t 4 ' .' THE ROAKQKK HKACON. TCFAPON V VTF I Cuiumissiouer8!1rocee,'lu8i' j Jfij .' PUBLISHED EVltY FRIDAY ' ' ' - ; - jBy Toe Roa.nok.e Publishing Co. r , f ) - -- ; C. V. W. AUriBON, Edi,tok. N. 0. Friday, Augjst g5, 1899. jy ire c t o ry .CITY GOVEjpNMfNp?, Mayor, Asa O. Gaylord. (Clerk, James .H.. Smith, Treasurer, Paul W. Brinkley. Constable, Joseph Tucker. Councilraen, 11. S. Ward. II. A. Bloijnt, O. Gaylord, 'P. W. Brinkley, Jas. II. .Brnith, b,' T. Harrison, Sampson Towa and '.James Randal. ' . -COUNTY OOVEUNMKT Sheriff. John L. Phelps. Treasurer, T. J. littsuiht Superior Court Clerk. Wra, M. Pateuian. leister of Doeds, W H Stubba Commissioners, Jas. A. Chesson, Chr'm, Joseph SkiUle,iharpe, J. M. P.ejd, Abrani dewberry, liuus Swain, V. 11. llovvcott, $nocli ,Leary. J3TiTE GOVfpKMENT. Oo.Yern.or. D. L. Russell. Lieutenant-Governor, Chas. A. Iceyuolds Keoretary of Stnte, Cynw ' bomson. Treasurer, William 11. Worth. Auditor, Hal. VV. Aver. Attorney-General, Zebulon V. Walser. Superintendent of Public Instruction, e Charles F.ebane. OHURcja SERVICES. Methodist Rev. T. M. Plyler, pastor, Services ever (Sunday at 11 -a. m.,, and & p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday " ntght at TjSO. Sunday school at 9 a. m., A. P. Gaylord, Superintendent ; W. N. Coop .er, Secretary. Bantist Rev. K. H. Gilbert, . pastor, crvw. 9A 4th Sandavs at ll a. m., and ,every Sunday night at 7. prayer meeting .avery Thursday night at 7:30. Sunday school every Sunday at 'J .30 a. m., Enoqa Lndford, suariutendent. Grace Church (Episcopal) Rev. E. P. Green, rector. Mornine and evening -prayer 3rd Sundays. Holy communion at morn;ng- ,service. Lay service at otuer morning ser 'vice8. Sunday School at a. m., Ed- jnund Alexander, Superintendent. Disciple Rev, M , S . Spear, pastor, .services 1st aud Srd Sunday in each mouth at 11a. m., and !T:.0 p. m. Prayer meeting .jevery Vt'edBesday cveniug ; at 7:30. C. E Society every Sunday evening at 7. Sunday School every Sundw .'morning at 9:30 ( A. N. Waters, Superintendent. , ' Methodist . Protectant liev. D. A. Bras well, pastor, services every 1st & 3rd Sun days at 11 a. rp., and 7 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 3 p. m., J. S. Ches son, superintendent, Watches and Clocks carefully Repaired and satisfaction given pn all work by 0. E. LEGGETT, pN JJBIJJJiliEY'S CORNER. WATER STREET, PLYMOUTH, N. C. ",.v,.t:,,,.,...1;,5 IfrWtp -i&r .r' 'li.il ptDSE TASTELESS rzzi n n si n r IS JUST AS COOD FOFlADULTSo WARRANTED; PRSCE50ct3. Galatia, Ills., Nov. 16, 1S93. Paris Modlolno Co., St. Louis, Mo. Gentlemen: We wild lust year, R00 bottlcn cf CHOVE'S TASTELESS CHIIJ TOMC imd have boiiKlit tlireo prods already this yir. In all ussr cx perienca vt 14 years, in the dru busiiiosH, bavo - never sold an article that guvo such universal nati lucUon o your Tonic Yours truly, Aiiiiitv.CABa i Co- Guaranteed to cure Chills, Fevers and ia.all-ofits Jora3, jel-lyd .Local news scarce. The.base. ball fever didn't last long. The ptorrn has been Encceeded by a hot wave. Send .us .the news from your neighbor hood. Kqop jroar premises in a sanitary con dition, . Good crops are reported from all over ,yie btate. The stftTtn played havoo with garden vegetahies. ' ' This has been a great year for moving in this town. Mecklenburg county sold her first bale of cotton on Tuesday. Mr. D. O. jBrinkley made a business .trip to Bath this week, An up-to-date line of 6hirts unc! ticm at .J. T. Levis'. The Baptist Sunday .school pic-niced at Cool Spring on Tuesday. Mr. J. W. Oden, of Washington, has been visiting our town this week. lljrs. Jjaura Latham is visiting her daugh ter, Mrs. J. S. Clougb, at Oriental. It is rumored that we are to have two new millinery stores to open shortly. Tho proceedings of the County Com missioners will be found in this issue. See ad. of M. E. MeCabe in thin issue, acd when in town and hungry cull ouhim. Mr. 'Henry Jackson left last week for Buiee Creek, N. C., where he gees to at tend school. ' Mrs. J. II. Skittletharpo returned on Monday l"rom a visit io relatiyes and Jrieuds at Washington. Mr. Emmit Loane, wife and child, of Baltimore, are visiting Mr. Loano's brother, Mr. C. D. Loane, Our town was full of marines Wednes day night ; a revenue cutter having come up that afternoon, btaying here all .night. Ve had a pleasant call on Monday i'roin our jovial trieud, Mr. Thos. Ludford, whose home is now near lair BluiF, N. C. Mrs. Mollio Ilarrieou and daughter, Miss Meta, returned hoine on Monday from a pleasant visit to Mrs. D. W. Davis, at Washington. Miss Orissa Berry who has beep visiting our town as the guest of Miss Uallie Stubbs, returned to her home at Robersonville on Weduesday morping. No .communications this week. Friend?, if j'ou knew how much we appreciate your letters we are suro you would try and send us the news regularly. Justice J. P. Uilliard went to Creswell on Monday to make oat afgdavits in the injunction cases concerning the assessment ot valuation of railroads, Mr. B. F. Nuruey caught something in th.3 way of ft fish yesterday that is unknown in these waters. It was shaped like on eel, with peaked .ears, and haij leet and legs. Mr. and Mro. Renj. Wjlliford, cf Rocky Motmt, came doyvn on Saturday night and npent Sunday with the family of big brother, Mr. A. Williforvj, returning home oa Mon day morning. Believing that it will interest the ma. jority of our readers more than anything else we could print just at this time, we de vote mn.ch of our space this week to news of the storm on our immediate coast.. Mayer Gaylord aud Chief Tucker con tinues the work of cleaning out drams and removing debris from our streets. They determined to keep our town in a sanitary condition if possible. That's right, gen tlemen, Mr. L. L. Owens has moved his family to the residence just vacated by llev. E. P. Green, owned by Mr. Clarence Latham, and Mr. J. L. Savae is to move hi.s family from the Hall place to the residence vaca ted by Mr, Owens, owned by Mr. L. S, Landing. CITY MAliKET KEPOKT. C, R. Sides per lb Plates Sholdcrs Bacon Hams S. C, Pork per barrel Lard refined 7 H 7 & 8 12 fll. 50 8 $4.75 4.00 SO & 40 40 6 Flour, per barrol, Patent Family W. I. Molasses, per gal., Syrup " " Granulated Sugar, per lb Light brown ' 5 Butter " " 25 tt 30 Cheese . " " 12 V to 15 Gj-eenCofiee " lotoliC Roasted Coffee " " 12 15 Eggs per doz., 10 Tobacco, ver ib "V to h0 Shot ... 7 Gun Powder " " 25 to 10 Coal Oil White. Safety 150, per gal, 12 lied C, per gal., Li Apple Vinegar Bee's Wax, per Tallow, Hides, flint." lb I'o 7 " 4c uncier (20 lb H " 4 75 per Bus., new GO " " ' ;o ureen , ' Salted " Salt, per sack Corn, Meal, Rice Peas, black .... r(0 " black eye . Peantits " " Cotton per lb 4 J to 5, Almnt tlia time a man's first baby "Cets old enough to say things other men begin to Khun him. It's easier to restore a faded oil painting than a borrowed nmbre'.la. An lincnr.neRsfnl marriasre trorosal re sembles an expected sneeze that tailed to rcome off. Many a poor man alter me marriage ceremony has been performed wishes ha hA rmA-tn nth of the monev he faoled away en ether grip to buy furniture with. The Commksiopers- of. Washington County met in special session on Monday August 7tb, with tbft following members present: Jas. A. Chpsson, Chairman ; Jos. Skittletharpo and J. M. Rcid. Minutes of last meeting read and ap proved. .Ordered that Sanford L. Sexton be grout ed retail liquor license to retail spirituous and malt liquors in quantities of five gal lons or less, in Seupperuong township, about odo mile from Cr-swell on the pub lic road leadiug from Newla'nd to Creswell, for the term of five months commencing XVo,m this date and ending on tho 31st day Of December 1809. 4 v. In accordance with Chay. 214, Laws of 1893, as amended by Chap. 201, Laws ol 1807, authorizing or commanding -the Board of County Commissioners to elect a County Superintendent of Health on the 1st Monday in May of each year, and by an oversight ot this Board the said law was not complied with ou the lst Monday in May last. -It is now, on motion ordered that the election of a County Superintend ent of Health be made as of the 1st Mon day in May 18'JU. The namo of Br. W. M. Ward being suggestedj and there being no other nomiuationsf the said Dr. W, 11. Ward was declared duly elected as County Superintendent of Health for Washington county for the term of 12 months from and after the 1st Mouday in May W)lh Ordered that Angelo G. Spruill La al lowed to list his poll and property lor the year 18.99 to the fciheri.f, ua-J be released of double tax. Ordered that Mr. Mary E. Davenport bo allowed to list htr property for the year 19 to tho Suuri?!', and be released of double Ux. Ordered that Arros B. Barnes be allowed list his poll and property for the year Lail' to the SheritT, and bo released of double tax. Ordered that W. A . Alexander bo allowed to list u tract of land inSouppwiion town ship for the 3'ear 181' to . the Sheriff, aud be released of double tax on same, being 12(3 acres of land valued at $2')0. Ordered that Jno. L. Phelps, Sheriff, be allowed the rem of .JS,2,, his coconut for feeding jail prisoners, turnkeys, &c, as per account "filed for July ItfS'J. Oulered that W. J. Mercer be allowed the sum of $20.70, his .account for 8 days service as assessor and copying abstracts in ScuppcrnOng township, and ouo day meeting with the Board County Comiais siouers for instruciious, and mileage. Ordered that Skittletharpe & Cooper bo allowed the sum of 15.75, their account for supplies furnished to poor houne, out side poor and jail for July iyy;). Ordered that C. J. Spear be ailowed the sum of 4 10, h:3 account for 5 days services taking tax list in Hcuppernong township. Ordered that tho Roanoke Beacon bo al lowed the snm of 3, account for publish ing proceedings of the Board for July 189!). Ordered that James Stewart bo allowed the sum of $11.50. his account for 5 days labor painting Mackey'u Ferry bridge. Ordered tbnt Jno. C. Gurganus be al iowed the bum of $S.12, his account for 1 month services as keeper of poor houso and making 4 pillow slips. Ordered that W. n. Stubbs be allowed the sum of $G2 07, his account for services as Cierk Board County Commissioners and for other services or fees, and oaeh paid for 25 loads wood, binding 1 tax book, fec., as per account filed. Ordered that A. W. Ambrose be allowed tb,e sum of $3.00, hie account for convey ing Africa Blount from Creswell to county jail, 50 miles at Co., 2 meals for Blount, and lockup fees in Creswell. Ordered that R. P. Barnes be allowed the sum of $2.89, his account for convey ing Will freeman and Bpttie Arnold from Roper to county jail, and convoying Cot tie c-kittletharpeirom Roddick Ward place to poor house. N Orderd that W. L. Lucas be allowed the sum of 00c. his account fur summoning 20 hands to work on road Sec, 5 Plymouth township. Ordered that Levin Watson bo allowed the sum of 57c. his account lor 'summon ing 19 hnuds to work on road Sec. 3 Ply mouth township. Ordered tliat C. F. Tiatcman be allowed the sum of $1.20, his account for sum moning 20 hands twice to work on road Sec. 13 Plymouth township. Ordered Hint J. Z . Bo wen be allowed the sum of 00 c. hiH account for summon ing 2() hands to work on road Sec. 7 Ply mouth township. mm$mmm mi mm IS THE BIST OVERALL SIADE Sold on their merit b J: T- LEWIS. Just received A bil? lot of medium priced Shoes ; prices miming from' 9Sc. to $3.00. Ohildren's Shoes 19e. a pair, Wo huvo three holts of "Organdie, bine, white and rod, that, we will closo out strictly at COST until further notiee. We have a nico lot of Silk frnt Shirts that wo are offerinj? at $1.00; styles, blue, pink and purple. Conio before the sizes a rq broken. All summer dry goods and notions from now until September 1st will go strictly at cost. Ordered that J. W. Johnston be allowed the hum of jjsi.Si), bis account for Bum uionii'g 20 baud.-) 3 times to. work on road Sec. 14 Plymouth township. Ordered that Jno. A. McNair be allowed the sum of $1.78,. bis account for sum moning 13 hands twice to work on road Sec. 10 Plymouth township, and making and putting up 4 finger boards on 6aid Sec. Ordered that J. F Swain bo allowed the sum of $1 .20, his aocaunt for summoning 20 hands twice to work on road Sec. :2 Lees Mills township. kdered that W. L. Robertson be al lowed the sum of 1.20, his account for summoning 20 hands twice to work on road Sec. .7 Lees Mills township. Ordered that Luther Sitterson be allowed the sum of $1.14, his aocount lor summon ing IS hands at one time, and 0' hands at another time to work on road Sec. 1 1 Lees Mills township. Ordered that B. W. Clagon be allowed the sum of $3. 75, bis account for 3J days labor cleauiug olT Muckey's Ferry bridge. Board adjourutd to meet on 1st Monday in Sept. 1S'J9. ' " Teat. W . II. Stubiss, Clurk, Volcanic Eiturnoxs Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob life Of joy. Bucklcu's Arnica Snlvu, cure them, also Uid, ituiiulia;; au;i Fever Sorts, I fleers, Boils, Felons, Corn;-, vrts, Cuts, Bruises, Burn'?, Solids, Chapped II audi, Chilbi-iins. Besi Pile cure on earth. Driues oat I'uias and Aches. Oi.ly 25cts. a bo;:. Cure gua ranteed, bold by riymouth Drug' Co. 2&G THE OLD N0UTII STATE. HAri'liSIXGis V.'ITIIIK' HU BOKDEIbB. Ton: negro prisoners 'escaped. from jai ut Fuyettawlki last week. Mr. Goo. W. Waits hr.3 given the Bap tist University of Uulcijiu $500. ' lr. Frauk Brown, near Salisbury, made 3S0 bushels of wheat off 21 acres. During the storm the tide was higher at Hew Bern than it has been iu 20 year.-). All the swamp lands owned by the State, 60.0,000 acres, have been sold to K. S. Finch, of Charlotte. A chewing gum factory is to be estab lished at Greensboro. Geo. W. Kestler & Sou are the proiuctor3. " V The Burke County News says the apple crop in that county is large. Distilleries are buying them at from 5 to 12 cents per bushel. Near Yeatesvillo, in Beaufort county, the boiler of a locomotive, belonging to J. B. Killingsworth, exploded, killing his son and painfully injuring another man. The Wilkesboro Chronicle says that lightning struck tho dwelling of Alf Wat kins, at Fair Plains Saturday, knocked a bedstead to pieces and killed two pigs un der the house. The State Treasurer Wednesday, opened bids for the bonds for the pure base of the penitentiary farm. The Wachovia Loan and Trust Company, of Winston, made the biggest bid, $(? 5,250, which is $108.75. This company took the $110,0.00 of peni tentiary bonds issued last month for pay ing debts of tho peniteutiary. No IUght To Ugliness. The woman who is lovely in face, form and temper will always have friends, but ouo who would be attractive must keep her health. If she is weak, sickly and all run down, she will be nervous and irritabie. It she has constipation or kiduey trouble, her impure biocd will cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complexion. Electric Bitters is the best medicine in the world to regulate stomach, liver and kid nejs and to purify the blood. . It gives strong nerves, bright e;es, smooth, vel vety skin, rich com pi ox ion-. It will make a good-looking, charming woman of a run down invalid. Only 50. cents at Plymouth Drugstore. 2 ii Plvmouth. Our special sale of wliick began last Friday; and is still g;oing or , was equal to a WaiSLWIND among the buyers in this lo cality. We have but little to say about them ; they are talking for thetiiselves in almost every home in and around Plymouth. We also call your, attention to the fact that our entire stock of Lawns, Pk's, Organdies, Lin ens, Percals and in fact all sum mer goods will be sold at A IBJEAT mEUCTIM . : during the next thirty days. We have greater bargains to offer in Clothing than ever be fore seen .'or .-heard of in Plym outh. Do not fail to call on us before purchasing.. mmmm I s : J HAVf BEEN PCCeweDf WM i f 'f Tailors LJj V mmmmm i mi n i m.m mr rnmrnr "TWiwaiiMjBiL iiV "-L J 'W1"4IU1H' 1 ." Lll- 'v; - y i 1 If yot Call on ihzit only Representative In this place, .Suits made to order $13.00 and up. Pants made to order $3.50 and up. We guarantee to fit and please you. want J

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