V . . ROANOKE. BK A CON. Filiated Every Friday. Enured in tl) PottOffioe at Ply aoulh N, Q. a ft?;oad cJj 5ttx, W Appeal to every reader of Tui Roakoks JJiACOK, to aid in mating It aa acceptable and frofltabjo medium of news to our citizen. Let 1 month people and .public .uowwnatis going oh iu PlyinouMj. Import to u all item of pew the arrival ajyj diaryjr of friends, Boclal 6vent, deaths, eorious iliuess, aecltUmi., new jmlldings, new enterprises and improvement? of whatever chiocter, changes in business indeed anything and evryh'tug that vyoujd be or iaterst jo o.w peool. Subscription prujp, $1.00 per yea?. Advertisement i everted at low r'te. Obituary uoiicef exceeding ton lin .-, five cents aline. Counjt th vordf, allowing eight to Uie line, nd send money with MS. tor all iu exceva of tu lAKrta. 1 The editor wiJJ not be responsible for .the views fit correpondt8- All articles .for piiWie&t-lon must be acconiu'&ovid tj the fall uga $i we writer. Correspondent are requested not to writ? on but pne side .of the paper. All con&XRpnicationg mus,t be sent U by Thursday porning oxj,bey will not appear. Addreiaa ail ommnnicatiojoe&o THE ROANORE BEACON, Piyjaou&, N. C. This Legislature lias solved the public school question and lias kept the promise mde by Democratic campaigners hit year that four mouths public schools would be pro vided iu every district in North Carolina. It has increased the reg ular school tax from 18 1-3 cents to 20 cents on the hundred dollars vaL jjation of property. It has made an extra appropriation of $100,000 a ear to le divided, per capita, among the school children of rorth Caroli na, and another $100,000 to be di vided only among the weak districts. J2very district which receives less than 1100 from the regular school ta$ and the extra $100,000 divided on a per capita basis, will receive torn the second $100,000 enough UeJp to make the full amount $100. Calculating the pay of the teacher at $25 a month, this will give a four months school to each district. As pearly all the schools in the towns villget $100 or more without draw ing fioin this last fund, it will be distributed entirely in the country districts aud will be sufficient to bring all schools up to Ihe four pionths mark. This is a good idea. A.n it is so simple and practicable that we are surprised that it was not thought of before. Wo congratu late Mr. Smith, Representative of Gates, whose plan it is. The coun try teacher and country children "pan now calculate on having a four nionthVterm of school every winter. It prove a blessing to the State. There is now no reason why any boy or girl should reach tiie age of 2L without being able to read and write. -Newton Enterprise. A Life And Death Fight. Mr, W. A. Hines of Manchester, la., writin? of his almost miraculous escape from death, says : "Exposure after measles induced Serious lung trouble, which ended in UonaUniptjon. I bad frequent hemor rhages aud coughed night and dy. All my doctors said I most soon die. Then I began to use Dr. King's New Discovery for Cou jsumption, which completely cured me. 1 would not be without it even if it cost $5.00 8 bottle. Hundreds have used it on my recoujmeudation and all say it never fails to pare Throat, Chest and Lang troubles." Regular size 50c and $t.O0. Trial bottles free at Spruill & Bio's 4 ALUMNAE HISTORY PRIZE. To Former Students of the State Kobal and Industrial College. The Alumnae Association of the State, .formal and Industrial College offers a prize of $'io for the best his torical paper written by a former student of the college upon the fol lowing conditions : 1. The student must have spent at least one year at the college, g. The paper must treat of some phase of Jtforth Carolina history. 3. The manuscript mnst be type written, must contain not more than 2,000 words, and must be sent to Miss Mary Tinnjn, Greensboro, N IJ., April 25, lt0. 4. Each writer must use a nom de plume, her real name being given in p separate sealad envelope which limy be enclosed with the paper. Competent judges will award the prize . after a careful consideration pf the originality, research, and lit erary merit shown by each paper. 4 Qooo Cough Medicine for Cuildubh. have po hejitaacy in recommending Cbamberlui' CoHEu Remedy," say a F. P. Moran, ft well Known and popular bker, pf Petersburg, Ya. ''We bavj given it to our children when troubled . with bad roughs, also whooping cough, aud it has always given perfect satisfaction. It was recommended to me by a drjgsist as the best coascb medicine for children as it cou Jaiued po opium or other harmful drug.'1 pold by Plymouth Drug Co , aud Koper fctore Co. - , Woman ii a conundrum that man never fCtHJI t? giY up, TRINITY COLLEGE NOTES. Prof Shajkr Matthews, Dean of Chicago CUiversity, delivered a lecture iu the college Cbaj ol, M-mday evening, on "The Curis tiau Scholar in an Age of Trausitiou," Arrangements have been made for a se ries of lectures to be delivered in West Durham on Thursday evening of each week. The first of the series was delivered, this week Jby Preside u liilgo. The extension of the limits of the City of Durham takes in only a portion of ihe col lege campus. Only a small part of the attdetic field is iusidd the incorporation The municipality of "'Trinity Park" will not be continued. The Junior class Jiaa elected the Archive stafl for next year as follows : Editor in Chief. ij- li. Dwier, of Winston, N. C. Hanger, 13. S. Ym borough, of Locust Hill, N. C. The Archive is under the super vision of the beuior class, aud the newly elected staff will take charge of the maga zine at the begiuniug of next college yeur. The catalogue which wiil be out in a few days will show thst there has been a marked growth iu library additions. A great many boots have been purchased, aud there have abo been several uiglily appreciated dona tion of books, during this week Dr. It. A. Moore of Durham, has donated 105 bound volumes, and 835 pamphlets. Mr. John Kirkland. of Durham, presented 8 volumes, and Mr. J. C. Thomas, of New York Citv, 7 bond volumes of the New York Chris tian Advocate, and 18 valuable pamphlets. All these donations are very valuable, and generosity of tbe donors is very highly ap preciated. Mrs. C. E. VauDc-usen, of Rilbourn, Wis., was afflicted with stomach trouble aud con stipation, for a long time. She sajs: "1 have tried mny preparations but none have done me the good that Chamberlain's JStomach and Liver Tablets have." These t ablets are for sale at Plymouth Drug Co., and lioper Store Co's stores. Price 25 cents. Sajpleu free. . JURY LIST. The following named persons have been drawn to serve'as jurors at the spring term of the Superior Court, comtticenirig on the 4th Monday in.Apri) : PLYMOUTH TOWNSHIP. Louis F. Bowen, Jos E. Roiil, V. C. Weed, J. H. Hamilton, Uicero Kelly, C E. lioborlson , Danitl Uarrutt, Geo W. Ilarilison, W. It. White, E. A. Carter, Jorduu llopkii.s and D. (J. Darden. LEES MILLS TOWNSHIP. W. T. Chesson, M. Thomas Clies.on, J. It. Kcs seiiirer, Wurrt-n V. Spruill.fr. L.;T:irkt!iion. J. E. Siugletoii, Alfred Oliver, ;.Jos Ainbley, W. F. Gray aiid N. T. llerru'ifcton. SCUPPERNONG TOWNSHIP. Henry W. Plielps. n. M. Spruill, C. J. Spear, Eli 1. Spfuill. II. Walter l l-.el, Jerome li. Phelps, David Furloiijjli and Carney J. Spruill. SKINN ERSVILLE TOWNSHIP. Frank W. Tarkenton, Joslm I tica. Richard Elliott, II. 11. Patrick, J, U. Lticas-audKli Saell. An Hojsest Medicine fou La Gkippe. George W. Waiit, of South Gardiner, Me, says : T have had the worst cough, cold, chills and grip aud have taken lots of trash' of no account but profit to the vendor. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the only thing that has done any good whatever. I have used oue bottle i f it and the chills, cold and grip have all left me I congratu late the manufacturers of au honest medi cine." For sale by Plymouth Drug Co., and Roper Store Co. MISS MARY'S EYES. Miss Mary say she constant , Miss Mary say she true But, oh, dem eyes Lak Apsrl fckies, Dey can't look straight at you ! De sunshine dar a-playin', En all de sbidders, too ; Cut oh, dem eyes Dey xles so wise . Dey won't look straight at you! She got so uiauy lover She dunno what terdo ! Dat why dem eyes So tantalize En can't look straight at you I F. L. Stanton. Have you neglected to provide protection for your family and your busiuess, in cane of death, by not taking insurance on your life? if so delay no longer but caH on W. Fletcher Ausbou and get one of those matchless policies he sells for the Union Central. FREE BLOOD AND SKIN CURE. An Offer pkovisg Faith. Ulcers, Eating Sores, Cancer, Scrofula, Itching Skin, Scabs and Scales of Eczema, Aches and Pains in bones, back or joints, Syphilitic Blood Poison. Rotten Gums and Chronic Rheumatism, and all obstinate, deep-seated Blood troubles, are quickly cured by taking a few largo bottles of Bot anic Blood lialm. We challenge the world for a case of Blood Disease that Botanic Blood Balm wiil not cure. The cures are permanent and not a patching np. Is your Blood Thin ? Skin Pale ? All Run Down As Tired in the morning as when you wen to bed V Pimples? Roils? Swolleu Glands or Joints? Catarrh? Putrid Breath ? Erup tions? Sarea in Mouth or Throat ? If so, your Blood is Bad. Blood Balm will make the Blood Pure and Rich, Heal every Bore, Stops the Aches and Pains, Builds up the broken down body, and invigorate the old and weak. Butunic Blood Balm, the only perfect Blood Puriner mad. Sold at Drug Stores. $1.00 per btrgo bottle, including completa directions To prove our laltli iu Blood Balm a trial bottle given away to suffcrei-9. For frtje trial bottle, address Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Don't hesi tate, but write at once describing trouble, and fiee personal medical advice given. Biood Bairn (B.B.B.) Cures when all else fails. Thoroughly tested for .'JO years. Over ;S,M0 voluntary testimonials of enres by using B. B. li. Sold by Plymouth Drug Co, je8-ly This is the time of year that destructive fires are liable ti visit the town, have you got your propei ty protected by insurance? it not call on W. Fletcher Ausbcn and get a policy to-day. All classes of property insured at adequate rates, ppd only reliable Compauiea represented, SNA I' SHOTS. Lovd is the dcb; food to appease tbe Lunger of the heart. That carpt liter is all right who cau carry his spirit level. Many a rascal wears the scar received t public opiDion'j bar. 4 The sweet-meets of lifa two lovers fold fid iu each other's arms. , It is shrewdly surmised that the rich man Dives was a jdumber. It is easier to lift a barrel of flour than it is to raise a ilfree mouths' note. It isn't every bridge builder who wante to be tried by a jury of his piers. Tbe marriage license and the two cent stamp on a check aie alike both are war measures. Hanua entered npon his seoond term as president on the -1th, and it made all uature weep. Bachtlor quarters are ouly wcrth 25 ceots. Milkmen are addicted to white lies. A horse may be driven, but pencils are usually lead. The theatre hat evil is like all other troubles there's a woman at the bottom of it. Beauty is as beauty does, but justice is just as it is. Rkmakkable Cukes of Rueu.ma.tism. From the Vindicator, Rutherfordtmi, N, C. Tbe editor of the Vindicator has bad oc cahion to test the cJSeacy of Chamberlain's Pain Balm twice with the most remarkable results in each case. First, wixb rheuma tism in the shoulder from which he suffered excruciating pain for ten days, whlcli was relieved with two applications of Pain Balm, rubbing the parts Rfflicted and reali zing instant benefit aud enliiefrelief in a very short time. Second, iu rheumatism in thigh joint, almost prostrating him with severe pain, which was relieved by two applications, rubbing with the liniment on retiring at night, and gettiug up free from pain. For sale by Plymouth Drug Co.. and Koper Store Co. A CHANCE FOR A HUSTLER. There is an opportunity tor oue of our young tnen or young womeu to make money with THE UNIQUE MONTHLY, Depew Building, New York. This Month ly, which was formerly Tbe PenuyMaga zine, has now become the staudard half dime magazine of the world. It wants oue agent in this viciuity and will give exclu sive ttrritory to the right person. Besides paying big commissions to its representa tive, it seuds a present worth more than the price of Thb Unique Monthly to every subscriber that is secured by the representative Better address at once The Unique Monthly, Depew Building, New iork. FIEE The Western Poultry News Subscribe aud pay ope year in advance, or pay up your back subscription and oue year in advance, and we will seud you THE WESTERN POULTRY NEW, publisbtd at Lincoln, Neb , ONE YEAR r REE. Call iu or addiess THK ROANOKE BEACON, Plymouth, N. C. WALTER HUGHES, The Well-known Painter ofthe East House Fainter, Paper Hanger, Plastercoer, Sign Paiuter, Gold and Silver-Leafer, and a Grainer to the.Trade. Have your houses beautified. EiTOrders promptly attended to. V ALTER HUGHES, aug iJO-fiui Macke-y's Ferry, N. O, The Chinese Washing Tablets. for washing clothes of every;description. They are to all appearance a piece of wax, having neither smell, tas c or strength, yet they will positively remove every particle of dirt, grease, spots, etc., that can be removed, from the eoanscst, heaviest, and most soiled garments, down to Ihe finest and most delicate fabric, and leave the clothes absolutely clean without any rubbing or injury to the clothes or colors. Any child 12 years old can do the washing in from 10 to JIG minutes, and at a cost of from 1 to Ie. per head for each in family. 'Price JOc. each, postpaid. Send orders direct to Uus ofliec. GRAND Jpiiii(" Opening OF - MILLINERY GOODS Next Tuesday mid Wednes day, March 2G, and. 27. AT Mrs LE. Padgett's. All my iriends are cordially in vited to visit my store on Tuesday and Wednesday next and iuspect my line of Millinery Goods. Since the lire ;ny room is small, but I have us complete a line of Spring effects iu Millinery Goods as can be found in the county- and as cheap. Call and sec for yourself. Y'ours truly, MRS. L, E. PADGETT. You' Eat To Live, And to live jrood you want the best you can get for your money, TO DO THIS GO TO jr. ju. a. v e who always has on hand a large aud well assorted line of fresh Groceries, such as Meat, Meal, Floor, Sugar. Coffee, Molasses, Syrup, Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, Canned Goods, &c, AC. Also constantly receiving'fresh shipments of the finest Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Vegetables and Confectioneries. ( Make no mistake, but go to J. L. Sav age's if you want your table supplied with the best. His saloon In the rear has just been re modeled, making it the most neat and mod ern in the town. This department is always supplied with tbe most choice wines and liqjors to be bad. Polite and attentive salesmen stand ready to serve you. Thanking the public ror past patronage and soliciting a continuance, 1 am, Yours to please, marl-tf J. L. SAVAGE. J. W. PGR BY COM PA IVY, Cottox Factors. Bagging, Ties and Bags for sale. Correspond with us before buying. Norfolk, Va., March 12, 1901. COTTON : Weak Strict Middling . . 81-4 Middling ... . 85-8 Strict Low Middling . 8 1-S Low Middling . , .8 1-4 linges . ... 81-4 Blues and Sandy . 7 to 8 PEANUTS : Dull Fiuicy . . . . 2 7-8 Strictly Prime . 2 5-S to 2 J-4 Prime . . . 2 1-8 to 2 1-4 Low Grades . . 1 1-2 to 2 Machine Picked . 13-4 to 2 1-4 Spanish . . 77 1-2 per bushel. B. E. PEAS . 3.25 per bag. Peanut Bags, 08 in. 8oz. 8 12 Yours truly, J. W. PerryCompany. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ELECTRIC RAZOll IIONE.-Gu'ar-anteed equal to the best Hnno made. Can use water, oil or lather. Will last a life time. Each Hone packed in neat card board case. Every one perfect. Just the thing for private nse. Price, 75c. We want an agent in each township to whom exclusive sale will be given. Write for sample and agent's outfit. Sent by mail. Address, MARSH MFG., CO.. No. 542 West Lake St., Chicago. atp 12-Giu NoitTH Carolina, Washington County, In the Superior Court. Annie Orman, 1 V8 Order of Publication. Williim Orman. ) It app"aring fmm the afflitavit of S. B. Spruill in this action that Wm Crman. Ihe defendant therein is not to be found in Washington county, and cannot after rtne diligence te found ia the State, ar.d it farther aypearing that laid action is for divorce. It is fheirfoie ordered that notice of this Hction be published once a week for hx we ks in Thk Hoakokb Beacon, a n wspa per published in Washington county, setting foith the title of the action, the purpose of the came and requiring the defendant to appear Rt the next tcvm of the Supe rior Court of Washington connty, to be held on the 4th Monday in April, l'JQl. at the Court House in said county and ant-wer or demur to the coin plaint of the plaintiS or the relief therein deman ded will be granted . This 5tti day of March 1901. W. Al, BA'I'EM AN, C. 8. C. Washington County. North Carolina, Washington County. In the Superior Court. B H. Pool ) vs Order of Publication. Elizabeth Pool, It appearina from the affidavit of S.-B. Spruill in thin action : That hlizabcth Pool, the defendant iherein iu not to be found in Washington county, and cannot, lifter din diligence be found in the Stn:e. and it further appearing that said action is for divorce, U is therefore ordered that . notice of this actiou be publL-hed 01 co a week for six w-ek-in Tub Hoanoku Bkacoh, a newspaper published in Washington county, setting forth the title of the action l lie purpose of tho suine, and requiring the defendant to appear at the next term of the Superior fiuirl of ns inglon county to he held on the 4tli Monday of April 1901. at the t'onrt llnso in said county, and answer or tletnnr to Ihe com plaint of the p'laintiff, or the relief therein deman ded will be granted. Thi 18th day of March l'Jol. W. M. BAT EM AN, C. S. 5 . Washington county. LADIEW, HAVE YOC SEEN, Or heard of Solid Cuevee Silver Tsblewcar f This, is the new metal that is mpidly superseding ster ling silver for spoons, knives, forks and ether tabkwear. It is exactly Ihe came inotal through and throiik'U, has no plating to wear otf, looks just like sterling silver, is lutrder and will wear longer. It cost about one-sixth as ninch. It is not for sale in stores, kut every lady In thl? viciiiiry can i.btuin a set of thcec Solid Cuevee Silver Tea(;rii), warranted to wear for twenty-flvt years, without pa) iug a cen Write for this free otfer at once, before it is withdrawn. QdakkR Vaixc lire., Co , Sloraan and Huriison Sis., Chicaeo. P S. Cut this nonce out aud return it with your requent. Tui i iropovUuL Our Mr. Owens has been too week to our advertisement. Look out for it next We have and are going to sell them. Yours respectfully, busy this write up week. the goods V V P i