t"V . II' . , ' ' -.'''' '' ; V. . , " . ' . ''! ,'"' ... - - j ; ' :' . ..jt i ' t, i ..... ,,,, . .,, . ,, - . ,, . , . -: ' ' . : ' ' i:. : . .' . ' . . .-' ' '.. ... . ... . . . 'V '-TOR GOD, FOX COUHTRr AXD rOB'TBTJTH j' ft w. rurrcexx ausbok. xcrrox. VOL. IV- ;3IiYOUm. p,,1, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3. 1893. ' t . ,; .. NO. 35. i Directory. . KT1 WTIMMIKT. . GdTirMr. EliM&rr. of Edceeamb IJUBat-OoT4jranr, R A. Donghton Sunury .QpttvUvt Ck, of Ai4lit4r. It. M. Faraaw. of BancmWt AttrBT.Oi4jffl. Frmnk I. Oibsrne, SitckUkburf ' - iJiptrlintiiilellt of Pnblb XBitratlioi, J ' y3. MrkprvmH, f JwhnttoB,- rfMarcr, it x. inwu. ' litir!r Oirt OUrk. Tho. J. Urr'mi lUfliiUr.f IXchIi. J. P. HillUrd. taalMioam. B. II. 8ll. W. C. Mr- liMr, II. O lAtk, , Js. SkitUtthftrp 3 :-fc44W4iiti. Tki. .rUtjd, i I A , ' ' ... , y; CITT. lfatiaA4niark. J. ft. BrrAu. .1 ' TrMaunc, JL ft. lthM. A . . tShlftf f r-.ie. lMpii Tektr. s CflnilM. X. U J-4kthm, Q, R. Btt- fi4rf U Wrv MudUr itlll ind I blkl i . iindj ekool tt 9 4 9. Mmu, iprUrt4udwt ; Jkipf1-! try li d f r4 tiuadaya at 11 a. m., 1 4 f;t m. Fray' ?Un afary rviaW ry tday n 11 a. m., aud f ;lt t aUy 4i-i at 10 a-, - a., L. t ra(aa, a$iiialadeit, . jMMta 1m aadSd Ikttradar ingLU ta ach X. XX-MfarFiB, ttaportar. tk'TiiVrMft W if kta Ja aacb laoalk I 0 A F. JEawerttatt fJatlf, iVatt 18 Bteata f oradaj nut at DaoaU'a Wau. W. Sryaa M ft , L. r Uaata. 'ct'y. L4tBI. al0 aBKTICKI kUa49U - JB4ler A B ' Hicka saator. .fyiea aiagrmp,y Mlf-viVn'S P- IB. A. a.V ka t a K7 p. 49UH17 ICBUOI it k? BW. Wigtw, aupaStftaBtiaat; J. W MaDouaM, awasar lai Bavtlat. jMarCkval -Senricaa Trj 4aa at 11 a! I, B Kaigfat, Miar B4Jaydiol aaaty tiaBetar M ftaptiat, a"a;iiu- afl Norurt'4. 1 aj aahaal artj ttaaaay. Moaaa wjaa, 4afariUadaat fjODBKa aTaaaaa, iJatthagian - UeaU lt Moaday jiigat i ahMiifa. tf Um A II., A. Jliatatti-tMfatary" - Watar) Jd wd 4ih Midy mgbt ia 4iuilk t( 74P5loon, V. F. Beiubry. . a, Ok ia i.aT.ry riiijikM4t J. uig-A -i .atilk a 2iS Uuada? g ; -Cj iiib sapr flireutory. Cj(7c:iea '.'. J. tf1;."! A' iMl4ar. v ; -r ',' tuMiK-mx at llJ 4-;?- . a-!.t g ee.y Mrd. r--i - 7' !'- il mi da TOm i ' ,".-v'' M4trAiuadeat, TC).A.5-.'. , 4 l-J Jl'!t. 1 v . .. VV Ji. ".! acr. i '' i. .V 3 t .a. Nr a -aa'7Ai a. i-J l.-aa i .: t H jar H 43.. at ' i ,iuud5 fi-r lit vat i . U. 1. u 5V ;'. j'i'lw 3V '' tjawUfas'f vtila uy Uii t A.i, in fdr ta pmaara a tfo 1 at-ty (4-aTul. Inaat abaat two wctbsbafi'-ra ast 4teictad tiaia. aatii 1 wan iaUa aiufc, ad 1 rad a ary qaiak aJ( frtiv inf nanvat. srotkiOg occarred ta it M l Lava, tuay wocta Tr acam L vitkHUt it at aucutiatta Iae3yarar faffgry.v;:,. FLUEAxtfU ujLT. ; Etf let's x:zAULE-3y.fci:L:: lur t a kuiua Arv mm ararr I at andSd 8tfttdVat' II a. 1 j uraiiartmycaiiva 'avwca. f l,rtBf rura C4m up AC i. 1... tia ..Mai w" halted tttdttly, " .iv.. fwiiii.w w.t rhe officBf had koea a TILE PIANIST. , Bar fiigara raca tUang tka kayi, ' H M'iiiatgAi-da tlni'v-. i : i J Ot it tka Ikraaa fa irrtwl, w rf , ( Or etataly ar aukhma. , . dirga, a aunohk bro-atrain, ) Ta tkrill tka ararld'f graat haart, i l5aaaatKbet.trippiDf taaak.bacoaiaa 1 ti maicklaaa hard aad ta. ! Tbair rjthm Jipaatly aha gi la ktr light aklpaiaf' awa, ' A.ai all af tkam go caatariag, JUakgitba.irOry raeaMsaiifaav - r , j , .. .A.aecaadialka pfila, v , t 1 f ' ', j : Ga eantarlag, g galloping, J Ilia tka Mlfama rig : ;.. - Aad up aad down, aid dawa and np Ta tka uiak tiina of a jig. ; Ckapfa woald waap hiaiaaif t fit ; :, : ':Scaaaaaa: woGMsda Mkaiaa,. - - f JJAAWJM"ebaraiOBTtawj'akkok '- - .uipnk, miv, uniiuTH Hi wits, i Ta haar har play thalr haaTaa -sat tkaraca Waald laeap rram grtaf sad saaaas. -t Tkair tbtaaa? Nay tkaia aba aibstitataa, Ta kaeiiha innate up. WptjdUjl aftb bitUr bllUr gall 'rAd ma Wte.ifar Wlgbif tpajgga ; ';- To aaV.bf rj aa da tragtd I ftWW bia lanraH, obi. . ' Marshall rriatratai J AN INCIDENT OF THE : ,VAIl. v H At fhoUUi.ncwnati ;ont TChtiitAind t; a:;f5l year aid a tftytt gtiiitiemen ware ralating tnair amermt aioonencaa in 111a iact irar. 5 Amonjf thos present wir . c James ValndaHf ham, a nephew !6f j. u : vauattaioffiiann, cue aiscin- puished awjr and statesman, who acciaentaiiv kihu HiraseiE in me oU'riH'tib&n At 4iihanon Oliiof-. white 4nidniiti rihjntj, inxlefehse b r;hi flteftc5. & ilntg i;trial ior iiirdertliaitherTicat niight hire k(neffjivmiir.wniie fluswiMjf uasown ViTorfer irom lus pocket Jim Val- andighsra fought with the Uou fede rate ftrmr, nd on aoeennt of his many darimgdeedaoftu found hhnij elf m cioe quarters, ue reiaieu Ian enperaeoce : ; , "Wlnto ut on a iarajfing expem? tion one H mrht near Mashviiie: mi ttompaitr with three obWs, we wer 1tenmfTnrisea uj parsyo oiytf casiefiiptsand taken prisoners. ..- . . 1" . . 1 1 1.: t li.v: I We rere tvrned over to the care of e ght solderc, who started with jus for tin Union line. Wiiy they didn't lake ok guns front ue I dont know -unhtsi it eras that they rcre too weak from hunger to caxrv thm. They were pleasant and ttltatiTe fellows, and pref ed to. serry we had not ejf4'r? k hit" h f'ti : i .'A ? rW' .'itAi not'rrelie'f far before I ewiid ; ia Voslzed'azer-backt'dTJ shoat iu a barnyard not far from the -read ,and suggested to the guards that, wit! trreir iermison, I wouW supply th uecesKarypork for a meal, which we were all swelj in ueed bf. "AraOR the guards was a long lecged, dreamy ort -ot a chap, and , iMKrss the only owe who oppof ed tlxffeaeme, but be finally came over ie tfct majority; a4 I went aftea th porker. I I lie understanding was that;! was not to fire my ffn unles it be attieb8o!utf1y neeassary t prevent the prospective taet from ecapl!f, bt to use mv byoe;t. 'iWtAh I cha'wid-fchat darned jpig rmi; iH huruf tt least fen ty times, awd Wt d fwMritedthsidp a1 the barn, like aeke in my inef- ffC.rual jais ac him -with my bayoneM Jnst'aal had siu5Md.;d in sjwanng my price.'the sound of horses hoofs on tbe pike was heard in the distance .an4.n fw nriuui-es the "Union ?ad- k guard, tb oe that had effec tad our capture, me in.sighi ii fui! speed etidentiy fleeing from he enemy. - It occurred to me iii'i minute -that - if our boys were close on the hels of the Yanks (hau if I ktip myeHjrfors(frtfsyfoifa 'leeji mlAtxte-iakl. W and so into the barn I jumped and was soon in the haymow peering through -vfiatat; and ky prapar write ad boada aa knot hole at mv gnrorised and bewtfi;&adtki'imakyord.ff Mra. 5ills...to ipred, captors. Jtst theu tno AqiC'tfaalr-AUtlirjaBiaataoay ana vjfedaripg . . a i . ia DreaKnCK j dvised of rnf fliiit, a volley was fir4 at the hmm I'be . otkar prisoners were hait;:j "-ntsd oa horsss aadtb.e flight re.' "I chnckli Yl's I ft. it ny pa ss i cr.-. w i 4dowJan4 peered. up? 'the' road, to ascertain fuw,ioiaour 00 j a were 111 ursuit of the. fleeing Jorthernerg Just as I poked my head out. whizz yry yit' mte cjost ,to xny t earand looking into ' the ftad, darned it (here wisa't that long-legged chap. stahdm alone, reloading for another shot. We),- that' fellow and myself Ciqhangiuptatf9r,sevetal nunue--, until our boys cams up and captured biin. ; 11 ever 1 tooK aeuoerate a;m at a man. inTny lils and tried to kn; t 1 m, I did iat- that 'kfig-legged indi; ridnat- ' - ; ' ?. f twas retur t5 the fiampVwijh otir priioneiv And yon may bet that that porker came aionr. ine same light I; let onr or,tw of the boy ; a 10 the secret of mjL good fortune iijd at tiijt: inyitation they came ,t i y -ten ana, wa guinea w-Mraa-lifi in1r tinaritor? te c6okinr Itl Vf. Strict order htf.bcen,, iwneil against iojraging,ana:; consequenny, ir?f gMlivieti ours Workler, closely - Vust AsrTfe naa,tne pig rezay tor Che ti re. ' an irerly ' apieait-d and summdrfed'meWthe presence of our Colonel. Vf hat officer gav me to nn 'dersund tljat lie k hew all about ( he pig and; 'After? sharp reprimand ordered me to resume roiuar&uiK among tiiem .ocmr- laiea. ouoniv . 1 ' l I I." A7 I 1 uelovm noon 1 wis azam surnmona to ths tfclo&el quarters And on my arrival thir two soldiers irere order ed 1$ take the bind qu Artera of the pig wmcn r I saw at once had been broafiht to the"Colonrs i tad tusptadifcaroundf mhickby a f'hif betngTilone, IwafWitk 1; tAho'fenard hne where the -Tisitori entered id was compelled toroinsiu there.with the pig..round my ifeck for three hanrii aa ' MI hare never considered imyseU a masher; ceutlenieni bnt I will ten turihat2mttrd prtttf wonien'siuiled ncie that day thnn nrobabfy any fef you have bett-favored-with. j weii, to aati iiui6j 10 injury along came-that long-lagged chap, . - -' ft in charge ?! two sosajt rs. ;, ue wat being trAnsJsrrcd to Another guard; hon't. Asht pksedtmtiht smiledi and remarked that Sf jia4 wot si eflactivelv "dodffedJiir .'Willers i I wauld jpot 1i6w be . sttilarrng subh hBiBfcio'irXr'-'f-:'''K--.''- i M' 4t It .ndiirhatn finished hlsj . !.man nf Hita.rlir t I tefjeraUre-ght t .f ?S:Jl m lt I ie woiuu BLiii wiBuioow isuuica o with' thaloriir-tefeged ih ihdividuaTi Mr.-' Vailindigftaur'iaKl tnat ne wuldr,most assuredrtv r ! 1- l4Well.Tni&4Tfc& Prf patt to -be the jong4eggl individual focf referred to, and 11 you will step ' . --. ? 11 t T. ud to tne oar we win an nave u drink, to the pig.of which; neitherof us go AtAste 21 Whan thiat anbjaat waa bfora tha laat Oa4irarjtiMiiabIyii,W0tok tba poairiaf fat tka Vrojia of thW )Nblit Pflatair Vara taf la e f.gialatiaa of 'a eWraSta to radaaa tba prafita, and at tbe lmi tina allow a fair oompansktiaB waa daaiandad by tha piiblla lataVaV 'Suek is onr poii.- Wa do Bat basiuta ta say that tka prrflts darlTaifBy iba'Piklicr, Pdnta rff rom tha uvio ting; bob traat ar a a a raaaa ably large aad that aba lagislatioa . that allows it it nat'fair totbe eiHzSna of tbia Rtata ' who aAy tba taxeV taVapport ike S gorarn- V'a.faTr a redoattaa of tka priao within raaaanabla 1 naitkwkick a elaaa inytttiga tiaa of tka aobjaot Will raadily akow. rTo tax payor .will 00m plain, lf a liriag pnea U paid tka Btata Friatar, and all goad cidzauS having at kakri tka bat iafaraat of Nartti Caroliaa may raaaonibly alaact aa. aqnitable aijaataaaat of 4 tbia wkala yaj.tar, , . , . - v . : l( -sr' ja 1 1 1 ii. - ij Tiia Ni:aaocppnsASiONT rChtrlcrtla N.w. Oaeday last waak. Mr. Jona Boyd, ar partaabtrg; 8. 0., want ta tka old honia ataad oftka lata Dr Qolumbaa Mil'e, at Poplar Tant. in Cabarrua caaatj. aad sur vavad 60 aaraa of land baloatiK to tba . v .... ... . ... --- - tkair 'attarar nvts t nil w 10 a tair that he would decide later wkto my uuiatiment. f ' ; ''I'ho.folIowiugdayStinday tin cafh'tiwaV full id Visiters, main and af tlrilaWy 6iiaUvatieti and ora .CM satoo is a Coiafrj:l!a. teita 1 mm. otkar) aacewary ttUdUCwtagtbi ofllf: ( kiU, AUkoBjtaaJLls tliiata4.sartM ,d;-bl wifa wa tka ttiid of lira. U ilia, Tkia ia m Acfif.iiadsi' frW ssatjaa t- ala J! 1 ; st to lt!?a"'osiia. if iMslblosvly .0Uit;LEISLAl'6RS. . '1 s WHAX TIIE) .J4AW.MAKEKS.P NOETII, OAROUNA AKE DOING. n Asa4TK. January 25ib Tie follewiogrkills areaa jBtroaaotd : . , TaBtakMh a criminal ciurt for tba 13tb' jHdlalal district i 'iztl ;To pravaat tka running .f railraad traiia o Knndar. , : , i . to ant.iiu icmqd o. '01 or iaa u()a. in ragUM ta ieea at aiiall.rs la capitat aaaaa Co provide naaaa to daf-ad titlts'lta- raaj n'14r8oaal proparty. . . ; ' Tb ccllect .taxaa m tba branohaa of tka Wfc W RaUraid.? To prohibit ssJa of daash 'weapoaa to V tlK to amend taotioa 383 J'of tba Code rxilavalag tbe rate..af intpjat fka lakaa up aaaaner tB.Bitfiieusaiea pro1 and coajwitk aaaajr aiuaodimi)aM too' original ; bill wa . )acd pft tbc clan Jar. .9 OQtt JaB'uaWjaWk V'C--il' $ Toaaiand aaclfon mi;: tba Code ii n(Vi-aaca to dawcr aodar axaontioa ! .' "Tv ancaarata aad P eteet abaep kaaban l provPa for tka adaktion of taaehars Tai raal e'.iaotar 4: law. f , 1887. and A i mviid kptar 72.1awa f 135., an as fa aoara?a tba yatsuz or iwi ta.'- waeda vt. aors s aau oUar atwu ia ti Mi 8'Aig Januar 2l5tb.-rr : ? Several Renatora jatrodaced petUioaa Jrm f aitif aa at tkair raapaatlra d'atrista, agkjaf hf rapkl af tter. Barium . Spring' HoriB Of various , standing enmmittae waj.-a mada. " " ;ro aaaad sactlai 38tl of tba Omit ia ra fo 'lj th waigMs and liiaaaqraa 1 T(t rana 1 saaf ia- 2 and 3 ';haotr 543 la-wa of 1039 r(ardlag pttbhe oada:.,.. ... ( Tka bill , to proMote . V.ap, knakandrj tMibg a apactar ontar far 13 ' b'claek, aa ariotio'a tba g allarie war vsratad a d with cloaad' dears tta fitarmiuaUAB. taxation. eta; of dags M . frealy,' riianaated. ,Tbe : r0' rnotifn tba 8'anata want lata' arcn tjva homIo V and pror.a.dd 1.. ponflrttj tiyf m. mtaa:iAb af u. W . wnartoo, Eaq.,wad Vf a6 CaTfc to a tmataa of tba. fcrlcwf aralaadMkatacaJ . CcJlago, 'TifcaVGof. uarr raaigvao.' p-j-; i:.).- v.s.- t .: ousf'Jaiafy :6t..?;4 1 ' I . f. Bill to ancaqrage tka dastraetion vf kawka Taj rovldit fOtlk inopraTenitat af tka mafalif ra&da. hit aa af Aonrmt lahar ' jr-" -. r-. - , .,., , " . 1 A. raaelatiaa pravldlag for )bmt commit.' tia to aacartain the adriaakility af anbaarlk- lag to tba Coafadarate Soldier aud Sailors' UAaamant ia JticiUMoad, Va. . . . "Tka Lang-VifrigEt content cato was ra1 aaaied and aftar'aaraa dicnain rasa! ted ia faror Lob 2. wko Was caaortad m tha daak ana rart)M nna atft orffla;liicb Janata rUVt Ha.d wa f 100 for WpeaaaelB1 kis aoataa caaa waa tasan Bp ana piaaca luna raaaia?. ' . i . . . . ., ; 1 . j . r, I. ' ejtKATB, Jsaaary 2Tth-- trtatral BaUtiana waro iatro-olnod ralativa to tk kppiii0Matof josticaaofpaaaa., - Tbe following bills war preacatod: Ta oaatlik a motto far tba State. ?. . ,Tha,6 per cent intaraat bil), kich pa toad acoBit raading on W.daaaday cama np and afta taosivitfgibany ameadoaenta all of wtich wera last, tba bill paad iu third raadine aad wis erdarad earollad. .. -.. Tka follawiag raakition. aa amotion was pasaad onder ssapaasioa of ralaa - - '1 : 4 RKaoLVKP. tkat tba Sanata taa kaard wtk pr.faand ragrat of tha daatk" tkia mrning at 11 o'alock of tbat diatiagaishad oitizsn af onr conn try. Hen Jauaea O Blaint atid tbkt it tand-ra its syiapathy as a bady to, tha at rickaa family.'" - y- ' On m ttion af Kat ator Pattlgraw tkia reso lntiB va adapted bra riaiag- yota. C bill invao iBtarVai o'f Oai ford Battle GrauFid, which proaidaa for .tka aaanal ap. prpr ittin to ba iarai.d ,' from $i00 to 300, waatbaa takaa op and altar aevaral warut paekei pro and can tka bill . paaaad seooa d aad third radinga -iti? A 'bill ta rivisn. oadifj aad digaat all tka pnblta siatata Uwa of tha titata oama ap aJ Mtd it third reading -t On' Baotion to rBidar tka vota tka bill waa tablad. t8iJanutry 27th , 4 , 5varai patitvoua presantad sad tka fol lowing wara aaaong tbf bil!a iatadncad : . A .bill ia rogard to divoroas, and coaoty surrayora. ... - . .; r . t I'o allaw Clarka af tka Ptnp.riar CanrtS 8a days to attsad tba World'a Fir. .- , " To provida for tka kaaping ia ordar tba pallia roada of the State. ? : v To amand aa aat far the callaatioa, ar ranganaat aad display of North Caroliaa prwdact at tbe Wcrid'a Fair, aad to : taaka aa appropriation tberafe i To amend seetioa 717 of tka Oode ia re gard to enB saving jnaticas of, tba poaoe ia oartam caaes. s; ' 1 f acted Tbe following Senate bills were Uf OB I ? ;,-.! The kill relative to-(ha Saak af Baaafort at Waabingtoa waa take. ap. bat a aa-tio0. a. V.. a eVaa lSall vsv BtiH anal aMlab an Bu.aLAl 43rder for Tkarsday wacarritd fc , : to fleaTBa we waaa aaaa n'avawj wa b)lswws4S I Bill ta ckayga tim f.r helding . Af lit end Martin caoaty Saaerior , Conrts pasaed ita tkird reading. - . Oa motioa bill to - ameid aectiea 3S41 aoacarning wdgbta k n d aaaaaurea was 'tabled Bill to amend chapter ill, laws cf . lSSf nnthoriziag tba lavy of a apecial tax knockiajj oot 18S7 and insortins 1805. paa. aei third readiug. '- 4 " ; ,, . TL. omisa bill Vfts llvilr 4Thcuu4 sad i 'On mntioao tka Haaxoi adjonrnadf from roKpaat 10 ma ataesoryr -Hoa dansea u. 1?I1S e. aar jasainK saitabie. resolutions, ConttaaeaVoa aaxtpaga. a r ' waawacBBaacsBBBasBB.. u ' TOFZIDITI PKOPI"- ' r ; Tha farnraaf Ik RMtkiM l.ml.A sa-raaob itteritiear and aaaha large proper tianvnf Ikil l.aJi 44 Ik. ffM.1..--rf ! ' eot.n: aVtkao:a:.ptVa is'bVtaa- a.'nUalr dMuaged Jnseme joarnala. wkether thai ... . .1- , .fie"., j,, .,. Ralllli i M ita niu.U ' ' : I The oxceeaive. cottoa crepe,, feuowiag aeh bUiar vaar after vaarand th ns trinaerativa r.iT. j .hw'iWW. rk. . .'. ' .RW .- V.'-W-1LWiu:-t:-.. aw wHwaa wv aaamva .aaava Bwvaaqswhvaati VBIIT m 'tfaan aaf ftVtak aaiMa Vawa jaaktaiak1 bmim o;utkeraagrioBilttro. apnsVle tkat .he Koathern farmers wonMnot - peraist ia a wasteful expenditure f IJabof ana eapltal .aik. ?l a . . J 1 a I. td.ptakla to tkoj:r9b'of.otka pa. j. 1 .Aaintalliaant and Ltaraali.a jtiaan.lan atflhlal ' flhliauArknaTAlBal tffe aV VaUaakeAl in no . af tke Raw Orleans Pieavna fraal wblch w riDobl SB tU.efdllewIb'dl extriot : 1 v "Leavinr out of the' diaeassieia' the At. UaalT an Vhlcu; have exteaajve areas of high aad hilly lauds well adapted to. all tka Otfoais. w only, aonsidor lsi.aippi Jyfniaiasa and J'exas Baf ice Texaa carers aa eaarmoas extant of daatry,raitBiag-ap4atathe. middle lati to leey oa!y the saatbSr 'part af the State wiirba UVan tutd tke accedaL Frem tha cean-ie, pudatta of tke ptodnatiaa of cereals ia I889i for tka ce3psjoi,jWi1lndw som'i samel nterealing. flgurea. ,?Fro them we wilf mskBraedotiobaaringpB tba qes. Uan of lk aVility Vf ibeettrenn Joathern fkataa tofaad tkair awa aeor)la.., L r w flius we fiud thai Loakiaaabad.ia ronad nnrhara-8:W.00O aera ia cara. wklck ro- dnead 12.000 000 bnahels. or abont 15 bask; auto the i;re.Thw:es.rw!.B,tte cottoa and sugar. parishes indifferently, and wultaui donbi was al.wye aegieeted when tha ootton and cane eropa had to ba worked f ' i ti . ThaV alwava ant att-atl.a. .Sama'f like bast viftlda of corn wsrala tkaa sagar'par. lahaa1 yfiiet are always tba'ht'ost lantharn. faadditleifto'tBO CorflJ Vgrtt rice erpp and affair yield, of oats , beaidaa . tke ootton and sagar,wbeh are the joaisians ataplaa. . ; --imA.. j- n ' MiaeUaippl which dees net make sngar, or rise, knt depends a cottoa, in the aame year made 266O0.OO9 bashelSof iaora '. M i7600aaa oTlaaXjiiW if "eve'r !l baskalatobaapr.,, Intadltionf liiS- .Ji:. "j . mVum e;ulf' ';' . j ippi BadtOyOOOa baaheia 'af ,.ata, aaJ aoate vtkaat and rya.nTcxa made 0,000, 000 btfshals cfcorn amSUO.OOO acres of iand. ot an afaAgk of 3 bshalS to tke acre f axasaa a liar Je area' af Susai laa u and morl'a? !connty;ilhe 'laadiag ' eager I producer, yielded itous&eiaar eora tbe sera, and Fort Bead anatksr sugar cou'aty ' almaat aa mucbl 'tu "air'tbeie8tuee ie msdoiiii'Onafmods yield of aweat poUteea which farm a staple article ef Tcfod for all claaaes at a remarkably Jowt pr!. a. , Of ooarsa. SUUs that caa make . eora Caa raise hega, and, excapt in, the , extreme eontbera belt, there is aarer, a winter, which does not furnish weather ;eold.anongk for tke stangkteriag aad earing of perk. Wkkt with cera," riae, angar,swaet patatses,' kofl. cattle and 4 climate that givee garden vege. tibiae all the year 'round;' the people ef : these Mtatea caa live aa tbeir owapraducia batter than thaae. ef say othar facioa to thTJaiQB,.orthaa an v ctn.r paepl ia the warld, and then earieh thaasaalves making sugar and cOttn far their 1 cash i eropa. ! If aot avert yo.tr that there is a famine ' ia EUrapewh'ab bread aauetbe" boogbt f-nc America,' bt tfaefS la aet.r a yaar wka cotton mnat aot be cVrrtad fr6oT Amfrioa tn M.rtf iitkar cnniittfViiM tka nnl nra r . i ; - .an r'r . I -4iaiU.Kia taka ia not fc aaarataakr tba tnurkpt ir w wi;i oniv raedonv awa oaa. 1 pla, aad cultivate cot tan as a aarplua . erap, there wiM nev.tbf loavnUC of jt. t5 a 'BnwBaaaaHBBapsaeHr A "'DEFINE MURDER. v 4, m ar-jj8Jev aer- at tie Thefoilpwng important : act jatrodocad by JlrAJlpavof JTayBa Qaunty, pasaed tke Ilonae f Rrpreeeat ati vee -oa-Tasad ay , Jaai TAB "GBNXKiL AS8KMBI.T OfKoATK CaRO; 'vVta fcwjkoi'i ' . JWjA i tl MM. ! 8icnox i. Ail murder which skall be perFatrUdy maaaef jjsaiaoBf jiagia wait, imprisonment, aiarting, .tertnro, ar by aBy othar kiadof-Vfilal. dalierata aad pramMltsttfd VilHag, tr which shall be eom- lBirt4 j, peirotratioBt or attempt to r ' perpetrate any araoa, rpe,!robbe?yibnrg lary, or Othar felony, "abaH ba daauad to be pwirder injthe first dasri and skatl be paaiabMlwitl) destb. - 1 Sie. 3 All other, kinds of mnrder skn be demad. murder a ( tka seoand , 'agree, and thai b pnnise with imprf'tumtnt of eat l6slban twa.nor mare thaa, thirty yesrs in the jsnlteuMsry, r -. - . , , gaC.3..pthingraia . contaiead shall Itoccastrnjltereiciressy a'.'ara'i'JB ar icodiScatraa of Aba existiag'faraj of iiidict. seat for asnrdar ; but tha jury befere whom tka effeader Is triad skill data rniae tn tbair verdict w-ketbertLa crime Lj mar- '"TA- flril r ""d degree ; and if tha aceased eonf.aa hia aniU ik. jj f o Ideirreoaftka r.Hma . ..,: . . . H , r. .um vi tke testimony, and reader judgment ac I , J",1' Seed. That tka provieioas of this act kail not apply ta any crime wkich thsJl V" k ratifia. ttea or thia art. at shall - not affect tka tiuotieas bow exciting between v murder '---. -a puai.amanj lor ow preTiaea oy law. I - linn C ...! . r T.. . 1 rce tTrem. .1 rauoaauon. A KATIOXIAI. QUAHA.RTIWE. I Ttaltlgh Chraaida. ..I FTkak m m,m,m. t ? .a. a a f v rUi"s, Part of . Eoropo. d toa Snkjeot Of A Natioaat anann' 1 uaa, waa 01 oveBaaowioff tmnorUnca at I f . ' - a 1 atara ooBaideratioaa of the eabjaet ia Caegraas, tkerefere, extreme J ta - 'j aaeiraaie. yur, lama f gavarament makes tha matter aae f great difBculty. IU. . II na iaa moat iavoraa ia Gaarreaa saama to be that tie Itate boards of health akoald ou-wparna wrn tke RaUoaal board mt kaalb, ia pravaating tka iatroiaetloa af cnaiera into this woantrr aad that tk SetiOBsJ power skouid take affaet at' tka aatrabeO of oar bajs, while the Stata boards aatrel tka sibj aat within the cities and mnTua arkuth ma h mWj.tA " ' . l"w .f'is-wA-eaaare aa a wise oaa.. Pviaaa laa power ar taa . United States. U rtriud national boandary M ooatamplatad, but wo akenld praieet a? l UT twa- vaattag to tba Pnu deat, diraatly or indirestly the power to I injure on e;ltaio for tka beatfit af anotUr, l a particuUr I P,rt P safflolaat graondi.ar refasing: r Fa Aarlaa mmA MAAn artM.ri.at a.u-. I. rL . I Mr xa wroagfal eiarei.e of thepower to declare a. qwaauHe aiigat,oa.tBvokaa. far the des- traetloa of the enilra eemmoree of one ace I tie a af the 'Oaiaa for partiean pnrpases or from pareiy sordid oonti4erationa. Buch I a powtr, tkerafare, nbonld be ceapled with aafagnards aofSdaat to satisfy the most cautions stateemaa. IF I WEUE A GIUU ' ' ' - '. HJ... w a cara of , 1 aat-daars as saaeli aa poasifc health by liviagr ooasibla. and takinir lone watkS la tha anakiua.. Zoglish girl anatrstand bow aaeesaary tkia ie far goad aamptexioas and ekeerfat spirits. Wear simple tlothiog, that yea may climb moon- tains and breathe freely, ... '., , I woald eacure tha beet edicatioa. Go to College by all meaaa, if it ia poaaible. Read good books and thereby became ia- taliigeat rS , I would caitivara cheerfulness. Discen- tont saoa abaws itself ia the faae. . If van have some diaappaintmeata, sa do ethers If yon are cramped for money, be thank. f al that year let ia no woraa than it ia. Leara to tuake the beat of things a an. happy wamaa is a perpetual , aland ta a' hotua--a,fatfal girl has few fneada, and tha aambcr leaaaas, year by year, I weuld aay kind tbinga to olhera, enpacially the girlai 'A gfrl who niakaa unkind remarks about Other girls would batter be ayaided by youag mia ska will not . taaka aa a greaabla com paajou for, life. . . I would learn how to ba ar If supporting; especially ia thia ooaatry. where fartanea change.' it ia wiaa" for a woman to be abla to eara for heraalf. ' Helpless women are aot a carafort to othera, aad usually aet to . tkemeelvee. . t U a V . ir 1 lV 4' ."J'" : J - - dresa dees aet betoken tka lady. .Be ap. preeiaXive and sysapatheiic and you ksva two keys , Wkioh will anlock , almast all Kiir4B I woaU leara aelf.eootroL To know wbea'to speak aad wkaa to bo silent ; to have katefttl Uala'ga said aboat vou. and bo able to answer pleaaaatly j to have people caatiaia joa and be wiaa aneagb to keep it jooked In your heart ; to bo iu poverty, and aot toba aeared by it; to meet ' temp. Ution, "aad be strong before it ; to be strong eaaagh to perform ay lnber or daty tkst aasd to be dona all tkia shows a aeb'.o mastery dai aelf J t ' . . I weald be panctaal reiaft I&te at meals lata at .church, or late ia maeting v.eagge. meats, aa a k a a anneoetvary frioiiea i a faaabiaa?'1 If we'ere'williag to lose valaabla time) we have ao right ta make others lets U.'. ' at . - k . ; , A he golden rale of doing unto ethers as wa waald that the; should da nato as, is especially applicable. '"' ' : Sirs, Icasasg IXillsr. . -'t . The year's fioar output iVegieatt erer knowa. promuci to j:?