o:;k i?ir; nr;TiNG news coMriMso rr.oai many soubctc ' . 3S 11 !Wr, ared 105 years. rtid at her hnmt fit tlrousp, on the Carolina Central -wiw-piilyi -rAtJiy,'. V.j Aaron Gibson was killed by a man 'named Candill in a runkrn raw. . -Tli. nine-year old daughter of Georpe Hampton, of " Loudoun county, Va., fell into a MiiaH stream, and was drowned. -Picket Gamp of Confederate Veterans, of Richmond, Vo.f adopted resolutions in com meinoration of the death of Gen. Joseph E. Johnson. , A contract rmsi been awarded for the con fitruction of a Baptist t'hureh at Roanoke, Va., to cost $25,000 exclusive of the lot on which it is to be erected. ' t ', ! The Franklin Xnmher Company's property, owned prmcipaly by merchants of Frsnklin, Va., was partially destroyed by fire a few days tince. JDamago, $23,0u0; insurance about ?10,000. l. The War Department has granted the sur. ; vivorg of a New York regiment permission to rtaee a larje bronze statue in the Antietam Nations! Cemetery, in memory of their fallen eomratles. Four Americans and one Italian were drowned in Laurel crrek, near Webster Court- ; house, W, Va., a few nights ago while attempt ing to cross a stream on a foot log, which was . swept' away. ; ; In Petersburg, Va., Miss Annie Hand, ayed ninety-two years, committed suicide by taking . poisons She had been in very feeble health, and for sometime part had also been suffering from injuries received by a fall. Contracts1 have been closed whereby the Essex Yarn Mills,; of Newarkv N. Jy will be removed at once to Roanoke, V a. . The com. pany will be organized under the name of the Virginia Blanket Mills, -with $100,000 capi- "An .epidemic of poisoning cases occurred in Chattanooga, Tenn., fourteen victims having no far been reported, although none have f roved fatal.. The cause was cream puffs ought from a confectionary. The medium is thought to be arsenic. John Godman, a prominent citizen of Boston, , visiting .Asheville, N. C, was shot in the leg by outer summers, a arunicen carpenter, ai ; the time Mr. Godman was out horseback riding with two friends, who were also shot, snstain- in Hiigm wounus. vouiuau b nurse rwcucu ' a flesh wound. , ; ' : r ;. . - -. j . A disease called spotted fever is" raging in Milan, Tenn. Over thirty persons have died within t hffpast two days. Not a single patient has so far recovered. The people are fleeing and all the immediate towns have quarantined against the stricken towns of Newbern and Gates. The unveiling of the heroic bronze statue at . the tomb of Gen. T. J. Jackson, at Lexington, Va., will take place on the 21st of July next, ' and the veterans of the Stonewall Brigade have been called .to meet at Staunton the 9th of June to make, arrangements for participa ting in the ceremonies. : . . v In Union county. Tenn., two brothers , named Haynes, aged fourteen and sixteen , respectively, became involved in a quarrel over opening a gate, when the older one cut his brother so badly that he died afterwards of his injuries; The, one that did the deed is almost crazy with remorse and grief, and has to be watched left he kill himself; .; A wreck occurred on the Asheville & Spar .' tanburg railroad by a collision of a freight from Asheville and a material train near Landrum. ' The fireman and a negro on the material train was killed. : Both the engineers and eighteen of the hand were initired. rnanv of them fatally. ( The collision was the result of the freight conductor's disobedience f orders. , r - 1 if wi !i 1 t-a r: o it: tt-1 . ix. v . Hrie was snot vy iuiru cuiiie jiui land, at Roboinsville; Graham county, Jf. C, several daya ago. The wound wad not serious. About a' year ago Cftgle slandered. Miss Hol land andleft the county. He returned to Rob- ' Kiniivillf. rwlfpviTiir 4hnt fh affair Hfl1 Kppfi forgotten, but Mws Holland armed herself i with a pistol upon learning of Cagle's return, and attempted to kill him. An old landmark has been removed from the farm of Mr. Otho Bryan, near Hagerstown, Md., in the shape of an immense oak tree : Btump, measuring five feet ten inches in di ameter and twelve feet in length, and weigh ing nearly ten thousand pounds, i The tree , --was computed, from the'rings about it. tobebe ' tween two hundred and two hundred and twenty-five yeart old. A distressing ' drowning accident occurred near Lynchburg, Va., the other day. Mrs. Greenwood and Mrs, Alexander Marshall were coming ; to the city in a buggy, and while crossing a stream called Judith's creek, which . had become swollen on account of the recent rains, their vehicle capsized and threw both into the stream. Mrs. Greenwood was saved by a cobored man who happened to come along, but Mrs. Marshall was drowned. Her body was found about 700 yards below the scene of the accident. t V The Canroll Manufacturing Company are making extensive improvements- at their works, situated at Carroll, Md. The woolen mill on tWe property, is in suceessful operation, employing a large number of hands, and there will be annexed, in a short time, a large ad dition, which will greatly increase their capac- 1"ty for manufacturing epecialities in the same ine. On the same property a large building is being erected for the manufacture and stor age of ice, which will have a capacity of sixty five tons per day. A lively fight occurred a day or so ago between Miss Jeanie Jerome ana Miss Mary ; Ellington, two prominent young ladies of Clear V .. creek township,' Mecklenburg county; t2i.C. Miss Jerome accused Miss Ellington of making rather slanderous remarks about her. : Miss Ellington denied ever hearing of the remark, whereupon Mitss Jerome told her she lied, ana jumped on her, knocking her down three times. Girl friends of both parties took part in the fight, and one had her head badly cut; , . others had their dresses cut. It could not be , ascertained who used the knife. A SUICIDE AT NINETY-TWO. tMJng Annie Hand Takes Bough on Rats at " Petersburg, Va. Miss Annie Hand, residing in Petersburg, Va., committed suicide by taking Rough on Rats. A She, had been in delicate health for some time, and a short time ago received a , fall, from the effects of which she never fully recovered- It is thought that her mind was unbalanced. Miss Hand was ninety-two years of age, and had resided in"V Petersburg for meny years, Just before she took the fatal . dose, she approached Mrs. Elliott, a lady who lived in the house with her, aM after telling Mrs. Elliott bood-bye, placed le gls con taining the poison to her mouth aud swallowed Its contents. ; KILLED BY AN "ELECTRIC WIRE. A Chattanooga Fireman Struck D.d While at Work on a Lofty Ladder. A most horrible accident occurred in Chat tanooga, Tenn., in the presence of several thousand persons who had gathered at the corner of Ninth and Georjria avenue to wi(nes the Cre department putting out a small Maw Jn thn European Hotel. Charles Werner. lit au mr"rniiui ic ure aepartrncot wrs st; the top of the long ladder playinsf a h'e in the third-story window when he pot s slinck i'rom a live electric light-wire and rfrop p d dead to the ground, to the horror of the Jarre crowds. The horrible death of Werner on the electric wire demoralized the fireman fur a iVw minutes and the fire fa.ir.ed renewed head v y. The Iom v ill be ab'iut $L0,0)0. A liot'l building on th same site was de , -ovd hj fire in 1c ') uni three people burned A WonJerfal Usenet, .Probably the largest and strongest magnet in the world is that at.Willett'a. 1'oint, New York. It came to be made by accident. Major King happened to aee two large fifteen-inch Pahlgrcn cannon lying unused side by Bide on the dock.v Ho immediately conceived the idea that a magnet of great pow.er could be constructed by means of thpso cannon with submarine cable wound around them. Electricity was used, and the cannon were converted into u permanent magnet which Btancls about ten feet from the earth j with, eight miles of cable wound around the upper part of the gunsi It takes a force of twenty-five thousand pounds to pull off the armature: A crow-bar applied to the magnet required the combined force of four men to bear it away. A seem ingly impossible; experiment was .per formed with1; somer fifteen-inch canuon balls. . They were as much as a strong man could lift, yet the magnet held several of them in the air suspended one under the other. An amusing ex periment was made with a big sledge hammer. When one tried to wield it in an. opposite direction from the magnet ne felt as if he were trying to hit a blow with a feather in a gate of wind. . .'Model Gill Bujinj a Stamp.' "One two-cent stamp, please." It was a young and pretty woman ' who said this in the post-office ; the other day. She was at the head of a long line of men waiting to be served, and every man expected there would be one of those long and exasperating delays that usually occur when a women steps up to the stamp window. . . Bat nothing of the kind happened and everybody was pleasantly disap pointed. . In the first place, she had the exact change, and again, when she got the stamp she did not stop to asET questions or wait to affix it to her letter. She simply took her purchase and went away unmindful of the broadside of ad miring glances she received. She was a model young woman. - Waste of money and time usually go hand in band. Money made certainty. by chance will go with fcSTATS OF OHIO, C'ITT OF 'l'OUEDO, I LitTCAS UOUNTY, t Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the Vendor partner of the firm of F. J, Cheney & . J ,v Co., doing business la the City of Toledo, County and Stat aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of $100 for each and every case of catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. - Frank J. Chkket. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D., 1880.' , ' 1 A. W. G JLKASON, SEAL 5- ' r Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. - F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. . BT Sold by Druggists. 75c. - When is a window like a star?r-When it's a skylight I " Relieved by he First Dene." MfcAGSVixiJE. Tenn.. Anril 10. 1890. i I am under many obliiratione to you for send 1IJK IUB IUO NUUUB LHIILIOOI c HIT ipiBJVin. 1 did me more good than any medicine I eve saw. I would like to have a large bottle, an't I sincerely believe that it -will do all that too recommend it to do. The first dose relieved me, ana i am so much better than 1 was. Miss 8. Abmsthono. Flnraplexlnn is the speedy and permanent cure for Sick Headache, Indigestion, Dyspep- Dlf, uuiuuaucne, unci vuiiiuiumi, iici fnun lr; bllity and Consumption. It is the onlv sure cure for these complaints. Ask your druggist lor it, and get well. Friendship at its highest height is stronger than kvii. Bbown'b Iron Bitters cures Dyspepsia, Ma laria, Biliousness and General Debility. Gives Strength, aides Digestion, tones thu nerves creates appetite. The best tooic for Nursing Mothers, weak women and children. The first snow flake of winter, how signifi cant and the firt white hair! Can the sale of an inferior article constantly Increase for 24 years? Dobbins's Electric Soap has been on the market over since 1865. and is to-day as ever, tht beb and puret family soap made. Try it. Your grocer will get it. : Life is a long course of mutual education which ends but with the grave. ? Malaria cured and eradicated from the system by Brown's Iron Bitters, which en riches the blood, tones the nerves, aids diges tion. Acts like a charm on persons in general ill health, giving new energy and strength. , Ttf make elose connections with Death has to run on time. eternity FITS stopped free by Dn. Ki.nrE'B Greai Serve RstsTOREA. No fits after erst day's use. arvelous cures. Treatise and $2 trial bottle .tree. Dr. Kline, mi Arch St., Phtla.. Pa. Be quick. You can use a minute but once make the most of it. If afflicted with ore eyes use Drlac Thorn p. eon's Eye Water. Druggists sl 1 at 25c par bottlo True honor despises evasions. Sprin : Is so important that everybody kriws its ne cessity and value. And there s nothing equal to Ci3do,is To Purify the Blood, create an appetite and overcome That Tired Feeling. (00 Doses One Dollar A piled Into Nontiils Is Quick iT AiMOi-bnl, Clcuuiioi the lleaii, Ueals lh bore ao4 Cura 7, Kjm. m .1 -l.' j 1 tV--f ( 4; j '" '1 EudS iciEie Tssf Twt iiJ II. lTil.-k- I -hi Hi" & Bt r. T hi' -i . M Wl'Wi dL, g, T. Origin or"E:ec;r;ai Terns. Electricians uao'many odd terms in their technical conversation, which are but component parts of a dead language to most listeners. Thus we hear them, speak of "farad," "ohms, ""joules,"" "amperes, " "watts," etc. Theunitof capacity ( is . one farad; the' unit of resistance, one ohm; the unit of work, one joulcj' the : unit of activity, one watt; the unit of quantity, one coul-' comb; the union of current, ; one ampere; the unit of magnetic fiel(J, one gauss ; . the unit of pressure, one volt, and the unit of force, one dyne. Odd as these names may sound to the cal", there, is really nothing wonderful jn connection, with their origin, they all having been derived from the name of some man famous in his special field of electrical study. The Michael Farra day, George S. Ohm and James 1. Joule! famous English and German discoverers, gave their names to the first three units - mentioned above; James Watt and Andre M,y Ampere,' English and French inventors, to the two units following; Charles A. Coul comb and Carl F. Gauss, the former a' Frenchman and the latter a German, give their names to the units of quantity and magnetic field. The volt is named for the Italian ' discoverer, Volta; the dyne is derived from the root word of dynamo, itself meaning force. THE POfflTT. C 6 f 1 From a Cathollo Arch- ; - bishop down to the Poorest of tho Poor If all testify, not only to the virtues of ST. JACOBS Oil. The Great Remedy For Pain, but to its superiority over all other remedies, expressed thus: It Cures Promptly, Permanently; which means strictly, that the pain stricken seek a prompt relief with no leturn of tho pain, and this, they say, St. Jacobs Oil will give. This Is its excellence. erman Those who have not used Boschee's Ger man Syrup for some severe and chronic trouble of the Throat and Longs can hard A Throat and Lung Specialty. ly appreciate what a truly wonder ful medicine it is. The delicious sensations of healing, easing, clear ing, strength-gathering andrecover ing are unknown joys. For Ger man Syrup we do not ask easy cases. Sugar, and water "may smooth a throat or stop a tickling for a while. This is as far as the ordinary cough medicine goes. Boschee's German Syrup is a discovery, a great Throat and Lung Specialty. Where for years there have been sensitiveness, pap, coughing, spitting, hemorr hage, voice failure, weakness, slip- I pwg down mil, wnere doctors ana 1UCU1UUC ttliLi uu V iv.(..ija v v. utm svtui- lowed and followed to the gulf oi despair, where there is the sickening conviction that all is over and the end is inevitable, there we place German Syrup. It cures. You are a live man yet if you take it The Cod That Helps to Cure The Cold. The disagreeable taste of the GOD LIVER OIL is dissipated in UK Of Pure Cod Liver Oil with HYPOPHOSPHITES OF LIMB 60DA. The patient suffering from CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, COI"C II, COLD, Olt WASTING IHSKASIiS, may take the remedy with as much satisfaction as he would take milk. Physicians are prescrlb- luff 1 1 AVArlrtrhArA It tm m nnrfof .mfllilnn. anus wonaenui llcsn producer, lane no oarer lUULaLyULi, JforCought.ColdsandConwmptlon, l beyond I question the greatest of $11 modern remedies. S j l will stop a Cough In one night. It will check! it Cold Ina day. M will prevent Croup, relieve Asthma, and CURE Consumption if taken In; HT.t. IF THE LITTLE ONES HAVE j ! WHOOPING COUGH . : s7 Oft ' 33, GROUP I Usfl it Promptly.: J may save their lives. ASK YOU DH)0 S6I5TF0RIT. IT TASTES COOD.i - "Mn imiTOws ihll be to the wlc'.r-1., P. S2 MCANOK i Positive ca-. rvois & Fhyslcnl De bility, MiDijtl iJcprfBslon. Lack of CtintMeiiee, Palpi iarlori Hiart.Wfiik Memory, "W., by mtu). gnouamii. tiwaunrat. It. buulevv's tretle (spaleOl free. Urn lfvt MKDinva Co.. 14 Wnnhmirt'n Ave. Scrnt'D.I'' fT!irf NFRvnra, tViTfHF.n tn-.rtf ls pint I J i . wnl. ind li.'-) wril, It'taUft sielitr teli IkjW. Ml ?!. a yr. mpl oupy DOCTOR ' j : ENGLISH : A : A ,'r'7 Wi k)vweh evert-: S THING ,EL8Ej 1 X- ' fcw't afford to. 2 1 ' be without It." mk 5 Re. hnftfa mnvsnvs s 100 In rtnntnr'a hill! It's sometimes said patent medicines are for the igno rant.' The doctors foster this idea. , "The people," we're told, " are mostly ignorant when it comes to medical' science." ; . Suppose they are 1 ' What a sick man needs is not knowl edge, but a cure, and the medi cine that cures is, the medicine for the sick.' : Dr. Pierce's' Golden Med ical Discovery cures the u do believes V and the " don't be lieves," There's no hesitance about it, no if " nor " possi bly." . It says " I can cure you, only do as I direct." ' ; .: , Perhaps it fails occasionally. The makers hear of it when it does, because they never keep the , money when the medicine fails to do good. Suppose the doctors went on that principle. , (We beg the doctors' pardon. It wouldn't do!) , ' Choking, sneezing and every other form of catarrh in the head, is radically cured by Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Fifty cents. By druggists: MEMORY BOOKS. Crttlelwng on two irocnt Memory System. Rdy tout April lit. Full Tablm of Coo toe U forwarded nly to tkoM who tend itamped dlreoKsd enTelopo. jLlto Prospetu POST FRSK of the LoisettlonArt f Never Forffettinir. Addrw Prof. iiOISGTTE. 237 Fifth Are., New York. A1T$ BUGGIES 4I1 I O ROAD W10SXS At Wholnal Prlcpii where we bare no Agent, baud Xor Catalogue toUAY 4c CO., Ottawa. III. DIPPV IfMCCC FOflmTKLT RKMKDIKD. DAUUl AHlCO Orwely Vmat Mtretcher. Adntc4 by tluiienU at flarrard, Amhent. and oMier CoHflgaa, alio, bT profeaelonal anil burin men every wbera. If not for tfilc tn your towa end M&m. to B. J. UJtKKLY, 7U Waahlngtoti Stmt. Stpk a PAINLESS. Ir r i i 1 WORTH A GUINEA A BOX ForDIUOUS t HERVOUS DISORDERS Such aa Wind and Pain in the Stomach, Fullness and Swelling after Meals. Dizziness, and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushings of Heat, Loss ofAppetito, Shortness of Breath, Costiveness, Scurry, Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations, &c, THE FIRST DOSE WILL CIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. BEECH AMS PIUS TAKEN AS DIRECTED fiS70lfE FEMALES TO COMPLETE HEALTH. Fop Sick Headache, Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, Constipation, Disordered Liver, etc.. they ACT LIKE MAQIC, Strengthening the muscular System, re storing lonit-lost Com plexion, bringing bnck the keen edge of appetite, and arousing with the ROSEBUD OF HEALTH tho whole physical energy of the human frame. One of the beat guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated U that BEECHAM'S PILLS HAVE THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY PROPRIETARY MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. rrrpitrrd only by THO. BEKCHAM. St. nlna, rnnciiaktrr. Fnirlnnd. Sold by IhruaffiatspeneraVy. B. F. ALLEN CO.. 365 and 367 Canal St.. New York, iMole Apentufnr the United 8taten. rho (if nr drapKiiit doe. not kicp them) WIUi MAIL BEECHAM'S PILLS on RECEIPT of PKICK.25cts. A BOX. (Mxntion this PArrn.) DOVJM WITH WHY not buy from its Kinn in the WONDERFUL LUBUR6 CHAIR Combine a room-foil at Chairs In one. besides makings Lonntre, Bed, or : w Tit WONDERFUL I VJ . Ove TV 31 WONDEnFULOWWiBO tmr'i B ... -m T j . Priiii. I Invalid appliances of every description Fancy Chairs. Rockers, AO. LIIRARV BCtKt. rucr cnaira. Jtocnere, aa -O Write at once for Catalogue. Send stamvs and mnrifion ootids wanted, THE LUDURC MANUFACTURING CO. PHILADELPHIA. PA. Dept. A 1031k Kos. 331, 3JJ3, 325 North 8th Street. m Beet Con sh Medicine.' Cures where all else fails. - PleaBant and agreeable to tJae : i taste. Children tako.it without objection. 27 Urugrgists.-1 Chichesten'S Enqush. vuc "I" "e mnsi lncor -iBDJDBklflll.WrWWM.. m.ke. one's future prperoua. Are yo...tUa8 to spend $;0J to 121 to accomplioh thkt eid f "Why ii U that the nijorliyof our puplta are recommended by our gradaates ? An easy uestiou : beca38e PALMS COlXEOB flld .o weU thein! ' si coo 01 ICO CI :co L 010OO AH of tbe doing equally Wb caa btter your condition. Will you permit us to do ao f Have you had a Catalogue ? 'Alaskan 3Iosqn toes. . Mosa". shrubs and berries grow in great profusion along .Yak a tat Bay chore, and ovct the moraine a regular trail waa formed at tho large brown bears crossed nnd rccrossedin search of food or berries, writes M. B. Kerr in Scribner." The glacial stream divided into a thousand branches and formed an ideal delta, depositing silt and glacial debris. Our course took us over a mountain spur and across an interior basin about one thousand five hundred feet in height, filled with numerous lakes and 6warming .with mosquitoes. Indeed, there were such myriads of the latter that imagination suggested that each flake of enow had concealed with in it a germ, and thus" the mosquito hAi generated. Here it, is that some times huge brown bears, driven to furry and desperation by these tormenting little beasts, finally ; tear their flesh and die in agony. . A Wroinf Echo, "Fellow' citizens," , thundered the impassioned orator, : bringing his Gst down hard on the table, "what, I ask again, is our country coming to? Aipd echo answers What?'' v ' "Pardon me sir," interposed a mild looking man in the audience, rising to his feet; did I understand your ques tion to be 'What is our country comiug to?" .Yes, sir." "And you said echo answers What?" "Yes, dr." "Then, there is ' something wrong with the accoustics of this building,", said the mild looking man, sitting down and shaking his head in a perplexed way.' ' , CARRIAGES-llARUESS hew and wrwmd-band. Snd for caUloyuo. Mill II ftalV 'iO Jb'Ji Wnnmi-r Wtrrfti flMi Ha GRAT, Esut: 1853. KfcW YORK. Gr2t PENSION Cil! is rdsseui wm,.i. m and Fathara are en titled to S 18 mo. Fee l w hen y ou aet your money. Blank! free. JOSEPH II. HUIXH, Aitf. Waitoat P, L BEST IN THE WORWV H Vm rx M l tr Get the Oer.ulne. SolA Ererywhere. HIGH PRICES the Ijargrrnt Factory f C1VC Jlililcmen or unit Dealer1 prouts. REFRICRAT0H 1,000 Articles vlirect to consumers, thereby tIdc 30 to 50 per cent. mm xiOur New i 1)Apomntlo Brake mmmm.- n ICC CRCtTI COKBINKTlOa Conch? riAiit,..T.w- ' rOLDIHB BED. EecommfindMl Phrsinians. I kvi ir o Red Cross Diamond Brand exDense. The t mo and mnnpv nnnt fnr Al KflTEi A31L r II HAi la IB U 111 ' v.s 4 V . A1BEUT 8HOHT, book-keeper for Too Berkshire Life Insurance Company, 612 Walnut Stroct ' com-' mtm&t Thoumand Italian a year. Three years aijo he was a student here. . W. r. RICK, book-keeper for BillJngton & Co,. US Chestnut Street, receives' more than Elrrri ' Hundred Dollar yew. lie entered this College less than two years br Can yon wonder that CHAS. B. ETTER, book-keeper for Whitall. Tatcm A Co,'. Mlllrini, N. J . Induce J twelve young men to enter this college from ML'lville In less than a year, when we tell you that Mr ' Ftt-r la getting in a situation we furnished him Trelve Hundred Hollar a yearf I1ARKY LASHER, 22 years of age, book-lweper for I'aacholl,' Llchteu' A Co 81 N. 4th 'B.'m t Jf7i rt Ilund re tl a year, Good salary for a mere boy, is it not t ' above earn nearly enouch in a slnjrle month to pay for aa well. Uowl position? for a'l who enter this Fpring P-ALIIS BTJSXITH33 COLLEGE, 1 7th and Chestnut Sts., Phlladelphl?, Pa. v Both the method and results when , Syrup ofFigsis taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, andact fentlyyet promptly on the ICidncys, iver and Bowels, clcanaea the eys tern effectually, dispels colds, head Aches and fevers andcuree habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs ia the only remedy of its kind ever pro . duced, pleasing to the taste ana ao ceptahle to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its ? effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable pubstances, Ita many excellent qualities com mend it to all end have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 60o and $1 bottles by all leading drug ' gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand ' will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it . Do sot accept any substitute. ' ' ' . . CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP COL SAN FSANCI2C0, OAL. . . ummu. Kt. , hew roitx. n.t. Every Farmerhis c.n iooter CHEAPER than Shingles, Tin or Slate. . Reduce Tour INSURANCE, and Perfectly Fire, Water and Wind Proof. Onr Roofing Is ready formed for ,tie BuIJdlnf, and c be applied by any one. Po nnfbuf , any Itoofln till you write tfl u tot onr P".rrip " " v- " - - . Awnscpui734aPAPERSj Where w have no Aent vrlllnnrnxe mrlth anjr active merchant. L. St. 91. N. V. FOR A ONE-DOLiIiAU ltl I J. nenC'ds by mall n will rinllvrr. fre oi All chonre. to HT versoa lu tbe TJnitfd States, &U of tbo following article, care fally pftckoi: i ; -f ..-.,' One twoune bottle of Pure Vaseline, - . 10 cts. : One two-outiee bottle of Vaseline Pomade," 15 " uou jv ui vum'iiiie .vcjiu uroiiin. . . - ... m . .t Oao ke ef VKRcUoe Cniupliofilfte, ." . . ? 10 " One Cake of VaKoltno froap, unscept-x',. - - 10 " r One Cateof VaweliDQSoap, cxnulKltoly8ccnU'd,SS " : One two-ounce bott.e qT Wliito Vasolluo, ,-. i' " . - ' ,. ," : -V-- ti;Io t .-' Or for postage stamps any sinule article at llm pries named. On no account he ptituxuided to ivccpt from your drugtjitt any F.ascJIncor ire)arnti(n thmtftvm unless labrlted with onrnamc, hecaus jo.it?J cei-.. lainly rrciye an imitation n hi- h han Mile m ho mliia L'UeebrauEh ntftf. l!o.. J l Srutt Sr., N. V. g EW1S' 93 Vf LYE 1 fc Powdered and Ptfrfuiaud. 351 " (PAT1CSTKD.) Strongest and purrxt Lye made. Makes the best perfutoed Hard Soap in 20 minutes without boil ing. It is tha hest for eoXtening wuier, cleansing wasw , iipea, disinfecting sinks, cJoscta'wajh- ing bottles, paints, tree.;, etc. y r cwnH. omli rar u.. L J., , rtffcVM Un. Agents. Philn.. Vil. ' WANT YOU to eeud for .particu lars of a Big Thine, ot Irsnr auce or Ziooka Only one renre rentative lu tame coatityt You need not bother to send sUinip for reply, but addrt'p at ono. j . . Dept. Mnnntrer, . " I RlCUAlom, VA..1 , 3 ' EVE'ilY MAN HIS OWN UOOFEU. Two uijd Three Ply Roofhig, suitable t6r all roofs, eheaire than any other material aixd I w left .as -durable. Fire, Wind and Water Proof, Miituiiks. tor all climates, and can bo applied by any iu Lwrlpt lve Catalogue with samples of KouflnK. l-iuliitf acd fhesthliig Papnr, Patau, 4C., sent ou riiiutiO, tarlr will rAT voir to write u. JOHN AKM1TAUE, UUInnond, Yit.. . BS U 17 , ... .. , - .- ' ... i X tr,r. i a . . . a oonfM here, and eararopr.' Eundreda of othors are W w5cSTEELR00FIKG; yrvjjvr5 fry Catalogue p ics ) requires Addition of an I III I k I. H reOUAL PART OF OIL A MS fI- : ' ' . '"i . h i A 0 JOKES TON SCALESX OF A . $60 BlfiGHAMTCjn Bem Box Tare Bosun H, a , RFfiB!ia