Charles E. Noms has just bee ftr rested in Chioago for a murderoug as sault tea years ago. , He has trareled ,all over the world since, and the de tective who started out to capture him ion the night of the assault was the 'man who inade the arrest. Keep oa Scratching. ' Dig clear in to the bone and the Tetter will only bo the worse. There's only one way 4o treat an irritated, diseased skin. Soothe it Kill the germs that cause the trouble and heal 'it up sound and strong. Only one thing in the world will do this Tet terine. It's 50 cents a box. Drug . stores or postpaid by J. T. Shuptrine, Savannah, Oa. ' A Chiki theatrical sotnpany Is making a tour of Franoe. Karl's Clow Hoot, the grout blood purifier, rtraa frenhnesa and clearness to the oomplex ton and cures constipation, 26 eta., 60 eta., SL Gilbxbt Pares, seventeen yean old, stole six horses fn a night In Michigan while rua ulng away from 'a reform school, Mre. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrnpfor children ier thins, softens the nurao,' rcdue; Inftumirm tion, allays yam. ures win. I roli . 2c. a bottle It I Ol Ne r o say that there Is "Something Jnst as Good as Ripans Tabules for disorders of the stomach and liver." It Is not so. This standard rem edy will relieve and cure jou. One tabule gives relief. ft afflicted with are eyes use Dr. Isaac Thomp od'i Bye water.Drugglste sell at Hoc per bottle Ton mm imi mm K W-M mm s w sa sai bbh In Rivers, roods, Wells, and other sources ot drinking water threatens danger from malarial gorma. This condition is usually fonnd In the Fall, and it points to Hood's Sarsaparllla as a safegnar.l against attacks of disease. Hood's Sarsaparilla makes pure blood, and thus gnnrc.8 tho system from all these perils. It creates an appetite and gives eoaud and robust health. "I have Mood' Sarsa parilla been using Hood'sSar- msy eaparilU occasionally M U.i for tho last t h ree years. 1 have suffered from fQkM malaria fever for five years, and have tried many kinds of medicine, but found no relief till I commenced to take Hood a Sarsaparll ,1a. I have all confidence in it, and believe ft to be far superior to any other tonic."- P. J. FrrzoBBAij), 121 Ninth St., So. Boston, .Mass. . Get Hood's and only Hood's. II PlIU cure aU Hver Ills. 25 cents. DONTi Ceroma Remedies vi innVe you strong and well. Aeiiremarrant. td in every cms or money refund ed. Not a cure-all Remedy, but. Remedies that will cure all. Costs nothing to test their merits. Bend tor circular containing the most marvelous cures of the 19th centu ry. Agents wanted for local branch offima to Hflll the beat and Quick est selllnir family medicines in the market. No risk. Oeroma Med. Co., 65 High St., Boston, Mass. WALTER BAKER & GO. The Largest Manufacturers of PURE, HIGH GRADE ' COCOAS AND CHOCOLATES On this Continent, km received HIGHEST AWARDS ' from ths gnat and Fool EXPOSITIONS In Europe and America. Unlike the Dutch l'nnu. no Alke- lliri or oilier ChtmleaU or Dv are u..d in env of nreDintaOM. Tnetr delletnua BQEAKFAnT COCOA is abMinttiy yais sad Mlubt, and eosu It than ana cent a cup. i SOLO BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE. WALTER BAKER & CO. DORCHESTER, MASS. For : Breakfast To-morrow Buckwheat. MAKES Delicious, Wholesome cakes, at a moment's notice. No Salt, Yeast or Baking Powder required Nothing but Water. Wanting Something Extra NZct For a Dress Shoe - send $3 00 and get a rair of our Blucher Style tbe handsomest shoe on the market, made of the finest Calf 8ktD. One dongola tops. Genu ine hand sewed, piccadtlly toe; our original style. We were the Introducers of this shoe to this country, and it is now the most popu lar style used, and rightly so, when made correctly are the most perfect fitting shoes one , caa wear. Send P. O. Money Order and we will send a pair to your nearest express office, charges paid. Money refunded if not pleased. Ouroffer to deliver FREE is to Induce you to try us. and practically bring our establish, tnentto your door. - Sizes: S to 10. If you have trouble to gets fit, send exact measure, stat ing difficulty, and giving size usually worn, w will fit yqa or no sale. Give them a trial, they are better tnan you are getting. If need ing any other kind of good shoes write us. GILREATH & CO., 20 So. Tryon St. Charlotte, N C. 1 A Shoe House 25 Years, E!atr bh ONE DOLLAR r3 ELECTRIC BELT Ut SO t tnm Sate ef i, ihi. vpr. Are yes ! Bafferlnff hm ttbnmm t" ti.m. Neuralgia, Partial " , P p 1. at. I.ummm art yl "1 . . -5 B.ak Bd Ltotn, lnpurt . jri,4 B"01 Fr, DIE 1 1. J&.S.K . AN t tfSf I . Ra t'xN Oar fff la rt.rt l!r4 ooIt J(t 4ft. H .r iior .?!. KlMtrlHcr, cr' rrlittf rHay -ti ' o'-" J. H 1l T.a. Tb left il p.lnl.M, .(liitH. Wriu fur Tnmt. J .s's, : .J-&27 Jjcsebo.-i SI. ,(is.U' a lU, & JfEWS AND NOTES FOR rTOMEif. Connecticut has a woman mail car rier. ' Minnesota has a dairy school for women. The college colors of Yassar are pink and gray. There are three times as many wid ows as widowers. Mrs. George W. Childs has a splen did collection of silver. At the last census Nevada had only 4931 girls of school age. . . Santa Fe, New Mexico, has a Woman's Board of Trade. Miss Kate Cary is perhaps the best cross country rider in AmerioR. Belva Lockwood is about to begin the practice of law in Virginia. There are 10,000 more women than men in the District of Columbia. Some of the Russian railroads have smoking cars for the use of ladies. According to the last report no less than 80,000 women own and ride bi cycles. Among Vassar College's forty-seven instructors are fourteen of her ow alumnae. "Women are less sensitive to pai than men, and actually feel less of it in given operations. The day of severity and, angularity is past, and the simplest dress must now have its touoh of beauty. Miss Ella Enowles, of Montana, has recently received a fee of $10,000 fo her services in a mining lawsuit. One of the season's whims in dress is the extravagant and far from taste f ul one of silk stockings with a lac instep. Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett is laconically described iu an article on women writers, as "the mother of two sons and twenty -two novels." Of the nine candidates successful in the late examination in the art, theory and history of teaching at the London University, eight are women. The Princess of Wales has a great fondness for having her picture taken in "groups." The Prince dislikes the ceremony as much as his spouse en joys it. Mrs. Daniel McDonald is First Vice President of the Northern Indiana Editoral Association. She helps her husband edit the Plymouth (Ind.) Democrat. Rosa Bonheur, the French painter, is not afraid of .work. Though over seventy years of age she spends a long, busy day at her easel. Her only recreation is photography. In Korea a woman is a poor beast of burden, to whom is given not even a name. She is designated as the "first daughter of X," or the second or the' third, or as the "first wife of r." If the fleshy women should follow all the "don'ts," or adopt any propor tion of the Spartan suggestions to train down their weight, there would be really nothing left for them to live for. Queen Victoria is described by a re cent writer as rather a comfortable, motherly looking old woman in a plain black dress, from beneath which is visible the toe of a broad, easy-fitting shoe. ; The King of Italy has shown an al most feminine instinct in his choice of punishment by forbidding the Duchess of Aosta from appearing at court for two months, because she rode a bicycle. Brooklyn is the only city in the United States which can boast of a female Deputy Collector of Internal Ee venue. Miss Lucy E. Ball has jubt been promoted to that position in the Gity of Churches. The question has been raised in India whether it is proper for women to baptize converts of their own sex. It has special reference to the work of the Zenana missions, which is largely carried on by women. Ladies' chalets are to be a new fea ture in London. They will provide at various points of the metropolis in little, cottage buildings the advan tages of a lady's waiting room in eon junction with a millinery shop. There are now three women physi cians on the Sanitary Corps of the New York Board of Health Drs. Alice Mitchell, Helen Knight and Frances G. Dean. They are under the same roles and are required to do the same amount of hard work s their mascu line associates. The latest bicycle suits for women are made of wool, mohair, serge and silk, in all the darker and mixed shades. Braids and buttons to match the goods are used in trimming. An enthusiastic rider needs several changes in a season, as the dust and heat cause a suit to become shabby -very soon. This is bad news for the girl that visits the winter resort : A crusade is being started against the engagement ring. One of the reasons given fox its proposed abolition is that many girls become engaged for no other purpose than to add another ring to their collection and break off the con tract as soon as it becomes convenient. New York buys more laces than any other city in the world. It has a least a score of women whose lac-s exceed $50,000 in valine, and ptobaby a hun dred whose collections would sell for $20,000. Five hundred dollar fichus, $200 handkerchiefs, $300 scarfs, and a $1000 over-dress are mere bagatelles in the wardrobes of the wives of mill ionaires. Mrs. Ernestine Schaffner, of New York, known as the "Tombs Angel," has been doing for nearly ten years her good work of seeking to free from ' jail innocent persons who are falsely accused. Although she is moHt of the time on about 20,000 bail bonds she than $1000, and she was cheated out of a large part of that sum by a dis honest lawyer. When Mrs, Hetty Green, of New York, who is' said to be worth $60, 000,000, entered the Tifft House at Buffalo, the other day, the clerks thought she was a beggar and were disinclined to let her register. She wore a rusty old black dress and car ried the dilapidated handbag that has been her trusty companion for years." She walked with the aid of a cane. The room given her was the cheapest and most secluded in the hotel. SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL. The brain of an idiot contains much less phosphorus than that of a person of average mental power. Clouds that move in a direction op posite to that of the surface currents indicate a change of weather. Recent experiments indicate that the normal eye can discriminate fif teen separate tints in the spectrum. . ' Paving stones of oompressed haj have been tried in Salt Lake City, Utah, and are said to make a good road bed. At a depth of 2500 fathoms the pressure of the water is, roughly speaking, two and one-half tons to the square inch. Vienna, Austria, is to have a novel elevated railway. The cars are to be suspended instead of running on or dinary rails. Several of the same species of crea tures inhabit the Arctic that have been fished up from groat depths in the Antarctic seas. Do not approach contagious dis eases with an empty stomach, nor sil between the sick and the fire, because the heat attracts the vapor. The skeleton of a prehistoric bird has been found in a mound in Idaho. It must have measured forty feet be tween the tips of the wings during its life time. Experiments on 100 women led to the conclusion that they were not more than one-half as sensitive to pain at the top of the forefinger as the average man. The death rate in Italy was in 1 839 as high as twenty-seven per 1000, whereas in England it was only seven teen a difference attributable chiefly to sanitary arrangements. Seasoned timber is but little liable to decay under the influence of a dry atmosphere, and will resist composition for an indefinite period when kept totally submerged in water. The great Yuma desert, Arizona, was formerly a salt sea. Seashells and oysteis fourteen feet in diameter have frequently been found . at from ten inches to two feet in the sand in va rious parts of the desert. Clarence S. Bement, of Philadel phia, has the finest collection of min erals in America, the value of which is at least $125,000. He buys the best to be had, and what he does not want is sent to the British Museum. Dr. Kingsett, the chemist, recogniz ing that ozone, the natural purifier of the air, is produced in nature by bal sam trees the pine, fir, larch and eucalyptus uges that suoh trees be planted and cherished on farms, and in town and villages. Cinnamon tea is recommended by a Southern physician as a valuable drink in fever affected districts. It possesses an especial virtue against typhoid fever, and essence of cinnamon is said to be one of the best disinfectants to use in the sickroom of a typhoid pa tient. SELECT SIFTIXGS. A hen lays 150 eggs a year. Galena, 111., was named from its lead mines. Sealed oaves have been discovered in Mashonaland, Africa. An autograph of Nnpoleon sold in London recently for $SJ. A Cape Colony, South Africa, dust storm stops business and traffic. Ink is mentioned in the Egyptian inscriptions about the time of the Ex odus. An oyster weighing sixty pounds is occasionally discovered in Puget Sound. The speed at which a crioket ball is delivered by a fast bowler is a mile a minute. The inhabitants of Korea go to bed at the setting of the sun and get up before sunrise. The strawberry is known all over the world, and was used as an artiole of food by the ancients. In most parts of Syria, Palestine and Arabia tig trees and date palms are counted and a tax is levied on eaohtree. Before storing honey in trees, bees will clean the tre" of all rotten wood and refuse. They never do anything by halves. A Kentucky court recently deliber ated three days, at a cost of $200, up on the ownership of $11 worth of scrub pine land. - A piece of iron has been found in an air chamber of tho Ureat pyramid, Egypt. It is believed to have been there 4000 years. Algeria has 40,000 horses belonging to Europeans and 175,000 to natives and about as many mules ; the natives also have 300,000 donkeys. Recently, when a very young couple were being married in Hungary, the priest, instead of the usual nuptial benediction, offered up the appropriate prayer, "Father, .forgive thein, for they know hot what they do." Twenty years ago Southern planters paid men to haul away cotton seed and barn it. 3ta ROYAL Baking Powder Absolutely pure. VT The Chicago Style. "Maybe it's a chestnut worked over," remarked the drummer to the hotel clerk, "but I heard a story the other day which illustrates the kind of men some Chicagoaus are." "Let her go, eaid the clerk en couragingly. "One of those rich fellows there," continued the drummer, "had a close- fisted friend of his with him at his country place, and during the evening the friend dropped a quarter in the grass and immediately went down on his knees to find it. "'What are you looking forf in quired the host, who was talking to another guest some distance off. " Tve dropped a quarter in the grass. "'Here, let me help you with a little light,' said the Chicago man, and he kindled a $5 bill with a match and held it till the friend found his lost quarter." Detroit Free Press. The Viking ship, which crossed the Atlantic to be one of the most attrac tive exhibits at the World's Fair has been formally presented to the Field Columbian Museum, Chicago. The speech of the clay was delivered bv Paul Du Chaillu. Bishop Henry C. Potter, who has just returned from Europe, thinks that a tour abroad is the best cure ior what is called the "biff head." Hvpochondrical, despondent, nerv ous, tired out' men -those who suffer from backa'che , weariness, loss of en ergy, im paired mem ory, dizzi ness, melan choly and the re sult of ex hausting dis eases, or drains upon the system, excesses, or abuses, bad habits, or early vices, are treated through cor respondence at their homes, with uniform success, by the Specialists of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y. A book of 136 large pages, devoted to the consideration of the maladies above hinted at, may be had, mailed se curely sealed from observation, in a plain envelope, by sending 10 cents in one-cent stamps (for postage on Book), to the World's Dispensary Medical Association, at the above mentioned Hotel. For more than a quarter of a century, physicians connected with this widely cele brated Institution, have made the treatment of the delicate diseases above referred to, their sole study and practice. Thousands, have con sulted them. This vast experience has naturally resulted in improved methods and means of cure. I I ' fflmrf II 111 1 Hi oughs and Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Weak Lungs, General Debility and all forms of Emaciation are speedily cured by Scott's Emulsion Consumptives always find great relief by taking it, and consumption is often oured. No other nourishment restores strength so quickly and effectively. Weak Babies and Thin Children are made strong and robust by Scott's Emulsion when other forms of food seem to do them no good whatever. The1 only genuine Scott's Emulsion is put up in salmon' colored wrapper. Refuse cheap substitutes! Send j or pamphlet on Scot? s Emulsion. FREE. Soott A. Bowne, N. Y. All Druggists. 50 cents and $1. & CaV Cr - v AO CL1 C ing gas excess of all than 40 per cent, Hence Royal Baking Powder makes the lightest, sweetest and most wholesome food. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 108 WALL 8T., WCw-YORK. A Lucky Rhymer. Mirabeau L. Towns, a Brooklyn law yet who once lived in Atlanta, re ceived a legaoy of $150,000 the other day from an eccentric Irishman who had taken a fanoy to the lawyer's rhymes. About ten years ago the Irishman called on Mr. Towns and requested him to take the case of an old woman j who wanted damages for being bitten by a dog and drenched with water from a hose. But the condition was that Mr. Towns should utilize his poetio gifts by making an argument in rhyme. The proposition was acoepted and the jury gave the woman a verdict for $75. The Irishman gave him an other case which he also won, after making his argument in rhyms. To cut a long story short, it is enough to say that this strange : ad mirer of Mr. Townu's poetry is dead, and has made the rhymer one of his four heirs, each of whom will get $150,000. "We do not believe that there is a similar case on record. Certainly, no American ever before reoeived such a tich reward for a few jingling verses. Let our poets be of good cheer. Per haps their golden age is here. It opens well this autumn drear, and spreads its Bunlight far and near. Atlanta Constitution. A new route li soon to be estab lished across the Irish Channel bo tween Ballingeary, near Wexford, anal Fishguard, in Pembrokeshire. Th time from land to land will then be reduced to ninety or 100 minutes. tie Reward. 9100. That mtA nra rtt fhU nannr will be TllfcMed' to 1 earn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science baa been able to cure in all its ftages, and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh (jure is iu oniy posiuve cure now luunu wi the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con stitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. - Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in Vrnally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby de stroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in Its curative powers that they offer One Hun dred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo O. y Sold by Druggists, 76c Diamonds so small that 1500 go to the karat have baeu out iu Holland. In Olden Times people overlooked the importance of perma nently beneficial effects and wore satisfied with transient action, but now that it is gener ally known that Syrup of Figs will permanent ly cure habitual constipation, well-informed people will not buy other laxatives, which act for a time, but finally injure the system. Experiments in G i show that the best cotton fertilizer should contain not less than from "3 to 47 Actual Potash. Any failures to this crop can be traced to a deficiency of Potash in the fertilizers used. " We will gladly send you our pamphlets on the Use of Potash. " ' They arc sent free. It will cost you nothing to read them, and they will save you dollars. GERMAN KALI WORKS, ot Nassau Street, New Vorlc'. sen m m a m -aav The officialre- Port shows Royal. Baking Powder chemical- ly pure, yielding 1 6o per ounce ot pow- der which was greatly m others and more above the average. The FlftTor ot Wild Potatoes. . A gentleman who claims to know declares there is a flavor in the pota toes, that are raised in the clearing'! in the Maine backwoods not to b found in those growing in the open regions. It. is to him like the wild flavor of venison as compared with tame meats. Whether from the frost laden fragrance of the atmosphere or from the new soil the quality comes, he knows not, but he thinks as much of getting his wild potatoes when he goes a-hunting as his game and he hopes the Legislature will put no close time on them.Lewiston Journal. .fnTn9 'Itrnwn. et . Tt-11.T.ortnn. W. Va., has a beard whioh trails on the floor when he stands up, and he ii six feet and one inoh in height. The leaves of the talipot palm ar used in Ceylon for writing purposes. Good Men Profitably Employed. "Yes, sir, we have a number of grand, good men working for us, and they are making money, too, doing better for themselves than they could in any other line." That is about the way Mr. B. V. Johnson, of the firm of B. F. Johnson & Co., Richmond, Va., stated the case in referring to their advertlse-nont for repre sentatives to devote all or part of their time in the interest of their business. A itw Ohio law prohibits the use of flotl Sous names in partnerships. X will cure your Headache? or your Dyspepsia ? or your Biliousness ? These Tabules are sure to relieve. Tell your Drug" gist you want the Chemical Oo.'s remedy ; put up 5z Tabules Or Send 50 Cents for one Box, Ripans Chemical Co., I O Spruce St., New York. R N U 46 eorgia W. L. Douglas W at rur mwmvr THE BEST. 8QUEAK.N0. 5. CORDOVAN, FRENCH&ENAMB1EDCALF. 4-3.5P FINECALF&KAN5AH31 4 J.5J POLICE, 3 Sous. 2A7Boys'SchoolShqes. LADIES BROCKTON. MASS.! You can lave money by wearing tke 1 W. L. Douglas S3. OO Shoe. Because, we are the largest manufacturer ot this gradeof shoes la the world, and guaranu theli value by stamping the nam and prlca on tha bottom, which protect you against high price and tha middleman's profits. Our shoes aqukl custom work In style, easy fitting and wearing qualities. We hare them sold everywhere at lower prices low the value given than any other make. Take no suit titute. IX jour dealer cannot supply you, wecaa. if r:iH;ft uutni. in use tauS Best Couh Syrup. Tastes Good. Use ra tuna, una ly onininiL Ripans aff i jf 14 I - 3 t:!-3 not i'i all her cericacolost more