THE ROANOKE IJKACON.' PUBLISHED EVERY i'RIliAY . ' By The Roanoke Publishing Co. W. FLETCHER AUrfBON, EditobT. , fLYMOUTH, N,C. ' Friday, July 1, 1898. Directory. CITY GOVERNMENT. .' Mayor, Levi Blount. Treasarer, W. II. Hampton. Constable, Joseph Tucker. ' Councilmen, Levi Blount, II. S. Ward, W. II. Hampton, D. O. Brinkley, S. T. Harrison, J. 1L Smith, Jos. Mitchell and Sampson To we. ' COUNTY GOVERNMENT ' Sheriff, John L. Phelps. Treasurer, T..J. Basnight , Superior Oourt Clerk. Thos, J. Marrmer. Register of Doeds, W H Stubbs Commissioners, Kufus Swain, Frank M. Bunch, N. M. Ambrose, STATE government. Governor, D. L. Russell. Lieutenant-Governor, Chas. A. Reynolds Secretary of State, Cyrus Thomson. ' Treasurer, William II. Worth. Auditor, Hal. W. Ayer. i (lonao I Tallinn V. WalSflr. (Superintendent of Public Instruction, " Charles F.Mebane. CHURCH SERVICES. Methodist--Eev. J. L. Ouunlnggun, pas tor, Services every Sunday at 11 a. m., and S p. in. Prayer meeting every Wednesday night at 7:30. Sunday school at 9 a. m., A. O. Gaylord, Superintendent; W. N, Coop er, Secretary. - Baptist Rev. G. L. Fintch, pastor, services 1st 3d Sundays at 11 a. ra., and 7:30 p.m. Prayer meeting every Thurs day sight at 7:30. Sunday school every Sunday at U.30 a. w., Ji. T. Ventres, superintendent. 1 Grace Cluirch (Episcopal) Rev. E. P, Green, rector. Morning and evening prayer 3rd and 4th Sundays. Celebration 3rd Sun da). Sunday School at morning services, Jidmund Alexander, Superintendent Post Office Directory. P. M., Emily W. Fagan. Ass't P. JI., F, J?. Fagan. Clerk, Geo. VV; Hardison, Office hours, 6-30 a. m., to 8-30 p. m. ARRIVAL OF MAILS. Northern mail arrives at 11 a. in; 3 p. m, and 7-iQ p. m. Southern: arrives at 11 a. m , & 7-40 p.m. , Time of Closing Mails. Northern mail close at 7-3" a. 8-50 a. m., & 11-20 a, ni. Southern: closes at 7;35 a, m., & 11:20 a.m. KCi f!TTI2.TC NO PAY. That is the way all druggists sell tinnvWA TAfi I'KLESS CHILL TONIC wV ' . . . , - -I .. IMm a a lwl H iiV Kl IT. IK Kl HI III V Iron and Qiimine in a tasteless form, Children love it. Adults prefer it to bitter, fcauaeating Tonics. Price, SGe, je 1-ly r793Bingliam Scliool fl SHEYILLE, Established in 1793. MaJ. K. BINGHAM, lOflO A.M.. LL.D.,Supt. IOuO Military; U.S. Army iti'Lll Officer detailed. NOTICE ! In accordance with Section 5., of the Election Law of 18'J7, notice is hereby given that the voting place in New Land Precinct in Beaver Dam Township. b9 and the same is hereby removed from New Land School House, the former voting place, to. Holly Grove School House, near H. D. Craddocks etore. This 4th day of June 1898. - Thos. J. Makkiner, Clerk Superior Court, Washington County. E. K. Makrinek, Deputy Clerk. f "-unity Ml JLTS. 303. ffi IT HUPP 3 W Ka3 ;iUi tiiaii, dte TELESEs . TASTE n n 5 l ,v-.rrza BEACON FLASHES, July. . One half of the year 1898 hs gone. See notice to public school teachers. Are you going to Cresweli on the Cth ? Work on the A. C. L., depot is progress. ing rapidly. The weather of the past week has been extremely warm. Miss Gee Midgett is visiting relatives and friends in E. City:' A heavy electric and rain storm swept over this seotion Sunday evening. Mr. Reck Scarborough, of Portsmouth, was here this week visiting his father. Take Roberts'. Tasteless 25o. Chill Tonic. Every bottle fcnaranteed. No cure, no pay. For sale by W. C. Ayers mar 15-ly Mr. J, C. Rpruill, accompanied by his family, visited his mother, near Skinuers vule, last Sunday. ' Business has been quiet this week, farm ers have been too busy killing grass to come to town trading. v. Mr. T. H. Davis afler spending a few days witn bis family has returned to his work at Fenters, Va. . The ware house in the rear of Skittle tharpe & Cooper'H store has been given a coat ot paint this week. Miss Adelia Skittletharpe is spending some time witu trieod9 in Scotland Neck We wiuh her a pleasant sojourn. The ladies of Plymouth and vicinity are respectfully invited to call aud see the celebrated "Shirt-Waist Starch" at Plym outh Grocery Go's.,- f Contractor Jackson has been busy this week fitting up the' interior ol the now post office and the stores in the Ilornthal block. We were glad to see our young friend, Mr. Geo. W. Waters, of Edenton, b6re this week, he was here on a short visit to his mother. Tne ladies of the Baptist church will give a lawn party on the Court House square to-night. Everybody invited to be present. Mrs. S. J. Barcoe and children, and Miss Gertie Woodartl, of Roper, spent Tuesday in our town as the guests of Mrs. C- J Norman. A pio-nic was given on the sound Wed nesday by Prof. Arnold's school, of Roper. Several of our people attended and report a fine time, Mr. A. O. Gaylord has purchased the lot on Main streec next to Mrs Emma Latham, and will at once erect thereon a handsome residence. Just note that Clearance Sale advertise ment of M. Owens & Co., and if you ever expect to need such goods it will pay you to buy now. Owing to the illness of his little daughter Capt. G. W, Harney, of the Str. Lucy, re. mained at home while his boat was up the river this week. Mrs, Alice Ayers with her son, Master Derwood, and daughter, Miss Allie New berry, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. D. Eborn, at Bayside. Roberts' is the Chill Tonic you want, be cause it cures. 25c. per bottle. No cure, uo pay. Pleasant as Florida oranges. For sale by W, C. Ayers feb 15-ly Mess. W. A, Blount and E. D. Carstar- 6tarphen went to Roper on Sunday lust where they had to remain all night on ac count of the storm. J no. W. Hussey, Esq., of New York, owner of the Hassell Lumber Co., mill, has been here this week looking after his inter ests in this section. We understand that Mr. W. L. Sherrod will soon begin the erection of a large store on his lot, it is to be one of the finest build ings in the town. Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Gardner have been enjoying a visit to Mackey's Ferry the past week as the guests of Mrs. Gardner s uncle, Mr. L. C. Marriner, It is rumored that our popular townsman Mr. W. C. Hassell, will opon a first-Class general mercantile business in this town about September 1st. After an extended visit of several weeks to Rocky Mount and other places, Miss Nina Harrison returned home last week to the delight of her many friends. . Ladies are invited to call and examine the latest corset on the market. Something new, perfect fitting and easy. The best dollar corset ever sold. If it fails to satisfy money will be refunded at Hobnthal's. ' The Plymouth Drug Co., and Mess. Blount & Bro will soon be back in their old stands. The stores have been rebuilt and very much improved since the fire. Mr. J, C. Baker, of Suffolk, Va., is doing the painting for contractor Reddick on the new buildings here. Mr. Baker is an ex. pert in the manipulation of the brush. Miss Nena Copes, of Roper, who has been delighting our social circles with her sweet presence as the guest of Mrs. H. W. Mizeli left yesterday for Littleton to visit relatiyes. Mr. John Stocks ha? completed his resi dence at the head of Jefferson street. It is a very pretty and comfortable home, and wa understand that Mr. Stocks will ocenpy it himself. Mr. James Norman left Wednesday last for Jacksonville, where he has gone to take a position in Mr. E. Ludford's store for a few weeks, while one of the salesmen is off on a vacation. Rev. E. P. Green will leave this morning for Warrenton and other places to visit his parents and other relatives. He will return about the 1st of August. We wish him a pleasant sojourn. The Str. Luc, under command of her second officer Hardison, made a trip to Edenton on Sunday last taking over those of our people who wanted to attend the M. E. Conference. Thousands of persons have been cured of piles by using De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, it ht!j nrnmntlv and cures eczema and all V skin diseases. It gives immediate relief. "V. W. Bryan ' Capt) Berry; of the Plymouth base ball clnb. toll's us that his tr-am will crow bata with the lioper team on the 4tb, at Roper. The boys are now in training for the game and say Plymouth must win. Mess. J. R. Brooks and ' O, R. Leggett, two of Plymouth's most popular Bporting gents, made a short visit to Yea Bath we mean. They say it was a business trip. Quite true,' very important business. Dr. Jno. C. Kilgo, President Of Trinity College, was in our town Sunday flight last where he had an appointment to preach in the M. E. church, but ho was unable to fill the appointment owing to the storm. , It was our pleasure to listen to the ser: mon preached at the Court House on Sun day last by Rev. N. II. Harrison, of the Primative church. The house was filled to its utmost capaoity, and for 3. minutes he held his audience spoil bound by his eloquence and zeal. Bob Moore, of LaFayette, Ind., says that for constipation he has found DeWitt's Little Early Risers to be perfect. They never gripe. Try them for stomach and liver troubles. J. W. Bryan Miss Eliza McKesson, after a season of heart crushing iu our town, where she was the guest of Misses Leslie and Pauline Har rison, on Washington Heights, left Tues day morning for her home in Morganton. Miss McKesson isr very pretty and entertain ing and made a host of friends here, and by her departure the 6haddow of a mourning Vail is casting a gloom over society. Our colored friends had a grand time on Monday, it being an annual meeting of the Meridian Sun Lodge, I. O. O. F. A large number came over on an excursion from Edenton and the town was full of good natured colored people all day. The Meri dian Sun Band aud the band of Edenton furnished music, and despite the heat, they all seemed to be happy. Considering the large crowd it was one of the most orderly we ever saw. Win your battles against disease by act ing promptly. One Minute Cough Cure produces immediate results. When taken early it prevents consumption. And in later stages it furnishes prompt relief. J. W. Bryan Appointments of Bishop Watson Sunday, July 3rd, services at - St. David's Church. Tuesday, July 5th, laying the Corner stone of the Church at Cresweli. Wednesday, July 6th, services and con secration the Church at Columbia. Sunday July 10th, services at St. Luke's church, A. M. Sunday July 10th, services at Church of Advent, Roper. P. M. Largest In the South. We advertise Trinity College in this issue. At its recent commence ment $150,000 were donated to it. It ia now the largest endowed college for whites in the South. It is always aggressive in educational work. A department of law has been added, and in this offers superior advantage. Students studying law at Trinity will have the advantages of thejeourts and the influence of one among the strongest bars. In New Quarters. Mr. J. W. Bryan and Dr. Hassell moved into their new quarters yester day. Thi3 new drugstore is roomy and well arranged. In the rear Mr. Bryan has an office, and Dr. Hassell has a reception room and private of fice, something he has long needed. Mess. Brothers & Brooks, the fur niture men, also moved back to their old stand yesterday (the old is now new) and when they get their stock in place they will have one of the neatest furniture stores in the South. At Cresweli July 5th. On the above date, as has already been announced in these columns, the corner-stone of the new Episco pal church will be laid, the ceremo nies to be conducted by Rt. Rev. A. A. Watson, Bishop of East Carolina. The services, &c, attending this occasion will be interesting and well worth witnessing, while a day spent in this pretty little town, among a people whose hospitality has no limit, will never be regretted by those who attend. Let -Plymouth have a large representation on this occasion. Bingham's School. We are in receipt of the Catalogue of Bingham's School for its 105th j ear. This school is located near Asheville, and from every evidence is one of the most prosperous schools in the State. It has an attendance of 119, representing an area extend ing from Pennsylvania to Texas. Two years ago Maj." Bingham of fered eleven scholarships to the yoitDg men of this State, to be award ed by the Congressmen and Senators of the St8te, there were over 100 competitors for these scholarships. All these scholarships are now vacant except in the 8th District, and an examination will be held about the middle of August, time and place to be named by Congressmen. If you wish your boy to have a good education, together" with mili- tary training, correspond with Maj. Bingham. "During the hot weather lat summer I had a sevtre attack ot cholera morbus, ne cessitating my leaving ny business." says Mr. C. A. Hare, of Hare Bros., Fincastle, Ohiu. "After taking tw or three doses of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy I was con.pletely relieved and in a few hours was able to resume my work in the store. I sincerelv recommend it to any one afflicted with stomach or bowel trouble" For Bale by all drnggibl NO CURE NO PAY. That is the way all druggist sell Gkove's tasteless chill tonio for Malaria, Chills and Fever. It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. Children lovo it. Adults prefer it to bitter, nauseating Tonics. Price, 5oc. sep 2-6m The army mule can give some brigadier generals points on quick flank movements. The Chief Burgess of Milesburg, Pa., says DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the best,pll!s he ever used in his family during forty years of house keepiog. They cure constipation, sick headache and stomach and liver troubles. Small in size but great in results. J. W. Bryan ' It makes the sailor happy to see a light house'tis not so with the actor. "I think DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is the finebt preparation on the market for piles." So writes John U. Dun, ot Wheel ing. W. Va. Try it and you will think the same, It also cures eczema and all skin diseases. J. W. Bryan Every man thinks you are mean if you don't go his way. The editor of the Evans City, Pa., Globe, writes. "One Minute Congh Cure is rightly named. It cured my children after all other remedies failed." It cures conghs, colds and all throat and lung troubles. J W. Bryan It is not always safe for a man to follow his own knows. Sick headache, biliousness, constipation and all liver and stomach troubles can be quickly cured by using those famous little pills known as DeWitt's Little Early Ri sers. They are pleasant to take and never gripe. J. W. Bryan Love is blind, but matrimony is the great eye-opener. E. C. Blanks, of Lewisville, Texas, writes that one box of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve was worth $50.00 to him,- It cured his piles of ten years standing. He advises others to try it. It also cures eczema, skin diseases and obstinate sores. J. W . Bryan The seedy man is not always a farmer. If your blood is thin, appetite poor, troubled with night sweats, a bad cold or lasrippe, take Roberts Tasteless zoc. Uhm Tonic. For sale by W. C. Ayers feb 15-ly Trinity College. Offers full courses in English Language and Literature, Ancient and Modern lang uages, History, Sociology, Mathematics, Philosophy, Bible, Law and Commerce. Women admitted to all courses of study. The largest endowed institution f learning in the stats. BOARD $6.60 TO $10.00 PER MONTH. TUITION $50.00 A YEAR. Next session opens September 7, 1893. For Catalogue address, JNO. C. KILGO, jy-l-6w Durham, N. C. THE STATE NORMAL AND IN DUSTRIAL COLLEGE Offers the young women of the State thorough professional, literary, classical, scientific, and industrial education. Annual Expenses $90 to $130. Faculty of 30 members. More than 400 regular students. Has matriculated ' about 1,500 .students, representing every county in the State except two. Practice and Ob servation School of about 200 pupils. To secure board in dormitories,- all free-tuition applications must be made before August 1. Correspondence invited from those desiring competent trained teachers. For catalogue ana other informa tion, address PRESIDENT McIVER, jelC-2ni Greensboro, JM. u. THE UNIVERSITY. Largest patronage and fullest equipment in its history. Faculty, 38; Students, ous ; ,i .Academic Courses; 3 Elective Courses, 3 Pro fessional Schools, in Law, Medicine and Pharmacy. Advanced Classes open to women. Tuition $60. a year; Board $8. a month. Ample opportunities for self-help. Scholarships and loans for the needy, bummer fccnool for Teachers,; 24 Instructors, 185 Stu dents. Total enrollment, 670. For Catalogue, Address, PRESIDENT ALDERMAN, je22-2m Chapel Lull, N. C. NOTICE. T. B. Wolfe, et als., 1 vs II. E. Wolfe, et als. ) Pursuant to an order of the Superior Court of Washington County made in the above entitled cause on the 17th day of June 18!)8, I shall sell by public Bale at the Court House door in Plymouth, N. C, on the 1st day of August 18!)8 at 12 o'clock M. to the highest bidder the laods and tenements described iu the complaint in this caus, to wit : The Dr. Wolfa rsi dencfe near Plymoutn on the road from Plymouth to Jamesville including house aud about 8 acres of land, subject to the right of the present cropper to cultivate and remove the crop now growing thereon. Terms of sale one half cash remainder within six months. June 18th 1898. n. S. Ward, 4t Coiumisiioner. m P T 11 b)Jj!j si I Of AH Summer Goods, at M. OWEIS & CO'S.. FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS we will sell all our Summer goods at reduced prices to close them out. All wasli goods suck as Dimity, Organdies and Lawn will be closed at tlie following prices : Dimities. 12ic Dimity 10c. 10c Dimity 8c. Organdies. 18c Organdy at 12c. 15c. Organdy at 10c. 12c. Organdy at 8c. India Linen's. 25c. India Linen at 20c. 20c. India Linen at 15c. 15c India Linen at 10c. 10c. India Linen at 5c. 23 Negligee Shirts. $1.25 Shirts for $1.00. $1.00 Shirts for 75c. 75c. Shirts for 50c. 00c. Shirts for 45c. Ladies' Shirt Waists. $1.25 Waists for $1.00. $1.00 Waists for 75c. 85c. Waists for 00c. 75c. Waists for 50c. 50c. Waists for 40c. these goods must be moved in the next 30 days to make room tor fall stock, so come early and get your pick before the stock has been picked over. Every body who intends buying a suit will do well to come to our stoie as, we will be bound to suit you be&re you leave, Yours to in1 i 1 1 viatmas Slippers. $2.00 Slippers at - $1.50. $1.75 Slippers at $1.50. $1.50 Slippers at $1.25. $1.25 Slippers at $1.00. $1.00 Slippers at 75c. 75c. Slippers at COc. Clothing. $15.00 Suits -for $12.50. B $12.50 Suits for $10.00. $10.00 Suits for' $8.00. $S.OO Suits for $0.00. I $0.50 Suits for $5.00, S?$5.00 Suits for $3.75. We have a good lot of clothing on Ihand and will sell it at above prices Muring this Clearance Sale. Boys Clothing. I$4.00 Suits for $3.00. 3.00 Suits for 2.50. $2.50 Suits for $2.00. 2.00 Suits for 1.50. $1.75 Suits for $1.50. 1 50 Suits for 1.25. 1.25 Suits for 1.00. 1.00 Suits fdr 75c. please, f Co. uwens