TUB ROANOKE BEACON. Published Xverj Friday. Entered is tbt Pott OSes at rijmoii& U, 0 B Aeona ciM aiuii, We Appeal to every ratter of Tmu Being nrofltabl MUdlnmf Mfe0r pifijaw, f'lvmouth bH "4 public kar &t 1 going oui Plymouth. Report to a. aJJ ua of pew u fly in ana a.pwiarcui irivfiw, wt ulldiaga. new enterprise ana UyaeDt of nKanaAaiin fc n linn initgnit ytWBg and everyfljlng tfesi of interest to oar peepje. goit-WPtlon price, $1.00 per year. A4wMia)Ai)( lnrtd at low ra'wM. OfciUuwy uo Lieut exceeding ton Uu , Sr eerjM aline. Count the words, allowing eight to U Una, d tend money with MS. tor ail i excee f HP ''Tbe editor will not be reipoa Urf for tfe rlw of correspondent. , , All article for publication nwit . MCOBUXnlxl y the full name of tbe wrltar. Correspondent are rejected not to Trite en out D siAe of the paper. Ail communication mut be nt In by Tanrwlay morning; or they will not appear. Address all communication to THE EOANOKE BEACON, Plymouth,, Of Commissioner Proceeding. Tbe Commissioners of Washing ton county met in special session on Monday, Not. 5th 1900, with Ja. A. Chesson, Chairman; Jos, Skit tletharpe and J, M, Beid present, and transacted the following busi ness : Minutes of last meeting road ant) ap proved. Ordered that D. O. Brickie? be allowed to list bis lands in Lees llilli township for the year 1900 to the Sheriff and be released of double tax on same. Orderad that Sampeou BproiUjb re leased of poll tar for the vesr 1100 on ac oount of bodily infirmity, Sealed proposals will be received at to pext meeting of the Board of Oonnty Com' mUonem, on the Jet Monday jn Dm. 90Q for a keeper or overseer of the poor bouse for the ensuing year, and at tha same time will also reoriye proposals for parties to furnish supplies for the poor houef court house and jail for the ensuing year, and bids for furnishing coffins for the poor, and tbe Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Ordered that Jag A. Cbepson be allowed the sum of $33.80 his aapt for 12 days services as Co, QomrnV. and mileage, 198 failna at 5c, sad U months services as act ting warden to the poor at $1 per month. Ordered that Jos Skittlelharpe be allowed the earn of 23 his aoot. for 11 day a serrl ees as Co. Cotnm'r., and 11 months servi ces as aoting sggf. warden to the poor at $ J per month Ordered that J. U. field be allowed the sum of $18 his aoat, for 12 days aeryioes as Co, Comru'r. an4 mileage, 120 miles at 5c Ordered that Jno L. Phelps be allowed the sum of $ 96.S5 his acct. for feeding jail prisoners and turnkeys for tha month of Oct. 1900, and for holding court, &o., fall term 1900 Ordertd that M. U. Alexander be allowed the sum of $35 his aoct. for provisions fur nished to outside poor for the months of March, April, May, June, July, Aag., ept. and Oct. 1900 Ordered that Willis Robertson be al lowed the sum of 47.50 his acct. for 5 days services waiting on grand jury a fall term 9G0at $1,50 per day Ordered that J. P. HiiUard be allowed the" sum of $3.25 his ecgt, for 11 affidavits in ease State ts Railroads, and certificate and seal of Clerk Superior Court, Ordered that Joe Swain be allowed the earn of $8.32 his acpt. for 1 months aerri pes as keeper of the poor bouse and cash paid for brick, iron and cleaning out well Ordered that f. L. W. Csboon, Sheriff Tyrrell county, bs allowed the sum of $1 26 his aoot. for conveying A, Alexander from polumbia to Creswell, and for guard. Ordered that Benj Kurney be allowed the sum of $6 his aoot for coffins furnished for Qo Dixon and Jno Arthur Ordered thst p, W, Windley be allowed the sum of $4-70 bi apct. for nonvsjitig jymai) (Jajlord, Windsor gfpaf and E4 Jtloore from Roper to Plymouth, and two pighU services wilting on jurors at fall term 1900 Superior Court. Ordered that J. F. Sneil be allowed the pum of $10.25 his acot for conveying Jor dan Carter, Joshua Blount and Geo Lea from Cherry to Plymouth and for board and lock-up fees in Creswell Ordered tht UU gnelt be allowed tbe sum of $10 his acct. lor 6 days serriQQi taking tax list in SkinneraviUi tow usbip, June 1900 Ordered that the rjotel Qoanoke be al lowed the sum pf $8,50 acot. for feeding 26 jurors at fall term 1900 Superior Court. Ordered that tbe Roanoke Beacon be (I, lowed the sum of $3 acct. for publishing proceedings of the Board for Oct. 1900 Ordered that J. & CbfMon be allowed the sum of $3.25 his aoct. for feeding 13 jurors 1 meal each at 25c at fall term ISO, Ordered tk&t O, W, Sneil be allowed the pum of $l.2o bis aoot. for pcmmosing bands to work on road sec.no I, Skinneravi lie township Ordered that J. II. Downing be allowed the sum Of $3 Ljs acct. far 1 cef&n fur bished for Jioptuan ' Ordered that C, Z- Aiasley be allowed the sum' of $2 his aoot for 2 days aervioee s Judge of Election in ficuppemong pre cinct, Aug. 1900 - Ordered that H. W.'Batomaa be allowed the sum of $3 bis aoct, for rent of Jj Howell's store for election purposes, Aflg. J90Q .ii.i- i'M. ii Ordered that J. L. HasseU be allowed the sum cf 2 his aoct. for service s JudgS of potoo In Kouppernong precinct, Aug. 4900 Qrdtred tbt 0- R, Dstli U allowed tbe sum of 3 bis eeet, for servioss as poiiee maa at the polls in Scupper no og precinct, Aug. 190Q - - . Ordered that Llew all jn Olviapert be al loyed the mm of $3 fci acot. for smioes as poljoemau at the pqllJ in Scupperaong preoinctr Aflgi J0Q; Ordered that Louis P. Hornthal be al Jowed the sain o( $75 H fcft acct.-jfur eup Uiea furnished to poor house. utArpoor. sourt, bouts asd jau for the aoolci o Aug. Sept, and Oat, 1909 Ordered that tha follow ins namad tin aoM fca ajlowed &s aa't. set oppoaiU tbdr names, as pw statsmoat of W, M. Bsiaaan. iX 8. C fled for fees dna Affl, Utf ana wttnesses ia mate oeaee lar- 0)i.oa4 at fajl teres 1900, Weabiagtoa county W V Batewan, CSC. State va rraak Blount, Henry OilUaaa, and olbcre.... $ 0o W Ward. Solicitor, 8UU ( WU1 Hpfk lor, LTcoan (jjiT'ord. ud ar.Her. ... Jao L Fb.lpe HitS. MUtte ve BUlSfi4ter, Mtephen Ciif tea and other.... .. ........ Geo W fhelM, U H. State va frank Uleotit and WI Whirl. ....... ..,,..,. D S Woodier, J P. State freak Blown.. VarMB haiua. ma. " TjJaiaa QaeJUss w a CMNormaa. " ' gey glUiaa H A Allan U 4 WSpruiU aad others. A J FnrloKh, wit. State v 8tepba Cliftoa awl ofcfrw.,,, W ShernMB. wit. State V J 8 Pkelo ..... " Stephen Clifjon P I Weodley. fa M B W Trkto,, Jno 'WJaclMen.. W B Whltt ; Wm Speller sad ra kanklas C ZMarUn W B Whltt Errant Waters ' i pa. Aiex iMTeaport " Wilson Oliver " Jacob Peveapart vy u btuoo Allen Johnston. P S Chteeoa, wit. State v WU1 Speller and Allen John ton ' P it :heeoB, wit. State v WU1 Speller and Allen Johnaten..,. .... Blebad Hawkins, vlt. State f Bearv Wrest AUWawls, J. . " Lnm Osr. Una, m uoajey 04 tm More Martha Oornuts, wit. Slats r tiee Oodler.. Bettie Uarlln- KvaUoiley ' t - - P W Wlndlev.poMt " " Gee God ley, Lyman Oarlord and Sd Moore John y, wit. State yi Id Xoer n M U Jaearj " " J W Haleey, cotst. H U H i-raddock, wit T W aionnt " Jo Bittereon " 90 C'ytB ACbiWjl. ASpfBllt. wit. ITJaclwon " f It Wbjtehnrt" s ee Lyaiaa Qaylord I n " Jo Kartia.... Lyaiaa Oaylerd Mlzell CAB Gay lord w v coepor M JnoTBowen M M " J W Johniton, couet. Stat V Caas M Kelly and other J P Billiard, J P. State y Cha U Kelly aad saaaaa wwaacf V , Tptl. ....... 31.13 40 M H73 4.80 4.S5 aie a. so 90S ise M I s a IS 5ie 3.00 4 3S 4.W t40 I. CO 10 S.S0 a ts S9 s S4S s.eo S.M I.JS i.so S.S3 3.5 1.M) 1.45 4.se s.oe S.00 s.ee a.o B.OO S.10 4.15 4.40 SO 139.S7 '"Yieldiko to the persuasion of my dea. ler, X changed chill tonics and tried Rob- BRTs', and found it the bent aver naed.n W. H. Oorprew, JamesriUe. Jf , Q to the Robert Prug Co,, Suffolk, Fan Aug. 14, im. Vim 950, Set the kind with a red cross on label, W. 0. Ayera. pov SO The British Parliamant ha eaa. vened on account of the necessity of mon ey for the war. De Witt's Witch nazal Salve will quickly heal the worst barns and scalds and not tarp a scar. It can be applied to cuta and raw anrfaocs with prompt and soothing ef fect. Use It for piles ud akin diseases. $r wars of wortnlca counterfeits. Plrmouth Drug Go. , and Bopar Store Co Tbe wlseet man mixes a f sw e rains of roily wun ft is wisdom, Pi Witt's LJttle Farly Riser ar the best liver pills ever made. Easy to take and never gripe. Plymouth Drag Co., and Ro per Store Co The deaf mate in the man who wants a little hear below. When you feel that life is hardly worth the candle take a doee of Chamberlain's fctomwh and Liver Tablets. They will cleanse your stomach, tone up your liver and regulate your bowels making yon feel like a new man. For sale by Plymouth Prug Qo,, and Roper Store Co. Tbe low-cut ball dress is open to eriti cism. If yon bava ever seen a child ia tbe ag ony of croup yon can realise how grateful mothers are for One Minute Cough Core which (fives relief aa soon as it i adminl- tered It quiekly oures oougbc, colds and al throst 'and )ing tronbjee, Plymouth iirag wo., and Roper store u. The dlznity of many a man overshadows bis position. "I have need Chamberlain's Colie, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy and Spy it to be a great medicine, " says Mr. E, B, Pbippe, q Poteau, Ark, It cared me of bloody flux. I cannot apeak too highly of it." This remedy always wine the good opinion, if not praise, of those who nee it. Tbe quick cares which it effects even in the most severe ossse make it a favorite everywhere. For sale by Plymouth Drag Co., and Ro per Store Co. Conceited men and etgars art always puffed np, To remove a troublesome cere or bunion: First aoak the corn or ban too in warm wa ter to soften it. then pare it dawn as closely as possible without drawing blood and ap ply Chamberlain's Fain Bain twice daily ; mobing vigorously for tve minatee at eaoa application. A eorn plaster should be worn for a few days, to protect it from the shoo. As a general liniment for sprains, bruise. Lameness and rheumatism, Fain Balm is nneoualed. For sale by Plymouth Prug Co. ana tvper more wo. Poor ooffee should n't famish grounds tor dJvBFBS, A Vuxaob Blacxaxxtk Savbd Bis X4T- Ttt Box's Lurx. Ur. H. H. Black, the well known village blacksmith a QrahaznsvlUe. galliven Co., N. Y., says : "Our little son, five years old, baa always been subject to croup, and so bad have the attacks been that we have feared many times that he would die. We have had tbe doctor and ned many medi cines, bat Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is sow our sole reuanoe. It seems to dissolve the tough rattens and by giving freanent doses wbsn the croppy symptoms appear we nave foaua tost tne areeoea croup i oared before it gets settled " There i no danger in giving tbie remedy for it ooctaine no opiam or other iajuiaas drug and may be given as confidently to a babe as to an adult, for tale by Plymouth Df!2 Co , and Roper Btors Co, Tx Pssr PanscMPTioH ran Cffiua end Fever is a bottle of Qbovs'sIastklxm Ouua Tokio. It is simply iron and quinine 19 A las telega lorm. Ho cure no pay Plioe, fjOc, mar 1-ly Borne policemen sever calls a prisoner wunout a rew caas. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets enre biltousneea, constipation and headache. They are easy to take and pleasant in ef fect. For sale by Ply month Drug Co., and Roper Store Co. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, Having qualified ae administrator of W. A. Alexander, deoeaaad,' this is to notify all persona having claim against the estate of the ei4 deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 29th day of October 1901, or this notioa will be plead in br of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make lia. mediatw payment. This Oct. 29, 1900. AUSM) AlJIXAirCBB, Administrator. ONE AND ALL GO TO O. 1?. AYKRS At the old comer stand of 0. O, Brinkley, For jour Heavy and Fancj Groceries, Fruits and Confectioneries. lie keeps constantly on hand a full line of Meats, Lard, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Butter, Cheese, fresh Corned Mullets, and all fresh Family Groceries kept in a well equipped grocery store. Do not hang a man without a trial. Call and make the trial, and we hope tha sentence will be tor the better. Planing Mill Department. IV. B .YEAGER, IS HEADQUARTERS FOR MUSICAL GOODS, the only honse in town where you will find all kinds of musical instru ments from a Jew's harp up to the very latest, the Columbia Zither which any child can play, and the Columbia Graphophone which makes speeches, sings songs and plays baud pieces. K.ecoras ana taiKing niacin nes in stock and for sale. I have also added a Gold and Sil ver plating department for plating Watches, Jewelry and bilrervvare. REPAIRING of all kind done on Short NOTICE, and satisfaction guaranteed. P u German Siding. Bevel Siding. Piano Siding. . Partitioivork And EvervtMnir elso'lJVSDenSia LUF8 l- a. i n a. i i s Kepi in a ursL-ciaca IW I jrianing mill. ; Satisfaction piaran-! teed as to quality, and1 price as low as consist A. Al.. Al. I Give us a trial. Plymouth mum CO. s3T-3m Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strentrthsnlnff and recon structing tbe exhausted digestive or gans, it is tne latest aiscovereaaigest ant and tonic, No other preparation can approach It In efficiency. It In stantly relieves and permanently cures DyspepsI. Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. Sick Headache, Gastralgla,Crampsao4 all other results of Imperfect digestion. Price see. and H. LarreslaeeontalnaSK times eaaallaia. Book all about dy pepu maiiedrree prayer ky g. C DeKlTT A CO, Colewfl. Plymouth Drug Co., and Roper Store Co 13,000 Wortli of JB'uiriiltiire, to be Sold jVt Oostj witliin 50 Tay&. I am going to leave Plymouth and U save the trouble aiid expense of moving my stock, I shall sell at cost everything consisting of fine and oboap Furni ture, Trunks. Baby carriages, Bugs, Druggets, Table covers, Portieer curtains, Lace curtains. Pictures, Easels, Cook stoves, Heaters, Wheeler & Wilson Sew ing Machines, and everything that is kept in a first class Furniture Store,' Below we mention a few prices : ped Room Suits worth $C5 for 39. " 40 27. ' " 25 15. " $18forlL50 Wardrobes worth $18 for $12. Side Boards 30 for 118.50 tt t 28 for 18.00 Hall Racks " 18 for 11.50 .8 for 5 00 Booking Chairs worth $10 for $6.50 ,8 for 5.00 t t .5 for 3.00 tt 11 il.50 " 75c Bed Steads from $1,25 to $6.00. Chairs, per set from $2.50 to $8.00. Couches and Lounges at half price. Felt Matterass worth $12.50 for $9. " " $7. for $4.75. Combination Bookcases $20 for $15. 18 for 14. Parlor Cabinets worth $15. for $11. Lace Curtains worth $8. for $3.75. " $4.50 for $2.75. " " " $1.00 for 60c. Protier Curtains worth $5 for $3.50. " 1 nn 1 - Trunks and Cook Stoves lower than you have ever known them. I also have a beautiful line of Pictures from 50c. to $6.00 which will be sold at ly half price Just the thing to give your wife, daughter, sister or . . m rt a n A TOTAfeVfcirty in tMAVwiiAn near sweetheart far a Christmas Present. Everything sold in proportion. Bemember I have the laTgest and most up-to date line of furniture ever shown in this county, so come at once before it is all picked over. You may never have such a chance again to furnish your home at such small cost as now. I also have an Iron Safe as good as new, Herring patent Champion 1300 lbs, cost new 80. will gell for $40. no better made. I will leave Plymouth the first of January 1901 and will have to have all my business settled before leaving so all who owe ine will please come forward between now and the 1st of Jan., and settle, by so doing will save me lota of trouble and will be highly appreciated. Thanking my customers for their liberal patronage I beg to remain Yours very truly, Moft f Flyisioi3t!i, Me . Our f o oi jfieiss niiii aiiti Winter Suits & Over-coats ra4w is now at its best, better, 'l,f? ' i stronger, more original than oltiAw J l- - ever before and at prices and give as good value. Mens good Tailored wool suits 86.00 Mens very stylish suits at 07.50. Mens Fine suits $10,00 Mens Fne worst- ed suits at gl2.50 Mens High Grade suns at U10.UU, In these prices we show all that is best and in ciosciy woven worsteds, cashmeres, engllsh cheviots. The msides m uTrii..i.H ai a v jjitis oi iiiese garments are constructed on the same plan as High Class Merch ants Tailoring. These suits plainly show that every safe guard necessary to stylo, durability and perfect fit has been enforced. sarv J tT Vk II exclusive These garments were" made special for us by the makers of the famous YitaIs" Brand Clothing Co., and that means better Tailoring and more orlginaity than you will find in any other make. Our Dress Goods Stock is the largest and best selected lines that can be found in a town of this size, we have everything in the new cloths and colorings and at prices to suit all. Our Stock of Oloaks & Wraps is the largest and cheapest in town and if you are in need of a wrap it will pay you to visit Hornthal'a before buying as you will gave lots by doing this. Our Hat Stock is full and complete with all the new shades and shapes and we can fit head and at prices from 25c. to f 3,50. any Our Shoe Sto c we can say with a clear concience is the best that can be found in Plymouth and at prices to beat them all. Our ladies $1.00 shoe is the best in town. Don't take our word, come and see for yourself. Yours t please.

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