Ceaa Wood meant a clean Un. No ha.uty without it. CcarU, Candy Cathar tie clean your blood and keep it clean, by Klinring up the lazy liver and driving all inv rxmtiea from the body. Begin to-day to lnkh pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, d thai sickly Dilious complexion by taking C seareta, baauty for ten cents. All drug tbts, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, COo. vG armaria weigh nearly ten pounds more tbaa Frenchman. Camea Family Medicine. ' Mores the bowels eaoa day. In order to b healthy this is necessary. Acts gently on the liver and kidneys. Cures siok head a aha. Prion 25 and 60o. 2 diamond for cutting glass lasts about three months. Catarrh Cured Blood Purified by Hood's Sarsapa rllla and Health la Good. "X was troubled for a long time with ca tarrh and a bad feeling In my head. . I be gan taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, and It did me a world of good. My sufferings from catarrh are over and my health is good." Urn JL JL Llbby, Pownal, Maine. Hood's Sarsaparilla la America's Greatest Medicine. $1; all for $5. Hood PHIe cure all Liver His. 85 cents. A Duck's Wonderful "Walk. New Zealand is justly proud of a wonderful dock, whose exploits are told in a letter to the London Specta tor by J. M. Ritchie, Esq., of Balvrald, Dunedin. This duck was of the Paradise var iety. It lived at a sheep station twenty-one miles from Timarn, Can terbury, where its owner, a house keeper, had clipped its wings so that should not fly. "When the housekeeper changed to a new place she took the duck with her in a basket by train to Timaru, by another train for ninety-five miles, and in a coach ten miles to her new home. Soon the duck, which had been liber ated from its basket, was missed and mourned for as lost. Some time after the housekeeper visited her old home, and was aston ished to see the duck swimming on its familiar pond. That it slowly and painfully waddled 120 miles was ob vious. But how did it find the way through a rough and hilly country? THE ILLS OF WOMEN And How Mrs. Pinkham Helps Overcome Them. Mrs. Mast Bollinger, 1101 Marianna St., Chicago, 111., to Mrs. Pinkham: ".have been troubled for the past two years with falling of the womb, leuoorrhoea, pains over my body, sick headaches, backache, nervousness and weakness. I tried doctors and various remedies without relief. After taking two bottles of your Vegetable Com pound, the relief I obtained was truly wonderful. I have now taken several more bottles of your famous medicine, and can say that I am entirely cured." Mrs. HenbtDobb, Ko. 80G Findley St., Cincinnati, Ohio, to Mrs. Pinkham : "For a long time I suffered with chronic inflammation of the womb, pain in abdomen and bearing-down bo weak I was hardly able to do any thing. Was subject to headaches, also troubled with leucorrhoea. After doc toring f of many months with different physicians, and getting no relief, I had given up all hope of being well gain when I read of the great good Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound was doing. I decided immedi ately to give it a trial. The result was imply past belief. After taking four bottles of Vegetable Compound and using three packages of Sanative Wash I can say I feel like a new woman. I deem it my duty to announce the fact to my fellow sufferers that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable remedies have entirely cured me of all my pains and Buffering. I have her alone to thank for my recovery, for which X am grate ful. May heaven bless her for the good work she is doing for our sex." inr? JL HB4th my wife and myself have been bainc CASCARETS and they are the best nadiclne we have ever bad In the bouse. Last rsak my wife was t rantlo with headache for two days, she tried some of your CASCARETS, and tber relieved the pain in ber head almost Immediately. We both recommend Cascarets." Chas. Stedbford, Pittsburg Safe & Deposit Co., Pittsburg Pa. CANDY CATHARTIC TOADS mamk msiaTtatD Be Pleasant, Palatable. Potent. Taste Good, Do food, .barer Siekea, Weaken, or Gripe, lOo, 2ic, fiOo- CURE CONSTIPATION. ... ' Umpj, Ckleat. Vutrtal, tn lark. SIT MLTfl.!! If! e1d and rmranteedby all drar J'lU'WAW gisu to CtU Tobacco Habit. I It takes the place of fee atl the cost. - Made from pure grains it J is nourishing and health 4 Imit t'jt yemr grtmn five yon GHAE O . (it Go to your grocer to-day 'and get a 15c. package of j f hJMI Cilll J f aJ cof- DH TALMAGFS SERMON. SUNDAY'S DISCOURSE BY THE NOTED DIVINE. Subject: "The WreMrs"The Time Is Coming; When trie Last Mlfhtr Evil of the World Will Be Grappled by Kight eoainen and Thrown. Text: "We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of 1 1 is world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Ephesians vl., 12. 6queamlshness and fastidiousness were sever cbarged against Paul's rhetoric In the war against evil be took the first weapon he could lay his hand on. . For il lustration, he employed the theatre, the arena, the foot-race, and there was noth ing in the Isthmian game, with its wreath of pine leaves; or Pythian game, with its wreath of laurel and palm; or Neraean game, with its wreath of parsley; or any Boman circus, but be felt he had a right to put it In sermon or epistle, and are you not surprised that in my text he calls upon a wrestling bout for suggestlveness? Plu tarch says that wrestling is the most artis tic and cunning of athletlo games. We must make a wide difference between pugilism, the lowest of spectacles, and wrestling, which is an effort in sport to put down another on floor or ground, and we, all of us, indulged in it in our boyhood days, if we were healthful and plucky. The ancient wrestlers were first bathed in oil, and then sprinkled with sand. The third throw deoided'the victory, and many a man who went down in the first throw or sec ond throw, in the third throw was on top, and bis opponent under. The Romans did not like this game very much, for it was not savage enough, no blows or kicks be ing allowed in the game. They preferred the foot of hungry panther on the breast of fallen martvr. In wrestling, the opponents would bow in apparent suavity, advance face to face, put down both feet solidly, take each other by the arms, and push each other backward and forward until the work began in real earnest, and there were contortions and strangulations and violent strokes of the foot of one contestant against the foot of the other, tripping him up, or with strug gle that threatened apoplexy or death, the defeated fell, and the shouts of the specta tors greeted the vieter. I guess Paul had seen some such contest, and it reminded him of the struggle of the soul with temp tation, and the struggle of truth with error, and the struggle of heavenly forces against apollyonic powers, and he diotates my text to an amanuensis, for all his letters, save the one to Philemon, seem to have been dictated, and as the amanuensis goes on with his work I hear the groan and laugh and shout of earthly and celestial belliger ents: "We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." I notice that as these wrestlers advanced to throw each other they bowed one to the other. It was a civility, not only in Ore cian and Boman games, but in later days, in all the wrestling bouts at Clerkenwell. England, and in the famous wrestling match during the reign of Henry III., in St. Giles' Held, between men 01 Westminister and people of London. However rough a twist and hard a pull each wrestler contemplated glviDg his opponent, they approached each other with politeness and suavity. The genuflexions, the anaDinty, the courtesy in no wise hindered the decisiveness of the contesf. Well, Paul, I see what you mean. In this awful struggle between right and wrong, we must not forget to be gentlemen and ladles. Affability never hinders, but always helps. You are powerless as soon as you get mad. Do not call rum-sellers murderers. Do not call infidels fools. Do not call higher critics reprobates. Do not call all card-layers and theatre-goers chil dren of the devil. Do not say that the dance breaks through into hell. Do not deal in vituperation and billingsgates and con tempt and adjectives dynamitic. The other side can beat us at that. Their dictionaries have ruore objurgation and brimstone. We are in the strength of God to throw flat on its back every abomination that curses the earth, but let us approach our mighty antagonist with suavity. Her cules, a son of Jupiter and Alcmene, will by a precursor of smiles be helped rather than damaged for the performance of his "twelve labors." Let us be as wisely strategic in religious circles as attorneys in court-rooms, who are complimentary to each other in the opening remarks, be fore they come into legal struggle such as that which left Bufus Choato or David Paul Brown triumphant or defeated. People who get Into a rage in reformatory work accomplish nothing but the deple tion of their own nerveus system. There is such a thing as having a gun so hot at the touch-hole that it explodes, killing the one that sets it off. There are some reformatory meetings to which I always decline to go and take part, be cause they are apt to become demonstra tions of bad temper. I never like to hear a man swear, even though he swear on the right side. The very Paul who in my text employed in Illustration the wrestling match, behaved on a memorable occasion as we ought to behave. The translators of the Bible made an unitentional mis take when they represented Paul as in sulting the people of Athens by speaking of "the unknown god whom ye ignorantly worship." Instead of charging them with ignorance, the original indioates he com plimented ttem by suggesting that they were very religious; but as they confessed that there were some things they did not understand about God, be proposed to say some things concerning Him, beginning where they bad left off. The same Paul who said in one place, "Be courteous," and who bad noticed the bow preceding the wrestling match, here exercises suavities before he proceeds practically to throw down the rocky side of the Acropolis the whole Parthenon of Idolatries, Minerva and Jupiter smashed up with the rest of them. In this holy war polished rifles will do more execution than blunderbusses. Let our wrestlers bow n3 they go into the struggle which will leave ail perdition un der and all heaven on top. Eemember also that these wrestlers went through severe and continuous course of preparation for their work. They were put upon such diet as would best develop their muscle. As Paul says, "Every man that striveth for the masterv is temperate in all things." The wrestlers were put under complete discipline bathing, gym nastics, struggle In sport with each other to develop strength and give quickness to dodge of head and trip of foot; stooping to lift each other off the ground; suddenly rushing forward; suddenly pulling back ward; putting the left foot behind the other's right foot, and getting his oppo nent off his balance; hard training for days and weeks and months, so that when they met it was giant clutching giant. And, my friends, if we do not want ourselves to be thrown in this wrestle with the sin and error of the world, we had better get ready by Christian discipline, by holy self-denial, by constant practice, by submitting to divine pupervisal and direction. Do not begrudge the time and the money for that young man who Is in preparation for the ministry, spending two years in grammar school, and four years in college, and three years in theological seminary. I know that nine years are a big slice to take off of a man's active life, but if you realized the height and strength of the archangels of evil in our time with which that young man is going to wrestle, you would not think Dine years of preparation were too much. An uneducated ministry was excusable i.'j other days, but not in this time, loaded with scbools'and colleges. A man who wrote me the other day a letter asking advice, as he felt called to preach the Gospel, began the word "God" with a small 'g." That kin of a man H no" called to pTeach the Gospel. Illiterate men. preaching the Gospel, quota for their owa encouragement the scriptural passage, "Open thy mouth wide and I will fill lt.' Yes! He will fill it with wind. Preparation for this wrestling is absolutely necessary. Many years ago D ootor Newman and Doctor Sunderland, on the platform of Brlgham. Young's tabernacle at Salt Lake City, Utah, gained the victory because they had so long been skilful wrestlers for God. Otherwise Brigham Young, who was himself a giant in some things, would have thrown them out of the window. Get ready in Bible olasses. Get ready in Christian Endeavor meetings. Get ready by giving testimony in obscure places, before giving testimony in conspicuous places. Your going around with a Bagster's Bible with flaps at the edges, under your arm, does not qualify you for the work of an evangelist. In this day of profuse gab, remember that it is not merely capaolty to talk, but the fact that you have some thing to say, that is going to fit you for the struggle into which you are to go with a smile on your face and illumination on your brow, but out of whioh you will not come until all your physical and mental and moral and religious energies have been taxed to the utmost and you have not a nerve left, or a thought unexpended, or a prayer unsaid, or a sympathy un wept. In this struggle between Bight and Wrong accept no challengeon platform or in newspaper unless you are prepared. D 0 not misapplv the story cf Goliath the Great, and David the Little. David had been practising with a sling on dogs and wolves and bandits, and a thousand times had he swirled a stone around his head before he aimed at the forehead of the giant and tumbled him backward, other wise the big foot of Goliath would almost have covered up the crushed form of the son of Jesse. Notice also that the sucoess of a wrestler depended on his having his feet well planted before he grappled his opponent. Muoh depends upon the way the wrestler stands. Standing on an uncertain piece of ground, or bearing all bis weight on right foot or all his weight on left foot, he is not ready. A slight cuff of his antagonist will capsize him. A stroke of the heel of the other wrestler will trip him. And ia this struggle for God and righteousness, as well as for our own souls, we want our feet firmly plauted in the Gospel botli feet on the Bock of Ages. It will not do to believe the Bible in spots, or think some of it true and some of it untrue. You just make up your mind that the story of the Garden of Eden is an allegory, and the Epistle of James an interpolation, and that the miracles of Christ can be aocounted for on natural grounds, without any belief in the supernatural, and the first time you are interlocked in a wrestle with sin and Satan you will go under and your feet will be higher than your head. It will not do to have one foot on a rock and the other on the sand. The old Book would long ago have gone to pieces if it had been vulnerable. But of the millions of Bibles that have been printed within the last twenty-five years, not one chapter has been omitted, and the omission of one chapter would have been the cause of the rejection of the whole edition. Alas! for those who while trying to prove that Jonah was never swallowed of a whale, themselves get swallowed of the whale of unbelief, whioh digests but never ejects its victims. The Inspiration of the Bible is not more certain than the preservation of the Bible in its present condition. After so many cen turies of assault on the Book, would it not be a matter of economy, to say the least economy of brain and eoonomy of station ery, and economy of printers' ink if the batteries now. assailing the Book would change their aim and be trained against some other books, and the world shown that Walter Scott did not write "The Lady of the Lake," nor Homer "The Iliad," nor Virgil "The Georgics," nor Thomag Moore "Lalla Bookh," or that Washing ton's "Farewell Address" was written by Thomas Paine, and that the War of the American Revolution never oocurred. That attempt would be quite as successful as this long-timed attack anti-Biblical, and then it would be new. Oh, keep out of this wrestling bout with the ignorance and the wretchedness of the world unless you feel that both feet are planted in the eternal veracities of the Book of Almighty God! Notice also that in this science of wrest ling, to which Paul refers in my text, it was the third throw which deolded the contest. Awre3tler might be thrown once and thrown twice, but the third time he might recover himself, and, by an unex pected twist of arm or curve cf foot, gain the day. Well, that is broad, smiling, un mistakable Gospel. Some whom I address through ear or eye, by, voice or printed page, have been thrown in their wrestle with evil habit. Aye! you have been thrown twice; but that does not mean, oh! worsted soul, that you are thrown forever. I have no author ity for saying how many times a man may sin and be forgiven, or how many time's he may fall and yet rise again; but I have authority for saying that he may fall four hundred and ninety times, and four hun dred and ninety times get up. The Bible declares that God will forgive seventy times seven, and if you will employ the rule of multiplication you will find that seventy times seven is four hundred and ninety. Blessed be God for such a Gospel of high hope and thrilling encouragement and magnificent rescue! A Gospel of lo?t sheep brought home on Shepherd's shoul der, and the prodigals who got into the low work of putting husks into swines' troughs brought home to jewelry and banqueting and hilarity that made the rafters ring! But notice that my text suggests that the wrestlers on the other side in the great struggle for the world's redemption have all the forces-ot demonology to help thorn: "We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, agalns: powers, against tho rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Then I can well believe that righteous ness will accept the challenge, and the twi mighty wr-stlers will grapple, while all the galleries of earth and heaven look down from one side, and all the fiery chasms of perdition look up from the other side. The prize is worth a strug gle, for it is not a chaplet of laurel or palm, but the rescue of a world, and a wreath put on the brow by Him who prom ised, "Be thou faithful unlo death and I will give thee a crown." Three worlds earth, heaven and hell hdld their breath while waiting for the result of this strug gle, when, with one mighty swing of an arm muscled with Omnipotence, righteous ness hurls the last evil, first on its knees nnd then on its face, and then rolling off and down, with a crash wilder than that with which Sampson hurled the temple of Dagon when he got hold of its two chief pillars. Ave! That suggests a cheering thought, that if all the reulms of Demonology are on the other side, all the realms of angel- olosrv are on our side, among them the Angel of the New Covenant, and thy are now talking over the present awiui straggle and final trlorlous triumph; talking amid the alabaster pillars and in the ivory pal aces, and along the broaaways ana grana avenues of the great Capital of the Uni verse, and amid the spray of fountains with rainbows like the "rainbow round the throne." Yes, all heaven ia on our side, and the "high places of wickedness" spoken of in my text are not so high as the high places of heaven, where there are enough reserve lorces, a our earthly forces should be overpowered, or in cow ardice fall back, to sweep down some morn ing at daybreak and take all this earth for God before the city clocks strike "twelve" for noon. And the Cabinet of Heaven, the most august Cabinet in the universe, made up of three God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost are now In ses sion in the King's Palace, and they are with us, and they are going to see us through, and they invite us, as soon as we have done our share of the work, to. go up and see them, and celebrate the linal victory, that is more sure to come than to-morrow's sun rise. , A Favtber'a Starr From fK$ Evening Cntcent, Apptelon, Wla. A remarkable cure from a disease which baa generally wrecked the lives of children, and left them In a condition to whioh death itself would be preferred, has attracted a great amount of attention among the resi dents of the west end of Appleton. The oase is that of little Willard Creech, aon of Biobard D. Creeoh, a well known employe of one of the large paper mills in the Fox River Valley. The lad was attacked by spinal disease and his parents had given up all hope of his ever being well again when, ai by a miracle, he was healed and is now in school as bappy as any of his mates, Mr. Creseh, the father of the boy, who, resides at 1062 Second Street, Appleton, Wlsoonsin, told the following story: E$ Qot to School. "Our boy was absolutely helpless. His lower limbs were paralysed, and when we used eleotrlcity he eould not feel it below his hips. Finally we let the doctor go as he did not seem to help our son and we nearly gave up hope. Finally my mother who lives in Canada wrote advising the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills lor Pale Peo ple and I bought some. "This waa when our boy had been on the stretcher for an entire year and helpless for nine months. In six weeks after taking the pills we noted signs of vitality In his legs, and in four months he was able to go to school. "It is two years slnoe he took the first of the pills and he la at school now just as happy and well m any of the other chil dren. It was nothing else in the world that saved the boy than Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People." An Electric Light for Divers. The submarine arc light has been invented, which will be of great value in diving and wrecking operations. Such a light would have been wel comed by the naval officers charged with, investigating the causes of the wreck of the Maine. The apparatus consists of a containing case made of glass and metal, inside of which is the lamp, which receives the current through a double conductor water proof cable. The light is lowered into the water and can be moved by the diver so as to spread the light equally on all sides, thus affording a concen trated beam on the hole in a ship's bottom. SJIn conjunction with this powerful light the camera plays an important part in reproducing a perfectly truth ful likeness of what actually exists at depths where the professional diver or engineer may not care to go. Such a record serves to insure a perfect un derstanding between the diver and those in charge of a work. There are many practical uses to which this invention may be put. Among the possibilities mentioned are examining and cleaning the bottoms of merchant and battle ships, attach ing hoisting chains to guns and other movable parts on sunken vessels, plac ing and recovering submarine mines, constructing bridge piers, coffer dams and in photography. New York World. A Boy's Mnalcal Niceties. These are some of the answers to questions propounded to a large boy in a school not far from Troy: Musi cal tones differ because some are nicer than others. Fitch is the length of a keyboard of an organ. An interval in music is the distance on the key board from one piano to the next. The value of a whole note depends on where it comes. A whole notes re quires three beets. A rest means you are not to sing it. We always sing five lines and four spaces. A dotted note holds on longer. Troy Press. To Care a Gold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Ai Druggists refund money if it falls to care. 35c. The oldest American vessel still in ser vice, the schooner Polly, was built in 1785. Mrs. Winslow'a Soothing 8yrup for children teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind eolte, 25o.a bottle Vienna policemen are required to be able to swim and row a boat. Every third Italian family has some one in the army. To Care Conattpatton Forever Take Cascareta Candy Cathartic. lOo or St. If O. C. C. fall to cure, druggists refund money. Americans pay $ 8,000,000 a year for look ing glasses. Half-cured eruptions always recur. Eradi cate them with Glenn's Sulphur Soap. Hill's Hair&Whiaker Dye, black or brown, 60c. The world now nses 13,000 kinds of post age stamps. Knocks Couth 9 and Colds. Dr. Arnold's Cough Killer cures Courts and Cold. Pre vat Consumption.All druegists .26o The number of patents issued in the United Statoe in 1897 was 23,729. Plso's Cure for Consumption has saved me many a doctor's bill. S. F. Hardv, Hopkins Place, Baltimore, Md., Dec. 2, 18H. In London the number of women exceeds that of men by about 250,000. Educate Tour Bowels With Cascareta. Candy Cathartic, citTe constipation forever. IO0.260. If C. C. C. fall, dr legists refund money. Eighty per cent, of Portuguese peasants can neither read nor write. HERE THIS IS IT. Know by the sign ST. JACOBS OIL CURES Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Sprains, Bruises, Soreniss, Stiffness. . 100 Reward. 109. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that ia Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Care is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Oatarrh being a constitu tlonal disnase, requires a const! tuaonal treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting direotly on the blood and muoous sur faces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the pa tient strength by building: up the constitution and assisting nature In doing its work. The proprietors nave so much fa in In its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any oase that it fails to care. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. Chenkt & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. A whale of fifty tons exerts 145 horse power in swimming twelve miles an hour. Don't Tobacco Spit and Seiok Toer lift Away, 1 To Quit tobacco easily and forever, be mar netio. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To-Bao, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 6O0 or II. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedr Co., Chicago or New York The cost of St. Peter's, Borne, was over $70,000,000. Fits permanently on red. No fits or nervous ness after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. Z trial bottle and treatise free Dr. R. H. Kline. Ltd.. 931 Arch 8t..Phtla.,Pa. Fully 2500 persons commit suicide in Rus sia every year. Coug'he Lead to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at once. Go to your druggist to-day and get a sample bottle free. Bold In 25 and 60 oent bottles. Go at onoe; delays are dangerous. The marriage of minors In this country is six per cent. save the llaby From the ravages of croup and whooping cough by prompt uee of Hoxsle's Croup Cure. 50 cents. A. P. Hoxsie, Buffalo, N. Y. Grabs two feet in length are often seen in India. No-To-Bac for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weals Men strong, blood pure. 6O0.M. All druggists. The State of Bahia, Brazil, is said to be the sole seat of the carbon industry. Ladies Going to California Want comfort en route, which was always a distinc tion of The California Limited Santa Fe Route. This year an observation oar Is added, with a spacious assembly room for ladles and children. Address: E. F. BURNETT. 0. E. P. Agt. A., I, St 8. F. By., 4 .dway. New York, N. Y. i 877 Broadway, flUCIIM ATI CM 1 tltliO One bottle Poitive HntUlYlAIIOlYl relief in 34 hours. Postpaid, 91 .00 1 1 Alexander Remedy Co., SH Greenwich St., N.Y. TITANTED-Cie of bud health that ft-I-PA-N'S if will not .Vneat. Hend 6 cts. to Ripana Chemlcnl Co., Niw York, for in Rumple and 1000 testimonials HyrT,WTPTmTTais paper when reply- I TO ADVTS. N YNU 4 5. VKtKE AIL flSf f AILS. ; Cough HyruD. Taates Good. Cse In time. Sold by drurelstii. me in Miami mmaaiiiMiii ,eai 64 tm GUHtS IT. J Besl TO" Ths Harbor and Suburban Building and Savings Association Investment. Frinelnal and Dividends Absolutely Guaranteed. o These certificates pay 6 per cent, per annum. holder's address. The v can be redeemed at ubscri ition list will close December 16th. l De redeemed at tnircuasi nirchase Every subscription must be aocoicpaniod by New uid gduuu wm oe rereivea irom any individual Options for certificates can also be had by sending 10 per cent, of the purchase price wlO the suit script ion, balance payable in thirty days. This is an absolutely safe Investment, as it is not only secured by a guarantee fund, bnt is un. der Htate Niipervleion. Send all communications with enclosed drafts to the HARBOK AN 11 SUBtTKBAN BUII.D1NO AND HAVIJittS ASSOCIATION, 3 1 auid 3 WallSt.j New ywrly HEALTHY Two Grateful Women Tell of the Help They Haro Received Prcn Mrs. Pinkham. Thtk nllmnT nf llf a tVito.a In wnmn.n fa The first requisite for c erood mother Health of body means health Cf the "Deab Mrs. Pixkham: I am a great believer In your Compound. I was almost despairing of ever again being well, as I was a great sufferer, and had been for years. I suffered from womlw, trouble, and had terrible blind fits. After writing to you I tried your ComfN Dound. The result was astonishing. I have used It and advocated it ever Rin.sfc i In child birth it is a perfect boon. I have often said that I should like t have itm merits thrown on the sky with a search-light, so that all women would read, and beeonvincedthatthereis aremedy for their sufferings II Mintfi Womea fiave been Benefited t?y Mrs. Pinkham's Advice anflMeglcIae You Will Eealize that "Thev Live Well Who Live Cleanly," if You Use THE 0CE10CE OF SYRUP OF HAS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the Caufobnia Fio Steto Co. only, and we wish to impress npoa all the importance of purchasing tha true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manuf actnred by the California Fio Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cam foenia Fia Syhvp Co. with the medi-5 cal profession, and the satisfaction! which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes' the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its rpnu.flT rt far in advance of all other laxatives as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. AIT FRANCISCO, Cal LOriSVTLtE, Kj. NEW TOIHd K.X DO YOU WANT A HOME ? lOO.OOO-ACRES&Ma and ld on long time and easy payment, a little ech year. Come and see us or wrire. THK TBU. MAN MOSS STATE BAKE, Sanilac Center, Hiob 'THE TRUMAN MOSS ESTATE, CroaweH, BaiHac Co., Mich. I rocwred on cah, or easy Instal ni ents.VO WLES I; f'U r.... .in. li j v. . - f D O VKEW DISCOVERT; J 1 J O 1 aaiekraliaf and cur., wont aaiokrolfaf and our.. r timoniali and I O da ate. S.nd far book of testimonials and I O day treatment Free. Dr.H H 0KEKB iOMi, Atlanta. Oaj If afflicted with sore eyes, use Thompson's Eye Wafer IS ISSUING C)i J Pi MAGNIFIED. O .1 "8 !? lu Z u " 9 O tt '.Sao Co, r Hi ? 7. B 1 " & a. . .- . JfRv firm vomsM, ZC I KXZO V1KVTVW Of 2p i? A D ime I M B k lid I fJ Guaranteed Prepaid Cumulative Certificates, The laaue of which Is limited to 810,000. Dividend tiayable Quarterly an sent to Tia price with accumulations after three years. Thf Allotments will be made in order of receipt of applications York draft in sums of $60 or upwards, but no mor MATEENITY. o.n.nn.MA mntTiiVirn1 is good health. generative organs. Bead vvhat Mrs. Q. A. Noxsahake Bluffton, Ohio, says about Lydia E. Pinkr ham's Vegetable Compound, and how well it prepared her for maternity! "Dear Mrs. Pixkham: I must say a wor4 in praise of your Vegetable Compound. used three bottles of it when I was prea nant, and labor was not nearly as lon as it was with my other babies; &M my baby is so healthy to what th others were. I think every womaj , cTl rn 1 A Ilea tthi Y f.rm-rn-n rl nr'han mAf. WMVMAV. JVM. UU IFllWU iVgl uaub, ii will ouvo mem so iuucu sunery ing and misery. I cannot say enough in praise of it. If ever I need medicin The most successful tonic known tt medicine for women approaching ma ternity ia Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound. It is a safeguard for every woman who uses it, and the fullest benefit comes from its use with Mrs. Pinkham's advice freely offered to all woman. Her address is Lynn, Mass. w . .. uuucuJCUl bearing directly on this subject from Mrs. E. Bishop, of 1848 Pacifi St., Brooklyn, N. Y.: It ti J 4