1 .The ncanoke Efcanon 'lho OiV.cial Paper of Wash ington County. rutli-ihed Every Friday ,by , TE3 KoASOTta PUBLISHING COMPANY. W. FLETCHER AtJSBOK, Editor and , Easiness Manager, -s v , Subecrtptlon price, $1.00 per year. Advertiiicmunw Inserted at low rate. Obituary noiicea execntting ton lines, flv centa line. Caant th word, allnwin eight to the line, aud send money with alti. for ail in exceoa of tea ''"xb editor will not be responsible- for the views f oorreinndVnts. ' ' All article fur publication muft b& accompanied y the full came of the writer. ' Corresponrtent ere requeeted not to write n but ftnesido ef the paper. . . 1 All cotutnuniCHUoug must be sent In by Thursday mromr or they will not appeal. . . ' Aildreeia all coniaiuiucaUooHto , . . :'. THE KOANOKE BEACON,: . PUmouth.N. 0. We appeal t every reader of Tna P.oahokv Bbacon, uaid in making it n acceptable and profltubl medium of new to our citizen. Let Plymouth, people and. the public know what ia going en in Plymouth. Keport to n all Item of news the arrival unU departure of friends; social venU, deutus, soriouu tlineps, acoidente, new buildings, -new enterprise, and. Improvement of whatever character, change in buins indeed anything and everything tuat would be of interest $o oar people. FRIDAY. JULY 20, 1894. . Thb State Democratic Convention will be held in Raleigh,. August. the 8th. ' " ,' Thb Judicial Convention of the First' District will be held in Plym- outh August the 2nd., . v' ... The . Conyresaibnal Convention of - thsJiJDisbictwill be held in .'-'C: ; villa August' the. J 5 th.. -.. The' ijreiit strike has: ended and 'trains have resumed their regular f&Ti.v Debs, the ; leader, has" faith in the orier he represents, and yet )iopes to carry his point. " , Phesidestt Debs and three of , his associates were committed to jail on the 17th for contempt of.; Qoijrt. j They were offered boud btHTrefascd i , . to give iW. The contempt trial 6M ! i ; - fixed for MondiflO o'clock: zaiarr News &'-Obseetee iMonday at public anc- 1810.00. Mr. J. 11 Hold he purchaser. The paper ftinued for fen days under iement of the receiver,', un fa is confirmed "by the court, Holding will take; -charge I hue -the paper as a-f Demo ns paper. . - , : going to be largely a 'matter j this year. Party bonds never -re lishtly - upon the people. l-e in the habit of saying, men nothing; principles are eve ry- ' and it is so ; but this is one j!1 years when the voters wil m to principles, and more to than thev have been in the of doin?. It . therefore be the conventions of the Dem- , party to consider well the iiwiu tucy uum tiiu ucv ue, hould be no suspicion as to acity or integrity ; moreover "ye men or. acceptabu.ity Irequirements iulfilled ctory will be easy.' As Jment of -them thero llilSculty. It has such literial and of the righ h& places- to be filled i .will border on to fatter, how great th'e nth affairs at vvash I is . not near as great appcse the Demo Carplina is. easily Vitate this year up V .of its candidates, an. flrn J- if these are noc- vwi --J-Hcceptablo as to compel.. thVwpjJorfc'b( the peoj)Ie, Statesville Landmark. "l -::-."' , . ' i ' , We find in the ; News-Observer-Chronic4.e of the 13th inst.. an article from Fly mouth signed "East." We to-day copy this article, as in it are found some solid thoughts , for. the Democratic voters of North Carolina to rcilcct upon. We do not - mean that the subject directly referred to is a i: fitter for us to consider, for we U:::ve tr.e siimecc oi senatorial ii;'..'r;. 1 : :'( thiugr that '.' whether it is right Uit political I.'iiVM cd this 'cw': S. her; fore we feel ourselves incompe tent to" render auy opinion. Leav- nsc this to others we-wish to impress nwm oar people tne uiousiit . wnien wo draw from the articlcV- " .:. 'Pirra . t vr irTUV r-rtti rTDB7VPVT If, by holding primaries on. the day of election) the State ;of North Carolina shouhl elect h benator by popular .vote, be it Ransom or Jarvis what would be the advantage to the emoeratic party, if,' by the " experi ence the legislature is lost? Wo have enough upon us now to defend and We believe it'is of moro importance to as to'liold-hat which we. have hati to win anything else. ; Let' the Democratic party .seek to distroy all questions that may canso dissension within its ranks. If ,the egislature remains Democratic, un doubtedly a Democrat Senator v will be elected, so let us discard' all ill eelings upon such" questions and trive to hold the State where she is, that, as "East", puts. it:"The pure, white folds of the democratic ban ner may wave in triumph over North Carolina.'' , ' ; Is refering to the various conven tions, from State to county, ; tne North Carolinian, of Raleigh,, justly and truthfully says ... "The Stato Democratic Conven tion will be held in Raleigh on Aug ust 8th. That . body will represent, or should represent the: Democracy of North Carolina. - In order that it may do . so the delegatcs'shonld be chosen by all the voters of the party, and iu tho fair est manner possible. . Let , the mass of the people speak ; as a rule they are' right. The best method of expressing the will of the Democratic masses is the primary, it is a. mass meeting oi the people a place where they may meet without fear or restraint, par ticipate in the proceedings and have a chance to register their will. Every man should have the' fairest and ullest opportunity to declaro hirf choice of candidates fqrthe vaprous offices ..in thegfUbf the people There ought to be no snap judgment and no smart tricks. If the, party. machinery falls .into tho hands of persons who resort to sharp practice and trickery the masses of the peo ple will lose respect for it and party discipline will be at an end. The candidate in whose interest such tactics are employed-will eventually lose more than. he' can possibly gain. Democracy means fair play. The people demand that and nothing more. The primary is tho political organ i zation nearest the people and they should take an interest in it. The man who does not attend the prima ry has no ' right to complain if his candidate does not receive the nomi nation, and the man who does attend is in honor bound to stand by the action of the maj'ority. If the people will take a proper interest in the primary and send the right kind of 'men to the con ventions the officers,, legislators anc" congressmen who are elected wil take an interest in the affairs of the people." ;. - FOR CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT. . . At the earnest request of my friends, and after due consideration, I take this method of announcing myself a candidate for tho office of Superior Court Clerk of Washington county. I am aware that the offices of the County, State and Nation belong to the people and not to individuals, and that I, as tin American citizen have a right to ask for an office, but, if for any reason the people' "of my county think I am not entitled to share the honors of office, and iu op en convention a maj'ority say I am not the preference, of . the people of my party, I shall.humbly submit to the decision of that convention, and re main a Democrat still: If, however, .should be honorfed with tho nomi nafionthe .party may rest assured that I shall endeavor to be elected, and if elected, to faithfully discharge all tho duties of. tho office. ' . llespectfully, . . . W. P. Ausnox. ' It Cured Them After Other Item a dlesllad Failed- Gocdhan. Anson CV i 'C. I had a pood opportunity- to teat the merits of CUamheriain'e Colic, Cholera and Di&rtbcea ,l:eiiiec!y, and cau safely say it.iq the tst me I have ever had I gave it to two nmnni whn liail tr!.1 flf hAV ' ri' f.l in? n("s ; w;-,LoJl benfif, and by taking t ru -own cf t:.'..- rvsiy tuey were cjrea f J O ! I . r :... by riyoiouth Drti" ' DOES NOT FAVOR. PRIMARIES . V JVirMQCTfl, N. C, JniylO. Beuator Jarvis getorally is ft safe aud wist political leader, but ou the question of Senatorial : primaries be tfts allowed vaulling Ambition' to overleap itself It in uo use to diHgulse the fact that the Deinocratjo party will jbnve a severe etrug. g!e to maintain Us supfemaoy iu this State, and nothing which may cause -strife within the party.ranks and necessarily endanger its success . should be aoceplod,. though coming from so emineut a source. The recent excitiua primftriea in thw States of Alabama and Georgia over 'the grubernatorial coutest ' has caused much bitter Dess and bad blood iu tie party iu those States, aud I fear has1 imperiled Col.' OateH." eluelion and-will cause Atkintoa to lone thousand of Democrat io votea in Georgia. - If such Las been the ' result of primaries in those 6Utes we waut uo repeti tion of them here to weaken and divide a united Democracy.. The idea suggested that Senatorial pri maries should be on election day will not do, for reasons apparent to every practical politician who wilt think lor a siouient, Irjuch a course would be disastrous if it did not end in the defeat of thi legislature and State tickets. ' . ...... In tat opinion Senatorial primaries might not decide the will of a inujarity of the people, as one candidate might carry several counties by a large m jority which would seeui to him a majority of tne votes ot uie State, while the other might carry a majori ty of counties and secure the legislature, and by that moans a minority candidate would be elected to the benate. '1 he true policy of the party is to delegate everythina to the tear, which may bring dissension until the - victory is won. We say, chargo, Kansont, charge ; ou. Jarvis, on and wneu ty your uuiisa en oris tue Dure, white folds of the Democrat lo banner shall wave in triumph over North Carolioa, then let the legislature voice the will ot the people, and say who shall he beuator, in the News-Observer. - Stubborn Case of Diarrhea Cured iaUKVII.LB.' BUSCOJIBB CO ,' N C I CBD speak -from experience I had a stubborn case of diarrhoea iu my fiimily and one dose of Chamberlaiu 8 Oolic. Cholera and Diahr. rhcBA Kerned v-effected a complete cure. feel satisfied that the remedy will do ail that is claimed for it. James Buttriok. For sale by Plymouth Drug Co. lm DIED. , Died in Darden's, N. C, July 5th 1894, little Alwio Bertram Uoburu, aged 1. year and 4l6mh9 ; Son of Willie and Nannie Coburn,' . Bertie, as he was called, had been suffer mg for two montus. irom teeming, and kept growing thinner and ..weaker every day,' and on TbnrttUy morning wc saw that bis little life was rapidly ebbing away, aud he seemed to be suffering the most excruciating pain. Still we hoped fur a favorable change in the symptoms,' but our hopes were torn aud scattered. The little pulse were quick and hard, the lips parch ed and dry, and the little fingers worked convulsively, then we knew that Bertie dear, would soon leave us to joiu the throng of the heavenly band, and sing around tho throne ol the Moet High. At 11 o'clock the dark messenger of death came aud spread its chilly mantle around the form of their only child aed bore his fluttering spirit home to Hiin who gave it. There was joy in heaven; harps were strung, Aud raelodr rose harmonious free Ah swiftly in chorus the Seraph sung, Welcome sweet Bertie,, there's room for thee. But. Sad were onr hearts and full of pain. And tears fell from our eyes like rain, "When iu a wliinper soft, they said, "Alas, our Bertia dear, is dead And gone to dwell above." There was quite a concourse of people assembled around the grave aud much heartfelt sympathy extended to the be. reaved parents. They must have comfort in the thought "It is well with te child," and that it is a bright treasure laid up in a better world, and tho gate through which it has pa9ned lo peace Rnd joy unspeakable ; i . ... . . v i .1 . j ' ; in jttiii upeu au mat mey, iu uuf wine uiuy follow. Let this be your consolation. Your sympathizing neighbor, Mrs. M.'E. Fagan. NOTICE TO EX-CONFEDERATE SOLDIERS OF WASHING TON COUNTY. . Wishing to ascertain the number of Ex Confederates now in Washington county, we respectfully, ask all such to forward to us their names, with postoffice address, and company aud regiment to which they belonged. A. powtal card will be all sufif- oient. By so dolpg you will oblige Yours truly, . IrfOANOKB PUB., CO. CONGRESSIONAL TION- CONVEN. . The Democratic Convention of the,' First Congressional District will meet at Greep ville, on Wednesday, August IStb.C at 12 o'clock fdr tho purpose of nominating a candidate for Congress - The County Executive Committees are requested to call County Conventions to solect delegates to said Convention.' By order of the Executive Committee. L. W. McMcLLEW, v , Chairman. I ? rfl TI M " To mvstfl the pwn Hard llUl U 1 IlilwO ui tH tMni:.'plri..Ijr lor Ckm. t)of,fi srxt Pvint. afc t 1 Al'n) Mnrtio 'if 1'iit wh. k'sinli i;. -th. I'niJivh, Bon JUiusk. N lUatii SnH. Ui'la-KW lhl -.inn tiiiiini1. i-'-ud 2c imt tir owj1 '. ' " t. A- CO, . Mr. George W Tuley . ' Benjamin, MIssourL ( . . . Good Advice Quickly Followed Cured of Rheumatism by Hood's Sarsaparllla. "CI. Hood & Co., liOweU, Mass. : . I was taken down with rheumatism over a year ago. I was sick for over six months. -Often I would have such pains that. I could hardly endure theru. A friend came to me and advised me to try Hood's Sarsaparllla. I took him at Ids word and -jot a bottle of It, and since have taken eight bottles of Ik . . It Has Cured Me . "When the doctors could do me no good what ever. After being benefited so much from this medicine I describe Flood's Sarsaparllla as a wonderful roedlclno. I also advise every one who is troubled with rheumatism not to he with- Hood'sCures out Hood's Sarsaparllla. I am a farmer, and the medicine has given me much energy and strength to perform my work." - GbokoB W. Tulkv, Benjamin, MIssourL . Hood's Pills are hand made, and perfect In proportion and appearance. 26c. a box. . CITY MARKET REPORT. C. tl. Sides per lb 10 Sholders Bacon 11 Hams 8. O., . l- Pork per barrel. $19 0 Lard refined 10 Flour, per barrel, Hungarian $4.50 4 Wiuter Kiug 3.5 W. I. Molasses, per gal., 35 & 40 Syrup . . " " 30 Granulated Sugar, per lb 7 Light brown " " " 6 Butter . V " 85 Cheese " " 12j to 15 Green Coffee ' " 20 & 2ft Boasted Coffee . ' 30 Eggs per doz.. 8 Tobacco, per lb . 20 to 80 Shot " " 8 Gun Powder " SO to 40 Coal Oil White.Safety 150, per 5ftl,, 1 "i ' Bed O.; per giil. . 18 Apple Vinegar " " " 30 Bee's Wax, per lb , 20 Ta!lovrt " ft l . .-' ;. i v 2c under COlb 1 2i SO -per Bus., new 70 't ' ' 80 i, 4-l() 5:i ' - (10 ' , 39 to 40 Hides, flint. Green ". r. n Salted " Salt, per sack Corn,. '.: Meal, Bioe, Peas, black black eye ' Peanuts Cottnn per n Just TlUnlc of it. .00 pair Ladies' sample hoes from djG. up at the Uhetp Uasn fttore. 250 pair Cents half hoes from 3c. up at the Cheap Cash btore. 300 sumple Shirts from 15c. up at the Cheap Cash btore. Finest line of Neck weave over m Plymouth is now displayed at the Cheap Cash Store. . 100 pair pants from 50o. up at the Cheap Uasli btore.. The finest line of straw hataever seen in Plymouth are offered now at wholesale cost at the Uheap Aasrt Store, , Fine line of ladies' and gent's gloves from 5c. up at the. Cheap Cash blorc. Keep cool by buying one of . those nice sample ans an the Ulieap Uasli btore. . ' THE CASE STBJB, WN. COOPER, Prop'r, Washington St., Plymouth, N. C. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER MOHTG AGE Bv virtue of the power and authority given by a certain mortgage, executed by Maihew Sleight and wife to Mary L. Bpruiil which is recorded in the offlae of Register of Deeds for the county of Washington, in book II., pige r02 and 503 the following property will be Ksld at public auction, viz A tract of land adjoining the lands of B. S. Lucas. Mahula Danportand others, and known as the tract of laud formerly belong log to II. J. Starr, containing 50 acres more or less. - :' ,- Place of sale The Court House in Ply month, N. C. Time of sale August 20, 1894 at 11 o'clock M. - Terms of sale . Cash. This 17 July 1804. . J. W. BuruHT, : Ex'r, of Mary I Spruill. : X.ARIIS9 Neefiiag a to'-ilc, r ch.i.id.rii i who want hufld . l'T. !u!llt tfl"'. E.Ts'. '.S I-.tt-i W i THUS. It in rVf in; ( i ;r.r' i, I'uSS-.w'.n, e are ?o tlio Jjcjbplo say Flour! Flour! 500 barrels best flour, below zero. Immense stock OF CLOTHING to Ibe sold at HAED-TIHE PBICES. NOBBYHATS, MJust the proper style." Full assortment in stock. . O omplete line of Ladies' and Gents fine shoes TiiQs, W. Blount, Eoper, N. C. JOHNSON'S CHILL & FEVEE TONIC. It Cures You or your Honey given oack. Try a bottle and save a Doctor's bill. For sale at Bryan's Drug Store. julyl8-3m ' : W, STUFF, The HDLD RELIABLE" -CartiagEr.Kactary, H, pkAl Proprietor.. . PJvmouth; IT. . C."..T',;",:W .- ' JHANUFACTl'nEn OF' , . ' Buggies. Phaetons, Itoad-caits, Farin-carts, . wagons i&c. at prices lower than ever. Men with the cash jan get a bargain. I defy competition and. will not be nnderseld;: Repairing of all kinds done. Give mo a call. . II. S. WARD. T pLYvlDfITH REAL ESTATE .AND Rental Agency..-" ' If you veish to buy, soli, rent or lease farm lan 6.8, timber tracts, or town property, communicate with tho j above Agency. ; :l, we guarantee highest prices, as ... wo place your property before the people most likely to bo interested.' ' . . . ' Onr -charges are rcasonahlo if dcal:i'.mndc, oil ;rai lit vou nothins-T. J-H;- OOIiTBAIH, 1 MANUFACTURER OF wagons, -Koad Carts; Farm Oarts Cart Vbeels, and reiaircr of all kind of vehicles, $ ROPER, Horso shoeing a specialty. I hare ono of the best horse shoeVs in this section. One trial will convince, . ''. DEALER IN NOTIONS. NOTIONS, . ALSO : v Heavy and fancy groceries, cigars, , tobacco, ; snuff, . vegetables, fruits ' ; and all . . " I can offer buyers such prices on the above named goods that it will pay them to - call, : J. H-WIGGII7D, Water St., next to Bryan's . Dm g Store, Plymouth, N. 0. my 16-tf GUH-ELABTIC costs only $2 00 per 100 spuarefeet. Makes h goo'd roof for years, and anyone can put it on.' . " . Gum-Elastic Paint costs only 60 cents per gal in bbl. lots, or $4 50 for 5 gftl. tabs. Color dark red Will stop leaks in tin or iron roofs, and will last for years. TBT IT. Send stamp for samples and full parties lars GUM ELxVSTIO ROOFING CO., t'J& 41 West Broadway, . . NEW YOBS. ' Looal Agents 'Wanted.-'. feb9 fini ' ' - 1 qs cunP,,THi Bt8T' ,$Q W nF Baa NOSQUCAKINO. And otner specuuue xor Oentlemen, Ladfcs, 07 and Mlfwtes are tho - , Best in ths .Warld. Bee descriptive advcrtlae. men which appears la thlf ' paper. j' ... Take no Substttmte. - Inilat on baWng. W. . L . DOUGLAS with name., and -prlco stamped oa bottom. Seldbr Spruill & Bro. ly J-fim . 'A TT0RNE7-A T-LA W ' Washington St. ' Plymouth, N. C T. B. Wolfei D 3). - PLYMOUTH, 0 S'Teeth filled or extraeted without jftia. W. F. AUSB0N V S ' 1 iz . " ' " P r -S"