s 5-. 1 . fraud exposed, and vliei men opOnly uuiko sue!i,ch:iv;e3 they ourt to bo held as witnesses mul thpisa inves tigated, this would sditlh matters Ti?N" diiysirem now and the eloc tiou wilUMrupon lis. Hard md en tlntsijjwrtio work on the part of all goid. Democrats is absolutely neoes sary. No luke-wannuess is wanted; no opportunity must bo lost if tho victory is to bb 'Democratic. It is priuciplo wo are after in thidayaud time, and we appeal to the Demo cratic voters of this State to weigh 'well their, actious. SeV that' your name is properly registered and go to work for the success of the Demo cratic party, for tho success of good- government, for tho freedom of your family.5 Let' tho1' next ten days bq days of labor in tho cause of Dem ocracy. The enemy is with us. ". Let us meet them. Let us place our veto upon all things that ariso to hiiuler'the success of the Democratic party in 'KortU Carolina.' 1 ' : Democratic . victory in North .Carolina means a continuation of good government, economically administered ; a pure judici ary unbiased by partiUn prejudice. Low taxes, justly levied, and a legislative body reprcscn ing every clas3 and interest in this great Stata of ours. With the united efforts of all Democrats for the next ten days, cuccuss is sine, with out it victory is not certain. Ths AcanokQ i-Bearoii; Tho Oflicial Paper of Wash ington County. Published Every Frio ay .by Tnn Koanokk Publishing. Company. W. FLETCHER AUSB ON, Editor and " Business Mumger. We apvelt every reader or ThkP.o&kok Rmma to aid in niitknisr it un accjrtUibto nml .wolltuble medium of tiuw.i 10 ourXuitif""". lot vivimiiit.ti tieonie and tliu imbUc kuow wiiat i r aolna on in i'lymouih. ltupufl 10 nn all itcisn of ' new the arrival and dciKU'iare of f riendn, social t'ivmitu iletittis. sortouj ..llmn's, arcident. new ' SulUliiiLTS, nuw euteri'riscs mid intprovetatint of C whntever character, chuii(;ein inefx luiloed anything an4 evcrythiujj chut viuuid be of imei-eet tbeenptlon price, $.00 per year. 'Advertisement- tnsHjrccd at iuw rates. Obit.unrv notice exeeudiniz ton linoe, five cetits a line. Count th wordwalhwin eight to the hue, na genu money wua u. ior su io;a-wwB ui wu . i . . -; ' The editor will not be responsible ror tue views I correopondttuts- ; All article for publionbion mnt be accompanied h th full iitimc or rno witer. s Corramoi. dents are requested not to write 6n but All communications mnst be sent in byTnursday morning orthey will .not appear. - , ' Address all commufiicsuon to t: " THE ROANOKE EEACON, - .rii motith.N. C FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2C, 1894. - liARIlY SKINNEK llilS been SO completely ''done up'7 by W. A. B. . Branch that he can't make a decent speech. '" Why at Beaufort the other ' day good liepublicans became so s -disgusted that they declared that they were going to vote for Branch. . ".. jt -.' '. Tab colored people whoreprom . isc-d eo'mnch by the fusionists may . -get disappointed. Tlis fusion is not f-a ' colored man IdveiV' - It is in for : Vgainand gain it will, if .it gains at . all, by ) tho colored voce, and after the arain is 'made the colored man may go to thunder. ' Judge tho fu ; ; ture by tha present. Vekily," the calamity howler' is in a bad fix. The country has the finest crops it lfas li'atl for years ; business everywhere is recovering ; . the - new Democratic Tariff bill 1ms 'greatly reduced every thing the' far iner has- to buy. Instead of the calamity; howlei being a howling success he is a dissatisfied failure. , " . . ' ' " j . If -things could bo plaeedback . r just as they are -now, . after twelve -..months' we would like to see this . country turned, over to the Third Party foronw year just to see "what ; they would do.' In this case, how . ever, wo .would like to spend the -gummor , in the ; moon. . We Aould not like to view the situation from a ' uearer point. . , .4 ' 1 K , - , . ' To' say "Branch Will Bond Ches- .goii and. Cahoop,'? don't So ant out of ' tlie vay if. those gentlemen liad to "give bond, but that's not the point, 'it's' this : Branch will goto Con gress from the 'First District, Will '"Bond will be Solicitor, Chesson will go to the- State Senate . and A. L. '..Cahoon will .represent .Washington county in'tho Legislature. : See ? ' Wis regret to see our farmers so auxioas to rush their cotton into market, the ' 'price is so extremely low. As., we can learn the crop of cotton is far over estimatod by for eign buyers. The crop has been re ported much over au uveragc, when really there is not more than half a ' crop. This report, however, lias hud the deircd effect, and farmers are - rushiuj their crops to market and getting littlo for them, while if they would hold them until the fact that a short crop has been raised is under stood the. price will bo much higher; 'Until . the trnfJh is known we may . expect but little advance in prices. v It is often asserted t by defeated politicians that the successful party cheated or stold their election. :: This assertion ',ib ; openly- made by some men, in this county and wo think it is time to close their; mouths ' by making thetn. ; prove some of their reckless charged. As . citizens, if they know certain men have commit ted fraud it is their duty to expose the fact, and if the evidence is suffi cient the guilty party onght and will a ' f . i . m i i " f - tip prcsecutcu, otic u tiie ciuirgejs fah-e, as is too often the case, A these men who go" .bout: making mch ciiar.res u:i'nvio -.prosecuteu ior Thero is no medicine eo often needed in every home and so admirably adapted to the purposes for which it is intended, as Cham berlain's Pain Balra Hardly a week passes but some member of the family hasueed of it A toothacue or headache may be cured. by it A touch of rheumatism or neuralgia qoieted The severe pain of a bu m or scald promptly relieved and the sore healed hi much less time than when mediciue has to be seut for A sprain may be promptly treated before infUmmatiou 6etd in, which itiKUie? a cure in about one-third of the time otherwise required Cuts and bruises bhould receive immediate treatment before the parts become swollen, which can only be done when i'ain Balm ia kpt on hand. A sore throat may be cured before it be comes serious A troublesome corn may be removed by applying u twice a dav for a week or two A lame back may be cored and Beveral days of valuable time aved or a pam in the side or chest relteved without paying a doctor bill Procure a 50 ceut bottle at once and you will never regret it. For sale by ; For sale by Plymouth Drug Co lm COAST CORRESPONDENCE. It tu vc are oppcWd to political l I'idd bVgWl to".-eeeyall KlTTY-llAWK, N. 0., Oct., 16, 1894. Beacon : Verijy your rdys are a solace here, and they give me nouie idea of what is transpiring in and around my old home. I am now here, educationally "holding the fort,'jtbout four niiie by water, from ColiugtGn. the. last theatre of my histrionic efforts. Cannot eay how long may re- r a i -v . . mam as l sometimes oecoine tuakeriHU as to my leaving. Kitty-Hawk, or Kitlie Hawk, as my versatile .and entertaining f iend, the'eiAran navigator, Capt Dan. SI. Tate, who has voyaged ofc to your city, says is about eight wiles by four that is from the Kgrth Banks, to .Nag's Head pre- cinet, and ifroin ocean to sound densely wooaea, very nttie arable laud -patches" of corn and garden spot, . a good deal ol good pine timber, taonpb difficult of ac cess, or transit, and rather thickly settled Several of .tho male adults are membern of the Stations as lar as, No. 8 North nd 13 South. Captains, sorf men, cooks, whicu in a Godsend ia several particulars. The coast along here has been the scene of numerous shipwrecks, notably the "Metroj olis." be tween stations 9 and ft. and the '"Huron." tho last lil-lated barque, between Na's Heud station VJo. 14 and Kill Devil liill. No. 13, about ' nine miles Irom here. "Yt cai.not 6erve God aod mammon" illatrated iu the last by the captain of the Haron Attempting to serve Bacchus while crossing Neptune s treaoherom waves. . We had an exceeding high sound tide Tuesday night, . the higher so said by weather veterans, ever known. I hid lo wade to my "staff ot life" earning depart ment. I have a qniet boarding place, am treated very kindly and made to feel quite at home by ray worthy aDd esteemed hosts, Mr. and Mrs, Ezekiel Midgett. The . Settlement is divided, this being, "the beach," the. other "the neck.' School house in' each a Priinative Haptist church there j Methodist here. Three store. Nearest M. D., at Nag's Head. PoBtofflce W. J. Tate, P. M , and N. P., genial, efiisient, .clever. : Tele graph orUce near stadou of U. S. Weather Bureau., .;, i. . , Forgot to mention that last prior to coming htre I took a pedestrian tour to the place o famed for its aquatic BDOrts. the aeiigui oi me vcuwuie borisinan, nonored so very recently by a visit and considerable stay of bis puseianfc pulchritude possessing Grover Cleveland, q., and the place is yclept uoaie isiana, 13 miles from LiHie Hawk, ana l went also to the hebt house and vas kiudly, hospitably entertained bv the three keeper. Opt. Peter G. Gallop, Bliveus and bnannoiii The light house has three circular black and t?o white painted stripes, averaging 22 feet,..e a,! for ming a beautiful,; picturesque effect. The lights are fixed white, not revolving alter nate red and white like Whale's Head. 1 tbink, nay am Bare this county' will go Democratic. A former . Plymothoniau, ge nial, clever energetic Geo. JE, Stevenson, is Populist candidate, for Sheriff, while a Northern gentleman for Kepreseu.ative will be so speedily ' (W. U.) Oadop-ed over that he will hardly walk. even at all. I know it will take an extra sharp man to Bl(o)unt the electibJo edge of your present Sheriff, while, though no "'maratim1' city. yet you can boast of as genial ' and efGcieut "Marriner" as ever safely docked the records.- So now a long pull, a strong pull, and a pull altogether, and the uhipof fctate will be safely launched beyond tlie break ers of, i:,epnblicaumui or ' Populistism MmA f mm $Zn George W Tttley Benjamin, Missouri. Good Advice Quickly Followed Cured of Rheumatism by Hood's Sarsaparilla "a I. nood & Co., Lowell, Mass-; - "I was taken down with rheumatism over a year ago. I was sick for ovef six months, Often I would have such pains that I could hardly endure them. A friend came ta me and advised ma tct try Hood's fcarsapiirilla. I took him at his word and pot a bottle of it, and slnqo navo uiKeu cignt uotues oi it..-'-":' lt Has Cured IWo "JVhen the doctors could do mo no good what ever. Alter being toenonted so mucn irom trns medlcino I describe ITootl's Sarsaparilla as a wonderful medicine. I also advise every one who 1j troubled with rheumatism not to he with- out Hood's Sarsaparilla. I am a farmer, and thociediclno has elvea mo much energy and strengtn to penorm my worn." uuukujs yy. i ulkv, licnjainm, Missouri. . Hood's PMIs wo hand made, and perfect In proportion and appearance. 25c. a box. Lk'w i,!, ifort HAVE 'A FIB either, INTO OUR HEW ST 0 EE where wo have ample room to show our complete stock of Dry goods, vjlDthitig i$oot and shoes, ' liats, Daps &o, Wo cany a line of goods that arc iu the latest style and our prices are always guranteed to suit. Our largo stock of dress paterns is specially interest ing to the Indies. G 11 0 0 E 0 I E S 10 headquarters fo; Family Supplies, as fresh goods are j eceived daily. Everything usually kept in a iirsr-class general mer chandise store is kept by us and wo cordially invite our friends and the public to call and pee us. . . Eespcctfully, . Skittletharpe & Cooper. Iron Front water street Plymouth, N. 0. JOHNSON'S CHILL & FEVEB, TONIC It Cures You or your Money given back. Try a bottle and save a Doctor' bill. For sale at Hry an's Drug Store. . jiilyl8-3m MORE SHOES "AND BBJTTER'shOES. A larea lot of Ladies' HusHp't Oxford Ties jtiiit received and will be sold at 'wholesale cost. T. W- iJtount, Koper, N. O, . Pise timber watkAU neraons in Eastern Uaroiiua hstviu; larye or aniail tracte of pine timbT for sale will du well tocorrespoud with The rivmoiah Koal Eetate and Kcutal Agency, ' I -J , - ' V fcrV-l ! H tf, (i. . ' b'' -'' r I '"' : ii' fV- :i q r i r WW 11 w W mjLKilll -':,f.aiiifls A. S A V E A D 0 L L A R ? All SS-EgM, IIciB'p Are Soisae tSSAM-AlMTS. i - - - ' - t ' ,- j - t -v-. i ; ' - - ',. j : . - -" ' , - - A car load toagging and ties at wholesale price if asis-asiowasi HP mim. .-k . i ' The largest, stock ofH0GMHIS- -Pye? showi by any retail store in this section. buy in round lots of headquarters. Make the terns. the same and I will meet the prices of any man . on earth. m mm m mm & fffl W ft Wm , ? I , ju vy jl ftcr n W mm ml m III' -: l:vJ - & ! V.f -sr , ; , m . ?! k: ! : .'. '. ' V ' ' - , ' .' i in heaps and piles, well-made, good fits and test styles- Prices as good as any man's. la: T 8b IP O S3 W .M i. . . . IlOB,- W. Blount, ) 0 :