Directory. T4T1 OTBRMMKKT. ' termor. Tboe M. Holt, of Alimance. Secretary ef tttate, Ootavloas Cuke, of ; Wake , ii Treasurer, PonaldAV. Bein.of Wake. , Auditor, Geo. wSaBdei-Hu,, .Wsjae "aaerlatSadent of Public Instruction. Eldae if. Fiarer. of Catawba. , Atteraey General, I'hoo. F. Davideon, of Buacombo. f '.. COUXTT TIUXHT .'r?-SherlaV Levi Blount. ! h1 Deputy Hbenn, u. oprani, - ; j j TrMlrct, Ji Let Lata. Cueorier Court Clerk, i hoe. J. Marriuer. Jtegietev of itoede. J. F. Hilliurd. - 7 Gemmleimnere. X. J. Sutrr, W. O. Mar riaer. . D Lethatfl. Jee. Skitttetharpo 4 H 4. LietchnVld. Board of Education. Thoe 8. Armistead, T.-Lw Teekeato. J; I Normaa ' ' Saperiateadent of Health, Dr. TL L. Cos. v-AAaoriateudeut of Publio . luatraoliuu, Re. Luther Eboni? - " "' Ht'cI CITT. ' ' kf ajar aa CIrk, J . Bryaa. Treasurer, . JtC. Utbein. Chief of Foiice, Juaepb Tucker. Coaecilmn, K. K iatbam, Q. K. Bate Mas, D. U B inklej, J.F. Norman J rt . AuISryaU. J.Jli Bmjtu, Ssmpswii Mow and fr.ijkuaH tnrri;j.i-"X'.ur., $JkS)& T3o..AtiCrt.i?.i Ail ' Methafuet-' !UT.?uH.i o paetor Sort Wee tT ouda.t ai 11 a in., and V Bm "Prayer iueeiiag every .V eduedy Bight at S. Hundey school al 9 a. m., J . ' F.Xorati. B-fitdeiit '( . ; Baptist Rev. J F. Tattle, pat.r,servi. a every 1st ad 5rd Sundaye at 11 a. mM aad T:S p. n. Prayer roetig evry Tauredav aiaht er 7:30. riuudey chol I Seaa'ay ataSQ a ni; 'J. Bryan, 4- aajsates4et.s Hf.l ri'yiii) ;: . IpiapalRaTltttker Erp.irctor. etTev -very d Ja;.dey 11 a. ., ami T;i aa" ' toonilav" ch. o at 10 a. . u., L. I Fagaa. seperiutendent. 1 : HKDIOAli aCIJSTT "'tfl If : Tady arur.tb irat Jloudayof auk antU, D(. B. r. Wur.ay, Cuairuiao, 1 . ; a C f H PJyiu Ulo Lodg No. 2508 "iaata Wand ld buidar uibtn iu ch Uuh. V W.' . lUmpioa, liicutor, , j - ! . B. Xeager Fin. lpw. i,i ; jf 4; 0f a. ttoanoSa 'EodgeflfiaU M aid 4lh IkaiadnByta ia iraok moath . "d. F.' NOroian Proteoior, 4 It. B. Yeager reiary vl O O "ti Xiperanz Lodg, No. 28 meata ovary l'kaday nigbt at Buuab' Uaii. I, W. ttrui, M. a , L. i' UoaatOB, noct'. . ; oatila - ICier A h " Uicka. paotor. ,'aWviara "o?fJ buadaykt tl m. 8 ptm cb4 t p' oanaay wboui i . . .. MiUkall Bp4riatudut ? -" v .llaUiodlal -ifa. B. Hogana, paator, garviaaa atary lat aud 3d Saudaya at 11 a. i.. aad at S a-d 7 80 p. m. bnnday acbool v at a. or. . V iuciu, auparUtauueat; J. W Mald, aaoratary Ui Baptiat. vew Okapal - Serricaa arery, aaday at 11 and J, e, B B Knikt, paaiar oaaday aobuuj awry baaday 9d Baptiat, Zian'a Uiil - U U Normao, ptttar prMhng avry 4tii bnnday. Kuu aay aaboot aTry tiunday. loe Wjnn, apanauBaB " Maaoaa, Canhagian - Meati lat Vlonday lack mouth, tt l'uwa, A 1L, A. aiaht iu aab Bvarett, saaiatary 11 it i f V UmuIU Snu Lodn 1624 Jleeia avry ; ifd nd:ib Miaay mgnt m; urk uaitta at 7a Oitxj" M.G..J W Mcifcaa.d t. . CkriaMpbr A tooke LodK K of L Ko- Ueete ef ry lkt Monday big t ia each aaootk at t oMoek Baryieg tioiaty mee ts erj Sd Monday aigkc ia aeb uiuatb at 8 o'eiock, J M. Walker aaoreUry . Eopor Directory. CIVIL. Jaatiea of the Peace, J a. A CbSK CoatabU, arwn Catiooo. .f. cavaCHKS ' , Ifethodiit, R. 1. FiBlaveoo, pastwr. M.irM irMt ai:dav bioihiaz at 11 a'aioak (except th- flist) aud Tt?ry aoda , Bifbtat70. Prayer ineetiBg evey WL aaaia oigbt buuday cbo.l tiui day rowra- ! in av;8o. It O Hoyer apf iaufldt, weH. vu , THome ttnu'of -laTict-work witlr her ZbiacoDal. Bar Luthr bwra. retr , .WiJ orory 2d Bnoday ar ll o'oluak . plmp fiu". ? . . ; r tad 7yP!Bi .iudykokao.eery I'here came 4 knock at tne frmf auday moroiaa at 10 Joct. thas . deor, and Mr. iicl';ke admitted . a Biouaiaupariateadeat, VY H. Daily sacra, jj Jimionte youug timn, WilOUl Ury . . 1,, ; Khe tecogmted, bavuig seen him sv- Baptht, R-t Jos. Tik .:p-tor .vbetr . afl pe;er Uoolittle, TUea avety sa suuaa, a '- A at'"" LODOBS. , Boper Moiib:o Lodge, A. F Jk A. M. No. 443, utata ia tbur Hall at R poj, M- C at 7-JOp BlletOMl 8d toafcdaya afur lat fiuaday. J . L - Parage, W. .; B. lu tYiitiaB, gatraury. ; i ... - IMprtaat ia ta4i.. ' Sir 1 mad oa of year PbilctoksX with my laat otiiid, in oidar ta prnour a if aad eaay traraiL I naod it aboat two aaoatba before say expected tinae.OBlil I wee takea aiok, aad I bad a rery qaiek aad aaaj ooBflnemeBt. wntbiof-coarred to protract my cobValaacanco aad ! gat about Ja iaaa time tban waa uaaal for asa 1 ihiok it a aaediclBe that ahoW be uaed br erery oxpaetaot aiothar, for ahould they bat try it aa I bhTe, thay would anar agaia bo without ilal auch tina- a 1 am youre r. uoctfBilf ELIZABK UlX. Ay roarchaBter drugjUt caa procure JtiSLET'S PILoTOEH tor $1 a k-atla. CHAULEd F. BISLKY. W hole slo Drug cUt, fj Cortlaadt At., New York. AuTUlfK SIOUS. "aBaiai , uh! If 1 ware i pat," ' " ''. Could ain with p'Mt'a teagae, . I'd wnta ia rbytkmio aaaaarM Tha aoag to aia you auug. Bang at my ehambar wiadow , : Unth-t Oitabarday, r ! . Taat efiOtbed my f aa i aiumbar t t'? Wkil 1 ) Uttiea lay You aowtini?i wbiapar'd aoftly In woat pi.ktUe aighN Juit lika a Iftug m ther W onld bum bar lullabja. 1 baa To a laudr ra4. aca You'd left j.'or iaiNrafa! tala, s i Aoa 'tt-u(d a iara dacpea Ty a low, aiuotbtr'd wail. ud bow you Sadly murmur, - How pitonyou mean, A- froaa your baavlujc joaom ilapK baa Lretar flvwa. uTkta In lb,' wilde'f.paaei-a ff , ' Yv ayb mifflid ab.ui. ' " Thafa ia a o4iM NkVwM s v ' n i .K.y B Uaaaimt aiieut pout, t - -" Again tbo abutter rattle, r Aglti you uoau aad igb. You aaan so broken kared, v ay do voa aob aad cry t Jaat'thaa yoa abtillj wbtaiiad, ' 'i rudely ahook tbo fiaaa i t 1 bat Ciaaabcr 'found ky oaaamaot 4 ; , Obo ia tha fotaioo ioai, r Yea are ao4ri fitful WiK : ' I cia't JStUo your iaoid, Y tt'U aib ia aoftaat phrra, Than augry grow, t dtada 9 ALL LY THE FAMILY. 1f ff JJ. f 1 jAtinw s wm yent. prettjr ;. next to Anuto. Lues was ine beat-iMKing giri lu im vjtuej, ana uiat ouutiio buTe ..counted for aomethinz ; but other giria were occaniouaily courted aud marneu, ana ijissa was twenty five, and still, to quote her moiber again, hw hadn't ''made her market.1 How. it certainly was nam tntt Annie houJd bev the one to auffer mot 1 from her 'lister' misfoi tun?, but tueh!wa$ the a4e :; for Silaalc- Pike and hit wife were: firnu itt l Uit determination, .that their younger daughter should not marrj till, the oideat was provided tor. f - It was in vain that Anm? assailed her parents with prayers aud coin plaints. ' '4 "Wo." said ner moiner: "I'Te seen too much o' the youngest girls marrfin' first." .( the same thing," aaid Silaajf Ut imce th qldost gal gets a n'amo'ef noi1)ein' wanted, she never is wanted." i Now, among Annie's admirers waa on c. umn Joe l ei Kins. wuom he found -worthiest- of her-regard. Jol was iweutv iix venrs old, ven good-looking, aud bud wh-a Annie considered very superior manners. V rl uiatmci b'w ftthf r' farm on siiftres; ana oeiaynau jorij acreai , i. . u'ry.iiaiioana aapan of hordes ai unsown. Annie waa; very proud ami fond of him." ana shebaiieved he returnwi Lher fee!i.ijn'an equity liiieral'de Igree...' Whenever opiortunitj offer- eil inev uiscuon uisea ocuaiiwa nu their own. To Annie a runaway match appeared beiter than Appa rently hope;ess watting; but Jo? Diver suggested it, And she wa a modest girl and waited for him -to make aiv Alices. Annie hail retire'! a! 7ociock. un der pretense of not feeltug well, but really ritTi the mtoiHiuu of reading an iniKKtnt novel ohichJivhatj lont her, but of winch she knew net pa rent would disapprove, uissa sat t with, BeriJatliert a nkothivrdoiiig a.rtt,0 f ,w .-1U- fti.n,,! 6 WjMV AABJ OB HVB)U IV a va. , - Silas nrwei.ted Mr. Doolittle to his wife aud daughter, after which eveut took place best reported by Lifa, who, at 10:30 o'clock, bnrst in upou Annie, who had fallen A-leep over her book. , , . w r-v ' -' a'UowineiaLUaA 1" ' cried Annie, what's the mat er ? You loak Aw fully excited." V: Annie." said Lissa, "who do you suppose has been, here V . ' Joe," said Annie, promptly. No. Mr. Dootitile, the new tea cher. He came over to cat acqnain- tea. "Oh, Lissa, did he ? Tell me all 'about it. What is he like? Did yod-tlk4d him ?" "Well, vou see. ma and me was kind of flustered at first, teeing him o unexpected ; but yen know what a talker na is. '": V.". - Well, pa talked, and the teacher talked to him s bu t once in a w he'd look At me And say somet hing and after awhile I could have taikfi bck, but pa kept talking so much I think pa kind of forgot about me at first. - ' 'I'm bound to say it isn't often that pa does forget, ' ; ''After Awhile ma went into, the kitchen to set 'the bread nam', and pretty soon1 she called pa out and told him to set down there or go to bed and eive me a . show. ; We 1, after a littl, i got so I could lalk to him pretty well, ana we got acquain ted; and, Annie, what do you i Link? air." Doolittle thinks I'm yon." t 'Thinks you're me; Lissa? What on earth ate ydu talking about ?" , : "it's a fact, Annie, You see. he isn't; much acquainted round here, and ome wav he's got us mixed, i 1 don't mean tlM Im thinks my name, is Annie and vourH - Linsa, but v be thinks I'm rh9 youngext," and the one that ireis all the notice . " . "Oh, Lissa, 4iow awful of you. 1 You know-you thed to foot him. , ' ''No,! not exactly,- Annie ; it's his own mistake. .And now, Annie, i if he gets to liking me before he knows 1 in not you, perhaps ha won t mind after he does find out and will keep on liking, me ; and that's what I thought the minute 1 see.wiiat ' he d got into his head, , And i want you to help mo out, Annie ;. it ll be as good for yon and Joe as for me." Then Melusa got into "bed. an i the two girls laid their fair heads to gether on Aunie's pillow and plot ted against the school-toacher's peace. 1 he next day the school-teacher became a member of the Mc Pike household. Lissa smiled on him' and looked her sweetest, while Annie wore her most nn becoming dress aitd more unbecoming manner.? f " It was plain to all (hut Mr. Doo- little wa attracted to Lissa. Annie observed ; him furtively; and, after while,, becran to speculate about him.-i 8he liad- long , been used to frank and direct admiration, and in this Instance she felt that she was bein? loved bv nrox ii s it were. 1 . a,nniei,tooK-ner oook, una again went early to bed, and whn bunday - . a a morning : came -tne -pcnooi 'eacner drove Lissa to . chuifh, ' where their presence creAted something of a sen-J sationi, r Again, in-the evening, An nio 'retired- early, - and again - was roused by Lissa. ,.; "Joe came, Amie," said Lissa, 'but I thought I'd best not call you; he tmightv have giveu thiugs away somehow.'',, "We'll hve to tell him what we're up to, said Annie, 1 expect Joe felt bad bec m.e I wasn't there."" ; "I told him yon wasn't feeling very cwell. f lie stayed real late, though. I got along fine, Annie. , 1 believe Mr. Uoolittle thinks rm just r tfht. and 1 euos Mr. Je opened Tiis eyes a little .lie ees somebody cm like me, after 'II, nd I shonMn i wonder if he telljvpen V.nd Halsey. Annie sat straiJWjn oea ana stared fixedly(at thipoite w-.ll. ; " iWhat a th matter, Annie r ' saia .N'othing," said Annie, rather shortly and lay flat d;jwn again. . i "Jioyou knowj Annie, ;;.sa a jjist, 'Mr. Doblittle is 'qnite a Kinder I a'pose you heard lum at the organ Aid he says, he's going to get up a singiug class, just for fun, you know, m we can all have a gooil time. He'b going trsend word lo e,vyrybtdy to come 0 the s. hool-houst tomorrow night.., Jf.vou'd int stiiy. at; home, Aniiie it Would inolpm;itH'fsaloiig an awfuf sight. ' Wdl ou ?" r . ; , ."Ye-e." said Annie, rather aihi iy, 'i'll stay. I guenH I'll send f q d to Joe to me and spend .. th? eveu iug with me.!' .1-? ' f w hen evening came, and Lissa a; d Mr. I)tolittle had gone, Annie ma le herself 'ook aV rpriity 'as possible, and waited for Joe. ' ' 11 But she i waited in .vain. Je did n-H put in an app.ariince, and U o'clock,. ' r weary; ai U d i sapppi nted , A'tt'n went 4 ed. i$he couldj o,r, siee, however. Mini when Li.a came home,". happy and irunnph.-int, sire found Annie r.ti 1 1 awke. , .'. ' - "Joe didn't' come," uid - Vrnie. "Have yon seen anything of him?" "Ye," stid Lisaa. "Joe was at the cl:iss. He h d to go after some eattle this afternoon' and - when he got back it was ioo late to come hee, so he -t;ame to4 the class io see Iww we were getting along. He told mo bewas 'real' sorry you didn't cmib." And this, with the1 rest of Lissa's account, had the effect of keeping Annie awake an hour or so longer. The next day shewas dejected and attracted. 1 "By the time Mr.'DoolittleTeturned in the evening uei; dejection had van ished, but ner 'abstraction rVmanud to ouch an extent i hat, meeting him iddenly, ; she I' flashed a ) brilliant smile at him, and talked to him' for everal minutes, wp h considerable animation before, she recollected her duty to Lissa. . Viiy' can't j she always berlikt Iitr?" wondered the fcoaoner. , - i v tltel;J ticxf "Vhnrailay evening mere was to ue a soctaoie at tne mm ia.ei 's iious, and iigain Lissa begged Annie to remain at home. - 'tf t oil she said, I'they'll al. be crowding round you, and. l don'i. w ut the leuchcr tonee me neglected I jri,:tav,?,t'said .Annie, -"but Til uake HUieof Joe tin time U'll send .in word today, and he citn. lay his ptan aceordin'iy- 5 iheu l ll have good talk' with him and tell him how thiugs are goiug. - j' ;1 ., - liii l te noti- innie ent tier lovn was rather ; sharp in tone, it seekued to In .ii. and -he was didnppomteil oe- AUwe she.didnc, want io d'tb, the ociable. L.-:i;,:,& i ."li'a i downright -t nnreaibnable '' hough t Joe. fi guess I'll go for a viHle, anyhow, inud then I JlrnU over to see Annie." w,-: : i At t tclook Annie wa' sitting ith" ht-ri father ai.d hiother, t hv r decks burn in sr and her evei elltter- ng i "The cbl-viotirtif had forcetl it self upon her that Joe was hot CO mi g "He ain't. a J know fie ain't 1 He's gone to . the sociable. V F'-I'm going, too I . in nounu to see- wnut h MZ on !" '" "It toolate, and you mnsn't think o such a thing." ( , , .. . r , "l in going I . Uet out the cutter, pa I'm going I" in lo ? tell the truth, fpuasr and his wife felt a certain sympathy for their youngest daughter ; and they ; were now without a L el ine ot curiosity to disinter ho v Lissa was realy getting long, and what kind or an appear ance sue nude at a possible belie.' bo, after some discussion,1 they de cided-to humor 'Aiime."T'The'mol her announced hvr intention of goinc, too, and not moro than hall an hour' e apsed before they reached the par 4 he, noise of .their ; entrance was drowned by the. merry confusion in the. parlor, and, the door being open. Silas and his tfe aud '.daughter had a full view 7tf the company, and-were Mel i ssa was Iooki ng her pret tfest, the school-teacher wendihg ovef lier. chair as if cullinir her attention to something, Haleey" Powers sat on a lassock in front of Jier; leaning back, ns largo red hands clasped over one knee and an unmistakable look of interest and admiration on his fact ; andrCf uld it be Joe? ye, Joe was sitting beside her, and tlwy were talking and laughing together As if they had been the best of friends all their lives.- " . ' ' ' M ,' ? An hie gave a little gasp and her mother was stricken dumb. . hen Annie came into ;the parlor a little later, Joe eid led up to her and He had only intended t stay a little. ..while he had cei tainly meant to visit her that evening he had ; no- idea ' how ast time was going and so on. An nie s opped hint witu a haughty ges tiir. ' : I've iloV.e with yonJoa Perkinsl" sa d slieand walked across the room Then xh kstt down and reviewed .'the Httiaiion. " ; Annie le the evening pass without cxening herself to tie agreeapje or d sagreeable. Halsey P foweri: and BiMi Hight wpnld ihave jipproached her, ifcrhnps, but the-; expression of her face u ai such as to make a snub bing pretty eertain. - Hba as glad to go home I onaa there, be wea; to bed aVd eried bitterly.; Lisas trid to reason with her, but Anaie got ae far away from boir eistar ae poalibla, and, hav iag ari'd uutil sua could ory bo t more, finally fell aaiep s - , - i - Joe called the next dy aad. made abmo adTanvaa toward a reoonciltatioa ; but it ld id a Ttolt-Bi quarrel hha gaTe bin an urqalifled diml3al,: kt)d a few daya laer fie proposed tb"4sia ia'ike' fce of tbo aehw-teaebvr's atteb.iyba.' ud wa accep ted. ..,.-,,. M;- fyHti a', i i ... .i-t - N.w, Aaaie," said her father, joaooaly, "trot out oae of the reat fmi aad we'd have a double wedaiaV' ' Ausie smiled rather Ctiattf. and, puttiag ea ' her bat "and etoak, ' .went for a walk. Ibe OTeber eir wae bntCing aad tbo now ersp uuier foot. Altar all, Joe waa aot worth a tbogh aad it eartaialy waa a mrcy twat Liaea- waa gaiag to bo mat riod." X4 . ' . "Bhe'had- walked a tnlle or aoi whoa a addao "lura" lB"lfc toad brought bar faee to lace wftk kfr. beellttl ' gin'kim a taiile, al indeed kbe ksd doaa quite frequently of kto, aad bow ike blaioei daeply. " " : v , '1 "It'e atranga. tboagkt ha, "I was almost sure that I loved Uiaa Liaaa, bow I'm won deriBg If it isa't Miss AaBie. " Abdio kept p a chearfol traia of talk, aad, by tba time tkey raacbed the booae and ske bad givea him a partlaj raiio and tripped lightly Bpataitis, it was all over with MrDeaUule. " - 'r- ' ' ' . Wba tke aehooHeacher proposed to hor. Abbio gave bim both her little bands.'; Tatar DaoUttle " said she, th day tbst Joe and Liaaa are married. Tna mar ak nie this. Uli that day." with euoiiao, ''let the matter reaW Why. if it was kaowa that yea liked me so moth, they'd eomo baok like a flock of -beep, Jo and all, aad than it woald all be orer wit b liaaa, aad aeiiher of ds eosld erer get married in tbo world r Peter DoVittlo, thiakias; that Mi Aa' oie oaa goae crazy, toes, bar la hie arme aad refused to let her go till aba had' ex plained her strange worda. Aaaia fall little asbataad, but ako toid tbo truth. 'The Mhoel-teecher laughed hearti'y. I kuppeee,' be aail ' "yoa thought I was like a sheep, too, and I dout kaow bat that I waa for a time ; but yoa wore an oroas, aad, altar all, ' I1 have proposed to y.n, .kujjb 1 didn't knew till this minute that you were the belle t" TI1IS FOR SEHIOU IUOUOUT Old Leaf. " ' ' v ' The fall teaaon ia' tbo time wkea wo are apt ta tuna our thoughts ia the dirctiea of mere aetive trade and general buiiuass im. proremeat. Awdaa the fall of thia year cornea on and Aatama's early froata begia to lay their fiery fingers wi the leaTea,,r; ld by eoasideratioas mora effectual... tbaa a melancholy oeaaua of tbo year, -wo raa ize tha fact for as, eapecially , "it is a. time for uemory aad far tears.'.' ; . Wo reu amber what we might bare done, Knd thee we re. member what Wo rea d aot ' have doe e for tha beltovmaat of tk- town and the ad. raneemeat of the eommuaity iadalriaity aad commercially. w ;",.FiX Bat while wo eoatemplato the (aat biato- ry aid the preaeat oulloek of the -tow. we sboa;d kbew that it ia worse . thaa folly to thiak of it ia Bay other light or for an V other reaaea thaa to impress up a "our minds a? )eeou of ealuablo 'etperieBoeJ bringing its pretest and fature i reward. ,: is ,'BegrctJs a fool'a paeilou," it has. been said, aad o'diacoateat is . i iuflrmity of wilt." Hear bow a word of truth aad" aa. caurgsmeot t If the baaiaeee mea of thia towa Would go out and abako tboaiselros j put a little determiiiod thought iato tfceir efforts, 'aad resolve to wta,N Uenderaon woald riae tike a5 young' giant, with ua shorn locks, aud break ite feitera as smek. A laau of true grit is like aa Iadia robber ball, whieh wnea throws down riaes again, higher from the rebound If thie town j is drooping and baaiaeae 4 all, it ie . because the people are either deBi.OBdear,,:' lazy,' or Very uufraitful in buainass . plsnniag aud enterprise. .. , . .,. , . ..e.; J Wbiah ia it thaa ? Let aa fiad Ua eauso and apply tba remedy. - What are we do. lag to improTO the ooaditioa of thiagef AbaoiBtety aothivg. "s Something Bead to be dene. There ia no middle grouad. We either stead sdll or go backward. , Are thoeo whoae ialereats are greattat doing asytbiug to push tke town forward ? Let their aotiona be the aaawr - For tbo pst year you have boon aitoot aa tbo aubterra. Bean hash of Bomaa ; oatacombe. . Notify Gabriel that he is Deeded With hie trampe l ft ia "a time for memory aud tears,1 but a memory of perpetual abort earnings, and tears oar eorfti aued mactif ity . v We talk about small eotarpriees, local sdustriea, doaioatic economy, buainass ax- podUata and make a hundred ' auggauna abont UafSe and. trade but they hardiy elicit the interest aad the general . welfare seems to fall like moonlight on a frosea foaeaio " v ' JAY GOULD'S WILL. Hewa aad Oaeerfor.;-5. :' " ' ;, ' Judge Johis F, Dillon, ooissol for. el. ecntora of 'Jay Oeu.d, will make publio aa abetract of bis wilt. " Hie priooipal boqoest u fire milioajdoltart to, bW poa , uaorgef kia eldeet daughter is gieea. bts Fiftb Arc ane hoase : and he also gives her sso or, MS retidenee at IrTlaatoa .aatil bia yoangeat ehild becom-a of age. To ba graadaea. aoB of George Qwold, half a mtlnoa onaare ia left ia truU To hie dangh'er Helea Is given $4,000 per moeta nader preeampnOa tbat the minor omiaren wiu r'i wa mmr nntil their maionty..- To .Lis brothor,sr sia- ten and oiecee he gives epoeifle bqiesU of 82S.000 each and aooaittoa of X,00O each AM of tbe property aot eevered by ipeciOc beaaeet is left ia treat oqaally to bis six ehiiilrea. lie sppoiakv aa oxocutore bia oaa George! Edwin .and Howard and bia daughter, Meleo.'tha vaeaociei amOag tha azeutore to ba) ftaed from aia other ahila raa aa thav reach majority. .Oeorjta aod Helen Qoold art 'appolnUd gtardiana Of tae eeiaar cbildraa. I ke five nailtiea be queet to Oe- rg e Ooald ia elated to be , aa a oompeaaa'ioB for his eervices iu caausgiag hla lataar a Daaiaaaa unrmg kite pat eiav yaara. . 4 A LUIUAY. "Jim Cook" or tke Ceaeerd ' Staadere, has boaa eajoyiag a modera attack of tke toothache i recently of which ha has the followiag to eajr i v '. 'A well regnlatod tnoath has as a Bsusi tkiag teeth. There la bo or thodox aizo for tkem. Eaok moutk " being a oritertoa within iteelf. Tke tooth shed Ikemeeives, but it's the last oaes that suggest the thoughta that appear ia this tbesis. Teoib, ia the main are of a bone msteri al with jaat aaoagb life to make thtra at- tractive at timoe.? Tbey grow nntil tkey fill up all vaeaaoiee abmt tbo . guma aomo huddle themaelvee about aud on top' each other ia a way that remiade yoa of a hill of sweet poUtoee. Ia the datiee they have ta perform, they wear away aad shew affoeta ef yearn, - - s In tbo early life of eac's last set ef teeth, by practices or ra.har lack of aomo prae. ticea, the teeth beio to crack, split off, crumble, eto. It ia now that the tooth car. peuter gats ia hie work charges. These cavitiae are filled Bp with all kinds of staff, uukaowa to tke majority of tke ' eiaaere wao oaU oa them. These fiiliaga vary oftea remain ia 24 boora aad a , few . have ; boea kaowa to recuun aa long aa tea years, bat thedenuet thatdoos work like that would sooa pariah, -wro there bo lacroasa ia pop" uUtioA.'of if people took a aotioa to bo tootkleas. . , ..-'- . ; Bat wo have digrtsaed - We started out to write aboat aemeuiiag that ia qaiek and devhak. In the thourats that oeataiaod us for the laat few daya thoughte that took ua to oar grave where haevy e'eda ware talliaa upo oar pine oaaket we cava had bat little time to atody la - oae dlreotien Very iaag. A ihougat could avt bo carried tar uotil a keo dull thed aide.trarked bb ou towarde somelbiitg eiee. I a the move. weaia that we quickly made, the -oxproe. Siena we aasamwd and the eeaticeiatiora that proceeded from as the lady editor aug- g aud that probab'y yoa have a tooth aohe." Siaoe coming oarselvae aad cheating the grave Of a bright light and being oae ovre eelni and serene, wa rather thak we did have aomethiug of the kind. A man (or a womr-) teat can have half a dfzea saagaon either jaw otirred up1 to a point where there is oommodoa ' ( kind of Yesavias : all at one) a caving ia, a (unmpinr. a jraing aua a pia-aucxiag aasatiott goiag oa ia the aeme hemtaphero of hie beadw By. A man, that aa ait quietly duriagsnob a toothly performaace aa thia ia a man witboat much conscience, makaa ao difference if hole married. Aad when a nitu ia met wih free advice from all sides to call on a deutiet dariag anch a luxury and usea uothhig b-i Suaday School aad,fmtiy,eirele words, ha'a too gooi for thia mn ndane aphere. Like Enoch, bo ' ought to bo removed. JuttletamsB startup street with the whole aide of bia head about to cave la he'll hoar a variety of " remarks that would try tke piety of a preacher. Tkeae are eamplfS: "Get the toothache if ."How long you bad Si ?" 'Anything wroaf f" Year wile dead V Cold sUoL is food. Uec an hot ashe poke," "Get aomo whia. key" and many otker tklngs Ab average man oaa stand all theee, out when a bob of gaaoooly VemarVs: 4Doce it hurt?" tbea it ia hero you can't etani. A , man Out- would ask anch a quest i a aa that woald leal, do aaytbing-he'e toe mean to live. If it takea a doctor, a preaeliere wife, A mother-ia Jaw aad a female muete '' teacher three hear to get six aching aaags ; uadar control, what time woald be required for a preacher to ooaviace the man that "our li vee are continuall v bleseei." . A fellow that romaias awake with a graia of morphine in bia left arm and A quarter of a grain ia his stomach, all at the aame time, must have a pia soaewberO. Bat tbea pear ia aevea eights of a pint of rye wh'ekey oa top of this (tbe fallow a prehi.. biuoaiat too) aad thea remain both awake and eobrr wa reoaat ha muStkave k talk. 1 fettewlB tkVfix'iaVprfWtly exeusablo for rolling over' tbo floor, Oa the ' bed and gruatlng load enough 'to wake ap tha oempaay," aaa cavertiag arouad, ana talking oat or hia boaa ana. doing eur that be heart ebout when 'Biobard's ' aim eelfH. . . f ' Qor iatitttUoB oaed to strive to culdvato the iaiellec.;. bow. pareate aro Jaoclcs schools where foot-ball ie the ; majority ef the literary coareci.if. fathera iwoald jut ksvo; )hev teeth of-4hebr. ooae oxlraoted at the age 1 and their daaghiara' teath at iho' ago- of 4,Y aad give thorn f&lae teatk that doat ache, it would boat ail oar mol era iehoola''i ! 1 ! " .v T- "l ' ' Taemankat baa pretty gums, and c;.a wear faitto teoih or carry them in hie pisftl pooket (like a Coaoard drrigfiat doaa) m-;t esrtsialy bohappy ; if he'a aot, he cs ..t to bo. " .' tJ- : CTTbo fallow that hasaVLad at-c ' ache oa tbo modara'pl&a, has KiL. a good deal ' A 4 id thU eea-?t.' want te consratalate Hr..IIiv U v 11 teeapo Its Bcay years.

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