E IIOANOKE BEACON. Published Every Friday. fffice opposite Post Office, u; stairs in 'man Building. . Entered In the Post Office at Plymouth N, C. luondi oIhss mutter. , ? P&Cftl fo every reader of Tu Roanoke Vto aid us in making it an acceptable and Jie medium of news to our citizen?. Lt .nth people and tha public know what is Mm iu Plymouth. Report to uh all Ileum of the arrival and departure of f rieud, social Ats, deaths, sorious il luces, ancideuu. ' new jldlnga, new enterprise and improvements of Aataver character, chancer in business indeed Aything and everything that would be of interest our people. Subscription price, $ 1.00 per year. AuTertiseineuta inserted at low rt -o. Obituary uotices exceeding teu liiu ., Ave cents aline. Count the word, allowing eight to the line, and send money with MS. tor all in excecs of teu line. The editor will not be responsible for the views Of correapondentg- All articles for publication must be accomuanicd by the full name of toe writer. Corr&ipotideuts are requested not to write on but one aide of the paper. All communications must be sent In by Thursday morning or they will not appear. Address all soinmunications to THE EOAN0KE BEACON, Plymouth, N. C. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. - For Judge First District Geo. H. Brown, of Beaufort. For Solicitor First District Geo. W. Ward, of Pasquotank. For Congress First District Jno. XI. Small, of Beaufort. For State Senate Second District II. S. Ward, of Washington. J. W. Miller, of Pamlico, The Democrats did the proper act when they nominated II. S. Ward und J. W. Miller for Senatorial hon ors, we will explain why later. It was with regret that all North Carolinians learned of the death of Judge Edward T. lioykin, which oc curred very suddenly at Dunn on the 27th. Ue was one of the shin ing lights of this State, he served for several years a3 a Superior Court Judge and by his fair and impartial rulings won an enviable reputation. At the time of his death- he was out making a, telling campaign for the Democratic party. The Populist Congressional Con vention, held at Edenton last week, nominated Hon. Harry Skinner . for Congress and the Republicans at the same time and place endorsed him. This wa3 expected and desired by the leaders who are seeking pie, but it. is evideut that it was not the wish of the honest masses of the Populist party. Mr. Skinnerjias proved un true to the people who-first nomina ted him, he has shown that hir sole purpose is to hold office. Those who have frequently atten ded district conventions declare that the-Democratic Congressional Con vention held in Edenton on Tuesday last, was the most enthusiastic and harmonious that has been held in the district for years. A gentleman who viewed the audience from the stand remarked that he could see from the expression on the faces of these intel ligent representatives of the white voters of the 1st District, that they were determined that they had met for a purpose, and that purpose was to nominate a man who could defeat Harry Skinner, who in his greed for office has Ion?; since forgotten the party that first nominated him, the man, who for gain, has ignored the pleadings of his oppressed people and sold his birth-right to the gold bugs. We believe the honest voters who want fair and just legislation, and especially those who have been f tfo basely deceived by Mr. Skinner, mill giaaiy welcome eucn a eanuiaiyte as Jno. II. Small, but of this candidate we will say more later. A Sube Thing For Yo A transaction in which yfjn cannot lose ' is a sure-thing. BiliousneBSt(ick headache, furred tongue, Sever, piles id a thousand other ilia are caused by istipation aud sluggish liver. Uaecarets L.'hnd.y CaA-tjc, the wonderful new liver testinal tonic are by ft tel to cure or money. Mire hiog. Tr' a to V ick 9D if CONGRESSIONAL VENTION. CON- This Convention of the Democrats of the First District was called to order at 3 o'lock Tuesday afternoou in the town of Edenton by J. Bryant Grimes, of Pitt, who presided in tbd abscnoe of Chairman Hod man, On motion, W. H. Lucas, of Hyde, was made permanent Chairman, and H. L, King, of King's Weekly, was made perma nent Secretary, with 0. V. W. Auebon, of the Roanoke Beacon, assistant. On motion the Committees on Perma nent Organization aud Credentials was dispobed of and the Committee on Plat form retired. While this committee was oat Hon. W. M. Bond entertained the convention with a speech which fairly gleamed with white supremacy and jingled with white metal. The Committee on Platform reported aa follows: "We reaffirm the platform of the Demo cratic party adopted at the National Con vention held at Chicago, and the platform adopted by the State convention. 'That the vital question involved in the contest in the State, and especially in this Congressional District is the supremacy of the white man. Tho conditions which now exist are intolerable, aud threaten in Eastern North Carolina the very existence and fabric of society and to AiVicanize one of the fairest portions of the State. Many of its towns and counties are in the grasp and control of ignorant and corrupt negroes who demand still further power and privi leges. "We call upon all white men to forget past differences and to unite tor the preser vation of our institutions aud society and for he protection of our homes and fire sidefe." Nominations beiug in order Mr, Aber nathy placed in nomination Col. W. II. Lucas, who arose and beggert to be excused owing to his inability to do justice to the campaign, whereupon Mr. Abemathy then placed in nomination that gifted son of old Beanfort, John H. Small, Eq. This nom ination was seconded by so many that it looked as if bis nomination would be nuanimous before it could be put to the convention. Hon. W. D. Pruden arose and offered the name of Hertford's talented lawyer, B B. Winborn, Esq., whici brought forth a great number of seconds, and one could not tell which of the two were the most popular. On motion a ballot was taken, bui before the first ballot could be counted Mr, Pruden received a message from Mr. Winborn, who was unable to be in the convention, to withdraw his name, which was done, and on motion of Mr. irruden the nomination of Mr. Small was made unanimous. In addition to the address of Mr. Bond, the convention was entertained by speeches from Col. W. II. Lucas and Col. W. F Beasley during its session. These stalwart champions of the Democratic party were enthusiastic and pointed. On motion the following were ramed as the Congressional Executive Committee for the First District, after which the con vention adjourned : W. B. Kodman, of Beaufort : L. F. Wright, of Camden ; Dr. C. M. Mason, of Carteret ; 0. S. Vann, of Chowan ; E. R. Johnston, of Currituck ; R. VV. Rm'tth, of Dare ; S. I. Harrell, of Gales ; VV. B. Shaw, of Hertford; W, n. Lucas, of Hyde: Jno. 0. Lamb, of Martin ; Jno. F, Cowell, ot Pamlico ; E. F. Lamb, of Pasquotank ; T. F. Winalow, of Perquimans ; J. Bryan Grimes, of Pitt ; J. II. Woodley, of Tyr rell, and M. M. Alexander, of Washington. NO CURE NO PAY. That is the way all druggist sell Gbovk's tasteless chill tonic for Malaria, Chills and Fever. It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. Children love it. Adults prefer it to bitter, nauseating Tonics. Price, 5oc. sep 2-6m Always look on the bright Side but walk on the shady side in this weather. yasion in hi a It isa strengthening fooJ and ,tonic, remarkable in its flesh-form-in properties. It contains Cod Liver Oil emulsified or partially digested, combined with the wll known and highly prized Hypo phosphites of Lime and Soda, so that their potency is materially increased. WfoatWfflftDo? It will arrest loss cf flesh and restore to a normal condition the infant, the chprd and the adult. It will enrich the blood of the anemic ; will stop tJjj.e cough, heal the irrita tion of tre throat and lungs, and cure vf tnt consumption. We -' statement because the ' f twenty-five years h I tens of thousands nu rrt SCOTT'S Emuiiir. 1 Jl.oo, a!! dri.-gists. j C, Che:r..;.t, New Y yfk - ' 1 bv il dealers the What is Scott's of SENATORIAL CONVENTION. The Democratic Convention of the Sec ond Senatorial District was called to order in the Court House in. the town of Plym outh Wednesday alter noon at 3 o'clock by Chairman II. S. Ward. Jas. A. Spruill, of Tyrrell, was made temporary Chairman, and W. Fletcher Ausbon temporary Socy. On motion the temporary organization was made perminent. On motion Committee on Credentials was dispensed with. ' On motion counties not having delegates present should be represented by any Dem ocrat present from said oonnties. On motion of Hon. S. B. Spruill the Convention proceeded to nominate two candidates for the State Senate, J. W. Miller, Esq., of Pamlico, was placed in nomination by Mr, Daniels, which nomination was seconded by an able speech from Col. W. H. Lucas, of Hyde. In a short, pointed and able address, Hon, D. Spruill, of Washington, plaoed in nomination H. S. Ward, Esq., of Wash ington, which was secouded by Hon. W. E. Ches9on. Tho Chair placed in nomination Mr. Mark Mydgett, of Tyrrell, which nomina tion was also seconded by Col. Lucas. There being uo other nominations before the convention, it proceeded to vote by counties, the total vote cast for eachcouuty being : Ward, 120 ; Miller, 95 ; Mydgett, 36. Sixty-one being necessary to a choice, the Chairman declared Ward and Miller the nominees, after which, on motion, the nominations were made unanimous. The Convention, which was large and enthusiastic, was entertained by addresses from candidates Ward and Hon. Jno, H Small. Col. W. F. Beasley was called for but declined as the time was limited. The following Exeontive Committee was elected t B. P. Nicholson, of Beaufort ; T. H. B. Gibbs, of Hyde ; Festus Miller, of Pamlico ; Dr. U. S. Hassell, of Martin ; R. W. Smith, of Darer T. H. Woodley, of Tyrrell, aud W. Fletcher Ausbon, of Washington. On motion the, convention adjourned. Educate Yotjr Bowels With Casoabetb Candy Cathartic, cure constipation for ever. 10c. 25c. If C. C, C. fail, druggists refund money. dec 13-tf CRESWELL CHIPS. PICKED UP BY TWO BEACON" LASSIES. August 29th. Mr. Wilson Holmes, of Alligator, is visit' ing relatives and friends iu and around Creswell, Mr. Dukes who has been employed by the Armstrong Lumber Co., has moved to Beaufort. Mr. Julius Woodley,' of Korfolk, is now visiting his mother at her country home near Oreswell. The revival at Mt. fieasant closed on Friday last and there were several additions to the church. Miss Cora Tarkenton left Saturday for Edenton where stie will spend Borne time with Miss Robinson. Misses Wilmet aud Myra Hardison have returned home after spending a week with Miss Hattie Snell, at bcuppernong. Mrs. Ber.1. Spruill has returned to her home in Wiuton after spending several days with her mother, Mrs. Mary Holmes. Mr. J. W. Sherrill, Principal of Creswell Academy, for the coining session, has arriv ed and will open school on the 5th of Sep tember. Pink & Blue. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Lxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All DnrggUts refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. Sep 4-6m SKINNERSVIL.LE SCRAPS. TACKED TOGETHER BY A "BEACON" GIRL. August 31st. The sick in this community are impro ving. ; - Mrs. E. T. Bruer is visiting Mr. Haywood Davenports. Miss Mary Wiley has returned from a visit to relatives in Edenton. Rev. D. A. BraS well filled his regular appointment at Reboboih Suuday, Miss Maggie Tarkenton has returned t he? home near Creswell, alter a short stjuy with her sister, Mrs. Thos. Marnner, Mrs. W. J. Harris spent several daiys in Chowan county and returned, aVoompa nied by Mrs. Carrie Harris, whomade a short stay, returning Tuesday. , MiHS Eleanor Tarkenton and SSlisses Lucy 'and Dora Braswell returned from Edenton last week, where they attended the Child ren's Day services at they M. P. Church ; also a tSutdvy School ic-nio atSandv Point, which was aiuch An joyed. Anon. Beauty ye, Blood Deep. Clean blood tmeaus a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets Candy Ca thartic clean our blood and keep it clean, 1? 6tirrlng fyp the lazy liver aud driving a'i impurity8 fr0ni the body. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, black heads, ytd that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All druirtrists. satisfaction Guaranteed. 10c. 25cvfi0c. de lH-if What a happy world this would be if we could only ste others as we see ourselves. DeWitfs Wifch Hazel Salve has the lar gest sale of any Salve in the world. This jact r.nrl itn nwit ban led dishonest people to attempt to counterfeit it. Look out for lie man who attempts to deceive you When ou call for le Witt's Witch Daze Salve p great pile cure J. W. Bryan r y A CRITICAL TIME During tho Battle of San tiago. Sick or Well, a Eush Night and Day; The Packers at the Battle of Santi- ago de Cuba were all Heroes.' Their Heroic Efforts in Getting Ammunition and Rations to the Front Saved the Day, P. E, Butler, of pack-train No. 3. wri ting from Santiago, De Cuba, on July 23d, Bays: "We all bad diarrhoea In more or less violent form, and when we landed we had no time to see a doctor, for it wrs a case or rusn ana rush night aud day to keep the troops supplied with ammunition and rations, but thauks to Chamberlain 'm Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, we were able to keep at work and keep our health ; in fact, I sincerely believe that at one critical time this medicine was the in direct saviour of our army, for if the pack ers .had been unable to work there would have been no way of getting supplies to the front. There were no roads that a wagon train could Use. " jMy comrade and myself had the good fortune to lay in a supply of this med Jne for our pack-train before we left Tampa, and I know iu .fpur.casesjt.ab. solntely saved life." The above letter was written to the man ufacturers of this medicina, the Chamber lain Medicine Co., Des Moines, Iowa. For sale by all druggists, Don't maray a woman who had rather die than wear a bonnet two seasons old. Two Millions a Yeas. "When people buy, try, and buy again, it means they're satisfied. The people of the United States are now buying Cascarets Candy Cathartic at the rate of two million boxes a year and it will be three million be fore New Year's. It means merit prov,3, that Cascarets are the most delightful bowel regulator for everybody the year round. All druggists 10c, 25c, flOcatox, cure guaranteed. dee 13-tf Nerve is that faculty which enables us to put on airs iu the presence of our own family EVEBTBODY SAYS So. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most wonderful medical discovery of the age, pleasant aud refreshing to the taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, enre headache, fever, habitual con stipation and biliousuess. Please buy ar try a box of C. C. C. to-day; 10, 2i M cents. Sold and guaranteed to cin by all druggists. dec 13-tf When a woman gets home from down town she always goes to the mirror to see how she looks. v , One Minute Cough Cure surprises people by its quick cures and childri may take it iu large quantities without the least danger. It has won for itself the best reputation of anv preparation used to-day for colas, croup, tickling in the throat or obstinate coughs. J. W. Bryan A cbaperone is one who aocepts the lm pn canon mat Bne is oiu enoug uoi tu Win vour battles against diseasoV act ing promptly. One Minute CoKgQure produces immediate results. Wen takeu early it prevents consumpt'(6n. And in later sges it furnishes prompt relief. J. W.Bryan Dou't undervalue the, 'sense of humor ; it keeps you from makjDg yourself ridicu lous. If your bloofl i8 thin, appetite poor. troubled with, tiight sweats, a bad cold or la grippe, tau.e Roberts' Tasteless 25c. Chill Tonic. Foriale bv W. C. Avers feb 15-1? To ypiuth home is a port1 of departure to middle age it is a haven of return. More tkjkn twenty million free samples of DeWittywitch Hazel Salve have been dis tribute by the manufacturers. What better proof of their confidence in it's merits do you JWaut ? It cures piles, burns, scalds, sorts, in the shortest space of time. J. W. Bifvan A fool and his father-in-law's money are soon parted. Truth wears well. Poople have learned that DeWitt's Little Early Risers are relia ble little pills for regulating the bowels, curing constipatien and sick headache. They don't gripe. J. W . Bryan For a train of thought wisdom is the best locomotive. For broken surfaces, sores, insect bites, burns, skin diseases and especially piles there is one reliable remedy, DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. When you call for DeWitt's don't accept" counterfeits or frauds. You will not be disappointed with DeWit's Witch Hazel Salve. J- V. Bryan Yon can't control the oqean, even when its tide down. You invite disappointment when you ex periment. DeWitt's Little Early Risersrare pleasant, easy, thorough Iittl ,-frhey cure constipation and sicky z ust as sure as you take them. J, r?x $500 Rr- Wfi will pay the Liver Complaint. V digestion Consti"-" cure with Wt' the dlrectior ' are purelv ,r 'sfhctior, BfWB '"- - n- Hrt ft 77 THE STATE NORMAL AND IN DUSTRIAL COLLEGE Offers the young women of the Stato thorough professional, literary, classical, scientific, and industrial education. An:vual Expenses $90 to $liO. Faculty of 30 members. More than 400 regular Students. Has matriculated '-pbout 1,500 students, representing every county in the State except two. Practice and Ob servation School of about 200 pupils. To secure board in dormitories, all free-tuition applications must be made before August 1. Correspondence invited from those desiring competent trained teachers. For catalogue and other informa tion, address . , PRESIDENT McIVER, jel6-2m' Greensboro, N. C. THE UNIVERSITY. Largest patronage and fullest equipment in its history. Faculty, 38 j Students, 508 ; 3 Academic Courses; 3 Elective Courses, 3 Pro fessional Schools, in Law, Medicine and Pharmacy. Advanced Classes open to women. Tuition $60. a year; Board $8. a month Ample opportunities for self-help. Scholarships and loans for the needy. Summer School for Teachers,; 24 Instructors, 185 Stu dents. Total enrollment, 670. For Catalogue, Address, PRESIDENT ALDERMANi je22-2m Chapel Hill, N. C. W. J1. BEASLEY, Attorney-at-Law, r PLYMOUTH, N. C. Plymouth grocer COMPARE , DEALER' mTvooiii grooe; Fruits, Coctiona avK,o, Canned Kx Good It fer Purpose .f'fin stock a -omplete line oi an Kw0ds needed by the up-to-date Womeifet l-All goods fresh. I-Prices &bW0W as the owegt4 JVe solicit a aharjfof J0nr patronage. J. D. McCONICOj Manager. Nexi uoor 10 . weIla Co - 10 YOU EAT Fih Pork, Beef, Jjisli or VEGETABLES! , If so call on me. I am prepared to furnish anything in this line in nice shape. All goods fresh, and will be delivered to order at your door. With a promise to please, I most earnestly solicit your patronage, W-r M. BATEMAN. Next to J. D. McConnico's Store. The North Carolina: College of Agriculture AND Mechanic Arts Will re-open September 1, 189S, with improved equipment in every depart ment. Twenty-three experienced specialists in Faculty. Full courses in Agriculture, Science, Civil, Mo chanical and Electrical Engineering. Expenses very moderate. For catalogues address Pres. A. Q. UOLUDaY, . Raleigh, N. C,. subscribe fOR THE ; RDANDKE BEACON, nly one dollar per year. We make a specialty of Job Work, and defy .com petition in quality prices. Send ns a ar a t; x ordr and be convinced W OP X fiilifts--.iii H Norfolk & southern railroad COMPANY. Schedule in effect feb 21st 1898. The Direct Short Line between Plymouth, Edenton, .Eastern North Carolina and Korfolk and, v all points North, Steamer leaves Plymouth 9:00 a. m. Mail Train, leaves Edentop 1:45 . p. m. daily, (except Sunday), .arrives at Korfolk ' 4:25 p. m. " x Express Train, leaves Edenton , Tues day. Thursday and Saturday at 84 Q m-i arrive at Norfolk 1 L a.jn. Connection made at Norfolk with' all rail and Steame Lines, and at Elizabeth City with Steamer Neuae, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for Kew Berne, Atiantio fc N. C, K. B, Stations; also Wilmington & NeWberne 11. Ii., stops at Koanoke Island. Ocracoke and Oriental. The Company's Steamers leave Edentor. 12.45 p.. m. as follows; S t e a m e to Mackey's Ferry, Plymouth, JamesvillJ and Williamstou daily (except Sundaf ) with passengers for lioper, Pantego, BJU haven, connecting with Str. Virginia Dire for Makleyville, Aurora. South Crejk, 'Washington and intermediate landings. , . Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday I for Chowan ltiver, and Monday and Friday for Scuppernoug River on arrival cyNo. 2 Train. Norfolk passenger station at NorfoUk and Western Railroad Depot. Through tickets -on sale .and baggage checked to all principal points. o ,y TJBmtlT TAT TXT TTC1T fpntf W A AW A A iAUiMli A M."m 'AND PASSENGER qrifTE., Dailv all rail service beteTeen EdentonJ New York. Philadplnhu Baltimore and Norfolk. ,J Throujh cars, aJCw rates and quicker time than by another route. Direct all troo&i to be shipped by East era CarolinafJispatch, as follows: From Norfolk byJJ & S. R. R.; Baltimore by P. W. & W r R. President St. Station, PhiJadahia by Pennsylvania R. R. Dock St. SCtinn: New York by Pennsylvania Pier 27 North River, oA.M iO' rFwnv Act nt. Plymouth, N. C.v 25 iOo., Norfolk, Va. 1 I M. K. KING, General Manager! J H.- O. HUDG1NS, G. F. &. P. Agt. Prevents Indigestion, Colds, Colic, Hide bound, Epizooty and contagious disease. Mestores the apetiW, expels worms,, grubbs aud belts. Regulates the bowels and pu rifies the blood. . For cows it gives rich milk and p.iore of it, and prevents all com mon ailments. Hog cholera never goes where Pratts Food is fed. For Sale By Plymouth Drug Co. We Lead, Never Follow Still In The Front With the very best facilities to servo the public in the way of first-class. tin nou is. I keep on hand a good stock of IIOliSES AND MULES, . For hire. ' COME TO SEE ME When you want stylish turnouts. I guar antee satisfaction. B. F. OWENS Main Street, Plymouth, N. C, oc 10-tf . THE OLD RELIABLE am still in the fiv it, with a complete line of Buggies, waggons, Road Garb, Or any otho ' To be con vi'' for your s'iir": Withy' and terj'' 1 T 11 II II I i YU If (