TIIJS JiOANOKE BEACON.' Published Every Friday. Offica opposite Post Office, . wp stairs iu Norman Building, , EntMJ in th Post Office at Plymouth 27. .Cm ocond oUes matter. .r . , . - .. , . 1 . . - . . f Tun TJrt.w.xn. Bkadon r.o aid 11 in iiiakiusr it su acccutable and profitable medium of news to our citizen. Lut Plymouth uiioiilo and the public know wnat U going on iu Plymouth. Report to us all itertwof iovs thu arrival and departure of friend, social bdlldlnRS, nuw enterprii-cs nnd improvomerjts of whatever character, cbanijesin businesx indeed anything aiui'evtirythiujj that would be of interest to our pwou'le. Babecnptlon price, J 1 .00 per year. Advmlemii)U iiiserled atlow rt8. " Obituary noiirug exceeding ten line five cent aline, fount the words, allow iug eight to the line, and send money with MS. for all in 'excess of ten lines. , ' The editor will not be responsible for the views f correspondents. All articles" for publication must be accompanied by the full uame of tne writer. Correspondents are requested not to write on but one side of the paper. All communications must be sent in by Thursday moruinj; or they will not appear. Address all comma mentions to THE ROANOKE BEACON, . ' Plymouth. N. a Tuesday was a notable day for North Carolina It was a day on which opened a campaign for the white man and white metal on that day the Democratic party opened a campaign and entered a fight which mast be a fight to the finish. . The ablest men have been selected to do. the campaigning men who have the ability and the courage to expose the disgraceful and dishonest gang that have heaped shame upon the State. When the true situation is revealed to tho honest white voters there will bo but littlo' doubt as to the result. In this issue will be found an ar ticle entitled "A Vile Slander' from tho able pen of Jno. A. Arthur, Jr. , editor Washington Messenger. The utterances of which express the feel ings of some Yankee South-haters, of which tho paragraph copied by Mr. Arthur is a fair sample, is bad to say the least, and when it is given publicity by such an order as the American Tract- Society, it makes the blood of Southern people boil with indignation. The Southesn people can stand to he misrepresented as an industrial people, as patriots, soldiers, and section, but when her fair daughters . nre assailed and their purity of char acter is questioned, the people should rise in their might and denounce the vile slanderers as liars, and those orders or papers which give those expressions publicity should be ban ished from our homes. But thanks to their intelligence, all Northern people do not look upon us us some do. Those who are willing to seek and have gained any knowledge of the South, admit that the world has no braver men or purer women than the South. Read tho article of Bro. Arthur and let the press and the people of the South say Amen. " . As has been noted in this paper before, there are some objections to the building of the Record Vaults. Whether those who object are in a position to know tho need of the vaults or not. we ar unable to say. It seemi to us that every county should take tbi best of care of its records, and to do this it is necessary to have vaults that will stand under jyiirenmstances. With this object in view, the Board of Commissioners of Washington county, after taking duo consideration of the matter, have decided to build vaults, and to build good ones that will suffice for all time. This action on the part of the Commissioners was not taken willingly, for it was some time be fore they would consent to place such a debt upon the county, even .after it had been recommended by the Grand J urr. Under favorable circumstances this debt will not in crease the taxes, as the payments are .so divided as to give plenty of time for the surplus to pay the debt. We are not in favor of speuding county money where tho result is doifbtful, but in this case it is plain that the burning of tho Court House would mean the loss pf the records. "Uher counties are having vaults, 1 it is the duty of this county to -cfc its records, even at an ad- al cost. eS&!RE A COLD IN ONE DAY tJP v BrooiO Quinine Tablets. All vr 'uuil the nionejr if it fails to 7, u fit' I t v 5 , ' Inn. A VILE SLANDER. Until recently we have alwavs had the highest respect aud consideration for the American Traot Society, and thin consider ation has been shared largely by the Christian people of the South who" have contributed of their means to its support. We believed its sole object was to distrib ute Christian literatnre among that class of people who were not .able or iuclined to purchase it, and then awaken in them a thirst for moral and ennobling reading that will lead them to embrace Christianity, join one of the churches, and in the end become better, citizens and really good people. But we mast confess ever since our eyes foil on the following clipping published by this society, our admiration has turned to disgust and as far as we are concerned we would banish every tract or publication of the sooiety from our beloyed South. In fact we should no' more admit any of the publication of that vile concern into our homes than We would permit our little children to make playmates of rattle snakes. The wretches calling themselves followers of the meek and lowly Jesus dare to print the following damnable lie about Southern women. We copy. "For the girls of our Southern cities there is at present only one industry pros titution. They are too sluggish aud dull witted for factory work ; they have not perseverance enough ior plain household work or sewing. Amoug these women the Mormon propagandists find their easier work ; many hundreds of them go to Utah every year." We can all se6 at a glance this refers to the poor girls of the South, but it is a lie all the same, and the author, although he is a divine, knew it was a lie when he pen ned it. The Southern girl dressed in her checked apron i one of the purest beings on God's earth, and though she may be raised in the obscurity of the cross roads, her humble home made of loss and the wintry blast kept out by clay in the cracks, her education only obtained from the pub lic schools, yet her virtue is as pure as angels and 6he can compare favorably with the women of any nation or clime. We have often thanked God that our Southern women were just as they are, unassuming, modest, passing daily to their accustomed toil and becoming the mothers of a race of men from which the heroes of the war like Hobsou, Bagley and Blue have come. Aud this Southland of ours had yet to produce a Dr. Cody, Dr. Mary Walker, Elizabeth Staunton and Susan B. Anthony, While we have none of these. we can truthfully state, iu all the history of the world a record of purer women than has been furnished and is furnished by the Southern States of America have never been seen, and when a lie like the above is published defaming their fair name, we hurl it back in their teeth with renewed emphasis. Rich or poor, ignorant or learned, they stand ou the very, highest plane of purity. And a pretended religious association which publishes such vile slander should be ostracized by all self respecting people of the South. The Good Book tells us that it is impossible for the leopard .to change his spots or the Etheo piaa to make his skin white, and we sup pose the same rule might be applied to a Yankee Southern hater. Like, the Devil, they were liurs in the beginning and are liars still. It seems impossible for them to tell the truth, and their most congenial employment is in vilifying the South. Years ago history tells us, they exchanged New England rum lor negroes, and when trading and trafficing in negroes ceased to be profitable they sold them in the South, only to raise holy hands againBt the insti tution they introduced, and pronounced it the sin of the age. Not content with this, they now through the American Tract Society publish a vile slander like the above. As far as we are concerned we stand ready to compare statistics on pros titution any time and have no fear on which side the balance in favor of virtue and the purity of the Southern girls will fall. While this is true and the heroes of the present war are coming and will still be coming from the South, and particularly from North Carolina, attesting her loyalty, tho Yankees are selling coal to the Spanish navy to aid them in sending death and destruction to their own cohntryareaj What a contrast? Washington, N. Cv, Evening Messenger. Are your cheeks hollow and yoor If lips white? W h your appetite W poor and your di- v$ gestion weak? Is your flesh soft & and have you lost k in moinr anemia or poor blood. Jjf St They are just as frequent 5 in the summer as in the & 1 winter. And you can be j Ji cured at one time just as js well as another. W 4 Mis&tips Jl of cod fever oil with hypo- W ;jj phosphites will certainly t help you. Almost everyone W, 41 can take It, and it will not ib Jjj disturb the weakest stom- & ich. all Si poor blood to a hcaltny and rich j red. it nourishes the cram ; gives Ire You Pals 4 j;i power to tne nerves. It brings US j back your old weight and strength. Pjf S! . All rrtiKsif.t. 50c. eml 81. Si cOTT & lic.WNE, Chemists, New York, f.fj a J- Kf-2- HJFe1 For sale and guaranteed bv all dt .tere THE WAR SITUATION. The Situation in Cuba. , About 15,000 V. S. Soldiers have been landed On Cuban soil. One or two fights hav been, fought, in which the Americans were more or less victorious, with small loss of life. The Spaniards have been driven from their block houses and oat posts into Santiago. The Cuban Insurgents are aiding the Amerioaas in many ways, but the extreme heat is a great disadvantage to oar soldiers, and makes the fighting more difficult. The invading army is near Santiago and a final charge was expected yesterday and the people are anxiously awaiting to hear the result. There is a much larger army of Spaniards in Santiago than there is of the invading army, besides the country all around Santiago is well fortified, and these facts cause the Americans to fear that the victory, if won, will be a costly one, WILL GO TO SPAIN. The news that the Cadiz fleet under Admiral Camara, was moving Eastward, heading for the Philippines, is accepted as true, and the United States has fully de cided to send allying squadron to the coast of Spain and carry war into the Spanish homes. This fleet is now being made ready and will sail about Monday with four months supplies; it is composed of the flag ship Newark, battleships Iowa and Oregon, cruisers Yosemite, Yankee and Dixie, and three colliers, under command of Commodore Watson. This fleet will give the Canaries a brush, then pass down the coast giving the Span ish ports such a warm time that the Cadiz fleet will be recalled, provided it is not taken or demolished by Admiral Dewey, The administration does not seem to have any fear for the safety of Dewey and his fleet, as it has assurance from the hero of Manila that he can take care of himself. If tho Americans have attacked Santiago and taken it, together with Cevera's fieett the Cuban war is virtually over, but it looks like all the Spanish possessions must be taken before they will surrender. The North Carolina soldiers are yet in camp, the 1st regiment in Florida and the 2nd near Ealeigh. They have been paid off, and from all reports the boys are get ting alone finely. The work of mobolizing the negro troops at Fort Macon has been in progress this week. Two Millions a Yeab. When people buy, try, and buy again, it means they're satisfied. The people of the United States are now buying Cascarete Candy Cathartic at the rate of two million boxes a year and it will be three million be fore New Year's. It means merit proved, that Cascarets are the most delightful bowel regulator for everybody the year round. All druggists 10c, 25c, 50c a box, cure guaranteed. dec 13-tf CITY MARKET REPORT. C. R. Sides per lb S Plates 7 Sholders Bacon 8 . Hams S. O., 12 J Pork per barrel $12.00 Lard refined 10 Flour, per barrel, Patent $8.50 ' ' ' Family 7.50 W. I. Molasses, per gal., 35 & 40 Syrup " 40 Granulated Sugar, per lb 6 Light brown " " M 5 Butter ' " 25 Cheese " " 12.J to 15 Green Coflee ' 15 to 25' Eoasted Coffee ' " 20 25 Eggs per doz., 8 Tobacco, per lb 20 to 80 Shot " " 7 Gun Powder " " 30 to 40 Coal Oil White.Safety 150, per gal. 12 " " Bed C, per gal. , 15 Apple Vinegar " " 30 Bee's Wax, per lb 20 Ta!lowv " " 6 Hides, flint." " 5 " Green " " 3c under 60lb 2 ' " Salted " 2 Salt, per sack Corn, Meal, Bice, Peas, black " black eye Peanuts 65 per Bus., new 50 " " 0 " " 40 40 " " CO " " 50 to 60 Cotton per lb 5 to 5i Our baby has been continually troubled with colie and cholera infantum sinoe his birth, and all that we could do for him did not seem to give more than temporary re lief, until we tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea ltemedy. Since giving that remedy he has not been troub. led. We want to give you this testimonial as an evidence of our gratitude, not that yon need it to advertise yout meritorious remedy. G. M. Law, lveokut, Iowa. Dor sale by all druggists Its a poor mother who is uot a good board of strategy when it comes to getting her daughters married off. Persons troubled with diarrhoea will be interested in the experience of Mr. W. M. Bush, clerk of Hotel Dorrance, Providence It. I. He says: "'For several years I have been almost a constant sufferer from diar rhoea, the frequent attacks completely pros trating me and rendering me nnfit for my duties at this hotel. About two years ago a traveling salesman kindly gave me a small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Much to my surprise and delight its effects were immediate. Whenever I felt symptoms of the disease I would fortify myself against the attack with a few doses of this valuable remedy. The result has been very satisfactory aud almost complete relief from the affliction." For sale by all druggists It is easier to seek glory in your own month than in tho cannon's mouth also much safer. Educate Your Bowels With Casoabits Candy Cathartic, cure constipation for ever. 10c. 25c. If C. C, C. fail, druggists refuud money. dee 18-tf Now is the season when the festive pic nicker, in his white trousers, sittetn down upon the blackberry pie. Economy is half the battle of life ; it is not ao bard to earn money as to spend it well. Spnrgeon. A Stjbe Thing For You. A transaction in which you can Dot lose is a sure thing. Biliousness, sick headache, furred tongue, fever, piles and a thousand other ills are caused by constipation aud sluggish liver. Cascarets Candy Cathartio, the wonderful new liver stimelant and in testinal tonio are by all druggists guaran teed to cure or money refuuded. , C. C. C. are a sure thing. Try a box to-day ; 10c, 25c, AOc. Sample and booklet free. All druggists. dec 13-tf Some people talk incessantly all their lives and yet never say anything. He Do you believe in marrying for money ? She I don't know ; but I believe in di voroing for alimony. Boston Transcript.; EvERTBODT Says So, Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most wonderful medical discovery of the age, pleasant and refreshing to the taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual con stipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a ,box of C. 0. 0. to-day ; 10, 25, 50 cents. Sold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. . dec 13-tf The Spanish say they give no quarter in Cuba. We doubt if they are able to give a dime. When a man sets beat at. anv came he always says he's out of practice. To Cuke Constipation Fokever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c. or 25c. If O. C. C. fail to cure, druggists re fund money. dec 13-tf The mitten of a pretty Orange girl can knock out more men than the gloves of Fitzsimmons. Beauti Is Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets Candy Ca thartic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring np the lazy liver aud driving all impurities from the body. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, black heads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All druggists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. dec 13-tf Many people wear the cloak of religion because it doesn't cost thera anything. "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy in my family 'for years and always with good results," says Mr. W, B. Cooper of El Rio, Cal. ''For small children we find it especially effective." For sale by all druggists . NOTICE TO PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. I hereby notify all Public School Teach ers who may want their Certificates renew ed, to meet me at my office in Plymouth, on the 2ud Thursday in July to be examin. ed. White teachers will be examined on Thursday and colored teachers ou Friday. For the convenience of teachers in the tower part of the county I will meet them at Creswell, as follows: Whites, Monday July 18th, Colored, Tuesday July l'Jth, P. 8. SWAIN, County Supervisor. Execution Sale. By virtue of several executions to me directed, I shall on Monday August 1st 1898 at 12 o'clock M., sell to the highest bidder for cash, at tho Court House door in Plymouth, N. C, the interest of L. 0. Marriner in the following real estate : 1. The Roper store aud lot and build ings thereon, now occupied by Horton & Spruill. See deed from W. F, Gray and wife to L. C. Marriner, book A. A. p. 454 for full description. 2. The Beach ieck farm containing 100 acres more or less, adjoining the lands of J. F. Tarkenton and others 3. The undivided sixth interest of aaid L. C. Marriner in the W. E. Marriner land adjoining W. S- Spruill and others, con taining 60 acres more or less 4. A traot of 3' acres more or less ad joining S. M. Clagon and others, and fully described in the deed from S. M. Clagon & J. W. Blount to L. C. Marriner recorded in 'book No. 30, p. 202 in said county 5. The life estate of said L. C. Marri ner in a tract of land lying on Mackey's Creek containing 21 acres more or lens and fully described in a deed from S. M. Clagon and wifo to Jane Marriner recorded in said county in book No. 30, p. 36. Said execu tions are issued in tbe judgments of Hurst Purnell & Co., vs L. C. Marriner. This June 28, 1898. J. L. Phelts, Sheriff. Execution Sale. By virtue of two executions issued to me in the aotions of Hurst, Purnell & Co., vs. W, C. Marriner and L. C. Marriner, I shall on Monday August 1st 1898, at 12 o'clock M., sell to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in Plymouth, the interest of said W. C, & L. C. Marriner in the tim ber in said oouuty bought by them of L, It. Bowen and wife, and N. il. Harrison and wife. See deeds to W. C. & L, C. Marriner duly recorded iu said county iu book ''C C" p. p 399 & 403 for full description. A?o one acre of land, more or less, at Roper, N. C, fully described in a deed from W. H. Fitchett to VV. C. & L. C. Mar riner recorded in book no. 33 p 105. J. L. Phelps, Sheriff of June 28, '98. Washington County. W. F- BEASLEY, Attoriiey-at-Xjtiw, rLYMOUTIJ, N. C. THE COLTER IUAMILE WORKS Established 1848. . 159 to 1C2 Bank St., Norfolk, Va. MONUMENTS, ' CRA VESTONfS Cemetery Work in Marble an Granite. 3 Low prices quoted on work de livered at any point in the South. Prevents Indigestion, Colds, Colio, Hide bound, Epizooty and couUigious diseases. Restores the apetite, expels worms, grnbbs aud botts. Regulates the bowels and pu rifies the blood. For cows it gives rich milk and more of it, and prevents all com mon ailments. Hog cholera never goes where Peatts Food is fed. For Sale By .Plymouth Drug Co. FINE MILLIHERY I I H JP H. .A. Y ' AT Mrs Annie Lathams. 'Xhis season I have on exhi bition all the latest shapes in hats and bonnets. Also the latest in ribbons, birds, flowers, feathers and tips, in fact, all the latqst effects in millinery goods, I am now giving my personal at tention to the trimming department this season and will gurantee both work and prices, and will appreciate the patronage of my friends and the public generally. N Kespectfully, Mrs, Annie Latham. DO YOU SAT ; Fresh Pork, JJeef, 'ish or VEGETABLES r If so call on me. I am prepared to furnish anything in this lino in nice shape. All goods fresh, and will be delivered to order at your door. With a promise to please, I most earnestly solicit your patronage, W- M. BATJEMAN. Next to J. D. McConnico's Store. BR0KS WILLIAMSON, THE BARBER At the old stand. Mr. Louis Jackson, the Barber, is gone, but you will find Brooks Williamson at the same place prepared to satisfy the public as a barber. Call on him. SPANISH FLEET BOTTLED UP Special to Roanoke Beacon readers. Since Comodore Schley has got Crevera bottled up at Santiago, Mc Conuico has bottled up at the Ply mouth Grocery Co's. , a lot of fine Imperial Syrup put up in 3 pound cans, Mackrel and Develed Crabs, with shells. Breakfast Bacon, etc. Come and see for yourself. We keep everything kept by an up-to-date Grocery Store. SUBS C R I B E FOE THE ROANOKE BEACON, Only one dollar per year. We make a specialty of Job Work, and defy com petition in quality and prices. Send us a trial order and be convinced. HIT NORFOLK & SOUTHERN RAILROAD , COMPANY. Schedule in effect feb 21st 1898. -The Direct, Short Line between Plymouth,' Edenton, Eastern North Carolina and Norfolk and all points North. Steamer , leaves Plymouth 7:00 a. m.. Mail Train leaves Edenton 1:45 p. m. daily, (except Sunday), arrives at Norfolk 4:25 p. m. ' Express Train leaves Edenton Tues day,' Thursday and Saturday at 815 a.m., arrive at Norfolk 1 1 a. in. Connection made at Norfolk with all rail and Steame' Lines, and at Elizabeth City with Steamer Neuse, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for New Berne, Atlantic . & N. C, It. R, Stations; also Wilmington k, Newberne It. It., stops at Roanoke Island, Ocracoke and Oriental. - The Company's "Steamers leave Edenton 12-45 p. m. as" follows; Steamer to Mackey's Ferry, Plymouth, Jamesville and Williamston daily (except Sunday) , with passengers for lioper, Pantego, Bel haven, connecting with Sir. Virginia Dare for Makleyville, Aurora. South Creek, -Washington and intermediate landings. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for Chowau River, and Monday and Friday for Scuppernong River on arrival of No. 2 Train. . ' Norfolk passenger station at Norfolk and- Western Railroad Depdt. . Through tickets on sale and . baggage checked to all principal points. -0- , EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH FAST FREIQHT LINE. 'AND PASSENGER ROUTS.. Daily all rail service between 'Edenton. ' New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and! Norfolk. , Throujh cars, as low rates and quicke time than by any other route. Direct all goods to be shipped by East, era Carolina Dispatch, rs follows : From Norfolk by N. & S. R. R.; Baltimore by P. W. & B. R, R.; President St. Station Philadelphia by Pennsylvania R. R. Dock St. Station; New York by Pennsylvania" R. R., Pier 27 North River, and Old Do minion S. S. Co., Pier 26. For further information app!y to J. E.. LAWRENCE, Actnt, Plymouth, N. C, or to the General Olfice of the N. & S R.R. Co., Norfolk, Va. M. K. KING, General Manager H. C. HUDGINS, G. F. & P. Agt. WANTS SUPPLIED. If yon want a good watch cheap, call on the undersigned. If yon want a good Standard Sewing Ma- chine, do likewise. If yon want a good second-hand machiue cheap I have got them, If you want Jewelry of any kind call 00 , me. If you want to hear the talking machine come and see the wonder of the l'Jth een turv, I have it. w , Battle Ship Main Souvenir spoons will be in stock by the 2()th inst. Price 25 cents. Lastly, If you want your watch repaired, call and see me. Yours Respectfully, T- B.-lTeagei, e Lead, Kever Follow . till In Tlie Xi-ont With the very best facilities to serve the public in tlie way of first-class tnrnouts. I keep on hand a good stock of HOUSES AND MULES, For hire. COME TO SEE ME When you want stylish turnouts. I guar , antee satisfaction. B. F. OWENS Main Street, Plymouth, N. C. oe 10-tf THE OLD RELIABLE PF7 I am still in the front, with a complete line of Buggieswaggons, Koad Carts, Farm Carts, Or any other Vehicle. To be convinced, calVM," v. for your self. With a large varl'"" and increased fac;; tcr prepared th " first-class v consistent ThanK liberti hope turf ' m A v