Beavtr Blood Deep ' Clean blood means clean Bkia. TT tieauty without it. Cascarets,, Cady Cathar tic clean your blood and keen it clean, by tirring up the lazy liver and driving all ira furitiea from the body. Begin to-day to ianish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that Bickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, beauty for ten cent9. All drug giats, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c About twenty-flve persons in every mil lion commit suicide In England. .,- It is better to remove than to hide complex lonnl blemishes. Use Glenn's Sulphur fcoap llUl'sHair& yhlsker Dye, black or brown, 50o Before the Revolutionary War the Vir ginians called the New Englanders Yankees. Ftlake It a Point To Cet the Best Every Time, When .You Buy Medicine. Health Is too valuable to be trifled with. ' -Do not experiment. Get Hood's Sarsapa rilla and you will have the best medicine money can buy the medicine that cures "when all others fall. You have every reason to expect It frill do for you what it has done for others. Kemember Hood's Sarsaparilla Is America's Greatest Medicine. Price $1. Mood's Pills are the favorite cathartic. Silver Cup For a Cruiser. An artistic set of silver punch cups to be presented to the cruiser Ealeigh by Mr. and Mrs. Alfred W. Haywood, of Haw River, N. C, has just been completed. Mrs. Haywood, who is a daughter of Governor Holt, of North Carolina, was sponsor for the cruiser at the time of her christening. The cups ate twelve in number and weigh 100 ounces Troy. Each cup i four inches high' and three inches in diameter, jesting upon four dolphins, whose bodies curve gracefully about the body of the cup. They are highly polished and lined with gold. They are of the same design as the massive punch bowl which was presented to the cruiser by the citizens of North Carolina when she first went into commission. The Ealeigh is a second-rate cruiser that formed part of Admiral Dewey's squadron' and is now on the Asiatic station.-1 Baltimore Sun. THE DUTY OF MOTHERS. Daughters Should be Carefully Guided in Early Womanhood. "What suffering frequently results irom a mother's ignorance; or more frequently from a mother's neglect to properly instruct her daughter ! Tradition says "woman must suffer," and young women are so taught. There is a little truth and a great deal of exaggeration in this. If a young woman Buffers severely she needs treatment and her mother should see that she gets it. i Many mothers hesitate to take their daughters to a physician for examina tion; but no mother need hesitate to write freely about her daughter or lerself to Mrs. Pinkham and cecure Ihe most efficient advice without charge. Mrs. Pinkham's address is Xynn, Mass. The following letter from Miss M akis T. Johjssojt, Centralia, Pa., shows what neglect will do, and tells how Mrs. . Pinkham helped her : "My health became bo poor that I had to leave school. I was tired all the time, and had dreadful pains in my side and back. I was also troubled with irregularity of menses. I was Tery weak, and lost so much flesh that my friends became alarmed. My mother, who is a firm believer in your remedies from experience, thought per haps they might benefit me, and wrote you for advice. I followed the advice you gave, and used Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills a3 tou directed, and am now as well as I ever was. I have gained flesh and have a good color. I am completely cured oi irregularity. flUCIIM ATIQM CURED One bottle-Positive HriLUill A 1 10 III relief in 24 honrsi. Postpaid. S1.00 "Alexander Rkmf.dy Co.,C48Greenwich St., N.Y. AN AFFAIR T N ATI ON It ho.s been said of Americans tha.t they &reMo. nation of dyspeptics" and it is true that few entirely free from disorders of the digestive tr&ct. Indigestion , Dyspepsia, Boviel trouble, or Constipation. The treatment of these diseases with cd.tha.rtic medicines . too. of ten 54 ro.vo.tes the trouble. THE LOGICAL TREATMENT is the use of & remedy th&t will build up the system, thereby ..enabling the v&nous organs to act o.s Nature intended they should. Such & remedy is found in Or' Pink Hills tor reae reopie nere is trie proor. In Detroit there are few soldiers more popular and efficient than Max R. Davies, first sergeant of Co. B. His home is at 416 Third Avenue. For four years he was a bookkeeper with the wholesale drug house of Farrand, Williams & Clark, and he says : "I have charged up many thousand orders for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, but never knew their worth until I used them for the cure of chronic dyspepsia. For two years J suffered and doctored for that aggravating trouble but could only be helped temporarily. "I think dyspepsia is eoe of the most stubborn of ailments,' and there is scarcely a clerk or office man but what is more or less a victim. Some days I could eat anything, while at other titfies I would be starving. Those distressed pains would force me to quit work. I have tried many treatments and remedies but they would help only for a time. A friend induced me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, end after tak ing a few doses I fouud much relief and after using several boxes 1 was f cured. I know these pills will cure dyspepsia of its worst form and I am pleased to recommend them." Detroit (Mich.) Journal. Tne genuine pc,ik&de Mwovs bcM the wU n&m (s At fcU drugistv itnt poupd on receipt of putt.SD! ft cr box, fey tht Di.tfiHiMNS Apt t Affect tli It'erres. Cold weather is Just as apt to affect the nerves as any other part of the body, and neuralgia sets in. St. Jacobs Oil is just as certain to cure it a9 it cures all the gen eral pains and aches of the body. Of every million persons born in a cer tain year only 223 are alive ninety-five years later. Where to Spend the Winter. Southern Railway, Eastern office 271 Broad way, can furnish you with all information re garding the winter resorts of the South. This great system traverses all of the Southern States over its own rails and is the direct thor oughfare of travel to Cuba, Mexico and the Pacific Coast. For particulars call on or address Alex. S. Thweatt, Eastern Passenger Agent, The latest vagary of fashion in London U monocles for women. Doa't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Tour life Away. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netic, full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To-Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 60o or CI. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New Vorlt An orange tree will bear fruit until it is 150 years old. Mrs. Winslow's Soothinar Syrup for children teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, -oca bottle The State of Texas has set aside for the education of each child $4.50. Try Grain0! lryurain(J! Ask you Grocer to-day to show yon a package of GRAIN-O, the new food drink that takes the place of coffee. The children may drink it without injury as well as the adult. All who try it, like it. GRAIN-0 has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java, but it is made from pure grains, and the most delicate stomach receives it ' without distress. the price of coffee. 15 cents and 25 cents per package. Sold by all grocers. Tastes like Coffee Looks like Coffee Insist that your grocer gives yoa GRAIX-O Accept no imitation. The Faithful Mascot. They tell a touching story of one of the regimental mascots a dog in the Sixth Cavalry and there are a dozen soldiers who will swear that it is true. There was one man of the Sixth who had always been good to this dog, and would give it a piece of bacon from his own scanty store, and pet it and remember it when things were badly. This man was killed at St. Juan Hill just after his troop had forded the river and come into open ground before starting on the charge. And all day long he lay there in the long grass, dead, the ballets and shells singing over him, and nothing mattering any more. Soldiers pressed on, wounded men staggered bacs, many passed near him, but no one touched him or cared for him, inc there was nothing to do he was dead. But the dog found out somehow that its master was lying there on the ground, the hot sun burning him, the cold night chilling him, and came there with a dog's faithfulness and licked the white face and stretched it self out on the still body and stayed there, guarding its master, until the soldiers on burying detail came the next day and laid the remains in a grave. Leslie s Weekly. Presence of Mind. A melodrama of the most stirring kind was being given at a theatre in a small provincial town, sajs London Tit-Bits. In one of the critical scenes the hero suddenly became aware of the fact that he had come to the stage minus his poniard. Without a moment's hesitation, he made a dash at the traitor, exclaiming: "Die, villain! I meant to strike thee with my dagger, but I left the weapon in my dressing room, and will, therefore, strangle thee in the pres ence of this indulgent audience." It is scarcely necessary to add that this variation from the original brought down the house. Mcuume U.Mhcntit&dy.N.Y. Continued from first page. solve mystorles I add to the mystery that wej have already wondered at namely, why preaohers should keep on after all the hearers are tired. 80 I gather up into one great armful all the whys and hows and wherefores of ycur life and mine, which we have not had time or the ability to an swer, and write on. them the words. "Ad journed to eternity." I rejoice that we do not understand all things now. for It we did what would we learn In heaven? If we knew it all down here in the freshman and sophomore class, what would be the use of our going up to stand amid the juniors and the seniors? If we could put down one leg of the compass and with the other sweep a circle clear around all the insorutables, If wo could lift our little steelyards and weigh the throne of the Omnipotent, if we could with our seven-day clock measure eternity, what would be left for heavenly revelation? So I move that we cheor fully adjourn what is now beyond our comprehension, and as, according to Rol lln, the historian, Alexander the Great, having obtained the gold casket in which Darius had kept his rare perfume, used that aromatic casket thereafter to keep his favorite copy of Homer in and called the book, therefore, the "edition of the casket," and at night put the casket and his sword under his pillow, so I put this day into the perfumed casket of your richest affections and hopes, this promise worth more than Homer ever wrote or sword ever con quered, "What I do thou knowest not now, but thou shall know hereafter," and that I call the "edition celestial." HELPS FOR HOUSEWIVES. The New Belts. The new belts are of soft silk or satin ribbon, four incb"" wide, says Demorest's Magazine. T iey are just the length of the waist measure and are clasped in front by buckles not ovei an inch or an inch and a half wide. The narrow clasp naturally holds the tibbon in folds. At the sides the rib bon is allowed to widen to at least two inches, and in the back nearly the full width of the belt is revealed. This arrangement gives the very long waisted effect in front which is just now so fashiouable. Spiced Grapes. Squeeze the pulps from the skins ol several pounds of grapes and then boil and press through a colander to get rid of the seeds. Place in a pre serving kettle over the fire and add three and one-half pounds of sugar, one and one-half ounces of whole cloves and the same amount of stick cinnamon. Place the spices in a bag and let the sugar and vinegar come to a boil, and then put in the pulps and 3kins of the grapes, adding the bag of spices. The whole should be al lowed to boil for an hour and a half, and should then be put in stone jars and served with ovsters or meats. Virginia Caramel Cake. This calls for two-thirds of a pound of butter, one scant coffee-cup of milk, two cups of granulated sugar, four eggs beaten very light, two scant cups of well-sifted flour, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder,- stirred in at the last moment; bake in a quick oven in three layers. Make the caramel of one-half cup of milk; butter the size of a walnut, and three-quarters of a pound of chocolate; cook in a double boiler, stirring often until a bubble rises, but do not let it boil. Add three tablespoonfuls of vanilla extract after you take it from the fire. Use as fast s possible; it thickens ns it cools. Spread the layers and cover the top quickly. Use the same dry. Meat Omelet, Take one pound of finely chopped beef and to it add one and a half tea-. spoonfuls of salt, a quarter of a tea spoonful of black pepper and six eggs. Beat the yolks of the eggs until they are quite light, and add the beef and mix well, then beat the whites to a stiff froth and drop them into the mixture. Put a piece of butter and one of beef suet in a pan over the fire, and when it is hot drop the ome let into the pan with a spoon and fry until it is a light brown, then drain on brown paper and serve at once on a dish on which has been placed a num ber of chopped potatoes and a spoon ful of minced parsley. Arrange the omelets as a border with a few pieces of eelsry here and there. m French Chicken Salad. t Take a large, cooked chicken, re move all the fat, skin and bone and chop the meat in small pieces, with an equal quantity of white.celery chopped fine. Mash the yolks of six hard boiled eggs, and mix them to a smooth paste with a saltspoonful of salt, the 3orae quantity of white pepper and a large teaspoonful of mixed mustard. Add two large tablespoonfuls of olive oil and one of good, strong vinegar, alternately, a little at a time. Take some fine, tender lettuce leaves and the whites of the boiled eggs and chop them together very fine. .Put the chicken in the middle of a large dish, making it iuto a circular mound with a slightly flattened top, and pour the dressing over it. Lay the chopped lettuce and whites around the heap of chicken. Chop some pickled red beets and cucumbers, and arrange them in a pretty pattern over the yel low coating of the chicken. Garnish the edge of the dish with white celery tops and parsley. , Household Hints. Sugar in the water for basting meats will add to their flavor. This is espe cially true of veal. To have broiled ham at its best boil the ham so that it is nearly cooked, let cool in the water, then slice to broil. . . , When cooking onions place a pail of cold water at the kitchen door, which will prevent the smell from as cending. To whiten the kitchen table, spread .t all over with a thin paste made of ihloiide of lime and hot water; leave feu all nig-ht and in the morning wash tiff. To remove iron rust from marble. use a solution of one part of nitric eid in twentv-five parts of water. Apply carefully to the spots only, then tinse with water and ammonia. The Merrliioac'a Flag;. Lieutenant Richmond Pearson Hob eon, in his personal story of "The Sinking of the Merrimao" in the Cen tury, says: With regard to the ensign, I had asked Captain Miller about the ensign of the Merrimac. He said that he had already considered the matter, but had found that the strippers had taken off the ensign and the contents of th) signal-chest, and even the signal-halyards. In fact, the men had been so keen for relics and souvenirs, that nothing seemed, to have escaped. He said that he had, however, an enor mous flag, blue field, or background, with "Maine" across it in large let ters, which he proposed to have bent on. But I was particularly anxious for a large national flag, and put it down on the list of items for the ex ecutive officer to get us on the New York. I was a little afraid they would not let us have the flag, so I asked the executive officer not to say anything about it to the captain until we were gone, and told him that I should not hoist it while running in, or while do ing so could in any way affect the suc cess of the effort, but that I did wish very much to hoist it after firing the torpedoes as the vessel sank. The executive officer was not convinced, and his instinct of the risk involved was true; for though the captain let me have the flag without asking any questions, and it was bent on the hal yards at the bridge" ready for hoisting, it was never hoisted, for after the work was done, and the Merrimao was sink ing, and a strong impulse set in to have the flag flying, it was clear, lying at the muzzles of the enemy's guns, that any move to hoist it would betray our position and cost the life of all. Responsibility for the group forbade the attempt. k A Preacber on Fire. At Chacombe Church, Banbury, during the harvest thanksgiving ser vices on a recent Sunday evening, ac cording to the Westminster Gazette, the vicar, the Rev. G. J. Hammon, while holding forth with his usual stirring eloquence, was suddenly disturbed by several members of the congregation rising from their seats and exclaiming "You're on fire, sir!" On putting out the fire with his hand the reverend gentleman thanked his informers and then proceeded with his discourse as if nothing had happened. Afterward it was found that the long lawn sleeve had been burned, the reporter pa thetically adds, "beyond repair. Congratulations were accorded to the vicar on his escape. The flames nearly reached his head before he dis covered the cause of alarm. Julius Ceeiar Caught Scorching. The announcement that Julius Caesar was summoned for scorching on a bicycle must cause a smile upon the most serious face. There were many smiles at the Haywards Heath Petty Sessions. Julius Caesar did not appear at first, and the historic name Eeemed more out of place when ba led by a leather lunged constable outside the court. People began to think that a wag gish cyclist had been playing larks with the rural constable, and had give a wrong name, but presently a young gentleman stepped into the box and all smiles ceased. "Are yoa Julius Caesar?" quoth the clerk. "Yes, sir," replied the scorcher. Sussex (England) News. The Triumph of the Season A crop of sprains and bruises 13 harvested from outdoor sports. The cure is the crop St. Jaccbs Oil deltght3 in as the triumph of the season, the one that beats the record. In olden times the English ate but three meals a day. Knocks Co niehs and Colds. Dr. Arnold's Cough Killer cures Coughs and Colds-Prevents Consumption. All druEaists.Soc Business failures in the United States for the past week numbered 178. Educate Your Bowels With Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c, 25c. It C.C.C. fail, druggists refund money. Trial by jury will be established In Si beria by recent ukase of the Czar. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 35c. The first expedition to the South Pole took place in 15G7. After six years' suffering I was cured by Pi so's Cure. Mary Thomson, 2V)i Ohio Ave Alleghany, Pa.. March 19. ism. Many thousands of persons in Chicago wear wooden shoes. Coughs Lead to Consumption ' Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at once. Go to your druggist to-day and get a sample bottle free. Sold in 25 and 50 cent bottles. Go at once; delays are dan gerous. There are some tollgates still in Phila delphia, Penn. To tiutii tuuKuiiou forever Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 23c IiC.CC. fail to cure, druggists refund money. Clubs for the study of the French lan guage have been organized in Chicago. "Ihavensed your valuable CASCA ItETS and find them perfect. Couldn't do without them. I have used them for some time for indigestion and biliousness and am now com pletely cured. Recommend them, to everv one. Once tried, you will never be without them in the family." Edw A Makx, Albany, N. Y. CANDY CATHARTIC i4 w TRADE MARK BBOiaTSRCO Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste G00A. Do Good. 2seTer Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe, 10c, 26c, SOc. ... CURS CONSTIPATION. ... Sterliar Xtftmrif Vmmfnoj, f binf, MoatrMl. New lark. Stt Mt Tft I! If Sold and ciiaranted by alldrug RW'I WmAw fUitsto CtKXi Tubacco UaWu H 3 i 0 s 1183 Oil eures Rheumattsoiv Neuralgia. , Lumbago. Oil cures Oil, cures Oil cures Oil cures Oil cures Oil cures Sciatica. Sprains. Bruises. Soreness. Stillness. . Backache. Muscular Aches. St. Jacobs St. Jacobs St. Jacobs Oil cures Oil cures Oil cures A calculation has been made showing that the war cost Spain $435,000,000 and the United States but $215,000,000. ., Southern H'y Dining Car Service. Commencinar November 23d. additional Din lnji Car Service, Southern Railway Dinini? Cars, will be operated on the Southern Rail way U. S.'Fast Mail trains daily the year round, thus completing Dininat Car Ser vice on all trains of the Southern Rail way, via Washington, to Florida, Atlanta, Xew Orleans, and points South and South west. The Dining Cars are all of the latest model and the markets are drawn upon liber ally for the best and most seasonable Hupmies, while the cuisine and service are of the high est order. The Southern Railway is the only Southern Lino operatinar Dining Cars the year round. New York Office, .71 Broadway. The Americans are the wealthiest people in the world per capita. Deafness Cannot lie Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous liningof the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imper fect hearing, and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless the Inflam mation can be taken out and this tube re stored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever. Nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. The movement of wheat and other bread stuffs continues large. Lane's Family medicine Moves the bowels eaoh day, In order to be healthy this is necessary. Acts gently on the liver and kidneys. Cures sick head ache. Price 25 and 50c. A single human hair will support four ounces without breaking. No-To-Bae for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco bablt cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. fiOc. ti. AH druggists. Willow wood is the most available for the use of powder manufacture. Fits nrmanentlv cured. No fits or nervouf less after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great' STerve Restorer. $'2 trial bottle and treatise free. 0b. R. H. Kline. Ltd.. U31 Arch St..Phila.,Pa. In Italy mushroom poisoning is of more ihan weekly occurrence. THE EXCELENCE OF SYBUP OF FIGS Is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig Sraup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing- the true and original remedy.. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medK cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN FBAXCI8CO, Cat, LOUISVILLE, Kr. NEW TORE IT. T. Send Postal for Premium List to tht Dr. Beth Arnold Medical Corporation, Woonsocket, R. I, j E.S O u to MAGNIFIED fS-- ."Jl'iaMl.. ti S 0 K J z" IB. fc a. g ui " 1 I- fa 5 E -.--..-A.:'!.-M ZUs Iks c j c u "5 KXIO VXVV7VK nDODC YEW DXSCOVtJtT; LV ff Vr I W 1 taiokreliaf nd curst want cues. Send fr book of Udimonials nd I O days' tritmnt Free. Dr.M H OREEM'i I0K8. AtUmta. Q. If afflicted with sore eyes, use Thompson's Eye Water INVPNTIAN Wanted Unpatented First- class. Zkbbk, U B'way.N. Y, nmTaTPTrk"KT THIS PAPER Wn EN REPLY J.YlXliM 11U1N INGTOADVTS. NYNU 49. Bt. Jacobs St. Jacobs St. Jacobs St. Jacobs St. Jacobs St. Jacobs St. Jacobs Great Saving Results From the Use of SAPOLsc Are you frequently hoarse? Do vou have that annovint? tickling in your throat? Would you reel relieved ir you couicr raise something? Does your cough annoy you at night, and do vou raise more mucus in the morning? r Then you should always keep i on nana a Dome or- . If you have a weak throat you' cannot be too careful. You cannot begin treatment too early. Each cold makes you more liable to another, and the last one is always harder to cure than the one before it. Dr. Aitr's eitrrg Pectoral Piaster. prelects i&c liais irca celts. lj Help at Hand. - If you have any complaint 1 whatever and desire the best! medical advice you can pos- i sibly obtain, write the doctor freely. You will receive a prompt reply. Address. TJH. T. O. VT?.R.' Lowell, Mass. The Best Holiday ,' One that will briny a pleasant monthly reminder of the elver is a subscription to the NEW AND IMPROVED Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly Now 10 cts.; $1 a Year. Edited by Mrs. FRANK LESLIE. V EACH MONTH! Cover in Colors and Gold. Scores of Rich Illustrations. CONTRIBUTORS: W. d: Howells; Clara Bos ton, Bret Harte, Walter Camp, Frank R. Stockton, Margaret E. Sangster, Julia C. R. Dorr, Joaquii Miller, Edgar Fawcett, Egerton Castle, Louise Chandler Moulton, and other famous and popular writers. . Beautiful Art Plate, "A Yard 6f Pansies" or "A Yard of Pup pies " : also the superb Nov. ana Ainas ios. uivcn nice with a it. 00 year's subscriDtion from January issue fourteen numbers in all. Either art plate GIVEN FREE with a 3-months' trial subscription tor 2$ cents. COMPLETE Story of the SINKING OF THE " MERRIMAC " and the Capture and Imprisonment of the Crew at Santiago, by OSB0RN W. DEIGN AN, V. S. Navy, late helmsman of the Merrimac, in the January Number. Fully Illustrated. Subscribe Kaw. Edition Limited. FRANK LESLIE PUBLISHING HOUSE. " Dep'tE. 143 Fifth Avenue, N.V. Mention thh paper when rcnnf. Finer and Faster Than Ever.4 The California Limited, Santa Fe Koute, solid between Chi cago and Los Angeles, . . Time, 2 days. Pullmans, dining ear, buffet--, smoking car with barber shop, observation car with ladies' . parlor. Electric lighted. Three times a week, beginning "November 2. Addre3s: E. F. BURNETT, G.E.P.Agt. A,, T. &S.F.Ey., 377 Broadway, New l'ork, N. Y.. uxrLruxnjruTJXi W clvo every ftfrl or ts one rolled fold-tilled eoHtnlm Puritan rose diamond ring, eolld (told pattern, for mne!!)packagesGAKKIELD FURS PEP.SIN GUM among friends at t cents a uackaere. send name: we mall rum. When sold send money; we will mall ring; few can toll It from genuine diamond. I'nfold (turn liken back, OABFIEL1) GUM4JO., Dept. tl. Meadvllle. Pa. 1 VTrn . , , , . . . . . W..- ae vi uau ne&itn Tnat JrVJ.'4"A,rrSs will not benefit. Send S cts. to Hipans Chemical 'o., New York, fnr H' amrl and KXM tettmoniak m OUKti WntHt ALL ELSE I AILS. I yougn syrup. Castes tJooU. Use in lime, fold by lrurit-. 1 1 Mini ' C ii m inn m.i."n' urn' ijji mi. wu " 'A j in iimii.m minii ninimf ' 1 IH. Gift: , f t