J' Mtok roanoke beacon. PUftWSKED EVE.RV FRIDAY ; C. Sr.. aJJSBQNJ Edito. N.C Foti4T. FEBRUir 8. 1901. TO THE DEAF. 4 rich U4y, -eared of her Detfne&g aod Poises iq tbe Head by Dr. Nicholson's Ar tsaoul Ear Drums, gave 10.000 (o his In jstituU, mo that deaf people unaqU to procure rtae JCar Brums may have them free. Ad- 4nu NaAU6-, Tbe Nicholson Institute, 710, ElgbSt Avenue, New York. U. S. A. NORFOLK & SOUTHERN &4i. ROAD (COMPAN Y,. IK EFFECT DEC. 1ST, 1899. TRAIN .SfVC. me Edenton JUuIy iCee&at BuntUy) il 45 p. ai. j&mae ciixaoetn uy aauy (..ex cept ouuoayj....,,, , ......... 2 4. p.m. Arrive moiioik uaiiy fexiqpi ouu- day) 4 25p.m. v xtaentoa xues., Tnuts., ana oai 830 a.m. Leave Elizabeth City Tues., Than , aod Sat Q.a. AO. inlri Norfolk Tues., Tburi and Set llM a, jm. 8eWTHBOUMD : Xstave Norfolk daily ' Sunday) jatrive Elii. City daily Sunday)..,..,. Arrive Edes&m daily Banday)... 12 40 p. m. sleeve ifideoton auy (except 6eday) , .......... 12 45 p. m. Andre Bethaven daily ; (except -pway).. .. S 20 p. u lave Norfolk lves., Xbors., end bat 4 10 p.m. Arrive E. City Tues., ThuTs., 4 Sat... .... p. u. Arrive Edenton Tues,, Tburs , aid Hat. 4 65 p. m. Trains atop at all intermediate ste&ktm. (except WWtm. (except 11 40 a. m. (except STEAMBOAT SERVICE. Steamers leave EJentou daily (ex.. $.. 46$) 12 45 it. m. for JPlymoutb, Jaiuetmlle, ftAiliiauiHoa and Windsor Leave Edenton Tuesaay, TLurwlay and Saturday 12 43 p. m. for Chowau River f endings ; aud fkkUy fur Scupperuoug Xlir, fitwners leave Elizabeth Qjtfy for Uo ftok island. Oriental and Newberue, Tuesday Thursday aod Saturday C(K) p. m ect Witt A. & N. C. K. K. end W. Jt wTfct." U. far Goldsboro and Wlhning M. e. For aicuppetaong River Monday and tVedneaday 13$K) noon, and for Pasquotank giver landings Friday 1230 p. m. Bteamers lewre Btihaven daily (ex. Sim Jay) for Washington, m. C, aud Tuesday, ffharsday and Saturday for Aurora, South Alreek, Makley ville, Ac. Far further information apply to J.J. . gtessell. Agent, Plymouth ox to 4Ue Geu- ik, Va. 14. K. KINO. H. C. HCO((SCB, Oeu'l Vaxtager. Gen'l Ftt it. BEACON FLASHES. Sheriff Jackaou tuade Creitwell thU wuek. a .brief trip t Au old bachelor aayg a marriage oertlfl oaie i a aooaa-paper. Jlr. W It. 8herrod. of Hamilton, has uaea aown tma saotioa tbis week. Some men never do ithines bv halvae They out to get ft tooth Ailed and coots Dae it run ail over. Mr. J. W. Bryan, formerly of tail pUee Dui now or ureeaville, was among 4ir visitors mi wees. Attorney A. U. Qaylord baa been la at tendance upon toe Duprome CourA. at JUeleigb, this week. . The Commisaioaeri of Beaufort coentv Aieve again refuted to grant lioeuse to retail Mfiuoesiin tn town of ifath. He. W. A. Blount, of tha firm of Bloaat Jiro., has told his interest to feu bMUir and partner, Mr. It. A. Blount. Mr. Levi Blount is havine An artesian well bored on his lot at Hotel lioaooke. and ir a success will greatly enbanee tbat prop- erij. Mrs. Nancy Beaaley, recently of Ply ar oma, out now or JLuoUs iaiaud, was bare ror a few days tbis week, the guest of a&xt w. il. otuDOe. Dr. 8. Uasaell has is6ed up the bnUdiiuz recently occupied oy Mr. JSdmund AUx anJer as iaw omce, eyhere he will have hie oftee, and will got in a full lint of Mr. B. J. Manning, of WUungton. Tie- (d uum bit old bouie, tbis weexu tie was ecJ pan ied by bis children, aod was the iVMl of bis sister, Mrs Ueo. W. iiardiaon. 4Md Ao Me yeu, Bob. i&cr. J. B. Askew, of the Vireinia eoek lerence, lias been bere tome days TisitiAff his father. Cant. C W. Askew- lie filled the pulpit at tbe M. E. Church last riunday moruiug and delivered au excellent sermon. Mr. N. B. Teaser requests us to announce to his friends aud patrons that, since the jure lie nas opened op In tbe ttrtokley cuuiaiag, corner waenington ana Water Atfjeets, where be will be pleased to hare 4AaU0nAiei. Ut. IL Peal asks us to tell the pubJjfi that he bs j.(it received a large lot ol fjrt. las eart wtoteia. which be is offerieg t rry wasogaatiUi prices, lie also has a uiea 14 of faiwiU. second-baud buggies that be is teUiAg t a ixtuiarkably low figure. Mr. H. B. fiedberry, a popular youua druggist of Fayette ville, N. C, who lies beeu employed for some time by the Ply mouth Drutt Jo has Durcbased an interest iu aa:d cjMpju, and the drug store will hereafter fee jyu4uct d under tne firm name of U H, ibedberry V Co. Mr. tied berry hs made Auwiwolt very popular here. has m4o many 1'riends, aud we bespeak i&viiwaauch success. 1 ADJfl'l'JJATOU'S NOTICE. ilatiur ii&d as nduunitrator of W, A AUssAder, 4&Mtaa4ed, tbU is to notify 11 persutM Uxg Mmn against tbe eatute .of the & Uueas U bilit them to tif uadersuMMd en r ix&m the 29th day of lOetouer dl, or tl& uerfiee will be plead 4a bar ea their recovery, Acl oerttous in 4lebted 4o said estate will pleae make im mediate pajmect 'this-tJki. UM. . AJUWIKD ALBXANDSfit, - Administrator. "Tibe moetst fun For Cke ieestest uitwi." Send ten ecaui fr oar Ear-flplittinf, Ilair-Kaising Whihtle "THE DEYILIXE" And onr Catalogue of up-to-date Nove'tite. At oaee. THE O. and D. NOVELTY CO., lio 902, aibsoffville, N. C, AGKNTS WANTED rOUTIIK EL22CTUIO UAZOlt HONE.-Gur- ntt quat to tbe best Hoee made. Xton ae water, oil or lather. Will last a Ue dime. Each Houe packed in neat card" (hoard cane. Effery one perfect. Just th Khing for private nse. Frfce, 70c. We want an eeut in each township to whom exciaawe sale will be given. Write Cor eaaapte and agent's outfit. Sent bf WiU. i Address, TV MARSH MFG., CO., No. 542 West Lake St., Chicagau ' sep lt-em Notice Is hereby given that The Bank of Ply ' saouth, through its representativee, will . Apply to the next eosning General Assembly of H Carolina, in meet in Raleigh on the tint Wednesday After the first Monday in Jaoaary 1901, for the enactment of a pri vate lew, to wit: An act, entitled: An Act to Incorporate The Bank of Plymouth, M . O, Not. lth, 1900. W. T. Old, President. t Cla6bhcb Latham, Cashier, AKOTUEU WORD TO THE LADIES. jtpiwm iUvon.t Bsacox, PlymoutU, Wuliingtoa fy - W 4rWl fire wr 'till a tew Indies In . J"lfiaih ami vicinity lui 4U not Uke dvantate 0t oar ret offer to egut ailverplated agar hell atMoiattly frva of ebarge to any mr rid Udy w bi would dimply ack fcr it, o e will rcw tba " offer tor a hon time ojijy. We e!t hel.' recularly at forty cent emib. Retxl jelert sk flfly to Mveaty-AT cents fortuch eoda. They iwe esquUitely beautiful creatiotu lu aigh-grade vtlver plate. T furtber aivertie nur wmv we will ead one. pcitpll, to every married lady who ha not received one. This snuonoee. wani bould be eat out and returned ta with yosr rtuet. (Thi ii impartant). Aim pleane m fioip r two tn ht i psy cost of miiiinr. iL'4KNt Vai.Lst Mro. CO., U urgan snd Harrison 5s Cbieago. octlfl-lyreow Littton Female College continues to raf:a more application for teachers foOAM Among it former pupils aud gradu ates than it can accept. At tbis time every former pupil of tue institution, no far as Can be ascertained, who desires to teach is at work. A teacher la desired immediately for a good country school. Auy youiiif lady wishing this place may write at once to liev. 4 . 11. KtiodeS. LdtUetOU N. C. We are day late this week owing to the act that fire caAUKt near' leaving us without houc to lire lu tin 'I uesday, aud we have Just right euiteJe lime haviug repairs made. Tbe fire caugbt uuder the roof of tbe cook room, mud bui fur ixs timely discovery and fitompt ajun of out neigbburs, the entire ikOttse jMidMtuts .would have been lost, a tbe wind was blowing quite hard. We return juauy (banks to all those who so readily aided to .extinguishing the flames. Mr. O, B. Lrggett. our hustling jeweler, has moved lfiu Brinkley's corner to the front oi' Hr. W. it. White's store, where he is uiodt &Ud up. He has a nice liue of ieureiry, watches, clocks, Ac., aud his re uair denartmeul is unexcelled in this town. Mr Leggett is ens of Plymouth's most de. scircxH popular young busiues men, and bis aees m the jewelry business proves tbat he baa won tbe eonndeuce of our ea tire people. Tbe neatness and durability of bis work is attested by the fact that he receives work from all parts of the State even from ' cities west of Kaieigh. If you have work te bo done in tbis line you will make no mistake if you bring or send it to O. It. Leggett, tbe bustling jeweler, Ply mouth, N. V. Be IjQjsA. We. notice number joI editorials in other Pinora on tha line freauent ly written About in the fioio. we re fer to th impoativt doty of the re&kleutaf Aataiaiujr ta be loyal to thai eoraaunitj; Wie believe that all d aer seoDle. not anlv in this city, hat xa this sectie. .eiisut to do &rtrjtbmg possible to naaiaUin bui- loese ju&m oerpnte ot ttxit city and Aeetioa. The people exiould always buy from ur merchainia rather than eead acrar for what they ean get here and thereby help ta sustain aod owuiua. some other eitj. It is uq- true co say mat our wxteU&nU can not and do not sell as .cheaply as any other. Jt is admitted that our merehaoiA eJi just as eood articles at loarex priees than anywhere else. and .as ' a nisaber of our merchants hare gone into the wholesale trade. our country merchants can rest as sured that they' can buy here At wholesale cheaper and quicker at less cost of freightage than away from here. Our country merchants are more interested in building up and keeping up a good home jnarkvt hece (or their products than any where else. Hence they enould ea courage our wholesale ntercoants. bo we cay to all. stand by and jetaud up for this locality and it will bring you good returas. Uurham ban. Like bad dollars, all counterfeits ef De Witt's Witch Hatel Salve are worthless, The original quickly care pile, sores aud ail ikw Aiseese. Plymouth Drug Co., and Roper tore Go. 4 potatiag kisses you don't ased acy tmt geaecu clrcoiaUon tus editiou is limited It sfoesn't Always pay for a giri to hare too CBAsy suicgs te her beau. Reports show a greatly inoreased death rate ffism throat and lung troubles, due to tbe pceratenee of croup, pneumonia eed grippe, we advise tbe use or Uue Kibum though Case in all of these difficulties. H is CUe oaly feermless remedy tbat eives ua- rnediete result. Children like it. Plymouth Drstg uo ana Koper Store Co " Pessoas who can not take ordinary pills find it a pleasure to take De Witt's IdtUe Early Bison. They are the beat little liver pills ever made. Plymouth. lirugCo., and Uoper Store Co REFLECTIONS OF LOR. A BACHE- The divorce system is love's bankrupt court. Every man is bilious when he is a pessi mist, and every wouaa is a pessimist when he is biliois The women will now all strike for dree- ees, because they don't want to Wear tbe styles ot the last centnry. Diogenes probably preferred to live in a tub because there wasn't enough room in it for him and any of his wife's relation. The pen is mightier than the sword. A man who couldn t make a woman marry him by skinning her alive ean do it by writing her a dozen fool love letters. Ex. For the weakness and prostration follow ing grippe there is nothing so prompt and effective as One Minute Cough' Cure. This preparation is highly endorsed as an un fail'.ug remedy for all throat and luug troubes aod its early use prevents con sumption. It was made to cure quiokly. Plymouth Drug Co., and Roper Store Co A BRIGHT, IIONEST BOY WANTED, The publishers of t&e famous bitt illos tratel weakly newspaper. Pbhh8tx.vaxia Gwr, are now plaeiag representatives at every post office in North Carolina, and they desire to secure the service of capable QAsUing agents in eacb of tbe following towns or w asningtou oouuty : CBESWELL, MACKEY FERBY, and in such other towns as are not already supplied. Tbe work is profitable and pleas ant. A portion of Saturday only is re quired. Oyer 5,000 aganu are doing splen didly. No money whatever is required Everything is furnished free. Stationery, rubber stamp, ink aud pad, advertising matter, sample copies, etc. Papers are (hipped to be paid for at tbe end of each month. Those not sold are not charged tor. Write to Grit Publishing Co,, Williams- pert, Fa And mention this paper. 4t J. W. PEKRY COMPANY, Cotton Factoes. Bagging, Tien and Bags for sale. Correspond with ns before buying. Norfolk, Va., Feb. C, 1001. COTTON: Quiet Strict Middling Middling . Strict Low Middling Low Middling . Tinges . Blues and Sandy . PEANUTS : B'aney . . Strictly Prime Prime Low Grades . Machine Picked Spanish . B. E. PEAS , Peanut Bugs, 68 in. 8oz. Yours truly, J. W. Perry Company. 91-2 9 3-8 91-4 . 9 9 1-4 8 to 9 Dnll 2 7-8 2 5-8 to 2 3-4 . 2 1-8 to 2 1-4 11-2 to 1 3-4 to 2 1-4 Si 1-2 per bushel. 3.25 per bag. 81-2 nmcm aim ucay iiiic ui Men's and Boys1 Clothing ; in Plymouth, at ii " Prices to suit all The Appetite of a Goat ts envied by ait poor dyspeptics whose gtomaeir and Liver are out ot order. Ail ach ehould know that Dr. King's new life Pills, the wonderful Stomach and Liver Remedy, nives a splendid appetite. sound digestion and a regular bodily habit tbat insures perfect health and great energy Only 25c at Spruill A Bro's. 4 A Law Tbat is Wanted. There is a growing demand for a lav that will niake people pay their debts. Some people are becoming so near sighted that they cannot see the diifereuce between a man who can nav his debts and will not and an ordinary thief. Ex. He Fooled The Surgeons. Ul doctors told Benick Hamilton, oi West Jefferson, O., after suffering IS months from ltectal Fistula, he would d nnless costly operation was performed t but he cured himself with five boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the surest Pile cure on .Earth, and tue nest oaive in tue World. 25 esnts a box. Sold by Bpruill Jt Bn. The ribbon of the stock ticker might be appropriately termed "read tape.' Millions of people are familiar with De- Witt's little Early Bisers aud those who use them find them to be famous Iittlw liver pills, never gripe. Plymouth Drug Co., and Boper Store Co. Have you neglected to provide protection for your family aud your bssinera, in case of death, by not taking iusarance ou your life ? if so delay no logger but cad on W. Fletcher Aubon aod git one of those matchless policies he sells for the Union Ceutral. MAIdF Til WOIL Has sung the praises of a good woman ; all the world admires a beautiful sroman. Even Napoleon, the great conqueror, realized this. It was he who said : "I conquer provinces, But Josephine wins hearts." Yet much of Josephine's beauty was due to her taste in dress. Now woman's chief beauty is in her figure. It has been the study of artists ; the sculptor has idolized it. Your figure is what you make it. Much depends on the Corset. Health is the first consideration but not the only consideration. Health without beauty is embar rassing. Beauty without health is like salad without seasoning. But you may have both. Corset Style and Corset Comfort are within, your reach. It's a4 matter of wise selection. In order to show you that what we say is true, we have placed in our corset department a line of tho celebrated Armorside and F. P. 404 & F. P. 576 Corsets. We do not want you to wear an uncomfortable corset. But we want you to test these Corsets. It's to your interest to do so. These are the finest fitting, easiest, most stylish corsets made. They are made to fit the form. They do it comfortably. Yet they give the figure that graceful pronounced contour, without undue tight lacing, which is the delight of the feminine heart. They are more than stylish and comfortable. They are dura ble. They are stylish when you first wear them. They retain that style until discarded. Wow liere'ri yoiir Opportunity To show you our faith in these corsets we are extremely anx ious to have you eall at our store. Pick out your number; take it home ; scrutinize it; wear it; test it; for two long weeks. If you do not find it the most satisfactory corset you have ever worn, bring it back and we'll refund the purchase prico. We want you to try -these corsets. Wit Our line of Dress goods, Silks, Ladies' jackets, wraps, etc., are the handsomest ever shown in town, and our prices are mar- velouselly low. Our stock lias been selected witli special care from tiie best markets in the country. and we are confident is see ond to none in point of style and beauty. All are invited to visit our store, wlietlier a purchaser or not. we will talke pleasure in showing you through the line. Lixlief3, buy a tailor-made suit; we are now in a position to hare them made to your measure cheap er than you can order them. Any style, any color, any price. Others charge extra for suits made to order we do not. You iret it made like you want it. for less than the average merchant sells them from stock, Take a glance at our goods before buying. P. W. BRINKIBiir. IV. B .YEAGER, IS HEADQUARTERS FOR MUSICAL GOODS, the only house in town where you will hnd ail kin da of musical instru ments from a Jew's harp up to the very latest, the Columbia Zither which any child can play, and the Columbia Graphophone which makes peeches, sings songs and plays band pieces. Records and talking machi nes in stock and for sale. I have also added a Gold and Sil ver plating department for plating Watches, Jewelry and buverware. REPAIRING of all kind done on Short NOTICE, and satisfaction guaranteed. One Word as to Price. We are modest about naming the trice. It's so low we're afraid vou might think we are offering a cheap corset. We are not. We are offering a high grade cowet cheap. You would expect to pay 75c. more than we usk for such a corset. Assuring you of most considerate treatment, we are Yours very sincerely, D. T. LEWIS. With the coming of Winter get out your last teeson suits, coats, pants and dresses and have them renovated and CLEANED OR DYED and thus save tbe price of a new garment Those soiled clothes can be made to look as good as new by the old reliable . . CLEANER and DYER SAMUEL WIGGINS, on Main Street, who cleans, dyes, renovates and presses at moderate prices. I also do all kinds of UPHOLSTERING and can make'your old furniture look just as good as new at small cost. All work guaranteed and your patronage respectfully solicited, CALL ON FOR FINE Heavy and Fancy Family Groceries, Fruits, Confectioneries, Canned Goods,1 Vegetables, &a. 1 keep constantly on band a full and well selected stock of everything in the grocery line needed for family use. No shoddy, shop-worn goods ; everything fresh and sweet. When you leave home with an order for groceries, don't fail to call on me ; you get your money's worth of fresh goods every time, and your patronage will be appre ciated. In the rear of my store I have opened a flrst-class Saloon, where gentlemen can en joy a social glase or the best of Wines or Liquors, aud get as good a smoke as can be had in the city. .Everything is kept quiet and orderly, and no lady need hesitate entering tbe grocery store that would en ter a dry goods store next door to a saloon. Yours to please. ocll-tf J. L. SAVAGE. mr21-Gm Saml Wiggins. Lr A (Oj H Dyspepsia Curo Dkrests what you at. It Artificially digests the food and aldi 2fatur In strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It it the latest dlscovereddifest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It in efficiency. H in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, GastrtJ;!a,Crampsan4 all other results of imperfect digestion, Frteloa,aitdSt. LargstNeontaJaaSHH4aa enallsls BoofeaUaboBtiyspepstaaMiiMfre. srere IffcC CriTT CO. Cblaeia Plymouth Dru Co., and Iiuper Store Co WALTEEHTJGBES, The Well-known Painter ofthe East Bouse Painter, Paper Ranger, Plaatercoer, Biga Painter, Gold and Milver-Leafer, abd a Grainer to the Trade. Have your houses beautified. Orders promptly attended to. WALTER nUGHES, aug 30-6m Mackey's Ferry, N. C. Planing Mill Department. Gorman Biding. Bevel Siding. Plane Siding. Partition Work. Ceiling Honlding, And iTerything else kept in a first-class Planing Hill. Satisfaction fnaran teed, as to quality, and price a$ 1ot7 as consil ient therewith- Hire ns a trial

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