Lane'i Family Medicine. Hovaa the bowels each day, la order to be healthy this U necessary. Acts eently 6q the liver and kidneys. Cures sick head ache. Price 25 and 60c. Nearly 100 different machines have been Invented for boring rock. Catarrh tn the head, with its ringing noises In the fars, buzzing, snapping sounds, severe headaches and disagreeable discharges, Is permanently cured by Hood's Sarsaparllla. Do not dally with local applications. Take Hood's Sarsaparllla and make a thorough ind complete cure by eradicating from the blood the scofulcas taints that cause tatarrh. Remember Hood's Sarsaparilla '.9 America's Greatest Medicine. $1; six for $5. Hood's Pills cure all Liver Ills. 25 cents. His Xovel Luck. A boy about ten years old stood by be side of a penny-in-the-slot machine in one of the underground railway stations the other morning weeping bitterly. "What's the matter, my, boy?" asked a man on his way to the stair case, Btopping a moment at the door way. 'I put a penny in the slot," blub bered the boy, "and it was the wrong ne. I didn't g-get any butter scotch." "Is that all, my lad?" said the man. "Show me the right slot and I'll drop duo in for yon." "I'd rather d-drop it in myself," lobbed the urchin. The sympathizing citizen gave him the coin and hurried up the stairs. And when the sympathizing citizen eame back from his office ten hours jater that boy was still standing by that penny-in-the-slot machine with his pocket full of pennies and still blubbering. Pearson's Weekly. , STKONG STATEMENTS. Three Women Believed of Femal Troubles by Mrs. Pinkham. From Mrs. A. W. Smith, 59 Summer St., Biddeford, Me.: " For several years I suffered with, various diseases peculiar to my sex. Was troubled with a burning sensation across the small of my back, that all gone feeling, was despondent, fretful and discouraged; the least exertion tired me. I tried several doctors but received little benefit. At last I de cided to give your Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. The ef fect of the first bottle was magical. Those symptoms of weakness that I was afflicted with, vanished like vapor before the sun. I cannot speak too highly of your valuable remedy. It is truly a laoon to woman." Front Mrs. Melissa Phjixips, Lex ington, Ind., to Mrs. Pinkham: "Before I began taking your medicine I had suffered for two years with that tired feeling, headache, backache, no ap petite, and a run-down condition of the system. I could not walk across the room. I have taken four bottles of the Vegetable Compound, one box of Liver Pills and used one package of Sanative Wash, and now feel like a new woman, and an able to do my work." 'From Mrs. Mollie E. Hebrel, Pow ell Station, Tenn.: "For three years I suffered with such a weakness of the back, I could not perform my household duties. I also had falling of the womb, terrible bearing-down pains and headache. I have taken two bottles of Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound and feel like a new woman. I recommend your medicine to every woman I know." Send Postal for Premium Idrt to ths Dr. Seta Arnold Medical Corporation, Wocnsocket, H. I. How to Get Strong A system which has become run down by the trying weather of the jaast summer is not in a condition to meet the severe winter of this climate and will easily fall a prey to disease unless a prober tonic is used. Dr.Williams'Pink Pills for Pale People are the best medicine in the world for build in Sub and strengthen-; inf an enervated system. Do not confuse these bills with ord T7 inary purgative iHs.They do NOT act on the bowels.theTebv further weakening the body. They build ubthe blood and strengthen thenervesj Major A. C. Bishop, of 715 Third At., Detroit, Mich., is a well-known ctril engineer. He says : "When I had my last spell of sickness and came - obi 01 ms aospuai 1 was a sorry sigoc. 1 coma not regain my strength J and could not walk over a block for several weeks. I noticed some articles J in the newspapers regarding Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People f which convinced me that they were worth trying and I bought two boxes' y? I did not take them for my complexion but for strength. After using them y, I felt better, and know they did me worlds of good. I am pleased to II recommend them to invalids who need a totiic or to build up a shattered 1 constitution." Dttreit J-rtt Prttt. I .At Alt druggist o-r diTCCt from tht Dt. YYiUmi Md! M tint. LomDftU. Schtntt&du:N V, Prirn t:ci.. . --- Just th Time. This is just the time of the year we feel the muscles all sore and stiff, and thon is. just the time to use St. Jacobs Oil to re lax them and to cure at once. Many people are said to possess double rows of natural teeth. Dt Tobacco Spit and Smoke Tour life Amy. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netic, full of life, nerve and vieor, take No-To-Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 50c or tl. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co, Chicago or New Yorte Steeplechasing is said to have originated in Ireland. Mrs. Winslow's Soothinsr Sttud for children teething, softeus the (turns, reduces inflamma tion, allays pain. cur9 wind colic. c.a bottle In Birmingham, England, 37,000,000 pins are produced daily. To Cure Conatipatton Forever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. lOo or 25a If C C. C. fall to cure, drutrpists refund money. Eight thousand carrier pigeons are kept for use in the German army. Go to your jrrocer to-dav w and get a 1 5 c. package c& It takes the place of cof fee at the cost. Made from pure grains it is nourishing and health ful. Xnalat that jronr grocer gives 70a GRAXX-O. Accept no uniuiiiou. A New Use For l'ostage Stamps. One of New York's oldest collectors has devised an entirely new use for stamps. In going through one of the large bazars or department stores his attention was attracted by an enor mous display of easels, varying in size from those intended to hold large oil paintings to diminutive gilt easels no larger than a lady's brooch. He bought a few of the small ones at twenty-five to seventy-five cents each, and taking the smallest placed in it the portrait of Queen Victoria, cut out of a one-penny envelope. The result was charming, the effect being that of a delicate cameo. Encouraged by this he proceeded to fill out the larger frames with Bimilar portraits from stamped envelopes and postage stamps, containing from two to ten portraits. Harpe's Round Table. ITaveusedDr.Seth Arnold's Cough Killer for Whooping Cough with good results.-D.C.KEMP, 1375 No. Carey St.. Haltituore,Md.. July 14, 1808. A (run which can fire 30,000 bullets a min ute has been invented in England. Piso's Cure for Consumption relieves the most obstinate coughs. Rev. D. Bitchjioel, LEH, Lexington.Mo.. February 2-i, 1894. Plate glass was first made In 1G39, at Picardy, France. Pimples are inexpressibly mortifying. Rem edv Glenn's Sulphur Soap. Of druggists. Hill's Hair &Vhisker Dye, black or brown, 50c. The Run of largest calibre in the world Is the British 17.72-inch 100-ton gun. To Care a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Eromo Quinine Tablets. Al Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. Australia possesses world's stock of sheep. one-fifth of the The Boy's Compliment. One of our good mothers makes it a particular point to impress upon her children the necessity of always be ing polite and courteous, particularly to strangers, says the Adrian Times. There called at the house the other day a lady who invariably dresses in perfect style and taste. This day she looked more than usually attractive, and when the little son and daughter of the household came into the room the boy, desirous of paying the guest a compliment, exclaimed to his sister, "Myl Isn't she a corker?" . . riij uni) ptr pot,' A& 1 DE. TALMAGE'S SERMON. SUNDAY'S DISCOURSE BY THE NOTED DIVINE. Subject: "God's Second Gift" The World U Too Much With Us The fatter I.lfe and the Advantages of liellglon The Story of Caleb and Otlmiel. Text: "Thon hast Riven me a south land; Kive mo also springs of water. And ho jravo her the upper springs and the nether springs." Joshua xv., 19. The city of Debir was the Boston of an tiquity a great plaee for brain and books. Caleb wanted It. and he offered his daugh ter Achsah as a prize to any one who would capture mat city, it was a strango thing for Calob to do, and yet the man who could take tho city would have, at any rate, two elements of manhood bravery and patriot ism. Besides, I do not think that Caleb was as foolish in offering his daughter to tho conqueror of Debir as thousands in this day who seek alliances for their ehiL dren with those who have large means without any reference to moral or mental acquirements. Of two evil I would rather measure happiness by the length of the sword than by the length of tho pocket- dook. tn one case mere 13 sure to be one good element of character; in the other there may be none at all. With Caleb's daughter as a prize to fight for, General Othniel rode into the battle. The gates of Debir were thundered into the dust, and tho city of books lay at the feet of the con querors. Tne work done, Othniel comes back to claim his bride. Having conquered tho city, it is no great job for him to con quer tho girl's heart, for however faint hearted a woman herself may be she al ways loves courage in a man. I never saw an exception to that. The wedding festivity having gone by, Othniel and Aohsah tiro about to go to their own home. However loudly the cvm balsmay clash and the laughter ring, par ents are always sad when a fondly cher ished daughter goes off to stay, and Ach sah, the daughterof Caleb, knows that now is the time to ask almost anything she wants of her father. It seems that Caleb, tho good old man, had given as a wedding present a piece of land that was mountain ous, and, sloping southward toward the deserts of Arabia, swept with some very hot winds. It was called "a south land." But Achsah wants an addition of property; sho want a piece of land that is well watered and fertile. Now It is no wonder that Caleb, standing amid the bridal party, his eyes so full of tear3 because sho was going away that that be could hardly see her at all, gives her more than she asks. She said to him: "Thou hast given me a south land; give me also springs of water. And ho gave her tho upper springs and tho nether springs." The fact is that as Caleb, the father, gave Achsah, tho daughter, a south land, bo God gives to us His world. I am very thankful He has given it to us. But I am like Achsah in the fuct that I am not satis fied with tho portion. Trees and flowers and grass and bluo skies aro very well in their places, but he who has nothing but this world for a portion has no portion at all. It is a mountainous land, sloping off toward the desert of sorrow, swept by fiery siroccos; It is "a south land," a poor portion for any man that tries to put his trust in It. What has been your experi ence? What has been the experience of every man, of every woman, that has tried this world for a portion? Queen Elizabeth, amid the surroundings of pomp, is unhappy because the puinter sketches too minutely the wrinkles on her face, and she indig nantly cries out, "You must Btrike off my likeness without any shadows!" Hogarth, utthe very height of his artistic triumph, Is stung almost to death with cnagrin be cause the painting he had dedicated to the king does not seem to be acceptable, for George II. cries ont: "Who is this Ho garth? Take his trumpery out of my pres ence." Brinsiey Sheridan thrilled the earth with his eloquence, but had for his last words, "I am absolutely undone." Walter Scott, fumbling around tho inkstand, trying to write, says to his daughter: "Oh, take me back to my room! There is no rest for Sir Walter but in the grave!" Stephen Girard, the wealthiest man in his day, or at any rate only second in wealth, says: "I live tho life of a galley slave. When I arise in the morning, ray one effort is to work so hard tbat I cun sleep when it gets to be night." Charles Lamb, applauded of all the world, in the very midst of his literary triumph says: "Do you remember, Bridget, when we used to laugh from the shilling gallery at the play? There are now no good plays to laugh at from tho boxes." But why go so far as that? I need to go no farther than your street to find an illustra tion of what I am saying. Pick mo out ten successful worldlings and you know what I mean by thoroughly successful worldlings pick mo out ten successful worldlings and you cannot find more than one that looks happy. Care drags him to business; care drags him back. Take your stand at 2 o'clock at tho corner of tho streets and see the agonized physiog nomies. Your high officials, your bankers, your insurance men, your importers, your wholesalers and your retailers as a class as a class, are they happy? No, Care dogs their steps, and making no appeal to God for help or comfort many of them are tossed every whither. How has it been with you, my hearer? Are you more contented in tho house of fourteen rooms than you were in the two rooms you had in a house when you started? Have you not had more care and worrlment since you won that 50,000 than you did before? Some of tho poorest men I have ever known have been those of great fortune. A man of small means may bo put in ftreat business straits, but the ghastliest of all embarrassments is that of the man wno has largo estates. The men who commit suicide because of monetary losses are those who cannot bear the bur den any more because they have only 50, 000 left. On Bowling Green, New York, there is a house where Talleyrand used to go. He was a favored man. All tho world knew him, and he had wealth almost unlimited. Yet at the close of his life ho says: "Behold, eighty-three years have passed without any practical result, savo fatigue of body and fatlguo of mind, great discouragement for the future and great disgust for tho past." Oh, my friends, tills is a "south land," and it slopes off toward deserts of sorrows, and the prayer which Achsah made to her father Caleb wo make this day to our Fatner God: "Thou hast given me a south land: give me also springs of water. And ho gave her the upper springs and the nether springs." Blessed be God, we have more advan tages given us than wo can really appre ciatel We have spiritual blessings offered us in this world which I shall call the nether springs and glories in the world to come which I shall call the upper springs. Where shall I find words enough threaded with llg. t to set forth the pleasure of religion. David, unable to describe it in words, played it on a harp. Mrs, Hemans, not finding enough power la prose, slng3 that praiso in a canto. Chris topher Wren, unable to describe it In lan guage, sprung It Into tho arches of St. Paul's. John Bunyan, unable to present it in ordinary phraseology, takes all tho fas cination of allegory. Handel, with ordi nary music unable to reach tho height of tho theme, rouses it up to an oratorio. Oh, there Is no life on earth so happy as a really Christian life! I do not mean u sham Christian life, but a real Christian j life. Where there is a thorn there is a whole garland of roses. Whero there is one groan there aro three doxologies. Whero there is one day of cloud there is a whole stason of sunshine Take the humblest Christian man that you know angels of God canopy him with their white wings; the Ughtning3 of heaven are his aimed allies; tho Lord is bis Sbep herd, pie) ing out for him. green pastares by stUi Vaters. If he walk forth, heaven la his bodyguard. If he Uo down to sleep, ladders of light, angel blossoming, are let into his dreams. If be be thirsty, the potentates of heaTen are his cupbearers. If he sit down to food, his plain table blooms into the King's banquet. Men say: ' Look at that odd fellow with the woraout coat." Tho angels of God cry "Lift up your heads, ye everlasting gates, and let nim come in!" Fastidious neoDlo crv. "Get off my front steps!" The doorkeepers of heaven cry, "Come, yo blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom!" When ho oomes to die, though he may be carried out in a pine box to that potter's field, to that potter's field the chariots of Christ will come down, and the cavaleado will crowd all the boulevards of heaven. I bless Christ for the present satisfaction of religion. It makes a man all rlcrht with reference to tho past; it makes a man all right with reference to the future. Oh, these nether springs of comfort! They are perennia'. Tho foundation of Godstandeth sure having this seal. "Tho Lord knoweth them thot are His," "Tho mountains shall depart and tho hills be removed, but My kindness shall not depart from thee. neither shall the covenant of My peace be removed, saith tho Lord, who hath mercy upon thee." Oh, cluster of diamonds set In burnished gold! Oh. nether springs of comfort bursting through all tho valleys of trial and tribulation! When you see, you of tho world, what satisfaction there is on earth in religion, do you not thirst after itastbo daughter of Caleb thirsted after tho water springs? It is no stagnant pond, scummed over with malaria, but springs of water leaping from the Rock of Ages! Take up one cup ot that spring water and across the top of the chalico will float the delicato shadows of tho heavenly wall, the yellow of jasper; tho green of emerald, the blue of sardonyx, the Cro of jacinth. I wish I could make you understand the joy religion is to some of us. It makes a man nappy wnllo no lives and glad when he dies. With two feet upon a chair and bursting with dropsies, I heard an old man In tho poorhouse cry out, "Bless tho Lord, oh, my soul!" I looked around and said, "What has this man got to thank God for?" It makes tho lame man leap as a hart, and the dumb sing. They say that tho old Turitan religion is a juiceless and joyless religion, but I remember reading of Dr. Goodwin, the celebrated Turitan, who in his last moment said: "Is this dying? Why, my bow abides in strength! I am swal lowed up in God!" "Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all hor paths are peace." Oh, you who have been trying to satisfy yourselves with tho "south land" of this world, do you not feel that you would, this morning, like to have access to tho nether springs of spiritual comfort? Would you not like to have Jesus Christ bend over your cradle and bless your tablo and heal your wounds and strew flowers of consolation all up and down the graves of your dead? 'Tis religion that can give Sweetest pleasures while we live. 'Tis religion can supply 'Sweetest comfort when we die. But I have something better to tell you, suggested by this text. It seems that old Father Caleb on tho wedding day of his daughter wantedto makeherjust as happy as possible. Though Othniel was taking hor away and his heart was almost broken because she was going, yet ho gives her a "southland;" not only that, but the nether springs; not only that, but tho upper springs. O God, my Fattier, I thank Thee that Thou hast given mo a "south land" In this world and the nether springs of spir itual comfort in this world; but, more than all, I thank The for the upper springs in heaven! It Is very fortunate that we cannot see heaven until wo get into it. O Chris tian man, if you could see what a place it is we would never get you back again to the office, or store, or shop' and tho duties you ought to perform would go ne glected! I am glad I shall not see that world until I enter it. Suppose wo were allowed to go on an excursion in to that good land with tho idea of re turning. When we got there and heard tho song and looked at their raptured faces and mingled in tho supernal socie ty, wo would cry out; "Let us stay! We are comings here anyhow. Why take tho trouble of going back again to that old world? We are hero now. Let us stay!" And It would tako angello vio lence to put us out of that world if once we got there, but as people who cannot afford to pay for an entertainment some times come around it and look throuch tho door ajar, or through the openings in the fence, so we come and look through the crevices into that good land which God has provided for us. We can just catch a glimpso of it. We come near enough to hear the rumbling of tho eter nal orchestra, though not near enough to know who blows tho cornet or who lingers tho harp. My soul spreads out both wings and claps them in triumph at the thought of those upper springs. One of them breaks from beneath the throne. Another breaks forth from beneath tho altar of tho temple. Another at tho door of "tho house of many mansions." Upper springs of gladness! Upper springs of light! Upper springs of love! It is no fancy of mine. "The Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall lead them to living foun tains of water." O Saviour divine, roll in upon our souls one of thoso anticipated raptures! Pour around the roots of the parched tongue one drop of that liquid life! Toss before our vision those fountains of God, ralnbowed with eternal victory! Hear it! They are never sick there; not so much as a headache or twinge rheumatic or thrust neuralgic. Tho inhabitant never says, "L am sick." xney are never tired there, l'light to farthest world is only the play of a holiday. They never sin there. It is as easy for them to be holy as it is for us to sin. They never die there, lou might go through all tho outskirts of this great city and find not one placo where the ground was broken for a grave. Tne eyesight of tne redeemed is never blurred with tears. There is health in every cheek. There is spring in every foot. There is majesty on every brow. There is j oy in every heart. There is hosanna on every lip. How tney must pity us as they look over and look down and seo us and say: Foor things away down in that world!" And when some Christian is hurled Into a fatal accident, they cry: "Good!" Ho i3 coming!" And when wo stand around tho couch of some loved one whose strength is going away and we shako our heads foro oodingly they cry: "I'm glad he is worse. Ho has been down thero long enough. There, ho is dead! Come home! Come home!" Oh, if we could only got our ideas about that future world untwisted, our thought of transfer from hero to there would be as pleasant to us as it was to a little child that was dying. Sho said: "Papa, when will I go home?" And he said: "To-day, Florence." "To-day? So soon? I am so glad!' I wish I could stimulate 3ou with thoso thoughts, O Christian man, to tho highest possible exuiiarationi The day 01 your deliverance is coming is coming, rolling on with the shining wheels of the day, and the jot wheels of the night. Every thump of the "heart is only a hammer stroke striking off another chain of clay. Better scour the deck and coil the rope, for harbor is only six miles away. Jesus will como down tho Narrows to meet you. "Now is your salvation nearer than when you believed." Man of tho world, will you not to-day make a choice between tbeso two portion?, between tho "south land" of this world. which slopes to the desert, and this glori ous land which thy Father offers thee, run ning with eternal watercourses? Why lei your tongue be consumed of thirst when there are the nether springs and the up per springs comfort here and glory here after? Utility of Diamond Circular Saw. Tho use of the diamond circular saw foi cutting stone is facilitating the erection ol tho Peris Exposition buildings. The dia monds Which form tho cutting teeth of th saw nj worth about $3 a karat, and ars Used IS, a. steel disc over six feet.Jn diame ter. " ' '' It Can Be Made to Go. The melancholy days have come;" has rheumatism como with them? It can be made to go right off by the use of St. Jacobs Oil, which cures and loaves no trace bo-hind. Australasia possesses world's stock of sheep. one-fifth ot the Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain ITiercurjr. as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell andcompletely derange thewhole s vstera whenenterinj? it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions! mm reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and muooms surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure to get the genuine. It is taken Internally, and is made in To1ido, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney &t'o. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists; price, 75c. per bottle. Hall's Family Pills are the best. The first expedition took place in 1567. to the south polo Beauty Xa Blood i3eep Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, iuczoc.duc. About twenty new books daily in Great Britain. are published Coughs Lead to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at once. Go to your druggist to-day and get a sample bottle free. Sold in 25 and 50 cent bottles. Go at once; delays aro dan gerous. No particular form of religion receives official recognition in Japan. Carry Them In Your Pocket.' Hoxsie's Disks will check any cough or cold in an hour. For singers and speakers they are invaluable. 25 cts. Five hundred trading vessels leave tho Thames daily for all parts of tho world. Fits permanently cured. No fits or nervous ness after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. $a trl al bottle and treat! se f ree Dr. R. H. Kline. Ltd.. 931 Arch St..PhUa..Pa. The number of people at present who speak English is said to be 116,000,000. While You Sleep. Do not have too much air blowing through your room at night, or neuralgia may creep upon you whilo you sleep. But if It comes, use St. Jacobs Oil; it warms, soothes and cures promptly. A Large Family. A single young man heard the banns called in church one day. Perhaps he had not always been very attentive to the service, or perhaps marriages were more frequent than usual that season, for the ordinary announcement seemed to make aa impressson on him. At dinner that day he observed thought fully, as if communing with himself: "They must be a large family!" "Who?" asked the company, for the speaker was a silent man, and one whose remarks were few and far be tween. "Why, those Spinsters!" he an Bwered, gravely. "There was another of them called in church to-day." He thought it was a proper name. But ho was right. The Spinsters are a large family. Tit-Bits. .English Victories. In all their wars the English have won the splendid average of eighty two per cent, of the battles. This is the world's record. Educate Tour Bowels With Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c, 25c. If C C. C. fail, drufrgists refund money. Holland Is the only country in Europe that admits coffee free of duty. No-To-Bac fop Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak naen strong, blood pure. 60c. tl. All druggists. The President of Franco receives $240, 000 a year. THE EXCELLENCE OF SIMP OF RSS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the Califobnia. Fig Svbtjp Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of TMirchasino" tVi truo and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Sykcp Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fobnia Fig Strup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, aa it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8 AN FBANCISOO. Cat. LOUISVILLE, E7. NEW TORE. K. T. Don't Put Off Till To-morrow the Du ties of To-Day." Buy a Cake of 5 h p o ConsmpHos1 I Do not think for slnfe moment that consumption will ever strike you a sudden blow, it does not come thai wiv. j.? k It creeps its way along. t r- First, you think it is a Httl cold; nothing but a little hack- M3 cougn ; then a little loss in weight: then a harder cough ; then tne fever and the night sweats. The suddenness comes when . you nave a hemorrhage. Better stop the disease whila O it is yet creeping. iou can ao it wita '.:; You first notice that you coaeh less. The pressure on the chest is lifted. That feeling f suffocation is removed, a cure is hastened byplacingone of Dr. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral Plaster over the Chest. ' A Book Froom : ' It is on the Diseases of tbe Throat and Lungs. Wrftm era fMaii ; If you bar any complaint wliatfvcr and daitr tht bast meiUtal advlea ton caa Daaitblr raeatra. writs tba Aottor freely. Voa will raeelTe a prompt reply, DK. J. C. AIEK, Lowell, Mm. CASCARETS d mil claimed for them and are a truly wonderful medicine. I hare ofiea wished for a medlcina pleaaant to take and at last have found it In Cancarets. 81 nee taking tbem. my blood has been purified and my complexion bas lm- pruveu wooaenuuj aou i reel muon oener ti in erery way. - Mas. salus is. sellahs, L,uttrell, renn. Pleasant. Palatable. Potent, Taste Good. Do Good, Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c, 25c. 50o. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. .;. Sterllac Remedy Cnip.j fhlraa. Ho.trtit, Mew Tori. S19S Hfl.Tfl.RSfi Spld and enaranteed by all dm HU" I UOMU cists to CUKE Tobacco Habit ' Are You Goin lo California? Tho California Limited, Santff Fe Boute, gives the best and speediest service. Through diniu car, and observation car with spacious parlor, especially for uso of ladies and children. 2 day3 Chicago to Los Angeles. - Address E. F. BURNETT, G. E. P. Agt. A., T. & S. F. Ey., 377 Broadway, New Torlt, N. T. a- pip t in c-a i a 11 VI a. g,ttX 3 t1 "TT D RO PS YNE7wscomT:i" m m " l aaiokraliel and caraa worst traTt'm.Br.i Sk- ' U"t"nni nd IO day, . r.o j. t, a unn, Atlanta, a; 1 1 afflicted with ) TL. m I sore eyes, use j i nofnpson s Eye Water VAm,tei Ca,e of bad health that H-I-P-A-N- ALiiAyiia kembdt Co., 248 Greenwich St. , JJ Best Cough Syrup. TaategGood? Cse M 'Otlma. Bold by drnmlata. fel pdiIFi!l CANDY rji T&jjj? n o u m z y MM E7?i4.f 'Aa 'A, :itr J a t. u I III O i lt I. lu.

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