V fnu: noANOKK uaco.v. PUHLISURD EVKUY FRIDAY - C. V. W, AU8EQN, Editob. PLYMOUTH, N. O. Friday, Nov-ekeer 9, 1900. TO THE DEAF. A rich lady, cured of her Deafness and poises in the Head by Dr. Nichoou'e Ar ,tfiil Ear Drums, gave J 10,000 to his In stitute, bo th? deaf people uuaqle to p-rcctu'e the 'jgar Drams may have them free. Ad dress No. 941G-0, The Nicholson Institute, .780, EintitU Avenue, New York, U. 8. A. tetfprne Awards at 3 neatest World's Kido- it'oris'aod thousands of graduate, in positions. rft)MCira'BU BuIdcm Coarse. Including TuU tion. Books and Board in family, about W. r miiB, TiriWBmia telegrifht, sr ecultks. WThs Kentucky Urirerslty Diploma, under seal, warded graduate!. Literary Coarse free, if desired. No-raeaUiosB. inter now. Graduates success! nl. mrimr l hat your Uttert rtach (ts, address only WILBUR R. SMITH, Lexington, Ky. 'Jfott. Ktntuckv Untotrnty rourc, 1900,000, snni Jiid Mar(v 1000 ttudtntt in sUUiniiano kut yar. WORFOLK & SOUTIIEEN BAIL- BO AD COMPANY. IN EFFECT DEC. 1ST, 1899. TRAIN SERVICE. .NORTHBOUND ! Leave Edenton daily except Sunday) 1 45 p. m. Arrive Elizabeth City daily (ex- " fiGt Suiiday). . 2 45 p. m. Arrive Norfolk daily (except Sun day) 4 25 p. m. Leave Edenton Tues., Thurs., and Sat 830 a. m. Leave Elizabeth City Tues., ' Thnra , and Sat 9 30 a. m. AaVfo Norfolk Tubs., Thurs., fand Sat...i 1100 a. in. Southbound: Leave Norfolk daily (except unday) 10 00 a. m. &Kga Eli?. City daily (except Sunday)... 1140 a. in. Arrive Edenton daily (except Sunday) 12 40 p. m. Leave Edenton daily (except .Sunday) 12 45 p. m. Ajriye Belhaven daily (except ' Sunday).. 5 20 p. m. Leave Norfolk Toes., Thurs., ' and Bat.......... 4l0p. m. Arrive E. City Tues., Thurs.', : and Sat... 5f5p. in. Ajiye Edenton Tues., Thurs', ' and Hat 6 55 p. m, Trains stop at all intermediate stations. STEAMBOAT SERVICE. JStoaners leave Edenton daily (ex. Sun Jay)' T4 p. m. for Plymouth, Jamesville, Viilianiston and Windsor Leave Edenton Tuesaay, Thursday and Saturday 12 45 p. m. for Chowan River landings 4 and Friday for Scuppernong River! Steamers leave Elizabeth C,if.y for Roa noke Island. Oriental and Newberne, Tuesday, ThnrBday and Saturday 600 p. jm.; connect with A. & N. C. Ii. II. and W. WV 'R. K, for Goldsboro and Wilming ton, Sea. ' For Scuppcrnoug Iliver Monday and -Wednesday 12 00 noon, and for Pasquotank River landings Friday 1230 p. m. ' Steamers leave Btlh.ayen daily (ex. Sun day )'tor Washington, n! C, and Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for Aurora, South Creek, Makleyville, &c. For further information apply to J.J. Hasaell, Agent, Plymouth, or to the Gen eral Office of the N. & S. li. R. Co., Nor folk Va. " U. K. KING, H. C. RUDGINS, " Gen'l AJajitigtir. Gen'l Ft.& Pass Agt. Watcbfe and Clocks carefully Repaired and satisfaction given pn all work by t 0. R. LIGGETT Qft BRINKLEY'S CORNER. . WATER STREET, PLYMOUTH, N. C 84 VE MONEY With the coming of Winter get out your last reason suits, coats, pants and dresses arid have them renovated and " CLEANED OR DYED and thus save the price of a new garment. Those sojlejl clothes can be made to look as good as new by the pi$ reliable CLEANER and DYER SAMUEL WIGGINS, on Main Street who cleans, dyes, renovates and presses at moderate prices. ' I also do all kinds of UPHOLSTERING, and can make your old furniture look just as good as new at small cost. All W-ock guaranteed and your patronage respectfully solicited, m Saml Wiggins- BEACON FLASHES. The election passedoff quiotly. Four more years for McKinlcy. Big6how in town next Tuesday. The artesian well has bpeo nicely housed in. Boys, save your nickles aud dimes fqx the big show. Mexican Liver Pills cure jail liver ills. Price 25c. W. C. Ayers.' nov S0 Mr. Alfred Alexander, of Creswall, was in our town this week. Mrs. Mattie Parker, of near Suffolk, Va., is the guest of her nephew, Mr. P. W. Briqkiey. The new house of Mr. W. L. gherrod, corner Washington and Main streets, is neariug completion. When you come to the circus text Tues day bring us that dollar you owe us, and let's all ifave a good time. A BARGAIN For a good second-hand stove, cheap, call at this office. Looks nico enough for your parlor, and will burn coal or wood. It being election week and there being so much of the Commissioners' proceed ings, on account of the court, it was im possible for us to get the matter in tirae for this issue. We regret to learn that On Wednebday night the residenoe of Mr. E. B. Leary, at Roper, was distroyed by fire, with most of its contents, the inmates barely escaping with their lives. The Rhoda Royal Show that will given exhibition here on Tuesday next is, accord ing to all nfiwqpapet .reports, a first-class show in every particular, and we" bespeak "for it a big patronage. Little Miss Neva Johnston Ausbon en tertained a number of her little friendu on Tuesday evening 111 honor of her eighth anniversary, at the home of her parents, corner Washington and 3rd streets. When you want prompt acting little pills that never gripe u'se D'eWitt's LUtle Early Risers. Plymouth Drug Co, and Roper Store Co. ' There have been some elderly men in our town the past week soliciting pictures to enlarge, and from the wav tbev run down and belittle our people and section of country, they should be kicked out. If you receive a bill from us please giye it our attention, and don't get mad. If we owed you a bill as old, and yon were to ask us for it, you would think us'very foolish if we got nja4 and you would think right.: ' ' We return many thanks to Mrs. jCapX. O. W. Askew for a beautiful basket of choice flowers sent us one day the past week. Mrs. Askew has a choice selection of flowers and shrubs numbering over 150 varieties. She has them Jrom oranges now in bearing, down to the smallest grown. She also has for sale, cut flowers, cuttings, roots, bulbs, etc, and those wishing some thing nice, and that is acclimated, will do wea 10 appiy 10 ner uejore purcuasing else where.. Have you neglected to provide protection for your family and your busiuess, in case ; of death, by not taking insurance on your life ? if so delay no lpuger but call on W. ) Fletcher Ausbon' a4 gt "oie of tha'se' matchless policies he sells for the Union Central. ' ' ' ' ' f We are indebted to the En piss Publish ing Company, of Raleigh, N. C., for a copy j of Turner's N. C. Almanac for l'JOl, an old and valuable publication. A reliable State Almanac Astronomically calculated tor tue I State and which gives all of our State 011r 1 cers and Institutions, all of our courts, a l - r 4 K - 2 -. . . 1 o . . recoiu 01 me nuuuum events ui tn o?uy .Inrintr the cast vcar. death of Drominont and aged citizens, farm and household, apd medical receipts for home use, with much miscellaneous matter, is a need iu every family, and by all business men for refer ; encc during the conning year, apd no' pufc lication i3 so full complete ap4 reliable as the Old standard State Almanac. Bo sure you get one and hang it up by your fire side. The price is only 10 cents. To be bad of merchants and postmasters throughout the State, and Enniss Publishing Co., Raleigh, N. U. This is the time of year that destructive fires are liable to visit the town, have you got your property protected by insurance If not call on W. Fletcher Ausbon and get a policy to-day. All classes of property insured at adequate rates, and only reliable companies represented. 7 CBESWELL ITEMS. Capt. B. F. Spruill left this morning for Edenton, on business. Miss Sadie Eborn is yisiting her sister, Mrs. Dayjd Armstrong, at McKinley. Miss Sallie Norman has returned home after a visit to Norfolk, Va., and Washing ton, N., O. Mr. A. G. Walktr and daughter, Miss Annie Mae, left for Baltimore on Wednes day, the ytti. Mr. Cahoon and family have moved to Creswell and are occupying the residence of Mrs. Desdie Eborn. Mr, Tom Blount, of Roper, was in Cres well on the 3rd with his buggy decorated with (per)Simmons. Miss May Holmes, who has been on an extended visit to her brother, Mr. Willie Holmes, at Middletqw'n, ponn., has return ed home. We were both grieved and fchpeked to hear ot the sudden death of Mrs. William Hathaway, formerly Miss Dora MoCabe, who leftJSaturday for Norfolk in company with her husband and little infant, and was brought back Tuesday for burial. Her infaqt sqn I'ye'd)' pnty half an hour longer than its mother, and was laid to rest in the arms of if? mother, which was both sad and touching io all whp witnessed it. We expend our neartfel? sympathy to the be reaveij family. OHUt l-Mtt-SOi. Xfanv naonld worrv because thev believe they have heart disease. The chances are that their hearts are all right but thu stomachs are unable to digest food. Eodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat and prevents the lormation or gas wnicn manes the stomach Dress aeaint the heart. It will cure every form of indigestion. Plymouth Drug Co., and Roper Store 00. it ' Two Sad Deaths, On Friday evening last Mr. B. M. liateman, a successful farmer and .highly respected citizen,f this coun ty died at his hctrne near this town, of hemorrhagic fever. Mr. Bate man was 47 years of age and leaves a widow, five children, many rela tives and a host of .friends and ad mirers to mourn his death. The remains were interred jn the .family buryipg grpund aeyv.miles from Plymouth, on femulay after noon. Our sympathies jtro extended to the bereaved ones. At four o'qIqcIc on Sunday after noon last the ngel of death vv;i$i ted our town and :bore away the .spirit of Mr. D. L. (Brinkley ; the,ca.u3 of death being hemorrhagic fever, Mr. Brinkley was a young man,1 just 20 years old, apd a brother of our townsman, Mr, (P. W. Brinkley, with whom he ,h,ejd a position as salesman at the tie of his death. Len, as he was generally known, lost both father an 4 mother when quite small, aqd was rajsed by an annt, Mr.s. Mattie Parker, of near Suffolk, Va., with whom he lived until a few years ago, when he re turned to this, his old Jiome. He was a voting man of most es timable qualities, and won his way in,to the hearts of all he came iu con tact with, (wid Jiiis death was .indeed quite a.sjipek to the entire tavirn, he having feen ll only a few days. The remains were interred in the Baptist .church yard, fro'nj thp M, E. chui'cb,, where the funeral servi ces were .conducted by Bev. J. L. Bumley) o(i Tuesday morning. Our deejaast empathies are with the bereaved brot&cr, sister, rejati,ves arid friends. He Fooled The Surgeons. All doctors told Renick Hamilton, West Jefferpon, ,0., after suffering 18 mouths from Rectal Fistula, he would die nnless a costly operation was performed ; but he cured himself with fi.v,o fepxes of Buckle'?" Arnica Salve, the surest Pile cure on Earth, and the best Salve in the World.' 25 cents a box. Sold by Spruill It Bro. 4 The messenger boy ia out of the general run. ' , There is no pleasure in life if yon dread going to the table to eat 'and can't rest at night on account of indigestion. Henry Williams, of Boonyille, Inql , pays he suf fered that way for'years, til) he .commenced the use of Kod.ol Dyspepsia Cure, and adds, 'Now I can ifg anything I and all I want and sleep soundly ev ry night." Ko- doi Dyspepsa Cure will digest what you .cat. l'lymoulh Drug Co , and Roper Store . II . ........ , Woul ypu like fa a paip of $3.50 SIjqp.s that will giye ygu good wcajrp and every pair guaranteed! if so W hj ''KELSON'S" & J, Tf Lewis', eckweare Jjave just opeuetl a pice line of GENT'S TIES. You can buy a beauty for Qc. Something new and up-to-date. "Imperial" is qne of the latest shapes and we haye them in all the latest shades of Blue, Bed and Park polors. Come and examine pur line befqjrg buying Jlioc-5 for Z-iH'fll6 the fpppley" Iootj 4b,s$ KJi4" an4 other famous brands that cost yon only $2.50. The same shoe would cost you $3.00 to 13.50 in lots of places. t-THESE SHOES LOOK WELL WITH THE "RAINY DAY" SKIRT. We have some nice $lits for JLsittl Boys from 4 to 19 yeajs old. Nearly all of these have the Fancy Vest that the little boys sq much appreciate. - When you buy your boy a suit of clothes it don't post any more to suit him than to buy something that he don't like and pay just as much for it as you would to please him. Now when buying come around and look at our suits and be convinced. Don't think because we sell you goods at lew prices that these goods are no gpod, we are satisfied with a filial I Profit, ourg truly, , J. T. LEWIS. GJorious News . Cqmes frRm J!r. .D.JZ. Cargile, of Was hita, I. T. He writes : "Four bottles of Eleotrio Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which bad caused her great suf fering, for years. Terrible sores would break out on her head and face, and the bet, t doctors could give no help.; .but her cure ia complete and oier .bealthjis excellent." .This shows what thousands have proved that Eleotrio Bitters is the beet blood puri fier known. It's the supreme remedy for ec zema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, boils and runninc. sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys j&nd bowels, expels poisons, helps digestion builds up the strength. Only 50 cents. Sold by Spruill ABro. Guaranteed 4 There are,noies on pother Time. He is always on the, fly. You can't afford to risk your life by al. lowing a cough or a cold to develop into pneumonia or consumption. One Minute Qough Cure will cure throat aud lung troubles quicker than any other preparation known. Many doctors use it as a specific for grippe. It is an infallible jreniedyor croup. .Children like it and .mothers en dorse it. Plymouth Drug Co , and Rpper Store Co. J. W. PPRY COMPANY, Cotton Factors. Bagging, Ties and Bags for sale. Correspond with us before buying. Norfolk, Va., Nov. 6, 1900. COTTON; Firm Strict Middling .. .. 91-8 Middling . . ..91-16 Strict Low Middling . 8 7-8 Low Middling . . . 8 $-8 Tinges . . . . 81-2 Blues and Sandy . . 8 1-2 PEANJJTS: Fancy . . . 3 to 3 1-8 Strictly Prime . 2 34- to 2 7-8 Prime . . . 2 1-2 to 2 0-8 Low Grades . . 2 1-8 to 2 3.8 Machine Picked . 2 1-4 to 2 5-8 Spanish . . 80 per bushel. B. E. PEAS f $2,7$ per bag. Peanut Bags, 68 in. 8oz. 8 1-4 Yonrs truly, J. W. Perry Company. WALTER HUGHES, TJe Well-known Painter of the East House Painter, Paper Hanger, Plastercoer, Sign Paiuter, Gold and Silver-Leafer, and a Grainer to the Trade, Have your houses beautified. TOrders promptly attended tp, Walter hughes, aug JW-Jm Mackey's Ferry, N. C. We also have some very nice Largest and Best line of Men's and Boys' Clothing" in Plymouth, at Prices to suit all, Our line of Dress goods, Silks, Ladies' j ackets. wraps, etc., are the handsomest ever shown in town, and our prices are mar velouselly low. Our stock lists lieeii selected witla specisil care from the lest m;uRcts in tlie country, aul we are confident is sec ond to none In point of style All are invited to visit our gtoref wlaetlaer a purchaser or not, we will taike pleasure in showing yon through the line Hijxdies, buy a tailor-made suit; we are now in a position to have them made to your measure cheap er than you can order them. Any style, any color, any price. Others charge extra for suits made to order we do not. You get it made like you want it, for less than the average merchant sells them from stock, Take a glance at our goods before buying. P. W. BBINRLEY, N FALL and WINTER MILLINERY Other shipments of the latest siyles in shapes in hats, are now beiDg received, for Ladies', Misses and Children. Infants' caps and saques. Shirtwaist Goods in all the latest shades of French flannels. DRES3 GOODS DEPARTMENT is full and complete. Iu drers textures, black, colored or novelty, the most beautiful ere ations of foreign and domestic looms are gathered and every taste will find prompt est gratification in the contemplation of the department's manifold attractions. The department of Silks, Satins, Velvets and Trimmings make offerings of nuch un usual merit as to keep the tide of fall trade flowing with eyen greater strength and vol ume than heretofore. The same degree of completeness, vari ety and extent will meet customers which eyer way they may turn. The Hosiery aud Underwear for women and children in their various textures ; also underwear of the cleanest, freshest and daintiest sorts. THE NOTIONS -Handkerchiefs, gloves, perfumes, fans, purses, leather goods, neck fixings, kid gloves, neckwear, etc. COATS and J ACRE l'S-i Fly front Jack ets with storm and coat collars. Coat and bell sleeves, Jackets, Applique-trimmed. Strap scam trimmed, Braid trimmed and Button trimmed. For Ladies, Misses and Children in colors, Brown, Castor, Tan, National, Navy Blue, Grey and Black. Adjustable Yoke Fetticoats, silk finished, Mercerized perfect fitting black Taffeta silks for waists and petticoats. Remember we have in our trimming de partment one of the most artistic ladies that comes from the centre of fashion, and she takes pleasure in assisting customers in selecting hats or bonnets. Come to see us and make yourself wel come, whether you buy or not. MRS. J. F. YEAGER, f9a a raid ii-cai "uHcp :nv : : . , m nil!) in aloriua ul & t 9!P iii ;o JtltfWVj; "suit nxuxxa uoa QmtmU 3 V..".. CALL ON - jr. &jrrj.c: FOR FINE Heavy and Fancy Family Groceries, Fruits, Confectioneries, Canned Goodst Vegetables, &o. I keep constantly on hand a full and well selectod stock of everything in the grocery line needed for family use. Nq shoddy, hop-worn goods; everything fresh and sweet. When you leave home with ap order for groceries, don't fail to call on me ; you get your money's worth of fresh goods every time, and your patronage will be appre cialed. In the rear of my store I have opened a firbt-elass Saloon, where gentlemen can en joy a social glass of the best of Wines o? Liquors, aud get as good a smoke as can be had in the city. Everything Ja kept quiet and orderly, and no lady need hesitate entering the grocery store that would en ter a dry goods store next door to a saloon . Yours to please, oc 11-tf J. L. SAVAGE. AGENTS WANTED -FOR TUE ELECTRIC RAZOR IIONE.-Guar, anteed equal to the best Hone made. Can use water, oil or lather. Will last a life time. Each Hone packed in neat card board case. Every one perfect. Just the thing for private use. Jtrice, 7 5. We want an agent in each township to whom exclusive sale will be given. Write for sample and agent's outfit. Sent by mail. Address, MARSH MFG., CO., No. -512 West Lake St., Chicago, sep 12-6m COMMISSIONER'S SALE. North Cabojlina, Washington County, Superior Court. W. Ct Thompson and Susan ") Lewis, plaintiffs. I vs j Sale of land N. T. Cahoon, William Ca hoon, Geo. E. Robertson and wife. Mary. & Mary W. Cahoon, minors, by j for partition. U. U. jagan, guardian for defendants. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Washington county made in the above entitled action, I will on Monday, Deo. 3rd H00, at 12 o'clock M., sell to the. highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door in Plymouth,' the land described in the petition, vis ; The lands lying and be ing in Washington county, Lee's Mills, township, adjoining the lands of J. T. Mc Allister, the Thos. J. Walker lands and. others, and known as the Nathan Thorn p-. sou land, containing 1QO acres, more on less, and being tha land on which taid, Nathan Thompson Hved and died. This Oct. lOQ. EpfiATt Bateman, Cmrfllis?ioB.?

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