t..tn hQ: Roanoke Beacon. iuo uiiiuiai rapcr 01 vv asu ingtou County. - PLYMOUTH. - N. 0. Batered ia tbt Port Office At Plymouth N. C as aacaau sues naiier, '. FBIDAY, SEPTEMBER ' 2, 1892. CITY MARKET ' REPOR T. Com,' per Bus., ' Ileal, " O. R. Sides per tt Paeon JSbelders Bacon . Dry Salt r Breakfast Stripe Kama B. 0., Lard refined Flour, per barrel, from -80 90 ; - . 8 ... ' 9 8 n lo 12$ 10 $1.50 to $0.50 W. I. Molasses, per gal.. 85 Black etrop " " 20 Hyrup . ' " 85 Granulated Sugar, per lb 6 Light brown " " 5 Batter " " ' , 80 & 45 Green Coflee " : - j2 & 25 Boasted Coffee ' " ' 1 2ft Eggs per dos., 10 Tobacco, ' per lb - - 25 to 1 00 Shot " . " 8 Oaa Powder ' " 30 to 75 Coal Oil White.Safety.150, per gal. 15 . " " Bed 0., per gal.. 18 Apple Vinegar " " . SO ' Bultanna Prunes, per lb- 10 Pickles. Cucumbers, per 100, .. 75 Bee's Wax, pot lb. .' . 18 'T!kw:-.-j f J v' 6 Hides, best flint. ' ' - V , S. Candy ' ' 10 to 25 Bait, fine, per Bus., - 40 T. I-, " " tU Blown , 80 ii t Explanation of Weather Signals As displayed from our office daily (except Bundavs): . White flag, fair. Blue flag, rain or snow. Half white and half blue, local rains. White flag with black centre, cold wave. The black triangular flag is a Temperature Signal, and when displayed above weather flags indicates that it will bj warmer, and when below weather flags, that it will be cooler, and when not displayed at all. the temperature will remain stationary. - ' Oar Courts, 1892. 8pbixo Tbbk. Judge Geo. A. Sbuford. Fail Term. Judge' "W, A. Hoke, Beaufort tfeb 22d; May 30th, Not 28th Currituck March 7th, 6?pt 5th Camden March 14th, Sept 12th Pasquotank March 21st, Sept 19th Perquimans March 28th, Sept 26th Chowan April 4th. Oct 8d Gates April lltb, Oct 10th Hertford April 18th, Oct 17th Washington April 25th. Oct 24th ' Tyrrell May 2d, Oot Slat ' Dare May 9th Movemuer 7th r ' Hyde Ma46th, Not 14th . Pamlico May 23d, Nov 2lBt JFor civil and jail cases. lil 1 lathing is warranted the Best in the World 1 Is more Waterproof, Is Stronger, and will Wear Longer than anv other eoods manufactured. Ask for the"FJSH BRAND;" take no other. &.C. " RCKEL & BR0.i Sole Agents, Baltimore, Mi , V LSaJO. B&a2 JONES, HE PAYS THE FREIGHT. 8TON WAGON 6CAL.C8, fOO. A - 'J BZAH BOX Jt 1 . VI i -, 8SA3S TABZ BSAlf. v rstulii rrelg-he Paid.- Warranted for 8 Tears AaeaU WaateS. Sea far Teraaa. FARMERS' - & mmA Wutkana Scale. i i JONEB OF BISGHAMTOIT. Biaxhamton, V.T Type For Sale, - As we intend to put in a complete outfit of new type at an early date, we will sell all the body type now in use in our office VEttY CHEAP. If in need of anything i;ta tLis. write at once, for we have no room for it, and must dispose of it in a few days, at some price. Address The Roanoke Beacon, Plymouth, N. C. J. H- PADGETT, UNDERTAKER. I am now prepared to furnish the public with Coffins from the flnBt to the cheapest I am also prepared to make Apple mill, and to do general repair work on farming implements, and make a specialty of 'STOCKING and REPAIRING GUNS, Ac and at prices that defy competition. -Tours truly, J. N. PADGETT, At the residence of Thos. Long. Jy 22-6m. SUBSCRIBE TO THE STATE CHEONICLE, UALEIGH, -II. C. DAILY AND WEEKLY. v Latest Telegraphic news from all parts of the world. (By United Press and Spe cial Wire.) m t . ... Has the largest dailr circulation in the Btate.-: Has more State correspondents than any ot! daily in the State. " Tv 10 Months. $6.00 Six Months 3.00 Three Months 1.50 Wetkly. I13 Per JeIiri , Jo clubs of five r over $1.00. or x. R. JERNIOAN, Editor. It. WLitcufoud, Manager. BEACON FLASHES. BBiaBBaBawaa J V"- "" . - :t- -- . - When you see an X on the margin of yoar paper it niean4 that your subscription Las expiredit is mm an lnvttation lor you to renewi Please remember this and don't let us have to stop your paper. Our Agents are: 8. B. Snel!, Mackey'e J'erry, w, w. jjesry, Koper, V. L. Howell. Creswtill. Any of theve gentlemen will give, yon a receipt for the Beacon. Bee them and become a subscriber. Th Baicoif will be sent to any add reus one year fortl-QO, 81 Month, &Oo t Three Months, V&o. Every ubgcriptlon mwst m aceompa- uivtt wun mo caan, or no paper will m eenc 8eptemb(Bj. . Cotton picking. Go to Roper Tuesday. Mosquitoes on the decline. Oysters are now in season. Cotton seems to be opening rapidly. Be at the Court House Monday sight. County commissioners will meet next Monday. - Mrs. A. M. Johnston returned Tuesday from Morenead. The crop of figs is fine ibis year, both in size and quality. Urs. 8. A. Blount has returned from jaaf extended visit north. : ? . . V ' A fresh supply of Turnip and Butabtga seed at SpruiUTB Bro's. , Are yon trying to convince your Third party neighbor that he is wrong t . Miss r Addie Balph has been visiting friends near Roper tor the past week. , Go to Leggett & Bro's far fine Lace Cur, taias with polls, sbadrs aud fixtures Mr. Ellis Norman and wife, of Hertford, are .visiting Mr, Norman's mother, Mrs. E. Ludford. . . Mrs D. F. Clark, of Money Point, Va is visiting her dauchter, Mrs. Clarence Latham. Mr, Loric Webb, of Creewell. has opened a school three milas from rlymonth on the Boper road. Mr J, M Arps, who bat been baking at Nog's Head this season, returned heme on Wednesday. . . (' .. Will Plymouth give Mr. Carr and. Hon. T. J. Jarvis a grand Democratic reocption Monday night? . ; - Send or go to LeggeU A Bro's and see) or get samples of that pretty gray Flannel Begin to improve yeur cows and pay lots of attention to them for we are geing to have a creamery; Mr. A. 0. Garrett, who has been running the saloon at Nag's Head this seasea, ossae upon Wednesday, -;yi V V-- Misses Deane Jacksen and Gertie Teager returned Monday night from a pleasant visit to Williamston. Oar charming young friend Miss May Whsley, has returned home after spending the summer in Virginia. Mias Pattie Latham, of " M acker's Ferry, has been visiting her cousins. Misses Stella and Neva Latham, this week Mrs. B. F. Bykes and daughter, of E, City are visitiug Miss Medic Harrison and family near this town. Where did we get this hat Y At T. W. Blount's. It's a Cleveland hat, and for a mill sum you can get one aleo. Manager J. E. O. Johntoa. at Mr. W. H. Hampton's Biver Fatal, informs as that he commenced pioking cotton on Monday. ... .. . Miss Annie Ycarer left Monday for Bal. timcre, where sue has gone to accept. a position ' with Armstrong, Cator A Co., nuliiners.- Bev. F. D. Swindell, Presiding Elder of the Wilmington district, and who was looal pastor ef the Methodist church here 17 years ago, was here tnis week. : v- We now feel (he neoeesity of having a band in our town. It's to be regretted that our young men let the band go down at a time when it was most needed. These whose eiders for job work have not been filled will please not get impatient. for a rush has . caused the delay. Oar presses are kept steadily running. Mr. R, L. Boberson, of the firm of Rob. erMn A Parker, carriage makers, of Bob crsonville, apent some time in cur office Tuesday while waiting for job work. . Mr James Harrison, livinsr three, miles from town, presented 1 H lixACOX with a Stalk of corn that measured . 16 feet in length. ' Perhaps the largwit wc have ever seen. ' If the characters of the Third party nominees, as shown by the personal evi dence ef men who know and can prove what they say, is not enough to cause men to think, what will f bouble Battery Galvanic Belt, Bold by W. W. Leary, Roper, N. 0. Cure heart disease, Bheunlatism. Baek ache and many other diseases without medicine, beat by mail post paid to any address on receipt of one dollar, , If : We have in some way been connected with the printing business in Plymouth sinee 1881. and never ia that time have we seen so mnch job' work turned oot as is being done now. Low prices and good work ia the cauie. Monday is the day for the county com. missioners to meet. The Board of Road Soporvipors have recommended that lum ber be famished for a good bridge over the run at Peacock swamp, so we hope the trouble will be brought up and settled. The Plymouth Dramatic and Tableau Association will appear at the Town Hall on Thursday night, Sept 8th. The plays to be produced are t "Border Land and "Fisherman's Luok," closing with a laugh able parodv a "Home Sweet Home". Ad mission 25c. Reserved teste 35c. Hats ! Hats ! t Hats 1 1 1 Leggett A Bro., have just opened the largest and best select, ed stock of men and boys hats ever seen in Eastern Carolina. Call e,arly and get one while they are selliag obeap. Our news box at the market is for the nse of the country people aa moeh so as for ' those ia town. If yon have friends visitinz von. or if an vthiaz of importaaoe occurs in your lamuy or neijnDomooaj and it is not mentioned in Th Bkacoh, do not blame us. but blame yourself The box is at your service and anything drop ped in it we will be sure to get. Hon. Elias Carr, Demoeratio nominee for G overner.' and Hon. T. J. Jarvis will apeak to the people of Washington county at Boper, on Tuesday next, at which time a barbecue will be given and a good time had. Democrats. Republicans, Third party men aad all otners are invuea to anena and have a ceod time and hear a few of the issues discussed, . The speaking at the Court Honse Mon day night will be public. Mr. Moore could not accept the invitation to M pres ent, but Mr F. D. Winston has and will entertain the people with hie eloqneo.ee. Hon. .Ellas Carr, the nxt Governor of North Carolina, and Hon. Thos. J. Jarvis will be present aad we hope the people will an turn out. The ladies are given a special Invitation. .. - ; - , v .i - . NOTICE. To the people of Plymouth and surrounding country: Dr. A. F. Newbury, Of Harlottsville, Tx. , a pnysieiaa or ex parience, will locate in Plymouth Sept., the 1st. Dr. Newbury is a graduate of the New Orleans Medical College and will come to ns highly recommended. . . . jy29-tf In this issue will be found a call bv C. L. Pettigrew, chairman, for a mooting of the County Democratic JCxecutlvc commit tee, and chairmen of the several township committees, to be held in this town on Monday. The county committee are; C. L Pettigrew, chairman : J, A, Chassoa.- J. W. Harrison, Eli liacll an M. M. Alexan der. We are euro they will all attend as business of importance is to be transacted. The Plymouth State Normal School opened on Monday with 50 pupils enrolled aad otners are Deing added daily, rror. H. C. Crosby informs as that this is the largest lumber with whioa the school has ever opened, and that before the close he hopes to have 150 enrolled The Profes sor is a man who sees the necessity of ed nesting hit race, and ho is working bard for the success of the school. We have a speedy and positive cure for catarrh, canker mouth and headache, in BHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY. A nasal Injector free with each bottle. ; Use it if yon desire health and sweet breath. Price 60e Sold by Bryan & Chears, Plym outh, and Dr B F Hailsey, Roper, M. O. Lot All Hoar All lidoe. We understand .that the Third fiartj in this county has passed reso utions not to attend Demoeratio speakings. ' We hope and believe that this new party is not so selfish el - . as mis. If the people are reasonable and intelligent theywill seek to be in formed upon the great questions of the present campaign, and to only hear one side discussed is unfair and makes it Impossible for a man to be honest in his opinion. To be a good democrat it is necessary to know in what respect democracy differs from republicanism. To say joq ire a third party man without knowing the doctrines of the party you op pose is not political. To convict a criminal the jury must hear both sides of the. case before they can re turn, a just verdict. To decide the political issues the people must hear all sides fully discussed. The democratic speakers are not sent out to abuse those who differ with them, nor to speak to any one class of people, but to present the doctrines of the democratic party to alt the people. They are not sent to force men to think as they do, but to reason with and if possible keep the white people of North Carolina uni ted asrainst the partv which will, if elected, overthrow the present system of our government, and for this rea son we aak those who have gone into the new party to lay aside all preju dice and to a man turn out at every Snblic spoaking and hear the . issues iicusseu. x - Call at Spruill A Bro's store and get Calvert's Insect Powder. Only 10c. Killed 1500 roaches one night. : FROM CRESWELL Cbeswbll, N C, Aug , 29, '92 Enrroa Roakokb Bxacon : Mrs- D. Eborn has been quite ill for the past week, but wc are glad to hear that she iscoavalesceat. . . The Baptist held a series of meetings, at ML Pleasant last week, had a very good meeting considering so much rain.Eieven connected themselves with the caoreh. Mies Estellc Taylor the belle of Winton was the cuest ef Mr. T. B Batsman last week. We were pleased to see in our midst the charming Mis May Webb, after so long an absence, and are sorry to hear that she is going to leave ns so soon. Miss Mamie Skinner, of Edenlon, is on a visit to relatives and friend here. 1 Mrs. Minnie Bird, was visiting relatives here last week. i We regret very mncM tome onr old friend. Mr. G, B. Barges VWtu. it is to be regretted that we haven't any town offloials that will attend to their duty. It don't look like we have any at all when such profane and vulgar language is being used en our streets, - . V Ebastus. Spruill A Bro. sell Hering's Compound Syrup of Blackberry RcoL Tne only spe cific for Cholera Iufamuut and all nmnacr complaints. , . .- zxum Arrested. . TBS THIBD PABTY NOStlKKE FOB GOVIB NOB BEFORB THE MAYOR OF GOLDS- . bobo oAorraa botoribtt. Speeislte the News sad Obeerver. GoLPsBOno, N, C, Aug. 29. Dr. W. P. Exam, the Third party candidate for Gov ernor, was arrested this evening for using profane language ia the poatoflloe la the Srescace of ladies. He waa brought before ayor Hellowell, and. although Postmaster Smith testified uader oath' that certain na. gentlemanly remarks were made by Exam, the latter swore positively that be did net say it. ' A fine of $7 50 was imposed upon him, after whiob he departed for Raleigh. A warrant for perjury is now out against him aad will be served upon him when be returns,' . STATS NEWS. TBI LATEST BArrxBlKOI. AS OUTBKBXD FROM OUR BXCHAROSS AND EX8XWHXRX. Winston shtnDed over two hundred thou sand pounds of manufactured tobacco last weet. ' ' ' . . Gov. '"Holt has issued a rroeUmation recommending that Colasabus-Day (Oeteber 8 th ) be obeerved as a public school holiday ia Korth Carolina. Hertford Record : There was a murder case tried at the magistrates court lat week The prisoner aad principal witness were put ia jail lor sale keeping to await Jbe superior court. Raleigh Chronicle : .Commiiocr John Robinson returned yesterday from the State farms on the Roanoke and says that 15.000 barrels ef eora will be raised . there his year. He was greatly pleased at bis visit. - ; Elias Carr requests the press and people aot to call him Col..' or C&pt ," or 'Maj ". He is not oven a "doctor." He says that he is plain "Mister." but the Gas. tonia Gazette truly says the people can call bim "Gev.M after November. . . . Eooaomist-Faloon: Dr. Exum, the Tbirdite candidate for Governor of North Carolina, exclaimed ia a public meeting in Goldsboro that he would prefer negro gov ernment to that we have been living under. Are the Thirdite leaders eraxy as well as anarchists. , . -. E. City Carolinian; Lata on Saturday evening four men started from Edcnton in a tail boat across the sound, and when about two mues from the ether shors una of them named Geo. W. Elliott, engineer of the- Tag Beat ,'FaInount,w owned by T. . ' ... . . . onuiniBK w jQ.t leu overooara ana was drowned. Clinton Democrat : There is a widow woman ia this eeunty who makes at horns all the provisions neceksary for the sup port of her family (a large on.), and buys everything for cash. She says that any man who lives on- a farm, and who bnya bacon and corn te feed his family, ought to be chopped up and fed te hogs. State Chronicle : Henry Freeman aegre who during the exposition several watches here and against several warrants are now standing. fled, but made his home at Durham. Feel. tag quite. safe, be came here last Thursday on aa exearsioa, but was spotted and yes terday was arrested and at the reqnest of the police authorities was brought here by a Durham ofHeer and is now in jail. . Washington Progress: On Wednesday Bight last some unknown party broke into the Sheriff's office, prying the front door open with a cold chisel. They then at tempted an entrance into the county safe. They used the chisel and finally removed the clasp which was on the front of the safe, and then finding that it was seenred by a lock they seemed to abandon the lob. either by diciding that it was a hard one or by being frightened away. Nothing was missed from the since. is a stole bim He Am Iaapertavt Faot That caa be found at B, H. Patterson k Uo'i., new Drag Store Bailxt's Cholxba Crjax, the great cure for Dysentery, Cholera Morbus and Cramp Colic. It was the first and the best now on the market. No core, no pay. Try a bottle, 23c ' : Notice. The County Executive Committee and the Chairmen of the several Township Executive Committees are requested to meet me in Plymouth on Monday. Sept tb 1892. Important buiinees, C Lu Jtkttigbkw, Uhrm Co. Dem. Ex. Co, DR. a. OQESY, r . . ...(, DENTIST PLYMOUTH, N- C- Having located in this town I in vito the public to call on me when in need of work in my profession. J37Satisfaction guranteed. NOTICE. ; THE ROPER HIGH SCHOOL Will b anened at the Academr Mon day, September the 5th , with a com petent Imj Teaoner m marge, wno oas hail an iTnan'miiti of thraa vaira tafihiae and comes to us highly recommended. We elicit l BO patronage pi nopar auu tiqiui., guaranteeing satisfaction. Will teacn, Decides tne j&ngusn nrancnea, LATIN, FRENCH and GERMAN. 9Tbis will be a permanent Institution. L. G. KoPBR, au27-4w J. L Savagb AUC T ION! SEPT., 10TH. n ilia totb dav of SaDtember I will sell all f my bonne hold and kitchen furniture, and ballanee of eoods then on hand at publio auotion. . . Terms Cash. From now until mat aate i wiu sen nats Clothing, Furniture, Ac-; at and below w. I LAWKOwrrz, Plymentb, K. C. IT IB A DfJTT yea ewe roaraelf aael fam Ilr te al the fcaae vatlate far yar Mtw, MDailse yaar faatwcartr aarekalBa; W. Im laistaa bheae, whlck rareei( ta Ikat vala far arteee SMked, cue taeeumaaa NO at7B8TITTJTS.Ct c 1 yeaja ' ' ' -yesaHaevfW ek-"''-' 17. L. DOUGLAS 03 UHOE WlH, m essT shos n m warn m the monct. A eaaalno eewed eke, that ut mot rip, too eaif, aaamlaaa, smooth in nl'le, 'flexible, mora eon loctabla. atyllsB and durabla tUan any otaer akoa aar aoiaatUMpnca. fluaia cuatom nam anoaa wamm fmi TIa4-MweC. flaeealf cnoee. Tbe uao, eaay ana auraoia aooea mrmr won bar aoual flae Imported aaoae coailoaT !13. talleit Nha. won bv far-mere end all ntkM whA want m mood haaw calf, threat b1L axtemion adf iboe, eaaj to walk in, aud will kaaptb feet dry eurtwarm. . . AO FlaeCalf, aad S.S) Wark JiatlanMi'i Bhoeawlii j!t mure wear for tha BoT thaa any other nakew They are made for eer rtua. Tha tnoraailug aalea show that wwaJagiaaa fcaTatoMaA thiecmk Onv. S J.OO ana TMlW tl.TS ftefeeel Oji fikaee ara worn by the boya aery via ef The moat arviaW" ahoaaeoU at Uie prlc . a .ji.aI r i.t" iiaBd4wcd. U.ao. kUIC and fl.73 aoa foe tOUallMMM from t to ij. et tha prloa." Ii tMraSStoail. otbara MaM are Made of tmm beat Drwuolaor So Calf, aa AMired. Th ara rary sy Uh, com f rt abl o an d d r Ua, ThSV',toaeluKUcuton ma4borenMta frorasijxttoi&aa. Iuttw who wUa toeouaotnlae la their iootwr are flndliif thla out. CaallaB.-W.L. Damif mum and tbe prkw le tamped on the bottom at each aboa ? took fur it when yoa. bw Bawaradaaltaurriptlne;toeub Utate other makes for taem. Snch Mbaututlonii are ffaudulaut and aub Ject to troacutioa by law for Ob tuing inonnt tuodr falae imitancea. W. iZ IIOlfQJAH, ilncktaa, Masc. . . -FOHSALK BT- & BRO. Pljmcmb. H C SPRUILL 6ep2Cru WKITLOCKRICHKONavi We Have - - A GOOD THING. You Want - - A GOOD THING. Old Virginia Cheroots, FIVE for TEN CENTS. Cigars as good COST 18 TEN CENTS APIECE. w. J. J, T. J. MABBQnEB. M AJEfcRIIVETt Ac JAOESON, DE1LEUS LV Finest Caskets, OofBiis, Eta C01ITBACTIHG and BTJILDIIIG given special attention. Estimates furnisliod on Iniilel- mgs oi any kind at short notice. When in seed of anything in our line or wishing our services, call at our Uadereakesf Establishment on Washington Street - . PLYMOUTH, N, O. - ... 6-ll-9ltf (Orders by mall aolbiiei, YOU CAN WRITE v . For anything you want and get it as well as if yoa came to the store. Because I make a specialty of mail orders, and send cuts with description ihi prices of goods, so you cannot fail to get just what yoa need. FOR THE SPRING AND SUMMER MONTHS I am offering a special line of Jteed and Battan Furniture for any room la your fceuse, " a -jriuea reaavaauiv. x i vraameuuii ana cuuiiuruiuie. Bath tubs at all prices. v Tbe Gorney Patent Refrigerators, the best made, at the price ef cheap goods. Bead for catalogue "- CHAIRS and CHAIRS, and Chairs for everybody. Old men's chairs, young mea'e chairs, fat men's chairs, and chairs with wheels for tire invalid. Inclining chairs. Chairs and Settees for the yard and porch at all kinds of prices. . Chairs for the sitting room, dining room, bed room, parlor, and Chairs and Hatt 8tands for1 your hall 1 handle New Style Furniture, which I boy in large quantities direct from the aaaa nfacturers,' thereby am able to offer the very newest in every line at the usual price ef ok! style goods. I offer a nice looking antique oak of ash bed room suite of 10 pieces for $25 00 it is a wonder to all and from that up to the very finest manufactured. I have a select stock of furniture for the dining room, bed room, sitting room, parlor aud kitchen. V r , We have here six railroads and several steam boat lines, and oaa ship goodaj qaickljr and safely to any point at the very loweBt rates. I also keep a full line oi Office Furniture, Book cases and Desks, and both oomblaed in antique oak, walnut, cherry or mahogany . Also a nice line of B&by carriages, children's tricycles, wagons &o which I offer very 1UW. xu mvk, ii jruu naub mijiiuiu( 111 uio auviv tiua. w i l tc iu mo auu X Wilt CUoerinuy send youprices and descriptions, and illustrat ons if possible. i GEO. rX PAKKER, May20-tf. Furnituro Dealer and Undertaker, Suffolk, V. The -"DLD IEIJABLE" Carriage Factory, H. PEAL Proprietor. Plymouth II. C, AfAIVTJFACTfJIlER OF Buggies, Phaetons, Road-carts, Farm-carts, najons at prices lower than ever. Men with the cash can gt a bargain. I defy competition and will not be undersold Repairing of all kinds done. Give me a call. GEijKGE VBATCMAN MANTJFACTUEER OF - carts, Wagons and other. Riding Vehicles. Repairing of all kind done with neatness and dispaeh. All Vorlx Guaranteed jyl7-tf Adams street, Plymouth, N; C.

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