V f ... 'J' k - J . V? r..i .J.-,. ,. , i in i -n.. g in - i - I .The Boanoko Beacon, The Official Paper of Wash. : ington County. PLYMOUTH. N. 0. Entered la the Tost Office at Plymouth N, C, u second diss ntter. - FRIDAY, 0CT0BE11 12, 1894. Hurrah!! Hurrah The tariff bill . has passed and Sohultz is here 't, to let the people know it. We have open ly ec a large stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, la dies' fur capes iand cloaks, and ladies' hats and $ everything that is kept in a first- class store, at Brinkley's cor ner, . Opposite Mar lict mouse, PLYMOUTH, H. C; We are selling goods with th tariff off at the followingprices: Checked homespun 5 Jo, per yard. Yard-wide cottons 4c, Calicoes 4 and 5c. 1 Ladies' worstead 5c, per yard and up. Men's wool suits $2.E and up Boys' suits 90c, and up Men's pants 50c. Boy's pants 25c. ' Men's fine shoes 90o.; Ladies' fine button shoes '75c. ' Ladies' and men heavy hose 4c, per jsair; . Ladies' cloaks, capes and hats at your own prices. Don't fail to give us a call be fore going else where; as you will save time and money by buying irom us. Remember Schultz the poor man's friend. Brinkley's corner, oppo site the Market House Itcspcctfully, i RfTRTTLTZ'S CHEAP BARGAIN STORE. P. S, Jtemember these aro all now goods, bought ix from the " largest manufac turers, S" NOTICE TO 8lJB5CftIBER3 & Whan van see mX on the margin of it means that vonr sabscriDtion j Las expired, it is aiso an lovuauon ior juu to renew. Please remember this and don t lot us bare to stop your papery; ; : Thi Biicom will be lent to my addrofgone year xfto. .vy BuuDcnpuon malt p Blud with the e&ah or no papor will be sent. BEACON FLASHES- Bain again this week. Overseer Sawyer is DUtting the Bed Hill rpaa in nne snapa. Please Day as a rart or all of your sub scription, we need the ca-n, Mioa rtflrtia Yeairflr anent the oast Week at Roseneath wita Miss Neva Johnston. Mens fikittletharoa & CooDer are in their handsome new store acd don't tbey ' look happy. A hnnt thu fcpAviflst rain and wind storm we have had this year visited us on Tues day night. . VATTBiiannra am the edaoators of the masses, therefore publishers should be very careful what they print. R chancre in the) advertisement of tbo Racket Store. - Goods ar. oiled to the ceil ipg and prieos are way down.; Hiartmst market brices oaid for Cotton. Pflaa Rica. PeanntH. Eces. fcc.. at HOBHTHAL 05 ALEXAKDEUS. The dance that was to havo been given on Mnnrtav nicrht bv onr VOUDK men Was pospoued to some fui ure date. The contest between the Demooratio candidates last week was very close, bat thn defeated candidates are good Democrats still. Owing to a misshipment of onr paper wa nra n nhU to pat r the extra sheet out this week and much matter is crowded out by advertisements. Dr. J. T. HamDtou. of Philadelphia, ao. eomnanied Lv his charming wife, is here visiting his brother. Mr. W. H. Hampton, and sister. Mrs. A. M. Johnston, ' Mrs. Bottle Mobley and Miss Florence lobley and Miss Florence Blount, of near Boper. honored Plymouth with their Dresenoe a few aavs ims wee as the guests of Mrs. W. F. Ansbon. Ta editor is under many obligations to the kind friends at Creswoll for courtesies exteuded while siek in that town last week. To Mrs. M. E. Howell are we especially indebted. Itch on human, mange on horses, dogs and all stock, cured iu 30 minutes by Wrmlford'ri Hanitarv Lotion. This never Wis. Sold by, J. W. Bryan, Druggist, Plymouth, N. C. deol ly ITnnaW. A. B. Branch and Harry Skin ner. Democratic and Pooulist candidates for Congresp, spoke here on Wednesday to a good sized audience muue up irom uu parties. 8TRAYED -A spotted pig. weight about 50 pounds, Binooin crop ana two sins in ricrht oar Mmootn croD in jcic ear: uaa dhab cone 2 or 3 weeks. "Any iuforinatiOu Kft at this office will be appreciated. AdAcd to onr list of correspondents is one this wees; from unessonviue, giving the news of the neighborhood, as well as Mackey's Jferry. we giaaiy welcome wis ntw aiiditinn to onr force, ana irnsi our friend will find time to write often. IMPORT ANTNEW GOODS I NEW GOODS I ! Mr. Henry Horathal has just ratnruedfrom New York and Baltimore where ha has nnrchased for Hormhal Alexander a complete line of the choiests unnAa. r.onaistini; of Drv Goods. Notions. Olpthiug. Boots and suoos, riats, uroceruw, Aal-Aa. Mr. Horntbars experience as a hnvpr in ft sufficient enarautee or we ciass and aOalitv of onr stock, and wo are pre- nared to sell at . Drloes to suit iue times. Call and see its before buying elsewhere, anil rut eonvinited . .-.-.- HOBNTHAL & ALEXANDER DECU LIAR- in combination, pro- portion and preparation of ingredi ents, Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses great curative value. You should TRY IT ROPER RIPPLES. Oct 9th. . Miss Lee Robertson left last week for Norfolk College. ; - Mr. G. 0. Speight li out to see us . this week. MissJanie Marsh, of Haslin, is visiting her sister, Mrs. B. F. Steam. Mittsna Jennie 'Windlev and Ltaaia Ward ar visiting at Mrs. T. W. iJiount s. lira. M. E. Macov. of Suffolk. Ya., is visiting her son, H. P. Macoy in Roper. Mr T W. Rlonnt has comDleted his new cotton gin and is now ready ror uusmess. Uri n. A. R. Gavlord is away on a visit to het daughter Mrs. Nunley at uinnerton. Mr L. G. Roper expects .to enter his hnrsa filemrtnt K.. as ft thorough bred at the Edenton Fair. . . Rat Mr.'Ovarbv filled his reeular ap. nointment at the BaDtist ohnrch here last Bupday morning and night. Mrs. W. A. Forbes and children returned home from a visit to Mr. Forbu family in E. City yestereUy. - Mis? Marv Woodlev has returnee from E. Citv. whilfi thera she witnessed the marrinee of her brother. Mr. Whit Wood. ley.' - ' . .. The Methodist doodIo are taking steps towards reorsanizina the choir. . They have b xmL material and we bespeak for them access. X: ' . Mr. It. L. Williams, of Edenton now, formerly of Rooer. visited his father. Mr. II. J. Williams last Saturday and Sunday. Bob looks well- Mr. J. M. Horton has moved into Mr. A. S. Johnston's bouse recently vacated by Mm Hitrrisou. Mr. O. - A. Moore ba motd into the house vacated by Mr. Hor ton. - ' ' ; ' The school at the Academy taught by the lliKses riavages now uumoer ai bcuwiars, hi.vi nmnh ranss to be encouraged Should the school increase more in number another room wul be added to ths ouildiog Mr Unp.anon encineer on the passenger train, Pamlico division N & S. It. R , is off duty a few days on business, Mr. W i'son HivfoAB In flllinff bis Dkce. We oooerata late Mr. Hodzes at his success. be has worked bard and deserves to be promoted. Mr. 0 M. Cherry, Master Mechonio at tha Rniup Mnohinfi Hhon lftft vefitardav for ftorroik and troin mere ne win m company I n . -k I a. wiiii Air ueo. vv . norer mase a inp w Phllftolnhla for tbo narpose of inspecting and nnrnhftRinfl' a locomotive eneine to be ured in the Boper Lumber Company's log- i lng oasiness. Mr. Marritt nreflobed a mOStDOwer. ful and eloauent sermon last Sunday eight at the M is;. onrcn irom 109 lexttj; iay Kingdom Uome rny w in ds aooe on r-nriu in Heaven." He preached the truth and the whole truth and made it so plain no man o.m make the text his daily prayer The people of Boper sympathise with Mrs. Harrison in the death of her son Hilarv. He was much respected here and noted for his piety and especially for bis attention and Kindness towards ms mother and sisters. We point the bereaved and widowed mother and - Bisters to Him that wfttoha ovor the widows and the orphans. BIWHYK ICUIVUIUD11UK IU.I UUU lO .WW TT WW to err. - , - . - . .. . SH3IIIff MOHI S.NMOHa Gsn'uoTBaSipuiao'oxq DIED. On Fridav nisht while the earth lay silently slumbering the gates of heaven opened and an angle descend of Jos. W., and Nona Beasley - and . .! t - J -. j - a, two-vear-old son, Joseph VToodarcl. uoiouwuy mo si-u t "Vtwt, I It was only a few weeks ago that death invaded this same home and claimed as its own a' little babe, but Hod doetli all thines wen, so let the errief stricken parents console them selves for their little ones are at rest in a brighter home. The funeral services were held at a vVWlr Rmifliir afr.firnnnn from the B . ...u.. B. H. ifathews r . officiating. A Wonderful Conqueror. No disease is more common among the people than scrofula. Handed down from generation to generation, it is found in nearlv pvprv familv. in some form. It mav make its appearance in dreadful' running sores, in swellings in tne necs or goitre, or in eruptions of varied forms. Attacking iIia mnnnna nmmhranA it mav ba known as catarrh, or developing in tne .Junes it may be, and often is, tne prime cause oi consumption. Tn whatever form scrofula mav manifest itself. Hood's Sarsaparilla is its inveterate foe and , conqueror, rnis medicine nns such powerful alterative and vitalizing ef foo.tii nnon the blood that every trace of impurity is expelled, and the blood is made THE STORM. POBM IV. Twas evening at Plymouth and I stood alone. Ttonath the darkened skies. - Half awed, as slowly from the West I watched the storm arise : The Bnn. that one hour before ' Shed 'round Plymouth such dazzling liffhr. Was by the heavy, ga'hering clouds Close veiled ana nia irom sigut. The wind which hastened quickly by itreainea. low a saa retrain : And on the white and sandy street, rsi leu ui ul Kja ui .an. , Silent upon the soeoe I gazed With wild. half-tartled eyes. As darker every moment grew, Above me lowering saies. - But wholly trusting to His might, V.m Inner a onlden cleam I Played in the West, as sunlight plays Upon a piapia stream ; An 1 soon I stood beneath a sky, as p.iear ana oeer v Dine As 'twas ere elouds with heavy shade, liaa cnangea its azure nue. And so in life, how oft the soul Is by dark tempests torn ; How oft around it adverse winds . IlavB oold aiid fiercely blown. But ah i not for all time they rage, jSaon tempest passes on, . - : And eaoh one hath an after calm, - As each night hath a mora. - So, hearts of Plymouth, be lifted tip with IinrtA. . ' ' ' Whim Von ad thee torrents stream. Dwell not ijpcu their dark, wild flood, Tin t tor ft polderi cleam. ' Tnk thnn with tm of trust and faith. war when baa uassea ma siormv hoy . There'll bunt upon those watching eyes, The rainbow or tne spray. Bsy. Blaxeit h. Matheytb. Ckawlne tli Bas - Yr.ii may talk about fine, cheap I buffffies. bnt proof of the padding is rhfiwiner the baer. I have been in the liSltatawSJ ', t. nnllnfir tlwx rarrla It- niav I cost more to begin with but it pays in the end. uompare my wor aim prices with any you please and yon will hfk nonvineeu. I have the largest stock of bnggies I ever had, call and see me. 11. i'EAL. , Plymouth, N.' C. ' TUE CfllTER BAULK WORKS, Established 1843 111 to 115 Bank St. Norfolk, Va. MONUMENTS. GRAVESTONES. Cemetery Work in Marble and . . Granite. 1 Low prices quoted on work de- I jTfi-if nverea ai any poioi i vna douiu, Please excuse ua this week for I nil short com in 2, we are doing our i -1 - Jury List. :- V The foilowina named '.citizens were drawn by the County' Commissioners at their September meeting, to serve as jurors at the . fall term of Washington county Superior Court commencing Nov. 5th "PLYMOUTH TO WH SHIP TO. fV Ttowen. IT. W . Sawvcr.'Hoiip Peal, flcnl. IF. TlnwAii. .fno. A. WilloilPhbT. A. M. Allen. W. W. S. Waters. David Ilarrlron, fcnl). J.O. Everett. O F. ilcNalr. Juo is. Bateman and Jaa. jr. liar- rlsou. LEE'S MILLS TOWNSHIP. Thoe. L. Chceaon. Rufus Swain, L. J. Peacock. B. W. Clark. E. F. PbelM. B. W. Claeon. II. O. (JDeMon. Juo. v. uizcii. it. o. caewwu ana w. v Thompson. SKXKKER8TIIJ.il TOWNSHIP. T-nnnrd Snrnlll. J. D. Stillraan. ThomTMon Pat rick, T. is. staler, uocuio uaven port ana r raaK- tin iarsenton, SCTPPERKONO TOWKSH1P, ThmliAr TTnnAhlnn. VV J. RMrr. W.J. Mprccr. Richard K. Ambrose. Thos. R. Bateman, J no. A. Clifton, A, L. Cahoon and Thos. E. Holmes. . Thpr in no medicine so often needed in every home and so admirably adapted to the purposes ror wnicn u is intenaea, as wuam. hflrlain' Pain Ttalm Hardlv a week Masses but some member of the family has need Of It -A. toptnacne or neaaacue may De curea by it A touch of rheumatism or neuralgia quieted The severe pain of a burn or scald promptly relieved, and. the sore healed in much less time than when. medicine has to be -'.pent Tfot . A sprain may be promptly treated before inflammation sets In, which insurer a core in "about one-third of the time otherwise required Cuts ana braises should receive immediate treatment before the parta become swolleij- which: can only be done when fain Balm-is kept on hand. A sore luroat may ue curea oeiore it oe- comes serious A, troublesome corn may be removed, by applying it. twice a day fur a week or two . A lame back may be cored and several days of. valuable time saved or a pain in the side or chest relieved without oavina a doctor bill Procure a SO cent bottle at once and yon will never ; regret it. For sale by ? For sale by Plymouth Droc Co lm J. BC. WIGGINS, DEALER IN : NOTIONS. NOTIONS. ALSO Heavy and fancy groceries. cigars, tODacco, snun, , vegetables, truits and all l ean offer buyers such prices on the aboye named goods that it will pay them to call. J. H WIGGINS, Water St., next to Bryan's Drn Store, Plymouth, N. 0. my 16-tf TllEXOUTll CAKOUW College of Agricultare'and ' "r Meclianic Arts . . OyyjEBs Thbek Tkchicai Coubses : r Tho Course in Agriculture ; The Course in Science ; X llw VwUlOw t i'H,UUtl.W. " Civil Engineering, And with each a good Academic Education. , Each course is broad and thorough, and the institution is mow equipped for excellent work. .Expenses very moderate. Session opens September cth.. .; ; . , -:r- For Catalogues, adJress ALEXANDER Q. HALLADAlf,' Pres, july 23 Ralkiqh, N, C. PLYMOUTH PBEPABAT0BY SCHOOL, Miss MyrtleBennett, - - Teacher, Fall term begins on Jonday, September 10th 1891. For further information address Miss M yrtle .. PLYMOUTH Nathan-Toms, PIl B T,Tra. 1? A. Carter. - T B IC TLY 110 Fall term hsgins on Monday, Sept., 10th, 1894. L0 CATION . n" ! ' i-a ii. i ; i'iirtii-ir it Biinnrfifi h.i. i r.i 111 1 11 and morality of the town are exceptional. - " DESIGN OF Prenafea stndenta for College or Special attention given Primary .Classes. Monthly reports seut to parents. fPTTimrnw ' . Anment and Modem an?nages, t Mnsic. includinc use of instrument, Special Board arrangements have fort and protection of students. LATE LOCALS-' Hats. ' Shoes. Notions. Dry Goods. Ladles' and Gents Furnishing. Low Prices On all , , - These goods At M. Owens A Co's. Tn Ciha nf ninana nrenara for' war. Now it is hot prepare for cold weather by going to Mathias Owens A Co's., and laying iu vour suddIv ot winter dresses.' shoest e while you can get tbem cheap. DBESS GOODS of the !ftteBt stiles are now fond at Mathias Owens & Co's. Their buyer has studied the wants of the ladies and the stock now displayed can noi fail to please every one. . KnvAlhVn in Uresa cooda with trimmings to match cau be found at Mathias Owens fc Co's. The largest and most, carefully selected stock ever seen this side of Norfolk and the price suits even the Free Silver advocates, t '.-- '.vO.v-5 ' A well dressed lady or gentleman always vrpara mm Rnnra htiii lhum, ul iiuiuiuu are simply carried away over the large and BttriiBit una wiHn lYitiiniftK uweua oo ju . have just opened. No snch a stock of foot wears has ever been opened in this town since time began. Anything from a brogan pool to tne nuest nana-maae iu buuu. : If you want Silks, Cashmeres, Worstaads Sataena. Flannels, or other dress goods iu all tVm latpRt Ktvlpa von can save time and money by calling at once on Mathias Owens k Co.. where you can be suited in . goods and price; . ' Carey's Hagnesia Flex ible Cement Booting. Carey's Magnesia Flexible Roofing is sold under a guarantee, ana is oei; tor than anv other roofing material. in Mint it looks better, ii fire and wr.pr nroof. and is almost indestruc- fil.lA from ex Dosuro to the weather nv olomenta r neither heat. cold. m'rtiatnfp. nfiidsi or erases have any in- jtirious. affect upon it, aud it will npi'tlinr rot nor decav under any conditions. - For furtherpai'ticalars apply to C. V. W. Ausbon or II. E, Evebstt, oct5 tf Plymouth, N. C FAEHERS BEAD! If you have cotton seed for said it will nay' you to see K. T. Hassell before you sell them. Ho pays the IngU .1 Mr. Hassell will be in Plymouth Mnn,u ir. for thfl rurose of hiivinr Rftfid and it will 3 lwv those who haveeed for sale to see aim. Pnr ot.hftr' information aPPi? at this office. - Scp21 EINSEY SELIINAEY , LAUBANGK, is. u. (A Boanllng School for fiirb a&d Voung Ladies. . FULL CQEPS OFTEACHEES. Literary, Art and Music Departments. LOCATION HEALTHY. State Chemist in examination of water says: I have probably never examined a better sample. 3For catalogue giving full par ticulars wnto to JOSEPH KINSEY, iuTl9-tf Principal Bennett, ; Plymouth, K. O. HIGH SCHOOL (Univ. H- cS: "-Principal. - music Aeacner. 1I-S ECTAEIAH; r. a Ar Xi It Ti on1 tins 1jh1v rnmmu- lib i. iv a. t and Cashie Rivers. Tho healthfulness THE SCHOOL- . . any pursuit of business life;; - ' fcl.OO to S3.00 per raontlu extra; . i.w -:. - 3.00 per month. been made for the. convenience, com ; ; , -.NATHANTOMS, Will - TO THE 400 Lady Cloaks, . Somo ; new: - ; 4 borne siigutiy sonea. -500 Men's all wool Over-coats, , Second hand. - . - . COO pr. Pants. Some ney, some , siigntiy soueu. . . . , 400 dollars worth Sample Hals .i t . i. less tnau wno;esaio price. Onr store is Chock-a-Block with rrrrf a uWrl xva nxn ell fllPnl ls,f. LESS THAN FACTORY PIIICES Come and see for yourself, is all we ask. The goods- MUST GO and tho cash MUST COME. We are here to compete with all comers, stock' against scock ana DOLLAR against DOLLAR. Backet Store, Leaders of Low Prices, , ' . Plymouth, N.' C.' Vrtr r r m ifcUsiti TVTORFOLK : & SOUTHERN BAILKOAU l- - aLPASY. - - , Schedule in effect oct, lt,lby57 Tbe Direct 6hort Line between Plymouth, - ronf nn FjiRtfTn. North Carolina and - Norfolk and all points North. Steamer leaves flyraout a gmo &. m., ana 4:su p.m. . Mail Train leaves Edenton 1:25 p. m.- daily, except Sunday, arrives at . Norfolk 4:25 p. m. ' . Ezptecs Train leaves Edenton Dally (except Sunday) at 8:00 a. m. arrive at Norfolk 11 a. m. - - Conuectioa maas at Norfolk with all rail and Steamer Lines; and at -Jilizabath City with Steamer Neuse and New Berne, daily (except Friday and. Knnday) for Koanoka Island, Mew Uerne ana Atiaonc a. rt. v., it. K. Stations. Also Ytumiugton. ewDerne and Norfolk RB. ThA Rnmrtanv'i) Steamers-leava Edenton lO lKn m an ful!nM : Tifnsffr R-pftmer li'errv dailv fexceot Sundav) ." with passeogers for Roper, JfanU'go, Bui- "- haven, connecting wim ctceamer iiaveqjer-..- Belle for Makleyville, Aurora, South Creek. . - . Washington and intermediate lanamgs. -Dailv. exceDt Sunday) for Plymouth. . at 12:43 P- m., and 7:00 p m. - ' Tuesday. Thursday and . Saturday for ..' Chowan llivfr. Wedoosdays for Avoca and J . Salmon Crock, and Monday and Friday for Scuppernong Kivcr. - r - Knt-folk naaKeiiaer and freiaht station at Norfolk and Weatern Railroad Depot. . . i - ... i i.. 'i nrougn tiCKf ts on brio ana iraggag -checked to all principal points. EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH , . FAST FEEIQHT LINE. ASD PASSENGER -ROUTS. '. TYiilv nil mil service between . Ed en ton. New York, Philadelphia, Baltimora and Norfolk. ' l'hmnjh onrs. as low rates and Quicker time than by any other route.- - liirert allffood to be shiDned by East.- era CarolinaDi8patch,t asfohovrn: From NorfolK Dy . cs a. . u.; t!mraor Dy tr, , W fir. R U Tl- HnwUfnt Rt. Rtntion. Philadelphia by Pennsylvania It; 11. Dock SL Station; New York by Pennsylvania Pnr - farther information anv!v to J. II. SMITH, Aetnt. Plymouth, N.'C, or to tne uenerai uiQCd o: tue a. as . it, ja. Co., Norfolk, Va. .. , . : II. K. KINO, General Manager. H. C HODGINS, G. F. A P. Agt. MIL LI II EH Y 1 Kew: and fashionable Millinery antl j Fancy Goods are now opened" at my I store in lloier. and I invitelie pubV lie to call and bCQ them before buyr. inff. ' v - : New Huts trimmed in the latest styles by an artistic milliner just irom tne joriu. - - If vou want nice, stvlish Foods at - J . ' J 3 I low prices, call early and be suited; MRS. Ju. E- AUSBON, ; cP28tf xvuuur, ii. Ut.. i .i m nnii- mnilli.ij ... .' CAERIaGE conPAirr Water Street. . .. " ; 4- VV biive ofWned a Carriase Fact orv on Water Btreet, where we propoge to luantl. factnre buggies ana tuner roaa yemciea cheaper than they have ever been sold in. this section ; v t r . Open Buggies, , : - - . $55 .00. Lou lsujrjries, ,. - - - bo.UO. Cart Wheels, - .' 10.00. Did von ever hear of such low prices? .. .. W mftka SDCcialtY of hnr;if!-ioiir-f and repair work of all kinds NVhenyua want work doue in oar Una call on us an. I w -will gtmrantee s&tittfactioiu Qukfe sales and aiuaU profits, . , x If. '" best under circumsiAncc?. .