7ho iicanolis Bsacon- 'Xho Oniciul Taper of yasli ; iuixton County. Published Every Friday by Tn s Koajsoks X'usli8inq Company. V . FLE TC HER AUrfP N, : Editor, 0. V; V. AUSBON, r Business Manager. Subscription price, $1.?3 per year. V . Advertisement inserted at low rates, .v?-. 1 he editor will noi be responsible for (be views t correspondents, ' V All acticiec for pub! icatioa tnutt be accompanied by the full nme of tfie writer. Correspondent are repeated not to writs on bat ne side of the paper. " A 11 communion ions must bo sent lu by Thursday morning or they wilj not appear. Addroaa all comminiU-.tu.Ui;is to ' TIIH ROANOKE BEACON, , - . .- Plymouth, N. 0. We appeal to eyery reader of Tub Roanokb EkacO, to aid us in making jt an acceptable and iirutlulile medium of news to our eifienf. Let J'lvinoulh people and tlie public . know wliat is going on iu Plymouth. Iteport to all item of jiowe lue arrival and departure of friends, eoclal pvunU, death, eorioas itinera,- aioidenta, uew SniMiiiffd Ytt'W eni.fr,irirte find fmuraement of Whatever character, change" in bussiue Indeed anything and everything that would be of Interest to our people, . s ' 's FRBDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1891, I Thk Progressive Farmer, the Alliance organ of this State, and the jirews and Ob. server, a strong Democrutio advocate, . have fceoa hurling hot words at each other of late. Tt seems that they have agreed to disagree cm all subjects, except that the funnel should have relief. . AttBa-NGEMtSTs are being perfected for a grand reunion of the ex Confederate soldiers in Baleigh, Ootober l.h, during the Southern Exposition. It is thought that thousands of the old Veterans will be therd to take part io the re-union. . Jt- ia proposed by the committee of arrangement that each regiment represented on ' that occasion shall be presented ' with an exact copy of the old Confederate battle flag. ' Ws are informed that the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of this County has of late been censured for allowing the Beacon pay for publishing the proceedings uf the Board. We do not know who it is iuiw na bo nuie interest in ma county as not to want to know, what is dona by the Commissioners, but we do know that that ings andTae 2eed not do so in the future, The present pLJaraisnoUhe man who signed the order to have the proceed ings published monthly, it was the old Board which did it, and they did so at the - request of citizens who have an interest in county affairs. ; Surely the gentleman Js not kkkjng over the amount we get for the work, fur it does ought to koow what orders are made by the Commissioners and what money ia spent and for what purpose, and m wan DO mattCC ho W little uit.f-rfalSQ haa in his 0j5per snould expect, the newspaper man to attend these meetings, write up and print what is done without pay. ... The law oi this State compel the county Commissioners to publiah certain business transacted, an annual report , &o , which would amount to about the same as it does tinttf an far a. tiovlitn tl,n rwltifai ?a Ortn.. V WW , , f ....... W,-.. cerncd, but the people who pay that niony wftrril4 -nr era T a -faafl Tflnrt tviAMtlilv n a iKfiti nvuiu uv a tut iiyuii wu a i iui j no la.tj do now. Whether there is or is not 6och a law, bat there is, tho people have a right to ask that ihe Commissioners make public . the business transacted by them, and we are surprised that a man should censure the Commissioners for haviog it done. Surely our Commissioners are men- of good judgment and they would not allow the people to be imposed upon. Triss pension di sease is taking a pretty (strong hold upon this country, aud it may yet require some heroic treatment to get it under control, 'lhere are some people who have an idea that the chief business of some of the American people should be to work to tarn money to pay taxes, to provide pensions for other people, native or adop ted, colored or plain white. The soldiers pension . bid . which hasn't reached the limit yet, will foot n? somewhere between $150,OCO,0t)0 and $100,000,000 next year With two or three more bills in soak if ever the Republicans get control of Con gress again. As -this id not enough the distinguished Mr, Yaughan, of Nebraska proposes to scatter $500 000 000 in pen-, bions to the ex-Slaves,' in which he has the hearty tndorfement of the distinguished Fred Douglas, late of Hay ti. But tbtre is another class of IrtDg neglecUd people to whom public attention is caljrd, who fo iVia pmindnt toriifw llivlin..., un...! the country should also, It is claimed, ba pensioned. " This is the Government clerk. who for the period of thij-ty yenrs has sao- rifieed lumself in the service of his country and has doomed himself to live in a Wash ington boarding bouse aDd work for four tr five hours a day for a mte pittance of a hundred fjollars a month or so, when he could have remained at home jf be had l en wiitrig to do so and done twiceAs in uch Work for hall as much money. The f riends of toese J self sacrificing patriots think that after lhey have worked for thirty edd years for the Government and spent ll Ihfy have Rituk iu paying for Washing U) bash and mude'totals they should be I f tired at two-thir.j fiiy for the balance of Iht-ir mortal paiecr so that thty might feel jz-afa f rom the poor Louse ai-.l alno that they J.,;i1 hot srved au unrnU fal country ; V.'i!i.:;ni;t u Stir. Cur ,ii inn Kt'lf'S A COl ! that 1 - fi : FROM OCEAN TO OCEAN, Editob Beacon :-t-Ono who bee ins a journey across thin contiucut, and waves gooaDye wvyas tuo riipidty rcceaing nats and handkerchiefs, signaling a message which every body kudws, oerUicly- does rot know th maguitudeof his undeitakiog auu wueu ne uas auiautu toe joaruey, ana seen a , tine of country 8o0() miles long, bouudedou each side by bU line a! Bight, though his own eyes and ideas may be opened, it is hard to convey his impres sions to any body else. Tnis United States ia so great in exteut, o wonderful iu the surface of : the country, to magnificout in BCeuery, so rich in resonreea developed aud undeveloped, and so unknown to, the dif ferent seciious of itself, tb.U 1 think any one who has seen more of it than his neigh. bor.s, ought to be ecmpelkd to tell, I made a flyln trip, and of cours9 I really saw and know only a verr little, but it will bo i nteresting to follow along on the map, f roum ocean to ocean, ana luus wuui i io mom. of only au anmeaniug confusion of names and crooked lines I will .try to make appear full of life, as it really iiL I left : Plymouth ou Monday July ?0th, 1891, by the A. Jt RTt. It., to tlie junction, and then by tho W & V., Scotland Neck branch to VVeldon. Thiawus without in cident and mv ouly recreation was to aston ish acquainteuces by telling where I was going. T.his.and watching trams coming aud gom ,.wis apout ait couia ao in Weldon, till 3;S0 p. mj,j wheD the Coast Liue traiu left for Biehmoud. I bcg.ui to bettle myself down as a traveller, Uking leave of my last acquaintance, a Judsze of our Superior Court at Belfle'd, Va, There was a furious fire devouring the poor little towp, Kg the train drew up audit pulled away in a miuuie or two leaving the red house frames f ailing into the fl Ji y f urnace, Passing Reims, station, the old looking town of Petersburg, and others which bring war times to mind, the last Bad suggestion is the cemeteries around Richmond. The country so far, acd the people, and the city of U.chmond is very like what the people of North Carolina are accustomed to and one of us would feel at home iu every roapect. It is a good starting point for the West over the Chesapeak & Ohio, familiarly known as the C & O. You put down the cash in their big city office into the band of a very icnowmg and acoommo dating official, who after writing and figu ring a good deal, hands you a ticket some what bhorter than the road youexpect to travel, nuu infections m etouaugQ a pan in Cincinnati, and then to exchange m St, iraul a part of what is Riven you iu fJinoin' nati. Yon can be just as uudecided as you please as to your route til! you get to the Mississippi, but after that yon can never' cnange. isut lr you seep jour . wiw aDout you, and the conductor keep theirs, there is no chance of their getting the wrong piece of the precious paper, lha J & O, train was to leave at 10:30 and I wandered to the depot in full time. Oa the platform in comfortable positions, lounged three Western men from, Illinois who had ju3t come ou an excursion iffiXfT&!ML had been all oyer the plains, and the won der is they ever lived to see Old Point," considering the hair breadth escapes which seemed to nuke up their life. There was a fat woman who sold bad coffe on a lunch couiiter, and a rakish lookinsr fyl1?' on a high stool at-hB-iullrr 'hom she seemed to thk more of thajj anybody else. - ; " ' ' After leafing Richmond the sleeper was taken up by the famous F. F. V. Testibule r&ivvd- F. F. V, used to Bland Tor First Family Virainian, but now it means Fast Flying Virginians. This train vestibuled from end to eud is certainly a fiae instance of the Bpeed and comfort of Western travel, by night and by day. Speeding through the darkness, the flat level country was soon changed into the rolling - nigniands of the Blue ltidge, and shortly after our break fast . in the elegant dining car. the train stopped for some time at Clifton Forge near the west Virginia line. , There was a wreck about ten miles ahead, nobody knew how long we would be held there, least of all the railroad men, whose duty in those times seems to bo, to know nothing or say nothing. This little town is a hive of industry, some Railroad shops are there--and it is just this side of the Alle ghany mountains. This was the first mountain scene in tho fresh houra of the morning, the low grounds having vanished iu the darkness of the night. Great moun tain walls shnt out the sky on the right and left, behind swept the track out of sight behi nd a bluff, and in front in the disumce rose the curvh'g steel rails like bright rib bona towards an apparently impassible barrier. The long yellow traiu, each road has its destinctive color, lay in the shadow as lithe and compact as a serpent, so still that yon could hear the stillness, broken only pulsathig jets from the dynamo which furnished eleolricity for the train. Three hours waiting and we 1 passed oyer the broken bridge, by overturned cars and detached trucks in every . position, : cud crowds of workmen clearitg the way. Up and round, round and np with a gorge on one hand and clout Jto a rugged rock moun tain on the other, with these main , features in iufini e variety of shape and color, we went np the Alieghauy parses, and relieved the tensipa by a bhort stop at the W hito Sulphor. There a beautiful grove a little church the platform with happy and gay looking eople mingling hither and thither, tnd the rest was hidden by the health giving hills. , CONTIKUlP NEXT WEEK, STATE NEWS, THE LATEST Hir PEKING 8, A3 GATHERED yitosf oua EscjiAsaEa anp elsewhere. S:nilbfield Herald In the suit against the Wilmington & Weldon lUilroad Com pany, which was tried here Inst week, brought by a Mr. Clark for the killing of her hpsband iu 1881), the jury gave a verdict against the company for l 'JOO in favor of Mrs. Clark. . ' . Iliekorv Proas and ' Carollninn - A anrt jlnle of natural depravity cornea from a close neighborhood. A poor orphan boy worked and earned $J0 and a grown man has stolen it. If that thief doesn't retnrc that boy's money aud repent a big lot, he will be a bright light in the devil's kingdom "by and by. . . The "Touriht," the only magazine in the world edited and published ou board a Jiripaie car, will be printed this month iu lorth Carolina.' The special car is now on a tour through the State and was at Mt. Airv yesterday.: The Department of Agri. culture baa.fnrnii-.hcd Wellington Hose, the editor with a good deal of valuable Informa tion coccfrning North Carolina. The State is being writUm up And will be publiahed in au early issue i f the magaaue, sews and Olwervtr. ;v 1V'. people observe this law. The Fames villa lit ni-MTnt'Suysr lJtalers in cigars will !; well io t h'MsIy tuJ' th M y acted bv cigars; 'Section 1CH'2 of the revised s'at nas says that cigars rnubt b so.d to tLe customer direct from tho properly stamped box." A dealer who tattes oqt ft bandf gl of cigars and lays them before the buyer to choosu from, or a saloonkeeper who brngs a customer a cigar on a plate or glasi, makes himself liable to a fiue of $100 - . . s Npws and Observer V-.' For several nightjl past large nuuibera of migrating' birds havo been noiiced passu g over the city. Wild gecsse, willttui, Co. Uws and sea galls have been reooguized by thos familiar with ihe vuriom ssa fowlu by the iuceHit cries which those traveling bird keep up while on the wing. Upon hearing of Dr. Sander lin's it iuiW-a at Statesvil e, Fbalanx Lodgi of Kuinuts if Pahias. C'f Ttiis city, of which order he ia a member, at ouce telgraphed the May r of SutcSvi 1 requesting max, every attention be rendered Lr. Sauderlin and Stating thai tlicy Would laf all cost cf the same, jr.- -' r i 1 - Aahevide Home Journal: Abvut two wetks ago ou the old Dr Tenueut farm. about bix miles south webt of the city, a Dartv of cirls and boys went fishing. One of the girm had forgotten her bait aud w pi back for it. SIh put her nana viowu xyj tne creek where she bad left it, aud to her utter astonibhment placed her hand upon a great big slick, shining water mocassin, bne tin back m Iwr youug ebCort, who had his gun with him, and he immediately shothi8 suakesh.p in twain At this stage of the fight there Came from tha wounds produced firtyi;even young BUftkefl, In' additioa' to these a large f tog watt taken from the dead body of the Baake. .litis H a true enase storyv r'i; . State Chronicle : The farmsrs of Aneon county have followed the example of those in Meklenbmg county, and the county Al liance passed . a resolution tavonog the reduction of cotton aereago u ten acres to ths horse, proyided the movemont be gen erally agreed to in the cotton belt. John Hollow ay, colored. Inspector cX customs in the custom houso at Wilmingtu, has betn requested by Ciollector John C . Dancy io reRigo- Thiles6euger sttjsitisundei-stocd that Holloway declines to r6sigu and will uot step down and out until removed.- it appears that there are two factions in the Republican party here, brought about by the recent contest ever the collecton-bip, and Holloway states that his resigua.ion is asked for to make way for somebody else in the other faction. The man , who is to succeed Uolloway, be states, is Caleb Mat tin." . " . . Th Wfluyngtoa Star says:' The pro posed scheme to colonize fifty - thousand negroes from the Southern States in Cali fornia does not meet fUh a nnivrraal -aor. dial response in that State. Ou tho contrary a good tuany of the people, if the papers express their Mentiments are drC'dedly opposed to it They Bay California - has had experience euough with the Chinaman, hasn't got through " with it yet, and she don't want any more race qaesUousto tackle It seems that tho originator of this ' scheme is one Key.1 C. O. Benjamin, a wealthy colored citi?eu Qf Sau. Frauciscj, wh is baefced V 'iJulhoru Pacific railroad apoccupied laiida.whicUjtf ,cre8 Ere wortu. d'sposeof Many ofc boace tb UaTe SSeoflWredap toMh colored colonists and that the cotupauy as an induca ment to settuj woijld d;fray part of tjl cost of irrigation.' -But if that in the lay out that is presented to the colored colonUts they had better take a- couple of looks before they leap. - - v ." ' ' ' : " DIED.. . - . On TJiursdiiy, Aug 4J7U), at th home of her mother, near this tot. n, Mia, Ernestine Tetterton, aged abjut fifteen yearn The remains were interred in the family bury ing ground Oa Fiiday, lteV. C. W. liobiu son officiating. Our sympathies are with the sorrow ii.g friends aud relatives. It seems hard that just on the verge of wo manhood this young lady should be. called to pay the debt we all must p gr soouer or later; but it is indeed a poiuolation to her relatives and jriends1 who mourn her un timely death, to know that in life she hail pn-paired to " meet the reaper death, Cud that our kus is her eternal gdn. -r ALLIANCE READING. The Following Are Tho Ofttoors of Washington County Alliauce. u: H, A. Leichfield, President. W. T. HcpjcinB, Vioe President. J. W. Wtnns, Secretary H. JV WiLLiAMg Treasurer . D. frnviLh Lecturer . Rufus "wain - Assistant Lecturer. A. C. VVektz Chaplain Jno. Swaim Door Keeper, L T. Hassell Busiuesd Agent. Jo. Wynkb Serg't at arms. Officers of the Iloanoke enb-Alliauoe. L. I. Fagan -' " : Prehident ' " B D Latham Vice-President J 0 Everett ' Secretary T L Satterthwait . Treasurer , ' C W i'oms L-cturer H W bawyer As't Lecturer F R Johnston Chaplain B D Bateman Door Keeper -W M Norman As't n K M Brteman - Krg't At-Arms . David Garrett Buss. Agent H V Sawyer, David Garrett and J 0 Garganeous, Committee on sick. II W lawyer, T L Sattwthwaite aud F It J. huston Committee on the good of the Order. .. For Boils, Pimples carbuncles, ccrofulous sores, - eczema, and all other blood diseases, take Aycr's Saroaparilla It will rellovo and cure - dyspepsia, nervous debility, and that tired feeling. ' Has Cured Others will cm re you. fl R ft ft. I ? ?'" '' N'rw li.ie f wnrti, hi I I 1 Ri B If rmliy n.l bouomblr. I.y inm of I 1 1 ; p2 m -,ynB or nl,l,i,rt iu ih ir f a I.J 1 J J,v"",'w."iini-tiiiiw. at " on imu d 'be work. t;0,y i,i,Br. JWUibU er.-ti.ifit Vfl sli t tti. f.c tHsjt fm (J FW'wb .....,, ol ynnr liiMta h wk, 'l lti , Teachers and pupils of Nortb Carolina Public .. , Schools, w Beloor is ihe contract and pi-hi'-fi signal b every merihuut Belting the books it ed in the Public Schools of this $!ate. The books uanud in t)ii list are in stock and I will ba glad to supply schouLj at the prices named; ' Holmes' Furst Reader, New Ediifon 0.1"i Holmes' Second Header. New Edition , !.r HoIquh' Third Header. New Kditiou , 4( Holmob' Founh Itcader. Kew Editiou AO liolmca' Fifth lt ader. ,ew Editiou 60 Holmes' New History of the U. S. . . .1 Oo Maury's Elementary Otoraphy. . . . ... . CO Manry'aKevi.ei Manual of Geogra- phy. K. C, Edition 1 28 Snuford's Primary Analytical Aiith- metiu ...... ., i'O v 30 fit l.'oO 10 45 70 . 80 Am 3d 40 80 1.08 CO Sunferd's Intermediate Aualy tii-al - Ai'itLmetio , Sanful a (,'ommou School Analytical i Arithtiietid ; Sanford's Higher Analytical Arithmo. tiO it..........,.........,, McGuffty's ltevived Eclectic Frlaier tiarvty'a ltevised EleiunUry Gram mar aud Composition Harvey's Kevised English Grammar Eclectic Copy-Books. (Elementarj). Fer doz Ecleotic Copy-Books, Per doz ...... Swinton's Lauguagi Primer Harrington's Spelling Book Harper's New Graded Copy-Books,. ; Primary. - 7 Now, Per doz. . . . . , Harper's New Graded Copy-IVoks, Graua. So'l, 8 Nos. Pr doz ... .. Steele's Abridged PhyBiology Goodrich.-'s Child's History U, S.. Stephens Hibtory of the J- t. , . .", , , North Carolina ISpeaker." Cloth.. ... ' ... " -PajKr MoorcB Hiatory ef N.; C. ... . .; ; . 1 Page's Theory 4nd Practice of Teach ing ... Braiut'd Good health for chi'dieu. ,,. ., KcKpcctfully TbOS. W. BLOUNT lloper, N. CO 11)8 1 40 1.00 0. rip HE NORFOLK Jk SOUTHEItN R. It. J. -. . The direct short ukb between Plt mouth. Edeston ani Eastern North Carolina akd Norfolk,' and - all points nouth. Mail and Express leaves Norfolk daily (except Sunday) at !)HJ A. Al., arrives at Edeuton 12:t.ri p. M., aud 5 at Belle Haven at 4:15 V. M., connection with steamer Haven .Belle - firf South- Creek aud Bay Fiv;cr. Leucbvule, Scran tou, ' Makley villc. ta.. &'c: ' - - - Connect at Edenton dftlly (except Snnday) with the Company'a Steamer Plymouth for Itoanokeltiver, Jamcsville So Washington R It.. Str. Bertie for Windsor aud.Cashie Biver, also with the Str. M. E. Koherta Tnesday, Thunday aud Saturday for landings on Chowan River and on Mouday -and Fri day for Columbia and - landings ou the Scnppemong River. -" Leave Edenton every Wednesday for ' - Mill Landing, Salmon Creek and returns following day. Through tickets ou gale on Strs. Plymouth and M. E. ltoberta and baggage checked to slntiona on the Noifolk Southern R It,, and landings on River routes, and to Balti. more, Philadelphia New York. Washing ton, Ac, fco, . ' . ' " Norfolk freight and passenger stations at Norfolk & Western It. It. depot. Freight received daily nntil 5 P. M. (except Sundav)and forwarded piomptly. EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH?. FlST.FREiaHTJiIHS, ' AND PASSENGER MtTE. . ' The new apd elegaot passenger steamer Neuse, leaves Elizabeth City Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday v for NeW borne, connecting with the Atlantic and N. G. R. R. for Kinston, Goldaboro and the South. Daily all rail service between Elizabeth City, Edenton and NeW York Philadel phia and Baltimore and Norfolk. ' ;' - Through cars without breaking bulk, low rates and quicker time than by any other route.' biroot all goods to be shipped via Eastern Carolina Qispalcb as follows: From Norfolk, via Norfolk Southern Railroad. . ' r " i - Fn m Baltimore, via P. W & B. R. R. President St. Station, . .' " From Philadelphia, by Penh. R. R. Dock St. Station. ' ; 0 From New York, by Penu, R. B. Pier 27 North River. ; : ; r , v ffSTFor further information apply to J. H. Smith, Agent, Plymouth, or to the General Office of the Norfolk & Southern Railroad Company Norfolk . II. C. HTJDGINS, Geu'l, Fr't, 5 Pass. Ag't." m.k.kinok " Gen'l. Manager, - augic:ly. :' HELP BETTER THAN A GOLD MINK ! Nlpllal no d W A MM'TiTi I cd 1 Ni"k, bat $10 to $15 VY Ail L-EiU I a day profit I Teaohcn. Students, Ministers, Bright JKn aiul Ladies wanted iu cvyTown and Co inly, No rxpurienca needed, i Credit given if desiiud. lie eail; ttds time and secure flrat choice of eaciu. ulvn tcrriiorr on this brand New Book. DON'T BE AN OSTKICH! Write aud gt fall Information, and aolld facts abomt i. ; - .- FOOTPRINTS OF THE WORLD'S HISTORY By m MUX an.1 JilllJS CLARK SlIiPATfl, THS WOBLD CELBBgiTCD HlTftAMS. TlfE STOUT Or THH NATIONS a to!4 In tho nitlUJANT DEEDS and OHA.xlJ ACHIEVE MaNTSof the World's lierck and Heroine. A ricu torclion of Hiftory, Tiavcl, A4wnnir, and the wtird and rontlrfiil trens of U: lm- thai tiled raeu. ol " 'I'lirilJiiif ctorir of the day of Chivalry, fbirtling heroic achievement of warrior and Ci ii-adors. Alao a vaM. cotlictinn oflhararvt (rem of KnplHli and American Hi t.rical Litt'ia ture. The ruoet wonderful Nw Book uf to dav, tho great elf--diutor : Jnt Uie book the people wni. Over 850 grand Historical Iilnmiimtiou, Ilnlf-Tone. Siel liiifravimf.-aud urillUnt 'Oil colored flatea Everybody Sod it a tonanxa of iicci.s, Ic Ml without KkinR. No Uupfial,' no ri-k. Straight huwnrf and big profit, fplendid ilhilraud circnlam and lull punicuior ent free. Adiirfos, iliSrOUIOALPUB. CO., PhiU, Fa, it, Ihfirow J 1 1 1 III twiil "" rir lv MtMU'ptf t )Hroof kithr ' 1 I 1 1 1 I MM "ntl ,r'f n Bjll If I 1 I laflfr lnfrrtmtwiil work Imjujtrmssiy-, Wfi u;i,M'tf, hrp vrr !: 'V Hvn.I Will mO furTf ip'a ' ' T: '' ' ' ' ' ' ' i " I r - - . fe - I V WONT- IT To put a few hundred dollar? in labor saving your crop and preparing it for market ?r rice, more profitable to grow obtaining of proper motive power. For Suppose jour cotton was nicely ginned, your peanuts tnorougniy cieanea ana your peaS ailu' OlUC-r Stllnll gium j.iiuiupuy au rwuuiuwanj .u.uumt, boiler of the pattern idwive ahown will Rivo entire satisfaction. " f The Euginris and Balers are oonatruotod-by The JAMES LEFFEL A CO., of Springfield, Ohio. , : . ' rX'XII3 EIVGI1VE. As will be peep byheilinstra.iouB, ia a- Centre" Crahk 'pattern -and ot the elaM known as straight line engine This styla admits of -most kj mmetrioaf, compact and rigid oonairiictiou, wi.h fewest part, and our design brings all In snob position as to be easily gotten at by the Operator. The main frame, or bed. ia caat in, one solid piete est strength and firtntifa". anl arranged to catch- all Oil drippings. The cylinder eud of this frame is turned accurately in lathe, and the cions head guides, which are east with , and made a part t-S main frame, are bored oat with concave surfaces in exact: line with the cylinder. The cro6s-head ia substantially made and fitted with improved 'adjustable gun metal gibs or followers to tk up any wear on guides. -The cylinders are'east of carefully mixed iron, insuring grcatts: tenacity and deuaity, as are also the; pistons and valves, which are ftuished in tie moHt thorough aDd workmanlike manter; the cylin dcrs are covertd-wilh an AsbcutOH laggiug having Ruuaia iron jacket fitted with brass band trimming, giving a handso'iie eppparauce. The connecting rod is made extra; strong and ia provided with ndjuatable braVs boxes at each end, with wrought straps, keys, helf-oilerx, eto. Great firmness at,d strength are secured in crank shaft, -which is of aolid stevl, couuteibVanced, and has hearings extra wide. The well established JJ slide valve is used of proper proportions adapted to tho service aud speed of the Engines. The eccentric for operating valve is hnanged so that by simply changing a cap screw . from one bole to another the Engine ia adjusted to run in the opposite direction. Each Eugiue ia supplied witji throttlo valve apU best make rf safety governor which Insdrea the stppin$?,f the Engine should the governor belt break ; this governor is alao provi. ded With Sawyer's valve attachment aud speed adjuster, by which speed of Engine eat) be varied. When monuted Oi) Boiler,' Erruiue ia attached in such manner as l( avoid the difficulties 6f expansion and contraption. v. THE BOILER. Is furniahed on skids, being of the Self-contained type and of the class known M Coruish Return Tubular, the n&nH styje An are almost universally nsed upon ocsai Bteamers, which is a positive guarantee of their safety and eliicionoy. Bythia form is obtained the most compact and euhstautial couatructiou,' with largest amount of effee ' live healing surface, thus securiug best results from the combustion of tha ful and making them economical in the use of same, i he fire box,, having grate surface in front and combustion chamber at rear t-nd, extends horizontally through Boiler $ Jt con. fists of a large cylindrical due surrounded by water, aud receives the pressure upon an arch at every point, thus ailording greatest resistance aud Btrength. The advantages of our ample grate uuface, which la of unusual length and fitted with extra heavy gratrg; of new pattern, have been highly appreciated, particularly when wood is used as fuel." Tho cover over rear end of Boiler and back of combuatiou chamber is now provided with an improvd patented flra-proof lining, which is very durable and specially adapted for protecting the bead aud retaining the heat within the Boiler, fctpeciai attention it called to the rnhslantial new fromt bhown in Fig. 5, now Biipplicd on all sizes of sight Horse power and over. Auother splendid feature of this Boiler, which hag besa fully appreciated by Cotton Ginners especially, is its freedom from danger ' cf firs , from e ' caping sparks ; it will be seen that as the fire traverses full length of Boiler twice, pas siug hori2oula.lv through fire box and back through the flues, very few, if in, park eocupe muj cam, anu buvu no mo tuujiiu dcfi grauo w.iw uuuuu vuuhiie buengm Ji'or prices and particulars,' apply to THOS. W. PAX YOU v ;f m achiuer'y to aid von in the harvesting ft ' . V " ? ' most farms an eight torse power engine 'and V uy wio arrester, xne Juoilers are butlt ef steel piute, and Iiirnij ished with best wrocghj wenecronar me nrst sieai bicij in auaumiK tuis onu 11 'fi-'- ' ft ' - i 'fmA t -, ft :'': : t : i-: .... -t ,.. 1 ! 0r T. i - - ' Mi HTTOT JjJLlUUlvliI;! - v v. jy . 4