. Reed, of i in the fat .Republic, also of the bee and .iG and prestige gh to roach from dary of the , Repub- so Benjamin Harrison one term did not become oppressedwith the strain Y and tear of the cflice as not iug to go, through the or mother four years : of wear i He is standing on his 1 :it were and, "while ambi- T KOAKOKB A acceptable, and ur citizen. Lot , aic know wnat is tt to us all Items of ..ure of friends, , social inei8, aociilenlt), now aud improvement of .iil-ox in buHiuess indeed .j that would be of imwottt LY. JULY 6, 1894. : T" : much-talked -of tariff bill the Senate on: Tuejday. yy. Democrat voted 'for its pas ,e, except Hill." ' ' - ' . . Elsewherb in this issue will be i found a communication by. MWash- ington County Democrat," putting forth, the name of onr countyman, ion for Solicitor- of , this district., e vould-bq pleased to see Mr. Gpy" i the .nominee, as we helirfe). all ' "! considered, -he is" .tie -strong-llie party could bFing but at y r v . ::. j fcer our fin we enter for the' caneo .Wo are. not a large number ithold 'from "us fe as the publish- fr Buoald, receire. flit, to discourage We expect in en until the las tt: no may . result from A men antagonize I to throw a damper I which we are .try ii Witter .of public I people, For five j have stood up for Jity and the Eastern ! Carolina. ' . . .ve from time to time istence bvs- Vhl- ; now Hough second' term docsnt wish ;o, hence ho is maintaining M .silence 1 while his friends nipuldliug the wires and en' jng to create a popular , senti irSVin his favotv ' But the trouble, with all these men is that they have, records which may be very much against them in the pan out: of events. Every one of them is committed to the policy of "protection for protection's 'sake,' a policy which has lost much cast with the American people since , McKin leyism pnt the finishing touch on it, a policy which isn't, as popular by' thirty.per cent, within the Republi can lines proper as it was-when the trio named above were in tho heyday of, their fame and influence. , ;A little practical experiment may knock that policy into flinders among those who still lean towards it and believe there is something good and distinctly American and patriotic in.it. '.' .' Should business revive, which it doubtless will, and prosperity return to the country . uuder tho , reduced tariff which this Congress ; will give the'eountry,' will that not prove an object lesson' to illustrato the con trast . between a . high , tariff and a lower tariff, and will it not discredit as prophets the Republican states men,' among whom are the trio above mentioned, who have beau predicting all sorts oi disaster as tho logical re sult of tariff reduction! . ". ; ' : Mr. IcKinley has - managed to steer clear of the silveivquestion but both Messrs. Harrison and Reerl have been toyiiig with it in' an indi. rect way and neither has thereby ad ded to his. strength among tho money manipulators of the .Eastern States who may not directly control many votes but do control the - cash which wields a mighty influence in naming candidates and also in electing them. As a matter of fact the East does not look with favor on any man, bo he .Republican or Democrat, who squints at or flirts with silver. . As .' the situation jffstrftTtself now. the N.ent-vfiakers are r av- ing aen who are being bY,erM-T?i "o . front.. with more or less zeal, or - more or less feeling of the sway by their' respective adher ents, aud these will be the looming figures when the wires are sprung. , But there are other politicians who recognize the fact that when matters become pretty badly , mixed up, rer cords, however good they may have been when made, may become dan gerous under altered conditions, and these may go prospecting for a man without ; such, record, and ' oue f reo from; entangling alliances, a man with a name honored enough tooonit mand respect and a. record negative nough not to arouse: antagonism. Some think they . have found this an m Robert Liucoln, who may cocie d potent dark horse when sweepstakes are run. Wil. Star. iared Tkem After Othur Heme. aiea Had Failed fDMlN, ANSON : UOw- C I ft ad a pprtonlty to lest tho . merits' of lerlaln's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhcea Ind can safely say.lt is th best id I bare ever hftd I cave it to (wo i whp had tried other medicines. I benefit, and bv taking two doaes weiiy tuey were cured . , JO Goodman. by) Plymouth Drug Go lm (3 CITOR.-A- O. GAY. LORD. - , accent , of the call of the Native Cjmmittee of (he trict of a conremioa to be V N. C, for the nomina Vte for Solioitor, tecaicidji district for the usl gud sat nomiBatioD. (he eBHontial' reqniaitRa , integrity and avail I And with men who Vents the district is siveral have lon;j; ;ti( thts honors. We K fur the piirpoo ot Pause of man siid for odco tho ofHce has sought aaid found the ican, .Thi we thioli is tight &ai necessary, . aud certainly democratic, fcudiu order to Insure banuooyin theparfy rsuks following the nuuiiu&tion is 'aon Ruuimatlon wont devoutly to be wUhod." v Therefore , the - writer laka pleasure in tU exeroiHO-of the authority t esy that for the first time perhaps in her history, Washiogtou county, by the cooperative solicitations and perauatiiouA of many of her citizens, presentii a. candidate for-that nomination from within her own borders. - The chbsen gentleman for that nomina tion is , Mr.K A. 0. Gaylord, of Plymouth. In him are combined ; the guotleman of a moral haracter wbioh in without a blemish, ind can dufy the aspersion of political malignity; a business man of such punctu ality and System as Tenders it peasant to do bmine88 with him ; a lawyer of undoubt ed competency. Always ready aud alert, and with no labor necessary to the prepa. ration of his ease left undone, his profes sional life has been' on the whole exem plary. : ' v . , Washington oouuty calls upon h er sister counties of Tyrrell, Hyde, Beaufort, , Dare and Pamlico, as well as those beyond (he Albemarle to support her in her effort -to procure this nominatioa.' ns;we thiuk it proper to seleol a oandidats thts time from these counties on the youth wide of the sound. V -" .-' 1 Washington County Dkmocbat.- Stubborn Case . of . Diarrhoea J Cured -.'' Asheville, Buncombe Go , a c I cau speak from expert nc . I had a stubboru case ot diarrhea in my family ana one dose of ChdtDberltim's Oolie. Cuo.ora and Dirihr. rhoe .llemedy effected, a complete' curt-. I feel satisfied that the remedy will do ail mat is claimed ror it., james ucttiuck. -For sale by Plymouth Drug Co. lur Psfr If' 9-l rend and ial nde BREAD AND MEAT; IN THE . SOUTH- New Berne Journal. "The Southern question is bread ; Rnd meat," in its literal meaning And broadest significance. 'Bread aud meat that sup" plies physical strength ; "breid and meat" that gives mental power; "'bread and meat" tha commands influence with men and nations. - v; . How muoh better woqld be the condition of the Pouth if the bread and meat that gives strength of muse'e'to her people was produced, on" her own fields j ; Too ;3ong the cribs and smoke hou of the South have been m the,- West. To expect pros. perity in such a condition of alfira, - is as irrational as to suppose the succeus of an army with all its mutions of war in the heart of the uemy's territory The South must produc meat -before she can nendancc aud iters But more urns' furnish the briK Mrengtn to me Children. No man can kniwipgly employ a govern ess in hU family who would teach his Children' that tey were the luckless de- scendeptsvr 'dishonorable sires- His self' rcspecysfooid forbid it. even if love for his childeu did ncV shelter them trom such ltv. How then can the South welcome w . teachers, books, periodicals aud newspa pers that teem with such expressions as "rebel," aud tell her children that their lathers sleep in .dishonored graves ? - The South neds and deuinuds teachers and books that are God commissioned apostles of Truth.. . '. Bat strength of body and vigor of mind is "not all that are needed in the South, Let her use the means that God has placed in her power to acquire Influence with men and nations. ' r Her fields aro the richest and her climate the most salubrious iu all the world Wealth sleeps in her mountains and pearls lie scattered on her seashores. She has bnt to pnt on her beautiful garments and deck -herself in her own sparkling gems to be a queen among the nations. . 'j hoatn Zkt is to give faculties of-her Cramp CoXto Cared in Fiye Mln , ntes. , Mt Pleasant, .UaCakiius Co., n C Wc tried Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedjr in several cases, and it is all that is claimed for it In a caso of cramp colio the patient was relieved iu five minutes after taking the first dos ML Buchanan & Co. ' ' For sale by Plymouth Drug Co. lm NOTICE TO EX-CONFEDERATE ; SOLDIERS OT WASHING. - TON COUNTY. " "Wishing to ascertain the number of Ex Confederates now in Washington county, we Vespectfully ask jalt snch to forward to tui their names, with ' postoffice address, and contpany aud regiment to which they belonged. A poKtal card will be all suffi cient, liy m doing yon will oblige 4 ... Yours truly, ' koANOKE Pub.; Co. News and Observer: MissTna Wimber ly, the victim of the George Mills outrage, perpetrated three miles beyond "Ap last week, died this n. m.,' at 7 o'clock. (Sat nr. day). It vni hoped , bv many that she wonld recover conaaiousncus enough to make a statement, but it is stated by those that watched by ber bed ide thut she has said nothing intelligible, although she has culled the name of George and said murder on several occasions , No suspicion rests on any one but Mills ! ' Hard Times To nuiot ths jHwt Horft TiuitfH un KrHiri v will Mil to i trtuer dnwt. fa R. O.Mii. ijOllll ((-! iiltMlta or fTa, Vcbm and ''-wnnen, nt 3l.ftO 1 rui.ii!-)jr lrn I i '-itanjog ,t4.CO AtaktlarUtn -f i Ji. Xini:,. Snl; jxi'- VvrnfX Bone Bl&oii, N:tbh in luir" m- fli jim -tii-s. timid tw -it toi( n frw'iv . i'OUIJ.l As I ". Liiii'iiV'ifVWlftliml " JUr; S. A. Lefcber . V 1 Kossmqyno, Ohio. ; Terrible Misery Helpless With Rheumatism and Without Appetite Tired , Fooling and Palno Dispelled by Hood's Sar8aparllla. - " I was In terrible misery wiUi rheumatism la my hips and lower limbs. I read so much about ITood's Sarsaparllla that I thought I would try It and eeo If it would relievo me. When I commenced I could not sit up nor even turn over In bed without help. One bottle of Hood's Relieved Me so much that I was soon out of bed and could walk. I had also felt weak and tired all the time ; could not sleep, and obtained so little rest at nlcht that I felt all worn out In the morning. 1 had no appoUte to eat anything, tut Uood s Hood'sCures Sarsaparilla restored my appetite so that I could eat without any distress, and I have pained rapidly In strength. I have taken five bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla and I am as well as ever." , Mks. S. A. Lefubeb, Itossmoyne, O. Hood's Pills cure liver ills, constipation, llliousness, jaundice, sick headache, Indigestion CITY MARKET REPORT. . C. R. Sides per tb Sholders Bacon Hams S. C, Pork per barrel Lard refined .-. Flour, per barrel, Hungarian . " ' " D - 10 11 is , 10 $5.00 4 00 W; I. Molasses, per gal., Kyrup M V . ; " " Granulated Sugar, per lb Light brown Butter Cheese ' GreenCoflee . ' Boasted Coffee liRgs per doz., . Tobacco, per lb Shot Gun Powder 3 A 40 31) 7 . 0 3r 12 J" to IS. 20 & 2ft , 30 - V 20 to bO 8 SO to 40 Coal Oil White.Safety ISC, per qal. IS t " " Ked U., pT gul.'- IB Appt Vinegar " " , ,30 Beo'Wax, por lb ,.. V L' Tailor. ' a Hides, ' flint"'' " . ' 4 Greau,..! Sajt","per sack ' C?brn, - ' ' Meal, Kice, ' . -, -r Peas, blnok.., . , . bluck eye PeanntH"' ' ' Cotton . 'per lb , " 2c. under C0lb.,,'lJ- . . .- , 80 per Bub., new (50 " . . : , : 0 V . . ., . 5 ': . 50 ' .', If For Malaria, Liver Trou blejOrlndigestionjUSQ BROWN ' S IRON BITTERS JTust Tliinlc of it, 500 pair Ladies' sample hoes from 3Jc. up at tlie -Cheap Cash Store,. 250 pair, Gents half hoes irom 3c. up at tho. Cheap Cash Store. . ' 300 sample Shirts from 15c. tip at ths Cheap Cash Store. . . Finest lino o Nock wearo ever in Plymouth is4 now displayed at the Cheap Cash Store. ' x 100 pair pants from 50o. up at the Cheap Cash Store. ' The finest Hue of straw hats ever seen in Plymouth are offered now at wholesalo cost at . the Cheap Cash Store. . Fine line of; ladies' 'and 'pet' gloves from 5c. up 4 at the Cheap Cash Store.- - Keep cool hy huymsr one of, those nice sample Fans at film Cheap Cash Store. " , : f. . -THE W.H. COOPER, Prop'r, Washington St., riymonth N. C. ;"' - : - .--v r' - : -: . Give us your orders. DEATiEH 1 1ST L Heavy and fimcy groce ries, cigars, tobacco, snuff, vegetables, fruits anil ail FAMILY SUPPLIES. I can offer buyers such pri ' ces on the above liauieil goods that it will pay -them to calj. Roi-lU, N. C. Old roHofllcc buiWing, fcb2 We are tiie ; STUFF, So tlio pooilo HViry, Flour! Elour! 500 barrels tJest flour, below zero. A , , ' - ' Immense stock CLOTHING to be sold at HARD TIME PRICES; -.".'7-' r ' ?: " '"' " "'" 'v; . ' ? : NQBBYHATS, "Just the proper style' Eull assortment jri stocl. ... ' . - i ; .- - - ; ' ' " ": ' i ' . Complete line of -Ladies', and .it . Gents fine shoes , ..Thos; Wv Blount, ' . Roper, H. C.' UNIVERSITY OF N. CAROLINA. Includes the College, the'Univer-, sity, the Law School,;-the Medical School and tho Summer-, School for Teachers .' ' College tni tion $S0,O0 a year; board $7.00 to $13.00 a mouth., Session begins fc?epfc. G. Address President Winston, Chapel liill,'N.; C. ' ; . jy . J H. COLTRAU. ' : MANUFACTURER OF-4,, vagons, ., ' . . v, Koad Carts, ' ! N 1 Fann Carts; t ". . ' Cart AV heels, i and repairer I of all kind of "vehicles, EOPER,, H..O. Horso shoeing a specialty. I have one : of; tho best horsa shoers in this section; On trial will convince, . DRALUK IN ." " notions. notions. -also-. ; . . ' Heavj- and fancy, groceries, cigars, tobacco- nulx, N vegetables, fronts'' , vand all I caii offer buyers snch pricesw'u thir . 1 above named goods that it wuV'V; pay them to call. ( , - ' ' J.H. WIGGUIS, '. Water St.; next to .Bryan's Iru Store, Plymoulh, N. C. . myjlB-tf GULI-ELASTIC i cos-U onl.v $2 00 per 100 square fet. Make -h good rovt fur yeats, and aDjon cau pal it on. . : ; Gnui-Elat.t;c Paint costs 'only CO coat per i(al in bbL lots', or $4 CO for 5 ivb ' Color dai k red Will stop leaks in j tin r iron niufrt. and will laxt for yearH. . (TBT IT. Send Kiamp for nannpics nod lull particw lar : , : , v .-7 1 ;v, . - CUM ELASTIC ROOFINGCO. M A 41 W'Mt Broad wnv. " "NEW.YOBK- ' - -" " . -. -: t r , Local' AgenUi WanlQd. , Wi L. Doaciias' . : KfrIET lTHC BCST. And oq.er apixiua) tor , . ' - Oeutlciuen. I4af? Donf v.. ana Misses Brw-'tt ' " ', uesx in x&z, U8n - .-j- See ScucTititbct- adToriU I if tnent whicbi aipmatt la this l 1 f-r ,i Take no ShBatltat. 'j: ..-4 T.ctat An linvlhir 3f - V 1 L - - - Stamped on boituiftw Sold tf Spruill & Bro. sifTSsaW1' .. - . J with name An rtq H.iS.ilARD, a ttorney-a t-la prj Washington St. Tltmoutii, N. O. T. B. Wolfe, P. D. C. - PLYMOUTH, N. C CTTteth filled or citrftoled Wtut pita. . . The '.'OLD RELIABLE" ilarriage -.Facfaiy, if. PEAL Proprietor.': - Plymouth .II.'C.1' ' ' 1 ' ': Busies. Phaetons, lload-carts, Farm-carts, wa'roriS at prices lower than ever. Men with the cash can ffrt 0 bargain Eop in. I defy competition and will not bo tmdrsalil f )airinr of all Mnds done. Give nio a call. ", ' II. S. WARP. , - ' v 4 W.T.AUSBOir f ; ' ' -TI-IE , ' . PLYMOUTH REAL.' ESTATE . AND ' ; '.....-' i ... . -t . , .. , i ,,' : ., . .- . . . Rental Agency.' v If you wish to buy, sell, vent or lease farm lirib timber- tracts, or town property, coramunicato tritb4tl above uVgcricy. -vvo guarantee highest prices, as' tfS : , ' 1 " p ' placo your property before tlio people most lively t n T interested.' r .. V- s Our charges are reasonable if deal is made it cfaEs- you notli'rig. - V