THE HOANOKE BEACON. PUBLISHED EVERY Fill DA Y f By Th e Roanokh, rumisniNo Co. BEACON FLASHES W. FLETCHER AUBON, Editor. PLYMOUTH, - Friday. Amir. 28, 1809. N. C. rep' Directory' CITY GOVERNMENT. Mayor, Levi Blount. Treasurer, V. H. Hampton. Constable, Joscpti lucKer. Couucilmen, Levi Blount, II. b. W ard, . H. Hampton, D. O. .BriuUley, S. 1. Harrison, J. H. Smith, Job. Mitchell and (Sampson Towe. COUNTY GOVERNMENT Sheriff, John L. Phelps. Treasurer, T. J Busuight (Superior Oourt Clerk. Win, M. Bateman. llegister ofDoeds, W H Stubbs ; Commissioners, Jas. A. Chesson, Ghr m, Joseph Skittletharpe, J. M. Rid, Abrani Newberry, RufusSwain, W. 11. Howeott, Enoch Leary. BTiTB GOVERNMENT. Governor. D- L. Russell. Lieutenant-Governor, Chas. A. Reynolds Secretary of SUte, Cyrus Thomson. Treasurer, William 11. Worth. Auditor, Hal. W. Ayer. - ttorney-General, Zebulon V. Walser.; Superintendent of Public Instruction, Charles P.Mebane. church services. . Methodist-Rev. T. M. Flyler, pastor . o Knnrtiiv at 11 a. m., ana 8 p. m. Prayer meeting every Weanesdtiy night at 7:30. Sunday scnooi a . ., . O. Gaylord, Superintendent; W. JN. toop ' er, Secretary. t,...:. t?w if . TT. Gilbert, pastor, .DiMJUm 1" - - , 9A 4 th Sundays at 11 a. ra., anci every Sunday night at 7. Prayer meeting n ilav i.rM at 7:30. Sunday every a uu.ra-.... o - Rchobl everv Sunday at 'J. 30 a. m., Knoch ' Ludford. superintendent. - n nu ir.U fF.nisoonall Ilev. E. I. j(luuo r i ' ' Green, rector. Morning and evening prayer 3rd Sundays. Holv commuiuou at morning service. Lay service at other morning ser vices. Sunday School at 9:30 a. in., Ed mund Alexander, Superintendent. Disciple-Rev, M. S . Spear, pastor, services 1st and 3rd Sunday m each mouth at 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at :J). U & Society every Sunday evening at v. bnmlay - Kf.lmol everv Sundiy morning at J:0, A. N. Waters, Superintendent. Methodist Protestant-Rev. D well, pastor, services every 1st is davs at 11 a. m.,and 7 p. m. seuool every Sunday ai 3 p. m., J sou, superintendent. Court this week. Town election Monday. Vote for the best men. A nice shower on Tuesday. Mr. T. T. Gardner U working up a as a fisherman. Miss Jenette Martin spent Sunday with friends in Edcmou. Onlv one prisoner was sent to the peni tentiary from hero this week. W understand that Plymouth is soon to have another liyery staDie, Duitn n rminhnr of new subscribers have been added to our list this week. . Mrs. K. Sallencer aud sister, of bans Souci, were here yesterday. Herring sold the past week at Nichol'S fishery for 25c. per thousand.. Mr. C. W. Spell, of Mackey'a Ferry, was Foreman of the Grand Jury. Mra iini Niirnev left on Saturday last for a visit to relatives in Hertford. Miss Kate Capehart, of Avoca, is here the guest of Miss Jentte Martin. Miss Mary Praden, of Edenton, was the guest of Mrs. E. W. Fagan this week. Mrs. Mary Eborn and brother, of Kins ton, were in Plymouth this week. A series of meetings have been in prog ress this week at the M. E. Church. Mr. S. R. Bateman, of Cross Roads, Tyr rell county, was in our town Monday. C. V. W, Ausbou. Esq., of the Roanoke Pub. Co., returned from iildenton Monday. Hotels, boarding houses, restaurants and livery stables have reaped the harvest this week. Mrs. L. P. Hornthai aud little daughter are visiting relatives in Norfolk and Suf folk. Mrs. C. V. W. Ausbon and children have been visiting relatives in Edenton this Week, A. Bras rd Suti Snnday S. Ohes- Lister's Pocomoke phate aud Kainit at Guano. Acid Phos- Hounthal's, At N. B. Yeager's jewelry store will be graphs, it's articulation is clear and distinct and it produces all tue latesc war songs, vocal and instrumental music, it is a great instrument. Call and see it. Court adjourned Tuesday night, the Judae haviug been called home by the seri ous illness of his wife. The criminal dock et was about exhausted, but no civil cases had been tried There were several cases of much importance aud this unexpected adjournment has been a great inconveni ence to our people. . We have seen fish, and heard about fkh, and we have read about fish, but we never Baw so manv fish as inhabited the water of this section the past week. On Sunday last people gathered on the road leading across the swamp going to Mr. J. II. Hamilton's to see the men pick up fish. The run, a very small stream, was filled to overflowing. Wo note among the visitors here this week from Cresweli : . Mrs. Dr. llassell, Mrs. E. 5. Kewbold, Mrs. C. T. Spruill, Dr. VV. II. Hardison, Rev. Luther Eborn, Messrs. A. G. Walker, M. M. Alexander, J. L. Woodley, J.J. Jarvis, C. J. Spear, L. S. Spruill, J. J. Rowe, II. W. Phelps, II W. Tarkentou. Henry Bateman and others whose names we id not get. Planters, and one o! Coxe's Cotton Plant ers, aud be happy. Lt. tr. rlORNTUAL. Tha Uilonlnn rVtnvnrR.Hnn is in Rtt&sinn here with Grace Church, quite a number of visitors are in attendance. Among the ministers present we note : Dr. Robt. B. Drane. of Edenton ; Rev's N. Harden, of Washington : Li. inborn, of uresweii ; in. u Hnrrlioa nf f?linnwinit v : Tj. L Williams. of E. City ; Francis joyner, of Bunion and V. 15. lienor, uonyoeation ii.yangeiist. Judtro Boman seemed very kind aud Kvinniithetio in his dealings with persons convicted here this week. In nearly every case ho would ask if the de.eudant was able to pay the cost, and in many eases tue pris oner was recognized for the payment of costs, which means that the county will have to pay most of the cost. This may be good on tne evil doors, out u is tougu on the tax payers. Just received, a bit, shipment of "A" and "Girl" Champion turn plows. Stone wall and Climax cotton plows, at iiOUJNTUALi B. large number of people have in attendance upou tno court OFFICE OF 0. R. IB80B T JEWELER, LEGGETT'S DRUGSTORE, WATER STREET, T I beg to inform my friends ami the public that I am now prepared to do all kinds of work in the Jewel ers line. . All work guaranteed and at living prices for first-class work. As Reference I let my work of the past speak for itself. I keep constantly on hand a nice line of watches for sale. When you want your work done give me a trial, I will please you and appreciate your patronage. Yours truly, O. It. LEGGETT, Quite a beou here this week. f!.irt A M. Hawkins and several other oQicials of the N & S. R. 11., were nere on Wednesday. Tnum n.ilitira are iretthir warm. The 5iv-ii tp well, we dou't claim to know what the issues are. The post office has been so changed as to oiv imtrons more room aiia it is mucu !"" . more couvtuient. rPl 1 now hntfl is r.omnlete and will be tin nwn wiilrt oien on Monday with clever Jnck Head as "mine hoste." Mis r.lnnehe Walters is in E. City where ahe. wi lvniaiu some time witn ner sister. Mrs. R. T. Venters. Mr. Jno. W. Stillman who has been in v;iiiniiiiii f'.ir soma time is home on a visit to his family. That long-looked-for and handsome line of Crenon has arrived at liorntliai s. 1 ney are pretiy aud cheap. Mrs. A. G. Walker with her children, of Cresweli. has been visiting her diugmer, Mrs. J. L. Phelps the past week Mess. J. W. Odem aud Ottice Winfield, two of Washington's clever youug men, spent Sunday last in our town. it- ij P. T.nthnm. formerly of this town now of Newport News is here visiting rela- tives. Ulad to ee you irieuu uruuc f Darius Bennett, charged with fii-son. the Grand Jury found it uot a true bill, and tho prisoner was discharged nTr .t i? Williams, of Hamilton, who t,o Unci viuifinsr her sister. Mrs. E. B wnnnon on Adiiuis street, has returned home, Miss Pauline Harrison left Mouday i-,iovrina for Portsmouth and Baltimore where she goes friends. Many of our subscribers have been kind enouch to settle up this week, but tnere behind. Let us hear from CLU BHi " you, friends. to visit relatives and at 3 f tl W 3 w;, JS -r: ' II -:-?:-' ; ":'':::"::::r;i'vW W" , I 7ri f L Peacock, who was assistant in the public Behool, opened a school Monday in the face of all disadvantages and has now nineteen pupils enrolled. It looked like Summer waa here in full blast form the number of baggies that dash ed too and fro on Sunday afternoon, and a good number of pedestrians were also out. ' 'l.iwn mkn Ar-rwtx In urn Irk thn annnd PnlnV- ed the evening we are sure. Uoys and gins enjoy yourselves while you may. God only lends us onr youth for a little while and when it plumes it's golden wings for flight it is not long ere we settle down to middle age. We think our ideas, our pleasures change aud we look not regretfully on the exciting pleasures of youth. So again we say take advautage of youth that is envel oped in a halo of happiness, that is like a 6tar sparkling in the shadowy firmament of lif; and never forget to thank Him above who confers our happiness on ua in youth aud all along the way, even unto the per fect day. Shakespeare. NO CURE NO PAY. That is the way all druggist sell Grove's tasteless chill tonic for Malaria, unius aud Fever. It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. Children love it. .Adults prefer it to bitter, nauseating Tonics. Price, 5oc. sep 2-6 m In 1888 my wife went East and was at tacked with rheumatism. She received no relief until she tried Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Siuca that time we have never been without it. We find it gives instant relief in cases of burns and scalds and is never failing for all rheumatic and neuralgic nams. D. (J. Uhant. sauta Inez, uai For sale by all druggists. Post Office Directory. P. M., Emily W. Fagan. Ass't P. M., F. F. Fagan. Clerk, Geo. VV. Hardison. Ofl3ce hours, (i-30 a. m., to 8-30 p. m. ARRIVAL OF MAILS. Northern mail arrives at 11 a. m; 3 p aud 7--t0 p. m. ' Southern: arrives at 11 a. m , & 7-40 p.m. Time of Closing Mails. Northern mail close at 7-3 a. m,, 8-50 a. m., & 11-20 a, in. Southern: closos at 7;3." a, m., & 11:20 a.m. m, j j Hi Ar riving Daily at p HIlSIlpi CITY MARKET IlEPOltT. C, R. Sides per lb Plates Shoklers Bacon Hams S. C, Pork per barrel Lard refined Flour, per barrel, CRESWELL CIIIltS. PICKED UP BY TWO -BEACON" LASSIES. April 24th. Mrs. Dr. Hassell is visiting in Plymouth ihis week. of our citizens are attend- iug court this week in Plymouth. lTr A. a. Walker and family are now on a visit to tlieir daughter, Mrs. J. L. Phelps, in Plymouth. Tvf - TSnopns Pntter was in Cresweli last ' r week in the interest of tho Norfolk & South ern Railroad. TUiaa Anm'n -Lee accompanied by her father, Capt. Cahoon, of E. City, made r short visit to friends here on Monday. U Rmnniii!?. of Edenton. is here in the interest of a mill that is to be erected bv the Branuing Lumber Co., near our little village. Wild Daisies. 7 Gi 7&S 12 $11.50 8 $4.75 4.00 30 &40 40 G Patent Family W. I. Molasses, per gal.. Syrup " " Granulated Sugar, per Io Light brown " " " Butter Cheese " Green Coliee ' ' Roasted Coffee " Eggs per doz., Tobacco, per lb Shot " " dnn Pnwder " " Coal Oil White.Safety 150, per gal. 12 .fid i j.. nerval. , n & 30 to 15 10 to 20 12J 15 10 20 to 80 7 25 to 40 I wish to announce to my 4-"U - 4- T Q TYl having new goods to come daily and I am selling them cheaper than they have ever been sold. ft Apple Vinegar Bee's Wax, per Tallow. " niues, mm." " Green " " Salted " Salt, per sack Com, Meal, Rice, Peas, black black eye Peanuts, Cotton per lb 25 20 5 7 " 4c under 60lb 3 " 4 75 per Bus., new 60 " GO it 50 " " 75 4 to 5 ill feWAiv.w &rfe-jy TASTELEei P P 1 i I P-pi I M. N Wot Tmm i pi : i mm N d3 HIST AS COOD FOR AUU LTG VARRANTEf C. AT.ATI A. Il.I.S.. NOV. 3'), 1?VS. sss, or GllOVB'ii 'i'ASTKl.Vr CJUL1. TONIC -nd i:nve bouiibt tbreo crosa already jUis yitir. In car . s per.enco of 14 ynnw. In tho clr;u; Ini-mo-s, hrn.o rover sold an sirtiflo tlintgHvo mu'i iiuivcisulal.!x aclwa n jour Toa.c. CAUB & CO- Guaranteed to cure Chills, Malaria ia ull of its loris. Fevers and jol-lyd Wanted 1000 pounds of Beeswax once. Ilignest price paiu ai iui uw. m. and Mrs Tennis Norman, of Hertford, were visiting our lowu the past weeit as me guests of Mr. Norman's momer, Mrs. j. a. Ludford. Owing to the rush of business in the Clerk's office we have been unable to get the court proceedings for this issue, they will appear in full next week. The Str. Mayflower was off for repairs to have a speed wheel put on, etc.. aud in her absence the Str. Bertie made the run between Plymouth and Windsor. Miss Lizzie Blank Ward who has been spending some lime in our town as the guest of her uncle, Dr. W. H. Ward, left this week for her home in New Jersey. Save time by got ting'one of Coxe's Gu ano Distributors. For sale by Li. 1. iiOKNTIIAl.. Mr. J. Gilliam Ward, of New York, who has been visiting tbis town, the home of his t..i;,r Hfo wi iMve tor nome mis muiu ing to the regret of his many friends. Mess. D. F. Ambrose, of Roper, and J. W". Chessou, of Skiuuersville, dropped in Ooo no while in town on Saturday, and uaA fhoir names entered upon our sub scription books. vc vecrot tr note that Mr. R. T. Venters ,iu,m,1oi tn Wfite nermanently in E Citv. He eauie over to spend Sunday and left Mondav tuning wui nun ma wife and little boy. We congratulate E. City in having these good people. If a woman is in love it's her business. If a man is in love it's his business, Hut. if thev marry it i L. P. Ilornthal's business to start them to housekeeping as he keeps everything they need from a knit tin" needle to a steam eugiue. See. CHEKKY CHUNKS. THROWN TOGETHElt BY 2 BEACON GIKLS. April 21th. Rov. P. S. Swain nrcached an excelleut sermon at Philippi on Friday night. Miss Collie Woodley has gone to Balti more where she ha3 entered school. Mr W. T. Hopkins is having a very suc cessful Sunday School at Holly Grove. The farmers in this section are not spondent, but are working to make up lost time. Mrs. J. H. Ambrose has been very hnt -ara nro whirl trt knOW that she 13 UUl Tl m.w -' improving. Mr. Luther Chesson bas reiurnea nouie ino several weeks in the North. Ve suppose his best girl is all smiles. Mrs. Woodson Ambrose departed this life on April lGth 18'J'J. She leaves a hus band and seven children to mourn her loss. in welcome back in onr fWiinatintz Miss Mittie Chesson who has been visiting relatives and friends near riymoutn. Ida u Inez. I was reading an advertisement of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Kennedy in the Worcester Enterprise re cently, which leads me to write this. I can truthfully say I never used any remedy equal to it for colic and diarrhoea. I have never had to use more than one or two doses to cure the worst case with myself or children. W. A. Stroud, Popomoke City, Md, For sale by all druggists. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. 3e for ill, now Notice is hereby given that the copart nership heretofore existing under the firm name of Brothers and Brooks has this day i;ucnivri hv mntu&l consent by the withdrawal of J. R. Brooks. All claims aaaiust the firm will be pre sented to W. E. Brothers and all bills due the said firm are payable to the said W. E, Brothers. W. E. Brothers. ,T. R. Brooks. Plymouth, N. C, April 1, 1899. m WE'TEL BEEiS 3I JJepart- ment is complete with all the newest and up-to-date .. t i T lfirpft lot of India creations. x uuvu juon x - 0 Linen, Organdy, Pique, &c., and will sell them at re duced prices for the T TE DAYS. My CliOTHINCr Department is full and overflowing with the largest and newest line that has ever been shown in Plymouth and the prices will suit all purses. I have the prettiest line .of BOYS CLOTHING that has ever been opened this side of Norfolk. Any lady wishing to buy her boy a nice Spring suit will do well to call and examine tiny line before going elsewhere. roper lurries. April 2Gth. Almost every one in our town is court-ing this week. Miss Mollie Chesson has been quite sick, but is improving. Mrs. E. II. Herriugton is quite sick, but we hope she may soon be better. Visitors here are scarce. Come to see us friends, the small pox is not here yet. A little girl named Mary Catherine is at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Forbes as a permanent visitor. There are a lot of beggar3 around this town, but the right, kind you know begg. ing for the church. Kev. E. H. Davis filled his regular ap hsm Snni1iv morninff and his sermon was a grand one as usual. Th ice cream supper given at Mrs. Ro pers for the benefit of the M. E. Church was quite a success. It was given under the management of Mesdanies Roper, Wil son and Clark. The public school closed Friday and though there is a right full school at the Academy, our energetic teacher, Mhs Anna DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the firm ot Mathias Owens & Co., has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, by the with drawal ot Matnias uens. All claims against the fcrm win rje pre sented to P. W. Brinkley, and all bills due said firm are payable to the said P. W. Brinkley. Respectfully, Mathias Owens, P. W Brinkley. April 1. 1S'J9. 4t SHOE DEPARTMENT is the most complete we have ever had, and we can , . n TP ir. wnnf nf a T11C6 01 suit and lit an pursuit, - shoes don't fail to come and examine our line as we , ' n Wnfit. Toes and Lasts that can he had navo u'mo" Tl I .r.,-..-. ,t 4-,.., C! St. KIHM-.IILt from the best lactones in iuu tuU..uj. t - - inducement i will make a reuuewu.. xy pci V".-I mtTTG WEEK to give the people the Doneut 01 mis special sale while at conn,. ic VI I -rrrkinc wn wll sell at less tiianf wholesale cost u um x WE liElUEST YOU TO through Make this store yeur headquarters while in i -i 'f f;1n tn examine our line tins uiuK, iv na :vve alwavs glad to show you l V7 : - , stock, whether we sell you or not. Yours to please, towi whih ou Send Your Job Work T0- THIS OlFICE, IS 5? Successor to Mathias Owens & Co. PLYMOUTH, N.