"J. I 1 It THE ROANOKE BEACON. PUBLISHED EVE It Y Fill DAY C. V. W. AUSBON, Editor. .PLYMOUTH. N. C. Fit i dat, August 3, 1900. To ure La Geippe in Two Days JFake Laxative Bbomo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if It fails to cure, ' K. W . (iB.ovk'8 slirnaturo on every bos. 25c. Thb Basr Pbebchiption for Chills , and Fever is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price, 50c. mar 1-ly WlTVe .APrel, . - - r ' - d c--r - Deference Awards at 2 frreatest World's Expo jttions and thoupaiulj of graduates Jo positions. "Co. of full liftMincs Coarse, iuv-luding Tui- 'tlon, Books and Board in family, about t0. 8H0KTB1ID, TlrK-WKITlNU TELECK.U'IIT, SPECIALTIES. 'SThe Kentucky University Diploma, nndr seal. 'warded graduates. Literary Course free, tf desired. MoTicatlon. JEntornow. Graduates successful. l In order to haw your UtUrt reach to, addrett only AILBUR R. SMITH, Lexington, Ky. TtNot. Kentucky Univriitv rtouroet, 500,OUO, and oa nearly iuuu ttuaent in auvnaance hue year. NORFOLK & SOUTHERN RAIL- . ROAD COMPANY. IN EFFECT DEC. 1ST, 1899. ' train service. Northbound : "' .Leave Edenton ; daily (except Sunday) 143 p. m. Arrive Elizabeth City daily (ex- ' ' cept Sunday) ....... . 2 45 p. m. Arrive Norfolk daily (except Sun day) 4 25 .p.m. Jfdave Edentoa 'Tues., Thurs., f and Sat '. 830 a. ni. Leave Elizabeth City Tues:, Thurs , and Sat .'. . 9 30 a. m. Arrive Norfolk Xues., Thurs., " ' and Sat . 11,00 a. in. Southbound : Leave Norfolk daily (except Sunday).' '. 10q0a. m. Arrive Eliz. 'City 'daily (except 'l Sunday). .'. 11 40 a. in. Arrive Edenton daily (except Sunday). . ,12 40 p. ra. Leave Edenton daily (except " ' Sunday)...'.... 1 00 p. pi. Arrive Belha'ven daily (except ' Sunday).. . ' A 45 p. m. Leave Norfolk Tues., Thurs;, s ' and bat 4 lQp. ni. Arrive E. City Tues., Thurs.", ' and Sat..-. ,'. ,. C00 p. in. -Arrive Edecton Tutu., Thurs and Sat. :' 7 08 p. m, Trains stop ut all intermediate stations. STEAMBOAT SERVICE. Steamers leave Edenton daily (ex. Sun "day,'100 p.m. for Plymouth, Jaiuesville, 'Wrllianistou and Windsor Leave Edenton Tuesaay, Thursday and Saturday 100 p. xn. for Chowan lli.ver landings; Monday and Friday 'f)r Sc.up. pernong River. Steamers leave Elizabeth City for Roa noke Inland. Qrieutal and Newbarue, Tuesday, "Thursday and Saturday 6 00 p. ri.; connect with' A. & jr. C. K. U. and W. '- W. lj,: It. for Goldsboro and Wilming ton, &c. For Nags Head Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 3 00 p. m. ' for Colhjoek and North River landings Tuesdav, Thursday and Saturday 3 OQ p. in. For South Millc and landings on Dismal Swamp Route' Monday, Wednesday' and Friday fl 00 a. m. ' r Steamers leave Belh?.yen dolly ((ex. Sun day) tor Washington, n. C. ' For further information apply to J.J. Hassell, Agent, Plymouth, or to the Geu eral Office of the N. & S. 11. ii. Co., Nor folk, Va. M. K. KING, II. C. nUDGINS, Gen-T Manager. Gen'l Ft.& Faos Agt. r 'r I ',,1 sJ f , ftVarH b- -''. H h;A I 1 1 Watches uud Clocks carefully Repaired and satisfaction given ' I n all work by 0. E. L E G ff E T T pt BKINKLEY'S CORNER. ' y ATER STREET, PLYMOUTH, N. C- With the coming of Winter get opt your jast feason snits, coats, pnnts and dresses and have them renovated and . CLEANED OI DYED ,nc fhus save t'e price of a new garment. Those soiled 3lntbe3 can be made to look as good as new by tlie old reliable CLEANER and DYER SAMUEL WIGGINS, on Main Street, who cleans, dyes, renovates and presses at moderate prices. I also do all kinds of UPHOLSTERING and can make your old furniture look just as good as new at small cost. All work guaranteed and your patronage respectfully solicited, Saml Wigginsf BEACON FLASHES- The election is Over, The Amendment was ratified. Hurrah for Washington county. Next Thursday is drill day. Don't,forget it,. boys. County Commissioners will meet .next Jilonday. Mr. J. P. Cooper, of Baltimore, waB,bere this week. ' Mexican Liver Pills care all liver ills Prir-n .r.n W 'P vora ' " qiktSI The best of order was observed heje on election nay. And now let's work for and eleqt our national ticket. We elected all of our county officers Thu'rsilnv. llnnA' 1 "" ' ' Mrs. C. A. Moore and children left on Tuesday last for Ocracoko. There have been 'some unusually fine watermelons in market this season. We understand there will be no encamp' meet of the State Guard this suincaer. One Minute Couch Cure is the onlv harm less remedy that produces immediate re sults. Tr it. Plymouth Drug Co., and itoper store Uo. Hr. and Mrs. L. L. Owen3 returned oine from Nag's Head on Wednesday. For the purpObe of getting the election returns we go to press a day late this we'ek. Mr. Antone Marriner, of Maekey's Ferry, made our office a call while in town' this week. Little M43S Helen Patterson, of Wilson1 is here again, viaitiug her aunt, Mrs. A. L' Williford. Mr. C. D. Loano and family left Monday tor Hattariis, where Mr. Loans' is engaged in the' milling business. " i Mr. A. L. Bratten, who holds a position with the ISasuight Lumber Co., Tunis, N. 0., is at home tfns'week. j . . . . . ,De Witt's Little Early Risexp are famous lUtle pills for liver itnd .bbwal troubles. Never gripe. Plymouth Drug Co., and Roper Store Co. t Our sympathies are with Mrs. Jow. Tuck er who had the misfortune to fall and break a sinew in her foot last week. We sympathize with Mrs. J. L. Savags who net with the misfortune to fall out of doors ou Tuesday and sprain her arm. Mr. T. T. Gardner and familv returned home on Tuesday evening from a two week's ooj,ouru by the sea-side at Ocracoke. Mr. T. J. Norman has moved his family to Edenton. We regret to give this family up, but commend them to the good people of Edenton. Mr. O. R. Legeett took ia the excursion to Wilmington and Wrigaville Beach this week. He gives a glowing description of both places. Chills, fevers and malaria yield to Roberts' Chill Tonic if you get the genuine, wilh red cross on 'ho label. 25c. per bottlo. Money back if it ails. W . C. Ayers aug 31 A miliary co.mpany has been organized a Greenville and has been accepted. This fills the battilion in the 2nd Regimeut made short bv the disbandme'p.t of the Scotland Neck company. Especially for the ladies. Mr. O. R. Leggett. our hustling young jeweler, has just added to his stock of line jewelry oue .1 :.. T m T1 1 or tne largest ana prettiest lines or uroocn Pins ever chown in this town. If you want , to see something real handsome and some- (thing real nice, call auj. see them. ; Tf vnnp "Ptiiiin nr Clvrran la nvt nt tllnp call on Mr. C. A. Moore.' Mr. Moore tho roughly n&derstands the work, having put in reoair instruments turned down uv the be&t of our' professionals. ' fie' also repairs old machines; does his wcrk cheap and guarantees satisfaction in every instance. Wlin in iiapH nf wnrfe In tliia linfl Hon't forget C. A. Moore, Plymouth, N. C. A limited number of scholarships is be ing offered by Littleton Female College, Littleton, N. C, to young ladies without property preparing to teach, who apply at once, TJie demand for teachers holding diplomat from this institution has been increasing for several years and during the past ycr went beyond the supply. 2fc A Narrow Escape. Thankful words writtep by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, oi Groton, S. D. "W'au taken with a bad cold which settled on ray lungs ; cough set in and finally terminated iu Consump tion. Four Doctors gave me up, saying 1 could live but a short time. I gaye myself up to my Savior, determf ued if I could not stay with my friends on eartb, I would meet my absent ones aqove. My nusuauu was advised to get Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I give It a inai, iuok in an eigui, uuiuus. It has cured me,' and thank God, I am saved and now a well and healthy woman." Trial bottles free at Plymouth Drug Co. Regular size 50o. and $1, op. Guaranteed or price refunded. 1 A Cpmijarison. pptica from the annual state ment, published in its local paper, that one of our nearest neighboring towns, with only' about one-third more populatipn than Plymouth, that that town has paid to the ed itor of its paper for work done du ring the past 1& months, the sum of only $187.95. That town, while it does not leyy a nrivilprro tax unon its local paper. hould be ashamed of itself for npt appreciating itij ' local enterprises more, w ny nymoutn, which is a third Km;iHer. has mid this paper (after writing all over the State for tlie lowest prices on me worn uoupji rlnrinr tlio nast three years, the to tal sum of $6.50, or an average o $2,102-3 a year. See statement written out and tacked up. How would you like to exenange ocalities, brother? The Kally at Maekey's Ferry. It being tiie exception and not the rule, last Thursday was a fine day, and the pie-nic and mass meeting at I'jeasant Urove was one of the great est White bupremacy rallies ever held in this section. There were about 3,000 men, wo men and children from this and ad joining counties assembled on that occasion wno were entertained by impassioned speeches from Hou's. Jii v. uox, oi Pitt county and W m. M. Bond. "of Edenton. The brass barid from Edenton and the military company of this town i ' ' i ' , t were present ana topK parts in tlie program of the day. The meeting was called to order by Hon. S. B. Spruill', of Plymouth, who presented Hon. W.' M. Bond, who for nearly tivo hours discussed with telling eict the Constitutional Amendment. Mr. Bond is Chair man of the Democratic Executive Committee of Chowan county, and is always listened to with interest and pleasure by our people. He was often interrupted by enthusias tic applause, and when he closed the enthusiasm was tremendous. At the close of his speecli Mr. Bond introduced the Hon. E. V. Cox, of Pitt. Mr. Cox is a speaker of no mean ability, and although a .Republican he is rb road-minded and courageous enough' to champion the cause .of White' 'Supremacy. His reasons why every white man, re gardless of party affiliations, should rally under the white man's banner and rescue North Carolina from ne-. gro tiqrVii.aation, were strong, and it nas ueeu proven tnat the seeds sown that day have borne much fruit. ,-,-,4- Spain's Greatest Need. Mr. R. IV Olivia, of Barcelona. Spain spends his winters at Aiken, S. C Weak nerves had caused severe pains in the back ot his head. On using Electric Bitters, America's greatest Blood and Nerve Reme dy, all pain soon left him. He says this grand medicine is what his country needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trouble, purines the blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life into every muscle, nervo and organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing yon need it. Every bottle guaranteed, only 50 cents. Sold bv Plymouth Drug Co. l Ad omentum, In advertising it takes mora or leas time to get up momentum. It ,takes time to get people into the habit of reading acts j it takes more time to get a grip on them and influence their buying; it takes time to get the cumulative results. That is .whv persisten.t and frequent changes count for so much. If you advertise spasmodically yon fail to get the momentum. our failure to keep at it or neglect of free u en t chances loosens vour rriD on people; you are putting on the brake when you should be getting up speed. American Druggist. It is oftn necessary to have a backer to get to the front. 7Ks Ststs Hprmal and Industrial College OF NORTH CAROLINA Offers to young women thprough literary, classical, scientific and in dustrial' education and special pedagogical training. Annual expen ses $92 to $132; for non-residents, 152. Faculty of 30 members. More than 400 regular students, lias matriculated about 2,000 stu dents, representing every county in the State except one. Practice and Observation School of about 250 pupils. To secure board in dor mitories, all free tuition applications should be made before August 1. Correspondence invited from those desiring competent trained teachers For Gataloo-ue and pther information address until August Iftth PRO F. J. Y. JOYNE1 1, Dean of College. CHARLES D. McIVEtt, President. 'A 'p u ELLIIG OUT AT COS We expect to have some work done on the interior of our store and will have to close out lots of our goods to make room for the workmen, If you are in need of anything in our line this s your time to get it. This Sale will not last more than 30 days. Come at once before the fstock is broken, Respectfully, Jt LEWIS. .VALUABLE THREAT. Marion Butler threatens to leave North Carolina and locate in Colorado if , the amc-ndment ia carried in the Tar Heel State. This threat is worth 10,0(10 votes to the North Carolina Democrats. Nw pert News, Va., Herald. That Throbbing Headache. Would cuickly leave yon, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands ol suffer ers have proveb their matchless merit for Sick and nervous Headaches. They make pure bjood and strong nerves and build up your nealtii. t,uny to taRe. Try them. Only 25 cts. Money back if not cured. Sold by Plymouth Drug Co. 1 b 5 Even tha girl who complains that she has nothing to wear can still put on airs. A gentleman recently cured of .dyspepsia gave tho followiue annronriate reuderini of' Burns' famous blessing: "Some Lave meat ad(cauDOt eat, and some have none that want it ; but we have meat and we can eat, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure bo thanked." This preparation will digest what you eat. . n instantly relieves and radically cures in digestion and all stomach disorders. Ply mourn urug u., and Koper Store Co THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. The Head of the State' Educational Syteni. Three academic courses leading to O Degrees. ,. Professional courses in Law, Medi- cir;e and Pharmacy. Summer School for Teachers. Scholarships and Loans to Keedy, Free Tuition to Candidates for Ministry, Minister's Sons and Teachers. 512 students besides 161 in Sum mer School. 38 teachers in the faculty For (catalogue and information ad dress F. P. VENABLE, President, Chapel Hill, N. C. i jPT n n WW m2 ' m Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aid3 Nature in strengthening and recon 6tructiog the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered.digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in f tantly relieves and permanently cures )yspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SiclE Headache, Gastralgia.Crampsand ill other results of imperfect digestion. Price50c. andfl. Large sb:econtalns2H times smal 1 size. Book all about dyspepsia mailed! ree Prepared by E. C. DeWITT A CO., Cblcag 1 T 1 I t i Mi m i Ylli, (1nr ni WW rxnis 3S THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE and MECHANIC TECHNICAL EDUCATION Agriculture, Stock-raising, Horticulture, Mechanical, Civil and fa "LMnf ,.;n1 PnAlnnnntifr Tnvlilo Inrlntrt7 I: hpmistrv. and A r- 5: jjitutiiLai xiuuii-i", .w-vw.v tv, phftppture. DP fl PTTf! AT. TP A TTJTTJtt Carpentry. wooa-turninr, jjiacKsmitning, iuacnine-worK, xuui- jr work, Boiler-tending, Engine-tending, Tallinn r a xronv Tlnai o mrtnth Next session opens September 6th. Entrance examinations in each County Court M.; also at tho College September 4th and ;"th. For full information, address t , i a. riTif rrP.ol n R tl T. iTfzlJ. RALEIGH, N. LITTLETON FEMALE COLLEGE. A ery prosperous school wjth modern buildings, splendidly lo cated in a remarkably healthful section in W&rren. County on S. A. L. Road between Raleigh and Weldon, NV C. Panacea water kept in building at all times far-frfo nse of inmates Fifteen officers and teachers. Charges yery low. Eighteenth Annual Session begins Wednesday, Sept.TOtb, For Catalogue address RE.y. J, M, lUlODES, A. M. Pres., IMv, N, Q V7 r w s Apsj IN ? j. j rs q TTJ E and Dynamo-tending, - house, July 28th, 10 o'clock A. m TTTTwemAW I. W IIIQIUII.

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