3gi HE ROANOKE BEACON. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY C.V. W. 4USB0N, Editor. Plymouth. N. c. Friday, July 20, ,1900. 1 1 To Core La Gbippe ih Two Days ..Tk. Xazatit Beomo Qoiniki Tablets. All flrueglsti rerabd ITie money if it fails to cure. pS. W. (IotcS signature on every box, 25c. The BEsr Pbescbiptipn for Chilis find Fe ver is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless flMlfii $omo. It ia simply iron and quinine ,10 a tasteless lorm. No care no pay. ELECTION TICKETS. ,a .meeting of the County Board of Election held at the Court House ia Ply mouth on Monday, July 2, 100, theol Rowing described tickets were prescribed ;for the coming election : TJga tickets shall (bte printed on white paper, in Long Primer type (same as prq ,crjbed by the State) witbqut .deije, bizo ,of tickUre s.3 .follows : Tickets for the Legislature, 3$ inches swide and 5 inches long. County ticket, 3$ Inches wjdejind, 5 in ches long. Township ticket, 3 inohej3 f ide and 3 jincesoiig. C. J. HpJlAN, .Chairman. Hfrnee Award, at 2 greatest World's Expo sition, and thou.and. of graduate in position.. Wtt WJFMU. BuiMM Codih. Includii lon, flbSViVnd Board in family, about 90, 11 zutirms, Tirr.tetrta telkbipiit, spscultos. Kentucky UnWer.lty Diploma, under eI, Jawardsd graduate.. Literary Course free, if desired. KtTaeatl . Entarjoow. XtfaduategfucceiBfu!. trior to halt your Utttf reach u, addr4 onfy WILBUR R. SMITH. Lexington, Ky. foU. Ktntuchy Univtnitv rtouro, $500,000, Ht4 jkad luartjf 1000 ttudnti atUndana If tjl far. JNOfcFOLK $ SOUTHERN BAIL ROAD A0MP ANY. y-"'gJnwa.ia .Jf-ff - IN EFFECT DEO. 1ST, 1899. tbain service. Northbound: - fjeave Edenton daily iexcept Sunday') '. . . . 1 43 p. m, yLrrive Elizabefti City daily (c'x- .. eept Sunday). 2 45 p. m Arrive orolk daily (except Sun- day). .......... 25p.m 4eave Edenton Tues,, Thurs., and Sat..... . . 83Q.&. ni. Leave Elizabeth City Tues., Thu.rsV and Sat. S 30 a. m. Arrive Norfolk Tues., Thurj., " and Sat ....... JltQ0 a. m. outHBoysp : Leave Norfolk daily (except Sunday) , k. . I 10 00 a. m. Arrive Eliz. City daly' .(except ' Saaday) 1 1 40 a. m. Arrive Edenton daily ' '(except Sunday) . ; ....... .. 12 40 p. m, Leave Edenton 'daily (except Sunday) .... 1 p. pj. j&rrive Uelbavfih ' daily (except Sunday)... 1 445 p.m. Leave Norfoji' "Tues., Thurs., and feci, '. . i 410 p. m. Arrive E. City Tues., Thurs.; " and Sat... ,?,0Q p. ni. Arrive Edenton Tues., Thars , ' and Sat.'... 7 00 p.m. Trains stop at an intermediate stations. Steamers leave Edenton daily (ex. Sun day) 100 p.m. for lym.o,ujtb, Jamesyille, Williamston and yindsor Leave Edenton Tuosnay, Thursday and Saturday 1 00 p. m. for Chowan River landings; Monday and JTrid.fiy for Scup. pernong iver. r Steamers leave Elizabeth City for Roa noke Island. Oriental and Newberne, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 600 p. m.; connect wfth A. & n. C. R. R. and W. '& W. R. R. for .Qoldsboro and Wjlrnjng. on, For Nags ELsad Monday, Wednesday and Saturday QQ p. m. For Coin jock and north River landings Tuesday, Thursday apd Saturday 3 00 p. m. For Soutjj Millo and landings on Dismal Swamp Roijte M,Qnday, Wednesday and Steamers leaye Belhaven daily (ex. Sud. day) tor Washington, n. C. ' For further information apply to J. J. Hassell, Agent, Plymouth, or (to the Gen pral Office of the N. & S. R. R. Co., Npr.- fli' Manatrur linn' I t AT, I'nas rrr BEACON FLASHES. Hr. T. T. Gardner and family are so journing atpcracoke. ' Don't fail to-take in the pic-nloAt Pleas ant Grove next Thursday. The Convention for the 1st Congressional ..District met at E. City yes'ferdy. Mr. W. J. Starr,' of Cresell, was among the visitors to our town this week. Miss Sadie Hollis, of New Bern, is visit jng relatiyes aud friends near town. Miss Annie Mizell returned home ou Wednesday from a visit to Williamstou. ilrs. J. VV. Arnold, of Washington, . was among the visitors to our town this week Mess. II. L. Spruill and W, E. Brothers made a flying trip to Cresweu last Sunday The military boys will be resjilqndent in new uniiocui" itte ntii time uiey.iurn out, Mexican Lives Pills cure all liver ills, Price 25c, . W. O. Ay era aug 31 Mr. uo. W. Hussey, of New York, wajs here this wq; ,)QqkIng after bis .milling business. Mrs. Durphey and.children, of Eden ton, are the cuests of her sister, Mrs. Geo, TT-' j: r ...... . Mrj. .George Smith, of Portsmouth, Ya, is visityig her siHter, Mrs. Geo. llardison this weeS. SnHDfind hnRinARR and lt evflrrlindr on ! t . , r . - j n to ,the big pic-oic at Pleasant Grove next nursaay. Ice Qream from the North every Friday at 5 apd 10c. store. Eo,Ii ,by ,the plte or cuart w M' J- A. Kenan, of Hertford, spent a lew days here this week visiting hijB daugh ter, gLrs. K. Jtc. aanoerson. Read P. W. Brfnkley's ad. this week, He ia offering pcecal inducements for next Monday, Tuesday iind Wednesday. The Teachers Institute which has beau in session her,e th,is week has been a most pleasant ,nd jirQyb18 one t0 the teachers. Mrs. W. W. Scarborough and children. of EdentQP, spent several days here, this week viaitiug her moiher, Mrs, Deborah Misses Nona Brinkley and Ida Tucke have returueu from a visit to Sans Souci. They were ac,corripanied .by Miss Edna Sallenger. Are y.oc lQOk; for a. bargain,? If so gp to J. T.' Lewis'. fiOc. Tie lor 2Won sple Friday .and ayvday .1 Ir. Jas. I. Br,uer. wife and children, of Mackey'j Ferry, were the guests of ye editor's family frovf. Saturday until Mpn- Utiy tjtst. Mrs. Warxen Holloa, .of N. Harlow e, is Yielding iici uiui'.y , ucf u, u, vuo is accompanied by her little son, Master IJiaes "JTerona yert and .Keith, ,of Washington, 1$. (J , were tne guests or Mrs. W. C. Ayetp ,this week, while eur.oute to vsit mends in. tier-tie county. Miss MinDie Gay-Lord, formerly of Ro. P(er, this county, now of Baltimore, made our office a- p(easnt yisjt while here this week. Sae has been visiting her sister, iurs. kj. &. Jtioore, ou auhiuh eireet. Prrrj.i.B. fflvr and malaria yield to Roberts' Chill Tonc if yoi get the genuine, wnn reu croj? ou iie iiiei. oc. per bottle. JSoney bacjk if it fails. W. C. aug oi Ayers Mia Mary Newbold, one of Creswell's most fascinating ytrong ladies, Honored Qur town with a short visit the pant week as the guest of Mrs. Fletchsr Ausbou. tm has gone to visit her aunt in Kmston Those who knew him were greatly shocked on Friday last to bear of the sud den death of Mr. Lonme jUhesaon, ot Mackey's Ferry. Mr. Chesson was taken with appendicitis and died while under going a surgical operation. Mr. J. T. Lewfc requests us to tell Ibx people that his usual large stock of candy has been increased by the addition of Lowney's celebrated line of Chocolales and Bon Bons. If it is nice candies yon want fljv Jjewis can piease you. Hon. Jno. H Small passed through our town Wednesday euroute for E. City to attend the Congressional Convention which met there yesterday, ana wnicn did the wise thing in- re-nominating John. H; Small to represent the 1st aistucf in the next Congress. A chapter of pjrpbans from the Oxfor? Orphan Asylun will giv one of their most excellent concert? in this town on Monday nieht next, the 23rd. These entertainments are epme'thing above the average, and not pply should these children be encouraged by your presence, but this great institution should rgceiye your hearty support and financial aigtanpe. "Racket Stores," and "Cheap Johns" the latter especially, have been legislated against, but Plymouth boasts of a "Cheap John," notwithstanding. We refer to no less a personality than our popular mer chant, John T. Lewis, known in this sec tion as "That Cheap man, Lewis." His name is John, consequently the law can't joki him down. If you dQn't believe be is pheap, just drop in and get prices on Clo thing, Dry Goods, Notions. Shoes, etc., and especially Heavy and Fancy Groceries. His low prices have long been tne tain or the town, and now his $4.0Q hocs for 25c. is creating wild excitement. Call on him and he'll tell you how to get a pair. How Advertising Pays. Two farmer were discussing their local paper. One thought it had too, many advertisements in it. The othe,ireplied : ."In my opinion the advertisements are far from being the least. valuable part 61 it. I look them over carefully and save at least five time3 the cost of the paper each week through the business advanta- kgea I get from, them." baia the qthej.: '1 believe you are right I lnow tha,t they pay me well and rather .think that.it 13 not good taste to ;find fault after all." 1 It pays ary man to take a good local paper for the xake oi the adver tisements if nothing more. And if business mep .fail to give farmers a chance Cb read advertisements in the local paper, they are all bUnd to' their interests, tp say the .Iqast of it. "You never trade with ,me," said a business man to a prosperous far mer. "You never ask me aad-l! never .go wlere I am not invited I might not be welcome,'' was his re- Some fellows make time they take a grink. a rye face every watcnes aim iouks uiueiiiuy Repaired and satisfaction given A all work by 0. R. LEGGETT B BINE LEY'S. CORNER. WATER STREET, fkYHOpTH, N. C' The Best Remedt for Stohach Asp Bowel Teoubles. "I have been in the drucr business for twenty years and have sold most all of the proprietary medicines of any note. Amqng the entire list I baye never found anything to equal Chaniber)ain'a Colic, Cholera and niarrhnpa Kemeriv for all Ktnmar.h and bowel troubles," says 6. W. Wakefield, of tJolumous, ua. " this remecjy pnreu two severe cases of cholera morbus' in my faini- lw and 1 have rir.nmm(liiif(l And Rnlii hun dreds of bottles of it to my customers to their entire satisfaction. It affords a quick and sure cure in a pleasant form." Sold by Plymouth Drug Co., and Roper Store RoBED THE G U AY E. A startling iuoidejat,-of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, is narrated by him as follows: "I was in a most dreadful, condition. My skin was al most yellow, eyes eu,aton, .tongue coated!, pain continually in back aud sides, no ap petite gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given me up. Fortunately a friend advised trying 'Elec trjc Bitters;' and .to my great joy and B.u.r :prie, therst4)ottle made a decided im provement. 1 continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another victim." o one shquld fail to try them. Only 5Qc, guaranteed, at Plymouth Lrug yjo. When you want a modern, up-to-date physio try Chamberlains btomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect. Price, 25 cents. Samples free at Plymouth Drug Co., and Roper Store. Co. . The chap with the peppery temper ia .Usually the one who is charged with as- -SjlUlt, Small in ske and great in results are De Witt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills that cleanse the liver and bowels. They do not gripe. Plymouth Drug Co , and Roper Store Co. The -trouble .with imaginary dangers is that tbty often lQSd.ns.into real ones. During last May an infant child of our neighbor was suffering from cholqra in fantum. The doctors had given -up all hopes of recovery. J. took a bottle of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy to th house, telling them I felt sure it would do good if used according to directions. In two days time the child had fully recovered. The child is pow yigorous,' and healthy. I have recommended this remedy frequently and have never known it to fail. Mas. Curtis Baker, Bookwal ter, .Ohio. Sold by Plymouth Drug Co., and Roper Store Co. -Hfc. BiplplilifHw. B1BHWI(IHMW ftt -Elhp3 n I 8 SALE - at - BRINKLEY'S! Monday. Tuesday Wednesday, PUBLIC SPEAgJNG-. The Democratic candidates of the 2nd Senatorial District, for the State Senate, Hons. H. S. Ward and I. W. Miller, will spaak at the following .times and places : At Xrea well, July 20th, 11 a. m. At Cherry, July 20th, at night. At Basnight's.store, July 21st, jll a. ro. At Roper, July 1st, .3 P- .m., Wihite men, give these champions of Whiie Supremacy a rousing receptjou in your county. W. D. GRIMES, Cb'm. BoiUbitt's Chill Pills cure chills and all njalarial troubles.. That is what thev were made for. Cure after other remedies fail. Ko cure, no pay. Price 25 els. per bottle. -Sold iu Plymouth by Geylord & Everett. je2!) Eve was the first woman to set the pace in fall styles. Starvation never et cured dyspepsia. Persous with indigestion are already half etaryed They need plenty of wholesome footf Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat so the body can be nourished while the jyrp out organs are being reconstruc ted. It is the only preparation known that wiil instantly relieve &nd completely cure &l stomach troubles, wry it if you are suf fering from indigestion- It will certainly do you good . Plymouth Drug Co,, and Roper Store Co. THE UNIVERSITY 0.F NORTH CAROLINA Tie Head of the State' Educational Sytem. Three academic courses leading to Degree?. Professional .courses m (Law, Medi cine, and Pharmacy. Summer Schocl ior 'iCeachers. Scholarships and Loans to Needy. Free Tuition to $GiiJ Candidates fo p Ministry, Minister's. S.o n s and Teachers. .512 students besides 161 in Sum mer School. 38 teachers in the faculty For catalogue and ifcjr&ation ad dress F. P. TENABLE, President, Chapel Hill, N. C. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature ia strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovereddigest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It 1b stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Skk Headache, G.a5.traJgla(.Crapsari4 all other results of imperf ect digestion Price 50c. and SI. Large skeo contains 2H times small slxe. Book all about dyspepsia malledfree Prepared by E. C DeWITT A CO-. CblcaflO. July S3, July 24, July 25, ur prices arc idneeMteiits EEEYTHIN& REDUCED WHILE THIS SALE GOES OH. IleiMciiiIes fliis rare oppor tmnity will laf only S clay. To give you an idea of the we are offering, we mention Silks worth $1.0.0 - - 75c 50c - Embroideries worth 25c 15 t o 2.0 c 8 to 12 1-2 Merriniac Shirting Sea Island and Windsor Percals - A few good Lawns (fast colors) Andrascoggin CottoniS (onl v 10 3rd'3 to a customer) ft Matchless Values which a few prices as follows : Special Price 75c- 55c. Sic. 18c. 10-13. 5-8. 4c. " 10. 4c. 7 l-2c. it If The State Normal wd Industrial College OF NORTH CAROLINA Offers to young women thorough literary, classical, scientific and in dustrial education and special pedagogical training. Annual expen ses $92 to $132 j for non-residents, $152. Faculty of 80 members. More than 400 regular studeuts. Ifa3 matriculated about 2,000 stu dents, representing every county in jthe Sfate except pm. . Practice and Observation School of about -250 pupils. To secure board in dor mitories, all free tuition applications should be made before August 1. Correspondence invited from those desiring competent trained teachers For Catalogue and other information address until August 15th PROF. J. Y. JOYNER, Dean of College. CHARLES D. McIVER, President. All Lasyns, Organdies, Dimities, India Linens, Piques, Dress Goods, Cotton goods, Shoes, Slippers, Mns Shirts., Straw Hats, Clothing, Gents Furnishings and everything in our stock . will be reduced for this Upeciai'Saie of Three Bay. "Everybody invited to come. TVe-guarantee to save you 25 Per Cent every article you buy of us during this sale, Yours Respectfully, P. W. BRIIiLlIY, ELLING OUT AT COS We expect to have some work done on the interior of our store and will have to close out lots of our goods to make room for the workmen. If you are in need of any thin gyiajour line this is your time to This Sale wil than 80 days. Eespectfulli J, T, LE THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE op fc AGRICULTURE and MECHANIC AITSJ TECHNICAL EDUCATION IN Agrieulturo, Stock-raising, Horticnltu re, Mechanical, Civil and , r PRACTICAL TRAINING IN . Carpentry, Wood-turning, Blaeksmithing, Machine-work, Mill- J; work, Boiler-tending, Engine-tending, and Uynamo-teuding. 1 3 Tuition, $ 20 a year ; Board, $3 a montli, Nest session opens September 6th. Entrance examinations in each County Court-house, July 28th, 10 o'clock A. 5t.; also at the College September 4th and 3th. For full information, address , President GEO. T. WINSTON, RALEIGH, C. .