f ha Roanoke Beacon. The Official Paper of Wash ington County. PLYMOUTH, N. O EnUred in the Pott Office at rijrmoutU N, C. second cltss matter. - r THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2fl, 1891. Directory. STATE GOVERNMENT. '"'Governor, Thou. M. Holt, of Aliniauce. Secretary of State, Octavious Coke, of 'Wake. : " r . Treasurer. Donald W. Bain, of Wake, Auditor, Geo. WrSandeWin, of Wayne. Superintendent f Public Instruction, fiidnev M..Finei. of Catawba. Attorney General, Theo. F. Davidson, of Buncombe. , t- . V . : . COUNTY GOVERNMENT . Sheriff. Levi" Blount. Deputy Sheriff, D.Sprnill. Treasurer; E U Latham. Superior Court Clerk. Thou, J. Marriner Kteister of Doeds. J. P. Hilliard. ' CoinuuissionefV H. J.vStarr, W. C. Mar-j-iner. B. ' D Latham, Jos. Skittlaibarpe ad H A. Lietchflald. -n . , Board of Education. Thos. 8. Armislead, T. L. Tarkenton J.Jj .Norman Superintendent of Health, Dr. E. L. Coz. Superintendent ' of Pubtit) : Instruction, Rsv. LutheT Eborn. ' ' ' . . " . CITY. "- ' Mayor and Clerk, J. W. Bryan, ' Treasurer, G. II Harrison. . Chief of Police, Joseph Tucker. Couucilmen, E. K. Latham, U. D. Loane, D, O, Brinkley. G. H. Harmon, J. W. Bryan, A. Barden, Joseph Mitchell and Joseph Garrett. " CHVROR SERVICES. Methodist- Rev C. W." Robinson, pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 a m., and 8 p m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday ' sight at 8. Sunday school at 9 a. m., J. F. Norman, Buj.erinter.deut - Baptists Rev. 3 :F, Tutt'e, pastor, servi a every 2d and 4th Sunday h at ll a. m , and 7:30 p. in. Prayer mce ting every Thursday-night at 7:30. Buuday tchool . very Sunday at 3 p. m. , Lr B. Chears, juperinleudont,. , 1 Episcopal Rev. Luther Eborn, rt-ctor. Services every ad Sunday at 11 a. in., and 1,30 p. m. Suuilay sth-.ol at 10 a. w , L. I Fagau, superintendent. M EpiC AIj StCJETY. Meets Tn?dy nfur tbd fl.st Monday of each month. Dr. 11. P." Murray, Cbiumiuu, ' - Ij DGES. - " - K. of H Plymouth Lodge No. 2508 meets 1st and 3d 'lhui.da nights lit- each month. W..U. Hampton ' Dictator, N. B. Yeagtr Fin. Reporter. . X A. T of II. Roauoko Lodac Meets , j. F. Mornian Protector, J . n v . - .. n I O O F. E.peranza Lodge, No. 28 meets tery 1st acd 3d l'utBday nights t.f Woh month, at Biyau'H Hall, C D LoaueN.G., C C. Jackson, rcoretary. - " ; v M city;marketrefort: As Kcpoikd by a. H. HAR.RJS.0N, , DEALEtt IS' General Merchandise; Corn, per Bus., Meal, " 'V O. R. Bides per Bacon - 4 . SO y 10 p ' 8 10 14 .10 $ 1 . 50 to $0.50 . ' 35 V 20 JSbolder Bacon . Dry Salt Breakfast Strips Hams 8. 0 , Lard refined Flour, per barrel, from .W, I. Mola-wes, per gal Black strop " " By nip Granulated Sugar, Light brown " Butter Green Coflep Roasted Coffee Kgga per doz., Tobaccot ' per lb Shot 35 6 r 25 Sr 30 22&25 2ft 20 25 to 1 00 9 80 to 75 per lb' ii Gun Powde Coal Oil White. Safety 150, per gal. 15 " Red V., pergai., Apple Vinegar Ualtanna Prunes, per lb Pickles. CuCfinbers. per 100, Bee'.Wax, per tb Tallow " , Hides, best flint. " v " Candy " ' Bait, fine, perBns., , -'T.I, " " ' ' ... Blown " . ' 18 30 10 V '5 18 6 8 10 to 25 40 GO 80 HEW ADVEUTlbEMENi, Ti. T. - HOBSf 0 -DEALER IN- Heavy and Fancy Groceries. Meats, meal, com, hominy, Ciears. Tobacco, Fruits, Confectioneries . Canned Goods &c. Opposite M. J. Eunch k Co. 0-11-91 Water Street. Dying but yet l iving. I am with thegood peop!eyet and sojioit theif patronage in my line.. OLD CLOTHES CLEANED, I clean, dye and repair gvtite clothing of all styles and colore. I alo clean or ly ladie dreiei, cloaks wraps Ac. Ladies won't .it pay yon to have that last moter's dress cleaned or dyed anotlur color f Oentlemun, won't it save you mopey io have your clothing cleaned 1 I give satisfaction or make no a?"t)rdcis from neighboring towns solicited. I am a'so bo1 proprietor of "Saponalis Soap" for chapped hands, ulcers, pimples, &c. It beautifies the complexion aud leaves . the face and bands smooth and soft. . JM8 3in ' BJiU'h Wiaci. BEACON FLASHES. ' Uur Agents are: .B. Snel!, Mackey's rorry, v. yy , ueary, itoper, V. It. Howell uresweii.. Any of thene gentlemen will give you a receipt for the Beacon. Roe tnem and become a subscriber. . nen you see an X on the margin cf your paper it means that your- subscription has expired, it is aUo an invitation for you to renew. Please rentomber this and don't let us have to stop your paper, Cotton 6 Peanuts 50 60, .. Thanksgiving.. Monday wai blnstry . Oyster supper to-night. Look-ont for the burgular. Ilaye you a turkey for diuner to-day ? .-r- .... Sell your vacant lots to building people. Vassar bats only 10 cents at Mrs. S. A. Blount's. Some of our sidewalks vLavo been shel led this week V , The Latham House is undergoing some needed it pairs. Dr. T. B Wolfe is on a professional visit to Hyde county. . , Mrs. A. O. Gayloid is attending Confer. ence at Greenville. we aro out one dar ahead this week : it being Thanksgiving. 5 Dr. A". Wells, dentist, of Washington, was In town this week The low price for which Mrs. S. A Blonnt sells her hats astonishes every one - Miss Alice Pettigrew is making an ex tended visit to friends in South Carolina. When you want a nrctly dres with trim mings to match, call on Mrs. S. A. Blount. , H. Pe.d, the Coach -maker is turning out five heavy log carts this week for one man. Mm. W. T. Loans lft perStrl Plymouth yesterday for a visit to ivlatiyea in Balti more: 1 Messrs. T. S. Arniistcad and C. L. Petti, taking in . the . Exposition this grew are week. M.8. E. Ludford-md Mrs O. J. Norman have been spending a few dajs at Cveswell this week. ... The Baptist Union Meetiug will be held with the cuu'.ch ut llopc-r in Saturday and Suuday next. If you want quick returns ship vour pro duce to AUxauSer, Morgan & Co.. Tuni' Wharf . Norfolk, Va. " A couple o onr young men put on gloves and ?ug.-tg d ju a spa. ring match on the sheet Monday night. ,3 . Messrs . J. F, Norman? E R. Latham and others are attending the M E. Conference at Greenville this week. We regret to learn of the death of Mrs. E. Vincent. tt this town, which occured at Whaloyville, Va., cn Tuesday Jaet. The Odd Frl!ow will be glad to have youtttend Cluir oyster supper, to-night at the riercy store on Water street. Mrs. A. Bird en, off r a few weeks spent at Kilcijh andTLonhburg. is now attending tue fll. Jii. Conference at Ureenyill, Tho besr and sun st dye o color the heard brown or blnck, as may be denned, is Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskers. It ncer fails ;; . . Amot g the pleasures proposed for . tG-day is a foot-race a boxing contest and a hore- bac,kridev The latter will be engaged in by all the young people.' . - - A Bauoain--We have a new American TJnicn sewing machine for sale cheap.: it 1i right from the factory, and in a beauty and a bargain. Can ue seen by calling at this olnce. " : Whatxlid it mean f One of our beautiful society ladiex sent a c rtain young man a Chestnut Did he propose r if so we hope ho dots not leel a goneness. The giggling girls now laugh loud and loog. The Verdict of tho people is that John son' Chill and Fever Tonic is the leading rem dy for chills, fevers, la grippe and all malarial trouble, Fi-r Sale by J, W. Bryan, Plymou.h, Dr. B. F. Hallsey, Itoper. The wharf at the rear of Mr! S Adler'n store is being repaired jud the . warehous fitted up aud it will be used as a freight denot bv th- steamers of the Hitch traua- portation company, of whichiaft. K B Li tnam is agent. A cyclone passed over the city of Wash ington on Monday about noon, demolishing many houses and tiihiug soma people, Two tons of stone copiucywas blown trom tueJ top 01 1 nc w lute jiouae. wiudows am por. ches were demolish d, aud the occupants were badly frightened, Uut none were in jured. ' 5 - Mr J R 5Tedleyr; section master on the & R It 11 callt'd at our office on Friday last and renewed his subscription ; he at?o brought us a curious egg. which be says is the product nf the buff Cochin chicken. This species of chinken is much larger than the Plymouth Rock, but the eggs are about the sZ3 a lark's egg Many people sufFor for years from Iroub- leiooie and repulsive sores, boils; and erup tions, withont ever testing, the marvelous curative properties of Ayer'a Barsaparilla. The experiment is, certainly, worth trying. lie sure yo.i get Ayr s barsaparilla aud no other At the beginning of this year Rev. C. V. Robinson offered to present bibles to the three 8auday school scholars who attended the mortt regular during the year, and at the close of his services runday uiglit, ho an nounced that the first prize had beou won bv Mr. C. v. W- Ausbon, who had not miseed a single lima; the second to Miss Emma Hall, and the third to Master lrvin VVLaley. - ; We want to increase our circulation at lcat two hundred between now and Chribtmas, and as an inducement to our friends who wishes to see this enterprise prosper, aud who wants a good homo pa per, we will give to all wuo comes forward betweeu now and then and subscribes for one year, paying in advance, a paid up receipt uutit tho first day of January 1893. See us or our egentj at oncb and get the Beacon for the balance of this year fjiee. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. 1$ it not orth the email price of 75c. to free yourself of .every symptom of these distressing complaiuts, if you think so-call at cur Btore and get a bottle cf Shiloh'a Vitahzer, every bottlo has a printed guar - you no cood it will cost vou nothinir. Sold by lirjfan CuearR,- f Jymonth, and l)r B. F. nallsey, Bper I Roper Directory. CIVIL. ' ' Justice of the Peace, Jas. A. Cheseon. . Constable, Warren Gaboon. ' . ' CHUECHES. Methodist, RevT B B. Holder, pastor services every 1st Sunday at 11 a. m.t and J p m. Prayer meeting every guuday nigiu. Buna ay scuool every Sunday morn ingat9;80, L G. Roper superintendent, tu. jv. iewis secretary. Lpiscopal, Rev. Luther Eborn, rector. ueiviucv every onnauy hi yau p. m. hunday school at 10 a. ni every Sunday, a. yy. uiounr, superintendent, VV. U Dailey seoretary. . Baptist, Rev. J03. Tinch. pastor. Rer. Vices every 3d Sunday at III. m., and 7:30 p. m. - LODGES Masons, Roper Lodge, U D. J. L. Sav age, W. M., Juo II Clark, secretary. Meet at 7.80 p. m. 1st and 3d Tuesdays after lot Dunuay. ' ROPER - CHAT. November 24th. . . Miss Odom hag resumed her duties as principal of the Academy. . Ihe new barber shop on Maiu street is a step in the right direction. A fine line of Millinery at Carslarnhen & Blouuts, Itoper, K. C . .,'' lit. Hev. A. A, Watson left on to-daVa train for Pant ego and Hyde county. All trimminc ioue bv a trained arilst t Carstarpbeu & Biount's milliuers, Roper. Fisher's Carnival of. Novelties are "in town, and the small boys Ititwh : likewise some of the Wge oues 'Ihe Baptists win hold their Unitn Meet. ing here on the fifth buudav of this moatb. A large attendance is looked for, . - Caistarphen & Blount are disnlavincr & large btock of Notions at thtir new store at Roper. The Roper Baptist church is nearly conn pitted, and we think that contractor Fred Patrick has given them a job to be proud of. Rev. B. B. Holder passed throueh hero yesterday ou his way io .he aunUal Confer ence at Greenville. Mr. H. J. Williams accompauied him. Mr. John H. Clarke, accompanied bv Mess. E. W. Clarke, WY W. Walker. J. L. Savage and Dr. B. F Halhey, left at noon to day for Jumesville where Mr. J. H. Clarke will be married this evenit.g to Miss Delia Garkin, of Ibat town. , : The John L. Roper Lumber Co.. wilt substitute locomotives for muks on the principal trararoads of . their Pautego swamp after -this week, we learu. This company was the first I believe, to build a solid road 'at anything like a fair cost through a juniper swamp . Are n't yob ever goiee to erow old lik the rest of us 't'l a sked a man of an ecquaiu tanoe he had n't eeeri for some time Weil, noj so long as I cau pnrify my biocd with Ajer'a Sar-saparilla, - was tha apt. rply. ibis man Uiuv what he wa talking about. Finally, brethren. Farewell." - From the above text taken from 2d Cor- iuthiauB xiii 0 and ii v., the Rev.: C. W. Robinson of ihe M. .E Church preached his farewell sermon on (Sunday night last. He used this. 1'aul tare well to theCorriuthiaus as 8 suitable illustration in making his fare well address t the-members of his church and the peop e of the community. Ho spoke in the kindest umnr-er of the hospi tality and eourtecies shown him by cur peo ple during his stay among as. For three years thu gentlemen has been laboring among ns for the Master's cause aud his Ubor has not bten iu vain.-:: He has been a great benefactor to many ppiiituallv aud 8ociilly ha has won the adjuration of almost the entire people. He left Tutsdy morning- for Greenville to attend the auuuai Conference which is iu oessiou this week. Whether he will bs returued to thisbtation or not will be known next week, but go wherw he may we feel at liberty to sy that the prayers and good wishes of our people will go with him. ' - - Explanation of Weather Signals As displayed froir. our office daily (except Sundays): . - A hite flag, fair. Blue flag, rain or snow. Half white and half blue, local rains. While flag with Llack centre, cold wave. '1 he black triangular flag is a Temperature Siguai, and when displayed above weather flags indicates that it will ba warmer, ai d when below weather fUss. that it will be cooler, and whsn not displayed at . all the temperature wi.I remain stationary. Appointments by the Bishop ' of Eaat.Carolina for November 1891. 1st Sunday, 23d after Trinity, Woodville, Benie conniy. 3d Tuesday, Windsor. 5th Thursday, Avoca 7ih baturdUy, Itockahock ' 8th bunday, 24 n after Trinity M P. P. Edentou 8th bunday, 240i a.'ler- Trinity E, Edeuton 10th Tuesday. Hertford 12th Thursday, Plymouth ' 13th Fiidayu Wiiliainaton . , 15th Sunday. 25:h after Trinity, Hamil ton " 17th Tuesday, Bethel l'Jth Thursday , Washington county, St Luke's and Roper's 21st Saturday, Columbia , S2d Suuday, nest before Advent, 8cup perugog 25th Vednp6daj, Teatesville 2Gth Thursday, Beaufjrt couuty, Bt. James' ' 27th Friday. Pan tego 2S)th Punduy, 1st iu Advent, nyde county St. George's Ths Holy Communion at all. morning services. Catechizing whenever practicable. The offeriugs to bd for Diocesan Missions unless otherwise announced. Vestries will please be prepared to meet tho BUhop. If you are a Farmer Without a Farm. Read This. We have for reut or lease, that desirable farm one mile from the town of Creswell, known as the .''Joe Davtmport Farm,'' and containing 135 acres of cleared laud, mostly in good state of cultivation ; with dwelling house, theee teniment houses, and ail nec essary out houses, ibis property is all in . goo repair, and cau he rented or leaed i heap and on casy ternj(l. jf yoa wanl h good home for next year, call 00 or address us at once, lloAKOKK BxACOsKeal Estate Agency, Plymouth, N. C. A Brilliant Weddinc. On TnFdrty evtuiiig hist the rosc'ple Church at JitmcsviKe as the sceno of n most brilliant maniage, the contracting parlies being Mws Delia Gurkin, one of the most attractive belles of that town, and Mr. J. H. Clarke, the popular young tele graph operator of Roper. ' At 8 o'c'ock the bridal party enlertd tho church in the following order; Mr. W. W, Walker, of Roper, and Mips Annie 5Iascoe, of Jatnebville; Mr. Louis P Hornthal, aud Mi's Bertie Jackson of Ply. month ; Mr. E. W. Clarke, of Roper, and Miss Gertie CheBson, of Plymouth,; Mr. A C. Gurkin, of Plymouth, and Miss Bettie Hardison, of James ville. The ceremony was preformed by Rev. Mr. Guiton of the' M. E. Church, . after which the bridal party and ft large number of friends repaired to Jhe residence cf the brides mother where a reception was given and the-bappy couple received congratula Uod8. The presents were numerous and very handsome, ' - The Beacon oflVrs congratulations and wishes Mr. and M Clarsa all the happi. ness they now anticipate. Cloaks and Wraps. My stock cf ladies' aud misses' and chil dren's cloaks U com pie td AH the latest gtyles, and best quality are fouud to be 0heap. . W.' II. II amptox. PAY THE PRINTER PROMPTLY- Roanoke News. . " Persons who patronize pttpers should pay prompt y, for the pecuniary prospeott of tue press nave a peculiar power in puu lug forward pubio prosperity. If the printer is paid promptly, aod hu pocket' hook kept p;ethirio by prompt . paying patrons, he puts bis pen to his paper in peace; his paragraphs are more pointed; be paints bis pictures of passing events in more pleasing colors, and the perusal of his paper -is a pleasure to the people. Pjejasl paste this piece of proverbial philosophy iu some place where all persons can per. ceive it. Cloaks. Tf rnn wijli n ftnrvl tit nnrl A Hf.vlish (.lnalr be you old Or young, yon can be suited at 117 IS II . rnntn ' IN MEMORIAM. Acain the cold stern angel of death has visited us, bearing away from earth for- evermore a loved spirit, and casting a gloom over our entire community, and today we are pel forming perhaps one of the saddest duties of our life as we chronicle tha death of one of our dearest friends, Mrs. Fannie Stubb, who died of disease of the heart at her home 10 Boautort county near nere ou Nov. !Uh. - ' In pavinc this last tribute to her wha was. and is no more, no word seems good euougn to say, none will express the sym pathy, love and fond rerutntbranca that nothiug On earth can ever erusa from our heart. She was a sincere ftuthful, warm hearted friend, a kiud, hospitable neighbor, a pious christian-Learted lady. Her long life was devoted to comforting the d sirosBed and helping the helpless bo far as it my in her power. She was evvr tho aid A.nd comfort of those around her, as a mother she was kind and loving, and trnly of her it may be said "her cbi'dren rise up. aud call htr blessed.". Old and young crowded around her tomb iu tears, showing how she was lovd bv all who knew her. She leaves several children and grtiud children and a host of relatives and friends tn mourr their loss, but not as those who have no hope, hue as those who feel their lost is her eternal cain ' v " To tho sorrowing bereaved our jcarmeRt sympathies are given ; one dear to our own heart has passed away. But God in his wisdom has seen fit. to take her home to dwell wt h Him in that beautiful laud where sicklies and sorrow are known no nioie But ah, it is. haid to part, who' knows so well as those wb Jiave bent with grief too deep for words, above -some cold shrouded fo m and looked their lant ; it is hard to staad by and watch the precious life slowly -but surely ebbing away j hard to 'look our last npon tho face we love j more than lifa aud ooLsign it to the tomb, aud go back to the old deserted home wheie everything so forcibly reminds us of all we have lost: wo are the deserted nooks, the vacant ,chair and think 'with almost breaking heart ( f tha loved ones forever gone. But, ah, dr-ar frieuds, the cold ravt) clods must cover ihe iuau.mate form, but if in the blessed light of inspiring faith and hop wo cau tay .' not here, but ris:n." what a neaveniy peace it must, unug uv our hearts. It in hard to part, out dear mourn- ios hearts take comfort, we shall meet our lovei at home oq the other side of death's co!d river, she dwells with Him who doeth all things welt, aud let us pray that when our earthly sorrows are over we may bo worthy v meet our loved on tue- panas or love's clear river with patriarcus, angels and paints, to dwell with Him in peace ILD KC SB. Long Ridge, N. C. Onr Courts. Spring Judge Bryan, . J) ALL J uuge iwwn, Beaufort Feb. 10th, May 25tb, Nov. 50th. . Currituck March 2d. Sept. 7th. Camden March 10th. Sept. 24th. Pascjuotauk March lGth, Sept. 21i.t pcrquimans-rMarch 25th. Sept. 28th. Chowan March 30vh, Oct. 5th. Gates April Qth. Oct. Vith. Hertford April 13tb. Oct. 19th. VVashiugton A pril 2yth, Oct 2G.h, Tyrrell-? -April ?7lh, Kbin2d Dare -May 4th, Nov. 9th. Hyde Mav lltb, Nov 16th. ' amliccMa 18th, Nov. 23d. SUBSCRIBE Ta The - Roanoke Beacon, ONLY $1,00 Per Year. ii mn ii i una i Cotton ami Pomiuts licin low I have determined to rediico my prices It) mrct Hie exeginces of tho times- So look to your interest farmer.s and -.when you visit the eitv call on me . VThcleadlepiB ILo'w Prices and be convinced that I mean what I -say and will al ways be found Leader in Low prices I have in stock a choice lino of Ury goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats anoV caps and every lino usually kept in a first class Dry Goods establishment. . 75 nice cassimer suits real value $7 50 reduced to $5 50 50 Fiue Grades real value $12 53 reduced to $ 0 0O - 25 Extra imported suits real Value $25 00 reduced to $18 00 - - . CLilds suits from f)9 cents up ' 175 good caesimerc pants real value SH 00 reduced to & 50 -5 Pftir fie worsted pants left real va'ue f S) 00 reduced to $6 50 .. ?" 1 lot Furniture to bo c osed out below cost to make room. ' . These price, will continue until the last pierc is gote. . Call at Lewkowitz Dry Goods bmpormm and toe convinced. sepllll W, L. LEWKOWITZ. A BEAUTIFUL LIKE ijF GDODS, . Anything to bo called for in this countrywill bo ' at my store on water street . . , ... r . ' t. , . " Men and Boy's Suits, from $1.5) to $18.00, - Ladies und Gent's Shoes from 50c, to $1.00. . T qv Uu:s from2jc toji.oo hudie's Walking Jackets from $1,50 to $10 00. .-- Yfcllow Cuttins and DlettchiDgs from 4c. tip, ' Culicofrora-ic. up, lioiuespna from 6c, up Worstead from Cc. to 75c. v . . ' . Ladies and Gents Eurnishing Goods, the cheapest and r best ever brought to this town. Furfiiture, Groceries, Hard ware, C.ockery ware,, and everything else to be thought of . - - -. . 1 . ( v I must sell this largo stock, so call on me if you want a bargain. . . . H 9-11-ouan TO FIOMTT. W. H. HiMPTOI "WHOLESAf.E and Dry goods, Groceries, &c, Fine piece goods of Silk, Worstead, Cashmere, &c,u with all the latest style trimmings to match ; Novelties in every branch of. the Dry. Goods depart-v ment as well as in the entire stock.- CITIZENS' BARCEIl SHOP. Foutfa Side Water St, Opposite M$u. Z. E. JACKSON, ARTIST "CS" The only -white Tonsorial Artist in Plymouth,' Your patronage solicited. M For Sale at:a liargain.. One Engine I4s36 , ... Four Boilers 335 feet, . One 24 inch Plainer, One Greenwood Shingle Machine, f Also Carriage ai.d Head-blocks Can be seen at Mymouth, N. V. . Eoiuokc L E. i lunikr Compiiw. D. O. BRINKLEY & CO. Dealers In Foreign and Domestic. Vines and , Liquors. CHOICE BRANDS OF, CIGARS. Full Lin 9 of Superior Canned Goods always on hand. : ice for sale by wholesale or retail 1LUIGUTH, N.C . DEALER IX , Fancy and heavy groceiies.Coufectionerits, Fruits, Tobacco, Cigars, Glassware, Crockery ware, Tinware, 4?3 , tc. County pioduce bought and sold. Wafr streeV Plymouth, N. C. PERFECTED CRYSTAL LENSES Tn0 MARK. taslity First sd Always. BRYAN & CHEARS, . DRUGGISTS, has exclusive a!e of these celebrated glasses iu Plymouth, O. KELUf i mii, The only ni.tnufacUiring Opticians la the South, ATLANTA, Q. t3F"Pv.'ddlcrs are not supplied with thea 1 fatusui Rinses. I I I U 11 II t L J II 1 'I A.I-H JLJ 1 1 X 111 1 a iiULxiK: RETAIL DEALER IN Xlyiixontlu IV,. O. a.ii:jiovei).' Having removed into more commodieb.. quarters 1 take pleasure- in inviting the pub.10 to cail ou me Wnen in netd of coodi iu my line. K. JEWELRY, TtTATHES, nLOfK? ' BW. 1.11 V, . V ATCllEa ClOCKS,' AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OF ALL KIND vvi.,, luvnauoQ iH exleuded to the' ladies aa I am selling justhat they want Ihe Standard Kufary Lnttlo'ScwiDg- Marbine ' Don't forget the place the WARD building', ou Washington Street. N- B. Yeaerer c2 lf PLYMOUm. N. c. PK0FESSIONAL CAKDS. . B- CHEARS, HI. J). Having located J)trmanentl In Ply. mouth, J. C tenders his professional ei vices to the citizens of the Town and surrounding country. Office at Brvims "Drug Store Besidenc corner of Jefferson and 8rd Sts , formerly occupitd by J. W. Bryan. WHITE BARBER SnOP PROF. P. A. T00DLE, PLYMOUTH, N, C. The Finest Tonsorial Artist in Eastern' Carolina. Strictly a First-class establish ment. Washington street, three doors from Water. ' jyl8 tf. O. L. PETTIGRE VV", ATTORNEY AT-LAW, Practices in all the States and Federal Courts. Oflloe. Water Street, PLYMOUTH, N. C. T. B. Wolfe, D.lD. B-7 PLYMOUTH, N. C-tTTecth" filled or extracted without pfeia.' UNDERTAKER- I The firm of Nnrney & Jackson having been dissolved I Will continue the Uadnr takers business at the old stand on VbU- Icgtou street. All orders will receive my (liVIUfJh Biiruiiuii. '1 hankiug the publio;for past patronsgs and soliciting a continuance of aame 1 am. " lours truly, Ap.12tf li. Nurney '4 ti trB fV k V& tt"" Wniwl sloturRSM Ih.a.fWMt. A tS 5 5 j' ) t f niidly n honor li It, br Ihm f BfJ 3 S S;'3 a '". owi or .id, on-1 tlir iHiSjBU U nwn 'iIIMm. bmw Itt Sn. Anf SB w I S W H ou. ran tin ih work, bn I. Ian. furuifh vur-thtny. Wa .tAjt vou, fio riak. Tch tan oV your aiwre Humier.'.. or ail yoHr tin). Hi Ik. walk. IUiIih entirely now U:ail,nitd tfinfr. w.prtriil weem l. .van- wlif. fircumm aru ruing from Sb. to SvO par wk anU itpwaroa, na moraattvr a lUtia .iperirne. Wa CO. faxof.h yoa ih blovnivnt and tili yq r ftlitf. Jo apaoasa aaps.tn hew. Suit Lt'omtaio fRks. XfllCJi ditv-i AH.vt,