V J4 Ths Roanoke -Beacon; Tho Official aporof Wafiji.i ; ipgtou County.- .PLYMOUTH.. - Entered in the Post Office at Plymouth N. C, as second clifla Blatter. FRIDAY, JULY 12, 18V.5 C3" NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS j& ' ' When you see an X on tbe margin of your paper it means that your subscription Las expired, it is aluo an, invitation , for yon to renew Please remember this aud don't .J let us have to stop your paper. ' Thr Bbacon will be sent to any add rc?s one year forgl.OO, Wix viontha, 50o- Three Momlta, 5o. Jivery Mibecriptloii 'must t" acconiim uiud with the cash or nopupw wjll ue sent. BEACON FLASHES. Conference next week. This sei Air. J71 is section has had too much -rain. N Mr. J.'E. Lawrence visited his family at JameaviUo last Sauday. . Miss Loula Tucker" opened a public school on the Acre road last Monday. Rev. J.- Paul Spence preached two able .sermons in the Baptist church Sunday last. .' Mr, J. II. Legsett shipped a pair ot his .fine gaoie chickens .to Columbia on Mon- 'riot, Cdr. Louis Norm in of Hertford, was here lis week visiting his mother, Mris. E. Lud Lr. a. a, waters ana daughter, miss MissN uonnie, spent the day la JauiL'syille last s lastj uuuaay. . .Revenue offlaer Harry Stubbs and fl V Knif li ' nf Willimn.t.mi whta lirrI i 7 aronoay. "ilrTL. P. Horn thai and family and Miss Myrtle Bennett returned from Mag's Head iWeuueBday. Mrs. J. E. Clough, who was visiting Mrs C. is. Olough has returued to her houiei J3erkleyvjY a. ," Dr. W. H. Cooper, of Edanton, made our town a short viwi I this week. Come iS,jlgain WebbieV ;, ' ' .J . Our clevar friend, Mr. Jos. Chesnon, has succeeded "Mr. Woodley as purser on tbe steamer Plymouth. i . . i la i i . j uif l ,Dr. yV, .JL.Wurd has been haying some improvements .panda ou the iuteyor'of his residence the past week. ' , MieS.Oley Covey, of Berkley, is houoritig cur town ' witti her auuelio ureseuce as thu PL ."Mrs. Hester Gaboon and Miss May Ola" ou'oF mar lloptr. were iu town Tuesday, itiio'lgufe3ts 6r" Mrs. a. A. blount. 'iAlHm'Anna liiyanr, wuose engHgemuiu with'Loggett fc li.-o., cliwrd on WoLdiy lnsl', ii As siuoe beeii visitiuij friends (b.ei;e. Dr. T. W. P. Sniithwicfcrf Bertie county oue of .the comius youug M. D's.,' whb in 'our town tbis' weoli on a prcRp'eiu tour. Don't adyertise Bomethiug on a shingle aud then . say you don't beiieyeu'adver ' jtiiuK when a newspaper man calls on you. Thco. B wen, the hustling iverymau, ' keeps up with his business,' a"id the riding Jpublic flad him apcauimodiiiiuy ay4 lui ble. .. ' ' " ' i i .... .ir l : i ifr. J. pSHomn ond wife retucue from Nag's Heed T uesday. . Vlo io&ret t now tnut Mr. liprman is but htUe im proved. v.. Misa Lizzie Ooelet Ims been employed .to teach Public Bchool No. 10 on tbe Lee's Mills road, . and will . beyiu nest . Monday... - We "notice that Mr J". A. AViliough;y i having his residnica painted, vvnich'wiil add quite much to the appearduco of that ;part of the town. As a' matter of fact tbe youup; man who drove in the country Suudny attcruoou to "see hi, beat gU aud llii'goi to tio his horse, had to walk home. . We ar requested by the pastor, Jiav. O. P. liouth, tbat' the 4tb ' Sunday -in thin jnonth will i Chiiirea's Day at Kehobjth Church, this county. Mr. H. S. Ward givi-p T-$bQ notice that he will examine applicants for admission into the A, & M. College. Such txam.na. ,tion bding requisite to adnjbtoiou. Mr. L .L''Newberry. pno of our popular . shoe drummers, h home from' a tour of the State. We are' glad to know that friend 'Bob'' is meeting with such great success. Go to the Plymouth Dru Co's , and pflt you a bottlo of Compound Blackberry .Diarrhoea Cordial. ' For summer complaint and relaxed bowels. ' Wa understand that the N. & S. R. B., will poofl erei't a new aud much larger wharf aud depot at this place.. In fact material is already on the site for this p'ur pose. .' . Iu the absence of Chief Engineer Dowdy who was off ou a vac&tion,"the Plymouth's . CoRtoe has been in the hands of Mr. Kich anl Elliott, frst, aud later,' Mr. 8. S. Au mack, two as cleyer mliiu ai eyer pulled a lever. . The present Board of Councilman have taken step to some exUjnt, in our town. ArethT!JiT going to be upheld L;y the peopjg jn their :Bffort or not, la gomg to rthe queption later. ' ' Ilornthal & Alexander are offerins the ' What has bee.on'i of thu .Business Men's Association of Plymouth,' Indeed gentle men, yon mude a fcood start, Lut We need your assistance in otiier things. Meet again and see if you ca't do somctLing fqr the .town. . . I-., , ; King's Weekly 'vtuville, N. C. makes a special feutnri. tovical or wur ukett Week, will have ar of 1'iyuiOiHIi." 'I. li week, of some hM nnd beciuuina thijp I'lrt mi "1'Le Captnri ! i tl.lV f only ' best and cheapest line jjUook 5oves evei $old in Plymouth. Call and examine the good before buvinglscwhere.. i The Annual Coufcrt:uce of the Elizabeth City Difitrict M. E. Church will be held iu Plymouth, beginning' the J8th iuht,- Oar citizens of all il?uoniia.Uionn are prepariug to give the delegates aud visitors a hearty reception, ' To f xpol 'woinis, from tlie Bystem. you had better pro to tho, Plymouth Dru Co's., aud get o.u ;a bottle of Vegetable Worm Syrup. Children do uot dislike It. . ' We invite the attention of our reactors to the half page advertisement of the .Plym outh Bargain House this week. If you want. bargains call on tbis netf firm. Man agcr lteeao will be plad. to show you goods aud.gi.ve you prices. ; ' ,We wero shown, on Monday by Mrs. Mollie Harrison a copy of the "Koanoke Crescent," published in Plymouth January 2nd 18C1, by Col. It. S. Coel'et. It proves to be quite an interesting relic, aud fhows the advaucejneutu newspaper h,uineliS- of 34 years. Buy a W of "Antl Skeet;' Will kill all the mosquitoes in a room iu 15 minutes. Iix packages in a box. and only lOe a box. IlQUJiTJTAL & AmxaNDmu, Mr. Joseph Skittletharpe, Chairman ot the Board Oommishiouers, desire.s to gve notice ,tbat all persons presenting school vouchers for his signature as required by the new lasv, will be required to present their Certificates to him for inspection, and that failure to present such certificates will result in his refusal to coupte'rdgu such vouchers. Several of our citizens yent Qver, to Eden ton Saturday night ou tha tug Arm mid Hammer and joined an excorttiou to Nag's Head, returning Monday morning. A days rest at this pleusaut resort aud a plungo in the old Atlantic niigbt have ovule the boys feel good, bat the Iugb of two nights sleep, one going and one coining, gave them a "high olit-tinio" appcura'uco when they got homo. The University of North Carolina, now ranks among t,he foremost Colleges in America iu scholarship, tquipmaut uud Keueral efficiency. See ad. ! je 2.1-lf Just as we go to press the sad, yet houny expected, news reaches us tbat our towpa man, Mr. W. A. Hassell "died at .1:45 at his home ou 3rd street after a painful iltnftS3 of several weeks, Hged about hi years. The deceased leaves a wifo and three small bildren together with many friends to mouru his death. We extend to those who mourn our heutilelt sympathies. Peaco to his ashes, . Hornthal & Alexander have a ca "iad of Vgticultural Lime, in baKs, for pu'its. They have also received 17u barreisrenn 'sylvauia Plour. fSoincih.ug n(;cp u.f.d fresh ground. People are complaining heavily about the condition of the Koper road from Pea o-ick swamp to town. This road, is a nui sance to the graveling public, and a disgrace to civilialjpu. " But, what is to be done ? There are .only a few men subject to road duty on it, and the material obtainable is not wort.h; the time it takes to work it. Under the circumstances and existing road lafS we think i ue road is kept m good Older. It would pay the people to co operate with thu citizens of the towu aud m! a goocl road, but will tu;y ao it is mo quesiiou. i . A fresh lot of table dolicacic-s just opened at Hornthal A; Alexnud.n- s. consisting of asparagns, California apricots, raspberries, Ji.irt'e'tt pears, -orn, uaaioes, sardines, &s. &C. It is said that a m in who won't bay a paper jbecause he c:;u borrow one has in vented a machiue by which he can cook his dinuer by the smoke from his neigh bor's chimuey. The same fellow siis iu the, back pew iu church to save iuter-jst on contributions, aud is always borrow hi g a ride to town to save the wear aud tear on his own h'rseflt'Sh. Yes, you know him. lie's first cousin to' the luau who never Wind. his watch np for fear of dycakiog the spring lie undoubtedly was a near relative of the man who went in the bick yard during the recent cold snap, soaked liis hair in wu'er, let it fieezs, and Mien broke it off iu order to cheat the bstrbcr out oi a hair cut. Ex. Itch on human, manc;o on horses, dogs aud (ill stock, cured in ."0 minuies b Woolford's tfanijary Loiiou This never frtila. ' Sold l?y -J. W. Bryan, Druwrgist, Plymouth, N. 0 jy.Gtn Few .medicines have held their ground so successfully ns Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. During the pes fifty ears, it has l een the most popular of all cough cures and the demand for it to-d ty is creter than ever before! Prompt to act aud sure to pure. ' ' It RQPEEI RIPPLES. July O.h. The mills have all been shut down since tjie 4th for repairs. The Ropor Lumber Co's , b:irgcsare here nnloadiug hy, brick, &o. The Episcopal Sunday school will excur sion and pio-mc next Thursday. Dr. nassell's little boy, Cecil, is ycry Sick. We wioh for him a speedy recovery. The Fourth passed off quietly ; a game of ljall in tho day and lire works at night. Master parley Clark, of Pantego, is spending several dajs with his brother, E. W. cW-lt. Esq, Mr. Al Guikiu and wife have been spending . some time Willi Mr. (Jurkin's sister,. Mrs. J. H. Clark. ' Dr. Murray has been in Roper for several days talking insurance. He is representing the Mutual Life, of flew York. -'.di . ... .. jjlJeo. W. Koper, Bupt. of tuo icoper Lumr company, paiu us a uyiug nan, liist X lluraay aua jemaiuea uvei fu44 Tuecl fjeV Methodist Sunday school had their ftnuH(lA )io i'ic .and excursion to Bell Port last 5'iVllay tue 5ih, A nice day and a gooc tii Eslljul? filing ad bathing. The iasoni Lodge at Tloper is expect" ing -a ciasS children from' the JJx ford Orphan Asylum, under the niauagem'ent of their .jeriuteudent, N. ?.!. Lawrence, Eq., to i'V ati eutriUi.ii.: -it at Blouui's hall 'in th llf,ir futnri.i, im not Denied Yet. 1 Ve VprouiUe n!l wl j .-.'.tend a grand truiif ' TTaii'j v.w4b e hicilian ilair Jieneww is. un.iuestii'uably, the be-; prcservaiiv 3 of tho leiir. l curative, of uimlr (. !fer 'm 1 al lll' M "' "t" 3 Molhodist District Conference. Tho District Cpnlercuce of the E izabeth City'DUtric, Methodist Eriisoopal Church, South, will eouycuein the Methodist church in this town on 1 Lummy morning July 18, Kev. It. B. John, Presidios' . Elder of the district will call the Conference to order anfl will preside during all of its sessions. ' The opening sermon will be preaohqd on VVeduesday night precediog by Borne min. ister chosed by the Presiding Elder. , This conference is competed of one minister and four lay-delegates .from each of tho eighteen pastorlal chargqe within the bounds of the district, besides the local preachers who are also members. Until about a year ago all the charges in the District .beyond .the' Albemarle' sound and Chowan river, belonged to the Virginia Conference when they were transferred, to tho North Carolina Conference by Lho Oen. eial Conference which met iu Memphis, Tenn.. in May lSyi. . The f?ortb. Carolina prenctiers are now serving these charges for the. first time. 1 . Plymouth hajs the hpaor ot entertaining the ibt conference of the Elizabeth , City District and we most heartily welcome to or town our fneudsirom the other side who have U4ver before mingled together as members of a N. C. District Conference The sessions of the conference will be hold iu the morning and afternoon with a sermcu or something equivalent thereto at each eleven o'clock morning service and with preaching at' night. The business sessions of the -conference will occupy Thursday and the two days following and at these meetings all have a cordial invila. tion to.be present. .Be.sidcs the regular members of the con. fereiiue there will be a number of promi nent lrfinibUi's aud laymen present from other points of tho church in the State who wid come to represent her schools and col leues aud publishing intrests. lisv. Jno. C. Kelgo, D. D., President of Trinity. Col. lege, will be present and our people are to be congratulated on the happy privilege they will have of hearing this distinguished divine, than whom a more popular plat., forjn orator has perhaps never figured iu the State. Plymouth opens wide her gates of.Chris- tiau hospitality to the members aud visitors w ho may come to the conference, and Uida all a liAirty welcome in the name of the Mas-tpr. 1 Last summer one of our grand children was ajCK with a .severe ,bower trouble. Our doctor's remedies had tailed, then we tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea ltemedy, which gave very 'speedy relief. We regard it as tho Lust medicine ever put on the market for bowel complaints. Mrs. iT G. Gregory, i'rtdericksiowu. Mo. This .certainly ' is the best medicine ever put ou the market for dysentery, suiniuer complaiut, colic and cholera iufautiiui.in children It never fails to give prompt re lief when ns jd iu reasonable time and the plain priutad dircctioub are followed. Many mothers have expressed their siqeere grati tude for the cures it has effected. tppr saie by Plymouth Drug Co. ' lm OJJ& PUBLIC SCHOOLS, T1I0S. S. ARMI-TEAD S ARTICLE IS BAJLEIOQ NKWS & OflSKHVEU. PUBLIC KCUOOL EDITION, fVLY Uth, 18U5. WABniNGTON COUNTY. There existed in 1S85, when I was .elected Chairman ol tue uoam ot iiiducation, a cou sideraoie indifference to tbe public jjchuol system tor some cause, an aversiou to ser ving as commitieemen of schools pronou u ced in mauy quarters," aud a general lack of interest iu the work observable thruugh out the county. As time advanced, and the benefits be came apparent in the practical'good brought about under the new order of adurituiii letter ing solio'ol ull'airs, the sympatny of our peopio -became thoroughly enlisted in tlie tffori to revive this gieat work; audtto giye it broader scope aud higher usefulness iu the luture. This endeavor was followed by couimeud.tbie success, and to-day Wash, iiigiou oouuty", cjm.cTttiively small in pop. uluuou, aud tar less in wealth thau many ot ht-r biht.r counties, bus u couditiou iu her public schools as prosperous, sound ai.d illicieul as olnaius iu others uiorenigh ly laVored In les.;, the number of school districts was 45, the whites haying 2,t. colored 19. i he school houses that year uti inhered only ihu whites having 20, colored 12, show, ing 13 districts (more thau one-fourth of tiio eutue numuer; wuuout any scuooi building whatever. In julv. 18114, the total uiiuibor of dis tricts, increased by four oulyj was 4'.), aud i he number of scnool houses was 4'J. Iu oilier wotd., every di&lrict lu the conuty had beeu provided with a sohool house. in! these buiUjinxs were in ninny instances ot rudest ooustru;lion,old, poorly ventilated aud lighted, of limited seating capacity, but few ot them haying adequate school luruiture, and generally faultily ar. langed for the cutnfori, and couvenh-uce of pupils. In fact there were but about six Veal good school hous.-s in '.he coiiuty, and the entire school property was va.U-dat only $2,4iS.. The yhole uurcber of child reu enrolled was only 2 2'JO out of a school population of 3,272, about equally divided, bmween the races. lu 1 there were not more than a hnlf dozeu school houses of inferior cuaraetef lu tho county, aud steps were being takt'ii to pl.ee these by improvements ou a lue with the condit ion of me butter provided districts Throughout tho county how, along our public roads, new, neat and commodious school houses, wiih comfortable desks and seats, rostrums, blackboards, charts an 4 many othtr appurtenances of the progress, lye aud well ordered school room are to be found, aud many of these structures are of atiractive design and appearance. 'Ihe preseut value o'f thfs properly is $5,213, au increase of ovr one' hundred per vent in ten years. The number of children now reaches S 738, auc- the ayerage atteud. auct. materially increased. In 83", tho average length of school terms for each faco was abcut 8 1.2 yveeksi Iu 18'.4. the aye. rage Ieugth was, within a small traction, for the whites,- of 15 weeks, aud for the colored nearly 13 weeks, au increase a thiq ldc of nearly sevjnty per cept. ' The pay of teachers has adyjnped pn an average from two to four dollars per mot'th since 1885, amounting now from nearly $3G to !28 for male teaphers, nnd J20to $24 for fcuialeH, per month, and their proncfuQcy', to quote the words of our late honored and valuable Superintendent, Key. father Eborii, is udvancjug throughout the county; a fact he notes with sinctre gratiuation. This ip evidenccd furthermore by the fact thai while iu 1805, the U;M number of first gruutt teaeliHis among the whites was only uine; in ISMi, there wero twenly.liv, aii iucrftKse of over 2'0 per cent, ami an ad. vance to lirst grad1! colored from 8, in ii al'O leeoivled, the Iftswer jriades stiowiiK h cort'ef imiidiii. gvatit'vini.f ad. vanccmpnt ia both races. In 18S.J, the en- tira'hufiiber of teachers in the county amouutbd to 37. the whites bavins 21. the colored )Q In 189. the whites bad 38 teachers, the colored 30. makiuc a total of ,C8. : This, contrasted with the showing of 188,5, shqws a gain of nearly ninety per cent. ' ; ' It is. indeed, a pleasure to know that a deeper interest has.btcu awakened among i. ; ..... t I . our .enure, peopie on mis tut l.iuporutui. uo. ject, which is now manifested iu more.active zeal to secure good and competent, teachers to have, well ordered and coniioriahjs school houses for pupils, sound aud reliable text books, for sipay, and a general desire to advance, the educational work ot the com, ni unity, to a still higher standard of efflcien cy, ' TH0.S. S. AjtMISTBAD. Mrs. Bhodio Nojh, of this place, was taken in tbe night with cramping pains and the next day diarrheal s-t in. Sh.e took half a. bottle of blackberry cordial but got no relief. She then seut to me to see . 1 . L .1 ,.1 , I.. 1 T ir 1 nau anyiuing iuai womu neip uer. x sent her a bottle of Chamberlain'sColio, Cholera and Diarrhoea liemedy and first dose relieved her Another , of pur neighbors had beeu sick for about a week and had tried different remedies for d ar. rhoea -bat kept getting worse I 6eut him, tbis same remedy Only four doses of it were .required to' cure him He says he, owes his recovery to this wonderful remedy.' Mrs. Mary tfibley, (Sidney, Mich. Qor sale by Plymouth Drug Co. lm i LOVING voyy. WORDS f Year after year, with a glad content, In bud out of homo we weut Iu and out. Ever for us the skies were clear ; His heart carried the care and tear, The care and doubt. Our hands held with a careless hold , All that, he won of power and gold, flu toil aud pain. , p dear hands thtt our. burdens bprer- llands tuat snau.tou ior us no iuo?e Nver again. Oh ! it was hard to.learn ojir loss, Bearing daily the heavy cross Tie cross be, bore To say with au aching heart and head, "Would to,God that tho love now dead Were here once more.!" Fqr y:jien.the love we held (oo light Yas gone away from our sjjeecn and bight No bitter tears No passionate words of fond regret. Ho yearning of grief could pay the debt Qf .thaufeltps years. Oh, no:j7, while . this kind loye lingers near, Grudge not the tender words of cheer, Leave noue unsaid ; For .a heart cau ha,-e no sadder fate Tan some sad day to awake-i-too p.ta-r And fiud love dead ! Harper's Weekly. -!-'&. i' J- To preveut pi'e and dslicate children ;rc,m Japping into chrotuo invalids later iu Ufe, they .Bhou,ld tfrke Ayer's Sarsaparilla together wi,'h pleu-ty of wholesome food aiid out-door ei:erci3o What they ne.ad 10 build up the system is good red blood It HoiiTrj CAaouNA t Justice's Cojjut Washington vo , ) Before Thos. 8- ? Anuintead, J. P A. G. WAiiKFlt v) vs ,4(- NOTICE,- ,V. S. DjUNBTON. ) The defendant abovo named vill lake notice that an action entitled as aooye jias'j b,een commenced in the Justice Court of n Plymouth township, above named County and State, before tue undersigned Justice of the Peaon for the 4'ecoyery of Eighty and !4-l0t) dollars duo by said defendant, to said plaintiff by Hccouut. withintrest tre. o,n from Jauuavy Jst uutil paid and cot8; and the said defendant will Anther take notice , that he .is required to appear before 'Th"S S. Armistead J. P. at the Court House iu Plymouth ou tho Vth day of August 1SD5, at 2 o'clock P. M and auswer or .demur to tho complaint iu said action, or the plaiuttfT will apply to th Cgut for the relief demanded in sad com. plaiut. . XHOa. s A.MisTKav, Justice of the Peace. Tbi3 lOUi day of July 18'J5 S. 13. tipruill Att'y for Plaintiff. Noiu'ii Carolina Justice's Couht Washington Co., Before Tnos. Arinisiead, J, P. NOTICE A G. Wauckb vs W. S. D.UNSTON. T1r clet'endant above named will take notice that an action entitled us aboye Uah beeu commeuced in tbe Justice Court of Plymouth township, above named Comity and State, before the undersigned Justice of the Peace, for the recovery ol one Jjtnu dred and fifty-eight and 25 10Q dollars, due by said defendant to sod plaintiff by ac. oonnt, with interest thereon froui dept., 1st 18'J2 uutil paid and coats; aud tje aid defendant will further take notice, that he is required to appear before Thos. S. Arm. iitead. J. P , at ihe Court House in Ply. mouth on the Jlh day of Auut 189 . at 9 n'H.Kik P. M.. and answi r or demur to the pomplaiot iu said notion, qr the pjaintift wjl apply to me court ror tue reie ae. rnauded in said complaii.t, S. B Spruill, '1 hos S. Armistead Att'v for P.t'ff Justice of Peace This lGth day of July 181)5. The "TRUMP" JHE BEST LOW PRICE VATCH EVER MADE PRICE 2o 5Q Warranted be a Perfect Timekeeper, Not a poor Swiss, nor a ''clock, H . but a perfect American ' . .V Duplex ttiover.ient C(ill and see this Watch, at .N, I. f?J!::'"S.' 2) y POTATOES and -i i m --AND LSO T0- & SrQV-J posit Cor. Watered . lJEFJJI5N(BJ$S;Brad?trect wd Dufin'd Jfercbatiie AgencicSj (J;m sevQort Jank, Nbw 'ork; W. II. Ifawpton Plymouth, and TbjQ& W. Ilount, Koper, 1$. C, Ca) on Kainest CVtrstarphey ,nd g p II I W.0-1-AI-S Faiv.y turns tot tUonglits of a lovo of bonuet or bat. Sho can fiwi one to suit her taste at Mrs. S. J). real's. t There elio lias di?plajoxI;tlie. pretti est and ,iaost. etylish 'luio ever brought to this market. A' liuo of Pattern hats .i trim mud and i in trimmed to feu it all f.icos. -Flowers in profusion,' Ribbons in tlio new dresden..elfects. Veils ir. a great variety, Laces, Crepes, I also have a nice line of notions. And cordially invite the Public to call and cj:amine my stock. I have not forgotten the little folks this time either, and have a beautiful line of childrens hats for all occa sions, Mrs. S. D. Peal, April 2G, '95. JJOUFOLK & .youtrriEKN COMPANY. tPILROAI SqHEDULB IN EFFECT JULY 1st, 1895. The DireetShort Line between Plymouth, .JSdenton, pastern North Carolina and Norfolk and all poiuts North. Steamer leaves Plymout-ii tf:oi) a. m., aud Mackey' Terry 10:10 a. ia. Mail Train leaves Edcnton 1:40 p. ra. .daily, except Sunday, arrives at Norfolk i!& p. n. Express Train leaves JEde n ton ' Daily .except Sunday) at 8:00 a. m. ' arrive aji iNottolk 11 a. m. Connection made at Norfolk with all rail and $toawer Lines, and at I izabeth City .with (Steamer Neuse Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for Koanoke .Island, and New: jlJeroe, Atlau'ic & ' N. C-, It. Ii. stations. Also W limiugton. Jvewoerce .and AOrtoIj; XI li. ' The Company's Steamers leave Edentop l.iSO p. m. as follows; Steamer to. Mackey's Ferry and Plyiaouth daily except Sunday) with passeDjorsforJlopert Pantego, iiselbaven, connecting wita otr. Virginia lre for Maklejville, Aurora, South Creek, Washington aud intermediate landings. ' r . ' . , Tuesday.' Tbursdny and tnrday bf Chowan jiivr. Wdncauays far Avoca and Salmon Creok, and Monday ,and iFridny for Scuppernong Hivrr on arrival of No. JS Train. The Steamer Ne.wberno leavoa 33lh;abetU City daily at 1 r. M., for Nug's Head. ' i'prfolh passenger station at Norfolk. an Western Railroad Depot. ' Through tickets rn sale aud iliggPi; checked to all principal poiuta. . ,o , " ,'.; EASTERN CAROLINA DJSPATiGS FiLSf FBBIfJHT lam ;' AND ?4.S.m!:GJ2 ROUTS, Daily alt rail sejrviee .betwee,(i jEdtiatQVj Sow j."ork, Pl4ladelphh, Ji.dUmaee au Norfolk. .. .'."- lAiroiuh.cars, as iow .rates .and .(jniqkfir time tihan by any other route. - I drect all.good -to he ahtippfid ifoy East' eru Caroliia Dispatch, as follows: jFront Norfolk, by N. A- U- K.!; BJtMQQre iby P. Wi jSs li. It. 11; P:esu.lent.St. Station Philadelphia by Pennsylvania R. it. Jock St . Station; New York ,fcy feiinytvania I . R. , Pier 'ii N orl h Ri vex, and Uid Dor minion K. S.(?o., lieT 'JO." " For further information appiy to i. E. LAWRENCE,' Agtnt. Plymouth. N, C, or to the .(Jeneral OiUce ,of .the 'f. & S, R.R. Co.. Ncwfolk, -Va. . RI.K. KH-WJ, Gcueii-al Man4ex. n. c. iicdoins, a. p.ap, Agt. TEE COITER SiAililli mm, 111 tolls HinJi St.. Norfolk. Va. yJL MONUMENTS, GRAVESTONES, f i a Cemetery Work iu Marble audi '',1-13 Low price.? noted on work de- h liverea at any point in the South. IS P ft WE? iiiiMni "dYiU 'Eti rL' 1 fa ifiiirr 11 i L rrl Monetae C.. ttt. hu,u, fiituvi. I i A' 1 1-1 t- .i ! , rf,. 'i'.--" - -it. 1 i.U(hl 1: ! ! 1 ' Hurl J ' ' t4 ' ' -3 ,;. - . Via " Vi

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