Tho Roanoke Beacon The Official Paper of Wasli ington Comity PLYMOUTH, N. O . Entered In the P-t Office at rijwtoHtu N. C., 08 hms aiauer. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 18'JL Directory OTaTB governmest. Governor, Thos. 11. Holt, of Alimauje. Secretary of State, Octavious Coke, of ... , wake. Treasurer, Donald VV. Bain, of Wake. , Auditor, Geo. W. Saoderliu, of Wayne. Superintendent . cf Public Instruction, Sidney M, Finder, of Catawba. Attorney General, Tuoo. F. Davidson, of fiUncorabe. ' . f ' , CO0MTT OoYERKXESl? Sheriff lie vl Blount. Deputy Sheriff, D . SpruiiL Treasurer, IS 11. Latham, Superior Court Clerk. Ttios, J. Marriuer. EegiBtcr of Deeds, J. P. Hilliard. - (InrnfrikAionero. 11. J. Starr. W. O. Mar riuer, Ji. D. Latham, Jos. Skittletharpe find, li A. LiotcliUeUL Board of Education; Thos. S. Arniistead, C L. Tarkeuton J. L. Norman SnDArlutandent of Health. Dr. E. L. Cox. Superintendent of Public luBlructiou, i-v Luther JCDorn. ' ' CITT. ' Mayor and Clork, J. W. Bryan. ; - Treasurer, G II. Harrison. -... , Chief of -Police, Joseph Tucker. Couucilinen, E. H. Latham, C. D. Loane, P,nO. Brinkley. G. U. Harmon, J. VV. Hryau, A. Bardeii, Joseph Mitchell and Joseph Garrett. , ' cmmoB cebvices. ....... Methodist- Rev. O. W. RobiuBOU, pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 a. m.., and 8 ' p. in. Prayer meeting every Wednesday liight at 8K Sunday School at S a. Ci., J. r. Kormau. tsuj erimenauM,., : Baptist Iter. 3. F. Tuttle, pastor, servi ces every 2d and 4th Sundays at It a. ta., ; 7:30 p." m."' Prayer meeting every Thursday night at 7;W. Sunday school every - Sunday at 3 p. m,, Dr. 3. Cheai. superintendent. Episcopal Rev. Luther Eborn, rector. ivice every 8d Sunday at 11 a. m., and 7;30 p. ru. Sunday school at 10 a. ia , L. Fagan, superintendent. ' , 4 . UEOICAL SUCIETT Meets after the first Moc&iy-of OaeU month. Dr. 11. P. Murray, Cboirtnau, - t, DOE. . K. . of H. Plymouth Lodge No. 2508 neets 1st and Sd Thursday nights In each ruoiuli. , W..U. llampion Dictator, . r S! ' N. B. Yeager Fin, Importer. K.;& L of H. Roanoke Lodge Meets 0d and 4lb Thursday nights in each month i J. F. Norman Protector, " - - v N. li. Yeager Secretary, j I O O F, Esperanza Lodge, No. 28 niceta a very ' Ut ami 3d Tuesday nights of each, at Brj'au's IJa.ll, C. D Loans, N.G.. C: 0. Jackson: fcrefciry.- - CITY MARKET REPORT. 1 As Itanmtfd Lv ' ... i w w -DE.LEtt IN General Merchandise. Corn, per riu.-T-Meal, " " i's O. H. Sides per lb Ucou.: , ; holders Dftooa -, pry Salt 80 0) y 8 6 10 2 lL3jns 8. 0., s Lard refined 0 Flour, per barrel, from f I CO to $JJ0 Jllack strop " 20 Rvrtm - 35 Oianulnted Sucar, icrft j G 'Light brown " " . ' IJutter ' '."' 25&30 lireen uo;:oa aois- Koated UolTeo . " ' 25 Egg per doz., - v 10 Tobacco, lr tt . ' 3 to 1.00 fehot 8 tiun Pou-Vr ' SO to 73 Coal Oil White-Safety ISO, per gal. W ' ' lied Cm per gal., 18 Apple Vic sar .. H " SO fSuItanna Prunes, per tb ' 10 ;JLicklfis. Cucfnibera, per 100, " 75 liee's Ws, per B . 18 Tallow Sl M , 6 Hlde,bc,t flint." 'V v - I - Candy H 10 to 25 , alt, fine, - per Bus., 40 Blown 80 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, LADIES, and GENTS- ..- " - Come to Bee All .Spring and Summer goods will be sold at cost. I muU mofce room for Fll Stock, and tA da so i Summer Roooi bum go. von-i mm 10 couio m and make the best Bwufcain you ever made. Light dress goods, White goods, Clothing Bhoca, Hit: tc. 8. ADLBR. SUBSCRIBE TO The- Hoanoko Bewon, 'llj BEAC0FFLASI1ES. Our Agon tH are: S. B. Snel!, Mackey'a xbttj, , v. ueary.noper, v. Jj. iiovrell, Cresweli. Any of thene gentlemen will gire you a receipt for the UecoN. f!oo kukiu anu oecome a Btoscnoer. Wben yo see an X on the margin of ?rour paper it means that your subscription tag expired, it ia ata an invitation .for you i ii .... . iu leuew. a ease reinemoer tnifi ana a jn t t us naye to stop Jor paper. II there. September. 1 - N ' Mr. Henrr SorullI has been la Baltimore 41.1 . - . , The Beacon gains in popularity with every issue, ' Mr. F. B. Levis of Wat-hincton, care us a pleasant call on Tuesday. , Til e 12 mouth is here and we are longing for a glimpse ox the luscious bivalve, ; Mess. Johnson Cahoon and J. P. Cooper returned us Trinity College Monday. . Mr J A Harrison, keeper of the poor honse, had a linger tna&hed on Tnesday. The crowds, rhieh yisil tbe'bae ball grouuds daily are large and enthusiastic. I haye moved to Water street. Come to Msme ju. x iiouiTON Dr. H. E. Wolfe. Jr., and wife returned hojie Monday from a : visit to Hertford county . The steamer Bertie has been absent . this Week at E City where she baa gone on the ways for repairs, r If you want quick returns ship your pro duce to Alexander, Morgan A Co., ' Tunis' Wharf, Korfolk,ya.. , . Jim Bolen. colored, had his foot badly onshbd while at work at the Company's mill on Tuesday. ' . ' , You will find me in the store fust vacated by VV Jj Lewkowitz. L, T. Houston Mr. 0 L Pettigrew has moved his law office from Waier street to au Office on Washington etrett Cant. A: M. Walker of the firoi of Wal ker & Mvern Baltimore, gave us a call white in town this week. VCiH SALE A firsUelass ' Diauo of old style la good order, will be sold cheap , r Appjy at tuis oico. w Caot. WilllaiuB aeiiu gives orders from the deck f the steamer Plymouth,- after a vacation of ten day. , Mr, L T. Houston baa mofed to the store nnt vncatnd bv'.MrW L Lewkowi'Z. Mr Lewkowitz has moved into bin new store. . The schedule of the A & B. has been chtMeaJBiFfZTTr arrival at this place, : It leaves at the usuUMitoe, fi:20a. m. . The RIt & L Co. have olaced new boiler's engines aud machinery in their mills at this place aud are prep&rea to do t urge: busiuoss than ercr, v r ' . ' Ware clad to see CaoL T, Midgett home from Baltimore, where be has been in a hbsDital for Nome months suffering from a carbuncle on his neck. MIks Martha Sikes. one of E City's meet charming belies, who was visiiiag MirS M. Uairou near this place was given a recep tion last week by theyountc men. -. A Bakoain We have a new American Union sewins machine for sale cheap. It is right from the factory, and is a beauty and a bargain. Can be seen by calling at this ttnee. '; Prof. O W. Toms and his lovely young bride arrived yesterday. We welcome the Professor back and extend to Mrs. Toms the hospitality of our- town. " Having moved from Washington street to the store just vacakd by W L Lewkowitz on YYau.-r street, I invito iny patrons and the public to call . , L. I . Houston. , M 1 8. E. W. Ay era. conn ty, accompan ied by her 8 eet little grand daughter, Miss liubia Uaasell, of ecotlaud Neck, made us a pleasant call on Wednesday. The Verdict of the neotrie is that John sou' Chill and Fever Tonic Is the leading remedy for chills, fevers, la grippe and all malarial tronble. For Sale by J. W. Bryan, Fljmoo-h, Dr. B. F. Halhrey, ltoper. .. ; The presence of dandruff indicates a dis cased scalp, and if not cured, blnnching of the hair and baldness will result. Hall's Hair Kenewer will cure it v - Mr W L Lewkowitz who ia in the north, em markets purchasing a big stock for his new store, will greet our readers with a pew advertisement next week Mr. S Adler U north thjs . week buying hie fall etock and when he returns he will notify the public of the cheap bargains he has by a humming advertisement hi these columns ; .;. .. . ,' ' ; The Norfolk Landmark of August 31st says: .. -Mess. Alexander, Morgan & Co., received six bales of new cotton lrouo South Carolina yesterday by the Norfolk & Caro. Una Railroad. . . . ' In a match game played between two amateaer ball clubs of this town on Tuesday Mr A O Gaj lord was struck in the temple by a swiftly batted ball which, nude a pain ful bat not serious wound. For the benefit of those who seru to be worrying themselves over te matter, we hereby state that Mr. 0. II. Harrison, Town Treasurer, has given his bond in the sum of $7,000, as required by law.. , Mr, L E Jackson, our popular Tonsorial ArtiBt, has moved his shop to the office recently occupied by Mr ,U L Pettigrew on Water street where he will be pleased to ece his patrons and the public general Mr, L, n. Hornthal and family. Mr. J. F Norman and family, Mr. C D, Loane and family. Mr. H. 8. Owens and family, Mr. N. B, Yeager and wife, Miss Moggie Balph and others came up from Nag's Head on Monday, ' Many people, not aware cf the dangers of constipation, neglcci the proper remedy till the habif becomes chronic, or it. Ham' mation or stoppage results. " A dose or two of Ayer's PiaJs in the - beginning would have prevented all this, . Mrs". Annie Walker who has been visiting relaiiveaat Bridgeyille, ;Del., is expected home to day,- She will be accompanied by her mother and sisters Who will make Piyiaomh their future home. We bespeaJc for them a hearty welcome ia cur midst. Lire. Capt. Charles Schuster, formerly of this place Lot now of Scotland Keck, in rei." Ming for bar subscription sys: En. cWed find postal note to pay for paper, w LI U t cry lUQcli H'. am i v i . 1 , t aiwere tke ic: It U like a viecd eid we xno oniy raaioai cure lor rncumausin is to eliminate from the blood the acid that causes the disease. This is thoroughly of fected by the inf.verirjjr use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Persist until cured. ,The process way be slow, but the result is sure. The ltoanoke Beacon Heal Estate Agen cy offers for sale Map'.ecke" the beautiful country home of the late W. Gotten Down in;, situated in this county eleven miles from Plymouth and two miles from tho N & Httailroad. This property is very desira Lie and will be sold cheap. - J K Hoyt of Hoyt & Bowe and J E Merri. am, of Washington, passed through the city Monday. Mr Merriam was enroute for E City to take charge of a hotel, and Mess. Hpencer and Hoyt were enroute for Kew xorfc to purchase fall stock. . Fisher's.' Carnival of Novelties are now giving nightly exhibitions ; in our. town The entertainments ere amusing in the extreme, and the acting is worthy any first class show The entertainments are chaste. and taking it altogether, we pronounce it uie Dfist snow for the money we have ever witnessed. Mr, E, K . Hoascll, of Scotland Neck, ia it, letter to the wditor says: I have seen and rend some few copies of the BtAcow, and it was like talking with some' dear .friend from the place of my boyhood. ' It comes laden with good hews from old Plymouth every tiaio. Please send it to my address and find enclosed one dollar for hama. The Plymouth High School will open on Monday next hod it is important that all pupils euter on that day as it is of great advantage to them to becin with the ooen- ing session, parents who are andecided as to where .to send their children should de. eide at once and send them to this " school where they will receive the attention of an able instructor. C r Why is it that H. PeaL the 'Old Kelia- bl" Coach Maker, sells so maoy bu&rsiesf let. Because he makes a stroncr bucev. 2d, He makes a light buggy. 3d. He makes a handsome buggy. 4th, Ho makes a light running buggy, fitb, He makes a durable buggy, Gtb. He sells cheap and is fair and clear in all his dealings, lioad carts of all kinds constantly on hand aud cheap. Call and see him. V Give ns Better Malls. ' Would that our mail facilities could be made better. -Under the present manage, ment it takes a letter two and often three days to come from Iioper to Plymouth a distance or only eight pules, it also takes the same time from Mackey'a Ferry. We ciaiiii to have a daily mail from these points and it tbe oiflclals alocg the route would attend to their duties it would be a dally nuil . A letter mailed at Uoper at 10 a. m.. or at Mackey1 Ferry at 10:30, can and should reach Plymouth at 3 o. nt.. same day. This way of lettiuc; the mail lav ovdr iaJileutou or vending it somewhere else to rest is caitaug much dissaUHf action and it should bJ reureiSi4iince. Men We Dislike. ; " xuere is a class of men lound in every community which we dislike aud we are not all who dislike them- for all business men shun them as they would a reptile. Tbp men we refer to here is the 'men who promise to pay u honnst debt toworrow, next week or some other stated time, and do not keep that promise. . i v ' , Perhaps the newspaper man comes in contact with this class of men more often than any other business man. .We have subscribers nn our hooks who have promis ed to pay up from time to time .for a year, and present their .bill to-day they .would greet us with Tll pay you next week." If a man hasn't got the money when his bill is presented we like for him to promise to pay at some time, tnat i it ne mikes the promise with the intention of fuilfiliag it, if not, any other falsehood would do as well. . . -- We have hod men to promise to pay the small sum of 65 cent for six months sub scription, in ten minutes, and they would Rhnu us tea days, why wo have seon them cross the street to keep from meeting us. Some men promise to pay a debt at a cer. tain time and when the time ' comes they are not able to meet that promise, though are honest, this class of ine are to b ex. cus d, but the man who promises to pay, and at the time knows he is lying that he will not pay at ail, that man should bo made to pay and can be made to do so if newspaper men will enforce the law. ON THE DIAMOND. f LTMCUTH CAN'T FLAT BALL, AND ltOPXB WALKS OF WITH TilE VICTOBT, ' BUT DOES NOT TAKE UNTO ITSELF MUCH . . CLOy. . --1 On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of last week our people had been looking for the ltoper base nail club to come up and cross bats with the Plymouth club, but owing to rain they did not come, on Thurs day afternoon, however, they showed np, bringing with them a heavy rain. The tain passed away,' and af 8 80 the game was called, aud for five innings the diamond wus kept hot. The Plymouth boys worked hard for what they got which was little and on the fifth inning Boper aeked that the game be terminated and the score given, as they had "to return home brfore night. The score was given, and stood 80 to 8, in favor of Roper, 1 his was a bad beat, but not so bad after all, when we consider that the Plymouth club, is composed of men, who never played a game before this season, and that tne R per club ii composed of eld players from Maine to California. This point was accepted by Roper as an excuse, and with th6 kindest feelings they quit the field. ' Plymouth may tackle Roper again for a game, just to get a little practice, but they don't want the game any more than "Jaok wanted his supper." ' JJ.J-L-. .IL. JLH..J A RAILROAD DISASTER. Perhaps the moot horrible Railroad dis aster that has ever happened in this State was the wrecking of a passenger train near Statesville on Thursday last. The train leaped through a trestle into Third Creek, s distance of sixty-five feat, killing "nearly all on b ard. The number of passengers was about 85 among whom were State Auditor Saudcrlln, who sacaped death, but was badly hurt, Mrs. Sue Pool, of William, eton who was killed. w . The dead and wounded were taken from the wrek and cared for l v kind friends, w !,''. 1 been died t;!.i rcc:. 1 The li hVJP i X' i'vn . isfjtt y i mi. .. ' j . . . ROPER LETTER- lloriai, 2. C, Sept., 2. 1801. Editor ItoANOKB Beacon: Our community has aaia been thrown into the deepest mourning over the sudden death of Capt James A Shakleford, which obcurred on the night of August 20th. He left a wife and two children, who in their bereavement have the sympathy of. the entire community, as he was loved and respected by all as a true christian gentle, man. None of the family could accompany the remaiaa to Fredricksburg, Va-, bis old home, except bis daughter, Miss Jennie, where on the 22d amidst loving kindred and friends, were laid to rest one whose exemplary life Wj all would do well to emulate, v Mr 11 M Peacock, while at work in his field, on Aug. 22d . was attacked by a drunken negro named John.' Alexander, accompanied by Harry Sawyer. Alexander must have used something like brass knncks as each of the six or seven blows he struck Mr. Peacock cut through his his hat and cut his head in severd places, one a very ugly cash. Mr reacocs, not bavins even a pocket knife to defend himself with, eal- iod to his wife, when the negrots ran and Alexander, at last report, was still at large 1 bey were just from a wmskey shop and their drunkenness was the fruit of our bear traps, and so long as our commissioners continue to license them we may ex pt ct similar unprovoked assaults upon inoffen sive people in their neighborhood. Our enterprising milliners, Mess, Carstar pben & Blount, have moved into Mr. T. W. Blount's new gloss front store and axe openiug up the largest stock of millinery - I . 1 . A , T - J . . - ever uruugut w jumper, u'tuiva in quest or the latest styles will do well to examine their stock. Mr. L F. Uarrision, the popular chief salesman of Mr T W Blount, has been sb. sent with his family, recently, visiting his mother near your town. Misses Lonla Dunston and Besie Lee. of Kichmond, Vs., the quests of Mrs. C M. Cherry have returned having made a- host of friends who would be pleased to have mem come again. AUNT Dinah. FROM CR S WELL. . Cekawkll, N. C, Aug 81, '91. Ecitob Boancke Beacon: I see in the flashes that yon want to know What is the matter with the Cresweli corre spondent, 1 wiU tell yon, I have been on a pleasure trip or the last throe weeks, but I am home now and will try to write to yon every week. it has been very rainy for the past two weeks and farmers are complaining about damaged foddor. The Baptist held a Union Meeting at this place on Saturday and Sunday, which was largely attended. : . Miss Uoru Duustou is home from sohooL and we all welcome her angelic presence. Miss .Nannie lib jrn who tuu beeu teach ing near your town ha returned home end' Wt greet .tier with a hearty srelcome. : tit as. Willie Urimu and Jiuimta lUtlvubt.- of Edenton, are visitis ess and iriends MrsTHTSHaojfell, J '"v u.fid sisiar have Inst retaraed froat4. it to .relatives ; ia Oreenaboro. -' ..: . '. ' " Th 3rd Annual soesiwi . cf the Cresweli Academy opened thii moruiug. , Mrs. H. T. Uassell of Windsor is visitinj our towu. :,. ' EaisjtfUS. For, Sale at a Bargain. One Fjagine 14x36 ' ' . Four Boilers 3x36 feet One 24 iuch Plainer, One Greenwood Sliingle Machine, Also Carriage aud Head-blocks. - Can be seen at MymoatU, N. C. - Coanoke S. IL k LamLtr Cmpw. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. B- CHEARS, II. D. Having located permanently in Ply mouth, N. C, -tenders his professional services to the citizens of the -Towu and surrounding country, Office at Bryaus Drug Store Residence corner of Jefferson and 3rd Sts., formerly occupied by J. W. Bryan. WHITE BARBER SHOP PBOF. P. A TOQDLE, PLYMOUTH,"N. C. The Finest Tonsoml Artist in Eastern Carolina. Strictly a First-class establish ment. Washington street, three doors from Water. - Jyl tf. O. L. PETTIGIIEW, . ATTORNEY-AT'LA , Practices Is all the States and Federal Courts. . Offlce, Water Street, PLYMOUTH, . c. T. B. Wolfe, D. D. S- . PLYMOUTH, N. C t3"Teeth filled or extracted without pain. MOUNT PLEASAUT - 8CUPFEBN0NO, N, C. This school begins Its first annual term September 7th, 1891 : ... " , high aim of school wilt bo to instruct pupils mainly in the primary, intermediate ana aavaaoea oe partments of idacatiou. Tuition : Payable monthly, and at the close of each month. T?fttj am a fnl!owfl ; Prlmarv 11 00 nr month : Intermediate. 1.50 per month: Advanced, $2.00 per month . . Tflrma mhderata anl in reach of anv and all persons desiring to give their children a liberal education. ' Tim natronaffa. influence and heart V eo operation of the surrounding commuuity is giQcereiy solicited. ; .. JNO. A. SHAW, Principal. III. A Litchfield Mas. Hattib Fhelts, Jas. F. M'Caek, Saul, Jakviq. Jsnnf llMto AtHrw4WIiiMU wnrk fuf mu. h ABU Jltswk tut. CiHrsrl'sv','i Why T! Kiitri nni ewr s"J-""- tKMUb. V ran do if wont and i house, hmvir y m. b- at feaiy tfrstsr 4m fr IO $ ft fgv. A i i f nftw yw fcW if,-,-: - - uj i. -sw w r ih - t lrii f 1 i if f 111 Pestnuts and other produce to ' . and : General Oommission Merchants . NORFOLK, VIRGINIA , Guarantee highest - market prices, quick - sales and : . prompt returns. EDMUND ALEXANDEB, DECATUR waaniugton, n. c. Honour, va. lJ,lymoatri,jN. a GEORGE R.'DATEMAN, . -MANUFACTURER OF Carts. Wagons and Bcpairing of all kind dono All work Guaranteed- E 0 U CATION AL, '-'PLYMOUTH. HIGH SCHOOL,' ' C- W. T0HS, Ph. B., (Univ. of H. C) Principal. MRS- E- A. CARTER, Music Teacher STRICTLY NO H SECTARIAII nn . -1 ' A - ..:v m T 'i.i imnq i 'i 111 i i wj'i riiiM . LOCATION: Plymouth situated at the terminus of A &. R. R. E , and has daily communicatios with all points on Roanoke and Cashie Rivers. ' The healthfumess and morality of tho town are exceptional. DESIGN OF THE SCHOOL Prepares students for College or any puisuit ot business life. ? '' . - n t i . i. . . sr v instruction given in Liaun, f renon. uarnian , tiiugiisu uranoncs, maiuemaiw, unox XVCl'lHUK. OUITCJUIUi i.Bl.tit.l"Jr branches taught at our State University. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN PRIMARY CLASSES. -Monthly reports sent to parents. ... . tuition; 81.00 to $3 00 per month. - Ancient and Modern Languages $1 00 (Extra) . Special Board arrangements have protection of students. t For further particulars address the Piiucipal. ' O. W. TOMS, ' Jyl7-tf ' PLYMOUTH, N. C. LOUISBURG FEMALE COLLEGE. . LOUISBURO, W. C T. .... will hanln KTPTV.VRTrn 9. lflfll.t fcUU ...... ... , erectly and Trpe-wntlnc tmifiht by tbe mst appro- " . Jr -.U-J.. " .ua No Physician requirea in uie conege me , pasi year. Hoard, washing, lights, fires and tnitlon In Eng lish, only ONE HUNDKKl ami roilTY dollars per year. eiciui w iniuea at reaiKiiuiuiu ruiua. sena ror suiugue vu 8. D. BAGLEY, A. M., Pres't. Jolj3-3m - . WESLBYAN FEMALE COLLEGE. This School EftahlUhed In 1So3 In tho beautiful lawn of MUKIf'KKKMiORtJ. N. 0.. offers many advantages to voiing ladies reekiDg an education. Beautiful ground or about ten acres. .Large brick edifice heated by etcam. Excellent boarding accoinmodaUoiM. A full and efficient FACULTY, under it ona of the most complete educational Insti tution in the btttte, Ther next session opens on SEPTEMBER , Mth 1891. TERMS VERY MODERATE-' fiend for Catalogue. - E, E. Paiiham, A M Pres't. Jttly3-8w - , SC0TLA1TB HECK MIL ITARY SCHOOL, ; SCOTLAND . NECK, N. C. Fall session begins S.-pt. 7, 1S91. " ' Board, tuition, fut.1, lights, washing, Ao., $75 per term of five months. "A first-class miLtary boarding school, in a moral tow a, and a healthy one. For catalogue address W. C. ALLEN, jylO 2m. Bup'L SEKB TOX7H JOB WORK mm n I - w i i Ji ul MORGAN L. P. nORNTHAL, otber Riding Vehicles. . i with neatnesaynd disatcli iidamrstrcct, Plymouth, $17 O. "ST .1 C J. ffil. t..--l .. ill i iiiii'.i.v rir d r wa i i v .vuvi.twKuj '. w. BUJf Music, including use of instrument $3.09. been made for the convenience, coaifoiri and UHIYSRSITY -OF North 09 OO Carolina. THE NEXT TREM BEG IKS SkPr, S. ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS. SEPT, . Tuition ff per term. Needy yoflnif wen nt talent and f.hH.nwtr trill ha AmA ..k l.Z and loan. Bet-idea the General Counea of Stadf. which offer a wido range of elective tndie. ther P?f'or catalogne, &c, addreM the Freaident, GEOSGS T. WINSTON, Chapel Hill. N. C. . CRESWELL ACADEMY, E. B AUDER A. M., - -; Pbincial. Assisted by Mb 9. M. B. Webb and daught!1. J Th tliinl annnal BflKsion of this Institn 'tion will begin Aug , 3 1st, 1891, aud con. tinue forty weeks. It will be the aim to make It second to no school in the Ktate in all that pertains to a sound, practical tdu' cation for boys and girls. Arrangement made in good families lor boarding pii) iU at reduced rates. For circulars and toruji apply to the Principal, or to Scct'y. Bowr.l Trustees, Cresweli, N. C. TESTIMONIALS: "Prof, on of the bvi msmtctorit of yonUv I l ate v w known," J. wiljktt Lkm A1lo eifrned by Kon C. E. A P. li. Cowen, M. 1., F J. l. . Nelson, tfk Co., and Circ, i is., F C. li. a.. Senator K. J. Mri au't m Hanieeberifcr, J'siir., J. u. T. Tf'.' Bupt. School; V, VV. Ki'ir.deloe, Tr Co.; Hon. Jo. It Kid. Jih ii vm. c. 'Prof. Bander, comblniv.L- .ia extt-t! Mice as teacher with la s-icih! ja exercises avatnnhle luilm-ri. ;i ht4 j.u will be nndeiflooil and !" ' TtuHttd t tunc jidiri' a. Iii; fu i s a t . .al.t.n ' erarKupoukibiiil v unt pov-ms bimit''- , .W. 1. l! a. . J.t. .'-n,' , 1'r. Wi, 1VJ - twn lU at!-. a. 'tilU vv:

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