. . , Dou't forget the place. W. I. LEWK0WITZ. Opposite M. J. HUNCH CO., nov 28tf PtTMocTH, N, C. - D. O. RRIXKLEY & 00, -Dealer In- Foreign and Domeztia Wines and Liquors, CaOIOfi BRANDS OF CIGARS. A Foil Line of Superior Canned Goods always on hand. for sale by wholesale or retail, milGUTH, N.C.. JOS. S- WO0DAED, DEALER IN Wines, liquors, cigars and f TOBACCO. North hHe Water Streets, Plymouth, N, C. N, Garrett & Sons, -PROPRIETORS OF THE BAY OYSTER SALOON, Comer Water and Adams street.. Fresh oysters always on band, and pat, ronn can b- sorted at any hour, day or night. Givtas a call before go. ing eisewnere. oct.3-tf. - i;" Uarriaee f actory, t t 1 I-. . C. T Tin I I ! i pLorniNo t 1 1 I I V-LOTH1NU n the Stock of Goods