LOW SPIRITS. - ... ... r. . F -V A i Iho Official Paper of Wash ingtoii; County, . Published Every Friday by Thb Koaob PuBjwaaiNa Company. Lntjbiin World. Ia the battle of lift even the active au ed to what Some uere arc times wLeu oursfreons are subWt. u ' - - " 'ie.ommonlw rillri H-iiun " W. FLETCHER AUdB-JK, Editor au(?"fl Business Manager. tiubecnpUon price, JljQOpery Advertisement incited at loi Obitunry nonce exceeding.-- . Allue. Count Ilia word-i 1V .. i nd send money with Aiv 'owing eight to the line .mnraillo ortet t corr&pondepy J9be responsibly lor the views 'rfHS,'- or publication nwwt fco acwmu&nied Correyg,. fi ameofth4i writer. . nai.anli ar riii AAtjwl nnl li vrlt.fi an bnt rates. iiie, five cents , v Mb f the paper. I rAmmnniMiUiu mnfi V ont In huThnrtulAV Aorulng or they win not appear, r -r Address ! wommanicAitons to " ' THE liOANOKE BEACON, . PLymonth. N. 0 We appeal t ev-ary reader of Thi Roanoke fic&cOM, to aid in making ium acceptable and profitable medinm of news to our citizen?. Let Vlvmmith neonle and the Dublic kuow WQat is golog on la Plymouth. Rejtort to as all Item of yew the arrival and departure of friends, social veut, deaths, sorioui iliuecs, accidents, new Vulldings, new enterprises and improvement of uhatvtr character, chantexin business indeed anything and everything that would be of interest y our people. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9,1894. tfORTU CAROLINA JSAF& The returns np to this writing is sufficient to show that North Caro lina has gone Democratic by a good majority, though that party has lost heavily. Democrats will control the Legis lature by a small majority, and the Judicial ticket , has been elected. The returns show that the Democrat ic Judges are elected with a majority oi between 5,000 and 10,000. . . A heavy vote has been been polled . all over the State. In some counties the Populists elected their county tickets, in-' others fusion was com plete. 1 DEMOCRATS LOSE. ' It is conceded that the Democrats have sustained heavy Losses all over - t.h a country. There seems to have " t . been a Benublican landslide. New ' York goes Republican by over 100, 000. .. It is now thought the next Congress and Senate will be under the -Republicans. The Populists ' '. don't seem to have gained anything in the way of a victory, unless they consider the defeat of Democracy a , victory on their side. : - It is yet tco early to say what the . Republican majority is or will be. We have to go to pres3 too early to give a very correct report of the election, but will do so in our next. ySwaj to the oppression' as the of a subu'it8 10 lbe filtttl iliflueno Xfe drujj;.. feome partially resist and be- ome irniaijic, nervona a:id unrouRonu.e, while many, looking through the atni s phere ei.veloi.ing tbein, see iha world going wrong, and every uiau'd hnud tarued agaiubt them. In most cases the failure to resist despondency makes the ri-iieti.ioa of attacks more frequent and burdensome. The pause producing the cocditions are generally physical,' brought on by nervous reaction, dlstippointment, defeat of plaLS or physical ailment, and" perhaps in inosl oases the rrsnlt of dyspepsia, reducing the physical toue below normal. Every fail. nre to exercise the will power m reoistiug depression ( spirits uinLes tha next effoit more difficult. . . - It ia a notabTe fact.that many business mistajtes are made tinder the influtnee of au attacS cr the "nines. A cenneman recently said in onr office that he had sud denly tiven up his bu9incsst writing tie request to he released from Lis contract obligation, while under such a spell. We doubt not that a large proportion of t in ployes who give up work suddenly are led to make the step because of the seuskive condition of mind they are iu.'at the time Professional men, and some in high plucks, are not ' exempt from it. Despondeucy makes men hopebsg ami pesimi.Uc, saps ambition und energy ; while hope buoys np and stimulates. The world sees the sparkle of hope in the eye of the earnest, man, but turns its back on the pessimist. There arfl notub o examples of persons who recognized their weakness in this re spect, aud, by persistent effort, wore able to mist the aila:kor ward it off. Daniel Webster, after one of his grtat efforts, was subject to a vio'-ent nervous reaction, aud his remedy was to p'ay chess for houis, if necessary, to recover his normal condition. Miss Phebe Gary, .when "out of sorts,' would go to her room and rest until her serenity of 60ul was restored " An emi nent physician onc told us that it was his habit to attend ome entertainment regu. larly once a week to relax his nerves and prevent the condition of body aud mind that superjrduocs low spirits. A promi nent minister claims to have cured himself by riding a wheel. A mother of eight boys preserved a lovely and serene condition of mind, which left its im press on her family, by retiring for a quiet prayer at th first Fymptom of .in Mat ion. Worn, tired and irritable people are subjects of sympathy, aud their coudition is often changed by a sympathetic or hopeful word, but if they lose all hope, their condition is deplorabla. This is more likely to b the cass with idle people. Those who are at work have less time for blues. Those who are over worked 6hould have a change, if possible, for relaxation. Many a boy has been awakened by being put to work, or bv being encouraged in his work. Let those who arc inclined to become low spirited study their needs, and liud in some oi these or other diversion a reuedy, and they wiil be surprised at the result. The small pox in the city of Washington is still holding its own. It seems hard to get it undsFControh The President lias set . apart - Thursday, November 20th as a day of Thanksgiving and prayer in these United States. Ip is proper that a season be set apart for prayer, but the people should be thankful at all times and not wait for the President to call their attention to such a duty. . It is charged that fraud was com. mitted in thi3 county on the day of election. Of course it was expected that such charges would be made, as js always the ease, but as an honest Pemocrat wo hope the matter will bo investigated, and if iraud has been committed by a Democrat that he mav be exnoaed. Wo believe that elections should be held fairly, and - the man who commits fraud should be punished. Democracy, as we understand it, means honesty, and if it proves less we are ready to con demn it. Wo had rather see the party forever out of power than to know it held its power by fraud. In case of fraud, as charged in this county, it is hard to place the crime upon the proper person, there fore men should be very; careful what charges they make, and should be prepared to prove them. Ilanry WilHm, the postmaster at Welsh ton, Florida, says he cured a case of diar. rbasa of long Btandina' in ix honre, with one small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy "What a Dleasant snprije that must haye been to the sufferer Such cures are not unusual with thia remedy. Id many, instance only on or two dopes are required to give permanent relief. -It oan always be depen ded upon. Wheu reduced with wteritis Peasant io take For wle by Plymouth Drag Cb. lm For pain in the side or chest there is nothing so pood as a piece of flannel dam. pened wita Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on oer the set of pain. It affords prompt and permiueut relief and if used in time will ofien prevent a co.d from result ing in pneumonia- This same treatment is a sure cure for lam bank. For sa!o by Plymouth Drug Co lm ONCE MORE. Across the years that intervene. Once more we met; Across the river dark between, Where flits above the waves serene. Dim-eyed Regret. Once more as eyes looked into eyes And hand clasped hand, We saw the pale young moon arisa And tremb'e into the sapphire skies That kissed the laud. We 6aw the moonlit waves un6hoathe Iheir blades of light; We heard the sad -voiced night-wind brenths And caught the gleam of stars that wreathe The brow of night.. The dreary Past behind us lay. It woes forgot; The snadowy Future fled away, We only knew the swe'et To-day And grief was not. No shadow of relentless Fate; But hand in hand, We stood beside the golden g tte Through which we longed to pass elate Into Love's laud. But surged the river back between, And ever vet Across its rippling silvery sheen, There flits above its waves serene Dim-eyed Regret. Lula E. Clark. . LA DIRS flinya tonic, or childre l who want bulid luff iir, should take BROWi'-SiaOS BITTEES. -a" ri.,,nnt cured Malaria, Ifi-!i.'tlon, ;VuTwr toaiplciiit! aud t-ci.rulji Danger From Catarrh, . The -most important feature about that very common complaint, catarrh in the bead, is its tendency to develop iuto 80oi6 other moie serious and dangerous disease. The foul matter dropping from the head into the - bronchial tubas or longs is very liable to lsad to bronchitis or consumption, that distroyer which causes more deaths in this country than any Other disease. As catarrh .originates ia impurities in tho blood. loal applications can do but littlo good. The common sense method of treatment to purify the blood, and for this purpcea there 13 no preparation superior to Hood's Sarsaparilln. 'Ihe powerful action cf this medicine upon the blood expels ".every inr jHirity, and by so dciiu;; cures Citarrh and I tires health to the entire orpacisui, It . 1 H " ' I. W" .. . neesr t. J I '.9 t t Only a car Remains Scrofula Cured Elooci Purlflod by - Hood's Safsaparilla. " C. I. Ilood & Co., Lowell, Muss. : " It Is with ploasur.8 that I send a testimonial concerning what Hood's Sarsanarllla- has ddfco for my daughter. It is a wonderful modicino and Ieauuot recommeiul it too liighly. Saia, who is fourteen years pi J, has been Afflicted With Scrofula ever since she was one year old. Tor five years she has had a running sore on one side of her face. AVe tried every remedy recommended, but nothing did her any good u itll we commenced using Hood's Sarsararilla. My married daughter ftdviuedmeto use Hood's Sursaparilla becauso V3Pr Cures It had cured her of dyspepsia. She had been troubled with that complaint since childhood, and since her cure she h:iH never been without a battle of Hood's Sarsaparilla in tho house. We commenced giving it to Sarah about one year ago; aud it has conquered, the running sore, Only a Scar Remaining as a trace of the dreadful disease. Previous to taking the medicine her eyesight was affected but now sho can see perfectly. Iu connection with Hood's K:u-sap:irii' t vc h:ie used Hood's Vegetable l'ills, and find them tho best." Mrs. Mauia Gkikfik, Xenia, Illinois. Hood's PiHs euro nausea, siek headache, Indigestion, biliousiisss," SoU by all druggl3t TIME 18 MONEY!. I will have in stock by November 15th Watches from $1.50 to $53 On, Watch chains from 10a to $30 00 Solid cold lni'inl Uings $3.00. Finger Rings from "a. to $15.00. Ear Rings fun; 2oo. to $5.00. Lace Pios from 5c. to $5 gcarf Pins fro n 15. to $4 00. Clc ck fioni $1.00 to $12 00. Sewing linichine supplies. Call ami see the latest improved Standard Sewing Machine,., at octw-tr it B. YEAGER'S. EESTAUEANT. EDWARD Mc3ABE, PUOPinKTOU Ideals at all hours, at the most reasonable terms. Ho also carries a line line of GROCERIES & CQNFECTI0XERIE& Xo;ir Urinkley's eonier, oct25-if rivtiumili, N. C. 5'. XI. WIGGINS DEALER, IN N'OTIONS. NOTIONS. ALSO ' Heavy and fancy groceries, cigars, tobacco, snuff, vegetables, fruits and all I can olfer buxcrs such prices on the above named goodj that it will pav them to cull. J. H- VIGGINS, Water tit., i.ext to Bryan's Drug Store, Plymouth, N, 0. my lG-tf MILLINERY New and fashionable Millinery and Fancy Goods aro now opened at my store, in Uoper, and I invite the pub lic to call and see them before buy ing; ' , Kew Hals trimmed in the latest styles by an artistic milliner just from the North. If you .want nice, stylish goods at low prices, call early and be suited. MRS. M. E-AUSB0N, sep 2S-:f Eoper, N. C. PLfflUTH C ABM AGE C0KPAKY rt. ater Street. We have opened a Carriage Factory on Water etreet, where we propose to tuauu. factnro bUfigies and other road vehicles cheap-r tinu they have ever been sold in this section ; ' Open Utiggios, . $55.00. Top Utiggios, - - - 65.00. Cart Wheels,' - . - 10.00. Did you ever . hoar . of -such low prices? We make a specialty of horse-frhoeing and repair work of all kiuds When you want woik done in oar, line call on ns aud wn - will goarantee satisfaction. Quick suled and small profits. . - , W.T.ROSE. $ '; J L LI i W f 1 ' i 01 : ' MWW. IllllliiSffi ; L ' .; I6YWWTO S AVE A DOLLAR? A1S HSglstf, I2erc Are ome BAlSCwAlKS. A car load'bagging and ties at wholesale prices. Peanut bags as low as the Lowest. The largest stock of fcHOBEHIES ever shown by any retail store in this section. I buy lit round lots of headquarters. Make the ternls the same and I will meet the prices of any man on earth. ,IBI8, " ISJ Vc. ; "" ' '0 ;--' ' $ rV.:.. vi IT I f ; si - M mi in heaps and piles, well-made, good fits and la test styles, Prices as good as any man's. My lsf the B.EST-'sdIdv assd as a any Soaatla off -No'rffolb. Thos. W. Blount, .. . ' : Roper 9 H. C

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