'T 4 V 5' 1 v IT'I 1V- - C 3 ,f The ..Roanoke -Beacon. The "Official .Paper, of yasl'i ington County; . nc. EnUred In the PostOfJco at Plyaouth N, C, as , Mcood diss mutter. ' .. FRIDAY, OCTOBER, 26, 1304. r. r-F OK A N D .. . .. t PRICE! LADIES, At Scjiultz's "cheap bargain jstore" will be found tlic lar , gest line of cloaks and capes ever in Plymouth, and of ie latest" styles, , At Schultz's "cheap bar gain store?' polite salesmen ;.are fuuiid and it is no trou ble to show troods. At . Schultss's "cheap bar ai ii store" you will lin$ a fnice line of ladies lmtp.all ready for use. You will-also find a big .stock f dress goods, under wear &c. . . .. . 1. . GENTLEMEN, . It is at Schultz's "cheap bargain sJoroV you will find ?tbe largest s tock of r.?ady jnado clothing you ever saw in a town 'this size, The styles are the latest:; , goods .the best price the lowest, It is at SchultzV .''cheap bargain store" youjwilHind single eeiits, vests and pants it is there you can J)e suited in everything. ' It is at Scliultz's ''cheap bargain store' that you can fincj. boots, shoes, hats', caps I&o., cheaper than anywhere on earthy :-. ) v :-. ' ; m LADIES AND GENT'S, Go to Schultz's f 'cheap bargain store?' whore you can get what you need at LOW TARIFF PRICES .Kemcnibcr the man and place if you -wish to buy poods cheap, Scluiltz, the poor man?a friend, Brinklcy's corner oppose Market House, . . Plymouth,, XV. CJ. 1JL UI J. CUll Low Tariff iiwmiinnftwiintt.ii C3T NOTICE .TO .SUBSCRIBERS When you see an-IX on tho- margin of your paper it means thru your subscription LW expirtd,.it is 1;Q ati invitation for you to renew. Jfc'laso rnmomber this and don't let us have to slop your paper. f -, Tub Rbacon will b sftit to any tulrtrees 0110 year 'or 81-00, Six vontlia. 50o; Threw Mow lis, 2jc. Jivt-ry Bubooripiiun niast ti ucrompa m(nl with thu oasli or copuutir will be eenc. BEACON FLASHES. Thfl i E. City fair will be open nest week. Registar Riiliard issued three marriage license' on Wednesday, . The Edenton Fair was large'y attended aud is reported a success. . , - There is much sickness reported just now in this section, mostly chills. I .... M , Mr. aud.JIrs. J. DEborn. of B:ith jDf.id our town a visit the past week. ..? Be sure that your nam a is t)ropf.rly regla. tered, the books close to morrow. A series of meetings are being conducted this week in the SletUodiKt church. The Plymouth High Schcol is flourish ing, as is aUso the Preparatory ISchool. The State fair is in full blast this week and is the largest tne State has ever had. ELECTION TICKETS wili ba printed at Ihis office as cheaply as anywhern, BUT THE UASii MUSI' COM3 with the order. Mr. A, S. Leggett, wife and son, of Brtllu more, ara here the guests of Mr: Lfeogett's parents. Dr. V". II. Ward has bailt an addition to bis residence and is making other improve ments thereon. . Mr. T. J. Norman has nv-do auite an irn proveiucnt in his rehideneeby juo erection of a piazza in front, ' We sympathize with Mr' and 'Mrs. J. E. Ueid in ihe loss cf tlioir infant chiid which died on Wednesday. ' HigiKst market prices paid , fir Cotton, Peas, Rice, rcauutn. Eggs. &o ., at , BoitsTnAL & Alexandeks. See the advertisement of Mr. N. B. Yea ger in this issue and call ou him when in want of anything in his line, Mrs. Sa'J.ici Kerkeit of Berkley, Vi, is honoring bur town witli her presence as the guesr of her daughter, Mrs. U. J. Norman. , Capt. A. L. Oahoon Democratic nominee for KepreBemal.ive wr.s hero yuuteivlny. He speaks encouragingly about tLo out look for Democrucy. 'John Brother?, a democratic Eristrar of Baleui township, JLWiUot tnlf. cnniy,", was stiot and kihod by J. S. Wilcox, a ieudmg republican on Monday. . Itch on human, mange om lioives, dogs uud nil '8U)eic,- curtd in 30 minutes by i VVuolfurd'H-'tiunitary Lotion. This never fmls. bold by, J . W. liryan, Druggist, Plymouth, N. C. dec 1 ly Mr. Edward McCabe has opened a resiau rani uoar BrmkleyV corner where be will be ph-ased to serve tb public with meal s at reasonable pri&s. St-e card e'.wewhoro. : Wo are informed thafMrs.'. Mollia IIr. rison has purchdsfid tho lot xipxc to thu UeacuD ouioe and h.is oontrncted wuh Mr W.' J. Jackson fut thu crtctiou of a ueat residence thereon. We regret to I'a'ii that h. W. C. Has. sell is bema troubled somewLat in gettiux a sue ou which to erect his null, he hopes however, to have the mill in operation by the 1st of January. Just received the largcnt line r.f Cloaks aud Cr-pes of iht latest fctyk3 at ffchullz's Cheap Bargain Btora, I3rinkli-y's corner op posiio Market. House, Tb ladies 6f Ply mouth aud surrounding country are iuvih-d to cull and sue them. Ho troublo to slio.y our gooiis. . Mr. Willie Hall is home again, after an absence of about fifteen months spent in sightseeing in New York. Michigan and other northern states. ' Ho reports a jolly time with the girls. , ' " 'J The crew of the Fchooner "Melvin," which loaded b.jie w"itti shintrles for the Wast Indies, .deserted on Friday night, leaving Capt.' Lupton in lather a b id lix. He bad tvo boys lei t, however, aui sut riail vv'eduesdiy, expecting to run in at Now Berne arid ship a full crew. . ' IMPORTANT II E VV GOODS ! NEW QOODS! ! - Mr. Heury ilornthal has jnst returned irom , New .Yprk and lialtimore where "be has purchased for Hornthal i Alexander. a complete Hue of the cboiests goods, consisting of Dry Goo;is, Notions, tilothing. Boots and Shoes, Hats, Groceries, iyO., &o. Mr. IiDrnthal s experience as a buyer is a snfflcient gnarantee of the class and quality-of our stock, and we are pre parea to sell at prices to suit the times. Call and see ua before buying elsewhere, and be convinced. ' , . '. HOBNTHAL & ALEXAIIDEU The most demoralizing show that bas visited Plymouth for soma time, gave sorui hourly oxhibitioss in the town hall Satur day afternoon and night. It cotisisted of a woman and r.iaa who came here busted" from the Edoutou Fair. The paan, acting as manager, claimed that the woman was Kitty StOlair, the only original "Hoochy Koochy" dancer in America, and many of the people here invested 10 cents to eee the obscene offair. It would havo been far better for- the town had it bought them tickets to the nest town instead of allowing them to show here. What will our city futhers encourage next? We thought darkness and cows were bad enough, but now for theui we draw the enrtaia. We are euro the ladies and the churches are with us. You can't say this time that 41 Wo couldn't help it." : Every mother should know that croup can be prevented The first symptom of lure croup is hoarseness This isi followed by. a peculiar rough cough If Chamber lain's Cough Remedy is civen freely as soon as the child becomes hoarse or even after the ooutjh has developed it will pre vent the attack 25 and "0 cent bottles for sale by For m Ic by Tl; mouth Drug Co. lm . 1 k-'--:-;---l,'---,;"-5 I would ratbur tru-t that medicine than any doctor I know of" Says Mrs Matfio iVjason ofChilfm, Carter Co.. Alo., in pVak mar. 'of Chambcrkin'B CcUc. C'Uolera nd ifitrtrbcea lieni' i!y. I'or wda by . For sale by Pi) month Drug Co. In Tlio l)smooratio Ball. TliQ' Dcmocrilio;' Ctimpsiigii Ball given'in tbo town liall Friday night laBfc '"in honor of' the Ciindidat.es, Hons:. V. A.; B. Branch, Wm.M. 13onQ;' Wm. Chesson and A. L. Oahoon, by the young gentlemen of Plymouth,' wti3.iwV grand success in everyway. At 0 o'clock tho music from To ny's ' Band filled the hall and gay belles . and ' gallant , beaux glided to and fro with, grace- and ease, keejv ing tinio .with the music in waltz, polka or quadrille. ' To mention all present would take too much time and space. There were 'about two hundred people in the hall,, among. them many visiting ladies and gentlemen from other town3, all of whom were tilled with patriotism and love for the cause of Democracy. Just over the stage hung a largo banner of national colors bearing in bold letters, "De mocracy, Bruuch, Bond, . -Chesson, Cah oon." At 12 o'clock the curtain was raised) revealing to the people a table loaded with good things to tempt the appetites of t.he-most fas ticTeous, i'o which all were invited, and" to which all 'did ample justice. For this delightful feature of the occasion is -the Democracy and gentlemen indebted to tho ladies. . At 1 o'clock the enjoyment of the eveningwas closed, and the verdict of one and all was .that Plymouth had outdone all its past efforts. MARRIED. At tho residence of the bride's fither, on, Wednesday eVftumg, Oct , 24th, Dr. llobt. W. Smit:, r-no of our most popular voung physicians, and Micj Anna Whalcy, one of our charming society belles. The marriage was very quiet, only the immediate" fimili of the ' contracting panics being present. The bBACON joins the host cf friends iu wishing for this young couple much happi ness?, jkcc aud 'prosperity. Jary List. The following named citizens were drawn by the Couuty Commissioners at their September meeting, to serve as jurJrs at the fall term of Washington county Superior Court commencing Nov. 5th : " r-LYJIOUTJI TOW SHIP. V. C. IjoWen, II. W. Sinvver, llcaa Peal, IJinij. V. Uowuu, Juo. A. Willoiijjlibjr, A b. AlIea.AV. v. a. Wiucru, Davul lliu'iixm, (,cl). J. w. Kverutt, P. AicNuir, J no ii. Buicman und Jas. 1V. llur rison. i . LER'3 MILLS TOWNSHIP. Tho. L. dies' son, luifu.-t Swain, L. J. Pcnceck, R. . Clark. K. P. l'heji,, B. W. Claon, U. U. ( hiissou. )). Li. Aiiiioli, ia. S. C'lK'saoa uud V'.,t! 'I'tiompfon. SKIiI"liR3VILtTC .TOy'NSH.IP. Lermrd Spruill, J'. 1). Stllmnn. Thompson Pat ricic, T,. JC. hiuley, Doctrin Uaver. port aud tVauk lin Tuikenton, ; eCTPPHKNOXOToWKSIUP. Dunar l!om:blue", W. J.' Biv:r, W.J, Mercer, Kicliaid U. AmliUHi'j, 'I'lios. 1). iiutcman. Jno; A. Clifioa, A. L. v'ahoon mid Thos. ii. Jlumiea. . i- : DIED. . ' '- ;: at his heme in this town on Satur day evening tit 7 o'clock, Capt. Jas. W." Swift, aged about -J5 years, of typhoid. Capt. tf wift held a posi tion with .Moss. Ilornthal & Bro., as master of the three mast "schooner ''Octttvius Coke," and stopped oif about ten days ago. He had been in bad health for some time, and many thought' he was comaunpted. For many years r.ho deceased was a con.istient member of tho iMis-siou-ary ;iptist church here, and died in the faith, feeling 'that God had forgiven 'his sins, which from tho life he lead while living leaves no doubts in-.the minds 'of his friends and. 'fami.ly. lie leaves a wife aud three small children and a large number of friends to mourn his de parture. ' The funeral services were held from tho residence on Third street Sunday, afternoon, at 3 o'clock , by Kev. B. II. Mathews and tho re mains taken to. the. old homestead near Plymouth, and in tho presence of a large' concourse i of friends were consigned'. to their-last long rest. Our sympiiihies are exteuded to the bereaved ''widow ;and orphan child ren who mourn. 11 . wlKit Hood's Ssrsap.".ri!la D4i tai ttlh the sar7 of its merit and success Remember HOOiD'S; CI! !f!ES.;'. CIIESSOUVlLIiS CHIfilES. October 22ud. : ' , Miss Anna Savage, of Eoper, ppent Sun day with Miss Eva Ctesson. This neighborhood was well represented at the Etieuton Fair last wock. Tho 4,Wild West" performfiiico was considered the mof.t interesting; feature, Capt. Uctavious Coke, Secretary of Statej spent last Wtdaeday night with Mr. Jas. A. Chesson. - Mr, 2. J. Chesson - paid a visit to Mr. Louis Chesson Saturday. . Miss Ijucie Willianis returned from a few day's visit to Miifea Lizzie and Leha Sav age, in llopcr, Suuday."; TO BE GIVEN A WAY- At wholes! o cost. a 'lot of Indies' Oxl' rd Tics Call R!id ret a pair. T. W. iJti.uut, lloptr, H. U, r "J frv, cv. .-'-n.r'c r "i.! - i .rcv3i,'' li'ifix ' , 1,..''!'f"' :iv:, i i. ' . , - c . . ..:sl i " , uvi i.' ... '11QPEU RIPPLES. TV . ... . Tv . Oct.' 23rd..-;: '.Mrs. Privott, mother of Mr. Wm. Privoft is quite sick. ' ' Capt.' Lso'of tho steamer Roberts was in Bopor last evening. Mr. K. B. Mundon is in cliargo of Mr. T. W. Blount's cotton gin. Mr. Georgb Robertson cf,Ho:eI do Eoper in quite sick at this writing. Mrs. A. T,, Mat tin 'has ' retornocl heme fioni a visit to friends at Berkley. Va. Tbero were no services at the Methodist church last Sunday on account of Pastor's illness. Quite a number of our people attended (tie .hdontou lair ami report it as being up to the average. Mr. W. H. Dailey and wife visited Mrs. Dailey's son at E City who is attending school at that place. Mr. It. G Iioper's horse 'demerit R.." captured first money as athpurorg.' bred at the Edoutou air. Miss Lucie Williams, of Chessouville, visited tne Misses lavages at liopor last Saturday aud Sunday. - Little George Flemings had another brother to arrive last Saturday and is hap pily domiciled at the parental home. One of Uncle Sams post office inspectors paid Roper office an ollicial vi&it lust iSatur. day and of course found every thing all o. k, ... Our farmars are very despondent at the price of cotton and peanuts. Tho farmers should stop planting cotton aud raise more pork. - , . ". ,. .Dr. Ilallsey, one of. the candidates for county ofilae is being urged by bis friends to stump the held and mve us the tuil issue of the day. Mr. J. II. Clark k"t a valuable cow last Thuruduy, he gave 75. for her at two years old and shd was we'll worth $100. at the time she was taken sick. 1 . Mr. Frank Wilson has been transferred from J. Mill to CreoU Mill where he is now acting chief engineer. Mr. E. L. Herring ton who has been usdstant engineer at the Albemarle mill is now promoted to engineer at J mill. These two gentlemen are . both worthy and efficient and well deserve tho promotion they have recdyed ; - If you feel weak And all worn out take SROWN'S IRON BITTERS The lowest prices yet known arts now offered by H.; Peal bu buggies wagous, road cart-, farm carts, cart wheels and all ro.td vehicles. A full lino cf Vehicles suitable for tho trade kept on hand nnd orders can be filled at short notice. ' i Chewing tho Eag You may talk about; line, cheap buggies, but proof .of the pudding is chewing -the bag, I have been jn tho business Jong .euouo:!) tO'knpw that it takes good material and lirst-class work tp satisfy the people. It may cost more to begin with but -it pays in the ond. Compare my work and prices with any you ' please and you Will convinced. I have the largest stock of bncrincs I, ever had, call and see me. II. PEAL. Plymouth, N.-C. ILL1IEEY New and fashionable Millinery and rancv (ioods are now opened at mv store in Koper, and 1 invite the pub lic to call and seo them before buy ing. New Ila'ts trimmed in the latest styles by an artistic milliner just from tho North. If you want nice, stylish goods at low price, call early and be suited. MRS.M.E.AUSBON, .28-tf lloper, K. C. NOTICE. , Having qualiSed as Adrninistrator nf the late J. II. Dowfjiug, deceased, notice is given to all persons, indebted to the said intestate to pay the samo to me, and to all holding claims sgaiust the sama to prfs-ant them within' twelve months, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. R. L. EowKure, Adui'r. Oct 7th 189 1. . UCLAS NO SQUEAKING. And other specialties for Gentlemen, Ladlea, Boya and Misses are tho Best in the World. See descriptive advertise ment which appears In this paper."" -, ' , . ,. Taka no Satatitcts. Insist n having W. Ii. DOUGIiAS' SIIOE3, with nsanoi and price igptL stamped ba bottom. Sold by SpruilT& Bro. Jy l-5in : FABHEES BEAD! '; If yoii haVo cotton seed for sale it will pay you to sco H. T. Hussoll before you sell their.. Ho pays the -highest price. ' 'Mr. UuKEell.will be in Plymouth ou .Monday Uct 1st lor t he pnrpQ.se J ot buying 'seed ami it win pay tno.se who have seed for rale to see him. . ' Per other i information avPv at tins olhcc. S3 BHO r nrtnii,iiinlii irTr LATE LOCALS- ii , Bhoei Notions; Dry Ladle' an Low Prices On all . .These goods: At,M. Owens & Co's. In time of peace prepare for war. No it is hot prepare for cold weather by going to Mathias Owens & Co s., and laying in your supply ot winter dresses. . shoes, &c, while you can get them cheap. DRESS GOODS of the latent styles r are now foiled at Matbias Owens ,-& Co'8. Their buyer has studied the wants of the ladies and the stock now displayed can not fail to please every one. Novelties in Dress goods with trynudngs to match can be fnnd at Maibias Owens & Cu's. The largest " and most carefully selected stock tver seen this.side of Norfolk aud the- price suits eyeu the Free Silver advocates, .. A well dressed lady or gentleman always wears nice shoes and . those of Pl month are simply carried away over- the large and stylish line which .Mathms Owens & Co , have just opened. No such a stock of foot wears has ever been opened in ibis town since time began. Anything from a brogan boot to the finest hand-made kid shoe. If you want Silks, Cashmeres, Worstaads Sateens, Flannels, or other dress goods in all the latest styles you can . save time and money by calling at once. on Mathias Owens & Co.. where you can be suited in goods and price. ' , ' To the People of Plym- outh, C, and AVashiiigton Oount. We wish to call your attention to tho --Lie t that "V- II. Hampton has the largest and tho best selected stock of that ever was brought to Plymouth.' Suits from $3.75 to $25.00, made up in tho latest styles. Boys, young men and. old men,, if you want a nice suit of clothes be sure aud call on- W. 3. HAMPTON, for, wo know he has the largest and the finest stock that .ever was in Washington County. ; , ' And we also .call your attention to his SHOlj; DKPAKTltfEVr. La dies' Shoes from ,85c. to $4.50 ; chil dren's shoes from 25c. to $2,50 ; Men's Boots M.25 pej pair. The best' selected lino of Gentle men's Fine Shoes ejer offered. Carey's Magnesia Flezr ijble Cement Roofing. Carey's Magnesia Flexible Roofing is sold under a guarantee, and is bet tor than any other roofing material, in that it looks better, ;sfii;oand .water proof, and is almost indestruc tible from exposure to the weather or elements; neither heat, cold, moisture, acids or gases have any in jurious affect .upon it, and it will neither rot nor decav under any conditions.' For further particulars apply to C. V. W: AusBONorll. E. Evkkett, octi-tf Plymouth, N. 0- ' ' TIME IS MONEY! I will have in stock by November 15th , : Watches from $t.50 to f 50 00, ' Watch chains from lOo. to $30.00 Solid cold Initial Rings $8.00. Finger Riugs from flo. to $15.00. ' - Ear Rings from 25o. to $5.00. Lace P4os from 5c. to ' ' Scat f Pins from 15c. fo 4 00. Clccfe Aom $1.00 to $12.00. Sewing maehine supxlies. Call aud see tho latest improved Standard Sewing Machine, at N. B. -YEAGER S. oct 21-tf RESTAURANT. EDWARD JIcjABE, PKOPEIETOR . Meals at all hours, at tlie most reasonable terms. He . also carries a fine lino of GROCERIES & ; CONFECTIONERIES- Kcay lkiukley's corner, oct2Q-'tf . Plymouth, X. C. THE CCLTEC BAEBLE WORKS, ' BTAnLISHEJO 1313. lit tolt Hiu.kSt., Nrfplk, Ya. '. toOMVMifiiTS, GiJAi'tSTONES, V.' ----- . ' at - V . ' ' V ; GoocSi: Unguis r uruibmujjs, m Uumctcry . W' vk m llnrblj and Granite. I Lew x rlc s cnottKl rnwrrbd livcru.1 at ii y p, hit mi h V -TO THE-f tan -Toriir .nu.i-cVJome mew; ,. Some slightly soiled: euS. .OFer?; 500 Men's all . .wool Second hand. .rCOO pr. Panfs. Soie payrt&fi" sughtlyscjled. , '.; 400 dollars worth Sample "Iluts ' less than wholesale price. Our store ia Chock-a-Block with goods and we can eejll them at LESS THAN FACTORY PIUCES Come and sea for yourself is all we ask. The goods MUST GQml the'caslrMUST COME. We aro' here to .cornpete with, ;lf,l comers, stock against, .stock, and , DOLLAR against DOLLAR, -Leaders pf Low Prices, Plymouth, 'N.' C ' nwTy5a'-afai ORFOIJI t SOUTIIEJIN COMPANY. . RAILROAD Schedule in effect oot, lft,18S4.' The Direct Short Line between Plymouth, Ed en ton, Eastern North Carolina and Norfolk and all points North. Steam ec leaves Plymouth 6.00 a. m., aud 4:30 p. m. . Mail Train leaves Edonton 1:25 p. ta. daily, except Sunday, arrives at Norfcl'i 4:''5 p. m. i ', Express Train leaves .Xdeo ton Daily .(except Sunday) at J8:00 a. xa. rript l iNoiiolk.ii a. m. ; ; : r .Connection made at Norfolk with j'lail and Steamer Lines, and at (Elizabeth ' Gitv with Steamer jNause and Mew B'Ve, daily (except Friday and Sunday) foKoanok Island, New aierne aud Atlantic & N. C, 1. R. Stations. Also Wilmington. Newberct and Norfolk It. R. : i The Company's Steamers leave EdentOl 12.45 p. m. as follows: Transfer Be?" to Mackey's Perry daily (eeept Sou-?) with passengers for ,X?.oper,' Tpantego,-' Be'i havrn, conoectinj? with Steamer nave p. Belle for Makleyville, Aurora, -South Creel Washington and intermediate landings. Daily, (except Sunday) for Plymouth, . at 12:45 p. in,, and 7:00 p. m. Tuesday. Thursday aid Saturday -for Chowan Ilivfr.' Wednesdays for Aioen and Salmon Creek, and Monday ,aud" JLday for Scnpper.noDg Rivqr. Norfolk passenger and freight station at Norfolk and Western 3ailroad Depot. , ' . ' I Throngh tick-ts on sale and baggaga ftfz eA i oli r,lintlral finta EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH FASI FB5I5HT IEHJ., AND PASSENGER ROUTE. -,. Daily ail rail service between fdentonj New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore an& Norfolk. v . l'hrou?h cars, as low rates and. quicker tirue than by any other route. " ' - idrent all goods to be shipped jby East' em Carolina Uispatch, as follows: From, Norfolk by N. & R R.t B.ltioiore by P. W. & B. R.- It; President St. Station, Philadelphia by Pennsylvania It. R. Dock St. Station; New York by Pcufiylva.nia R. R., Pier 17 North River. - T For further Information apply to 3, U , SMITH. Aetnt, PlymoutV, N. G , or to tbe General Offlca of the h.&S. R. IL Co., Norfolk, Va. - v: M. K. ?ING, General Manager. H. C IIDDGINS, Q. F. p. Agt. "-ATTORNEY-AT-LAW,- Washington St. PLTiioyTHrtKi Q, T. B. Wolfe, D, 8 PLYMOUTH, N.. Q CsTTteth filled or extrapled without jhj. JT. H WICrGINC, DEALER LV N'OTIONS. NOTIONS, ALSO Heavy and fancy groceries cigars, tobacco, snuff, vegetables, iruita and all I can offer buyers such prices va thV . above named goods' t'nit it ' pay them to nil. , W :itcr St.. vcxt to rnna x 'r v VLi . "V 111: V.