( 1 A V ) ,TIIE ROANOKE BEACON. PUBLISHED EVERY FIIIDAY C. V. W. AUSBON, Editor. .LYMOUTIJ, - - - C Friday, August 24, 1900. A rich ladv. cured of her Deafness and ..Noises in the Head by Dr. Nicholson's Ar 1 tificii.1 Ear Drums, gave $10,000 to his'Iti etitute, so that deaf people unaqle toprocure .me iiar urums may nave them free. Ad "dreas No. D440-C, The Nicholson Iustitute, yJW, Eigntu Avenue, New York, U. S. A ugS3-ly ' fcftions and thousands of trrHdnatuo in nonitintix. ,-'5oof tTall KiiHtiienH Oonrae, including Tul 'ion. Books and ilorl iu family, about W. SaOSTBAID, TIPE-WKITISB ft TELEGEArDT, SPECULTIEi. SP3h Kentucky University Diploma, nmlor mtnl warded Rradnntea. Literary Course freo, ifdeiired. M vacation. Entornow. Graduates successful. In order to have your Utters reach us, address only WILBUR R. SMITH, Lexington, Ky. ' ,jmt. Kentuciv University resources. 'SOO.OOOi a4 iarlv 1000 students in attendants last year ..NORFOLK & SOUTHERN RAIL ROAD COMPANY. I, IN EFFECT DEC. 1ST, 1S9'J. train service. Northbound : Leave Edenton daily (except Sunday) 1 45 p. m. Arrive Elizabeth City daiiy (ex- cept Sunday) . .' . . 2 i pf m. Arrive Norfolk daily (except Sun- ' day) . . ... . r. 4 25 p. m. .Leave Edenton Tees., Thurs., . and Sat.'.-.'.' ...... 8 30a.m. Lpe Elizabeth ' City Tues., i Tnurs , and Sat 9 30 a. m. Arrive Norfolk Taos., Thars., ' and Sat ; 1100 a. m. Southbound : '.Leave' Norfolk daily (except ' Sunday). 10 00 a.m. Arrive Eliz. City daily (except Sunday) 11 40 a. m. Arrive Edenton daily (except Sunday). 12 40 p, m. Leave Edenton daily (except 'Sunday) 1 00 p. m. Arrive Belhaven- daily (except ' Sunday) 4 45 p. m. Leave Norfolk Tues., 'Thurs., and Sat . ; 4 lp p. ni. Arrive E. City Tues., -Thurs., and Sat CoO p. m. .rrive Edenton Tues.. Thurs, 1 and Sat ; 7 00 p. m, .Trams, stop at all intermediate stations. STEAMBOAT SERVICE. ' Steamers leave Edenton daily (ex. Sun ,day) 100' p.m. for Plymouth, Janiesville, 'Williamston and Windsor ' Leave Edenton Tuesuay, Thursday and Saturday 100 p. m. for Chowan liiver landings ; Monday aud Friday for Scup. etnong River. V" Steamers leave Elizabeth City for Eoa rtoke 'Island. Oriental and Newberne, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 600 p. m.';-'connect with A. .& N. C. li: U. and W. VfcW. 11. K, for Goldsboro aud Wilniing- "ton, c. Folr Nags Head Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 3 00 p. m. ' FJr Coinjock and North River landings Tuesdav, Thursday and Saturday 3 .00 p. in. 'For South Mills and landings oh Dismal Swamp Route Monday, Wednesday aud Friday 6 00 a. m. - ' ' ' Steamero leave Belhaven daily (ex. Sun day) tor Washington, n. C. ' '' For further information apply to J. J. Hassell, 1 Agent, Plymouth, or to the tie'a yral Office of the N. & S. 11. R. Co., Nor folk Va G. -k. KING, H. C. HUDGINS, ijenl Manager. Geu'l Ft.& Pass Agt. Watches and Clocks carefully Repaired and satisfaction given 0n all work by 0. E. LEGGETT ON BRfNKLEYVS CORNER. 1 WATER STREET, PLYMOUTH, N. Q r? 7,. I HI PLYE MONEY With the coming of Winter get out your Jast season suits, coats, pants and dresses End have tjiem renovated and " CLEANED OR DYED nd thus st.ve the price of a new garment. Those soiled clothes can be made to look as good as new by the old reliable CLEANER and DYER SAMUEL WIGGINS, on Main Street who cleans, dyes, renovates and presses at moderate prices. ' i klso do all kinds of UPHOLSTERING and cau make your old furniture look jnst as good as new at small co&t. ' All work guaranteed and your patronage respectfully solicited, Saml Wiggins- BEACON FLASHES More pleasant this week. Mr. R. A. Knight of Washington, N. C, was in me city this week. Mr. T. J. Norman spent last Sunday witn his family at Edenton. Mexican Liveb Pills cure all liver ills. Price 25c.; W. C. Aycrs aug 31 Miss Kate Ralph of Creswe;, is visiting uer sister, Mrs. u. V. VV. Ausou. Watermelons are beginning to display their danger Gignals. Some of 'thorn look very gourdy. Miss Donnjo Ward, of Winton, is visit ing onr town as the guest of Ler uncle, Hon. U.S. Ward. ' ' - We had a pleasant call on Tuesday irom our esteemed friend, Mr. Jno. L. Singleton of the Roper section. One Minute Cough Cure is the only harm less remedy that produces immediate re sults. Tr it. Plymouth Drug Co., and Roper Store Co. ' Misses Annie Mizell and Blanche Bar den left on Tuesday morning last for a sojourn nt Asheville." The .charming Miss Mattie Williford, of Rocky 'Mount, is in the city this week as the gnpst of her brother's family, Mr. A. L. Williford; After a pleasant visit of two weeks to her triocd. Miss Vonnia Tieacuit of thin . , . f no t town, Miss Clara Weeks returned to her nonie at J, taty on Monday. Thft frinflf.ir liniwefin MaAlroi'a Vavrxr and Edenton being off for repairs, the Str. Plvrhouth now touches at th& Ferry irnino- and returning from Edenton. Do Witt's Little Earlv Risers ova famniiR littlG nills for liver and bowsl troubles. Never gripe. Plymouth Drug Co., and Roper .Store Co. ' ' k t Mrs. Jas. I. Bruer and children, of Mackey's Ferry, and Mrs. W. O. Davis and little daughter, of Creswell, spent the day in' town yesterday as the guest3 of their sister, Mrs. C. V. W, Ausbon. ' Mr. W. M. Chesson, a well known and prohperous farmer of the Mackey's Ferry section, was in our town this week, for the first time in several years. He was the guest of his daughter, Mrs. T. J.Lewis. Mr. W. T, Nurney and wife has moved to Roper. We regret to lose this estimable couple from our midst, but trust the change will ha of ' benetit to them. We henrlilv commend them to the good people' of Roper. ' ' For burns, injuries, piles aud skin dis eases use' De Witt's Witch lluzel Salve. It is the original. Counterfeits may be of fered. Use only De Witt's. Plymouth Drug Co., and Roper Store Co. " We call attention this week to the adver tisement cf Plymouth Academy. Pro!. Uassell has been so lortunate as to secure the services of Miss Mittie Pender Lewi3, of Goldsboro, a lady enjoying the highest recommendation from the most prominent educators in the State, to take charge of the Primary Department. Plymouth has now 'what it has long needed a good school and it is the duty of every parent and guardian to 6ee that it is supported and patronized as it should bo. Don't send your children away to attend school .when you have one as good, if not better, right at home. TUE A ERIVAL. She came unexpected, Though agreeably surprised.; Those who were permitted ' To become familiarized. THE. TRIP. On Sunday she went ridiug, A little ways from home, And Clyde, he went also, For I saw him drive the roaa. what follows. The Good Rook promises, ' To him who seeks, That which is sought for, Though he seeks for WEEKS. return. Oa Monday she returned home, 'And Oh.! what a pity ; Poor Clyde's heart took its flight, And went to Betsy City. ' '' Amateur J, Glorious News Come3 from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of Was hita, I. T. He writes : ''Four bottles of Electric' Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had caused her great suf fering for years. Terrible sore3 would break out on her head and face,' and the best doctors could give no help : but her cure is 'complete and nor health is excel lent." This shows what thousands have proved, that Electric Bitters is the best blood punher known. It s the supreme remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ul cers, boils and running sores. It istimulates liyer, kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, helps digestion builds up the strength. Only 50 cent. Sold by Plymouth Drug Co. Guaranteed '4 An extra session of the Kentucky' legis lature is called to amend tbo Goebtl elec tion law. . A.' "Through the months of June and July our baby was teething and took a running off of the bowels and sicknesa of the stom ach," says O. P. M. Holliday, of Deming, Ind. "His bowels would move from five to eight times a day. I had a bottle of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the house and gave him four drops in a teaspoonful of wateif and he got better at once." Sold by Plymouth Drug Co., and Roper Store Co. The Republicans of the 9th North Caro-. Una district down uicnraona rearson. iney nominate J. M. Moody for Congress. After many intricate experiments, scien tisits have discovered methods Jor obtaining all the natural digestants. These have been combined in the proportion found iu the hum'an body aud united with substances that build up the digestive orgous, making a compound" called Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what you eat aud allows all dys peptics to eat plenty of nourishing food while the stomach troubles aio being radi cally cured by the medicinal agents it con tains. It is pleasant to take aud will give quick relief. Plymouth Drug Co.. and Ro CAROLINA AT BUF . FALO. THE 1'AN"-AMERICAX EXPOSITION AND TUB OPPORTUNITIES IT OFFERS TO THIS STATE. ...1 lion. W. F. Porter of Day Meadow ,nd the Hon. Lawrence Holt of Burlington are the two vice-presidents appointed by Gov ernor Russell to look after the interests of North Carolina at the Pan American Erpo siticn. Mr. Holt has been abnout in Europe for some time aud therefore unable to take up the work. Mr. Porter, however, has taken matters in hand and has been spend ing some time in Buffalo getftng in touch with the great enterprise which shall next year astonish the world in its giant propor tions and surpassing magnificence. It is Mr. Porter's intention to return soon to the State, and, with hi3 closer knowledge of the splendid enterprise, urge upon onr people the importance of an adequate rep resentation by North Carolina at Buffalo next year. He thinks that this is an oppor tunity of such value to all the State inter ests that it would be exceedingly short sighted notto have a creditable exhibit. He will undertake to find out what the people of the State think about it when they better understand the greatness of the Exposition. He will address a letter soon to the people of the State setting forth his reasons for urging a first-class repre sentation by North Carolina. With her vast untouched stores of mineral and forest wealth and her unclatmod opportunities for business investments of all kinds, North Carolina has much to offer to the home seeker and investor. The Pan American Exposition will cost many millions of dol lars before the gates are opened, the Nat ioual Government alone expending half a million on its buildings and exhibits. Within a eight's ride of Buffalo more than forty millions of people reside. Chicago had only half as many within the 6ame distance in 18')3. As an extra attraction Buffalo offers the greatest natural wonder of the world, Niagara Fails, within half an hour's ride of the Exposition, whore also ia established the largest power plant iu the world. Vice President Porter hopes for the hearty co-operation of press and public in his work. LIe Fooled The Surgeons. All doctors told Renick Hamilton, of West Jefferson, O., after suffering 18 months from Rectal Fistula, ho would die unless a costly operation was performed : but ho cured himself with five boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the surest Pile cure on Earth, and the best Salve in the World. 25 ceut3 a box. Sold by Ply mouth Drug Co. 4 The average man who takes home a. box of candy to his wife eats mosi of it himself A gentleman recently cured of dyspepsia gave tho following appropriate rendering of Burns' famous blessing: '"Some have meat and cannot eat, and some have none that want it ; but we have meat and we can eat, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure be thanked." This preparation will digest what you eat. It instantly relieves and radically cures in digestion and all stomach disorders. Ply mouth Drug Co., and Roper Store Co w NORTH Tho Stats Normal and Industrial College OF NORTH CAROLINA Oilers to young women thprough literary, classical, scientific and in dustrial education and special pedagogical training. Annual expen ses 92 to $132 ; for non-residents, $152. Faculty of 30 members. More than 400 regular students. lias matriculated about 2,00,0 stu dents, representing every county in the State except one. Practice and Observation School of about 250 pupils. To secure board in dor mitories, all free tuition applications should be made before August 1. Correspondence invited from those desiring competent trained teachers For Ca tajo.-me and other information address until August 15th PROF. J. Y. JOYNEtt, Dean of College. C IX A RLE3 D. McIVER, President. ' ' iS "T""! ELLING OUT AT COS We expect to have some worfe done 011 the interior pf our store and will have to close out lots of our goods to ' make room for the workmen. If you are in need of anything in pur line this is your time to get it, This Sale will not last more than 30 days, Come at once before the stock is broken, Bespectfully, J, T, LEWIS. Harmless, efficient, reliable and pleas ant to take ia Robert's Chill Tonic, for chills, fevers, malaria, night sweats and Ia grippe. , 25c No cure, no pay, "The best I ever saw," is v. bat they all say. W. C. Ayers aug 31 Some fools have the gift of speech and some wise men have the gift of silence. If troubled with .chills, fevers, malaria, night sweats and general weakness, take Roberts' Tasteless Ckill Tonic, Pleas ant to take. 25c. per bottle. No cure, no pay. W. O. Ayers aug 31 A war of conquest is as unwise as it is unrighteous. W. J.. Bryan. "My baby was terribly sick with the diar rhea," says J. H. Dqa.k, of Williams, Ore-1 gon. "-We were unable to cure him with the doctor's assistance, and as a last resort we tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. LI am happy to say it, gave immediate relief and a complete cure." For sale by Plymouth Drug Co., and Roper Store Co. ' i. Plymouth Academy, ) Male and Female. 1 Strictly Non-Sectarian. Prepares for .College, for Business and for the Practical Duties of lylfe. f Miss Mittie Pender Lewis, of Goldsboro, will have charge of .the Primary Depart ment, Miss Lewis is a full graduate of The State Normal, and is thoroughly con versant with the latest and best methods of teaching. She comes to us highly rec ommended by Pres. Mclyer, Prof, J. Y. Joyner, Supt. J. I. Foust and others. Tho Fall Terra Begins September 3, .1900. Your Patronage Solicited, B. F. HASSELL, JR., aug2i-tf v Principal. THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA The Head of the State' Educational Sytem. Three academic courses leading to Degrees. Professional courses ip Law, Medi cine and Pharmacy. Summer School for Teachers. :f Scholarships and Loans to Needv, v Free Tuition to Candidates for Ministry, Minister's Sons and Teachers. 512 students besides 161 in Sum mer School. 08 teachers in the faculty For catalogue and information ad dress F. P. -VENABLE, President, Chapel Hill, N. ,Q. . m iii)i.,L'W Brinkley's, similiter 4oocI$ to lie cleaned tip within jst lew Aliiyu tQ iiiaEte 100111 for 11W SiSBl WMM are all new and tlesiraMe, and cannot he eqpalcd, ait the price, in this niarEicf. & Or 1 AGRICULTURE and TECHNICAL EDUCATION IN t Agriculture, Stock-raising, Horticulture, Mechanical, Civil and Electripa Engineering, Textile Industry. Chemistry, and Ar chitecture. PRACTICAL TRAINING IN ; Carpentry, Wood-turning, Blacksmithing, Machine-work, Mill work, Boiler-tendjrig, Engine-tending, and Dynamo-tending. Tuition, $20 a year ; Board, $3 a month. Next session opens September 6th. K Entrance examinations in each County Court-house, July 28th, 10 o'clock A. f M.; also at the College September 4th and w For full information, address President -LITTLETON FEMALE COLLEGE.-, A vPrJ prosperous school with modern buildings, splendidly lo cated in, a remarkably healthful section in Warrtm County on S. A, i Road between Raleigh and Wcldon, N. C. Panacea water kept in building at all timo fovlreo use of inmates. Fifteen officers and teachers. Charge very low. Eighteenth Annual Session begins Wednesday, Sept. lOtli, lOOtl. For Catalogs address REV. J. M, RHODES A. , PV?S.4 J4ktQ X, Qt Continueii IPertiaps never before lias there been such wonder IMl money a Ting opportp nities offered in Flynionth. The goods which we are .offering at this '2! $ MECHANIC AITS.f 5th. gh fc. GEO. T- WINSTON, RALEIGH, N. . j per Store Co; i 1 1

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