73 x Xi; The n:anpk.Q Bearon.. inton Countv . Published Every Friday by THK KoAKOKt: FjL'CUPXIIS.O .CojfPAXT. . W. FLETCHER AUSBJN, - Editor. fl. V. W. AUSBON, .1- .:, .j. . Business Manager. Subscription price, $1.25 per year. . Advertisements inserted at low rates. Obitnarv notices exceeding K 11 liiie, five .cents alnie. Count the word1" allowing eight to I lit) line, scul ped mo;:ey with MS. for all in tsco:-B of teu Jims. ., TUe editor will not be responsible for tbe views t correspondents.. All articles for publication must be accomuanied by the full uaiie of mo writer. Correspondents are reipioated not. to writo.on but ,one siuu or the paper, " - All comniuniCHUoim mu't be scut u by ThjjrBday morning or t.ney win not. appear.- . Vddress all'iwpmuiiK'.tttions to ' " TljLE ROANOKE BEACON, Plymouth, N. 0 We appeal to every reader of Tits Roanoke Bbacon, to aid as in malting it an fcoiepta Wo and profitable mediutaof news to onr.citi7,ons, Let Plvnionth people and the public It imp ynst is going on iu Plymouth. Report to 11s all ttonii.' of ucw the arrival and departure of f Heads, social event, deaths, sorious ilmes, accident. pew Intildiugs, new enterprises and improvement of whatever character, change in business indeed anything and everything that would be of interest to our people. 4 FRIDAY, A PHIL 29, 1S92. Atf, investigation has led to the arrest uf ' several parties, who hare been robbing the government through the Custom House- at New Yor'aV 'Among thoso implicated are soma employes, importers and brokers. New York 'is' not the only point where fraud is ilftiog the government out of its .cash, as a thc-rongh investigation will show. v The press and people of North Carolina have been discussing the Fublio Road question for nuny years, aud to-day the system of working the roads is the same, and the roads are as bail at. ever. We believe the question has been discus sed long enough, and would suggest that iho best methods for working public roads be sent before the Legislature at its next ;" meeting, and that soma law be made where - by tho' reads may ba worked ijd kept iu passable order. ; r The Rockingham Kocket says: "" "A kentlemau ' from Upper Richmond .was in conversation with tLe editor of the Rocket ,8o.ae days aeo when fie turned his artillery upon ibe I), inocratic party Tor what he styled its failure to bring 'relief to the people'.11'; This gentleman has always voted the Democratic ticket but now comes out and wftota to know what that party has ever dorm for the tate." The Spirit of the heath: kafps standing. . ; The Democratic parity fjrsi and foremost resetted the-'StatH .from the clutches of a set of harpi 'K, who bad piundertd and well nigh mined her people, aud were even tnou waging "civil wa. on the people of some of, her eotHities;. Was it nothing to stop the IXirk'w'ar and send his cut throat back whence they came ? U na it nothing to shakeou the hoktof battlefield,. Deweese aud tLeic pais in robbery and jobbery. Having freed the people from tbos.s in iquities, they bailt up the' public schools aud established a good system of schools for the people. They have also established asylums and taken from the jails the pJor insane aud housed and fed them I hey have administered the State affairs economically, honestly, and iu th intetest cf trie people. There has uot been a dollar of public money lost a orth Carolina ia tweuty years. ' ' They 'havi; built rajhofids, and so man aged affairs that tha raiiroad mileage has more than doubled without a cent of- tax ation to' fhe p6t'ple. Tliey have utilized the convict labor and bave.jMtibs'-antiallv -made the penitentiary Belf-suppdrtiog.' They have maintained in the comities aud iu the towns honest, care ful, frugal and tfiloient local government. They , have kept order iu the Btate and administered justice iu the courts, and the .people have tn joyed repose and thtdr homt'B haye been happy and the jr lives peaceful. Uhey have not invaded the liberties of the people, nor impaired their freedom, uor jnttrferwi with their right to plant and sow v aud reap, as they will That is the rijjht of facb individual man. The Democratic party has not abridged it. When we consider these things, it ap' pears that the Democratic party ha doue all that a parry can dc for the peopie at thtir homes. At ashii gton the party has never bad th power to do what it desired to do. But it has reduced expenses ; it has light (Bued taxation ; it has reduced the tobuCco tax aDd changed the revenue kw ; estab lished economy when it had control of the iIouKf'..f liepresehiatives ; aud it has pre vented the pasHageof wicked and bad laws, such, for instance, as the act enforcing hociul .eytiiilit.y between the races, and pperri9f- tb's. fchools the churches, the bote's and all public places to the races fiiike. It has ajso prevented ihe passage or acts nt Congress which would have required North Carolina tto pay th'a fraudulent t-petiil tax bonds.' It has al...o prevented .the , parage of acts Hka tbe Force bill. Are net these thiDgs something dona for the people ? A GOOD PL4TFORM. : .... fonlberu Cultivator 'I bis is a yenr when all worts of presiden. . tjal tickets. will b suges(ed ou all kinds pf filft'forius. We propose thp following s FoV President:' ' ! IniJUstuy. For Vice I'rcsideot : ! ', Economy. Electoral Ticket 1. Ilog", hominy and liny. 2. Grain and c;raKHis. . .'!. Cottou ani thts cera'-s. 4. Uoma-rttised products. , 1 .,", Improved liibor-naviug ciacLinery. ; C. Intensive culture. i 7. Fields frracfd and tilled. 5. Improved stock Mixed at home, 0.' Improved public highways. 10. (Sillier t;uui3 and icore thorou"h 1 til! r ll.1 IlQ:r."a viv-i iore (f. '..tractive. ', Lave a sp?;dy and po:ty cure for . i i h '.okfT iiioiUli i-ud lindnhc, iu Il.ts'lfri CAlAlMUl i:LM13DY. A 1 i ..i c:"r ire. i s'h -M'h botil. Usi ,' V'-V"-''Mr ;,. n;l fcweet breath. ' . ' . ' , . 1. Clears, Flviy. SKIN- DV10CRAT1C UNITY MUST BS rKEftERVET). Sjecial Cor. State Chronicle. v The time has coma when 1 cannot permit those who have heen my frienrts, ftssocmtei ai d co-laborers, in the came of democracy, to b-i lonRer deceived by the tuisrepre.-wuta tioua (J dlErniug nicu. I nave ftood the fire as.long as I cau without mntting a plain Statement relative to my advoeacy of measures for financial relief, so ibat the people may see how unfairly I have been recently treated by tbe press, towhee good opiuion I am entitled., I commenced to givp Shooght .to the fi nancial problem in STS 74, while I sras a student at Trausylvauia Utiiver&ity, Llx; ingtcu. Ky I read the pro-a .of the day with interest and bad the pleasure of hear ing such Democratic light as Senators James tJ. Beck J, G; Carlisle and J O. S. Blackburn make campaign ppeeeheg on the lin of financial reform and denouncing espeoially the denur)'.tizatina of silver. Thie led me to investigate thg subject further, and I have tried since to iead nil the current literature bearing ijppn the subject thut I could find My reading an t study have brought me to th sincere and decided conclusion that the financial prob lem is f the first importance anions' th issues that must be settled by the American people. In this view I find niyeif comer dice w ith Alliance and non-Alliance Dem ocrats in tho State. Iu January, 1887. I attended the Acrl cultural pdiivention in lialegu,; presided over by Uou. Elias Catr and iutroduced a re-olutiou looking to :. financial rehef In March, the same year, I. wtote an artie e entitled '"Land Basis for o,ur NaUouKl Hunk Issue." which appeared in the Grnnuvilie lti tlector" and "News and Observer" abou tho same time. ' Alter this I wrote an article) dealing with the cotton problem, eutitld. 'The lioue 01 the soutu." I his Was first published iu tbe "Progressive Farmer," and afterwards iu an abbreviated form in 'Frnnk Leslie's.' Both of thtse articles were widely copied. I followed this with 'Hone 01 the South No. 2." cnumeqnei.tly I hure now arid then coutnbute to dijj? rem papers ou the line of tinnucial reform, especially iu advocacy of the sub-trtasury plan. 1 htge (jueotious naturaity brought me to the notice ol the Aiiiatcs, au drain ized body working for legislative reform1, aud consequently 1 receiytd' many iavita tious from ailjereut paifs of jhe btate to address Al.iauce gatuerings. oome few of (luxe iuvitatioos I accepted. In mid-sum mer I recaiviCj au luviiation to jom (Jol. Folk iu a series ofspeeo .es throngaout the btate. Hi fore counautiug to do bo I poa. suited mauy prominent Democrats, amoug them chairm u p.. U. tam.tb, iiou T. lc Jernigan, then assosiata, editor of the News ond Observer, lion. T. J. Jarvin, who bus always nhowa hiuuself a ylse aud cod" Bervaiive Jaadcr, utid others. They advised me tuat it would do good for me io accept the inviiu.tiouB. Following the f-w speech, es 1 mad-s L was fiooued with other iuyita tious, aud at a sacrifice, with only the good of th peopie at heart, have delivered spoecl;e.-s iu twenty-five cjundeu. I leave the character and teudeocy of my apeecuss to the people who Lear4 them as well as to ihe ulojjrBPu' reports pf them m dilferent Democratic jouruajs, iuyariab.y reporting me as haviut; done my party good, whicn could uot have been QtherryiFe, as 1 tuade the a&.ua Class if speeches that I Was Won I to do ju ihe campahjus from 187(i tp 1SU0, aud also iha samj kit.d tf speeches spoken by Hon. Jeste J. y-ates, lion. 1'. H. Jer nigan, lion. D. Al. Uarter, 1 Hon. L. 0. JUatuam aua uon, xuonms u. bkiuntr, iu their respeciiye cauvasea Of the iurst District, aud the eiuo ors for tbe Siate at large, aud a Senators Vai.ne and Kaiisuui hayeuiade throughout North Uaro Una for the pant twenty years. They denounced the demonetization of silver, the resumption of specie paj'uieut aud the credit strength eni ug act. They have nelti up the tyrauuy of a gold standard, promised the remun. etizatiou of silver and general financial relief througu the Democratic party. 50 have I, Iu fhe present hour we ouly differ as to the plau of reuef I believe in the sno treasury plan They do not As Democrats each is entitled to nis individual opinion At Jong as lrctdom of spetch is guaranteed in thi country we all have our individual right to express our own views uud I trust without having our Democracy impugned or oursviyes personally or politically proscribed Mr. Bland can layor free biivcr and bo a Democrat; Mr, riar.er cau oppose free sil ver wnhout having LisDemoc-.ac question 6J; Mr. Kandatl was a protectionist and yet a recognised leader oi Democracy in CougrehB: Mr. Carlisle Can reverse Limseif ou stiver. aiiL) au am wuue nni against tne abolition of iuterual reyeuue, a peruja ncut plank in our btate platforuus, and yet is to north Carolinians a great leader in Democracy. But Air. rkiuner, it- wou d eeem cannot advocate a uieauureiyhich la siucerjiy b,e. litves would relic yo me poopie id' tneir gieai agricultural stagnation and arm tho fields with thn power to' cnuimaud higher prici s for their products, wiihoui having his po. litical heiiiage taktu from lmu,. his past services cancelled and his future proscribed, iience I defiue to say, as much us X may bo maligned, sharp as the cn icinuiK may be made, nothing can canst me to Waver or falter in my political faith, for I expect to' foliow tuo jlag wheu inoj who now judge me wrongiy siiad nave, c user Wd and joined with our common enemy. My advocacy of tiu sub treasury plan has alway3 been iu tua pale of the purtj . I ducUH8 n only in a general way, trying to impress two pivotal though' that iJcuio. cracy is ttie rule or sirengih of the people, aud that a majority haye the rigtt 10 coQ. tioi ; that Democracy means lodging nil power witu the peopie possiblt thai vhut we call money, wnetner 111 the shape ol government credit or coin, is the most poweriui controller of human action tnd the great distributer of the results of labor ; that as governmental credit has u bu if. vokt-d either in the form of treasury potes, ccrtificucs or guaranteed bank no. en, ;o do the business f the country, that it is inoru Democratic: to put this power in the ha. ds cf or near the peop: at . first Cost taan to dejogato it to corporations with tno power to crush the people; and that tbe govern, ment can t-jtena iti tirediii under proper supervision upon laud and staple rjpj a& wed as upon bonds, gold or silver, for the reason that thtso must redeem the bonds aud furnish the powtr with which to purcii ace gold and silver, v ; - 1 Naw whiie these Rre my individual view3 I have ro desire to force theui npou Demo crats who cannot sco throagh the Banie glsnea as I do, and certainly wouid not Want them incorporated in our State !at. form, recogmsUig as I do that there 13 tnat diflerence of opinion " among Dumoorats that woa d hazzard the harmony of Demo, cratic-'couucils aud jkpordi.e our siiccts at tbe pails, realizing farther in 1 do that our wbite people mutt bo held together within thf Off! l7i!m n ff ij!Wicrm tn I FULL y.EST OF COL. ffER'S LETTER. enemy from re-er acting the era of its mis rule, to perpetuate white supremacy and to stand as a barrier against amalgamation aud the evils that would flow therefrom. The people of North .Carolina v may be assured While I claim tha . right of my ladiridtial A iews, I stand ready totnake any sacrifice to prevent the disruption of the Democratic party. And if I may be permitted Jto make a suggestion, without criticism, to Alliance and uon alliance Democrats in the interest of harmony, it would be to carry out what I intended at the last meetjng uf the Siato executive committee, to reoouimend to the differeut county conventions, with as little variation as pos-iblc, the otate platform of 18SJ0, aud regulate all our differences of a national character to the different Cougres. sional vcouventioQ9 fts this c.ass of redef mu -t come through he channel Of Congres and these areth political bodies that should bt impress! with the Importance of relief on the line indicated. In making this eng. gestion I am not retreating from the Demo cratic principles involved in the sub-treasury plan, I shall attend the Democratic eon. ventjon of the First District ard io Ht I did Vfriour last district convention, use niy power to have incorporated this plan in the pla form, and w rk for the uoiniilt,qu of a nau that will staud flat-looted upon mcu a plat i' mi. if ( f it. it wilt not diminish my uemporano ardor, bur r will follow the majority. As a financial r foroitr, I can not gee how engrafting anything unusual In our State pl-tfoitn will advance our cause 1 see how it may .divide oar peopU and endanger our local institutions, , I give the AUiam e credit lor too much wi-dmu and pa liotism, even if in the absolu e con . trol of the btate convention, to act either iu naming the ticket or tho platfprm, so as to biing defeat upon tua wo k tere eommited tn their charge. My optu u is, they will act wis. ly and conservatively and on th day after vi' de3.ve the applause of patrl, ols. Let uou-AllianoH Deuiocrats htop their bickerings, mad criticisms tone tfie-useiyes down, be prepare t to act 'conservatively. mett on a common ground help enact a comtnou platform ihat all cau stand upon and raci-i a satitiacbry ticket that Will ia spire unjou aud solidity In city, town. Intm. let &d country, and under one flag march to an assured victory. Io this end let u-t all meet as trne Der.i . crats prepared to mak some i-aorifices and concessions for the common go d. llApny hijiNN'tji. ALLIANCE READING. Tno Following Are ' Tho Officers of Washington C"uuty Aliiauce. II. A. Leichfielij, Fj-ideut W. T. -wopkins, Vice President. .7. W WYNs, Secretary . II. J. Williams Treasurtr 1 D. IfpituiJ-L Lecturer R.UFU8 wmji . ssM8taut JLecturex. A.O. Wes'3 Chaplain Jko. Swaim Dbor Keeper, I T. Uassicll ' Blisinesi Agenjt. Jso. Wynns Serg't at arms. Officers of the Ivauoko sub-Alliance. L. I Fiigiin President B D Latham Vice-President J O Ercrett Keoreiaiy T Ij Satterthwait Treasurer U W 1'onis , Lecturer II V bawyer As' t Lecturer F 11 Jinnst!)ii Chaplain B DCMemau 4 Door Keeper V irNorm..u As't " K M Brtemaii 8 rg'i At. Arms l?avid Garrett Buss. Agent 11 W Sawjer, David Garrett and J C Gmrganeous, Jomm:ttto on sick. H V lawyer, T L Sitterthwaite and F R J .linstoji Oommhtec oq tho good of the Order. , , , ' ' ' . One Dollar Weekly Buys a good Gold Watch bv onr Club Sy tem. Our 14 k-irat gold filled case are warraoted for 20 jvats. Fine . Elgin or Walt ham moyemeiit Stem wind aud set Laity's or Gent's size Fqual to any $."0 waicb UosecUtc agents where we have none, we sell one of the Hunting Case Watches for the Club price $8 uud send COD by xpress with privilege of ex amination before paying lor same Our Agent at Durham, N. C, wrjtes: iOi;r jt!vr.Ir have confensed they don't know bow yon can fumieti such woik for tile money." Opr Agent at Heath Springs, S. C , writes : "Yonr watcho take nt elgbt. The gentleman who got the lii!-t watch said thai bo rxainlued and priced a jetreler swatches iu Laucat r, thai were no better than yurs, out the price was 43." Our Agent at Pennit gton, TeX. writes: ''Am in receipt oi the watch, and am pleased without measure. All who have seen 11 say it would 00 cheap at glO.'' One good reliable Agent wanted for each place Wrbe for particulars Empiric Watch Co.. New York, That Your Hair may retain Its youthful color ' fullness, and beauty, dress It dally with Ayer's Hair Vigor It cleanses the scalp, cures humor?, and stimulates a new growth of hair Pr. J. C. Ayer El Co. .Lowell, Mass,, JB.-.MjUDlNEY, UNDERTAKER. I am better prepared to furnish the pub lic in the Undertakers business than t ver. Corpus supplied ori demand from the finest to the cheapest and at prices that defy com-pctetion. I am also prepared to serve the public as CON IRA CT0R AND BUILDER. ! banking tbe publio for past patronage 1 soliciting a contiuuanco of samn I am. Yours truly, . - t , . - 1 HUE NORFOLK & BOUTHEKN It. H. The direct short link between I'll MOUTH EdESTQX AKD EA&TltHH NORTH Oakolisa . and Norfolk, and all ; POINTS NORTH. , . Mail and Express leaves Norfolk daily (except Sunday) at 3:45 A. M., arrivea at Edeutoa 12:45 P. M., and at Belle Haven At 4:15 P. connecting, with steajaejr Haveu B.elle fo South Creek and . Bay Fiver, LeachvUle. bcraijton, MakleyyiUe. Connect at Edepton daily (except Sunday) with the Company's Steamer Plymouth for Koanoke River, Jame8Ville& Wa8hjugt,ouR R. Str. Bertie for Windsor and Cashle Bver, a.so with the Str. M. E. Roberts l'resday, Thursday aud Saturday for landings en Chowan River aud on Mouday and Fri day for Columbia aud landings on the Scuppemorig River. Leave Edpton every vveduesday for Mill Landing, Salmon Creek and returns following day. Through ticked? ou gala on Str a Plymouth and M ltobert,s and baggage checked tn stHtions ou tbjB Npifolk if, Southern R it., and landings on Isiver routes, and to Balti. more, Philadelphia: Hew York. Washing ton, dc. $Q. Norf)lk freight and passerjjjfir. stations at Norfolk pfc W ester u K, R. depot. Freight received daily nprij 5 P. M. (except Sunday) and forwarded prpmptly. EASTERN CAROLINA DISPA-TCH FAST FBEIQHT mil, AND PASSENGER ROUTE. The new and elegant passenger steamer Neuse. leaves Elizabeth ' City Tuesday. Thursday and fiaturdHy for Kewberue, connecting with the Atlantic aud N. C. R tt for Kiuaton, Goldsboro and the Sooth. Daily all rail service between Elizabeth City. Edentou and New York, Philadel phia and Bale more and Norfolk. ' lnrongh oars without breaking balk, low j raes ftpd qqicker time thau by any ottu r routu tiect ftl. goods tp pe shipped via Eastern arolii-a Dispatch as fallows: From Norfolk, via Norfolk Southern Railroa4: From Baltimore, via P, & B. R. R. President Ht. Mation. . From Philadelphia, by Penu. R. R. Dock St. Station. ' From Neyy York, by Penn, R. R. Pier 27 North Biver. IT For further information , apply to J. 11. Smitn, Agent, Fly mouth, or to the General Office of the Norfolk & Southern Railroad Company Norfolk H. C. HUDQINS, Gen'l, Fr't. & Pass. Ag't. ' M. K. KING, . Gen'l. Manager, v anglG-ly. ;, ' LAND FOR SALE BY THE' . nOAKOKE BEACON Eeal Estate Agency- ltit. One tract or land In Lee't Mills Township, Vauingtin county, udjoiuirg the lands of Mrs. II. V. nankins uud others, containing 200 acre, mid kuowi as "Mapleokf.'' tbe foimer residence of Mr. vV C l)owiiinr. Tbe larm is well Improved and contains 100 acres under cultivation ; one large,' lute tvle two Morv tlwellini. with cok and (linfiiR rooms, large l am and all necei-snry out lione tp be found 011 a first-class, well-kept modem far(p ; also a large, comparatively new gin h use. fences aud ditches in goou repair, a nargaiu ioj pitrji. For particulars concerning any of the abpye prop' crty. apply to TUe ItOANOKE BEACON Real Est' Ag'cy. Plymouth D. O. MUNKLEY & CO. Dealers In . Foreign and Domestic Wines and . liquors. k CHOICE BRANDS OF CIQARS. A. Full Lins of Superior Canned Goods always on hand. IO E fpr Plc by wholesale or retail IUUCUTH, N.C. J. S. WoPBA&D, S. It, RKBETT W00DABD & EVERETT ' pEALEBS IN FANCJ WINES ANP. IIQU0RS B' TIK DRINK OR AlEASURi,., We can be fnnd at the old stand of J S Woodard u Water Street, where we wyi be pleased to srve qur friends nd the putu be generally. Respectfully. t Jan8-92 if WooOard ,t Everett. THE NEW YpRK WEEKLY W9RI.P, Onp Dollar year. ..... 1 . ..1 1 Contains tbn best features of any Weekly printed. M Qad, late of the petroi tree Press, writes a'puge of matter eyery week. Keno Fpb Sample Cojty THE WEEKLY WORLD, New York City Jx N, PADGETT . ' UNDERTAKER, T n m riow nrenared to fui'iiish th nnhlin with Coffins, from the fiusst to I hi cheapest I am su prepared to make Apple trills, onil trviffn general rflnftir work mi farminir " " H" d- r - " " w O impleuufciits and mako a specialty ct STOqiiilNq ana KKi'AiJiia OUNS, &c and at pricfis that dfy competition. lutuo tun;, u, h, ripuETX, At the residence of Ihos Ling mar lltf. Type For Sale. As we'intend to put in a complete outfit of new type at an early dale, we will sell all the bdy type now Id use In our office VhdlY (lilJEAP. If iu neod of anythifig like thii, write at once, for we hav no room foA" it, and mast dispose of U in a few cloys, oA 6ome price. Address 7 Tub Roasoke Bsacost, ' ' i - ' ' ' ', ' 1 ' r .. , ' . 1 i ' . " '. . ' ' AT . PEOPLE'S PHICEH, Standard makes at prices pop? people can pay. The Chicago mmv ( 1 SUIT til: roll 11 K signed and numbered certificate f waranty for five years is giveu witk T$ry machine. - Since the patents on the well know ''SINGER" machine rau out some time age, another factory has sprang up aud Unmak ing the very same thing J'or about oue iftk the former selling pi ice. '. v We have paid the license tax and UktA arrangements for offering our trade Ike OtUCaGO "SIAGER" having an ornamented head on iron itaad. with drop leaf table of genpipe oil polished black wlnut, wab patent drop leaf sup lori and Gothic pafturu veneered, pane) pover. It has two polished frout drawer with lock and elaborate nigket plated drop baudlos. Every machine is furnished wih the following : Foot bemm.T, (fetler) tuilter, oil cau, screw dver, anuttle screw river, wreuch. one gnide. teu needles, bobbins, lusiructjou book; also a neat Ule- vuopic box containing the following elegaat nickel piated atiaohineuis : Tucker, rufier, hinder, assorted hemmers from one-eight . to one iucb in width. Remember this elegant machine posts yotf only t wenty ' Uol.ars, delivered at yutif nearest freight s ation Send us ybur order. If tbe machine is not satisfactory it may b ; returned lu good order within thirty' aayf from date of purchase, aud your money wit lip promptly refuuded. THUS. W.ULOUNT. . Jloper, K. C. Nv J

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