v-.-t-tt , .,..,.... - ..Eio vSoahoko '. 'Beacon The Official Paper of Wash ington Uounty. . v PLYMOUTH. v N. 0 Enters I Ah Past QJBce at Itymoutu N, C, as FUIOAY. DECEMBEtt , a0. Directory,. 4TAT1 fiOVEBRMKNT. Governor. Daniel (0. Fowle. of Wake LiuteaanU3oreruut, Thoa. M. Holt, of , Alimanoe. Secretary of State, Wm, L. Saunders, of wage. Treasurer. Do wild W. Bain, Of Wake, Auditor, Geo. W. SaoderUn, of Wayne SuDerintenda&t of Public Instruction ' idnev M. Flneer. of Catawba. Attorney General, Tbeo. F, Davidson, of Buncombe, " cootttt ootbbihiknt. 8heriff, Joha B. Chesson. Paputy Sheriff, L. i. Fagan. Treasurer. Louis Hornthal. Superior Court Cierk, Thos. J. Marriner . . m m w - tlilll 1 Kegiuter 01 JJeeas, j. jr. nuiiaru. Commissioners, II. J, Starr, A. M. John ton, Levi Blount, Pempsy Spruill and W . It. Chesson. Board of Education, T. S. ArmUtead . amL Johnston and W. J. Mercer. SuDerlntendent of health, Dr. E. L, Cox, &a Derm ten eut of Public Instruction ftev. Lather Eborne. CITT. llayor and Clerk, E. B. Latham. Treasurer, J. M. Reid. Police, Joseph Tucker. Citr Janitor, Earnest Carstarphen. Councilmen. D. O. BriuSley, (. H, Har rlaon, J. W. Bryan, A. Harden, Joseph Mitchell and John Wiggins. HUBCH SERVICES. Methodist Key. O. W. Robinson, pastor BeifieM every Sunday at 11 a. m and 7 . . Prayer meeting every Wednesday fiiekt at 7. Sunday school at 9a,m, F. Norman. Bioerintendent, 'Young Men' Prayer meeting every Monday night at 7 Baptist Eev. J. F. Tuttle, pastor. Ser. Vises vry 2nd. aud 4th. Sundays at 11 a ., and 7:80 p. m. rraycr meeting every Thursday night at 7:30, Snnday School vwy Sunday at 9 a. m., J. W. ciwlft 8tyriut?Hdeit. EDiscoDid Rev. Luther Eborne, rector. Fervices every 3rd Suuday at 11 a. m. and ' 7 -SO p. m. Sunday School at 10 a. m h, L Fagan. superintendent. v MEDICAL SOCIET. Sett Tuesday after' the first Monday of ' each month. Dr. 11. P. Murray, th'm. Dr, E. L. Cox, See'y. LODGES. K. of H. Plymouth Lodge No. 2508 neeta 1st and 3rd Thursday nights iu each month. W. IL Hampton Dictator, H. B. Yeager j; in. Reporter. Ki &L. of H. Roauoke Lodge Meets 2nd. and 4th. Thursday nights in each - month. J. F. Norman Pioteetor. N. B. Yeager, beefy. Esperanza Lodge, No. 28, 1 O O F, meets very 1st and 3rd Tuesday jnigbts of each month at Chesson'a EJalt, J no. YV. Piercy, X. O.Ihoa. J. Lewi-. 8tc'y. f . CITY MARKET 'REPORT. Asl&poited by CL H. HARRISOH, DEALER IN General Merchandise. Corn, per Bus., Meal, - " C, 11. Sides per , Bacon ii holders Bacon Dry Salt if Breakfast Stripe llama 8. C, JLard refined 70 cts 80 7 7 8 7 10 10 Flour, per barrel, from $4.50 to $0.50 W. I, ALoiassea, per gai.. Black strop " " Syrup " Granulated Sugar, per tt Light brown M " Butter - " Green Co&ee " " Roasted Coffee Eggs per do2.. Tobacco, pertt) Shot ' Pnirila - 85 20 3a 8 r ) & 25 f 20 25 to I 00 CJ to S bu to jr Coal Oil White.Safety 150, per gal. 13 Bed C, per gal. Apple Vinegar CulUnna Prunee, per lb Pickles. Cueumbei. per 100, Bee's Wax, per tb Tallow. ' O ides, best flint." ' Candy " M (Salt, fine, per Bus., " T. I. " " Blown V IB M 10 75 18 6 S 13i to 25 40 m 80 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GIVE ME A CALL! . W. PIERCY, DEALER IN Dry goods Notions, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, GROCERIES and CONFECTIONERIES. BeplM Wacr Street, PLYMOUTH, N. C. " WHITE BARBER SHOP PROF. P. A. TOODLE, PLYMOUTH, N. C. The Finest Tonsorial Artist in Eastern Carolina. Strictly a First-class establish ment. . Washington street, three doors from Water. 4 JylS-tf. Sdinund Alexander AT TORNEY-AT-LAW &REAL ESTATE AGENT,? - - Washington, N. C Branch Office Plymouth, N. C. IETALL REAL ESTATE BUSINESS in Washington county transacted by M-ss. C. V. W., & W. F. ADSBON at THE ROA NOKE BEACON OFFICE. BEACON FLASHES- . Monday was a lively day in town. The Board of Education met ou Monday last. . .1.-.: Read the ad of W, L. Lewkowitz lathis Issue, .v . i. W. Bryan's is headquarters for Xmas goods. Bee aa. - .. The children are now counting the days to unnatnia. Qnite a thunder and rain storm on Wednesday morning. , Buy your Christmas goods from the men wno advertise in this paper. Only 20 days and Xmaa will be here, Children remember this and be good. Read what that man over there in another column has to say about Thos. W, , Blouut, There are two thiucs that alwars make a man dream mince pie and love. Atchison I0De. Peanuts and rice continue to come, but cotton in being held back on account of the low pnoe. A woman in Boston 2ms invented a shoe sewine-machine, and sold her patent for f 150,000. There are some men who never can be pleased, while there are others who never try to please. . An oyster 6upper was given on Thanks. giving night at Mr, J. F. Norman's by the young people. Your city taxes are due. Chief Tucker has the tax books and will be glad to give you a receipt. Ho services in the Methodist church on Sunday morning lut. the pastor being at Ware's Chapel, A heavy wind storm struck Plymouth on Wednesday night about 8 o'clock followed by a cold wave. See Mr. N. B. Yeager's ad in this issue. Ho offers a line of first-class jewelry and Am as presents. PERSONAL- Dr. T, B. Wolfe is in Hyde county -on proiessionai DrilnebS. , . Mr, D. 0. Briaklcv made a ehort visit to Washington this week. . A plensnnt call on Monday, from our I rnena Mr. YY . J, Mercer, of Ureswell, Miss Ruth Tome, of Hertford, was visit ing her brother, Pfeof. C. W, Toms, this weex. Miss Charles, of Tarboro. was tne guest or her sister, Miss Mary Charles iniBweeic, Mr. Eddie Owens, of Baltimore, has been me guest of his brother, Mr. B. F, Owens, ior ine past wees. A large number of oeoDle from here at. leoaea toe dedication services of the new Decinle church at Williamston oa Snndav iasw Our young friend. Mr. EL W. Ilornthiil is in Baltimore, where he has gone to ao cept a position. Oar best wishes are with you Henry. , Mr. D, W. Spencer passed through our cy a rew days ago en-ronte for Baltimore to buy frumture for the new hotel at utuiiDgbon, a. J, Kev. J. F. TutUe was Tibsent attendins At T . . toe union Aieeunz near Columbia on Hna day last, tb.ere.ore there was no services in the Baptist church. Justice Thos. a Armistead will be absent from bis office for the next 30 davs. vimt ing relatives and friends in Washington. D. j auu Micninono, va. Master A. Brown Chesson. of Maokev's Ferry, son of our newly elected Senator. Mr. Wm. R. Chesson, honored our office with a visit ou yesterday. Read & Jackson, merchant brokers, ara now fitted up in a new office and invite the mercbants to call on them. Thev are ren. reBcnuug a numocr oi tne leading manu. factory's of the United States. Mrs. Eliza Rankins who was visitine her oaugnter, Mrs. u. ix Houston, left yester- aay ror snowuen, was accompanied by T fin1 IVia Anlmr rF tV,a mill nf fln,1 'Iuvod 1 ullos X1.IUUC UtJIlCU WUU UUS EOU6 W VJSll . . . . . Inerftnnt Mm. io .K Klavtniinn me uo time for dwputiue about his plans. Ueorge JJlaidouaMi TOYS, toys tbe like of toys you never saw is at U. H.. Habkison's. The man who is sure he can t be wrong is always the very one to find that1 it is the impossib.e which alwaj a happens. For Citron, currants, coconut, &e.t fruit cakes go to G. H. liAimtaoN. A mule will follow a bunch of hay all day, but he hates to be driven to pasture There u a good deal of mule in niau. A big lot of statkiuary just: recei7e at the Beacon office. Send in your job work. The woman lives the longest. For any fiveLvetcrAn soblfcrs long since dead there is an average of 152 widows. Judge. Ifor Mr. L, L. Owens, formerly in tbe livery business here, ha accepted a position with the clothing house of Kohn & Sohless. of I Baltimore, as traveling salesman in eastern North Carolina. Success to yoa friend Louis. , Cards are out for the marriage, on Dec.. l0th,ofMid3 Fanuie H. Carstarphen. of Plymouth, to Mr. J. D Cordon, of Wash ington, N. C. The ceremony will take place at the M. E. church at 10 30. a. al and a reception will be held at Washington at 8:30 p, in. Thanks for an invitation. Unless he is returned to this place by the Conference which meets at VY ilson next week, tbe Rev. O. W. Robinson will preach his last sermon here on Sunday night next . Mr, ltobmson nas labored iaithrnuy for the cause of religion during his at a If ff furn A big lot of brick for sale by J. M. Rid ears with th neonl Wa m b0r vu oju b o t' uw.4oouv., i no Dq returned 10 us ngaio. Married people, it is iaid. live longer than single ones. It seems longer any way, to unhappy couples. Boston .traveler. NOTICE A big lot of fine Clothing and Shoes will be found at J. M. Reid & Son. The newly elected Board of County Com missioners met on Monday last, qualified. and were sworn into office by Justice Thos. Aruustead. The finest line of ladies fine shoes will be found at J. M. Reid & Son. Mme. Carnot. wife of tbe President of France, is the most democratic of women. She visits all classes, assists all classes, and is kind to everybody. Ladies call and examine the fine line of walkiug jacketsjand capes at W. L. Lewko Mrs. Garfield lately sold a farm near prestonburg. Ky., for $7,000, which General riy Garfield bought during the earl tbe war for less tnun $700. days of We will ba glad for the young, men to call and examine our fine Hue of shoes, any tyle and cat you may want. J. 1. IvEID OS SON. A petition is being gotten up and signed by some of the most prominent citizens of our town, irrespective of party o color, to Some IWiacoas Why. We are asked why our subscribers do not get their papers regularly ft this office? The only reason we ttuow of. is that the officials do not delirer them. We mail tb.e Beacon every Friday morning at 8 o'clock, or as soon thereafter as the office is open. It is no fault of ours, are not only sse that every paper is mailed from this office, but we have two men to go over tne mailing list after the mailing clerk has fiuithed direouug, and these men will make oath that every paper is mailtd each week. Now where is the trouble it is not at the Beacon office. It is at the Plymouth postofflca, and no whrfe else. 'some of our subscribers discontinue their paper because they ' can not get it. Is this justice, either to us or to the pub" lie? Some men who rent a private box at tbe office do not get the paper for three weeks, aud then get tbeui ail at oace. Some men get their paper with tbe name toru off. Why is this doner The explanation we get from tbe officials is that tbey could not find the right paper just then, but will look it up later, and substitute it in the place of tbe one toru and delivered. We do not think it just for the officials at W ashingtou to impose upon the people iu socb a way. If we are to nave a post- the industrial development of soma cf the States, he concludes as follows t 'Tt is a fact not generally understood in the North that the industrial growth of the Bombern (states east of tbe Mississippi, ana especially the agricultural growth, has been more rapid, mora substantial and more satisfactory to immigrants than the industrial growth of the new States of the West. The climate is more salubrious: the access to markets is vastly better: the certainty ox crops is much greater, and the ! . m j i . . .... variety vi products is many umes mum plied, f Indeed, if the industrial people who start from the Eastern States to find new (homea for their families in new sections of the country, were intelligently advised of tne countless advantages the eontb offers them over the far Western States, the whole tide of industrial emigration would epeedily turn from the boasted sway of empire toward the setting sun and settle down in the Sunny South. It must be o sooner or later, and soon at the latest $ and the sooner it is so, tbe sooner will our migrating in dustrial people best employ their opportu. nines. ' . It gives us pleasure to re-produce these paragraphs ooming from such a judicious observer as Uol. McCInre, and especially at this time when our Immigration Con vention is attracting; the attention of the wnote country. No Little Excitememt. No little excitement was caused on Moo. day by the disorderly conduct of one Henry Bwain while under tbe influence of liquor. it seems tnat Mr, Swain became involved in a dispute with some one at Mr. B. F. Owens' stables where he soon had a clean j bouse and was using profane language on the street. Police Tucker appeared 'ftnd tried to subdue the anger of Mr. Swain but to no avail, then as a matter of duty the officer arrested him for disorderly conduct. and the man refused to go. Finding that it was impossible to manage him alone, Mr. Tucker summoned assistance but be had only gone a short distance when the prisoner made fight upon officer aud ,men. After Chief Tucker had received a bow which almost knocked him down, he be. can to use his billy which seemed tbe last aud only resort. Tbe prisoner was then taken before the Mayor who ordered him to ue connned. At 7 o'clock tne man was released and went home, after a fine of five dollars and costs had been paid. Mr. Swain is an industrious aud highly respected farmer and when not under the influence of liquor is a peaceable man. We as well as bis many friends regret his mis fortune. THE ALBEMARLE SECTION. Fisherman and Farmer. The Albemarle section of North Carolina. in all respects, la best adapted to the de mands of the rich and the real needs of the poor than any section of the country the eye of man has ever rested upon since the time of Adam's ejectment from bis God-given home of absolute plenty. We live under an Egyptian sky and pluck un- Jing flowers from never falling beds. From January to January men work and are rarely hindered by frosts or snow. In o8 tbey were hindered for a few days and have been, once or twice since that time, kept from business for ten or twelve hours, but never longer. Our summer is never excessive for more than a day or so at a time and, although the thermometer seems at times to be trying itself yet, the weight of tbe atmosphere, as indicated by the barometer, is never punishing Rich lands. good climate, and waterj filled with fish of every variety and abundance, no man can fail to live' who is industrious enough to reach out and take it in. have the present postofflce officials removed office iu this town, we should Laveone Wa uti'.Ii it aiiAAdfld I llidf nrill traf tVio nartnlA inat TP 4nfifif.A , , , r can not be given by the present incumbents, would realize, a higher form of . . h 'A ftn5 cnill(, nnn n. If you religion you must first broaden the horizon of woman's thought, and give us an active interest in all the principal affairs of life. Elizabeth Cady Stanton. We have for sale a beautiful parrot which is well trained, and talks and sings almost plainly as the human voice. Apply at this office. We have the prettiest and best selected stock of fine dress goods aud trimming to eo with every dress pawrn in the city. The Sheriff gives notice that taxes must be paid by Dec,, 12th or trouble will visit the camps of some of Our citizens. Remem ber that there are two things that cn't be jumped taxes and death. Better get to hustling. Ladies 1 call and examine our fine and well selected stock of Dress goods before purchasing elsewhere, J. M. Reid & Son. Thanksgiving day passed off quietly and was observed by mauy of our business men, though not as strictly as should have been. There was services in tbe Methodist and Baptist churches in the morning, and the entire day seemed like the babbatb, ao quiet was the town, the only places of business kept open were the bar-rooms. Old 'Santy ybu had better buy your toys early aa they are going out fast G. H. Habribok. iu cnarge. mere is a law to give tne tbe people justice and when a man's basi ness has been injured as ours nas oeen, b the negligence of our officers, we think time to demand justice The charges being made are not mauci ous, we would no; do any ming against the parties in charge, but we do c airn that the office is neglected, and we can bring the best of evidence to prove our statement true. We do not ass, neither do we expect I any favors of the Republican party or its officials, but mo do ask to be treated jnst aud with courtesy. V THE SOUTH AS A FIELD FOR IMMIGRATION, News and Observer. Towards the middle of December there is to be an Immigration meeting at AsheviUe, at which delegates from all the Southern States will attend: and we loo for tne presence of several hundred delegates, nerhaDs a thousand. It will be one of the largest and most important conventions of o . . ... ., , the kind ever Held at tne eoutn, ana me likelihood U it will be productive of much good to our section. Here and there throughout the Houtn manuiacranng iowds have latetv sDrung UD. and there has been a steady growth of industrial enterprises in all of our towns and cities- in inia new development each of the Southern States The new board of county Commissioners ha its share, some like Alabama and are : Joseph r-kitUetbarpe, H. J, Star, D. B. Virginia, profiting greatly Irom mining latbam ana JUL. a. ljeiMsaueia, wiui creep n una iron operauuuB, wuu- uiiMUKomA aa rhnirmftn llr W m I f !arn inftfl find tit-orsm muiupivimr lucir " ... . . I . .1-1 lf.aUA: .nlnutiii,n Chesson was one or tne newiy elected out I lactones ana aiversujwg ." iuuu.v.cD, failed to Qualify, henee a mtetiug ot the Magistrates is called to meet on tne first Monday in January to elect a man to fill the Vacanoy. But in all alike has agriculture been prosperous. Uotton ana tonacco are siapie cropa that yield ready cash at all seasons. Speaking on this subject, Col. McClnre, of the Philadelphia Times, who has just made a tour through the South, says in his paper; . . ' . A recent nastv visit io some ui wie Yon are In a Bad Fix Tint wa will care vou if you will pay us Our message is to the weak, nervous and I leading centres of industry in the Souihern j.hUitn.:-d. who. bv early evil habits, or states east of the Mississippi demonstrated later indiscretions, have trifled away their the wonderful progress the South is making vigor of body, mind ana mannooa, ana in tvery hnof induiry. ir ine peopieoi Who suffer ail those effects which lead to j the North understood the material interests premature decay, consumption or iusauity J 0f the South as they really are, aud appre- ujatcu mo Bicttuj . . j.. .... . -. not onlv in tho development of the mineral wealth "of those Stt-s. but also in the growth of agricultural interests, it would be of pru-eles benefit to both sections " . Aud then, after mentioning particularly If this means you Book of Life, send lor and read our ' written by the greatest NOTICE. Noam CaBoLika Washihgtoh Couxtt. Franklin McMair, Sarah McNair, ) jjavia uarreit, stuarc AJieu ana l Julia A. Allen. I Notice VS. 1- of Aa Sawyer, JCetella Garrett, 1 Partition. Cliarlea Koborcon and Anuie I Robcntou. J Br virtue of authority confered npon me by order or tne superior court or me aroregahi county la the above etui, led came, I will mil oo Monday the Mil day of January 1931, at t!:e Court Houe door iu ItBiOJith to the highest bidder for cash, the ian a aeocnuea in me pt-tition niea in tnis cause, situated in said county and State and adjoining the IuikI of G. U Bon-en, U. W. Sawyer and others aud being the land devised by Asa tiarriaan to the petitioners and defendants in this cause. S. B, Sfauill, Dec , 5, 1890. Commissioner. JEWELRY! Watches & Clocks. And a fall line of Holiday PRESENTS Anything in the line of Jewelry will be found in my store. Repairing Watches and Clocks a special feature of the business. N. B- Yeager, Water Street, Plymouth, N. G. rjyThe lateat Improve style Waterbury Watches Fur sale. CITIZENS' BARBER SIIOP. West Side Washington St, Near Watrr St. I. E. JACKSON, ARTIST C3" The only white Tonsorial Artist in Plymouth, Your patronage solicited. B- CHEABS, H.D. Having located permanentl in Ply mouth, N. C tenders his professional services to the citizens of tbe Town and surrounding country. Office at Bryans Drag Store Residence at Latham House, SUBSCRIBE TO THE ROANOKE BEACON. 'stM'nf 'oV ff XSTTW ! Jf ... i.aii fe.i ..tfi .... m.. lloO ao JM JJ loooes Specialist of the day, and Kent (sealed) for 0 cents in stamps. Address Dr. barker's Medical aud Surgical Institute, lol sorth Spruce St., H.i.hville, Teuu. 'una n .fcuptV aSfHi4 Mill iiaodiua nJt ppj.ojd ptin iqlw iMt n IH!t pun -oq m njv.wn, jun mm i"j tntm n -nnoiii i.qi um n.j ani l( J(M iViiwhi jiutttta tHiinif am l.liuiy s . I-A jqiMiMM-WMHH ao jM ) j( 0(. PS 'vlfi. PU . M I juqi.;o aou.Ht liusnpilii iiV M iHjl tTpun i IHV3A ' tOmiA.Itu vr.r ! Itrlnir m.rt. bjr John a. Goodwin,! roy.K.V.,., ork fur n. Msultr, you timy nt m.'ke much, but w no lech yiitKiiili kly bow to cm from ti to iu . it., at l ho aimt. and mora Von so on. nuih . nil in mnj wr oi Amrriru. vou mil eomiiirhrr l hoiiit, viv. lite fll your ttmvr irc momenn onlv to lb work. All la new, (.rat pay Ml Mk tt varv worker. VV dart you, fnmltbinf v.i-vihlnr. KASII.Y, HfKtKILY inrntd. PAKI ll t LAIta KHkK. Addrawat (inta, SllNSOa tO., fVUTLikB, BAlK. ill aA 1 YOURITTBMOII! maaaa- MWV aSaaakaakaF If Waa. W WaaavW Ladies first, and gentlemen after aU. " lam on deck to tell you a thing or two that the American people do not kasw, and these people behind me are trying to tell you the same true story. They are Farmers, Mechanics and Laboriaj, men. What they and I wish to toll you, la thai THOg. W. BI.l7Enr, off oper, j.. oj., la one of the leading merchants of these United States, North Carolina and Washington county included. Wn-IYOTJUSTEHt This man of whom I speak is, first, last and all the time, ready with a big stock ot good to supply your wants. DID YOU HEAE TIE! This man of whom I speak not only keeps the goods, but he sella them cheap, and defies competition, ' OLD HAH LISTEH. V It your wife and family treats yoa mean, go to THOS. W. BLOUKT3 and trade, and they will be pleased. u . YOTJHG HAH LISTEII. If your best girl is about to give you the G. B. go to this matt of whom tell you, andget one of his suits of clothes, which will make her admire you. The ladles will also find tt a good plaoe to trade. He buys goods in CAB LOAD LOTS And soils thcui at low prices, whicli is tho tez: he has tiuch a large trade . " . i. i ." -. If you want a bargain buy your Dry Goods, Clothing, BooU and Shoe?, Bats and Caps, Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, and ia fact anything you need, from a pin to an engine, cf T. W. 3LOTJITT, mm

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