. Thd iicarioke Beacon. Ihe Official FApcr df Wash ington County. ' ' Published Every Fri ay by Tni KoAjroftis PtfBti&iN Company. W.FLSTOHER AUSBJN, - Ed.tor. C. -V, W. AU8BON, Business Manager. Subscription price, $1.85 per year. Advertisements inserted at low rate. . Tht sd;tor will uoc be responsible tor th view f correspondents. , . All ariicit for publication must be accoiuwinled by the fall name of the writer. Oorreepoi dent tire requested not to write on bat -t ne side of the paper. -' - AU communications must be sent In by Thursday ' morning or ihejr will not appear. - Address all ooinrautiirauons to .'.' . THE ROANOKE BEACON, , J : Plymouth, N, O, We. appeal to every reader of Ths Roakoek BsacOn, to aid ns in iwikiuj: it an acceptable and profitable medium of news to our citizen. Let Plymouth people and tbe public know wnat. is going on in Plymouth.- Report to u all Item of newt the arrival aiid departure of friends, suelal event, deaths.' eorions dine, accidents, new buildings, new enterprises and Improvement t-t whatever character, dunlin busiuess indeed anything and everything that would be of luterest (o our people. FRIDAY, JANUARY 1,1892. Tna decislou of the Court of Appeal in ; the late election case gives the New York Senate to the Democrats. This decision gives the Democrats charge of the Mats for time indefinite. The Assembly Stakdard, a neat. five Columu folio newspap; r, published in th interest of. aud by the colored Hfciple church, ith J. T. Peiiiford of this town ax editor, mada its first appearance on DirC The Standard, though premature" in iis first is3Ue. is nicely gotten op and redacts innch credit upon its editor. It is 10 be published moo lit j, aDd we bepe.k for it aud xi'uh it much bucccss. It is a paj.e tte church should aid and be prud of. ' Last eight as the mighty leaver of time swung too and fro a click iu the machinery .- tt the hour of 12 marked the death of the old year 1891 and the birth of the new jear 1892. Time wait for n mau. so whethel we are ready ct not, we are hurl- d for h into the new year with 'the heavy veil of . tho future drawn closely about us. , . J What dpes the.' birth of this new year mean to you, to ns to all the world ? the fore f iroutr-stance c-mS') it to mf an another year of toil and suffering to many, while to others it may meau joy peace and .., . prosptrity. . It means to all that we are on another years journey nearer the grave. May the year which we entered to.dy be one of great prosperity to ah men. miy rich and poor alike rejoice over oar progress as a nation during the year 1892 With the dying year, we, pcriwips many. ' look back and see many au oportuoiiy Jost forever. It may be that other have grasped the oportunities offered and are r-ady for . the new year. . On our part we can but fel . sad when we recall the changing, scenes of -the" past year, many dear friends have been laid to rest, mauy happy hoars Lave pat never to return, bat while we bid farewell to the old year and all its pleasant tcoiies, , we greet the new year with, renewed faith " and happy anticipations of a bright future. Onward we go dowq the stream of time to meet cur fate be it good or bad. .' We wish for tho readers of tho Beacon a happy New Year add a long life of jasefut ness. May the future hold something in , store for each of them which will aid tbem on through the rough walks of. this life and . at lufct lead them up to that home prepared , (or the faithiul.. Oh, What a Cough. . 1 ".Will you heed the warning. The s'gnalj peruaps ot lue sure at proacu c I mac more terrible diaeasei (Jon.Mimpti. n Ask vour , selves if you can - afford for t'a ke of saving 50a to run the risk aud do'iM'thint! fr it. We know from xp r fnc-1-" thm Bbiloh's Cure wdl cue y tir uut.b. I neTer fails TLi-t explains why more than a Million t5cttle4 w- re sold tbe past yar It rilievcH ciOUp and who, piu w.o'gh nt once M6ihera, d;j not ba without it Fo lAmat back, side or chesi xm hhiloh'a Pnrou Piabtor. Hold by Bryan & chears. J?i m tulb, and Dr" li t' liab. ito.er RELICS. Tomahawk. " Wednesday evening we bad the pleasure . ot seeing aud handling a historical re ic. ' which is of peenjiar interest iu this section . " becmse of the reid?i c od p.pul ui y t some of the family in our neighbor u wo . VYsrrenton. To be b icf in dea. rij tion. Boon aftr the war ijis W" b Poik, f Warrenton,ister-in-law of President "J K. Polk, returning from Nashville, Tenu., u her Nor h Carolina Lome, met Gencr d Btoneman. of the. Uuited 8ta'es Army, and , from bim received the sword of Geuerai Lcnnidaa Poik, with.-the request that i' "ehnM b .restored to the widow of that Christian Ilfto:" s Recently Mrs W H Polk was again in KashviUe, Tenn . a visitor at "Pcik FUc " the home of . President James K Polk. - . There she fnsd the cnrt sword tfber 'deemed busbaod, Hon,, W II Poik. brotb ' er of the Prasident, which he wore , when presented to the Courts of Home and Na pies as Minister plenipotentiary' of these United (States It is a three edged rapier ot finest Damasons sbel. bigh y polist,edfJ with a magn Bceut Lilt of gojd, etndded ' .ith pearls, air Polk is also the posses or of BantA Anna's jeweled cane and other " relics cf interest, - Shiloh's Censnxnptlon Care. This Is beyond question the mos' success ful Cough Medicine we have ver sold, a few doses invariably cure the wont cwees of Couch, Croup and Bronchitis, while its voDderlul tuccfas ia tho cur of Oousump' lien i without a parallel iu lbs Listory of medicine. Since its first discovery it baa taeu sold on a guarantee, a test which no other medicine can stand, if you have a ( cujjh we earnestly ssk y .u to try it, Price 10j., CCcjiud $ 1. If your lunps are eore, f r back tami use Bhi oh's p. rous I'lsi'er: Sold bv Bryan & Clear. Plv . : U' h tCd I)', li. F, Heihey, Kapr. " .N Christmas. .. A brighter Christinas than the one just passed ha' not downed ou Plymouth for mauy a year $ for thu skitu were as blue as thvse that hang over liaiiao shores and the as sort aud balmy aaMay. : ' - ' Onr gA.d pHple wer nut slow to take advantage of sucu a gracious privilege lUr 'he better e jO m ut of th bal owed - day; aud turned out iu numbers to enjoy the genial Hiinshint, to exchange happy grot, ings with One another and abie ul to repair to His hdv tempi to offer p-niso and thtiikSglvtS4 for the prouious event the day couini- niorated O ing to the tate arrival of the UtT - Mr. Moore, the newjy apou-ted Mfttu-dist miuinter at thin pice, (be haviug anived in Ptyuiou h but a d.-sy or .wo b;f-re Xuia t wa funnd iinpraciicabie to have heric at tb is church, a..d uoue Wci ctth brated at the liapilst, v ' " At the Kpisct'i at Cnutch divine services weie held .by ihe Itev. in. 8 Pettigre-w aud an Scelieut sermon pr-ach-U from ttehiews 2i chapter 3.1 veVsd i 'Liw shall we i-Citpe, if we u gleet so reat salvuti h," The ujumc Vfiw (h an exceptionally fine o dur at d peculiarly aviapted to the wi ua. eiuu, hiUi tLo bat' ltd edifice looked mto than lovely iu tu d-cortions i-f pi..e, hd y and o dur, which loving Lauda had wr. uhl to beautlly it. . - At niKht" me ti tie folk of the town in great uauibeis were ep.enaldly enterlaued by iis. W. li HAui.iiu, wnu ii addnimi to a uioht t k'ha..t rep ht of dainty god things r-pread tor. the comf-rt of their weu little iuuer Seivis, gave tuem kieat exj y. metit in the pleuaure f a Crislintts tree vvhcl) waRe iu h'.T epacibua pari. r It wuo tmiy a tbio f L an y, Ul.kI anislicd 13 drC 'luted uud flirty bi.iZeU WliU ValioUB colored wax timers an t ittnactive gifth. it k'b witnotii saving ,hat yo dt.le tola" e-j ytd it iu lu lent tu eu.su ie, and v.ied tneir k.fid hi.su ss 10 b one nf ine b si women in th3 word for providing them so much pl asm e At Air J P hiiliard's n-Mdunce the young pe pie vi larger govth n.td a most ' j -able paity where ui. bi of the charming beta a aud galant beaux spei.t a dedghifiii evaiiing iu cbaiad-8. amed and p ibly m luve uinkiug ei'iii'jg tun evt-oiug with som Cuoio v ri-.frehmeu8 B'-rved by theawco ttU 8 present 1 liei'n wua many u b tuitt'Ous tab espr ad around wIikIi file ds and lovect ours ei jov' d kCK.d cue- r j tnt b-uh. b -y was iu his gl '.''y witn crc-crackir ru kels, tin liuins. itc; no accident vi i-ii Uibnce t0. currrd to mar tn happiness .f the day, and so CuiUtmas 1891 pass d awv,leaviug witu all, vuuu.i nd oid rich aud poor (tor ' tbe latter" v tit r-meuibered in the day's rejoicing) a swettm' mury vbly ot a bright ana nuppy time. j STAT NEWS. THE LATtBT HAITENL.NG8. AS Q.THEKKD THOU. UUH EXcHAUt8 ASD ELStWHt.BE. Istate Cluonic 0: Th oldest mu'e in .he State laOntUed b J 11 I'app of JouUaoU cwuuty It is 40 years old aud till a good worker. .. .Between 50 auU 1U0 diumuud have ocen touua in wciX Wrli cuu .iy. Uuu of th- ia, 1 be large t ever fUud 111 the tooutn, wes ou cxn'btiou at. me Pans oild'a Fuii.... The auuual allowance or quota f..r b,iiu Uaiodun'a Uavai reserve uiiluia is - $Zi 3 60 It nas cofii ?5,oOU to tqutp tne b.uiaiiou. Ihe war Uepanme-.t turt.iolifc;a a-il qnninouts iho buruing to death of Mrs Sylphia Jinuelt, auaed Widov of Pikevilio 10WU bh.p, ayue county is lepuried by the Uoldeboro ncaUiigUk tier ewtbes became ignjied trom a fljing spak Ar K v Aiasou wtio owoes a large cotton firm in LiuUisana. tells t e Uoucord ctauaaiU thai, uotwiihtaud.ug the xc 1. lent sou there bigb.y adapted 10 tiie growth of cotton aiid com, ne do.s not make us mucn cleur mone;, as it farming opr-ra.ioi.8 in iNoiih Ciaroliua. Espouses are gita er there man in ttuS slate Oxlord Day : Shoi'tly before 8 o'clock thia afieruot n a young mau named Ruas-ll, employed by Jailor Moore, weui into the county jai. to t&ed the priaoueis Five of the colored men ' acuteuccd 10 tho w rk. houe at tne iat con it jumped upbq Ku sei., nverpowtrd Liai, shtu huu in a ced and m.do their eSt ape ihe u mes cfibe five WUO got Out arts Dick Jt.lT.ey a, iioger, X'aucey, ltuhert Uagland, Jim Uieu and Dam. 1 Polioca LauriLburgr icbauge : - Atkinson, the man who w us on itul h- le some wei ks ao for breaking into the Lil svli.e posti ffico,' was tried ai the Feuwal Court in hariotto last ven tUd soulcuotd to iw ycrtrs' iai pnou ment in iu. a baoy peniieu.iary Monroe ii.q arer : Air Ehus Puaser, a youi g man ageu about lb yeur, son ot Mr D n Pussct-. f ew baiem townsuio, met Willi a stiloiu tuciueui a la . days uho. He was htteudiug totuM machiu ry at his Cotton g;U and v. a bauai.g tbe pes- wueu ne r as ubUqUI in tne oa. a ana nud ootn urniS broktu beow the elbow and tbomder dislocated The band Was thrown off or he 'wouid undoubtedly nave bocu kiihd - : Charlotte News: James McCarthy is a young wuite Pan wuo wits si uittiuia ao couvigUd td cohoiiig a store in Piuevihe und beiitcticed to tniee y ears .in the chaiu gang ill-lime woUid tavo expired ucxt April McCariny b. bavrd Xcevdiugly Web and a maue a , i- usty " Tbre idou ns ago a wo jiau iiututd Farriug on' Wum plactd on tne oouiu gaux Ir- an ottVowo sm a. tbe lav a 'ibe ,,iruty" uwt hia hoaa tn me v umau and they p.autLd a vshriatoias elopement Last tubht .ticwarthy uojockea tne woinuu'e cell and. t g:tnr they put out on tneir hon. , uiuti, direction aud deoiiUaiiou iii.kuown Uicitory Mercury : Ab -nt ten days ao' Mr h,eevw ut Gianite Fuda kii.ea a duck for dinner ' vi.i.u dies ii g it, two picC. a ot pure gold Was iuund in ita c aw i nis credit d a cuuosity us to where it came f.om. 1 hey -ruspicioutl that it ctuue out hi the oifi from a wed wnichwaadug about two lnonins ago . Uu cxamioiug lui. din',. otu:r pieces were soou found. From thia and other proola which are rap idly b iog produced it is thought tbat tne whole vmage of Granite Faha is di ectly over , one of tne rictest. gOid mines iu tins country , . , Explanation of Weather Sigaals As displayed from our office daily (except Sundays;: , V bile & ig, fair. Blue flag, rain or 6now. Half white and half blue, local rains. Wiiite flag with black centre, Co id wave. "T he black trtangu.ar flag is a TemperatUie bigou1, and when disp.ayed above weather flags indicates t ha. it will b- Wanner. aud when below wtather AkS. -that it will be cojler, and w h-n not displayed at ail the ttmperatur-v-id rm su a lonary. Tl.s Villi . . ... ..m . iu. ... 1. 1 h Q f. -TnVi 11 - soi.V Caill ai d Fever Tonic is the pleading J rem ay or 01 it , iv . lagnppe aud. ail mulo.Ul trcSble. For Sala by J. W. urviw. Plyt oxb, Dr. B. F. Hally, Fops-. ALLIANCE READING. Tn Following, Are The Officers of Washington (J'mnty Alliance. H, A. UrtcitFiBLD, ; Precjideut W T. OMfctsS, Vice President. J W Wtmss, . ' - Secretary r II. J. Wi tht a MS V -Treasurvr ;' ' - I). vPftt;ii.L r " " Leoturer.- , Z wAt - A4tiaot Lecturer. A '. C W enTZ ,v Chaplain Jno. hWAls ' '' Door ICe-per, I t HAS8KI.li ; ; ' , Bushiesi Agent. JjioSSTNN8 ; ' Seig't at arms. OiBoers of the Roauoke eub-AlJiance. L. I Fugan Preidtint " - B L) Latham Vice Prtsid.'nt J O Everett Secretary : ; T L Sutterthwait - Tieaorer O W loms Lecturer II W bawyer Aa't Lecturer F It Jonnston ' Chnplain D Bateniaa Door Keeper : W M Mi.rman- As't - " R il Brteman - 8erj't At-Arms David Garrett -: -Busa. Agent 11 Sayer, David Garrett and J C Garnneous, iJommitfee on sick. . 11 W awyer.T L Mnttftrthwaite and F it J huston Oommiitee on tbe good of the Ordei ' ; Colds and Coughs croup, sore throat, bronchitis, asthma, and hoarseness '.' cured by . , fiyers Cherry Pectoral the safest ' and most effective emergency medicine. It should be In every family. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co Lowell, Mass. DOFT IlEMOVKB. ntvii ff removed into more com'riOilicus quart ra 1 take pteaM3r in. liiting the p D ie to call ou me W. eu in ne a ot . goods in my ine ,. . . ... - JEWtLRY, WATHES. fl.OrKS, iW LItYr.i 71 ATCHEM, VLOt KS,. ANU MU.-1CALINSTRUMENT8 OV Lt, KIND A special invi'aUo'i is estend-d to the ladies as I m selling just'what tLey w am sftn Standard Cutary Fklllc .Srwing .Vatliice Don't forget th" place th' W A.RD buiiding on Washington Street. ..... . ,.. N B. Yeager, rtcS-tf PLYt.OU.H. N. Dying but yet living. ' 1 am with t ie good people yet and eoli-jit their patronage in my line. OLD OLOT.iES CLEANED. . I clean, dye and repair gents clothing of all stylet and colors. 1 al-o clean or dye lailie-- drrs'ea. clonks wiaus. &c. Ladies won't it pay you to hare ttur Uat wiuter's dres cleaned or dyed another color ? Gentlemen, won t it aave yon mnuey 10 bave your ciottiliig cleaned r 1 give satiaiaciion or maseno charge. - - - t&T Orde.a from neighboring towns solicited. I am a.so sOi prt.prietor of ."Sapouftlis napn f.-r chapped bauds,, nic.-rs, pimples. &o. It beautifies tb complexuin and leaves ibo fac and hanus smooth and soft. . 9-18 3tn . ' ' . Sam'L A loolKS- . THE AEV YORK WEEKLY WORLD, One Dollar a Year. Contains th best faatures of any Weokly primed. M. Q tad, late of the Detroit tree Pi ees, writes a page of matter every week t-BxD Fob Sample Copy THE WEEKLY WORLD, New York City Civil Engineer ahU : LAND SURVEYOR. d'Cll-tf tCOPPKBNoNff, N. C. ' , SUBSCRIBE TO - . ,. - The Baanoko' Beacon, ONLY $1.00 Per lear. at Huh fcrftrMtiab,n nadria rurk for 1L bv Ann. TaK. Altftfat. T.itu, lid ino. llonn, Toledo, Ohio. 3m tat. Olhra .r. dotac M well. VTkr won iaotyoal Son Mm unrUittit.fi ennnth. V.o uu do it. Tork H4 Stv y. t homo, wliorovcr yon arm. Bv. bo- J ftaaera aro aoollx aarMtsf froai So to .laaaay.Ailaf. ifo.bowyoaaow . and Hart you. Can work h mn Sa4 JJ tit all ia. Hbm. XI, aeoaoy for weak er. Foliaro aakaown araoaf wm. Ut "T and wnortorful. rantnDim fraa. H.U.U.t&; CSMJSwa jrrUail,rate rapidly aud bmonSVT, ky fcaa a) irkar m, yawBr or old. aad la Mm awn hicaHUf,wBomr(r iliry En. Any OH COtl rl. v... k l I W ftimltk ov.rythln. W Warn too. Xo rluv. V .;. . your .re momum or all your tm.. 10 lha work. 1blUan KVtvi'i iiw m(i .and brio. wama.i . . . . Bu!fiurtr aro ovnln, frooj $ to ,U pw a aad uavanla. i aad BH.r ft.r l.il. i. cr.-nea. Wo ou farm.li yoa 1U0 aa- ' kmmMfm las-'. Va' Ot Vf AttiVfcl, tUUtv y- J" """. J rjpHE NORFOLK A BOtJTHEEN It. K. Tub direct short likb tjktwtkx Plt MoVTH KnKNTOH AUD KASTatlN NOllTH Carolina Ao Norfolk, kd alx. poistb NORTH. Mail and Express leaves Norfolk daily (except Sunday) at 9:45 A. M., arrives at Edenton 12:45 P. M., and at Belle Haven at 4:15 P. M, connecting with steamer Haven Belle for South Creek and Bay Fivcrr Leachville. bcranton, Makley ville. &c - Connect at Edenton dally (except Sunday) with tbe Company's Steamer Plymouth for ltoanokeEiver. Jaaiesville& Washiugtonil 11. Sir. Bertie fur Wiudsor aud Gtshie fciver, also with the Str. M. E. Roberts I'resday, Thursday aud Saturday for landings on Chowan Iliver aud on Mouday aud Fri day for Columbia and laudiugs ou the Scuppernong River. lieave Edenton every VVeduesday .for Mill Lauding, Salmon Creek and returns following day. Through ticke;sOn sale on Strs Plymouth and M E. Roberts and baggsge checked l stations on the Norfolk & southern It B., and landings on Kiver routes, ind to Balti. more, Philadelphia New York. Washing ton. ia, &o. -. Norfolk freicht and passenger stations at Norfolk JS Western R. It. depot. Freight received dally nutil 5 P. M (except Sunda.v) 0nd forwarded promptly . ' EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH FAST FREICHT LINE. AND PASSENGER SCUTE. Tbe new f.nd e egaot paw-enger steamer Neuse, leaves Elizabeth City loesdiy. Thursday aud alurday for Newberne. connecting with the Atlaulio and N. O. R K for K.mR'on, Ooldsboro anrt Ihe Bouth. Dailv alt rail service between Elizabeth City. Edenton and New York, Philadel phia and Jsak'tuore una. Norfolk I tiiouch cars vitnout breaking bills, low raifS aud,' quicker time than by any othr route , 'irect all gowds to ne shipped via Eastern Carolina Dibpalcb as follows: From Norfolk, via Norfolk fmutheru Railroad. Fr-'.m Baltimore, via P.'AA & B. R. R. President St. Mation. . From Philadelphia, by Peun. R R. Dock St. Station. . . From New York, by Penu,R. R. Pier 27 North River. 1 jg For larthcr information apply to J. H. Sinitu, Ageut, Plymouth, or to the Goueial Office of the Norfolk & faoniheru Railroad Company Norfolk II. C. I1UDGIV8. Geu'i. Fr't. & Pass. Ag't. M. K. KING, Gen 1. Manager, augl6-ly. ; ' . . RadThla Should you wish to buy. sell, r.r lease any real property , in V ashington, reitie or Martin counties wetako this means of informing yon that we are in A position to render you assistance iu disposing of yoOr prope ty to advantage or in aiding jou to make a s; lcotion, shonla you wish to lease or purchase.. '.The property will b advertised by png. ters and ir the BuakoKe HEacon. and legularly mailed lo parties living not ouly in the vaiions fctates of tbe Union, but . in Frnce, England and Germany. Mes. Patrick & Wilson, the Immigration Agents, are doiig all iu their power to turn the tide of immigra ion to North Carolina and are co operating with ns iu this work. No commissions will be charged nuless a sale is perfected, ad then a certain com- mission, previously, agiecd upon, will be rettincd from the proceeds. Being a member of the American Real Estate Agency, which nv tubers over 1000 members, our advertised lists are regularly muib d to them, and by this means we are frequently .enabled to Bccure purchasers, whiuu otherwise we would uot secure. Hoping to hear from you 'soon, should you riesira to buy, sell or lease any real estate, we remain, Yours very resp'y, C. V. W. 4 W. F. AlIBBOS," v. ' nymou.h. N. C. LAND FOR SALE BY THE ROANOKE BEACON Real Estate Agency let. One tract of fine ewamp land containing 1200 acre, inure i rleoc, situated it n.ilt from Ply inoiitb on the ltoanuke River, and bound) d on 'ha North by t)e Roanoke Kiver, on itni at by Coneby Creek aud 011 the soutt and Wurt by the lanc of W. 11 Untnpton, and kuotvn us tJaard' Island and S u.irt'g nlll. Btuarl'a Hill is ou tbe river front and is high land with about 5 acres cleared. The Island I well wooded aud is one of tho bent eock ranges in this sectiuu, and is wull adapted to tbe cultivation of rice. Can be bought cheap Snd One tract of land in Skinnersv'lle Township Washington onniy, adjoining the lunda f Mrs. Alary K. -orman and others, containing S00 acres and known as the "Swift isua." SK) or '100 acrrt snudy soil mortly e eared, 80 or 40 acres undearrd awaiup. and the rcroainuer a flue givy soil, with clay sub-soil ; about SO acre ot this clenred. I his property is very denirable ai d lies directly on tbe Albcwurlesouud. - Terras low and easy. 8J. One tract of land in Lee's Mills Township. Washington county, adjinii g ihe lauda of Mrs. 11. v.iianxins ana ouiers, containing ZiU acres, and known as "Aiapleoke.'' the foimer r-sidrncu of sir. v. u. liowimig. T"t farm Is well iuiprorcd aud contains ICO sen undercultivntion : onu larre. lata rtyie twoatory dwelling, with co"k aud dining rooms, large iaru ana all neccrstry out houses to be fom.dou a first-class, well-kepf modem farm; also a large, comparatively new gin h use. Fences aud ditches in good repair. A bargain for cash. Fcr particulars concerning any of the above prop el iy. appiy 10 ' ' The ROANOKE BEACON Real Esf Ag'ey. I'lymonih. $. C. JOHNSON'S CHILL & FEVER TOHIC. WOKIf.io c'L features which commood It to tbe medical profession as well as the masses. v FIRST. . Can break tnto any casoa of Malarial Fevers nt any tyne at any ttage (a desirtrraium to even physi cians), where pulos is 1 tr 140, skiu hot and dry, and tougue b-aded without miug verairom, aconite, f any other atierial sedatirc. SECOND, lis perfect harmlcssness and lnnoeerrarnnaiiinua s wonUerful feature. It can be admiuistered wiik abi-oiote safety and security te an infant, and in psriurtnit women its admialstraiion is attended wiia no uanger. - ... THIRD In the treatment nt oM rhr.nU . .1.111. and fuver, Ihsre is no return of the f.vr oa the 7th, 11th. 31st or J8.lt day. . FOURTH. One tingle bottle i fuarar-tend to da all clalmcri for it. Its price, SOeeut. ia within tie reach of all, acd thW amount will be returned to any bsyer wau in a n-iiueq wtio ino mtaioioe. For sale by Bryaa & Chears, Plymoutb, 8Dd Dr. B F. UaJlcey, Roper. SEWIIG lACHllTOS AT ' -. - PEOPLE'S lRICES. Standard makes at prices poor people can pay, The Chicago "SIKGER" I ! 11 rw ml lllllil ill lol A. signed and, numbered certifloate of wafauty for five years is giveu with ersry ' machine. 1 . Since the patents on the well known "SINGER" maohine ran out some time ago, auother fautory has sprang up and i mak ing the very same thing for about one fifth tbe former selliag price. - We have paid the liceuse tax and made arrangenieuti for offering onr trade the CdlCAGO "SINGER" . having au ornamented head on iron stand, , with drop leaf table of genuine cil polished black Walnut, With patent drop leaf sap purs and Gothic pattern veneered panel cover. It has two polished front drawers with lock and elaborate nickel plated drop bandies. Every machine is furnished with the following: Foot hemmsr, (feller) quilter, oil cau, screw diiver, shuttle screw driver, wrench, one gnide, tea needles, six bobbins instruction book; also a neat tele" ttfopic box containing the following elegant nickel p.ated attachments : Tncksr, rnfler, biuder, assorted heromers from one-eighth to one inch in widih, Rememb ar this elegant msohine eoats you only twenty Dobars, delivered at your nearest freight s.atiou Send us your order. If the machine is not satisfactory it may be returned to good order within thirty days from date of purchase, aud your money will be promptly refunded. 4 TaOS. W. BLOUNT. Roper, N. C. 'T'b ""-rf 1 T .'A rri