-aft-BMaaM PuMifched by Roanoke Publishing Go. TOR GOD, FOB COUNTRY AWD FOB TRUTH. W. FLBTCBXK AC8B01C, XDITOX. Torriv: Hiihi -t ,.ji.'oti ;imi:i.-M -' mmTifi r rni.t-iTi'' ril. , ::. PLYMOUTH, N. 0., FRIDAY, JANUARY131893. NO. 34. Directory STAT aOTKMKKT. Termor. The If. Holt, of Alimauce. eeretarr of Utate. Octavioae Coke. , of TTk"e.?! ! : u ti . -Mac Trjtafirea Donald W. Bain, of Wake. AnUr.Geo. W. 8anderiin, of Warn tiperiateadeat of Public Instruction, Cadacr U. Finger, of Geta wba. Attorney General, Theo. F. Daridson, of saaceatbe. ' Sharif. Levi Blount. . to; ..I :i f trU, tt. Bpruill. Treasurer. S'K Latham. Superior Court Clerk. Tboa, J. Marriner. .agister or Deeds, 4. r. uuiiara. fi.Mwiition.rfl, H. J. Starr, W. C. Mar riaer, . D Latham, Joe. Skittiatbarpe aad tLA-LIotcbfleld ;fiaid of Eddbattoa'; Tboi. A'rmillead, T.iaTarteatoa J.'L. Noraian.: 1 'J la eriatendcat of HaallbprMKLt Cox. ayerlaieacuat or ruDtio iiriwu, Bar. LilharTEUorB. cut. Mayor aaa Ultra, 4. n. Bryan. Treasurer, X. It. Latbam. Ohlaf of f olioe. Joaapb Tucker. - . ' GoejeeUmen JC . K. Latbam, Q; B, Bate. atla. D. 6 Brta kler. 4. F. Norman. J. W. Ikvan'J:1!!? ntmlthv'SamDan Tewe and Alfred hkianer' " " - ' - ' ' , cmuxom sKitiCis. H.thdlit-Bar .W, H. Willis, paator BorvU erery tiunday at U a . m., and 8 at. Prayer meeting ertry Wednesday aight at I. Sunday acbool at 9 a. m., i. F. Herman, Saf eriatendent leptiatRev. J F. Tuttle, paator, serri eaa evry 1st aad Jrd Sundays at ll a. m., Taursdr aiaht at 7;3Q:Buuday nchool BK.M a : 4fS 1 aw. Mflt a iT M. a a t a bu . w - J teh "Baaday at 9.0 a- mT. J. W. Bryan, sup.riaUea.at Ira'pH RaLuthar Ebora, r.ctor. flUrricea .Tarjr Id Sunday nt 11 a. m., aud T;tt f. h HataT fbool at 10 a. m., L. I. Fftea, aaparlaunaeat. umCAL aociXTT. . s afealc Tady aft.r the firat Monday of auk atoatk. Dr. U. P. Murtay, Cbairmau, L.paxa. . ... WiM MAPlyaaoutfc Xedf eWo. 2508- itttiifi aad Id 1 hurada lugbta in oach aaoatlt Xi. a. Hamptoa : liotitor. . if. B.' Yeag.r Fin:' ilaponar. L f tf. Book Lodge iIi.U d itlt Tharad.j blfihta ia eaob uonib 4. t. Morian Protector, . k. B. Y-ager orery I O O F. Sopermota Lodga, Ko. 18 meet. evary l a.aday aiani ai uumui TT. Kryaa, . Q L. I'. Uodatoa, Heci'y. cotoaKD. fciiUU'i EiiiftA i ir It Hicka n)ator. tMTtaea ery awaday at U ap.,. p.. mv aa4 bat.dj.cbool at a. m. JL O Miuk.tf paariuiuderit Hatkodiat Bar. 0. B. Hogaat, paalcr, tfartiaaa evary lat and SU bucdaya at 11 a. at., aad at I aud 7 30 p. m. bnaday acbool at I a. bv. M. Vyigpu. aupariuUuaaut ; J. W k4aald, aaoraiary .r ltl Baatiat Jtew Ckapat ' 8errlcaVTery. aaday at 11 and S. i.cv S B Kuigbt, abator landay aohooLarary fiuaday . 3d Baptiat, Eien'a IltU - H 11 Norman, Jaator Praaehiug erj 4tH bunday. Hud ay aakoot aTiy fiandaj, AlotM Wynn, iifrtrtttemWAf '""," ' .. LODSKa alaaoaa, Cartbagian - lieeU lit Monday aigkt ia aaak tuoaib, H Tow, V U., A. Xirett, riairy- ? v- t f v a UOofO FMer4iaSntdglMv Uaeta T.ry 'ld And 4th Ma3day iuigbt in ca aatk at 7 o'clock, T. F. Beiubry, M. O., J W McDoaald P. 8. Ckriatopkar A toek Lodg K of L iro- Mta Try lit "Mouiay nigut iu aach aantk at t o'clock v , Baryiag ttoeiaty mata Try Sd Monday aigkt 'ia aaeh taonth at 8 o'clock, J M. Walketaeeratary y ' Eopor Directory; tJ-4 Jaatia of tb Paaca, Jaa. JL Cbeaaoa. Coaatabla, Varrau Caboon. , Mtbodiat, R. J. i'. Fialayaon, paator. gaiTieea erary Sauda? aioraiag at 11 'lock (xcep( the firat), aad Tory Buaday albt at 7:30. Prayer ueotiag eTery Wed. BMirH.&aty acaday ft! 4. Id g kr x. J li - i .Bop8T." ao pf i a tnd4kr, Tt. K Lawla aecratary. Xpiaeopal, Bt Luth.r Ebora. water farTiaaa ry 2d Buaday at 11 o'oloak at , aad 7:30 p. ax tfuaday aekool arary libday taerniun at 10 Mock, Tka W. BUwatattpariateadeat, W. H. Daily aacra. tary. . Baptiat, Rt. Je- Tlaab, palter. v Tie Try id Suaday at 11 a. m. ad f 0 'm . , Bepar Maaoai Lodge, A. F Jc A. M. Ke. 441. aoeati ia thair Hall at Roper, H. C. at 7:30 . Mm let and Sd, laaedaye after lit Rttaiit . garage, ..TV. U. XmorteKt to LdUa. - fir I mad uaa of yar Pmilotoxut ith sar laat ewio, in raar to preeura a esieaaa j " Bawst'n now ready." "ZZ'Sa SfMSiib Werly'women, who had tar oonfinement. nothing occarred to Erotraet my coaraic;. 1 - t - . m i a. M a 1 w leea tlae than waa nauat for me 1 tusk it a modicla thai eheU be ui br erery XPactant wtfct', rr omi5 may , tattjry j. , , 7. 7, . " . -iTr trar1ffi-b"3r 'And umbrella, and. it M l ' without it at ascbiBie: 1 1 yoara r-! 1 As j ti-cbJt r drnfgi.t c pror r.tstBT's PsiLOTOiiw lor gl a b...tt!a. CllAllLES F. KWLKY, rttooletie Drtg- EVIRYTEAR. The falla'wlBR lio.i w.re'WritCta ; by tba Hon Albert Pika of Arkaniaa, whe died ia tke epriag ot 1891, t Waahlrgton, D 0.. at l be aloe' of a yaar bat a abort time bafare kia death. From their .aad atraia it woold ilmeaf abi &4iW foi'i that he Waa .pproaehingUafk nrtay. -, i A The rolr? in1 eanallT pathatie but brighter atrain, ia by kia friend, Hoa. i If. Waddall of Wiluilogton i It is growing darker, colder v , .,. ETery year; As tEe kaartjind aoaf g tew. bolder, f f Care; &. raorar for dauoing. Or fer eyea with paisioa glancing, LT ia less and leas eulraueing - -. Erery year. Of the loTee and sorrows blended rer year 5 , Of the elarme of friendakip ended , r ,,ETry year; ' n "Of e ties that atill might bind me, -Until Tima toDaatk realgaad me My infirmitiaa ramiad ma Erery year. : Tes I the ahorei ef life are shifting Erry year And we are aeaward drifting . Esry yr; vO!d plseaa changing fret na, ' r . i I ' There as- fa war to regret us ; But the Jruerlife drawa nigher ' J -'Erefy year ; And its morning star elimba higher ETary yaar; Earh hold on us grows slightor, And th beaTy burden He!-tar, And tke dawn immortal brighter ETery yaar. l'T: ,4 Wa 'r'a flaallr IT . . . Only tnaee yoar barp more aweatly Erery year; And we listen :o iu ainginff And the miniatrels, ewanalike aicging More melodaus aumbars flinging Erery year.' ) Stag oa. eh I grand old master, . - ETary yaar , Pour tby mllo rhythme faster ';; Erery yaar" v-T Thay'wfH make our Journey lighter, And nur'wiNtry pathway brlgtt-r , s our locka grow thin aad whiter , , , 4. Erery ys' Ys. our loTad ones go before us Erery yaar. And the living mere ignore ua Erery yaar It ia well. Wbat need for soirew 1 the dawn of aaeh tomorrow Brighter tinta from lleareu borrow Erery y.ar? TWO-MATCHMAKERS I'm suro I wish we conlil, von know 1 do, LiueiA, out wuac we can dtf;"l'"doiirT know; -He - MTi'tvMi good boy, bat when his mind is ma e up he is as set as ine nuis." . "That is so, Isabel. Mr daughter it M 'as vnlorher coum ask, and yein Ittiw lhdin.t;'ibitinaU.' i &ow the time some Women hare with their daucbters I Why, lahoulcf die of shame if raj Lucia had done what some girls do." ' - "And Herbert will take us all about, and seem at proud of his old mother as can be j lie likes girls, and he'll talk nonsense with them, and fLarjt irifiX all the homely ones, to P'texn'efirJi chance,' .-he says ; but if l say anytning auoui. nissiugungoui one, he only laughs, and says when he finds one equal to ins mother, perhaps he'll think about it.' It is so provoking." . t tnat it not ijucia, exacuy 1 She will be aereeable to all, you ng orQld, rtch-or poor., butjthe minute interested, oil she goei, and not a word more can be wrung from her. He's so silly,' she'll say, or else, fwhen I find someone like my father,' but talk as I will, nothing mores her. She will lire and die an old maid, I do beljeve, in spite of everything.-' ELij are just cut out for each other." 'Yes, but. if we said a word to them they would hate at first eight." "Of course," "lis thinks that girls are frivolous" $ fVfcmJ jm 3h.kt-f ' At this instant the door'of the women s waiting room at uross Hoaas Junction swung open, and the sta- tion official shouted : "Ei Dress fer one corner of the watting room to 1 . 1 z 1 l b a. 1 . : inemseives, uuisiicu mair con?cra tioQ braptly. Mrs. Morgan, wb.O , . ... M-iJW took efter a loTing goKiDye 10 ner iriena, boardel the tram for Boaton. In about half an hour Mrs. Jame son" took a train aunonnced Buf fitr'tt' way ttation,'L 1 t a a ion ina nan nnan t rietiind their schooldays, but they had mar- ried, separated, and finally lot sight of each other for twenty years; But genuinely kind feeling will rerive. Therefore, when they met, quite by accident, about a year before the nmewi uiii wuiBiiauvu, wj..wwt up aS.u v.. r mVB7 ury . They had interchanged visits, and n pTARr. rlpir had arisen in tha hearts V F""u'AZZ;i.: ui uvui. wis. Jixuian ikuw capable son,' an excellent young man, , - and a great aid to his father in his business : and Mrs. Jameson had a clever, good-looking and well educa - tea aaucnter. 1 15ut, alas, these two mothers had had too much experience to attempt rasuir-to brinir their ciniaren together ' . a . 1 Still the mothers could not rest, aud they had spent the hour at Cross Koada Junction vainly trying, to in- ve'nt tome plan sufficiently natural Not long after Mrt. Morgan s re- turn, she received a letter from her friend. She had a plan which the submitted to Mrs. Morgan't approval. Mr Dsab Isabel : What do you tbink of this fr aa ida Yea kaow you aud I bad ptauned t apeod aome time together !h'"m" and rather diaeourage er, forbid them to tninx or accompanying ua. iamng eacn tiiai he or ahe may meet the other there, and so scare tnem away, cay tnei we aon i wisa tke botber Of keeping them apart, er aay thought ia, that both will come out of pure eonuaruieaa. ana ww-u iui " w ao r . . i ; Erer your loileg frisad. f,f.'-- t ncii. Jamibok. f?oon Mrs! Mbrran replied savin e A .... that the plan mleht Succeed, and that anvwav she wu readr to trv it. She ' mentioned a ouaint old place down oh the Massachusetts coast that she thought; would be a good - ,-w OnO. " ,V ' VVIfU .nmo nrMfinn Mra Mor. gan?was waiting to open her cam i waning w uou not wiu- mm . k . M a- ItOM AA WW . I paign her. It was one very hot morning in ,s one rery uov raunimg mi uiv. ine ereac neas 01 uie uay oe- fail i . l M .1 .1 l f lore naa been concniueu uu iar iuio ilio nieht br a land breeze, aud now that moruing had come,- the city woke tired aud unrefreshed. : . , Mrs Moriran arose more tired than the e ren ing before, aud Herbert, who had just come home from a week' camping with some old col- . . , . . ' .i ii. . i. . u i .... : ege irienaa, uoiiceu . tus neat, more than ever., v. "How pale you look ! v.." 1 - . i i i. .I one cu u j- i m jtTa i iirr r naa cm i ii i . iiiiuynn aiinii wv.u...g, ? Y.kZa7 n-rhMTt i no ' u wv r .... . (..ad iIia kaen avihI father. V .r r V i T V " B n ril rsa aai nil w rr aa, m LBaia a an mil Ik Si -I--- ' r I airiy wiitu. . T 1 A A..a .nl.n c.mat iaf I iJir iiB Mwvf.u u.sn....j L-i. I, , oif n .rhr rtl.rttl OUt U WIB IV Uiiii iiitii, uuum .wr-r.., . ' 1 i itI-i: "W- - urn, , iv... . -4lOk t'm n unnno l. hilt It. Wil v.vi ..vr-tj- -."-.v " . infrturahiw hotr not much like cool V- .w - Bock .JiArbOf. i v v - ; - . s Wal! wl.r. vrtu two atahero in " j j -- misery. for ; I don't tee ; there s no rhy you should ; though for reason wl clear comfort give me Boston.' Mr. Morgau.v -. . : . "I would eo away, but I hate to eave you iinQ Herbert in these hot walls, explained Mrs. Morgan. . ; Never mind me, l never saw uos- toh"hot"vet. and "as for Herb, take him'alorig witlryou," answered Jier j husband. ; , - : . . I "l-il think Herbert won't like to go where I thought of going ; I sap- e ... . .ii. .i. it i .' posed his stay ai xvoca iiiu uur was to be . longer, so I partly promised Mrt.' Jameson to go to Hid Core with her.; It's such a,.quiet place. 'hero isn't much going, on, and scarcely any young people." 'I didn t know tnac inac wouia aie turb oar old bachelor, said Mr. Mbrganj coming unconsciously to lis wife's a:u. , ... ."Nino, but Lucia, Mrs. Jameson that is may bring her daughter, and then he 11 have to dance attendance on her. That's what he particularly objects . to, the young lady, not a tcore."X . , . , . "There t safety in numbers," caimlv explained Herbert. "shades or- urignam xoung i What an old Mormon you are, tier hart! '1 never thought a son of mine: would run away from a girl." - I tt was not verv often that Mr. Morrtn teaaed v his son, Herbert flushed a little at the good-naturetl ruillerri but did not reply. jl' But how ,i hat I ''think of it youj pnght tflt hare been oafr ox, me city a w?athtt ;" o if, when I ccmehome fttonif i'don'rflnd yoa-, pxjkirg to go scriatwhert, I'll gtt out a pern it inimrwi 11 it w inn 11 1 m can rn r nxi r rr 1 as at lunatic asylum I can find." Mr Morgan might ioke, but ho generally had a meaning hidden some- where in his jest, so his wife sat down after he had gone to business and wrote to Mrs. Jameson saying she ai guiug w um vm . wa iweufcj- . , . , uiib ww ,.,, ixc. yen nnd his f ather came home, Mr. Mor- I n waa twine to nerariAdA IiArhpri ?r7.-:V""u..i:.i : - -W, vj waive uia uiuwuct uu s "in. 1 , - . . .. . her. "You can do at you please, of Icon net. but 1 can t leave so well as Iyou, and besides, I don't wish to. 1 dislike summer re-orcs even 01 iu mildest tyn, but iryou go you will en 10? it, and so will your mother, I . . " mm a twice as well as being alone. 1 can spare vou. V hen 1 need you, you can run down, ilid Cove is not far off. What was it about a girl ? 1 didn t suppose you'd stay away zor all "Never mind the girl. I'll go down, and make mother at happy as I can." I 'That's a good bor. Yon take' a ( weight off my mind, bite ought to have left the city long ago." r "hen ' Mrs. Jameson suggested the younger, Uke i trip to UIllttonKbpring. the ytiung lady j aiKeu wnere ner mocner was going, The invitation to Hid Cove was then I t. nnwn "Why can't I go to Hid Cove with you ? We have , always spent our summers togetner. ; . v r I Miai T iif. Bammaii rpallv hnrr. in butuA. sue n ao tv uo m vciuuu. . "But, my dear," 'expostulated her .1. . vl. I " H I 'IMtAfM 'aari'll Ka IkllF forV VAtin tV TtAAH A fcH"w, WVU ,-;u- b UOWD' iOU l "uo , M V ""I . "Z J M" n""ei"" " iLTi:.. ; 'i S.L TTiT?:."?: auu 141 uiro uoucuuau u mil. mni'mrr a tmuf rA fisliepmen Ifllil ,,u,8 " hitches np his trousers and 'blesses i . . "I would do anything to make you happy, but who would have suppo .-- .lMlW rar(t tn fft0?.iV- wa r v " v w v-- w . " . ... t.u;A 1 give up going "You dear mamma, you shall do no such thing. ' Do you think I can't snub one poor young man And keep him nudur if I trv f lie shall not stand between you aud your pleasure,' "I was thinking only of your com fort, Lucia," said her mother. ,. "Did you ever know any young man vet to disturb my peace ef mind?" . (.n mu ii i I nuvar iA n wui I hfl Mud id avowal. . ' Forthwith their trunkt were pack- ruiiimitn kiicu u uui bbib iiwfc. i vmar - y i-b ea aaa Wr-Jmeon L ''"Cltt r- a. er - a 1 m r ii i,i i I h twunt.tvii'iiii h ",m rtV V . Aie two astute mairous oenaveu l l a.: . I M .z. uecouroutiy . uuin niey. went, xainy -i: then the- huirped . each other ' . a . ... . I rapturous as SChOOlffllla. and . it.H ni.i tint iwn..au. nf Hiuir d ... snare.1 - ' ; . A nM5 w .aJB were aoiea bv these schemers in keeping their I , ,r . " . I (!iniaran anarc. xieruerr, irimnea ::: !.,. ...a ,u-: i lUTOrtUB UCI.UII nilU irau. billUIIKII bilO I foraat wth a nome what elder v nat.k forest with a somewhat elderly nat ' . . r .," V i m ir. inn n n. Jameson and her the wharf- and a delightful old diughter exp!ore(l mJe 0Tertu:e, fisherman who was all that Lucia had fancied him to be. ' Iu a few days this independent young lady had matured her plana. Trusting in her hsherman and his Tjoat, she. proposed a picnic and of fered to take a hall. dozen over to a beautiful green . island. Herbert necessarily was included. The sail was all it promised to be. The day was pleasant, the island as lovely near as when een from alar, and the oid fisherman a model. The picnicers felt unconstrained, and each followed his or hot own inclination, and lounged or read, or watched the tidexome in. - Herbert found that a girl could Plan a picnic which -did no: involve incessant labor on I he part of all the men present, and Lucia discovered one man who did not volunteer a volume of advice , that was neither needfu or desirable. It was a sur prise on both sides. " Ia the afternoon he strolled over te Lucia, who war sitting on a high rock, idly reading or lastly flinging stones into the watftr She actually aetmed satisfied and happy, yet ahe waa all alone entenaining hereclh .'--'. y . ' . "Arelyeueajoylngtbedey?" 'V-r much. I nerer lired by thasa. and I ai; way a wished to apeud a Maimer down in I em a roeky, out-of-the-way place, just like this This remark was fortnaate, for Herbart lored tbe rocky old aeaahore. " i ls see tt mir irsv tire-ionaa, after a li tie," sui -i.w.1 lltrlf rt. "rsrhapi.e, but I think tsfj I Lara a r 1 uiaii w . n a war ii aaiiai ia ar .i aa ivam t ha. mm auppoae my reading hac giren me wrong Impieaaiene. so I would like i aae th ma ria orr the water, and the sun, and know something what, it would be like 10 get caught by the tide, or loit in a fog, aad aae a storm at eaa wracx " put in Herbert, In a oeol I w m'' ..... -uow could yon!" ahe cried and turned lo a hurt and angry way toward him. The i .v j.. . . rurj "uou DW" a"u 'r1Bg n.r nnit n. e. tlioafa Ih nir, I.V in.n - - T-, o-. -t ""r"- ed ta hat face. T am aony to hare miainterpreted your wiaoee, dm a aiorni aoee not amount to f, .. . maeh unices there ia a wreck to make it truly thrilliag,' responded Herbert. Hm waa "looking aoresa the ''water not at her face. Her enthuiiaam had aeemed friroloue aad he had auswred her chatter aa he supposed in kind. Shallow aa the reet,n waa his mental camment. Aa Lucia did not reply, he leoked up. -vny, wtiai la It r, be aaked. He waa waiting to bear a bantering reply, , not to aee a girl white and diatreaaed, looking half ready try. ' f ; , , "You did aot know. I wan in a wreck oiico oa lead, not aea. My father wa killed. I aw ' ''.' 'f Hew rude I was i do forgir me, I did net know. What can I do V "You can go away, pleaae," aaid Lucia, atill white. Any allusion to that dreadful night alwaye made her fdnt and ill. Ihere was no alternatiT so he went away, aad Lucia, after atruggliag for hr I eompoaUre. got up aad olimbed down orr the rocks, aad walkfd on the narrow beach I u.. a noon aiicr lac wnoio vartT worn noma. Lucia eiraplv ignored the erent of the I - -.. , . . . afternoon, and Herbert oottld do ao less I. . - " IP The next day Herbert w.at up UBoaton Lucia took the -othora out driring Tbo hard, .month road flaally led off into . Heri they stayed and rambled "d 8ttwd Mrs k or. gaa and Mra. Jamison talked and almost a i became girls again.. Lucia waa tboughtfal for their comfort aad so genuiaely simple tuarted aad happy that ' Sire. Morgan fairly coveted her for a daughter-in-law. i Herbert brought down' in the., ereaiag a bouquvt of the lorUeft roses that Beaton afforded, and gare then to Lucia. "For a peace' offering,'' he sale!,' and she graciously acrepUd them. - -. h -: Life waa not quite 10 dull at Hid Cor aa. tt1 " rej.rehented. : Ia the arenrng thr waa an impromtu boj , LuoK feil Be lli rally io Herbert at firat, and bow each found that th other daoced wall. Other part nera eonght Lucia, but bath mhm M.n3 Hrbrt or All M hfiva KmaIt inrnn'iul bad they eoa o ted no tbe tiuie thaw daaeed together. Perhaps the sedate mothers itii, , niiipa iuw nuni luoiuon i . . i er not ao uaoonactons, but they held ik.i hum . . ! V . ' iiucia witn ner preceneeired ideas of the I l eaauuea lobe Mia u okl.ooeaa, want I. iima.l to, .ark ( ii..M .ii ; " I Tha aid boat mm nn.r4w W-aLanrh l.: A -,..ui. .. ..i ' I . "rr lm.d har off a.. whos4p, though eafely above flood tide. AMt. .ratti 'm.ti ktw I v r ""6" I Tk... ih. .;. .4 .kiu.v. i. " lTtliiakA w ......I- rery . eererely reproved il ... by . Herbert Morgan, w ho aaeuie d to be 7 n"ro "gn. wu muicq k m keeping a close watch orer Miae Jaoi.sou'a comings aid goings. Tbe sly old aaa dg took the dollar and the temarka. but made no promiaea.. '' Herbart discorered that Luoia waa net ao ahall tw aa aome girla, and Lucia, hoped that Herbert wou d not "go aad gat ai;ly," for really ho waa net so bad after all.- ' Herbert, ia his effloe of inepector of Miss Jamcson'a moremasts, . found that the worthy old aailor btd made aa agreement to let her know when Lo thought the eren. lug gare prouiUe i a brilliant sunnie, , Aecordiagly Mr. Morgan went down to that ancient mariner, aud Bueoteded by dint cf maeh affability and no Utile ailrer coin ia extracting a promise from the hoa' oat man that he would aiso let Mr, Morgan know wbea the tokena oi a flne aanriae gbbttld appear. Tbe old tar kept his word, and one morn. iug Miae Lucia was surprised to find that bo lava peraoa tbaa Mr. Morgan waa Tory much interested in an ocean aunriso. Bhe did net betray her surprise, bat ro turned hie "good-ruernlag." . and allowed him t walk on. w ith hsr te a high point Which gare a grand ooean view. To herself Lucia waa saying. "There, I do baliere he is Jast aa had as the rest, ' If he gete si ly what shall I do? Mother will only laugh Sad aay ! told you ao. " r ' Her apprahsDsioa was . grouadleaa, ap parently. Dei bsrt gaz.d calmly at the gorgeou epecacle, And left hr quictiy aleae, to ea joy it to hcan'a eontent. Fia al ly they tarued away.. ."-Wbat akall we do now? It ie net yet time era for tke early braift, ' aad who oald sleep again aft.r tfa'T" f - Ltrbert. .o, I would rathsr leare lei so-.n iaa- 1 1 MvAvrvn 1 ; a M i a 1 . - . go fo?a ride.v The drire througb the fereat will be Ur.ly now; I cae to go aeearlyas this aometimea with fathr.' This waa the firat refrence to her father that aha bad mad aiace that or lucky aprech of Herbert's eu the island ivreral weeks before ' The early hour with its crowdm aaaoeit ationa, the thought of her father, and. th beautiful grore. all tended to looeea Ler tongue, and ah. .poke matarallj and with' I . , J , om reitratat or enbarrM.m..t. I cl. -tj .... v.. 1 uu win vi ma uiut tinted saoftateins that ahe was aeeaatoweJ to a and th. roadside that in Jane were on ni. .f I - - ; I Dink aad hh t.nt bloesotas, and fa Autumn were scarlet with woodbine and annuo and yellow with the beautiful gel- denrod. ' . The ride was not long, and when they returned the early breakfast ores being aerved. ", : 'V:'--..'"'"-,' -V '-'. Notwitkitaadiog th sunriae,' the day turned out to be aa raiay as the aaeiear manae roretoia- ... Luois weat away for a nap, and time' I huag hearily. Herbert f uased abouf his J mother'a room aaekiag dirersioa, yet' Scout. ing norels and threateaiag every little wait i go 10 coaioa ror a caaag. Mrs. Morgan had seen beys Bafere, and she knew her aoa wiahed to say aometldag and did net know how to begin. "Tf here's ererybody V he at Ieagth ask ed. " :-:,.;'. : k: " ':. , "Sleepiag, reading aerale er playins; billiarda.'V, . , Yes, I know"(impaUentIy) 1t's a .eav foundad long day, I wiah I had ceae up to bueinesa Poor boy, he wiahea to be amused, ahall hi moth.r play cribbage withhiu?" "llang cribbige," be cried. 'Why, Herbert Morgas! what has eeme erer yeul After all the game we're play ed together. Are you sick, or sleepy or what ia thaatter f Neither said aay thing far a while aad then Herbart aaid gently, "I kaow X waa croea."i Then rebpaiag into a childhood formula, I was bad to yea. "Will yoa fer. . glre mer". '' r; ';: - Whea peace was made Herbert asked: Are you hariog a good time her t Ye it ia ao cool, and I epjey seeing 11 rt Jameaon rtry much. Loeia ia a nice girl, rentnred Herbert, Net any better than. tn?ny I hare acea, aaid Mrs. Morgan, wickedly takiag the op posite side. .. ' : ' Hew can you say so, mother? exclaimed her eoa falling neatly ito the trap, thooght you knew girls better that that, never aaw one to compare with her. Thea be aaw the admiaeioa he had nada and flakhtd uadr .th m aside tea. Is she as nice as your sather f There was a twinkle in Mra Morgan', eye - bq may do sometime if aae Keeps en alow ly twtdVeeed Herbert. '.. ..... ; A r P aaa wea airs, Jiergaa swa . somy: , . . - - - ie mere anyuung icaa do lor yea my N no. do ran annrjos lira. JintM. - ' . U .Ul... t I thiak nt, aaid Mrs. Morgan, reflect Irely. keepiag the ooraere f her moaU of her .t;uVit v. nnu. " ' nnt ... .u ..... .j.:.. ..u -'."--.r-- Uam. T tht.l. T w.M . ik' -t. r ov-' ... p io u on umit. uiruaR aaai h never'. liked being mad lore to. Got acquainted all you caa daring th re. mainder of the atay here, and let her ooaaa to kaow you welt, thea perhaps she may be 1 ready to listen to you. And not yet? Net today, or tomorrow! wait tilt the time here ie nearly add. - Herbert aighed, but atraage to relate,' . in a case of this kind, ho actually followed his mother'a adrico. .. If a trace of fooling 'a trifle more 'pro Bounced than ueual appeared in Herbert's inaitnr, it was baniebed again so . speedily that it was gene btfore Luoia really diriaed it.! ' - ; -: ' ' , ' Toward the end of the atay, th mean , became full again, and Loeia pleased aa evening sail over te ike Island. Tb 'craning was perfsoU Lucia ellmbed agaia to the rocky point and watoh.d tha great mooa 'aa it alowly rose abore th water. ' ..: ' . The "wavering reSsctioa" was all iltl ahe bad imagined. Herbert sat at her ft aad watobed the changing path of before them.. ; The remark he - made, . evidently were or acceptable tbaa thoee ia tha trti lax terriew In that spot, for she did not tzl him away, nor, lu reporting aossetVlas cf th ooarersatlon to her mother, did she eaHii i4ailly.M But it was not antil after th wedXisj tour waa over that those two ssauh-taa' If mamma dared eren hint at thair sober. ' x 4 ' ' Chicago L4lr The CharleUe Obf.rrer tr pointmcnt cf ex Cearefam! N bia. -1 Unittd Stata Mlai- v ' aad f?js that, in a.! qca'. ..-(Hia- s, ke i -. acc- J' UU s.;hvlar.