) Sha ''Boanokov'Boac n. PLYMOUTH. N.C. RuUre4 in the Poet Office at Fljrraculh N, C:, as elM mtter. - FRIDAY. JULY 20, IBM.. The Official Paper of Wash- '. :' " ington County. Directory. STATU eOTERMMBMT. Governor. Eliai Carr, of E dgecombe ' Lieutenant-Governor, R. A. Doughton, f A-Uoghauy " ' . , - georetary of State, Ootavious Coke, of Wake. m , Treasurer, Donald W. Bain, of Wake. , Auditor, K. M. Furman. of Buncombe. Attorney-General, Frank I. Osborne, of Mecklaiiburg ' (Superintendent of Publle Iaatractioa, J. O. ymrborittgh, of Johnston. . ' ;. r ;s OOUKTT aoVBRNMENT Sheriff, Levi Blount. Deputy Bheriff, D. 8pruill. Treasurer, W. T. Freeman. Superior Court Clerk, Thos, J. Marriner. Register of Doeds, J. P. Billiard. Comwifisioners, H.M. Snell, VV. C. Mar riper, B. D Latham, Jos. Skittletharpe And K. A. Lietchfield. . : Board of Education,. Thos. 8. Armistead, W, T. Spruill and Jos. S. Gorman; Superintendent - of ' Public Instruction, tlev. Luther JGborn. . . CITT. V Mayor and Clerk, J. W. Bryan. Treasurer, L. P. Hornthal , , " Chief of Police, Joseph Tucker. .Couucilmen, E. R. Latham, L. P, florn hal, D. O. Brin kley, J. F. Norman, J. W. Bryaa. J. H. Smith,-. Sampson Tows, and Jo. Mitchel. cmrKOH BERVXCEB.. ' ' ,-' Methodist- Rev. J. L. Rumley, pastor Services every (Sunday at 1 a. m., and 8 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday night at 8. Hunday sohoolatOa. m.J. F. Norman, Superintendent. . ; , ... Baptist Rev. A. E. C. Pittman, pastor, servioes every Sundays at 11 a. m., and 7:88 p.m. Prayer meeting every Thurs day night at 7:80. Sunday school every Sunday at 9.30 a. m,i W. J.- Jackson, superintendent. Episcopal Rev. Luther Eborn, recton Services every 8d Sunday at 11 a. m., and 7;30 p. oi. Sunday school at 10 a. xn.,. L. L Fagan, superinteudent. Disciple Rev. M. T. Moya, pastor. Services Tuesday night after 2d Sunday in each month, at Public School building. ;-,v '- LODGES." J;.'.. -."?' . K. ef I. Plymouth Lodge No. 2C08 meets 1st and 8d Thursday nights ltu each montiu , W. H. Hampton Dictator, ;; ; ' N. B.' Yeager Fin. Reporter. . K. A L. of H. Roanoke Lpdge Meets Si and 4th Thursday nights iu.each month ,. .. - j. jr.- jNorman .rroiecKjr, N. B. Yeoger Secretary. I O O F, Esperanza Lodge,: No. 28 meets every Tuesday night at Bunch's HftlL-; C. J. Norman, N. G , L. T. Houston, rWy. . . i" "v. '. ' OOLOflKD, . OHKCU SERVICES Bisciple - Elder Isom Dirdea, pastor. Berviees , every Sunday at 11 a. m., 3 p. m. and 8 pm. bunday school at 9 a. m. E. G Mitchell Superintendent ' . , . .. i rt C T7I nlrn nnaln. AieuiouiKt - ady. u. ivif puowi, Services every 1st and 3d Suudays at 11 a. m., and at 8 and 7:80 p. in; Sundny school at 9 a- m., T. T. Bem&ry, eup.tj J. W McDonald, secretary . 1st Baptist. New Chapel - Services every Sunday at 11 and 3, Kov S R JLuight, pastor Sunday school every Sunday ; 2d 1 .Baptist, Ziou's TJill Preaching overy 8d Sunday, Sunday school every Sunday; Mooes Wynn, Superintendent . Masons, Carthegian -' Meets 1st Monday knight In eaoh month- S Towe, VV M., A. Everett, secretary. . . t, ..... ' 6 UOofOF Meridian Sun Lodge 1624 Meets evry 2d and 4th Monday night in. each month at 7 o'clock AV H. Howcott, N. O., J, W McDonald P. S,- , Christopher A locks Lodge K of L.H0- Meets every let Monday night iu each month at 8 o'clock . . . " a . Burying Society meets every 3d Monday night in each moatli at 8 o'clock, J M. Walker secretary '-- " . ' v' , - ' , Eoper Directory . " v. - v .: . CIVIXi.. i . , ..-i v -, .. Justice of the Peace, Jas. A. Chesson. ' Constable, Warren Oahoou.;' ; '. ' -' " chueCHES. MethodiJt, Rev. W. O. Merritt, pastor. Serviced every Runday mornint at 11 o'clook (except the first), and every Sunday eight at 7:30. Prayer meeting every Wed nesiay night Sunday school Sun'di'.y morn ing at 9:30, L. G. Roper superintendent, JS. R. Lewis secretary. .;.''-. Episcopal, Bev! Lather Eborri, "rector. Serf ices every 2d 5th Sunday 11 o'clock m.. nnd 7:30 D. U. Sunday school every Sunday morning at 10 'clock, Thes; W. Blount superintendent, W. H. Daily secre. tary.. . i Baptist, Rev. C W. Matthews, pastor. Services every 1st Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7-30 p, m. Sunday School every" Sunday at 9 a. m., Z. Rutter. Superintendent. i.AiaEs. . Roper Masonic Lodge, A. F A A. M. No. 443, meets in their Hall at Roper, N. 0.. at 7:30 p. m., 1st ana a iuesuyi wwi 8unday. T. W. Blount, W. M.; J. L. gavage. Secretary. ; I. OO. F Roper Lodge ko...... meets every Thursday night, L. G. Roper, JN. G, U. F. Steam, Sect'y. Desirable PropCTy for Salo. The desirable residence of Cant Joseph (-Alexander, facing 3rd street, known an the Capt. John Beasley Place," is offered for tale at .a sacrifice. There are good oat-l-,'.'; linjrs and one are or land balncging to tbe place. Tb residerc? has seven rooms j i ,co!JveuiBuny niTttuyoii, una uuwijr s ftlnted,-inside end nt ' Aooly to Can jJ-. :-. Alexasdkh, NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS jrj , .' When yon see axt X on the margin of let us have to stop your paper, Tire HyACOJf will be sent to any add regg one year 55o. , iivtry eutweriptiau mnaf hm accompu pioi with the cash or noyapxr will ue eenu BEACON FL-ASHES. The rain eame in good time. If yen want pictures enlarged see Mr, R. B. Latham. . Miss Ella Midgett returned home from Norfolk last Friday. y Now is the time for huckleberry pie, but the berries are scarce. ' ' Miss Lizzie Goelet ia teaching a publie school at Cool Spring. ' ' " : Hornthal & Alexander just received 125 Bbls good flour. Call and get a bbl. . . Dr. VV. H. Ward made a short visit to Hamilton the past week. ' Work on Mr. - Jos. Skittlelharpe's new store was begun this week. A fresh supply of tew crop Turnip and Rutabega seed at Spruill & Bro's. Dr. B, Ohears spent several days this week at his old home near Thomasville. Miss Ieolind ChenBOu. of Mackey's Ferry , is visiting her nnole, Mr. J. S. Chesson. ' ' Capt. Jos. Alexander offers his property in thia town for sale. Sea ad in this issue. Miss .Eva Ilassell. of near Roper, has been the guest of Mrs. W, O. Ilassell this week.- , .. i . " '. Mobs and rioters should not forget that Uncle Sam's boys In blue never take vaca tions. T '-J-L-.' " V'"-'C ' Call at Hornthal & Alexander's for Nova Scotia Land Pluftfer' for top dressing -of 1'caNuls. Mr. N. B. Yeajcer hag erected a carriage house on his premises ; also built some new fenoe, .,.-!. Miss Eloise Davenport, of Norfolk, Ya is here visiting her cousin, Miss Stella Latham. Mr. 8, B. Sprnill left yesterday morning for Norfolk and Washington on professional business. ' - . Hornthal & Alexander have just received a complete line of school books including the latest and best style of copy books Mr. Ernest Brown, of the Racket Stare, htw been spending the week in Greenville, his old home. MisS Mary Roberson,' of Williamston, has been 'visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. Man' ning, this week. ' Mr." W. n. Midgett,f of Norfolk, he's been in town this week visiting his mother, Mrs. T. Midgett. . Hornthal & Alexander have.-jjst re ceived a lot of Nova Scotia Land Plaster. There is nothing, better for top dressing for Peanuts .... Mrs, A. Manning returned home Satur day night from a pleasant visit to relatives in Williamston. ' Miss Pattie Latham ' has been visiting our town for two weeks, as the guest of Miss Stella Latham. ( Our farmers have been snpplyiag the town with fine watermelons and canta loupes for the past tea days Call on Hornthal & Alexander for all kinds of school books, especially those rec ommended by the .state Board of Eduoa tion for the Publio Schools. ' ' - -;v, . Mrs. J, E. Davenport, of Norfolk, Va., is in our town visiting the family of Dr. W. H. Ward, and other friends. Mrs. VV. A. Forbes of Roper, . acoompa. nied by her ohildren, has been visiting her father, Mr. A. M. Johnston, this week at Roseneatb, If you want your Peanuts to fill out and be white and large, buy from Hornthal & Alexander, Nova Scotia Laud Plaster for top dressing just before jayiug your crop aside . Miss Ethel Chesson, after spending a few days near . JJacke 's Ferry as the guest of cousin : Miss Isolind Chesson. returned home on Tuesday; ' ' The "Steamer Lucy, J. J. Jones, Master, will leave Plymouth Saturday night on the arrival nf the train, with an excursion for Nag's Head, returning Thursday. ISTew nnndu rnoeited everv 3av at Horn thai fc Alexander's store and you can - buy them at your own price for spot cash, The primary convention is the. plaoe where the people are, or ought to be heard, so if you stay away from the primary don't kick if the Convention does , not nominate your choici for office, Prof. Joseph Kinsey, of the Eiusey Semi nary, LaGrange, N. 0., gave us a pleasant call on Wednesday. This Nemmary is one of the leading female educational institu. UonB in the State, oee ad in this paper. Mr. Louis P. Hornthal has sold his .fast horse "Bob Arnold," to Mr. Louis Horn thai, of Norfolk. "Bob Araold ft was claimed, was the fastest horse in this see tion. and it must have been bo as Mr. Hornthal could not get up a raoa at 4 to 1. Tth nn lmmnn mnnait nn Tinrun Antra and . all - stock, cured in' 30 minutes by Woolford'n Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Bold. by, J. W. Bryan, Druggist, Plymouth, N. O; , deol-ly Rev, J. L. Rumley has returned from the district conference at Fairfield, and reports a pleasant and successful meeting. Through bis efforts the conference vill be held. in Plymouth next year. Oar townsman, Mr. A. O. Gay lord, was selected by ths district conference as- one of the delegates to the annual conference, which meets in Dur ham. . . " . - ' :':'. . ' :. ; i. . - ; . . If you want any kind of tomb stones, leave ypnr orders with Hornthal & Alex. ander and they will cider direct .from, fac tory at factory prices. ,. The TTu5?!its of Ilocor paiJ the $2,000 Ssss-usranoe ou the lisi ut Col. VV II. Fitch ti in six" iUys aftfr ila'ttb-. ? (he K. .'r L. of U. l the Z '. '-') oa f. f :'r ?ronr payer n means inai yoar suusunpiiuu ias expired, it ia alBO an Invitation for yon to renew. Please remember this and don't L. II. Hornthal in ninety- days after death, so we are officially informed. This speaks well for these two orders and should satisfy our people that a policy in cither is a safe investment. . . , ' ... v ,s An exchange says j An editor works 865 days par year to get out 52 issues of a paper; that's labor. Once in a 'while somebody pays a year's subscription ; that's capital. And once in a while some sou of a ; gun .of a dead beat takes the paper for years and vanishes without -paying for it ; that's anarchy. But later on Justice will overtake the last named creature, .for there is a plaoe where be will get his deserts ; that's helL r v . The person who will brin or rend us five new subscribers at $1 00 each, . will be presented .. with a portfolio containing twenty.two large pictures of the World's Fair in water oolorn. Go to' work at ouoe as we have only a limited number to dispose ",. . '.- ' -t Cramp Colio Cared in Fir 211a " . nteii MT PLEA8A.HT, Cababkvs Co., N. 0 We tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in several cases, and it is all that is claimed for it In a case of oramp colio the patient was relieved in five minutes after taking the first dosi ' ML Buchanan Co. For sale by Plymouth Drug Co. lm CHARGED WITH" MURDER. JIM. WINBQRNE IN NORFOLK JAIL, CHARGED WITH THE MURDER OF FRANK B0LLOMAJ-, 18. NOR- FOLK COUNTT 13 TEARS . .v. . . AGO. ' , Attorneys. B. Spruill received a letter Irom Jas. Wiuborner colored, Wednesday statiug that he bad been arrested upon a-VVwge of mnrder and wa3 in t) ZiJSUfccounty jail. MM Tf ! , . .. i. 'jA t. we clip from u. E. City Carol iuian: ' One day last week a colored man named Doc Bond called at Davis' Bar, on Water street, and was recognized by Smith, a colored waiter, ae the man who killed Frank Holloman in Norfolk county, Va., in 1881. In .response to a telegram, an officer arrived from Norfolk, followed Bond to Camden, arrested him and took him to Norfolk where he is now in jail awaiting trial.". , , Doc. Bond is Jas. Winborne, and has lived in Plymeuth for Borne years. ' Ho has a wife and children here which he left a short time ago. The letter to Mr. Spruill request ed his legal advica and defense. Mr.' Spruill loft yesterday morning for Norfolk, where , he will investigate the case. Sabjwot to Colio. ' -., Aenolt), Davidson Co., n. . a I re. ceived a sample bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy same time last summer, and banded it to my sister who has been subject fo oolic for several years It has relieved her in every instance . J Link. For sale by Plymouth Drug Co. . lm ROPER RIPPLES. July 17th. . Drummers plentiful. Mr. E. L. Herrington's family are quite Bick at this writing. . Miss Jessie Noiman, who has been quite sick, is much improved. Watermelons have made their appear. anee and are selling high. Mr. J, M. Horton and family are visiting friends and relatives at and near Hamilton. Miss Lizzie Ward, of Arlington. N. J. is here visiting the family of Mr, T. W, Blount. . , Our old friend, Mr. Jeese Whitley from Everett's paid us a visit and enjoyed oar celebration on the 4 th. Mr. Sawyer, agent for Burke & Co , of Norfolk, has so:d several piunos and or gans in Roper recently, . Dr. Snell, of Washington, is here oa a profesfioual visit. The Dr. has a new bi cycle about every month. Mr, Buckoanon, engineer on the N. & 8, Road, is away on his nsual summer va- catioc, : Little Buck is with him. Rev. Mr. Merrit. Mr. Frank Wilson and Mr. Rieburd Sadler have been attending the district oonlerenoe of the M, JS, church, at .Fairfield. Mr. A. S. Johnston, of Belleport, accom panied by bin wife, was here last Saturday looking after his interests here, he being one of the firm of Lewis & Johnston. Mrs. James Blount, of Mackey's Ferry, gave the little folks a croquet party and ice cream supper. last week, and Mrs. James Chesson one this week, which was much enjoyed by all who attended. ALL DISEASE tae blood are cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, which by its vitalizing, enriching, and alterative effects makes only PURE &LOOD. DARE DOTS. Colinqton, Dark Co,, N. C.r 7-11 '94 Mt Dbar Bxaxjon ; i I have endeavored to write you for some time, but circumstances have as oft' inter vened. . After a nomadic interim, at close of scholastic work at Whale's Heat Light House, I have resumed busm ss at the old stand - of educational efforts at the above, which is an island boui three miles wide by two and a half i separated by a bay, callfcd Brunt s, into Little and Big tiling, ton, acd both bounded,, north by Kitty- Hawk Buy and Currituck Bound ; each by marshes adjacent' to the beach. Went by Croaian and Roanoke Sound find tfouuda ; Seutb by Roanoks Hound and Inland. It U well adapted for fishing pursuits, which H the main source of living, finding ready sale ia Elizabeth City. t Nearly everyone owns a beat, large or small, and even '.' small toy can give the Is'.uud bout "tips." There are three stores Yxw . Mdton'p. Decatur Crmle!' n':d i'rr,' - ' s N't' r '-"'.air-in t". p Manteo,-every other. day, returning vice versa. There are two' churches, Methodist and Missionary Baptist, services once a mouth each. Occasionally a protracted meeting, varied by a Union, which will bo held here in the Baptist church, eommeace in'g Friday, two weeks hence, which is the Friday before the GtU. Sunday. Several ministers are expected, and quite a dehiga. tion, and I. speak' a cordial welcome and unstinted . hospitality, for this Island Is as hospitable, and make-you-feel-at-bome as any place I ever Baw or at least lived at. , ' The mumps, or something like it, has been very prcilent, many older as well as the ohildren. 1 - ; . ' " "; Two Sunday schools well attended,' No shops of any kindr and, While there are hogs and quite a number of sleek eattle, there is not a single horse. 1 teach on Big Colington. across Bunt's Bay, and board on Little Colington, about one and a half miles, at -i Mr. Jno. W. Melson'sv a life saving station mau, and search far and near you will not be likely to find a more clever, smarter, genial, true-hearted, ' . kinder couple than he and his most excellent wife. In fact thij is almost, an exception able neighborhood, on an average. ' f have about SO pupils, an average on account of the mumps, of about 20 mostly boys and girls. -' . -The Island is densely woeded and cover ed with a 'luxuriant undergrowth. Here the. live oak is in its glory, for it, I think, the mo st beautiful, shady tree I ever saw of a natural growth.. . We have some beau tiful vistas offered to onr admiring gaze, o hill; yes, miniature mountains, . and their deep ravenej so green from its very inten sity, it seemeth of a blackish hue; while in the distance the waters of the different sounds appear as if blended into one, wbsn the wind is lulled, gllstning silvery sheen, relieved bv the creenish tint of the adja cent wooded points, and the garish hue of the dunes of sand I Band ! I sand ! 1 1 Life Saving Station No. 13, or Kill Devil Hill, is nearly abreast, East about miles, airline, though marshes and a skirt of woods intervene. . Only a garden spot or so is cultivated here. Boat building, Asking, clamming and such are chiefly pursued. On the whole, existence is prosaio, rather monoto. ,nons, yet free from strife and wrangles, arid, though uueventfulv yet the busy, throbbing world, with which we have hard ly ought In Unison, may well envy us our. freedom" from the vexatious worries,. whioh them so harrass. . , v. .. ; The Beacon feas lately re-shed its rays o'er my before darkened literary path, aud I greatly rej-ipo thereat. I cordially sec ond the name of A. O.Njajloj-d i for Solicits. His geniality, legal and genernT acumen, energy, and fealty to "the cause" deserves recognition, and shonld ensure success. There is found here a plant, whioh, in the vernacular is termed "The Palmeier," though I presume, idenlioal with the em. blem of the Palmetto State. It grows to at altitude of from 4 to C feet, then the leaves branch and assume a fan-like shape, the. stems being grooyed, and after being cut. and dried, make good, serviceable brooms,' more durable and' effective than our straw, by far. ) How are politics, gently simmering, or about zero f Here I hear nothing as yet, though Dare may be safely counted as be. ing on the right side of the fenoe, and I think Currituck, also, though the Populists and disgruutled Democrats are more numer. Ous than one might suppose. Will not Washington come to the front again this year?. W have no titles, in this county, but let us try and have a Gay-Lord to So licit boarders for the brick hotel. 1 " A. B. LEWIS. EX-CONFEDERATES Rolnnr wa ovn tlifi narana and addresses nf toll V.T.ClnrtlnApmteili livinff iu this COUllfY that have been received up to date. Other names will oe aauea as receieea : . PtTMOTJTH P. O. ' n rtipflra. smnreon. 48th N.C. T. Thes 8 Armistead, Serg't. Maj. 3d N. C. Cavalry. Levi I ragan, color Deurer, 3d Lerl kioduc, U F Owens, C A Walker, A J Leetrei t. Co. K 3l 21 3d 3d K. K. Jno W 1 hi kenton, B, 3rd A. 14rh H. irth H. CUC k, 6it II, 17th . G, Ul G, 1st H. 17tli G, 17rh A, 67tll G, 47th I, 3d o, inh II, 17th H, 17tli A, 171b H, 17th C, II. 17th Hat. Iufamry Jos 1 acKer, . Mc G Aasbon, ,' Wm SinDCt, John hjoclcx, ' tlyniHii browoey. B J Narcoui, ' K R Latham, B V Watrs. Anlnted Garrett, ' W N Pate. . -J P Hillidi'd, Geo T Allen, Paul fiarrett, W H IlHmpton, J P A yen, Ira T ilardleon, Asa Dixon. J M Wct:rty, W A CmdUock. It H Cobb. . -. " G, 01st . V 8 B Sprnill, Junior renerve. T J Marriner, J aslonrwerve. . . L H Hornthal, 'U, 2t)tU Miss. Cha W Jaifpor, " A, 18th Va. ' KOPEK, P. O. B B Cbcffon, H Chenton, .no O Merlin, ' Friley White. N B Pursw, Lt S B Jotimton, HJ Willirtius, WG Collins, Co. B, 1st N. C, Cavalry B, Ut " B, 1st " ' " G, 1t "Infantry 1, 4th " - " H. 17th ' " G, I7ih. " " G, let " " maokey's PEBBT P. O. Jos W HopklDf, J U SHWyer, : Lt. W It ChvKSon, Charlie L'henon, 11. J. Starr, Co. H. 17th N.C. Infantry. " G, 17th " It, 17tU . " H. 17th " " . f. G.171U " ' ' CItZSWELL P. O. Pr. W H nardiaon, ' 37th N. C. Cavolry. ' George Terry, . . Co. D. 13ia " Artillery. MOJfTICKLLO P. O, WmBaynor, Co. K, 10th N. C. Artillery. Jas H Kepasty " JJ, 17tl ' lufautry. BKINNEE8VILLK. 8. W. Foley, Co. G 17thN. C, Infantry. . POIl 5YSPEPSIA, , Jniinirm. 'l Stomach dlwwters, take AH dealers keep it, SI per bottle. Genuine has trado-mai a ana crossed red lines on wrapper. " STATE NEWS. THK LATENT HAPPENING S, AS OATHERED FROM OUR EXCHANGES AMD EL8IWHEHE. Mike Stapleton, a young white man com. inilttd suicide at Inoir recently by drink. ing 17 bottles of, Jamaica ginar ' -. , Governor Carr biw oTrc'l a reward of 410O for the arrtKt of Ed' ti Hart, who U I oliarpul vnui bini.Fif iio iaru or irs ji, s Dewe? near Vancoivoio , f . "- . ' I A-.-" township, and that there ar$' numbers t)f ten.year.old children there who never saw a negro. There are twelve liutiu'ed convicts nt work on the State firms sod Superintendent Leazer hopes to be able to report to the Legislature t'jat the penitentiary has been self supporting this year. - Charlotte Observers .v The .Charlotte Granite Company if '.shipping' a quantity of stone to Washington. I). C, to be used for monumental purposes There is none better for this specific! work. . v . We see from an exchange that Attorsey Genecal Osborne is now an nvOwed candi date for the TJniied States Senate., tiome of the papers are aim pressing the Hon. U H Steadaiau for the Henat. . j' : . Oxfor4 Orphan's Friend: Joe Gordon, J3 years old, dark hair, dark eyes and dark complexion, ran away from the -Asylnol last Thursday evening. Any information of his whereabouts will be greatly appreci ated by the management of the Asylum. . . 'BROWN'S IRON BITTERS ; cures Dyspepsia in- digestion & Debility. OTHER LOCALS. Yon will some times be too late to catch a train, but you are never too late' to oatch a bargtin at Mathias Ovrecg & Co'a , for bargains are leaviug our store every few minutes daring the day. . . . Thbi Third Paett Lept. When you and I bay our guods from Owens & Co., and the third man buyes somewhere else, the Third party gets leftSee. ! : Mathis Owena k, Co., are with us with piles of goods at low prices. : , ( ; Thj hot weather and mosquitoes makes some men cubs. V . . . i The low prices on all goods 'at Mathias Owens & Go's., makes all men Wonder how they can sell so cheap. . " : 1 : Soma men tke.life hard and long for Nag's Head, others are wise, they take life easy and go to Mathias Owens & Co'a., pay 50c. for a straw bat, 90c. '. for a pair of "sTiprsTnitSLA dollar, or so in white goods, laces, 4c, tot ih'dl and children and go home happy, with mo goods for the price paid than could have bee? bought 1. . . .. . 1... ' ' . ill flew . The wife says. ! will order our daiJgJi; ter's dress from New Tork, where I can get it for '50o. per yard." The husband says "No; wail till I go to Norfolk, where I can get it for 40o." , The daughter save, "No; give me the cash, and I will go to Mathias Owens k. Co'., where I can get the same goods for 25c." The old folkts tumble, and Owens sells the dress. ; See ? ; "We trade with Mathias Oens & Co., because they sell goods that are strictly reliable.'" So say the people. . KINSEY SEMINARY; LaGrange, H. 0. " A Boanling Scltool fur Girls' and I'ttiog Ladies. FULL CORPS OF TEACHERS. Literary, Art and Music Departments. LOCATION IliSALTIIY. -State Chemist iiV examination of water savs : I liavo rrobablv never exami lieu a better sample.' ; g-For catalogue giving full parr ticrulara write to , , JOSEPU KINREY, juyl9-tf Principal..." UNIVERSITY OFN. CAROLINA. Includes the College, the TJniver sity, the "Law Scliocl; the Medical School and the Summer School for Teachers. College tnitioa $G0,00 a year; board $7.00 to 413.00 a mouth; Session begins Sept. 6. Address President Winston, Chapel Hill, N. 0. 1 jy2-2m. . . THE COLTO IARBLE W5, . Establishes 1818. Ill to 115 Bank St, Norfolk, Va. , MONUMENTS, GRAVESTONES, Cemetery ' Work in Marble and Granite. 3 Low prices quoted on work de if livered at any point in the South. jiji . NOTICE: .... - '...,. There will be a Convention of the nflmrwratiu nartv of M aHhinirton coUntv' held at the Court House in Plymouth, N. (3 an ThuradavAnsust. 2nd -1894 at 11 o'clock a. m , Ut the purpose of appoint ing delegates to tne oiate. rnaiciai. uon greKsioual and nenatonal Conventions, The aevcral townshica. will hold thttr eonvontion on Batorday.'July 28th 18!it at 3 o'clock p. m., lor tne purpose or appoint, ivg delegates to the said County Conven. tion at the following places : Bcupperuong Township, atCresweSl. . . BkiuuemilU Townahip, at J. T. New. berry's More. ; 'L'4 Mills Townwhip, at Koper. ': Plymouth TowuM&ip, at the Court rioi'se. The TowuMhipK r eutillw) to t?. foV lewitiz numb t of Ue!egatt'n and alu ruaites : Scuppernong 10 delegates andlOaltti nates tikinncrsvill-j 3 dvlcga and 3.s.trr uata. '' -(.'. L-.va MilW 8 A 'aifi an -1 S alters .' Turnout l' c '';ttf-H i !fr " : DV ' ltJ I t' '.' '"I"- V.i.v ' Tl-lv" ' ipii 3 , ,S DID YOU EVER KL'AD OF ANY SUCH ITJCES IN A LL YOUii LIFJO? NO WONDER THE PL 01 'LB 'ALL RUSH FOR THE RACKET 'STORE. Fruit Loom Dleaching, Cc ; ; Racket Store..' Good .' Brown Domestics, 3 Jc Racket Store. . Good Pauta Cloth, 8c -Racket. Store. '..''''.''" Closing out etraw hats at cost- Racket Store. - . , ' v '. C. B. Corsets best on earth Rack-. ct Store. "; " All kinds bargains Racket Store. Closing out Slippers at cost Rack et Store..- . - ' 'V r. . v T To make room for our fall goods, we will close out our entire stock at and below cost. No. reasonable oiler refused forgoods at the . - Racket, Stora, ; Leaders of Low Prices, Plymouth, 'N. C. ..'Ml. T. I '- M & south Eim . COilRANY. EAILliXiAU. (Schedule xs effect juiy 2nd 18i4. The Direct Short Line between Vlymouth Edentou. - Eastern North Curoliua and Norfolk and all points North. Steamer leaves Plvmouih G.20 a. m., and 4:30 p. m. Vl ul Treic loaves Edcnton .p. to. i- . . . i . .it AuT' except ennaay, arrives at orioiic I except Sund7i at :Wi m. rrive at IU. ( A. Korilk ll a. ni. v-w Connection mud fit f'"T folk with allVi," ar.d Steamer Ll.it s, au-.l i,i I2!UabtU City with Steamer Knuse luiday.t Thursday 1 and Saturday for Hoano'ee Island, New f Berne and Atlantia & tn'm tb C'aroliua It. I and Norfolk li. It. - "r" -t , 'l he Company's Steamers leave E'ioutou -12.45 p. tn. as follows s- Transfer 8 reamer to Mackey's Furry daily (except Sunday) with paBsengers for Ilojcr, Paatego, Bol haveu, connecting with Steamer Haven Belle, for Makley ville. Aurora. Sonth Creek.: Washington and intermediate landiuKS.' Dtuly, (except. Sunday) for PlyDiouth, a lu ir m. V.f .. ' Ckfc iaii J, tu., uuu i- A 4JVttf 4a.U WM-XBI. jr AM a V1IV If Iliver, aftrnato Wednsstliys for.Avoca and Salmon Creek, and , Monday and SYiday for Hcnppornoug' Itiver. ; ' i Norfolk pasKcnaer and freight station at Norfolk and Western Railroad Depot. . , Through, tickfts on sale and baggage checked to all rlacipul points.- EASTEBN CAROLINA DISPATCH FASfFREiaHTlIim.. - MD 'PASSENGER ROUTE. . Regular tri-vvoekiy. line of steamers be tween New Berne aud Elizabeth City; , '. .. Daily all rail service between Edeton, New York, Philadelphia, XSaltiinoro and Norfolk. 1- ' . lhron?h cars, as low rattfs and 'quicker time than by ay otbor rout A, liroct all goods to be bhippccf by East em (iarolica'tMspatch, ..as follows : From . Norfolk by JN.' is S li. U.; IMtimore by P. W. & B. 'R. lt ; . Prfifident St. ttiou Philadelphia by Pennsylvania It. - ll. Dock St. Station j New York by Pennsylvania i R..R., Pier 2? North River. , For farther information app'y to .J. H. SMITH, Aetnt. PJymoutli. N, C, or to . the General j Office of tbo IS. & i5. li, 11. Co.Korfolk, Va. - - " , - - M. K. KINO, General Manager. H. C IIODGIMH, O. P. & P. Agt. CONFECTIONERY AjSD iVcws Store. UK k V 1 . bAt i av, Prop 'r . In connect.-1. p vtii'i tay ' tionery Store, ive Stand, where cn bo iuiW latest period icall,. .. ; When looking for fresh; Confectioneries, (Fine L'i;ar ing and Smoking Tobacco j trial... V v: ' '. i 'i . " Frank F. Fa: Nyis-tf Ill FcstcJ135 b ATTENTION j -. . II. Peal is fis.ill befonr th, witli a liivp'o line of ihio I nlso a nice Lrc of go'l seer rfg-:ic3, Ri ; Carl-. Jar: and h Jta recently ad !;!. to I di L vent t(7."- of Fi'Ta-X inn.'. ' .to ft' 4 f. i I ' bj-il'";tIM?. OC.l ) I J -