hs -Roanoke Beacon. The Official Paper of Wash ington County. PLYMOUTH. N.C. Entered In the Pott Office at Plymouth N, C, tu teoniii68 Blotter. . FK1DAY. NOVEMBER 30, S94. Clearing Out We will sell our entire stock ot Dry goods, Clothing, Shoes, Ladies' Cloaks and Capes, and everything else kept in a first class store for EEXT 30 DAYS AT AND Below Cos On account ot hard times we are compeled to sell the goods and THEY MUST SO Heavy Homespun 3c Yd wide Cottons 4c Best Calicoes 5c Men's wool suits $2.00 Boy's suits 1,50 Children's suits 0.50 Men's pants 0.50 All wool boys knee pants 25 Men and Ladies shoes 75 Capes & Cloaks f 1,50 up Ladies Hats 25c UP 3Fur Trimming 10c. up and all other goods in pro portion. Everybody come and be sure to bring the cook and all your friends along. Get here before the rush is on and goods picked over, llespectfully, Schultz, the poor man's friend, Brinkley'a corner opposite Market House, Plymouth, IV. C W NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS , . t ' , When you see au X on the margin of yoar paper it means that your subscription Lau expired, it is also an invitation for you to renow. Please remember this and don't let us have to Btop your papor. Thb Biacon will be gent to any address one year ff 81-00. Mix ontlis, 50c t Three Mon ha, 25c. livt'ry hubscriptiou matt bo accompa nied with thu cask or uopmiiii- will be sent. BEACON FLASHES. Court at Wnshingtou this week. Send your job work to this office. County Commissioners will bo in session next Monday. Attorney H. S Ward has been attending Beaufort court this week. Mr. IJ. S. Owens Rnd family left Wed nesday moruiug for Baltimore, Evangelist J. T. Jenkins preached for the colored people Sunday afternoon last. Mr Ft. Peal made a trip to Washington this week to deliver oue of his tine vehicles We are a little late to.day, owing to the fact that business in our otile was suspend ed yesterday. The Baptist elrareh was crowded to its utmost capacity Tuesday night to witness the baptizing ceremony. Don't, under any circumstances, send out of town for any article which you can obtain Trom the home merchant. Rev. J. L. Uumley, of the M E. church, baptized oue candidate by immersion at Peacock run on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. P. N. Ansboti is rusticating this week at Mackay's Ferry, as the guest of Mis. Fannie Korniau and other friends. Judging from the non observance of Thanksgiving in our town yesterday, our people are not veu thankful ihat they are living. Mess. V. A. Blount and Ed Leary, of Roper, passed through town Monday, on bicycles, enrouto lor &ixth Lauding on the N . S. road. Rev. J. T. Rowe and wife, of Aurora, N. C.,have been visiting Mrs Rowe's mother, Mrs. lsauc Harrison, near this town, for the past week. The fiui of Norman & Blount has been dissolved. The business is to be continued by Mr. M- J. Norman, at the old stand, so we are informed. We enjoyed a p!easant cull on VVednee day from Mr. aud Mis. J. F. Snell, of SkinnersvUie. Mr. Snell called to renew his subscription for another year. Miss Loula Tucker had the misfortune to fill from a cart ytsterday while out riding with friends. She received painful, but we are glad to say not serious injuries, TO BE GIVEN AWAY At wholesale cost a lot of Ladies' Oxford lies Call and set a pair. T. W. Blount, Roper, N. 0. The meetings at the Baptist chnrch closed Tuesday night, at which time seven candidates were baptized by the pastor. Eleven new members were added to the church during the meeting. The Evening Messenger is a new dtily papr pul!iliea in Wa.slnuglou, a. u., by Ij B. Cox & Co We du not see why a Iiva tr-.wn Wka VVuuhitifrrfin KliitnUl lint, liftvf a daily, ai.d we nope oar young faends will Od able to inuke tuo aiessenger a biiccess. The young gentlemen of the town gave a most deiigh.ful entertainmeut last night at the home of Mr. 0. I). Loaue. There were about fifteen couple present and all seemed highly pleased. We wirth we had time and space to give a crtditab.e report. We would have published the specifica tions for the bridge at Peac ck sw.mp if they had been furnished us. but they were not, Induce tLo.se wishing to make bids inufct call on the Register of Deeds for the specifications, 'lhe contract will be let next Monday to the lowest bidder. IIORNTHAL & ALEXANDER offer Speciul Bargains on Olothiug, Cloaks, Blankets, Carpets, Harness, Boots and Shoes. Gall at once and bo convinced. It is with much regret that we chronicle the sudden death of ttev. T. B. Haughton which occunvd at his home in '.Viliiauistou Wednesday niuht Mr. Haughton was in our town ou Wednesday afternoon as well as usual and lhe aunouuceuientof hi dcaih was a shock to his numerous friends here. Elsewhere in this paper will ba found the lhanks of Mr. Jno. D. Ambrose to the people of ihis town aud county for the aid given him recently in building a new home in place of the oue distroyed by fire. Mr. Ambrose seems very thankful to all his frierds for the manner in which they have treated him. If vou want to "cet on to" the financial situation Inst tok!e ome fellow with the gable eud of his pants out. who fpeuds his time in sitting ou trie renoe corners ana attending coou huuts. lie can tell you iiikt how the tfovernuient's finances ehould be managed, but he canuot man ge to keep his wire out ot tne neiu, nis cunureu at school or meal ia the barrel Cherokee Scout. The hard times brought the Democratic party into power: tne same cause lately restored the Republican party. The same agency may defeat the Republicans two years hence. The people are striking in the dark; they know something is wrong. We hold that Democratic principles offer the only reasonable solution of the problem. aud if the party will strike for genuine re form there is no reason to rear the conse quences. Webster's Weekley. W. A. Mc Guire, a well known citizen o f McKay, Ohio, is of the opinion that there is nothing as good for .children troubled with colds reroupasUuamberlam suougu Remedy He has used it in bis family for several years with the best results and al ways keeps a bottle of it iu the house. After having la grippe he was himself troubled wiih a severe cough. He used other remedies without benefit aud then concluded to tiy the children's medicine and to his dc.ight it soon effected a per. maoedt cure. 25 and i0 cent bottles For sale by Plymouth Drug (Jo. lm The lowest uncos jet knou are now offered by H. Peal on buggies, wagons. road carts, farm carts, care wheels and all rotd vehicles. A full line cf Vehicles suitable for tle trade kept on hand and orders can be filled at short notice. Bishop's Visitations Rt-Rev. A. A. Watson, Bishop of East Carolina, will fiill his appointments in this section as follows: Grace Church, Plymouth, Sun. Dec. Oth St. Lukes, W ash., Co., Sunday " 23d Ch. of Adv't, Roper, (at night) " 23d St. David's, Scuppernbng,- Tues. " 23th St. Andrews, Columbia, Wed. " 26th St. John's, Gum eck. Thurs - 27th ROPER RIPPLES. November 27th. Mrs. H. P. Macoy is visiting her father at Enfield. We are glad to know the prices of cottcn and peanuts are advancing. The Ashly House is becoming to be a popular rssort for the hungry. Mr. C A. Moom lost by death his in fant child last Saturday morning. There will be a Lodge of Royal Arch Masons formed at Roper in the near future. John Newby is ia charge of the barber shop, aud seems to be giving entire satin faction. Mr. D. R. Jones and family are away on a visit to their parental home in Gates county. Mr. E. S. Cahoon is at Gilmerton, Va., rebuilding the lumber sheds that were burned a few days ago. There was a marriage in town last Sun day moruiug but we failed to learn the names of the contracting parties. The Masonio Fraternity at Roper are en deavoring to raise a neat little sum to be sent to the orphans at Oxford as a Thanks, giving offering. The Hotet Robertson is doing a good business and suould be patronized if we wish to have a first-class botel, which we could hardly do without. Miss Lethia Daily gave a sociable at her father's residence last Thur-day night. Those who attended report a good lime playing games, courting, fcc. Rev. Mr. Merritt will preach at Pleasant Grove next Sunday morning, aud at Roper at uight, which will end his year's work for the conference year. His people wish him returned auothor year. Mr. T. W. Blount is having built a Town Hall, which is much needed. After it is 'finished wo expect to engage Opera troupes and public speakers, &c. Why Roper is coming to the front. CHESSONVILLE CHIMES. November 27th. We learn that Mrs. W. M. Chesson is no better. Mrs. Warren Cahoon visited Plymouth Monday. Mr. Lloyd Creecy has been Bick for several days. Miss Lizzie Savage spent Saturday night with Miss Lucie Williams. Miss A una Savage spent several days with Miss Claud Chesson last week. Mrs. W R. Chesson passed through hero ou her return aoiua last week. Thursday will be Thanksgiving, and the school in our place will take holiday. Mrs Jesse Hortou and little Lloyd spent several days wi'.h the family of her father, Mr. Jas, A. Ctusaoti, la,t week. The remains of Mrs. Alexander, wife of Mr. David Alexander, of Tyrrell county, were brought home Hunday for interment. There will be a dance at the residence of Mr. Edward Blount Thursday night, which will no doubt be much enjoyed by the participants. THANKS RETURNED. I take this method of returning my heart felt thanks to the generous public for the aid so freely given me iu my recent misfor tune. "A friend in need is a friend indeed.'' This truth was never more fully illustrated than it has beeniu my case. A few months age it was my misfortune to lose by fire my house aud all its conteuts. Being very poor I did not know where to go or what to do for shelter for myself and family, but, thanks to Him who cares for all. a way was provided. My neighbors and frienda came to my aid and a temporary place of abode was given, and on the site where stood my old home now staods a new one, placed there by friends. It is impos sible for me to adequately express my heartfelt gratitude. Yours gratefully, Jno. D. Ambrose. DESOLU HON NOTICE. The firm of Norman & Blount composed of the undesigned was this day disolved by mutual cod Hen , the aid H. A. Blount bav. iug Hold hi? eutire interest iu the property of Norman & Blount to M. J. Norman & Co, All persons indebted to the firm of Nor man & Blount will pay their debts to M. J. Normau & Co. All debts of Norman & Blount, known by M. J. Norman & Co., will be paid by the latter Witness oar hands, this November 27, "J4 M. J. Norman, H. A. Blount RESTAURANT. EDWARD McGABE, PROPRIETOR Meals at all h6urs, at the most reasonable terms. He also carries a fiue lino of GROCERIES & CONFECTIONERIES. Near 15rinkley's corner, oct23-tf Plymouth, X. C. TH E PAST guarantees the future. It is not what we say, but what Hood's Sarsaparilla. does, that tells the story. Remember HOOD'S CURES ATCOST WE LEAVE PLYMOUTH Jan 1st '95 And now offer our entire stock of goods at New York O ost to save paying freight to carry them away. This is the time to secure the cheapest goods ever bought in Plymouth. Thanking the people of Washington county for past favors, wo are Respectfully, Backet Store, Leaders of Low Prices, Plymouth, N. C. TASTELESS mi n n i TU U kali: IS J UST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE GOcts. GAI.ATIA, ILLS., NOV. 1G, 1893. Pari Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. (iontlemen: Wo sld lust year, COO bottles of GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC ond hove bought threo gross already this year, in all our ex perience of 14 yenrs, in the drug buBlnows, have never sold an article that gave such universal satis taction as your Tonic. i'ourn truly, AlXY, CAHH & CO, means so much more than you imagine serious and fatal diseases result from trifling ailments neglected. Don't play with Nature's greatest gift health. If you arefeelitie out of sorts, weak and generally ex hausted, nervous, have no appetite and can't work, begin at once tak ing the most relia ble strengthening medicine, which is Brown's Iron Bit ters. A few bot tles cure benefit comes from the very first dose U won't stain your teeth, and it's pleasant to take. It Cures Dv5Peo5fa. Kidney and Liver p t Neuralgia, Troubles, r rVinctli-nf ln FUsuwl A Malaria. Nervous ailments women s compiamis. 4 Get only the Rcnuioe Htias crossed Ted f lines on the wrapper. All others are tub- 4 will ftfnri rift nf Tttd BMutifiil Worlds 4 rrrtt Aueuirti rr aw tihAdc titr 4 BROWN'S IRON BITTERS cures Djrnpepsia, In-digs3tin-:s Debility. 1 1 J X&. JU. .JA k I I Poof ; Health ; . : Brown's Iron : Bitters i i c LATE LOCALS- Hats. Shoes. Notions. Dry Gcods. . Ladies' and Gents Furnishing. Low Prices On all These goods At M. Oweus E Co'. In time of peace prepire for war. Now it is hot prepare for cold weather by fifing to Mat Lias Owens & (Jo s., and laying in your supply ot winter dresses, shoes, fcc., while you can get them cheap. DRESS GOODS of the latest stylos are now found at Mathias Owens & Co'?. Their buyer has studied the wants of the ladles and the stock now displayed can not fail to please every one. Novelties in Dress goods with trimmings to match can be fonnd at Maihias Owens & Co's. The largest and most carefully selected stock ever seen this side of Norfolk and the price suits even the Free Silver advocates. A well dressed lady or gentleman always wears Dice shoes aud those of Ph mouth are simply carried away over the largp and 6t,vlish line which Mathias Owens & Co , have just opened. No such a stock of foot- weare has ever been opened in this town since time began. Anything from a brogan boot to the finest hand-made kid shoe. If you want Silks, Cashmeres, Worstaeds Sateens, Flannels, or other dress goods in all the latest styles you can save time and money Dy calling at once on Mathias Oweus & Co.. where you can be suited in goods and price. To the People of Plym outh, N. C, and Washington Countv. We wish to call your attention to the fact that W. H. Hampton has the largest and the best selected stock of that ever was brought to Plymouth. Suits from 13.75 to $25.00, made up in the latest styles. Boys, young men and old men, if you want a nice suit of clothes be sure and call on W. H. HAMPTON, for we know he has the largest and the finest stock that ever was in Washington County. And we also call your attention to his SHOE DEPARTMENT. La dies' Shoes from 85c. to $4.50 ; chil dren's shoes from 25c. to $2.50; Men's Boots-61.25 per pair. The best selected lino of Gentle men's Fine Shoes ever offered. NOTICE. Having qualified as Administrator of the lute J. U. Downing, deceased, notice is given to ail persons indebted to the said intestate to pay the same to me, and to all holding claims against the same to present them within twelve mouths, or this nonce will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. R. L. Downing, Adtu'r. Oct 7th 1894. PLYMOUTH Nathan Toms, Ph. B., (Univ. H- C ) Principal, Mrs- E. A. Carter, - - Music Teacher.' STEICTLY NON-SECTAEIAIT Fall term begins on Monday, Sept., 10th, LOCATION. Plymouth situated at the terminus A. & K. li. li., and has daily commu nication with all points on lioanoke and Cishie liivers. The healthfuhusg and morality of tlie town aio exceptional. - DESIGN OF THE SCHOOL- Prepares students for College or any pursuit, of business life. . Special attention given Primary Classes. Monthly reports tent to parents. TUITION, - - $1.00 to $3.00 per month. Ancient aud Modern Languages, (Extra) - l.uO per month. Music, including use of instrument, - - 3.00 per month" Special Board arrangements have been made for the convenience, con ! ..-. -i .. .1.... lore ami proieuuoii oi suim-nus. For further particulars address the 1 rmcipal. NATHAN TOM, PlymoutIi, X. C. Hie "OLD HEUABLEn Carriage Factory, H. PEAL Proprietor. jMAJlTFACTTRER OF TUiggies. Plmcions, 'Koad-carta, Fann-carls, iva rnns &c. at pvices lower tban ever. JUen with the cash ran get. a hnvpun. T defy compel Hi on and will noM;o uno-j-ola. 1 vy-tiring of all kinds done. Give mo a rail. mllll 'HI. J-J J ' ' NOKFOLK & ' KOUTfIKKN ltAIliltOAU com pan y. . Schedule in effect oct, Ht,189i. The Direct Short Lln-i betweeu Plymouth, Eden ton. Eastern Nonh Carolina- and Norfolk and all points North. Steamer leaves Plymouth 9.30 u. in., awd 4:550 p. m. Mail Train loaves Edenton 1:2. p.m. daily, except Sunday, arrives at Noifolk 4:25 p. m. Express Train leaves Edenton Daily (except Sundav) at 8:00 a. in. arrive at Norfolk 11 a. m. Connection made at Norfolk with all rail and Steamer Liues, and at EliZ'ibata City -with Steamer Neuee and New Berne, daily (except Friday and Sunday) for ltoon ko Island, New Berne avid AtlauMc fc N. C, It. K, Stations. Also, Wilmington. Newberue and Norfolk It. It. Ibe Company's Steamers leave. Edenton . 12.45 p. m. as follows: Tianstty S:eamer to Mackej''s Ferry daily (exicept Sauday) with passengers for ltoper, Pantrgo, lial haven, connecting with Steamer I,Tayerj Belle for Maklevville, Aurora, South Qrotlc. Washington and intermediate i.iudiuas. Daily, (etcept Sunday) for Plymouth,' at 12:4; p. in., and 7.00 p in. Tu-iday. Thursday and . Satnrrlay f -it Chowan Uiver. Weduesuays for Avnoa and Salmon Creek, and Monday and Friday for Scuppernong River. Norfolk passenger and freight station at Norfolk and Wentern Railroad Depot. Through tickets on sale and baggage checked to all principal points. O . . . EASTERN CAROLINA DISFATCn FAST FREIGHT LIKE. AND PASSENGER ROUTE. ' Dailv all rail service between Edenton, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Norfolk. ITiroujh cars, as low rates and quicker time than by any other route. "" irect all roods to be shipped by East., f era Carolina Dispatch, as follows: From ' . Norfolk by N. & S. R. R.; Bs-lliuiore by P. W. & B. R. R; President St. Station, ' I Philadelphia by Pennsylvania It. li. Dock i Wt Statiou ; New York by Pennsylvania I R. R., Pier 27 North River, and Uld Do minion 8. S. Co., Pier 26. For further information appiy to J, H. SMITH. Actnt. Plvmouth. N. 0 , or to . I the GeueraT Office of the & 8. R. II. I Co.. Norfolk, Va. - ' ! M. K. KING, General Manager, v H. C. IIDDGINS, G. F. & T. Agt. a s . f wakd;k A TT0RNEY-A T-LA Wr- Washington St. Plymouth, X. C. T. B. Wolfe, D. D. S- PLYMOUTH, N. C TTeeth filled or extracted without'pain. THE CIHTE2 MARBLE WORKS, Established 1848. Ill to 113 UaLk at.. Norfolk, Va. MONUMENTS, GRA VEST0NES,' Cemetery Work iu Marble and Graniie. Low prices o.iu ted cn work de livered at any point in the South. piGH SCHOOL . Plymouth H. C. I 'li is "' I