5 . TIJE ROANOKE BEACON. JVVtfsfc JEr,ery fruity. JEnUred n? t&t P,yaQ,fcce at PJouth .Cv We apyiejil to erery jtyejierpf Thi Rolnokc Al teon, to aid Mi iu tnaking it &u a,cc.t.U,blo eud jrofltable medium of news to our citizens. Let 'lj month people aud the public know wtiatis ioiugoniu Plymouth. Report to m nl.1 iteinuof veot, dettXhi. itorioua ilineit. eecLdeiHS. new iuUdingg, new enterprises aud .iiapiveiueu.t of , prhatever character, cbt(igesiu bumues indeed anything and verj'.ti; iiit ,ww;.i be'ot Unrest jo oar people. Sabtcjrution price, $ 1.00 per yea. Adyertlseuieiitj iuVted.fci ow a'"S. Obituary notice ejceedjng.ten Inn j, jpve (rents liue. Couut the 4;ds. allowing eight to t,ho lite, And send money witii MS. for all iu excess xl tejj finr. The editor will not be resppsaible tr the vj&wi pf correipoDdcuti. All articles fuf publication must be HCiCpmuau.ie,d jy the full name of toe writer. Correspondent are requetited net, to wrie on but n aide of the paper. All communications must be a,ayi ,iu jby T.buMdy jaorning or they wii) not appear. Address all ccratnanicaUosMo T&E OANO.igii EEAJGON, 1 v month, U. C. THE WHITE MAWS TICKET, FOR STATE OFFICERS.. For.Qoverpor: JOIIAS. B. AYCOCK, of Wajao. For Lieut, Governor; W. D. TURNEli, of Iredell. For Secretary of State; J. BRYAN GIUMES, of Pitt. For State Auditor : P. F.DIXON, of Cleveland, For State Treasurer ; P. K. LACY, of Wake. For Attorney General: 11. P. iGJLJdEIi, of Haywood. For Supt. Publje Instruction : TOONE, of Robeson. For Comiujgsioner of Agriculture : S. L, PATTERSON, Caldwell. For Bureau of Labor aod Statistics : &0NNEJI..O For Corpontion Conimissiorjea : 11. U JftOPGERS, of JUacojo. FRANK McNEAL, of New Hanovar, FOB COUNTY OFFICERS, For Repreaentative; THOS. ST. BLOUNT. For Sheriff; W. J. JACKSON, For Treasurer ; W. M. ALEXANDER, For Register of Deeds; F. R. JOHNSTON. For Coroner; B. S. LUCAS, We have .jt the time this week to say what we would like to con cerning the nominations made at Jthe recent County Convention, but pyery man nominated was a good mie. We will have more to say of .this later. t The Democratic State Convention passed oil iu perfect harmony, the nominations made Jbe.ing selected with great care. Every man on the ticket, which will be found at the head of this column, is a true and tried Democrat, and it goes without paying, that at the coming election North Carolina will roll up a Dem ocratic majority never before dreamed pf in Ihpi&ftta. There seems to be some njisun. derstandiug among some people as to what effect the constitutional of his. All this class of people can register and vote under the provis ions of this great constitutional amendment no matter whether they .ever saw or heard tell of a single let ter in any hook. And to furthor protect and forever make sure the rights of these white people to vote, this amendment says that those who afe .descendants of white men, when once registered, shall never stop voting until the good Lord shall call them to that country where noting is not necessary and where dema gogues are not fouud. Gnomons News Copies from Dr. D. B. Curgile, of Was hita, I. T. He writes; '-'Four bottles of Electric Bitters has cured lira. Brewer of scrofula, which had caused her great silt fering for years. Terrible soree- would breajc out on her head aud face, and the best doctors could ojv8nohelp: but her .cure is complete aud her health is excel lent." This snows what thousands havo pro,ved,r-that Electric Bittors is the best blood purifier known. It's the supreme remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ul cers, boils and runuing sores. It stimulates Jiyer, kidueys and bowels, expels poisons, helps digestion builds up the strength. Duly 50 cents. Sold by Plymouth Drug Co, guaranteed I jCpujmjssioier' proceedings. The Commissioners of Washington county met in special session ou Mon.day April -2nd J000, with Jas. A. Chessou, Chni'n.; Jos. Skittle tjia.rpe and J. M. He id, present, and transacted the following business: Minutes of last meeting read and ap proved. Ordered that the following named persous be, and they are hereby appointed to list the lands, polls, personal property, &c, ijl the eeveral townships in Washington county, in accordance with the Machinery Act of 18U9, yi.z : For Plymouth township J. J?. Billiard. For Lee's Mills towufrbip S. B. Johnston. For Skiflnersvjlle .township Eli SielJ. For Scupperuong township W. J. Mercer, and further ordered that the Clerk of this Board notify them of their appointment. Ordered that the Southern Medicine Co., be granted license to peddle medicines in Washington county, with .one horse and vehicle,' lor tbe term of 13 months, com meuciug from this date aud endiug on the 1st day of April U0l. Ordered that J. II. Bowen be released of poll tax for the year IM'J'J ou account of bodily inhriuity. Ordered that Louis P. Horn thai bel lowed the sum of $13 76 his acct for sup plies lurmshed poor house aud outride poor for Feb. and March 1900. Orderel that Danl. Garrett bo allowed the sum of $4 his acct. for 1 days services of self and 6 other men as guard at pefet house, March 0, 1900. Ordered that Jno L. Phelps, Sheiiff, be allowed the sum of $19 95 his acct. for feeding jail - prisoners and turnkeys lor March rVOO, aud summociug jurors to spring term Superior Court. Ordered that Jos. Swain be allo.wjsd the sum of $7 92 his acct. for 1 months services as keeper of the poor .ouce. Ordered that the Roanoke Beacon be al lowed the sum of $G acct. for publishing proceedings ot the Board for Feb, and March 1,900. Ordered that S. F. Spear be allowed tbe sum of $55 89 bis acct. for supplies fur nished to outside poor fcr Oct , Nov., aud Dec, 1899 aud Jan., Feb., and March 1900. Ordered that Richard W. Pheipate al lowed the euiij of 60c. his acct. for jjm mouing bauds to work ou roads in Scup peruong township. Board adjourned to meet on the 1st Mon day ju May 19P0 Test. W. n. Stubbs, Clerk. Discovered by a Woman". Another great discovery has been made, and that too, by a lady in this poun try. "Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven years she withstood its severest tests, but her vital orgaus were undermined aud death seemed imminent. For three months she coughed incessantly, and coald not sleep. She finally diHcovered 8 way to recover, by purchasing of us a bot tle of Dr. Kind's New Discovery for Con sumption, and was bo much relieved on .taking first dose, that she slept all night j and with two bottles, has been absolutely cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz " Thus writes W C. Hamnick & Co., of Shelby, N. C. Trial bottles free at Ply in . outh Drugstore. llegur size oOc. and $l.0Q- Eyery bottle guaranteed. 4 A gentleman in a neighboring town was good to go to meeting, but could never re member the text and his wife would make fun of him. So one Sunday the text was ; "An augel cauie down from heaven, took a liye coal and laid it on the altar," He kept this ja his mind and Went home. Jlis wife said : "Well, forgot the text, I reck on?'' He replied, "Oh, no. Pm to test for you this time." She asked him to repeat it, and he said: '-'An ludiaa came down from New llavtia, took a live colt by the tail and jerked him out 0 the hajtcr." Eg. rent East aud was at- She receiytd no neyer beeu ant relief s never """lains The only people who make an effort to live np to. their convictions nowadayu are inma'.es of penitentiaries. "Yielding to the persuasiou of my dea ler, I changed chill ionic and tried Hob Eitr's', and fouud it the he.st I ever used, and ishall iu future continue its use." W. H. Corprew, Jaiuesvilip, N. C, to the Itob erts Drug Co., Suffolk, Va., August 14, 1S39. L'5c. per bottle. Look for the red cross. , W C Aycrs wy 25 CITY MAKKET KEPOitT. C. R. Sides per lb Plates Sholders Bacon llao.is S. C., Pork per barrel Lard refined Flour, per barrel, Pateut ' ' Family W. I. Molasses, per gul., Syrup " " 7 7 & $41.50 ft.CO 4.00 30 40 40 0 5 25 &35 15 10 to 20 ' I2i 15 10 20 to 1 8 "5 to 40 Granulated Sugar, per It) Light brown " Butter Cheese Green Cofi.ee Roasted Cofl'ee Eggs per doz., Tobacco, per & Shot " " II l Coal Oil White.Safety 150, per gal, 15 " " Red C, per gal., 18 Apple Vinegar " " 25 Bee's Wax, per tt 2) Tallow. " 0 Hides, . flint." " 12 " Green " " 4c under 60lb 6 " Salted ",". 7 Salt, per sack 75 Corn, per Bus., new 50 Meal, " " -5 Rice " " Peas' bkek " 50 black eye " " $1 Peauuts " " ' Cotton r.cr lb Cf to I was reading an advertisement of Cham berlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the, Worcester Enterprise re" ci ntly, which leadea me lo write this. I can truthfully 8'ty I never used any remedy equal to it ior colic and diarrhoea, I have never had to usa more Jhau one or two doaes to cure the worst case with myself or children W. A. Stroud, Popomoke City, Md. For sale by ail druggists April sbowers may bring iay flowers, but Jthey poil jspring bonrets. "A word to tlxe wise is sullicienl" and a word from the wise should be suflicient, but you ask, who are the wise ? Tho.-ie who know. The oft repeated experience of trust worthy persons may be taken for knowiedge Mr. W, M. Terry says Chamberlain's Cough Remedy gives better satisfaction than auy other iu the market. He has been iu the drug business at Elkton, Ky., for twelve years ; has sold hundreds f bottles of this remedy and nearly all other cough medi cines manufactured, which shows conclu sively that Chamberlain's is the most satis factory to the people, and is the best For sale by all druggists. The cook usual!y strikes for higher wa ge when she needs the dough. Bobbins' Chill Pills are the best. Cost less than auv other chill and fever remedy, and they are guaranteed to cure, or your money back. Price 25c. per bottle. Drug gists. For sale in Plymouth by Luther Harrison. sep 29-6m Even chiropodists may mount the pin nacle of foue, but they are forced to begin at the foot. The Best Puesckiptiqn for CniLi.s and Fever is a bottle of Grove'sTasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron aud quiuiae in a lasteless form. No cure no pay. Price, 50c. mar 1-ly The arerago man somewhat resembles a lobster. He's not so gtea after he's been in hot water. If troubled with rheumatism, give-Chamberlain's PaiurBilm a trial. It will notxiost you a cent it it does no gool. One appli cation will relieve the paiu. It also cures spraios and bruises in onerthifd the time required by any other treatment. Cuts burns, froslbites, piineey, pains iu the side and cheat, glandular aud other swel lings are quickly cured by applying it. Every bottle warranted. Price, 25 aud 60 cts. Plymouth Drug Co., and Roper Drug Store je 29 WAN'TRD-SEYERAL BRIGHT AND HONEST person to represent us as .Managers ii this and clone by counties".' Ssiliiry $000 a year sil'l ex bunnes. Straight, bona-title, no more, no less piilnry. ,1'osition periiiHtieiit. Unr references, any bank in any town. It is mainly oQice work conducted at home. Reference. Enclose self-uddresiBd stamped envelope. Tub Ijqkimgn UQ&PAUt, Dept. 3, Chicago, ep lU-Gt SPRING GEEETING. A LJope realised-A Promise fulfilled Thai is what eyery sale we make means. Wc anticipata your wants and wishes, then make the prices to suit. There is only one clasSj and that the FIRST, h) our Sprii'g and Summer collec tion of ST3V3I3R" MILLINERY V'spousibility ends and ours begius Vuy of us. We are right behind f action we make. -id look if you s ant to buy right, lit to be treated right, if you want uey. lomers all say ours is the cheap- Vwe do NOTICE. Surry Parker and others, Es parto. To - . The Court. TI10 .underaisneil will on Monday the 2nd day of April l'.HKl Ot Vi o'clock M. sell at the t'omt House door In riy.inomli, for diviniou. to the highest bid- uer ior chui, 1110 luiiowin iraci or land lleginniiiji at a stob 011 the railroad limits, ma il im- thence N. H'JU doL'.; K. 1UU P. : thence N. TO deK.; NV. 13 1' , thence S. 1 VV. lyi f. to hugUi- linij;. conimniug ?4 acre more of joins. This March 0, HkiO. A. O Q A YLORD, 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN FllUIT GROWINGTEST ING ALL THE LEAD ING VARIETIES, F. It. Johnston, grower and dealer in Fruit Trees of all ki.nds. Beet and safest varieties of Apples, Pears, Peaches, Plums, Grapes, Rasberries, Strawberries, Black berries and Nut TrcrS, Evergreens and Or n a mental "Trees o! all kinds. Very latest French Rosea, Maid of Honor, Dawey American Beauty, Bride, White Mamonou Coquette, Tree Roses, fcc. Hydranga, Fringe and all kinds of Shrubs ; Araphe- lopsis, Clemai?, Honeysuckle and !! other climbers and craepers. Satisfaction guar. auteed both in price, quality, &o. . Corre spondence solicited. F. K. JOHNSTON, mar 20-1 m I-mouth, N, C. HntEl. RDanDke T. Hs WARD,-Proprietor, PLYMOUTir, N. C. This is a new bouse, centrally lo cated in the most beautiful part .of the town ; furnished with all modern appliances: cuisine unexcelled: ser vutits attentive: rooms clean ud neat : free bus to ami from all boats and trt ins; rates reasonable. When in Plymouth stop at Hotel Roanoke and you will never regret it. Special rates by t he week or month. tsim tip MRS. J. F. YEAGER S Spring Aunousicemeit. OF MILLINERY GOODS- We have displayed a, gret line oi Fashionable Millinery, etc. You are requested to call and ex amine our styles in Hats, etc., and compare prices with others. I have this seatou .added to my stock a complete line of Dress goods, Linings, etc. Miss Minnie Benncy of Baltimore, is again in charge of the trimming department, which gnarnn tees to all lovers of style perfect satisfaction. If you want Millinery, Dress goods, Linings, Neckwear, or anything to be found in a first-class millinery store, call on MRS. J..F. VEAGER. GO TO- M- E- EIcCABE'S For Heavy an4. Fancy Groceries, Notions, Fruits, Confection eries, Ac;, &c. I also -keep a First-class Restaur rant, where yon can get as good a meal for the money as anywhere in town. Added to this I keep nice, clean rooms to let lo lodgers at reasonable rates. Don't forget to call on me when in town. M. E. McCABE. Washington St., near livery stables. ll.- 5 C mm Spring and Summer Is now complete, and we in vite all ladies coming to town to drop in and glance over our stock, and tliey will see we have one of the cheapest and best selected stocks to be found in Plymouth. Our stock of Hi is in and are pronounced by tbe ladies who have seen them to be the prettiest they havo seen in town. We have all the new Pastel shades in woolen goods and have them all in separate patterns, any lady can buy hero and-know she will not get a dress like some one else. Our Dimities and Lawns are the prettiest we have had and prices to suit all. Our Silk Department is full and overflowing with all the new weaves anil colorings and prices are way down low. Our Crepons for skirts ranging from 75 cents to thinking of buying' a nice do well to call and see our have the newest weaves in Our Hamburg partment is full and complete with all the newest; stulfs in Ruffling, Tucking and allover lace appleque and. everything that is new this season and prices way be low others, a& we bought advance, and can sell them those bought regular. We also bought our Piques and White Goods before the advance and can save you money ou auy of these goods. Any lady will do. well to buy their outfit from us this season. We have the goods to. suit, and prices as low as the lowest. Our SHOE DEPARTMENT is full and complete, with the. Celebrated line3 of Geo, E. Keith Co., $3.50 Walk-overs, and Han-T nan & Son's $5.00 for- Men, and the Krippendoxf, Dlttman Co., and Queen Quality for Ladies, which is the best lines ot Shoes that comes South. Every pair guaranteed to give periec-t satisfaction or rroney refunded. OUR CLOTHING is the best we have ever had, and if you in tend buying a suit this season you will do well to. examine our stock before yon buy, as wo are sure we can' please you both in goods and prices. We have a oomplete line of everything that is kept in a first-class dry goods stare. If you can't come send ua your orders,. We pay special attention to mail orders. . Respeqtfully, L. P. 4 Ladies Fine are very pretty and prices $1.75 per yard. Any lady crepon skirt this season will lino before buying as we. them and prices to beat all. and Lace De- our Hamburgs before, the 33 1-3 per cent, less than HORNTHA.L. r&-