THE EOANOKK BEACON. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY ' 23 T IB E UOAVOKB PUBLISHING CO. W. FLEi'CUER AUaBON, Editor. PLYMOUTH, N. C. Friday, January 28, IMreotory. BTATB OOTEXNUBKT. Governor. t L. Russell. Lieutenant-Governor, Cbas. A. keynolds Treasurer, William II. Worth. Auditor, Hal. W. Ayer. Attorney-General. Zebulon V. Walaer. .flapertuteodent of Publlo Instruction, -Cuarles F.Mebane. , COCjrTT 4oVIRNKBMT Sheriff. John h, Phelps. ' Treasurer. T. J. Basuiitht Superior Court Clerk, lb', J. Mariner. ttegister of Deed, w n hiuddb Cotauiissionere, llufus Swaic, Frank M Bunch, N. M. Ambrose, W. A. Alexander, W. i, Mercer. v' OITT.' Mayor, Jm. H, Smiib Treasusor. Xi. P. Homthal 1 Clerk, J H.. .Smith Chief of Police, Jos Tucker Couucilmeu : Ur W H Ward. W. A. Blount. J W Bank?, D O Brinkley, L JP Boruthal. J U Sa.ith, Jos and "-ftampson Lowe. CHURCH SERVICE. Methodlat- Itev J. L.-Cuuuiiigeim, nas- ior. Services every Hunday at 11 a m , and & p m. Prayer meeting every WeduewUy Alight at 7:30. Sunday school at v a. ra., A. 0. Qylurd, superintendent; W. . Coop er, (Secretary. Baptist Rev. F. T. Wooteu, pantor. dervioe evetrv Sundays at 11 a. m., and 7:30 o.m. Prayer meeting every Thurs- .day ninht at 7:30. Sunday school every .Sunday at 9. 30 a. ui., K. T, Ventres, , superintendent. Grace Ohrch (Episcopal) Rev. E. 1. .Green, rector. Morning and evening prayer :3rd and 4ib Sundays. Celebration 3rd Sun -daj. Mind ty School at inomiug services, fidniund Alexander, Superintendent. A C0K rOR LAMB IUCK. "My daughter when recovfriug from an :f.aoa oi (ever, yvun n ;;rHn uu r-r irum jp iiu iu the back and bips," writes Louden y lirovr. of Sardla, Ky. -'Aftej- nsiug qune a nniiiKK if rum ...A i.a witViii-kt unV riAnn; he trid ou bottle of Ciiambiaiu's Puin Balm, and it has given entire r lief." AjharoVrlain's Pain Balm alao a certain anre for rhbomavitiiu. bt:d by all drug ita. HARIEY'S Ipecial Sale. To accouiodiito luy in creasing gniccry trade, I Jiave decided to clso oat my stock of Dry floods and Notions and will otter every, thing on the dry goods side for cash, the next 30 Says at Cost- This stock is all new and up-to-date, so now is the time to make purchases. My stock of Groceries is full and complete, such as every family needs and must have. Givo our onler to iny city salesman and it will be filled at once. If it is not in stock we get it for you, bat it is my purpose jto keep everything in the way of Heavy and Kancy flroceries. Also chickens, turkeys, ducks and all other poultry, as cheap as tuey 3An be bought from the carts. lT Remember we take your orders and deliver all goods free of charge. SPECIALTIES: Oranges, Seedless Raisins, Cran berries, and in fact everything that is neoessary for making cakes and all otiyrjTood thing for the holidavs. JKtC 32i Y. BEACON FLASHES. IV A TtfrFE'n A T N 0 E-Bripht I IT x XI 1 JTilJ J lOnnir inLn l ..Ai. our ot lebrated LubiicatingOitaand QreasesJ Salary aud expeuaes. . Juoloae atamp for particnuua. Address IjtffiT en CO. linvapeiis, lb. To-Might. Gilbert Walden. At the Town Hall. Sunday !st was an idtal spring day. The town authorities have had the engine pat jn JUst-elaei order. firs Mr. A. Q. Walker, of Gresvell. wu on our street yesterday. Mr. Eaoob Lndtord. Jr.. of Parmeld. was here ganday visiting his people. Mr. Louis P. Hornthal sont a few dava thia week At Kur..1k wrf-.iw . Mr. J K. Brooks returned last week from a pleasant vill to Leechyiile. Notice change in advertisement of Mr. K. B. Yeager. Us is tfferiug bargains. .-co want auTfTii rmeni oi ur-scent UU Co., iu hia lnur, and write for particular, T ci of v ' . . . , Air. 4, it sail net bar pe has moved ttbe ?sw5' wureea. juai yacaiea Dy O" A. A.UtU0t. The pulpit, tne pres. and all the people are loud in the.r praise of Gilbert WaUen. Hear him to-night. I Miaes Oiara Jackaon and Ida Tucker, are yiting Miaa Jacks u's brother, Dr. C. t. Jackson, at yeaiesviiie. Mr. W. J. Hodges hna b en busy openiDg np his goods this week. He has quite a neat store and a nice stock. Mrs. J. H. Roberts in, of Williamaton. is visiting on Washington Height." as tbe guests of Mrs. A. J. Leggett. Call at L P. Hornthal's and get one of thone Wilsou Heaters, and be comfortable aud happy. Mr. E. S. Norman, of Eden ton, was here tbi week visiting his mother, Mrs, H. B. Ludford, on " ashington Heights." Contractor Jaokson with his force ' ol i workmen has built a large lumber shed for the It. B,. H&h. Co. Its a huge affair. Me.8. W. N, Cooper and W. E. Brolhors Djixte a short vinit to Colombia the iirst of tbia wetk. Hope you baa A g od time boys. Misa Anoie Yeng r who for the past fiv years has be n mtkiu b-r home iu Puila- ieiplua. ih here Tisitiug her f-uhiT, Mr. li. ti Yei-uer Mr. tiJyde larRoDton lias acc ptea t e poai'ion of City Sa enuan witu A. H. Mar- rison tt d is making seni.Jaily visits to the cny radi-. v e iiuaermauii mat cur laieutea you:g loD(ui ji, II. 5i. tvaru, hi-q will e one of tbe candidates f'r tUu Alasoraluy of Plyniontb. Mr, -I. if. Howrd u Q.ling the cfiL-e of Ilrtilvsay P Bial Clerk t r ten days in the abe ce of Mr Oupree wuo in away on a b idai inu,. - - n m 1 illiiitr ia iiiftLintr Ama big improvem-uT m h Uonupany we hope to wwpev near future, fhe Plvmontli Draniat clClub Vi rS.. duce 'ten Mfctiia in Kalr-roouii" iu tbeX near future iui piny, itidugu olid, Is oue of tlie bebt ever written Rev. W. 1 Aalibnm of tW M P. Uhurch will pre -Ch - ttbeO nrt Hou- ti' zt 1puid.iv aft -rn. on at 3 n'oincK Hie ub ic iiy moht coidially inv.ted to be preaei. t. Hear tLe famous Gilbert Wallden to- Vht at the town Hail. Y a willetlj hi Iwit. bumnr and eloqnenoe, and will it is uliore you will be aiding tlie -oldie? ttoya Mrs. anerin rneipa aud cniiaren mve returned home froai a visit tA Cret-Walil, accompauied by Miss Ida PheipVt, of ocu)) p riing, and Jlits Kat'-lle Dillon, of Noi-. folk. Mr. H.' Aumurk, chief engineer of 8tr Plyniouth, hai moved hit fimiiJy from Bkinneisvile in tLiaoouuty, to Wiftiain tn where be can be with them uighis 1 and on Sundays, We w re in error last week in nayli g Mr. . T. Ayera would opeu a store! be-e. T e iteiu Was picked up on the s'reet. in W'tt I abiitnce of -lr Avars, who waa visitiiie iu Wanbiijgtou Mr, Frank Gray and fimily have returu ed from a viait to their od home in Uhlo. Mr. Gray telle ne that while we have tii-en eujiyiiK Bprinn-iikc weather, it has been feaifrliy cold in Ohio. Capt, Harut-y baa told his delivery borne and wa(on t . ti Harrison who is iiw running a free delivery system. Tbia i a con v-n. 'C. which our people comd not well afford to do without. Kev. W F Ashbun. of the M. P. CLurcli wid di-livnr s lecture beiore tut- tmperauci club at tbe Court Hi U e on Monday nint Tht- hciure will be preceeded by an inter-1 tatiug literary aud musictl program. Uncle Henry JiuUw. one of onr oldttbt ! and biibf8t rt-specea coined vtUKet who bs been siiHeniig tr.m p.stuity tor some time. w.iH conflne( in jail ou jjuudaV t be kept oniil he could be ttken to the aayiu o at Goldeiboro. The Williamston Araatenr Theatrical Co. came dowo yesterday and gave on. of tht-ir pleaniuK eutertaiuments in the Twn Hail liHtuiKbt. Come again f iends but give i us notice no ymi mty be welcomed by a larger audience. It was onr pleaatire to meet the genial Jno. . Hnia'lwood, fcq.. alveriiHiug ageut for the New Bru Fair, which will Kive ita ll'h annuai ext.ibitwin Februpry 8ib lo Vian b 5th inoluaiv". If Mr. Small wood is au index to tuu fair it will be a big sccce8a thi yaar. After reading the Rdvcrrinerat'ut of Ma tbina Oweus & Co., Irpi Wfk. a lady wn.l down to Ne that d play of Haiubur, thinking perl apt ihut lh.-a 1 wiuahum- bng. but nut; lett the store b4i'vii. aa !-iny do thnt M tbi"8 ia one of tue Itvii idere if the ptestnt ag." 3. H. James, former Principal of James High School, and Inventor, patentee and' manufacturer of the Janies school desk, who has been dnliverine desks in ltbi ection, tells as that sinoe hs was here I last tllmnur ha Haa uM nar 1 nOn ocki These desks are luat the nroner kind, and ahould be ia every school room. We have jut reoe ived a nice stock of stationery and will appreciate your orders for note beads, let er heads, bill head. statements, cards, blanks, recrint books. order books, due bill?, circulars, baud-bills, poster?, euvelopcs. invitations, n W8Daper phamplets, book work, binding. Ac, in fact we do any kind o! jobpriutiug. Mr. R. A. Knight and fauily left Tester day morning for, Waslw gtn which is to be their future home. Mr. Knight will en gage in the mercantile business. vYhils we regret to loe thia good family, yet we take pleasure in coumenaing tUrnt to the peo ple among which they cat their lot. May success crown your enoru frit nd Dick. That good farmer and old lne Democrat. Mr 11. M. Sneil, of Mkinnersville. called to I wdus in town vveauexaay ana renf w I ed his subscription for another year. Mr. in"!l T member of the Board of county Uomuiihsioners at one tlm. aid it wa in . , ...... . . tan capacity ne aia nis eouniy great service "Ou ""' wed bts ability and fort-thoiieh1. It " noh neo aa he that the people sbou d place tu office. Among the esteemed friends who have caiiea aunug tbe pant week and paid their i suDioriDlioun wnre ; Mra . Altr.i aud Th-rfi H. Turner, two enlrpriHin turners f the Roper section, t 'apt. J, E. ti.M .uMni Kiflcmen, Mr. W. T. Crad.iock. a DroHt;r nll. r.r,.rnr tki. i.L I'll t. r V i -S KU1C1 V VIHUf ill. tfiU ,'!yi,lp,,'?!.,,wn' aud ,ot,ier8- Thtak1 k . "W" y , rWby "l", wiih Con"' r" ,nd M , . .. itieviri'iuK in tbe bend like Sulolmte oi Q ienine. i- ut up in tablets convenient f r takeing Guaranteed to cure or money ref unded. Pncn, 25 Cents For tle by Plymouth Druggifct Not ft Very Merry-go-round. On Friday night last, while a num ber of people were rn joying a ride on the nierry-ga-rotind, l);tvid Har rison, colored, was thrown off, sus taining injuries which rendered him unconscious for several hours. No bones were broken or wounds inflic ted. It B'-ems that the breath was just knocked out of him by the force of the fall. Frjni what Harrison saya, lie be came sick and was unconscious be fore he fell. It was indeed anything but a " merry -go round, and came near beiug a death ride to him. Shoulder Broken. On Friday afternoon last Mess. W. U. BoWen and T. L Satlertli waite etarted out of town in u cart, the mine tiiey were driving became frightened and ran away. Mr, fciat tciili Witile was thrown out at the corner of Wiishiutou aud Main ft'reets. In tlu full his .shoulder wis broken and lii binh feartully bruised . He was takeu lo Ur. Hhs sell's ollice where Ins injuries were an ended to, nnd ih.-n sent home. Mr. Ho.vt'11 was also thrown tiie cart, but not sei I he u tile. ijureu. ladling the curt. lake 1 1 up. le 8niimiin s of our people are wiih .Mr ."Vit'ertn wane "i ms tins rortune, and ail wish for him a speedy recovery. DUkREE -OWENS. "Koraarber," the bfantiful surburb home of Mr. B. F. Oweun, on Weduesday moru iag at suuriao waa the ceue of a pretty home marriage, the contracting pariiea bcin M.& Annie U Owt n tl e aceom pi bed dauuhu ri.l of ilr. anJ Uro. B. F. Owfus, ai d Mr A. K. Dnpree, h9 effi cient and oouular Kailwai Phta Cerk on the a. & H. divm u of the . . L. The ceieiuony aht'cu muted in the b' ly bo. da of mat'iuiony tbia popular yi-Unx coupie. was performed Ly Itev J L. Ciin nirggiiu in tbe prew nce of a few frienda and the bride's fawny, I wtoedi.iUly afu r the ceremony the bride and jjioouj were driven to tbe A. A H., "depot where they board-d the 7:o0 tram for a tour to VVaatii. g'ou, D c., aud other poiut't Tuu Beacon ex-euda congratulations. Gilbert Waldea. America's Greatest Dialect Hu-m-rini. will give one of his famous exhibitions in tne Twn Hall to niohr. (January Sth) for benefit of the Military U mipany. This gftitlo mau hitrf been euthiisiii.-nii'a'U re ceied at every place he has appear ed, and he lias given more than 2,000 entertainment. You now lidve a cluince of witnessing one of this gifted -. Southerner's entertain iheii', (wl'.M'li is woit i of itse'f mre than the u(misitu foe) and also show your Mil'tiry Company that you appreciate their willingness to st'ivo ou in ca.e of need. Aud lie assured the eneour.igHineni hIiowii bv your patroiiHue will be highly ap- p related by the (loinp ny. This tnfted elooutiouHt and hit- morwt comes to n w'lh the highest tes iinonials frotu the leading minis ters of the gospel land the press. Hear him, because oi love and iiiprecixte talent.' lie tr him, be eause y.u love anl appreciate the IjiiUitnt soldier los. Admission 15, 5 land 35 cents. Ticket for sale at the Keacon office and at iIih Jlru-ji stores of .1 V. Iiryau and thJ Piymottth Drug Uo, Rev. F. T. Wooten Departs. Rev. F. T. 'Wooten. whose xeeis nation as pastor of the Baptist church of this town was noted in these columns a few weeks ago, preached- his" farewell' sermon Sun day night last. The church was tilled with people upon whose faces was an expressiou of regret. His sermon was an earnest appeal to God'a people to march on 'From Glory unto Glory," aud to the un godly to seek Christ. His pmyers were nathetic and full of ideadinca for the richest blessings of heaven to rest and abide wiih the pt-oplu he was leaving, not alone of his own churcji, but of all the churches and the entire town and community. In his closing words he paid a grand tribute to the iople of i'lvinouih for the maimer in which they had treated him and his family while among them. After services nearly every person present) went forward and bid him good bye, and a most touching scene it was. He and his family left Monday morning for their new home at )ra. Sampson county, taking with them the best wishes of all our neonle. A we have said before, few men ever won a wanner d ace in the hearts of Plymouth people than has this Godly nun, ltev. K. T. Wooten. aaMBBMOTHaa Bbactt is Blood DsBr. Clean blood means a clean kin. No benuty wi hut it. CascareU Caudy Ca thartic clean your blood and keep it clean. by stirring np the lazy livr and dnviu all impmitiea Yom be l dv. Begin t -dav to bau sh p.mples, boils, blotcn-s, black headri, and th it ica y bi ions complexion by taking Cascar ts -beanty for ten cents. All uruggisis, satisfaction guaranteed, 10. , 26c, 50c. dec i-tf PfiAUL LEWIS CA5K. " We regret to know that oar report of the Ptarl Lewis case, investigated by the Cor- ouer'a jury, has been construed by some in a way that makes it appear that we charge Pearl Lewis with tbe crime. We reported tbe declsiou of the physician and Verdict of the jury, and referred to tbe fact that upou Circumstantial evidence. Pearl Lewis had been charged with the crime. She is under guard yet. aud when tried the Lb. con Wilt publish the evidence. VYt have uo intention of uoing anyone an Injustice. W were not reporting the opinion of people, bu; verdict of a jury and facta r garding charges made. Iwo Millions a Ybk. When peoplt buy, try, and buy again, it un mud tuey're aatu&ed l'ha people of tbe United a atea .irt now unyiog Cahcar auay Hainan ic at tu rate of two utyfimi boxrs a jeai aud it wil d three m lfoy ir. tote sew Year's. It imaus nen ptuved that Cnscareis are the jcid jlintfui oowel regtilator for evfrtboUy the year round. All d Utfgistsfoc, 2& s. 60o a box. cure guarauteeu uej, l3 LATUAM HOUoK AttlilVALS. The following were registertd at the Latham House the past week : J. C. Johnson, It. It. Meajham, J. Mctie, Ibos, Howard, A 11. Itawiiugs, J. M. Wi- lard, C. M. Weatheis, it. L. Monieaga. iC At. Buck L). U. Wallace. W. H Kjliuiuk, f. K. KbodtB. F. K. Perow, tt. O, Obuicu, At. Wesibtiuei.J K. rtartul, A. Browu. H. W. feikius, I-ouia P. Horntial 1 O. I uitle, U. 11. James, J. ti, Howard, Juo. O Lamfl, v . f. Ives, titos. Haiduy, Juo. . -uwllwmHi, J. 3 Joyner, V. M McArihur, T. A. itichard, Jr., l. C. Syuie, D L. Gun, Geo. . Uisbaroon, L. Pound. T. J. Jfruden.K. JC. Button, C W Bidgood, F. H Nickel, tiaui'i B. Gunst, J. tt. Dawson, Gilbert V H'dn, F. F. Oavis, D. O Patter. Evkrtbodt Sat o. Cascareta Candy Cathartic, tbe most woudi-rfut discovery of th. Hge, pleasaiK and retretibiug to the taste, act Kenti and positively on, liver and bowelM, cleauaing ibe eut.rti s.'SteiL, di- pel ooia, cur- neauitcue, lever, uaouua- con btipation aud bilious eaa, Pleae buy a d try a box t U. U U. to-day ; 10, 25, no ft-ntri, hold and guaraub ed to cure b all druggie. B. dec 13-tl CUT MAUKET UEI'OUT. U. K Bides per Sbolderb Bacou lb 7 10 (12.00 8 $6.50 5 5o 35 40 40 S ft 35 12J to 15 15 to 25 tt i'ft n U SO to 80 7 llama ri. C , Pi ik per barrel Lard retiued Flour, per barrel, Patent Family W. I Molasses, per gal.. vriiD " " Granulated "'agar, per lb Ligut brown " " " Butter " " Green Cflee " B,AUd Coffee " Ugga per doa.. Loitacco, per lb Shot " " un Powder " " 30 to 40 Coaltlil Vhite. Safety 150, per gal. 12 " " Ued C. prgal.. lft 4 ppl Vinegar " " 30 tsee's Wm. per To V I'a'.HV 5 5 " 3c under 60tb 3 ' 2 65 per Bos., new 50 " 60 . 40 h . 40 " " M M 30 to 40 Hides, flint " Green " baited Salt, per sack Uorn, Meal, Uice, Peas, black - black eye Peaunts C tton per lb 5 to TO CUBS C0N8TIP4.TI0S FOBBVSR. 1 afee Cascarr ts Gaud v.Cat bar tc. !Oo. or 25c. If O. C. C. fait to cure, oruggiMs re fund money. dec is-tf Do not miss the opportuni- TY OP YOUR LIFE. if you have not aVH7ULS)Lriivia At lathias Owens & Co'i go at once and they have the and best selected m Plymouth. ceived another styles at same thing wilL n&t last always. COME T sEI US NOW, Don't wait that big stock ot that is being offered at a great a 4"h . . a a sacrmce to close out, is going. Jttespectfally, M. Owens & Oo. NOTICE. By virtue of a judgment and decree In tbe Superior Court of Washington connty, N. Carolina special proceedings entitled Mary K. ltoweii and others vs J. P Hil linrd, guardian ad litem of Cliar.M ItiWe i et U, I shall m tl on ouday tt-e 7th day of February 1898, at pub lo anc ion at tne Ciurt House door i'i Pijmouih, the fol lowing de-crib.d tract of land : beginning at the fir t prhII d ten aontn i tne inain lead ditch. - whiuti cross- thi mai-i road leading fr- m Plymouth to Wnhi- gton on tbe south B'd- of id road thence run- ing eiRtwrdy along the sata oitcn io .n-sepn W. iteailev'a I'oe. tbenc soi.tbwirdly al'nK and Beasley'H line t Jh Will am KoadM conor tt wesiwa-dly a wn the c-ntre of of a hutUI bruich to the n aiu ; furimrlv b'idg whs thence j road where - , . jj northwardly alnug the eastern edge o' aad road toihe.eBinninir.containiie20scrs Terms of sale made known on daj ot sale. This 22d day of Dec., 18!7. 8. B rami!., Commitii'iur. CASH PRICES FOR FUR, HIDE- aud TAF LOW. Iwillpiy the IIIOHESTCASH PRICES for Fur, UMe and Tal low. Apply to . FRANK GRAY, tojan3 Plymouth, N. C. NO LADY IS HAPPY, And no lady cas be happy if her hat or bonnet is not the latest, and perhaps this article of wearing ap pearel has more to do with your ap pearance than all the rest of yonr attire. Then call at my millinery store and have us do your triming in the latest style. , FOR THK NEXT 30 DAYS I shall offer ready trimmed hats, and trimmings, together with all milli nery goods, at a reduced price to make room for spring goods. It will pav vou to take adynntsge of this SPECIAL REDUCTION' kM. MllS, S. D pEAL. oe-20 3ai J jZ3 -:Vifs-. already seen that be convinced ytor bigest,' cheapest line eve? shown We Mve just re of beautiful This good, Valuable Farm For Sale. This farm is desirably located near the Scuppernong I. 0 .. on the main road he ween Plymouth and ''resweH aud contaii s 100 ncres of cleared land in good state of cultivation, and 75 acre" woodland. There is a pi od seven room bonne, with dining room attached mid good iiea'thy water. There is also two pood tenaut houses, Hiu) all necestury out build ings, on the place. Thi property is going to be sold Hi a sacrifice, for cash or on time, . ...i., of t ti.;a nm..a - . niri'ii cats i'ijvc iinr 'iiiw vi J ,.,, w-....-,.,,-. v r T.J. Basntgllt. hCttppemong, N . C. DO YOU HAT Fresb Pork, Keef, Fish or VEGETABLES 1 VM .11 . T aN MHAnoVAri a 4 S OU VOU VII ! V. j.j - - - - ' furnish anything in this line in nice shape. All goods fresh, and will lie- delivered to order at your door. ith a promise to please, I melt earnestly solicit your patronage, W. M BATEMAN. Front Stal.'., City Maeebt. Tetter. Sail -Rheum and Eczema. TVi a tnin itchinir and smarthxsr. Ind njtnviiinHiHfiiNiuyiKi, ibiubiaum emivvs w i ii ii - x t .a A n i I a vawi by applying: Chamberlain's Ey aivi Ekin Ointment. Many very bad caaef have been permanently enrwd by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore nipples, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bite and chrouia sore eyes. 35 eta. jer boa. Dr. Cady's Condition rowifrs, are just v,h&t a horse needs when in bad eoutUtion. Tonic, blood poxiSer and veimifoRe. They are not food bj ( medicine and th be-t - jne tw-s r lot prices. V