IlfE no AN OK I BKACOX. . - Tublihlied Every Friday. . Bntnrra tn the foul Office at Plymouth K. C.,as " r We appval to every reader of Ths RoAroKK .Okacon, to itl us in liiiViiiH; it nu acceptable ami rotltuble medium of newn to out citizenn, l.ft v'lymiiiitli people and tin? public kuow,vtiat. in 4; ;;oiii on in Plymouth. Hvport to us all item" of ' iiewi ! lie arrival ami departure of friend, social J. viiiilo, duallis forioiiH ilini'Kv, ai'-cidi'iilft. new 1 'julldlnu'S, "i w out crprii'S and impr jveiiicnts of vhutever rh-wu -tor, idiune-.Mii busiin'w!1 iudei'd ' inythina; and eeurylliiiijj that would Uv of interest f 50 our peoide. Subscription price, 1.(H) pur year. Adyertisemi'iiM in-crted at'low ra"?s. Obituary 1101 icea exceeding ten lint , flvo entij a hue. fount, the word. allo w ins; eisrlit to the huei and send money with Ms. for all iu excess c?f ter- '. inen. , " ; '1'lie editor will no; be r.'spongilile for the vie . vis ' of correspondents. v All article? for puhi'ie'ution mist be aceon'nanied by the full uauc of mo writer. Corri'Hjminlclit are rc(iie?ted not to write 011 but one side of the paper. All comiiiuiiu aiiousi niuist be cent iu by Thursday " Tnornin;; or they will not appear. Address all communications to THE KO.VNOKE BEACON, Plvmcntu.N. 0.' Sltpose their leaders who are ad vising the negroes to leave North Caroliua suggest that they go to 'New York to be with their North ern friends who have go mneh to say every time-there is a little trouble 'between the races down here. ' The fact that the joliccinen of that city have a sworn understand ing to kill oil tho gang if any police man is killed, is pretty good f that their friends are all in the North. It was a horrible butchery of in nocent and inoffensive men, and had it occurred m the South, some Jew cll woman would have gone to lec- tnring about barbarity in the South. In this issue will be found a re port of the State Fanners Alliance meeting held at Ilillsboro last week, 'which will be of interest to tho mem bers of that order among our read ers. ' In a personal letter from Editor Poe, of The Progressive Farmer, he says that he thinks this paper, among others, was unfavorable to the Alliance a few years ago. In thi3 our esteemed brother is very much mistaken. Of all classes of ;people the farmers have our best .wishes and sympathy, and it is al ways pleasing to us to know of any legislation that is beneficial to them. ' When the Alliance began to lose its identity by being absorbed by a 'political party that we considered ,'was only conceived by disgruntled leaders to secure offices which neither of the old parties would trust them with, we were .unfavorable, not to 'the Alliance, but to the party that was stealing its identity as an organ ization for which' it was established. We clip tho following article, which is from the pen of onr towns man, Hon. S. B. Spruill, from the Raleigh News :;nd Observer: What is the necessity of Senatorial primaries to decide who shall be Senator? The most ardent friends of those gentlemen whose names 'have been prominently mentioned for this position; if they will use but ordinary discernment will'see at a glance that the solid mass ot Dem ocratic voters will support but one man, and that man is North Caro lina's great statcman and patriot, the matchless organizer and leader of his party, F. M. Simmons. When three years ago he was made chair man of the Democratic State Execu tive committee, he found the "fu sionist" in absolute control, his own party depressed and disheartened by recent overwhelming defeat, L'ut with untiring energy and eminent ability, he soon reorganized and en thused tho Democracy and won a victory, the most' notable in thj po litical annals of this State. And again in the recent great struggle for White Man's Rule' it was his consummate skill and tactics that directed a campaign so as to bring glorious success to" .his party, and foreyer put at rest' the fear of "negro domination." lie that wins his spurs in such & field deserves his knighthood. It has been euggested that Carr, Waddell and Jarvis emu late tho" patriotism cf Cuningham, Justice and I)avidson in the guber natorial nomination raco with ' Ay sock. ' Bat Tvhethcr they do or not tli3 eternal gratitude cf the rank and hie -pf the Democratic party will iompc! them to cast their vote for rr it ; STATE ALLIANCE'S . STRONG STAND. Hotter Schools, -Compulsory Attendance ami Re formatory. LEGISLATURE URGED TO THESE REFORMS' OFFICER"? KLRCTE1) CHILD LABOIt IX F.4i;T0niKS COXDEMNKD-TIIB C ft 1 E It O RO WIN O ElUTO K POE ON ALLIANCE, PRESENT AND EU ' XL' RE. By request we publish the following ar ticle - clipped, from the Raleigh Times-Visitor of the lG'.h inst : ' . Editor Poa of the Progressive Farmer. an J; W. Denmark today returned from Ilillsboro, where they attended the four teenth annual soctuon of the North Carolina Farmers' Alliance. The attendance was lar ger than for the past two years. The ses sion closed this morning at one o'clock. The following officers were .elected : W. A. Graham, president; J. T. Paschal, vice president ; T. H. Parker, secretary an J treasurer ; J. C. Baiu, of Cumberland, lec turer ; J. M. Mitchell, of Wayne, wuistaut lecturer; Prof. Jno. Giatatn and J. YV. Denmark were elected on executive com mittee. . Part of the machinery in the shoo factory at Ilillsboro has Leeu removed and it w ill not be operated again for some firae at least. Financially the order showed1 a gain of $2,000 over two years ago and $1,800 over iast year.- as balanced after paying all ex penses. , Among the resolt;Hous passed wa one thanking the press1' of the State for publishing the address -isaaed by Messrs. Graham,. Parker, Emery, Mitchell, Seawell ana ilecuiug, regarding the aims aud ob jects of the Alliance and inaugurating more profitable system of 'farming and protecting the agricultural interests. The address was highly endorsed by the body. The two most important ' fosolutions; passed were r.8 follows : "Whereas? the i.'orth Carolina Farmers State Alliance has' been from tho time of its foundation the earnest friend cf educa tion, and whereas there is now imperative necessity for greatar school advantages within the borders of North Carolina than ever before. Now be it ltesolved, That tha Legislature of North Carolina be and hereby is, petitioned 1st. T levy a special tax, under Article J), Sec. 3, of the State Constitution, suffl' cient to ruu cur public schools for four months, and that iu addition the special appropriation of $100,000 "be continued. 2. , To appropriate a sum sufficient for the support of the State University, tire Agricultural and Mechanical College, and tli a State Normal and Industrial College upon a permanent basis, such appropriation to enable free tuition in those institutions to be offered to every white student in North Carolina. 2. To enact such la we as will coruoel the attendance of all children, between the ages of 7 and 15 upon the public schools. 4. To prohibit the employment of child ren of immature age in manufacturing in dustries. . To establish reformatories for young criminals. 1. A retolution was passed on the death of Ex-Governor Elias Carr, ez president of tho State Alliance, also resolutions thank ing Presidont Winston of the A, and M. College for an excellent address before the body, commending and endorsing the of ficial organ. The Progressive Farmer, and its non partisan policy, and appointing a committee to confer with the -A. and M. College authorities about the education at lhe college of practical and theoretical farmers. President Graham was detained at home by illness in his family. The Alliance will put additional lecturers in the field and hope to doubls the membership during this year. The Alliance also decided to offer a num ber of premiums for agricultural displays at the State Fair in October. Editor Poe of The Progressive Farmer, when asked about the present and future of the order, said : "I never care to reler to the politics of Alliance officials,-as such matters are not considered in their selec tion, but to show the falsity of the' preju dice of some-, it may be well to say that the president and trustee, the secretary treas urer, and S'.ute business agent, and assistant lecturer are all infiueutial Democratic far, mera, whilo the remaining offices are filled by wide-awake farmers and educators, . be longing to other parties or none. The prejudice agiiinst the Alliance is rapidly dying out and the outlook fdjr re-organization is very bright. Democrats, Populists, Prohibitionists and Republicans attended the State meeting, all -orfced in harmony aud devoted themselves to the agricultural and educational lines along which the Al liance will, work, aud all will assist ia tbe re or?anization to be effected this fall aud winter. I Chills, fevers and ni'rilaria yield to Roberts' Cuill Tonic if you get: the genuine, with: red cro8 on the label. 25c. per bottle. Money back if it fails. W. C. Ay era , ' aug 31 Women have few sorrows which a new shirt will not soothe. There are no better pills made than De Witt's itlo Early liisers. Always prompt aud certain, Plymouth Drug Co., and lio- rer Store Co, Many a silent throbbing com beats b neath a nice dress boot. Discovered by a Woman. Another great discovery has been made, and that too, by a lady in this, country. "Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven, years she withstood its severest tests, but her vital organs were undermined aud death seemed imminent. For three mouths she coughed incessantly, ttnd could not sleep. . She finally discovered a w ay to recover, by purchasing of us a bot tle of Dr. Kind's New Discovery for C-jn-eumption,. and was so much relieved on taking first dose. . tbntt she nlept all night ; and with two bottles, has iwix nis"ltiteiy eared. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lntz " Thus writes W. C. llamnick & Cc.,of Shelby, N. C .Trial bottles free at Plym outh Drtm Store. Kentvar size 5(o. aud 1.01),. Every pottle guaranteed. , : 4 If necessity is the mother ofinverition and also the father oflie, how aiv ve to determine the sex r. . The laws of health require that the bow els move ouco each day and one of the penalties for violating this law is piles. Keep your bowels regular ,l:y taking a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach uud Liver Tab. lets when necessary and you will uever have that severe punishment inflicted upon you. t rice, :. cents, i'or sale uy nynioum Drug Co., and lioper Store Co. w If you want auv attention paid to your advice, put on your Sunday clothes whoh you give it. . The Bekt Puksckii tion for Chilis and Fever is a bottle of Guovk'h Tasteless Ci:iLL Tonic. It is simply iron and epiiuiue iti a tasteless form, ho cure no pay. Price, 50c. mar 1-ly Honest ducks dip their heads under we. ter in order to InpwdtUe thuir little bills. . . The Appetite of a. CJoat Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose Stomach mul Liver f ro out of order.- All such should know .that Dr.- King's New Jjite nils, me vouueriui.. ruomueu aim T,ivfir liemedv. cues a si.'lendid annetite. sound digestion and a regular bodily habit tuct insures peucct neann ami pj-eai en ergy. Only 25c. at Plymouth Drug-Co 4 Schekibb Dey lls been appointed Turk ish Minister to Uie United place cf Ali Ferrouh ley, recalled. ; t . ' The law hoklrfbotli maker aTid circulator ct a counterfeit elually Liiilty. The dealer who sells you a dangerous counterfeit of JeVitt's Witch Hazel fciulve risks your Jife to make'a little larger You can not trust him. DeWitt's is. the only genu ine and original Witch Haze' Salve, a well kuowu cure fpr piles aud all skin diseases. See that you dealer gives you DeWitt'c Salve. Pl-' Drug Co , aud ltopsr Store Co. . . Senator Tillman aud the preachers cf South Carolina are having a bitter peisomd tight over tbe liquor question. Tt lina liofrn rifjmnri etri tiiil hv rYnpriflnc that consumption can be prevented by the early use o! :Uue Minute Oongh Cure. This is the lavonce remeay ior cougns, coias, croup, asthma, grippo aud. . all thioat aud lung troubles. Ciurei quickly. Plymouth Drug Co., and lioper Store. Co. The question is not what we can do but what we ought to do. W. J. .Bryan. A Minister's Good Work. "I had a severe attack of bilious colic, got a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Choi era aud Diarrhoea Remedy, took two doses aud was entirely cured,"' says ltev. A. A. Power, of Emporia, Kan. "My neighbor across the 6treet was sick for ovor a week, had two or three bottles of medicine from the doctor. lie used them for three or four days without relief, then, called in another doctor who treated him for some days and gave him no relief, so discharged him. weut over to see him thenext morning. He said his bowels were in, a .terribie fix, that they had been running off so long that it was almost bloody flux. 1. asked mm if he had tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea ltemedy and he said, 'No.' I went home and brought him my bottle and gave him oue dose ; told him to take another dose in fifteen or twenty minutes if he did not find relief, but he took no more and was entirely cured." For sale by Plymouth Drug Co., and Koper Store Co. The fellow who is-forever getting left is the oue who talks most about his rights. What most peopla want is something mud and gentle, when in need of a physic. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets fill the bill to a dot. They are easy ts take and pleasant in effect. For sale by Plymouth Drug Co., and lioper hto-re Co. If some people only knew how little they know they wotildn t talk so muoh. FREE BLOOD AND SKIN'CURE. An OiFEK PEOVINC Faitii. Ulcers, Eating Sores, Gfchoer, Scrofula, Itching Skin, Scabs and of Eczema, Achs and Pains iu bones,' back or joints, Syphilitic Blood Poison, Kotten Gums and Chronic Khenmatism, and all obstinate, deep-seated Blood troubles, are quickly cured by takiug a few large bottles of Bot anic Blood Balm. Ve challenge the ;vorld for a case of Blood Diseasa that Botanic Blood Balm will not cure. The cures are permanent and not a patchingup. Is your Blood Thin ? Skin Pale ? All Kun Down ? As Tired iu the morning as when you went to bed ? Pimples ? Boils ? Swollen Glands or Joints? Catarrh? Putrid Breath ? Erup tions ? Soreu in Month or Throat ? If so, your Blood U Bad. Blood Balm will make the Blood Pure and Kich, Ileal every Sore, Stops the Aches and Pains, Builds up the broken down body, aud iuvigcrate the old aud weak. Botanic Blood Balm, the only perfect Blood Purifier made. Sold at Drug Stores. $1.00 per large bottle, including complete directions To prove our faith in Blood Balm a trial bottle given away to seffcrers. For free trial bottle, address BlOod Balm Co., -Atlanta, Ga. Don't hesi tate, but write at once describing trouble, and free personal medical advice given. Biood Balm (B.B.B.) Cures when all else fails. Thoroughly tested for .'50 years. Over 3,f00 voluntary testimonials of cures by nsing B. B, B. Sold by Plymouth Drug bA(oj!0)U Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you cat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and reebe structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovereddigest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it ire efficiency. It in stautly relievesand permanently cures JDyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgla.Crampsand all other results of imperfect digestion. Price 50c. and $L Large size contains 24 times small size. Bookallaboutdyspepsiamailedfrtje Prepared by E. C DeWITT A CO.. Cblcaflo- .l Plymouth Dru, Co.y'nud lioper Store Co PEIMARY SCHOOL, iW JMrss Lizzie Go k let, will open its Fall Swsion Monday, Sept. 3, 1900- As ' iii the past, r ' will give all pu pils rarefnl attention. Rates Moderate. Room Comfort able. ; '' Your patronage will be highly appreciated. MISS LIZZIE GOELET. -CALL ON'- " FOR 'FINE Heavy and Fancy Family Groceries, Fruits, Confectioneries, Canned Goods, Vegetables, &c. 1 keep constantly on hand a full aud well selected stock ol everything in the grocery line needed for family use. Ho shoddy, shop- worn goods ; everything fresh and sweet. When you leave home with an order for groceries, don't fail to call 0:1 :ne ; you get your money's worth of fresh goods every time, and your patronage yill be appre ciated. ? ; In the rear of my store I have opened a first-class Saloon, where gentlemen can en joy a social glass of the best of Wines or Liquors, and Ret as good a smoke as can be had in- the city. Everything is kept quiet and orderly, and no lady' need hesitate entering the grocery store that would en-' ter a dry goods store uext doer to a saloon. Y Yours to please, oc 11-tf J. L. SAVAGE. IN". 'J3 KAG-ER, IS HEADQUARTERS FOR MUSICAL GOODS, the only house in town where you will find all kinds of musical instru ments from c Jew's harp up to the very latest,-' the Columbia Zither which any child can play, and the Columbia Graphophone which makes speeches, sings songs a;ul plays band pieces. Records and talking machi nes in stock and for sule. I have also added a flold and Sil ver plating department for plating Watches, jewelry and Silverware. liEPAIRING of all kind done on Short " ftOTICE, and satisfaction guaranteed. GO TO IL E." McCABE'S For Heavy and Fanfty Groceries, Notions, Fruits, Confection eries, &c, &c. I also keep a First-class Restau rant, where yOu can get as good a meal for the xaoney as anywhere'in town. I,: 1 Added to this I keep nice, clean rooms to let to lodgers at reasonable rates. ' ' 1 We keep on hand, aud make to order, underclothing of all description, for ladies aud gents. Give ns a call when in need of anything in th;3 line. i Don't forget to call on me when in town. M. E. McCABE. Washington St., near livery stables. Mid-Summer Glearaiice 55 silo AT MRS. J. F. YEAGEES Prices that speak to the Point- General JJark Down on all clas ses of goods. Space insufficient to enumerate all the induce ments held out. Below are a few: PAliASOLS. Prices on all fancy'' ; parasols reduced to original costi LAWNS and Organdies at re duced prices. ' 1 :' U NDERW EAR. Lad ies', ChilcJ ren's and Infants' gauze vests' at reduced Prices. EMBROIDERIES. All-over ed- X'irra i ncni'h no clinirf n?irla "full lpngth, wide and narrow widths, Trimmings' and Laces, allat great ly red need prices. 5"' WHITE GOODS. India Lawns, white Organdies and 'Picjuci !ut very low prices. I am closing out my stock of trimmed millinery, sucli as hats and bonnets, at wholesale cost. ; No shop worn or old stock in my store. All new goods, bought this season. Now is the time to take ad vantage of these special low prices. ASK FOR THE' fori 1 ' mk m l TT m l 0 j lj 1 J j I 0 . Clearance Sale Is now going on at Horutha For tlie next ' 30 days I will sell all my sum mer goods, such as Lawns, Or gaudies. White goods, Swisses, Underwear, Slippers, straw hats, etc., at and below cost, to make room tor fall gpQds. I OVER I SflOE III' I., P. lIRWTIIAIi ' SHOE roR men! iwfiil I SHOE I Now if you are in want of any: thing in the hove lines you will do well hy coming here tq buy, as thesq goods will hei closed out, re gardless of costt Wc still liaye a good supply, of tlio celebrated lines of Hannan & Son and ''Walk-Over" S h o e's on hand. Prices and toes fq suit all, , Respectfully, 1 ( Co ie -iy MRS. J. F. EAGER.

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