,1 Rcerd Breath ; Turtle, A turtle "weighing between 803 and 100Q, pounds, seven feet long, six feet wide and two feet thick, was recently canght near Baltimore. , The head was two f$et in circumference, and a man would get hi 'head in the turtle's xaoutb IU fins were aa long as a man's arm and a foot wide. It was . caught in a net, and had to be raised .jut of the net and on the chore with . a block and tackle. It required UN '' teen minutes and a crowd of men to et the turtle on the , boat. When the monster was taken off tha steamer it' required six men to turn it on a track. , It died on the boat from in juries received m being hoisted out of V the seine. The Maryland Abademy gfl .oonuwH ,4wm ' nave tne gSheH mounted. New Ynrlr Art -nor. Hew' Tela we oww um Hundred--., w . . inycutot Catarrh rrh tin" " iu calami Cure Tit oanuot be oared by tv. j.i'-XKT Co.. Toledo. O. nev fir tba limt " a? known F. J. Che. ttlhonmTy believe him pr m.I mfS b.wineee transaction. iMin m.T"? w to carry ou any oblige Wmt y the.r firm. Tmcax, Wholesale Druggists, Teledo. ; Otii. , ,"-eVio, KiivAif A Maavur, WLolkl Drurelstd, Toledo, Oh.o. n I's Caburh Cur is taken Internally, act ., lavtdrrectly upon the blood and rauooaa eur. ' rrtua, (. per dovcm. eoia oy ait JJru Tjbb revolution la Nicaragua la gaining tranath. r, DIR.TY D'irSTIX nlnnRTFP is produced by an unhealthy scaley con dition of the scalp. If it were on your ,faoe, you would'nt stop till you stop ped it. Tetterine cares it just as it cures eruptions and roughness on anv other part of the body. It is the only thing thatT.il. cur uch things. It . is 50 cents a box at drag Btores, and from , J. T. SHUPTBINE, ' Savannah, Qa Sotrmmx lumber manufacturers want to ostriot tao production o yellow pine. ' . .. i i - . tice. :' I want every mnn and woman In the United St -tea interested in Opium and Whisky Habits Ut have on of mv iwoks on the.Je dis jasea. Address B. M. W ool ev. Atlanta, Ga., tKtx 361, ani " will 'e free. A wswOhio taw prohibits the use of flctU Coos names in partnerships. Karl'H . orer Kuoc. the great blood purifier, , rtvee fre anesa and clea rnees to the complex tea ami cares constipation i6 ots.. 80 eta.. 11 toiint B'ano observatory a in Switz erland, is the highest in tua world. Mik Wiikuo ',K.i.n .a iui lurchudrnit , teetbinic. soru-u the gams reduce iu(lai..ma Uoa, allaya puin. cuiw wind i-olic. aoc.n botUe Ths French levy a tax on ooffoe to the amount of a ton. Hot Noons Chilly Nights f Fall present so many variations of tes perainre as to tax the strength aad make a pathway lor disease. Hood 's Barsaparilla will forti y the system aalnst these dangers, by nvJclng pure, healthy blood. "Sorea "MOOd'S Sra H 114 parilla ame oat oa my limbs. M Mv 1 triad different medl- llrcS iaea, I ut non helped Ry we. At iMHt my moih- 53 rr hardt)t Kood'n SarsHparilla. After tab Injr part or ottle tne sores began to heal, and after a short time I was completely cared. f e keep it in the house most of the titan. Asa lool pnrlflr I know of nothing belter." Lko St. Johk, Fairmont, Minn. Uda ilia are purely rege able, hand mad FINE THE OLD HOUSE Established 1826. " Ptirdrv-. " SeoM V 14 Wtl Richardf, "Wi)llnn k Powell " Coltt," " Lfever," " Parker," aiw) 11 nthr mkH "Also the new Seott Mante P. fin " HuiiimtImi. Imt vna Ml and which took Urt (tnmd pr( at Wort Crlo for 80ft, Now on hand. lo of hlch rie fecond hnd Ootih, Ukni la nehanirF. banralm: other Rn taken In tnde. Send Maipi for llhMtraled caUlogin and eeond-hand Hat. William Bead & Sons, 107 Washington St, BostM. , . rUASS BBITIOS THIS NKI.) vnfCI I Drilling MaclUnss WLL fcr any ijeplli. soo 2000 . MOOO : Bart Una of Porto bio and ' Cem'-Portablo tlm rhlaaa awar aaada. Drill 2 to 13 In boa in diame or. ail dopths. KTouutod aad Down Uacbinea. ataaat aad Bozae Power. Coif Pun ins Toole fo. aaUow walla. Bap too! for larcro and dear; areUa. 8aat aiaa anr dapth ycu want to drlU. LOOKSI9 tk NYMANi T ff in. Ohio Educates for Bnsiness. Pplendidly equipped. Verj Thorontrh. Expert a eont ante and court reporters at teachers. Terms liberal. Orarinats a win ted to pood positions. Wrlta for par. ticular . - J. K. 1'ORTER. Prealdent. E. S. CURT1M. Principal. Practical Business COLLECE, IIACON, GA. tJ U. Dquclag f CUfP lTMC HIT. WO. OORDOVAn, 7 EXTRA FINE. U 2.lLWBoYSScbWSH0EaL r , wa ara tba larrct maaufaotarwiw at fiHtawa)oa tat ha world, and anaraatea tkak I'iitf by ataaaplnt tba aama and; prtoa on tb ,um, whlob prttct 70Q aajnat kJgh prlooa at n i id-ern8't p refill. Our ahoaa aqual cunotj j ta rtjla, aaif Siting aad wearing aaIIUM t them anlcl araryirbcn at lower piiOMfo iTea tnan any other maka. Tionov.i -f SaaiaroaantftiUipljon, wsessn mm - , V aaada SMI Mllfl - . - B uocicroN. MASS. .... aw tut'lii taa CYCLING ACROSS CHfNl THS RKTvrATtTCABT.-B JOTJENBT OSj Threading the Desert ot GJj 0tt ;n4 PneumaUo Tires, f wWneW ..t tf I . I mT)BVifflcnlt portion of I ""a :arkable bicyole Jonr--X. ?y5cross Asia made by the ao. Amerieaiss-, Messrs. Allen ana Ba5tlebe was the crossing of JJLArt of QobL They describe psrt of their tour in the Century. 'At ITnli. it , . 'a. uvuuji luey were ueuiinnu, awatt ing the arrival of the necessary pass ports and supplies. They uttliisdthe time in stadyin the Chinese Uti guages, and in giring the final touches to their outfit. 'Our work of ' preparation was principally a process of elimination. We now had to prepare for a forced march in case of necessity. Handle bars and seat-posts were shortened to save weight, and even the laather bag gage carriers, fitting in the frames of the machine's, wh ch we ourselves had patented before leaving England, were . replaced by a couple of sleeping bags made for ns out of woolen shawls and ' Chinese oiled canvas. The cutting o3 of buttons aud extra parts of our clothing, as well as the shaving of our heads and faces, was also included by our frjends in the list of curtailments. For the same reason one of our cameras, which we always carried on our backs, and refilled at night under the bed-clothes, we sold to a Chinese photographer at Suidun, to make 100m for an extra provision b ig. "And now the money problem was the most perplexing of all. 'This alone,' said the Russian Consul, 'if nothing else, will defeat your plans.' Those Western bankers who adver tise to furnish, 'letters of credit to any part of the world, are, to Bay the least, rather sweeping in their asser tions. At any rate, our own London letter was of no use beyond tha. Bos porous, except -with the Persian, im perial banks run by an English syn dicate. At the American Bible House at Constantinople we were allowed, as a personal favor, to. buy drafts ou the various mision tries along the route through Asiatio Turkey. But in Central A ia we found that ,th? Bussian bankers and merchants would not handle English paper, and we were therefore compelled to send our letter of credit by mail to Moscow. Thither we had recently sent it on leaving Taakhend, with instructions to remit the currency to lrkutstc, Siberia.. We now ha J to telegraph to that point to reforward over the Kiakhta post-route to Peking. With the cash on hand, and the proceeds of the camera, sold for more than half its weight in silver, four and one third pounds, we thought we had sufficient money to carry us, or, rather,4 as much as we could carry, to that point ; for the weight of the Chinese money nec3ssary for a journey of over three thousand miles was, as the Bussian Consul thought, one of the greatest of our almost insur mountable obstaoles. "There being no banks or exchanges ill the interior we were obliged to pur chase at Kuldja all the silver we would need for, the entire journey of over '3000 miles. 'How much would it take?' was the question that our past experience in Asiatio travel now aided ns to answer. That our calculations were close is proved by the' fact that we reached Pekin with silver in our pockets to the value of half a dollar. Our money now constituted the prin cipal part of our luggage, which with camera and film' weighed just twenty five pounds apiece. - Most of the sil ver was chopped np into small bits and placed in the hollow tubing of the machines to conceal it from Chi nese inquisitiveness. if not something worse. We are glad to say, however, that no attempt at robbery was ever .discovered, although ; efforts t extor tion were frequent, and sometimes, as will appear, of a serious nature." When the young men finally entered the desert, their real trials began. "One stretch of fifteen miles, which it took us six hours to cover, was aj formidable as any part "of the Turko man desert along the Transcaspian Bail way. At an altitude of only six hundred feet above the sea, accord ing to our aneroid barometer, and be neath the rays of a July sun against which even our felt caps were not much protection, we were half drag ging, half pushing, our wheels through a foot of sand, and snapping at the mosquitoes swarming upon our necks and faces. These pests, which throughout this low country are the largest and most numerous we have ever met, are bred in the intermed iate swamps, which exist only through the negligence of the neighboring villagers., At night smoldering fires, which half suffocate the human in mates, are built before the doors and windows to keep out the intruding in sects. All travelers wear gloves, and a huge hood covering the head -and face up to the eyes, and in their hands carry a horse tail switch to lash back and forth over their shoulders. Being without such protection we sufiereu both day and night. , . "The mountain reshets all along the road to (Jrumtsi were more fre quent and dangerous than any w have yet encountered. Toward even ing the melting snows, and the con densing currents from the plain heat ed during the day, fill and overflow the channels that in the morning are almost dry. , One stream, with its ten branches, swept the stones and boulders over a shifting channel one mile in width. It was when wading through such streams as this, where every effort wsb required to balance ourselves and the luggage, that the mosquitoes would make up for lost time with impunity. . ith constant wading and tramp "T our Bussian shoes and stockings, one of which was almost torn off by the sir grab of a Chinese spaniel) Were no longer ill lor use Iti tlitiif place We were now obliged td purchase the fchdrtt white elttlhj Chinese ddks and fetring sandals which for mere cycling purposes and wading streams proved an excellent substitute, being light And soft on the feet and very quickly dried. The oaives of our legs, how ever, being left bare, we were obliged, for state oooasions, at least, to retain and utilize the upper por tion of our old stockings. It was ow ing t fals Bdantfaess of watctfobe that we were obliged when taking a bath by tho roadside streams td make A quiok wash of our linen, and put it bn wet to dry, or allow it to flutter from the handle-bars as we rode along. It was astonishing even to ourselves how little a man required when be yond the pale of Western convention alities. ' ' . "From Manas to Urumtsi we began to strika more tillage and fertility. Maise. wheat, and rice Wet a growing) but rather low and thin. The last is by no means the staple food of China, as is commonly supposed, except in the southern portion. In tne north ern, and especially the outlying, pro vinces it is confiidered more a . luxury for the wealthy. Millet and coarse flour,- from which the mien or dough strings are made, is the foundation, at least, fur moro than half the subsist ence of the common classes. Nor is there much truth, we think, in the as sertion , that Chinamen eat rats although we sometimes regretted that they did not. After a month or more without meat adiBh of rats would have been relished, had we been able to get it. On the other hand, we have learned that there ia a society of Chinamen who-are vegetarians from cUbree, ana still another that will eat meat of. no animal, such as the ass, horse, dog, etc., which can serve man in a better way. SELECT SIFTIXttS. Bananas grow wild in Asia and America. " Cold is now piped from, central stations, like water or gas. The first digest of the law of Eng land was made by Glanville in 1178. Sizzard, as expressive of the op posite of blizzard, has been adopted in Washington State. The tunnel of Galera, on the Oroya line, in Peru, is the highest point yet reached by a railway. Paper - ia . used in Germany in the manufacture of pianos, being employed for all of the parts which are usually made of wood. A horse shoe without nails has been invented.' It is to be held to the hoo! by clamps, and can be put on and taken off in lees than a minute. Irish bog oak is probably the best known example of workable wood dug from the ground. It is perfectly black, and has a good grain for carving. - The first four-track draw bridge in this country has just been completed near West Farms, N. Y., by the New York, New Haven and Hartford Bail road. The proprietor of one of the South em California "truck farms" is boast ing of an onion twenty-six inches in circumference, weighing seven and one-quarter pounds. The pin machines of England, Hol land and Germany turn out an aver age of 67,000,000 pins for every work day of the year. At Birmingham one factory makes 30, 000, 000 per day. In designing his thermometer, Gabriel David Fahrenheit took the lowest point reached by the mercury during the winter of 1709, at Dantzig, as his zero point. He died on Septem ber 16, 1736. The Bev. Joseph Moore was a friend of Livingstone, the explorer. After thirty years' absenoe Moore called on Livingstone and asked the maid if he was at home.' Livingstone heard and recognized the voioe from the upper landing. Sir Walter Baleigh was the first white man to use mahogany lumber. In the year 1595, while at Trinidad, he repaired one of his ships with a mahogany plank. That incident caused its introduction into England and into the commerce of the world.1 Chloroform was the result of ages of experiment in an effort to do away with the pain of surgical operations. Opium and, many other drugs had been tried with more or less success. In executions by crucifixion, vinegar, and gall, or myrrh, were given to the victim to stupefy him. ' , Food by Chemistry, Philadelphia has a chemist who be lieves that meats of all sorts and flav ors will ultimately be produced in the laboratories of the chemibt. Says ho: "Within this century I expect to see synthetic steaks, roasts and chops en tered upon the bills of fare at our leading hotels and restaurants, and they will be prepared so artistically as to appeal to the . sense of beauty as well as to the appetite. At first, of course, in order to appease the natu ral prejudices against anything so novel, a choice will be afforded be tween the real and artificial; but eventually the killing of animals for food will be regarded in all civilized countries as barbarous.- That this is not an absurd prediction, is well as sured to thoso who have observed what synthetic chemistry has already done in exactly reproducing mustard, sugar, butter, ice, lemon juice and flavoring essences, beeJes madder, turpentine and many other compounds used ex tensively in commercs." Gold has been discovered near Iebanon, lad. . .. p , Mexican Skill With the Cope. "The oowboys of New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona are all skilled in the art of rising the lasso,", said Louis Ed wards ot Santa Fe. "I used to bo in the ranching Ike" nlyself, and onoe thdught 1 Uddld throw a) rope as straight as any mail living; But that was before I mixed to any extent With the Mexioans. As good as the Ameri can oowboys are, ' they can't hold a candle to a Greaser when it comes to tho roping business. They can do things with hemp that no other mor tals dan ever hope to accomplish. As the Australian stands out pre-eminently id. throwing thd boomerang, to does the ignorant Sdn df the 'land of God and liberty' etceetl all othef men in this one accomplishment. "A Mexican will ohase a steer at full speed, and while he guides his bronoo with one hand, whirl his rope with the other, and it isn't onoe in a thou sand times that the noose will fail to catch jdst where the rider meant. A favor its trick with them is to stick a lot of long-handled knives in ths ground close together within ths limits of a narrow circle, and bet with ' out siders that they can ride past at race horse speed and piok up any one of the knives designated with a rope. They are good marksmen with the ride, too, but in this regard the cowboys are fully their peers." Washington Post. . ' - . : An Aluminum Tldllih Before the members of the American Science Association, in Brooklyn, Dr. Alfred Springer, of Cincinnati, pro duced an aluminum violin, which was played by M. Sohoele, It produced an enormous volume of tone, fully five times that of sn ordinary wooden in strument. There were a variety of opinions as to the quality of tho tone. Some musicians declared that the quality was not as good as a wooden one for solo work, but that it would prove good in orchestra wor Others took the opposite sido on the quo&tiou entirely. Atlanta Constitution. BUDS, Society bads, youny wo men just entering the doors of soci ety or woman hood, require tbe wisest care. To be beautiful and rharminr they must have perfect health, with all it implies a clear skin, rosy cheeks, bright eyes and good spirits. At this period the young woman is especially sensi tive, and many nervous troubles, which continue through life, have their origin at this " time. If there Da pain, headache, backache, and nervous dis turbances, or the general health not rood, the judicious use of medicine should be employed. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion is the best restorative tonic and nerv ine at this time. The best bodily condition results from its nee. It's a remedy spe cially indicated for those delicate weak nesses and derangements that afflict wo menkind at one period or another. You'll find that the woman who has faithfully used the "Prescription" is the picture it health, she looks well and she feels well. In catarrhal inflammation, in chronic dis placements common to women, where there are symptoms of backache, dizziness or fainting, bearing down sensations, disor dered stomach, moodiness, fatigue, etc., the trouble is surely dispelled and th sufferer brought back to health and good spirits. " WOMAN'S ILLS." Mas. w. r. Bvras, or ffnfvftfj Dilworth. Trumbull Of., $Ki- jhio, write : "A few years ago I 00k Doctor Pierce' favorite Prescription, Thich has been a great wnefit to me. I am ia xcellent health now. J hope that every vro aan. who ia troubled r i t h ' women 'a ilia, ' ill try the 'Preacrip ion' and be benefited a I have been." Mas. Batxs. Fresh Air and Exercise. Get all that's possible of both, if in need of flesh strength and nerve fofce. There's need,too, of plenty of fat-food. , Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil builds up flesh and strength quicker than any. other preparation known to sci ence. : Scot ft Emulsion is constantly ef " fecting Cure of Consumption, Bronchitis and kindred diseases where other methods fail. ; i Prepired br Boot! A Bowaa. N. V. All Srnrcltta. 3 Dollars or Kicko for. women, according to whether they do, or don't uo, meir wasmng in a sensible way. it they use Pearline, it means good, hard dollars saved. jreariinc is .11- ruDDing ana n aTO a See the troubles that women have to endure with' r ways of washinsr. There's that hard 'wearing- OA othei f out w run. ruh rnh or thf &U3 11 )uu uy iu majvc it easy, vvasning wicii JL-carunc is absolutely safe. ; . Qpfirl Peddlers and some unscrupulous grocers will tell ytti " tin's fa ns good &eH VJCIIUL or "th same as rearline." IT'S FALSE IVarliiic is rover peddled, if. 1 and if your grocer sends you something in place cf Pearline, be . JDciCK honest tend it tot. 8 MMES TVJLE, New Ywk. Msoutely Pure "I regard the Royal Baking Powder as the best manufactured and in the market." s - .... Author of "Common Sense u iihe Household." Remedies for Colds and Asthma. The European edition of the New Tork Herald says : Attacks of asthma may be brought on by the most varied and singular causes ; different sorts of scents, the odor of raspberries, as was the case of Claude Bernard ; the smell of hay, the yapor of a sulphur match that has just been lighted, the dust from oats or powdered ipecaonanha. One patient will have asthma in the North, but will be free from it in the South ; another will have asthma in Paris, but will be perfectly well in Vienna ; still another will have the most terrible attacks as long as he is in Egypt, but will be relieved as soon as he gets to sea. It is generally admitted nowadays that the attaok of asthma is dne to a spasm of the inspiratory muscles, and that the origin of the trouble ' is some stimulation of the nasal mucous mem brane. On the other hand, it is also known that a vigorous stimulation of the mucous membrane of the nose may put an end to an attaok of asthma ; therefore in this purely nervous phe nomenon the same cause may either bring on or put an end to the attaok. It is on this peculiarity that are based a certain number of methods of treatment of an attack of asthma, and the latest born of these methods con sists in sniffing eau de oologne. My readers may remember that I made known to them the process whereby M. Roux, of Lyons, cuts short colds in the head and chest at their begin ning. It consists in having the patients inhale by the mouth and nose for about two minutes and four or five times a day about fifty drops of col ogne water. It 111 now claimed that thV same method will put an end to an attack of asthma. Here, again, is a very simple formula for a powder recommended by M. Naguet, of Chatellerault, to stop at tacks of asthma and which acts in the same way as cologne, water : Powdered snuff .5 grammes Camphor. . , ....... 5 pranvnes Menthol ..0.15 ountlgr. When the first symptoms are felt, giving warning that an attack is com ing on, it is enough to sniff into eaoh nostril a pinch or two of this powder every quarter or every half hour to set up a lively irritation of ths mucous membrane with sneezing and copious secretion, while at the same time the attaok of asthma stops. "Starboard" and "Larboard." The words "starboard" and "lar board," as used in the nautical vocab ulary, are from' the Italian words questa borda, meaning "this side," and quella borda, "that side. " , Ab breviated these two. phrases appear as sta borda and la borda, and , by the corruption of languages were soon rendered "starboard" and "larboard" by English sailors. Years ago an or der of the admiralty discontinued the use of "larboard" and substituted "port," Atlanta Constitution. TV rala. Salfaoekia. Caatral PIt Revolver rtoml meklaPlatod. Bubbar i maaie,n,a er u uaiiDerii IOC SAW. O. -ido. Send' VLu Ad to M IM wa will exn. ' ro wo k eket Ogata, O. O. O. UM, aad 1 SavBlnrcMna with Pi MMaahaatlM, Wlnaton Cr CO..WUrKa.4 4 S N U 41 economy. All . that ruinous .1. . mat makes you buy linens nannels twice as otten as you ui-rpj ara ir. , need to, is spared, to say nothing of vour time and labor. - - rnntYfr rf mining- tKIn.-re with Self Help. There is nothing which is so trivial as discontent. Nothing which will so ruin a boy's life. We do not' meaa that it is best to sit down and not bet' ter your condition ; ony healthy mind must do that, but be glad while you are doing it that you can do it, , and do not cast an envious eye at another man's progress. Look at him only to learn something. The man who pines for other peo ple's lives is not only silly1 but stupid. The world you covet was not made by discontented people, who are always looking about for something better to do. You may want to travel, to see great works of art, and beautiful cities. Do you ever realize that these things were created by people who stayed afc home and did their proper tasks and did it gladly and joyfully? You have the sam6 world to live in that other men have had, and' what you do of yourself counts, and every bit of as sistance which you take from another weakens you so much and makes you small in the eyes of men.-Atlanta Constitution. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement s&4 tends to personal : enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's bebi products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced ia tha remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to Its presenting in the form most acceptable and plea-, ant to the taste, tbe refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. -' Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug- , gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is mat: ufactured by the California Fig 8yru, Co. only, whose name is printed on ever; package, also the name, Syrup of Fig . and being well informed, you will r Accept any substitute if ofiered. SPECULA! Wheat n w at the rat Price of the cen tury. Corn crop nearly ru ned. 1000 bu helsrao be bought on f 10 ranrniu giving vou tbe brncflt ot all the advance dame an it bought outrlglu. St nl ior our tree booklet "How o Trad1." O. F. VAN WINKLE & CO , Room 45, Z33 La BaUd St., Cntcago. 5 McELREES' WINE OF CARDUI. x For FemalB Diseases. ? I I BCU Couch fcjrnp. Taia Uotid. TJM 1 I In time. Bold br dnnnrinf. t I I .jr;r" i vMMJm ' mt "- ' I Mil mii.

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