ot 'fihaa. .B. Aycoc anl other Jperaoeratic candidates will speak .in the .Court .House ,lierp pn Monday night, ivla.y-7fh at 4 oNolock. .Tell, ypnr eighp. Till ROANOKE BEACON. Published Every Friday. Entered in tbe Post Office at Plymouth li. C, as econd diss tnuUer. ; ; , , , '' '" We appcalto every reader of Tbs Roakoki Gkaoon.-io aid us In making it an acceptable and , niU(al)le medium of news to our ,gui.zcu8. Xct i i i viiiouth people and Iho public .lrnowwnat Is ' i.ouig oh ia Plymout h. Keport to na all Items of ."jliiwi -the arrival and departure of friends, social counts, deaths, Boiious illuoeu, oeidents, new . i)allitnu'8, new enterprises aud improvements of : whatever character, olaiiKesin bnsfuess indeed 'MiyiUiui; and everything that would be of Interest : o oar u.'oule. 1 , ,. . - GuhMn:!uii pnqe, fl.OO peryer. AiiyunUonionts inserted at low ra.a. Obituary uoiic.es exceeding tftUiiJK , Ave cents .1 hue. Count the word, allowing eight to the liae, muI send money with A1S. for all in exeeea of ted .lines. J The editor will not bo responsible for the views of correspondents. , AM articles for publication mnct be accompanied L:y the full name of the writer. Correspondents are requested not to write on but one aide of the paper. .. . . . Ail communications must be sent in by Ttaraday morning or they wil) not appear. -'.v . Address all sommur.ications to THE liOAKOKE BEACON, v Plymouth, N. 0. THE WHITE MAM'S i . ; .i i . TICKET. FOR STATE OFFICERS. For Governor : CHAS. B. AYCOCk:, of Wayue. For Lieut, Governor : W. D. TURNER, of Iredell. For Secretary of State : ' J. BRYAN GRIMES, of Pitt. ' For State Auditor : B. F. DIXON, of Clevelaud. ' For State Treasurer: B. R. LAOY, of Wake. For Attorney General: It. D. GILMER, of Haywood. For Supt. Public Instruction: TOONE, of Robeson. For Couiuaissioner of Agriculture : ' S. L, PATTERSON, Caldwell. For Bureau of Labor and Statistics : BONNER, of ' For Corporation Commissioners ; R. L. RODGERS, of Macon. ' PRANK McNEAL, of New Hanover. FOR COUNTY OFFICERS. For Representative: THOS. W. BLOUNT. For Sheriff: W. J. JACKSON. For Treasurer : ' M. M. ALEXANDER. For Register of Deeds1: F. E. JOHNSTON. For Coroner :' ' B. S. LUCAS. The time lias come when each and every man must think for himself, unci not only think for himself but net for himself and all future 'g3'ie iMtions, forever. We speak jn refer bnce to the coming 'electio'ii' which must decide whether or notour State shall be ruledlby the white man, a3 si legacy left him by our forefathers, or by the ignorant negro voter and his doodle bosses. Which shall it be, White Supre macy or negro domination ? It behooves us as white men, as men with children growing' up to take our places, to strain every nerve to place the white man in authority, now that the opportunity presents itself, eo that we may pass our de clining years in peace, free from the domineering insolence of ignorant jicgro rule., and dying have our children' bless us for frpeing them from this mighty thraldoin, instead of heaping curses upon our memory for what we' might have done but ilid not; '" : ' ' 1 : Our worthy Chairman, Hon. F. 31. Simmons,' is urging every lover of White Supremacy to 'contribute What he can for this cause. It takes 'money to furnish literature tq '"be distributed1 among the masses; 'such literature as will make the proposed ponstytutional Amendment under--J-pame.'1 .' ii'very AVhite man in the V jfiu that' is ba understood ' and ' j;--1 ortiori there is not Murphy fn Matu sent him to the best advantage,' so open' your ' pocket-books and give something. No matter how poor you are, if you are a white man and wish to see y6ur State in the hands of honest white men, you will try and do something." The time is close at hand and the best pltl' we can suggest i's to 'form clubs, "and form them at once, and in every 'neighborhood;' make up what you eau and place it 'where ' it will do the most good, not forgetting to inform yourself along this lino, so that whM you meet a man op- powed to the amendment you will bo able to enlighten him on the subject. Our county candidates we are sure arc aoing ail tney can lor this noblo cause. Mr. Thos. W. Blount, bur candidate for Representative. we know is leaving no stone unturn ed for' the cause of White Supre macy and we would that we had more like him, in the county and State. ' lie is the most zealous man and best Democrat in the county, and when" he goes to Raleigh next winter, if the other counties are one- half as well represented as Washing ton will be, we can thank God and rest easy. It isiiow only three months to the August election, so bo up and do ing. We are not able to1 do mucb but we are going to do all within our power. Mr. onnnipns has kincl- y consented to send us each'week white supremacy matter enough to fill all our available space, and we e going to nse it. Next week we are going to publish the Amendment, as proposfd' so that those who are not familiar with it may become so, then we shall publish each week stich niatter as the most able man in the State may select and send us, and we want every white man iu the county to read what we publish, and to " do this vre make the following, proposition : If you are interested In the matter and want to dd'some thing to help it along, send ' us one dollar and sis name'sof men who do hot take the"paper, and we will send it to them three months; for two dollars send 12 names, and so on; or for five dollars send 35 namesY of for ten' dollars send' 75 names. ' This barely pays for the paper, and we do the printing and mailing free. : By formiug clubs you can easily place the paper in the hands of every white man in the county and at very little cost, individually. If you are a subscriber yourself and' are not willing to spend anything for this cause, will you not get a postal card and send the names of say six men in yonr neighborhood that you think should read upon White Supremacy? It will only cost you one cent and we will seid all the papers we can possibly pay for out of our own pocket, and wilt thank yon for your trouble. Please don't wait: send the names at once, for time is short. Story 5f a Slave. 5.' ' 1 To be bound hand and foot for years by the chains of disease is the worst form of slavery. George D. Williams, of Manches ter, Mich., tells how such a slave was made free. He Bays : "My wife has been so help less for. five years that she could not turn over in bed alone. After using two bottles of Electric Bitters, she is wonderfully im proved and' aula to go her own work.' This supreme 'remedy: for" female diseases quickly curee nervousness sleep! esn ess, melancholy, headache, backache1, : fainting aud dizzy spells. This miracle Working medicine is a godsend to eak, sickly, run down people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50 cents. Sold by Plymouth Drag Co. 6 Tho careful housewife doesn't want carpet that can't be beaten. -.v.- ; Wnoormo Cough. . I had a little toy who was nearly dead from an attack of whooping cough. My neighbors recommended Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I did not think that -any medicine would help him, but after giving hiiu a few doses of that remedy I noticed au improvement, and one bottle cured him entirely. It' i the best Cough medicine I ever had in tbe house. J. L. Moore, South Burgetutown, Pit For sale by al! druggists i n , . . . The man who lives must feel like sixty. to be threescore I have been a sufferer from chronic diar rhoea ever since tbe war aud have coed1 ail kinds of medicines for it. At last I found one remedy that has beek a' -success as a cure, and that is Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and-'Diarrhoea Remedy. P. E. Gkisham, Gaars Mills, La. For sata by all drupel . .-. : . pi ISP T -.ihim j wwy next Movents i.- by thtfkuh on a husband -t c ""M'tP: Superior Court Proceedings. The following Mate cases were disposed of at tho Spring term of the Superior Court for Washington couuty, jn; (J., which convened on Monday April 23,' 1900 with Judge Albert JL. Coble, presiding : ' 1. State vs Jas Richmond, Br. and Jr., and Jordau Wright, larceny, continued "2. State vs Be'nj W Lewis, a d w, rec pgnlzed for oofct. Off ' . " 3. State vs ChasFenner, assault, judg ment U months in lail. uominisdiouers to hire out ' ,4. State vs Wm Carter, false pretense, jury verdict guilty, judgment 1 year in penitentiary ; . 5.. State vs Amelia Roberts, larceny, not a true bill --' ' 6. - State TS Lizzie Pool, retailing liquors wuuoui license, not a true uut - . 7. State vs Addison Everett, a d w, con tinued lor deft - ... v 8.' State" vs W L Cornstalk, larceny and receiving, uol pros with' leave - 9. State s Robt H Taylor, assault, capias 10. State vs L L Owens and Jas Man ley; a d w, dejt Owens called and failed, judgment nisi soi fa and capias, deft Man ley guilty, judgment suspended upon pay ment of cost -.: 11. State vs Arthur Lee, a d w, deft, plead guilty, judgment $5 fine and cost - 12. State'va Herman Everett, c e w. deft plead guilty, judgment suspended upon payment of cost 13. State vs Herman Everett, a d w., same as No. 12 . . 14, State vs O C Byrum, simple misde meanor, not true bill. On niotiou of So licitor' ordered -that J S Tarkenton be marked as prosecutor and taxed with cost. Said Turkouton paid cost 15. State vs Bruce Webb aud M L. Ainsley, a d w, jury verdict, deft Ainsley not guilty, deft vVebb guilty, judgment $i jSma.and cost If.' State va Frank BJouat, injuring real estate, cbtitinuea for deft 17. State vs Levi Charles and Albert Ange, trespass, jury verdict not guilty 18. State vs Milliard Knight, removing crop, continued for State, d It recognized. l'J. State vs Grant Cheusou, a d w., juy verdict guilty, judgment in Jail with leave'of Commissioners to tire out ' 20. State ;Vfl": Wnt' PrtVbu'iini Henry AHep, a d w, judgment $5 fine' each deft, and one-half cost 21. State vh Jno M Leary, c o w, uot a true bill 22. Stale vs Jacob Hunter and Jno M. Leary, a d' w -deit Hunter plead guilty, verdict, deft Leary gnilty'i judgment, -each deff fined f 5 aud one-half cost 23. Stale rs'" Jno""Satterfield, laroeny, jury verdiot not guilty ' 24. State vs Jno' Moore, larceny, not a tree bill .. , , .. . 25:' state vs Wm Puckstt, laceay, nol pros ' '''''"' ' "f ' '26. state vs W T Ward, a d w, not a true bill " ' 27. state vs Wm James, a d w, deft, not guilty ' -1 '28. state va Jno J Rowe, false pretense, nol pros with leaytf 29. state vs Alfred Gr.a,y. a d w, deft, pleads guilty, judgment;sUSpetldei upon payment of cost . - 30. state vs Juo Brown, larceny, deft, pleads guilty, judgment 1 year in peuiten tiary SI. state vs VV 1 Ward, e c w, delt. pleads guilty, judgment suspended upon payment of cost, - 32: state yi Eli Jones and A G Atkin soo o w., defts! pleach guilty, judgment suspended upon payment of cost 33. state vs Jno Brown, larceny, deft, plead guilty, judgment suspended 34. state vs Jno Brown, escaping from officer, deft plead guilty, judgment suspen ded, - ' Reaiarkaijljj Rescue. Mrs. Michael ' Curtain,' Plaiufield, III., makes the Btatemcnty that she caught cold, which settled on'lier lungs ; she was treat ed for a mouth by her family physician, but grew worse. He told her she was a hopeless victim of consumption and that no' medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr, King's New Discovery for Consumption; she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself benefitted from first dose, he oontiuued its use and after feihirj-g six bottle's, found herself sound and Well'; now does her own housework, and is as well as she ever was. Free trial bottles of this Grest Discovery at Plymouth Drug Store. Only r0 cents and $1.00, every bot tle guaranteed. ti IMPORTANT' 'TO TEACHERS AND TIIOSE WISHING UNI VERSITY Instruction. UNIVERSITY SUMMER SCHOOL FOR ; TEACHERS. The seventh session will'begin June 12th next and continue tor four weeks The fatwilty will include more than twenty emi nent instructors;' There will be daily in struction ia"t-ho best methods of teaching all of the ' branches taught i the leadiug public And private schools, High Schools and Academies in the Sooth. Since its es tablishment six years auo, the University Summer Sdhool has easily miked with the best Summer Schools of the Country. 'The advantages of this year will "surpass those of former years', - ;'' Another Forward Movement at the 1 1 University. '' This year fur the first liiiie iu its history, the University will have 'a Summer Term this year, and offer ' ' 20 REGULAR UNIVERSITY COURSES. Many a teacher desiring to pursue an ad vanced course during his vacation, many 8 college student- Who : wishes to-carry on1 his studies during the Kummer months and thus hasten his graduation, and many men and women who can attend college jor the University only dunug June, -July and August will learn gladly of this new de parture. " ' ' ti'-x : -Members of the Summer School during the four weeks it is in session, may at'teud the Summer Term classes free'of charge For circulars giving full information as to tuition, board, and courses of study, Le44r- President Aldebman, ox MCS. Noble,' Superintendent cf thj"Uuiversity Summer School, ; -- -.' Chapel Hill, N. C. "1jkably jLus.- Bismarck's Iron Nerve , Was the result of his splendid health Indomitable will and ' tremendous energy are not found where btomaoh, Liver, Kid Leys and Bowels fere out of order. . If you want these quahttea ana tne success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. uniy too. ai nymoutn urug store, z o Even tbe musical composer ia sometimes unable to meet his own notes. Bobbitta' Chill Pills are the best. Cost less than e,nv other chill and fever remedy aud the are guaranteed to cure, or your money back. Fnce 25c. per bottlo. Drug gists. For sale in Plymouth by Luther Harrison. nep 2'J-om WANTED-SEVERAL BRIGUT AND nONEST lersona to represent us-as Manager tn this and clote by counties. 'Salary a year and ex penses, btraignt, bona-iide, no more, no luia u alary, Fosinoa permanent, tinr re faiences, any banX In any town. It la mainly oft1c"work conducted at home. Returenco., Enclose lelf-addressed atamped envelope. tsis uokiniok uoxpan. Dept. s. Chicago, ecp.l9-iJ6t ANNOUNCEMENT. I wish to tell all my friends and customers that 'I have just received the largest and most complete stock of - '- " TJILLINERy I have eyer carried. I have every thing in HATS' and BONNETS to suit young and old. I have everything in up to-dato styles in millinery goods, and buy ing for cash, I can sayp vou 25 per cent, on EVER? pOLLAR you spend with me. Seeing is believing; come to-day and be conyinced. " " ' ' MRS. A. M. AYERS. 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN F$UIT GROWING ' ' ING ALL THE LE TEST- LEAD ING VARIETIES. . .... IV . F. R. Johnston, grower and dealer in Fruit Trees of all ' kinds Best and safest varieties of Apples, Pears, PeachesJ Plums, Grapes, Rasberries," Strawberries, Black berries' and NuP Trees,'' Evergreens and Ornamental Trees ol all kinds. Very latest French Roses, Maid of Honor, pewey, American Beauty, Bride, White Mamonon Coquette, Tree Roses, fec. Hydranga, Fringe and all kinds of Shrubs ; Amplt6- lop'sis, Clematis, Honeysuckle and .U other climbers and cveepors. Satisfaction guar anteed both in price, quality, &o. Corre spondence solicited. ' 1 ' ' " 'F. R. JOHNSTON, mar20-lm Plymouth, N.' C. RS. J. F.iYEAGER'S Spring Announcement. -op- MILLINERY GOODS. Wo have displayed a great line 01 Fashionable llillinery, etc. You are requested to call and ex amine our styles in Hats, etc., and compare prices with others. t have this season added to my stock a complete line of Press goods, Linings! etc. ' ' Miss Minnie Ienpey of Baltimore, is again in charge cj the trimming department, which guarantees to all lovers of style perfect satisfaction.. If you want Millinery, Dress goods, Linings, Neckwear, or anything to be found in a first-class millinery store, call on MRS. J. F. YE AG EH. -GO TO- II E McCABE'S For Heavy' and"N"Fancy Groceries, .Notions, 'ipruits, Confection ' "" : eries, &c, &c. I also Iteep a First-class Restau rant,' iyhere you can get as good, a m!e'al for" the money as anywhere iri town. ....... Added to this I keep nice, ;lean rooms to let to lodgers at reasonable rates. ' Don't forget to call on me when in town. M. E. McCABE. Washington St., near liyery stables. V ik is 2 Spring and tapmer Is now complete, and we xa yite all ladies coming to tPWB to drop in and glance over our stock, and hay -will see w have one of lie cheapest a4 Tbjsst selected stocks to be tound in Plymouth. Our stppk pf is in and are pronounced by tbe ladies wbo jbave seen tbera to be tbe prettiest tbey hfye seen in town. Wo bave all fjbo tnew Pastel statics in woolen goods and baye $&in all' in separate 'paitern, any lady can buy jie're and know sbe will not get are 141? preitiesc we nave iiaa ana prices to suit ,aii. Our Silk Departijient is full and overflowing with $1 ie nw ays .ancj colorjngs and priori are w.a Our Crepous for skirts thinking of buying a . n ice crepon skp-(t jtbis eason will do well to call and see our lino before buying as we have the newest weaves in Our Hamburg partment is full and complete with all the newest stuffs in Ruffling. Tucking and allover lace appleque and everytbirig'that is new tbis low others, as we fought advance, and can sell tuem those bought regular. We also bought our Piques and White Goods before the advance and can save you money on any of theso goods. Any lady will do well to buy their outfit from us this season. We hare the goods to suit, and prices as low as the lowest. Qur HQE DEPARTMENT is n complete, with tyg Pelebrated lines of Geo. E. Keith Co., 3.50 Wallf-Qyers, and Han nan & Son's $5.00 for Men, aucj tjie Kvipiendorf, rittman Co., anj Queen Quality for Ladies, wich is the best lines ot Shoes tljat comes South. Every pair guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction pr, money refunded. ' ' OUR CLOTHING is the best we have ever ha anfl jf yon fa ten in suit tiis season you will do we to examine our stoc before you buy, as we are sure we can please you boh in goods a prices. We have a complete line of everything that is kept in, first-class dry goods store. If you can't come send ns yonr prert. Wo pay special attention o mail orders. EespeQtfuUy, Ii. P. HORNTHA.ir . Ladieis Pine mm down low. are very pretty and price? them and prices to beat a JI, and Lace fper season antj prices way be 4Qur 'Hamburgs before tpe $ i& ppy cent. Ie8 than tpi L,Wi'ltL(ili"I,,,","1iIIr- 1 QW mm m IS