Hon. Clias. .11. Aycjck and othor Democratic candidates will speak in the Court House hero on Mo uday night, May 7tU at 7 o'clock, Tell your neighbors. MS ROANOKE BEACON. PUBLISHED ETEBY FRIDAY fix Tms Roanoke Publishing Co. C. V, W, AUSBOS, Editor.. PLYMOUTH. N.C, Friday. April 27, 1900. NOTHE& EXPANSION. It will be of interest to the renders of the fUtACOH who useMcElree's Wine of Cardai In their homes to know that the sale of this remedy baa so increased daring the past J ear, that the manufacturers have again bad to increase tbeir capacity by the addition of another large building. It baa often been said that u trticle that finds favor with the ladies is sure to achieve great suc cess. No more strikiug example of this could be found than the history of Wine of tlarduf. From thousands oi ladies' letters reoeived by the manufacturers, the follow ing are selected i From Mrs. Mary Paukowski, S3 Rose Street, Chicago. I1U. I have taken, a bottle of Wine of Cardui And . feci much better than when I wroU ja$r"l did not have any pains at my last monthly period. From lira, 11. A. Thompson, Kalamazoo, Mich. I suffered from what was supposed to be (amor of the womb, but I have taken five bottles of Wine of Cardai and am almost eurod From aire. J. L. Todd, Stalvey, S. 0. I do not tLiuk I would have been living it I had "not taken Wine of Cardui. We desired a child very much, aud I now have baby nvu months old. From Mrs. W. 8. Harris, 71.1 Walker Street, Kansas City, Kan. I have tried Wine of Cardui and found it to be the greatest medicine on earth for male trouble. To Ccb La Geippb in Two Days fak. Laxativi Bkomo Qoniks Tabuts. All 4rurgUti refund tim wouey if it ails to cure, JS. ' -4Jaot"i iiens-ture on every box. 25c. CSk - NORFOLK & SOUTHERN RAIL ROAD COMPANY, IN EFFECT DEC. 1ST, IS2'). train service. Northbound: iavQ Edenton daily (except Sunday) 143 p.m. Arrive Elizabeth City daily (ex cept Sunday) 2 45 p.m. Arrive Norfolk daily (except Sun day)... . ... 4 25 p.m. Lmt Edeuton Tues., Thurs., nd Sat 700 a. m. Xeave Elizabeth City Tues., Thurs , and Sat 9 30 a. m. Arrive Norfolk Tues., Thurs., and. Sat...., II 00 a. to. Southbound : Jave Norfolk daily (except Sunday) 1000 a. m. Arrive Eliz. City daily (except Sunday) H40 a.m. Arrive .Edenton daily (except Sunday) 12 40 p. m. JjaTe Edenton daily (except Sunday) I 00 p. m. Arrive Belhaveu daily (except Sunday) .445 p. m. Javt Norfolk Tues., ThUrs., a4 fet.,.. 4l0p.u. Arrive K. City Tues,, Thurs., and Sat GOO p. in. Arrive Edenton ; Tues., Thurs, nd Sat 7 00 p. m. Trains stop at all intermediate stations, STEAMBOAT SERVICE. SUauers leave Edentou daily (ex. Sun slay 100 p in. for Plymouth, Janiesville, Willianiston and Windsor " Leave Edenton Tuesaay, Thursday and Saturday 1 00 p. m. for Chowau Kiver landings; and Friday for Kouppernoug slteamers leave Elizabeth City for Itoa coke bland. Oriental and Newbame, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 600 p. b.; connect with A. & N. O. R It. and W. A W. K. B. for Goldsboro and Wllming to. to. ,v3 For 8cuppernong River Monday and Wednesday 12 00 noon ' For Coin jock and North River landings Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 3 00 p. m. For South Mills and landings on Dismal Swamp Route Monday, Wednesday and Friday 6 00 a. m. ' Steamers leave Belhaven daily (ex. Son day) lor Washington, n. C. For further information apply to J. J. Haiiell, Agent, Plymouth, or to the Gen eral Office of the N. & S. It. R. Co., Nor- SkTklNG, H. C. HUDGIN3, " Gen'l Manager. Gen'l Ft.& Pass Agt. Watches and Clocks carefully Repaired and satisfaction given n all work by 0. E. LEGGETT OK BR INKLE Y'S CORNER. WATER sriiEF.T, ' PLYMOUTH, N. C f yt BEACON FLASHES. Court week. Herring are getting plsntiful and cheap. Mexican Livek Fills cure all liver ills. Price, 25c W C Ayers my25 Mr. A. G. Walker, of CresweU, was in our town last week. Mr. E. D. McCabe made a business trip to E. City last week. Glad Co se Mr. W. B. Ward, of Bath, in our town last week. And the paper for our last week's issue hasn't reached us yet. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Marriner.ofMackey'fl Ferry, were in our town on Tuesday last. Chills, fevers and malaria yield to Rob erts Chill Tonic, if you get the genuine, with a red cross ou label. 25o. No cure, no pay. W C Ayers my 25 That advertisement on the aide of Horn that's store is loud enough for a blind man. to read. Master Willie Scarborough, of Edenton, is visiting hia graud-molher, Mrs. Deborah Bratten. Keep your blood rich aud red by taking Robeuts Tasteless Chill Tonic. 25c. Pleasant to take. Cures chills by purifying the blood, and producing appetite, health aud vigor. Try it, and get the genuine, with red cross on label my 25 Mrs J. W. Gden, of Washington, has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, H. Peal, for th. past week. Glad to see our old friend and former tewasman, Mr.-Geo. E. Stevenson, of Shawboro, in our town thia week. We deeply sympathize with Mr, and Mrs. S. D. Jones in the loss of their infant child, which died on Monday last. Mr, A. L. Bratten who holds a position with the Thos. J. Basnight Lumber Co.. spent a few days at home last week. Mr. J. T. Lewis requests us to tell the people that hia usual large stock of candy has been increased by the addition of Lowney's celebrated line of Chocolates and Bon Bous. If it is nice caudies you want Mr. Lewis Can please you. After a weeks absence visiting her broth er, Mr. W. H. Hall, of Aurora, Mrs. G. H. Harrison and little sun, George, re turned borne on Saturday night last. It being something that everybody should read and understand, we publish this week the platform adopted by the recent Democratic State Convention. The proceedings of the court will appear next week, the paper bejng made up to print last week, but as bad luck, which seems to be our portion, would hare It, our paper did not reach us in time to get that issue out. Read tbo announcement of Mrs. A. M. Ayers in this issue. Mrs. Ayers is one of the oldest established milliners in our town and her past success is proof positive of her ability to please. Give her a call when in need of millinery goods Every time we have appointed a day to visit our friends in the lower part of the itnrtntv tfhir si'bripxa or rain has di.41D pointed us, but we hope our friends down pointed us, out we nope our menus ao mere win maao it a point to can on us next week, and if you owe us and cannot come yourself, please sent the little amount I . . 1 . !l I. . 1. - tk..na ...ill ihiiVa it nftlnt ii stall rn no oy o me oi your ueiguuum, wuu iua i quest that we continue the paper to your address. "Racket Stores," and "Cheap Johns" the latter especially, have been legislated against, but Plymouth boasts of a "Cheap John," notwithstanding. We refer to no less a personality than our popular mer chant, John T. Lewis, known in this .sec tion as "lhat Cheap man, Lewis." Urn name is John consequently the law can't hold him down. If you dou't believe he is cheap, just- drop iu and get prices on Clo thing, Dry Good, Notions, shoes, etc., and especially Heavy and Fancy Groceries. His low prices have long been the talk of the town, and now bis $4.00 Shoes for 25c. is creating wild excitement. Call on him and he'll tell yoo how to get a pair. That Throbkino Headache. Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands ot suffer ers have proveb their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 cts. Money back if not cured. Sold by Plymouth Drug Co. 15 Delaware's pretty girls say the annual failure of the peach crop is a libel on them. In 1883 my wife went East and was at tacked with rheumatism. She received no relief until she tried Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Sinse that time we have never been without it. We find it gives instant relief tn cases of burns and scalds and is never failing for all rheumatic una neuralgic pains D C. Brant, Santa Yt.ez, Cal. For salo by all druggists The organ grinder has a great many turning points iu his life. "Yielding to the persuasion of my dea ler, I changed chill tonic and tried Rob ert's', and found it the best I ever used, and shall in future continue its use." W. H Onrnraw. Jamaavillp. N. C. to the Rob erts Drug Co., Suffolk, Va., August 14, 18. ioc, per ootiie. ijoos. ior ii.e rea cross. W C Ayers my 25 One man counts for as much as another when it comes to takiug the census. "A word to the wise is sufficient" and a word from the wise should be sufficient, but you ask, who are the wise ? Those who know. The oft repeated experience of trust worthy persons may be taken for knowiedge Mr. V, M. Terry says Chamberlain's Cough Remedy gives better satisfaction than. .any other iu the market. He has been in the drug busiueHs at Elkton, Ky., for twelve years: has sold hundreds uf bottles of this remedy and nearly all other cough medi cines manufactured, which nbows conclu sively that ChamberUin's is the most satis factory to the people, and is the best. For sale by all druggists, A Military Marriage. On Wednesday evening April ISth Gnuce Episcopal Church was the scene of u beautiful ttnd novel mar riage, the contracting parties being Miss Surali Frances UajLord, the beautiful daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. GajLord, and Mr. V. T. Nuniey, one of the popular young drutntnei8 of Company "E." The church was artistically deco rated and all the attendants were military men in full uniform. At 8 o'clock the bridal party arrived at the church and entered as follows : the Color Seargent entered the reir door and marched to the center of the church, where ho held the Stars and Stripes between two large ar ches of evergreens, following the flag came the drummers beating a soft yet lively quick-step march ; they took positions 'just behind the colors, on .either side; then came Capt. J. E-Keid with a division of his company, as they passed under the flag Lt. Jackson "with a division of the company entered from the North entrance and Lt. Mizell with a division entered from the jSouth entrance, passing down the' side aisles in single file, they formed double column as they passed uuder the flag, following the division ot Oapt. Keid to the chancel, where a heart wan formed, as near , as possi ble, by the entire company. As the drums ceased the notes of the organ, under the artistic touch of Mrs. F. A. Boyle, filled the church with the wedding march and the bride, leaning on the arm of her father, entered the northern entrance, and the groom, with his brother, Mr. B. F. Murney, entered from the South, marching to the center, where, as they passed under the flag the bride took the groom's arm aud they marched to the chancel rail where they met the rector, Mr. Tolson, who, according to the beautiful ritual of that church, pronounced them man and wife. During the ceremony the flag was held iu posi tion directly over the bride. As the bridal party marched down the center aile aud out at the north ern entrance, the organ ceased, and the drums took up the notes, Capt. lie id wheeled his men down the cen ter aislo in double column. Lts. Jackson and Mizell marched their divisions in cross Hue, passing down the side aisles to the center, there meeting, formed iu double column in the rear of Cant. lieid's division, and all passed out at the rear en trance. The ushers, in military costumes, Mess. I'. W". Brin kley and VV. F. Ausbon, were unablo to place the large number cf people in the church. The building was packed to its ut most capacity. Immediately after the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, where the hap py couple received the congratula tions of their many friends. They were also the recepients of many handsome and costly presents. The Bssr Prescription for Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tomic. It is simply iron and quinine iu a ihsibioss io rui. nu cure no puy. Price, 50c. mar 1-ly Any fellow is liable to raise the duce in a poker game or a pair of them, for that matter. I was reading an advertisement of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy iu the Worcester Enterprise re. cently, which leades me to write this. I can truthfully say I never used any remedy equal to it ior'colio and diarrhoea, I have never had to use more than one or two doses to cure the worstjease with myself or children W. A. Stroud, Popomoke City, Md. For sale by all druggists is still the talk of this section. It is the place of all places to in Shoes, Dry goods, Groceries, Etc. Our stock of laces, edgings and Hamburgs is immense, and so cheap. When you start to make a jtrjp don't allow your self to be side-tracked or store, which is the Buyers, Night Sweats, loss of appetite, weak aud impoverished blood, colds, la grippe and general weakness are frequent results of malaria. Roberts' Tasteless Chili. Tonic eliminates the malaria, purines your blood, restores your appetite and tones up your livr. 25c. per bottle. Insist ou hav ing Roberts', mo other "as good." W. C. Ayers my 25 Rheumatism Cured. My wifo has used Cbamberlaiu's Paia Balm fot rheumatism with great relief, and I can recommend it as a uplendid liniment for rheumatism and other household use for which we have found it valuable. W. J. CrjxLEs, Red Creek, n. Y. Mr. Cuj ler is one of the leading merchants ot this village ang one of th) most promi nent menjiu this vicinity W. G. Phippin, Editor Red Creek Herald . For Bale by all druggists it HE U Id ACID E t Is rapidly taking the place of all other known remedies iu a rhou maiic cure, Inxutive, tonic and lilood puriiier. The reason is plaiu, for it -CURES- There in no better time to treat rheumatism than during the fall month. Cure yourself before the rigor of winter are felt. KUEU. J1ACIDK cofts but $1 per bottle, bold by all Druggists. Secure it and cure your S 73 RHEUMATISM K For gale In Plymouth by oii ep29-bm LUTHKIt HARRISON SAVE MOKEY With the coming of Winter get out your last ceason suits, coats, pants and dresses and have them renovated and CLEANED OK DYED and thus save tbo price of a new garment. Those soiled clothes can be made to look as good as new by the eld reliable CLEANER and DYER SAMUEL WIGGINS, on Main;Street, who cleans, dyes, renovates and presses at moderate prices. I also do all kinds of UPHOLSTERING and can make your old furniture look just as good as new at small cost. - All work guaranteed and your patronage respectfully solicited, rar21-6m Saml Wiggins- SPRING GREETING. A Hope realized-A Promise fulfilled That is what every sale we make means. Wc anticipate your wants and wishes, then make the prices to suit. There is only one clans, and that the FIRST, In our Spring and Summer collec tion of STYLISH MILLINERY Your responsibility ends and ours begins when you buy of us. We are right behind every transaction we make. Come and look if you want to buy right, if you want to be treated right, if yon want to save money. Our customers all say ours is the cheap est place in town. You buy the materials and we do the trimming, free of charge. Yonrs truly, apl2-tf Mrs L- E. Padgett. put off until you stnlByf Great TSargaln Depot for Opf r FULL LINE OP Dry goods. Clothing and SHOES. Silks, Laces and Embroideries Best 25c. Ladies' hose ever shown. Novelties in ladies' Belts. Corsets. Ladies' underwear Table linen. Boys' knit Shirts and Drawers. Hats and Caps. Top Shirts, soft and stiff bosoms. Linen Maderas. Pique and Silk. Collars and Cuffs. Ties. the right prices. Men's Underwear of all kinds and at all prices. TttlZ LATEST THE EDISON PhonograpH for $7.50. Sold by IV. B .YEAGER, W ii O IS HEADQUARTERS FOR MUSICAL GOODS, the only house in town where you will find all kinds of musical instru ments from a Jew's harp-up to the very latest, tbe.jlICKjZither which any '--xao Columbia 0 Our dimities, organdies, piques and linens aie faultless in points of stylo and beauty. Those who have seen them admit that they are tho handsomest goods of the kind ever shown in this market. Can we slov them to you? SPRING- SHOES. Our line of Ladies' Gentlemen', Mis ses and Children's Oxfords are now in stock. These goods are produced from carefully selected stock, made by skil led workmen, and designed to meet the requirements of tho most fastideous trade. Call at our store and see this magnificent lino of footwear before buy ing. We guarantee you quality, com fort and the latest style. MEW A"LTD BOYS' SUITS. If you would do yourself justice YOU WILL KT Miy your SPK1KTG Suit before seeing what we have. Our. lioe of Fancy Worsteads and Che viots, as well as Blues and Ulaclis, are the handsomest ever shown in this market. We guarantee yotfi the right things, at CALL ON J. i.. SAVAG E FOR FINE Heavy and Fancy Family Groceries, Fruits, Confectioneries, Canned Goods, Vegetables, &o. 1 keep constantly on hand a full and well selected stock of everything lu the grocery line needed for family use. No shoddy, shop-worn goods; evsrylhiag frefh sod sweet. When you leave home with an ordtr for groceries, don't fall to call on me ; you get your money's worth of freh goods very time, and your patrcobge will be aj pr elated. I In the rear of my store I havjcpefied a first-class Saloon, where gentl '' en joy a social glass of thp.K I.innnn Hid cnt nd F ' be had in the citvy' quiet and orderly' entering 'the gro ,