THE ROANOKE BEACON. Publisbod Every Friday . Cuterea la the PmiOmee at Plymouth C, aa reload oitsa waiter. We appeal to every reader of Th Roanoks BiaoOn, to aid us in making It an acceptable and oroQtabl medium of news to our citizen. Let IVlvtooutb. people aud the public know wnat is 'coin on iu Plymouth, -itepott to ua all item of Mwathe arrival and departure of f riends, aoclal JMiU, deaths, aoriouj lime, accidents, new .-'buUdiiit, nww enterprise and improvement of 'anything aod qverytiilug that would be of interest tio oar iMopie. i hubscriullou price, $1.00 per year. ' Adrertisemeu ta i user te -,t low -rt . Obituary notice exceeding ten liu. five ceuta line, count (lie words, allowing eigut 1.0 toe one, ud send oiouey with MS, for all iu .excess or teu llnea. . I The editor will not be responsible for' the views ti All Article)! for publication must be accomuanled 'by the full name of file writer. , ' Comtqpondcnti are requested not' to write on but vuw iiuo yi vug paper. 11 communications must be sent in by Thursday morning or they will not appear. I- Address alt communications to . . -. THE KOANOKE BEACON, Plymouth, N; C. Let's take the suggestion of Mr. Thos. 'W.' Bldurit, (to be found in another1 column) as a cull to all pat 'rotis of the public schools, and meet . 'at our respective-school-houses -at -2 :oclock, p." hi., on Saturday July dth, 'and" "talk over the questions of a .'County Superintendent of Public 'Instruction, district and township fcorrimittees etc!,' a'riit hoiniriato del 'egates to' "appear before the County 'Board1 of Education ou the' follow ing' Monday. " '"' 1 Tlie pafrcas of the public schcols shouM Hak'e!f this 'matter in Ir'andut once,! and see 'that patrons' of said 'schools' :are appointed as committee nien, arid no man should be allowed 'to serve who has any reasons qt employiug 'a' teacher 'other than for "tlie best-' interest of the pupils. As Mr. Blount says, "Above all, men Mho :have: no' private iq to grind." Story of a Slave. To be b'oacd'hand and loot for years by tba c Lai da .I.idiseaii ia the worRt form of .slavery. , George D. Wyliarus, of Manches ter, Mich.,, telle how such. a. slave was-joade Jfree. - Lie Mays : .'My wife has been eo help fless for five years that she could not turn iover in bed alone. After using two bottes tof Eeotric Bitters, she is wonderfully im .proved and abe to do her own work." iThis supreme remedy for female diseases quickly cures nervousness, sleeplessness, ouekiflchojy, headache, backache, '-Stinting and i diizy spells. This miracle working medicine i a godsend . to. weak, sickly, run down, people. Every bottle guaranteed. (Only 50 cents. Sold .by fcpruill & Bro. G . Ed. Beacon :r have had considerable apprehension that the delay on the part' of the State Printers carMng the Auditor to fail tO' make an earlier distribution of the new pension act wonld result in the loss of ptnsions to some of our Confederate vete rans in this county. --.- i 1 This ' would be a misfortune which I fchould regret beyond expression and write this to ask you to give' publication to the fact that all who desire pensions from the fetate for services rendered the Confederacy are required to be present or be reprebeu ted before the Board of Advisers on the 1st 'Monday in July. I was requested by Mr. Blount, on ac count of my locatibu atthe Court House, o give thi matter 'earlier attention,' and but for isy : absence from-' borne, would Lave inadei publication 'in: youriaet Isste. iWe both feel that on account of the fact that the change was ma e by the last ses toicn wc oogbt to interest ourselves in bring ing it to the notice of all the members vf that brave; - heroic army in this county, iu whose intireit the act was passed. It1-will be seen that' the allowance is largely increased,-and' it is much to be hoped that the deserving ones iu this county will find substantial aid. Thev deserve it. Let none be denied who can prove worthy from tneir Wounds. They are as much -heroes to-day M when the ndds of the W.lderness were Btrewn with the dead soldiers of Houker, andv the Valley oi tho Slienaudoah was covered with the lifeless troopers of Milroy, when the -'Rappahannock ran red with Yankee blood; drawn by balls and sabres uonibering five to tv.'p in favor qf JJtuubidd', when historic Fre3rick8burg' sang peaus t roin llarie's bloody heighta'overthe graves Of bixty thousand Yaukoes that fell before numbers of one to two in their favor. But I didn't start out to recur ia ruebe davs, only to make a publication 'uf a simple but important fact. - l" i I earnestly hope every citizen who reads THB BeacoH this week will try to get news of tie"requirement to every Coufedemle pensioner1 in the county before Monday, or their pension? may be lost. i i Yours truly, II. S. Wahd. P. S. The act applies a'so to those pen ilooed by apecial act ;' ' Mr. W.8. Whedon, Cashier of the Pirst National Back of VVinterset, Iowa, iu a re cent letter '.gives some experience with a carpenter lit ' his employ, that will be of ralue to other meohauica. He says : I had a carpenter working foi3 who was obliged to top work for several daymen account of t eing tronled with diorrheftk ' 1 niiutioned t; biu.thiitil.ha4 been eimilarly troubled s u.I that Ch4mberla?n's Colic Cholera atd iiirrboea Remedy hod cured ma He bought u bottle of t frintf the druggist;hore and in ' r - ed nii! that'one dohe cured him, and he ' -, e Viu at bis work." For ae by PJym x)rU'T Co., Koper Store Oo. f A TIMELY LETTER. KoPSIt. N. 0., June 21, 1901. To The EmToii : ' Will you allow me space in your valuable paper to Call attention to a few important facts that do not receive the publicity they are entitled id!1 ' . . First, The act of the Oeaeral Assembly ratified March 2ud, iy01, provides, "Thet. all persons entitled ' to pensions under this ect, whether drawiug pensions heretofore or not, shall- appear, before the County Board of r'Lnsiou.i' ou ot before the first 'Monday iu July, nineteen hundred and One, for examination and classification." 'duch as are unable to attend shall present a cer tificate iYoni a creditable physician." Sol diers and sailors, or the widows of either, when married prior to Aril 1st, ISOo, who do not apply en this last day can't get re lief bo matter how meritorious their claims. Go at once to the Clerk of the Superior Court, and make out your papers, an J have them ready when the board meets.' Persons- drafting a pension from auother State, or from the United States, are not included in thia act. v ' r- Second, On the second Monday in July, 1901, the County Board of Education wih elect a County buperiuteudant of Public Itrstrrctiouy a Committee for every school 'district iu thecounty, decida whether or not there shall be a separate co.nmittee for each district, or only one com in it tee lor; each township. ' The oftieo cf County Superinteudaat of Public Instruction 1s rhp-'most injportaut one in the county, aud rectivesuo attention by any one save a few candidates. We want the best, the ablest educator iu the county in this position. A- rfr.iu whose whole soul is in the advancement, aud the Upbuilding of our pubiio schools. We want for committeemeu, persons who have tho iuUresl cf the children of their respective communities at heart; . Men yho' will give a little oS thttfr time to seeing that the du ties of their yfilce are properly discharged. Such 'as providing ; comfortable school- houses, suitable seats, btoves, and fuel, and,' last but by no means least, that an abun dant supply of wholesome drinking water is provided. Above all tneu who no private axe to etiiid. '; ' ' v ' '' 'Now in order that definite action may be taken 1 would suggest that the patrons of tho public schools in this county meet al their respecdVe public school-houses on -"Saturday, July G.h, at 3 o'c'ock, for the purpose of 'iKMmuaiicg it district conimiitce, J a County Superiutcudu'tit' of Pybiic lu-H stiuctiou, take a vote ou the question of whether they deeira district, or township committees, and elect their delegates to represent them before the county board ou the fuiloTing Monday. ' 1 I ani sure the gentlemen composing the County Board will bo glad to have your advice and assistance in these important matters,-for then they run no risk of ma king a mistake. Let the people of our gcod old county start uow with the determination of makiug the next two years record breakers iu tho matter of improvement iu public schools. Let better managed schools, better touch ers, better schools, and longer terms, with a FULL ATTENDANT, bo the watch words for the next years and our educational interest will go forward with a bound. 'J jiomas W. Blount, It Saved 1 1 is Leg. P. A. Duiiforth, of LaGraugo, Qa., suf ferud intensely for six months . with . a frightful runuiug sore on his leg, but wrjtes that Buckleu's Arnica ialve wholly cured it iu ten days. For Ulcers, Wounds, Burns, Boils, Paiu or Piles it's the best salve in. tha-9ard. C tiros guaranteed- Only 2:er. Sold' by Spruill &'Bro. . .(j NOTICE TO PENSION E US. In accordance with rri; acj; of the last Genorl Assembly, all' pe'ioous" now on the Confederate pension list, either iioldiers-, or wjdows of soldiers, will be required to make new application before the County Board of Pt'usions at the Court House in Plymouth, on liist Monday iu July, 11)01. AH such as are unable to attend in peion shall send a certificate from a creditable physician, living and practicing medicine, in the community in whicli skid applicant shall reside, that the applicant is unable to attend. County Boakd of Pensions. A Good Cooaii Medicine. It spuks well for Charr.berlkin's Cough Reiuetiy When druggists itsc it in their own families in preference to any other. "'Ihave Rold Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for the past live jears with complete satisfaction to myself and customers," sayg Druggist J. Goldsmith, Van Etten,.N. -'I huve al ways used it iu my. Own family both for or dinary. coughs .and colds and for the cough lyilowiug tin g.ippe. and find it very tifiea c'fous." For feily Ly Plymouth Drug Co., Iioptr Store Co. ': . ' f '. -he eats tut one Kjuare meal a day, 'i he summer girl astute, That she may stow herself away In hist year's bathiug suit.- ; 'I ixe Easr PaEBCCliTIN FOit CirjLi-9 and Fever -is a bottle of GftovE'k Tasteless Chiltv TOino. It is simjjl'y iron and quinine iri'-avtAstefess form. No cure no pay. Price, 60c, ' . mar 1-ly In this country about 12.CC0 persons are engaged iu making iamJ-ehioi'aey6r' ' The bilious, tired, nervous ' rjau cannot successfully compete with his healthy rlVal. DeVViu's LitUo Early Riser3 Ifc'e famous pills for constipation will remove-the cause of your troubles. Plymouth lrag Co., Roper Store Co. .', ,. -., :' Columbus, Ga., Aug. 24, 1872. Dr. C J. Moffett Dear Doctor "we gave your TEETH IN A (Teethiug Powders) to our little grandchild with the happiest results. The effects were -almost inagkat aud certainly more satisfactory than any-' thiuR we ever used. Yours very truly, JOSEPH S. KEY, v Pastor of St. Paul Church. (Now Bishop Southern Methodist Church ) "You seem to be iu paiu," 1 "sadly cried. " ''1 ain't. The pain's in iner" j The youth replied. Dyspeptics cannot be long lived because to live requires nourishment; Food is not- nourishing uutu it is digested. A disordered stomach cautiot-digest fjod, it must have, assistance. IIouol Dyspepsia Cure digests aU' kinds oT food 'without aid from the stomach, allowing it to rest aud regain its natural functions. Its elements are exactly, thd'same as the natural digestive fluids ami it simply can't help but do you good. Ply-, mouth Drug Co., .iloper Store Co. - It takes a woman a long time to make her hair look as though she had done it up In a couple of minutes. 1 "A few mouths ago, food which I ale for breakfast would not remain on my stomnch for half an hour. I used one bottle of your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and cun now eat my breakfast and other -meate with a relish and my food 1r thoroughly digested. Nothing equals Kodol Dyspepsia Cure lor stomach troubles1' 11. S. Pitts, Arlington, Tex. Ko dof" Dyspepsia Cure digests whut you eut. Plymouth Drug Co , Rnper Store Co. Ileayen is good to that man who has married a sensible womab. "The Doctors told me my cough va3 incu rable One Minute Cough Cure made me a well man " Morris Silver, North' Stratford, N. H. Because yow'vo not fouud relief from a stubborn cough, don't One Minute Cough Cure ban cured '.honsands and it will -cure you. ' Safe' and' s.ut;3. I'ly nicuXJ pntg Co., Roper Store'Cc ' The reason some people get sick is be cause they won't let well enough plono. This is the time of year that destructive fires are liable to visit the town, have you got your property protected by- insurance ? Jj not call cu W. Fleteu'er-Ausben uud get a polioy to'dtty; AH---'claused of property insareu at' adequate' rates, and ouly'icliablo CtiHipiinies' reiVresent'id." '' ' Some pecu;le ate so clumsy thoy can't drop a remark without bier.king Uit i'rvord. CulJ at Brr.g Co. or Roper Store1 Go's, is'lorts and gi'.t a frre saivp'le of Chamberlain's Stomach ami Liver Tablets. They are an elegant pliyi,c.' They also im prove the appetite, strengi lieu' the digestion and regulate the liver and bowels. They are easy to take and pleasant in t fleet. Couples who get ivor.ced and marry again need rC-pKii-iug. : You may as well expect to run a steam engine without water as to find an active energetic man with a torpid liver and you may know that his liver ia torpid when he does not relish his food, or feels dull aud languid after eating, often has headache and soir.-fci mcs dizziness. A few closes 'bl Chaiuberlaiu's Stomach and Liver T&bUts will restore his liver to its normal functions, renew his vitality, improve his digestion and make him ftfl like a new man. Price, l'o cents. Samples tree at Plymouth Dmg Co., and Roper Store Co's. storrs. , Yon can t tell from a man's clothes how much he owes his tailor, THE HOME GOLD CUKE. An Ingenious '.treatment by which Drunkards are "Being Cured ' Daily 'iii' Spite ot Themselves. No Noxious Doses. No Weakening of '"'the Nervt-s. A i'ieasant and Pos itive Cure for the Liquor ' Habit. ":i 1 . i It is now generally known aud under stood that Diuukeuness is a disease and not weakness- A : body filled with poison, and nerves completely shattered by period ical or constant use of intoxicating liquors, requires uti antidote capable of neutralizing and eradicating this poison, and destroying the craving fop intoxicant.: Snfferero may Uow euro themselves at home Vfihout pub licity or lows of time from business by this wonderful "HOME GOLD CURL" which has been peifected aijer mauy years of close' study and treatment of inebriates. The faithful Uie 4cc6rding to directions of this wonderful discovery is positively guar anteed to cure the most obstinate" case, no matter bow hard a drinker. Our records show the marvelous transformation of thou sands of Drunkards into sober, industrious and upright aU'u. ' . ; Wly-Jib CUitK YOUR HUSBANDS!! C 1 1 ILDK EN CU R E Y'OUR AT II E US I ! This remedy is iu no souse a nostrum but is a specific for this disease only, aucl is so skillfully- clerised and prej arc-d that 'it it 1 borough ly'- soluble and pleasant to the taste, so that it can be given in a cup of tea or coifea without the knowledge of the person- taking ft. 'Thousands of Drunkards have cured themselves-with this priceless remedy, and as many :in3i'e have been cured aud nuido temperate inen by having ihe 'CURE" administered 'by loving friends and relatives wilhont their knowledge in coti'ee or tea, uud believe today that they discontinued drinking of their own 'free will; -DO NCI-WAIT. Do not bs deluded by' ftnd'inisleadiug "iuiprovcment. Drive out the disease at onee "nd for ail lime, 'ihe "HOME COLD CUKE" is sold at the extremely low price of One Dollar, thus placing within rt-acb of everybody a treatment more elfccmal than other's cost ing $2.") o $")(!.' Full direciions accompany each package. Special advice by skilled physicians when requested without extra charge, ieut prepaid to any part of the world' on -"receipt of One Foliar. Address Dcpt 0471 EDWIN B GILES & COM PAN i, 2330 and 2332 Maiket Street, Phil adelphia. Ail correspondence ttrictly confidential np !G-1 - ; - ' Danger, disease and death follow neglect of the bowels. Use DeA itt's Little Early Risers in regulate them 'and you will add ears to your life and life to your years. Jasy to take, never gripe;' Plymouth Drug Co., Roper Siora Co. " Getting into debt is like Cutting into a rolliug chair. One Is pushed1 .'or money.. Mr. James Brown of Putsmouth. Va. over 90 years of aga suffered for 'yeaS-'n with a bad sore on his foce. Physician cbuld not help him. DoWitt's WiUh llael'" Salve cured hitu permanently. Plymbnth" Drug Co., Koper Store Co, .. If it were not for the minister the divorce lawyer would be out of a job. I. ' 1 Thy never hang a man in this country fof 'killing i time" -'-it would keep the offi cers too tusy. 1 ' A surgical operation is noinecessary to cure plies; DeWitt'a Witctt vllazel Salve saves all that expense and ueyVr fails. Be ware of counterfeits. Plymouth Drug Co., Roper Store Co. '- A WosiJerft:! Cflcr to Women. Yv'o havo irceivcJ word ot a nost remark. jibla offor wliich is to bo m.ido to women by "The Delineator, of New York. Taking tho fact that next year begins a new century, The Delineator offers to distri bute $l7,f.00 among 1901 women.- Tho plaa '.s so cleverly arranged that a woman living ia a Bmall town or village, h.-i3 just as good a chance to win ono of theso 1901 prizes as a .woman living in a city hecausa tho prizes aro given lor tho num'.-cr ot iubscriptions Bocurcd in n town in proportion to tho popu lation of that town, instead of 'being give Bimuly to thoso who t:ond tho largest list cubseribcrs which, of course, aro most o "obtained in big cities. Another clover for of tho plan is, that iill the cities and towi the Utiitod IStatci and Canada have been ranged iu seven chases. Tho cities of th greatest 'population aro grouped in Class 1 and us thoe cities aro not very many, th prizes- offered aro twenty-eight; tho high est prizS being $500, and tho lowest $5.00. 'The total amount of prizes given away in this class is $1,000. lho remaining pmallcr towns and villages fall into six other classes, and as .the number of towns in a class increases, be cause, of course, thero aro- more small townt than largo ones, tho amount of prizes given away to a class increase?, so that in Class 7. thero will bo $1,000 distributed among C0 winners. Furthermore, to everyone who fails to win ono of tho 1901 prizes thero will bo paid ah 'extra commission on subscriptions,' provided they equal ono out of every two hundred in 'habitants of tho town from whieii tho con tostant sends them, - "i This i& aUogcther a very liberal offer, and pno which tho famous old Delineator is well able to mako good. From our point of view, wo do not sco why such an offer needs to bo toado by tho Publishers of The Delineator, for Hvo behove it already has nearly half a million 'aubscribers. Its strong hold upon tho afleo tions of American women has con. 6' in lllo past generation, from its practical advice about dress details and homo matters.- yon Want It! Send un on e oI!a r for a yeftr's eiiWriiitunvor send iu oiii 4pJ Jr Tor oiiu-Lew, subc-rlber, or pay tip wtint ;yoil owe lis aud one- dollar for another ivrar, topeiher with a good'yoiirfrlf wife, lmhy, sweetheart or friend, ami we will give you, I lim, oik? of these nice B HOOCH I'INS. Willi the liUcntss, hand paiuled, upon it. This U something nice, cervieeablu and of daily need to every Jady mid pirl hi the land. Von couldn't make.rour sweetheart or lady friend a more appropriate t?irt. Solid gold Traces may be had by pnymK the dillerence. ' - Order to-day ; this offer can't last Ion". NOTICE. Noliro pursuant to law Is hereby piven that ap plication will ho ma;lo lo Ihe Hoard of County Com fliiMoneM !i,;.g.ia-iit to tlie midersipiied license to retail lipifituoas'.-ind matt liquors fornix mouths biiiiniiiK .Tilly 1st next, on West side WaelJo-'loii street, in tlie town of l'lviuouth. V Slay 21, 1'.Ot. . L. S. LANDJXO. N'O'l'ICE. Notice puvpuant to law is hereby given that lip plication will be made to the UoarJ of County.Coai iiHKhiouei-8 to grai t t the undersigned llegnse to elajl ,-Kpiriuioun and; malt liquors for f ix months, beginning .J.;,l v lt Jioj f, on South side of '.Vater treet, :fn'the:it)vn of.l'niouth. :: May VI, 1001 J. L. SAVAGE. NOTIoE. Notice piirfaant. to raw is hereby given that ap plieation will be made to the Board of County Com missioners lo grant, to the uudertiinied license to retail spirituous and malt liquors for six months, iK'tMriniiii; July 1st next, on public load leadin" from Plymouth to Creswell, in Skmuereville towif tdnp, alK)ii;t t miles from Cieswell v May S8,.11H1. . .W. E. OVKItTOty. NOTICE. Notice pursuant to Jaw is hereby given that ap plication will be made to. the Board of Comity Com. missionvrv to grant to the undersigned lice'use to retail spiritiioim and malt liquors for six months b.' July ut next, in i.ees Miils lownsjiip ou public road leading from I'ly month to Cohnu bia. about mile West of AlackeyV Ferry. ;: (CiMay ill, 1S01. . FitlLKV CilkSSON. NOTICE. Notice piirMiant to law is hereby given that ap plication will be made to the Board of County C-oo- mitfxioitcrw to grant to the undersigned license loJ retail pintiious and limit Lqiic.:! S(t six months, beginning July 1st next, ow vScftub fide Water street, in the town of Plymouth. May 21. 1901. L. B. BOW EX. NOTICE. Notice pursuant to law I? hereby given that ap plication will be made -to-the lioard of Couoiy CommiHriouera tu grant to ihe unde.rsignea license ti. retail spirit nous acd malt llquora for six months licgini:ing July 1st next, iu Lec Mills township, about a miles South of Koper, on tho N. & 8. H. K. .May n, I'M.. , L. J. PEACOCK. MOTICE. Notice pnrsaant to law is hereby given that ap plication will he made to the Board of County Com-piier.-oiR-rs to grant to the undersigned licensn t !0tal1 spnitucus and malt liquors for six month", beginning July 1st next, on the road to New Land, in Scnpnentoiiii tov.uship. about 1 mile from t'res-i -'Cl!.. May-2, l'JOl. U t). SWAIN. It jgss 3- oprniff Head in. AiilnoiJTifietneil-t.. jtera . T limited number of subscriptions for Edition. We are enabled to offer ten numbers of THE H0NJHLY WORLD MAGAZINE AND THE ROANOKE BEACON for SJ-.oq. What tho Mon,thl' Vorld Newspaper Iagazinp is The Monthly World Is a 33 papo Slagatlne with colored cover. It Is copiously illustrated with pon drawings and half-toUt reproductions of plio'ographs. The illiiHtrationa are the result of th best artistic still, aided by all tho latest printing presa appliances, making a magaeiue unrivalled Tu the quality of Its conteuta and the beauty of its appearance. Each issue contain stories of romance, love, adventure, travel ; stories of fiction and fact ; stories of things quaint and curious, gathered together from all over he world ; the icsulU of scien tific research, aud interesting editorial re-. ifevVa. It numbers among iu contributors the leading liter and women of the day. 'Ifa rKirnlc pages will preaeut the Work of famous comic artists. There wHiljbe fanny paragraph and pictures. 11 A feat'ere dach month will be the large first page portrait of the most fatnod nun or woman of the moment in the publSecye. -' ' ' ' " Jn collecting and preparing for publication tho literary matter and art subjects for tho Monthly World no expense Is xpared. It is oue of the most attractive publications United from the great city of New York. It furnishes1 high-class aiid Widely vaned entertainment to many thousand readers throughout :orth America. Thu size of the pages of the Monthly Wo"rld is ten and a half by eightech iuch'Mi ' - " '"' Sample Copies of the Monthly World Newspaper Magazine 'will be sent .free dii application. Write a postal card and ask for one. ' Address all orders t3 THE ROANOKE BEACON. ' ' Fall Keatliiiff. vYear'moiiiisl. Company, Attention We do not mean' .Company 11, but Company of Ilouse-builllers and Im provers. ' We arc now in position to furnish you at lowest prices, best designs in Balusters, Newels,' Torch Columns, Finals Mantels Pulpits, and all kinds of Bracket and Scroll Work at shortest notice. We do all sorts of Lathe and Saw work at reasonable prices. Prices furnished on application. Plymouth Scroll and JSaJ ustor Works, A. .U. NEWBEjPJiY, Prop. lo SO-tf ' ' '' 's "' ' ' I O avc Jlye(l into the J. T. Lewis store, on Water street, opposite the batik, and my stock 'of 'Millinery Goods is full and complete, It takes ho talk to sell f lady a hat when she sees what she waiits. The hat sells itself. That is That I can ;i do show you what you want. Trimmed Hats from 75o to $(!.0O. Infant Caps from 15c. lo $1.50. " Umbrellas from oOc. lo $2.7"). I also have a nice line of Silkc for Shirt waists, Appliques, Ribbons and Trim mings of all kinds. New Fans, Fan chains, new style Belt Buckles, et., etc. ! Call rind inspect "riiy lino before making your spring purchase. Yours truly, MRS. L. . PADGETT. KEEP K00L ! Ou? Jce house adjoiuing the livery Btahles, next door to the printing offica, ia now stocked with good. clean ICE. These wishing it iu large or small quantities ca'u be accommodated. Yon will always find our prices right and fcbmeoue to wait ou join Yours truly, LEWIS & MARRINER. Dyspepsia Cure Dig&sts what you eat. iItaf tincially digests the food and aids Nature ia strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovereddigest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgia, Cramps and ill other results of imperfect digestion Price 50c. and tl. Large sice contains S',4 times small sle. Book all about dyspepsia mallecUree) "Prepared by . C OalVfTT A CO-, Cblccgo. ' "f Plymouth Drug Co. and Roper Store Co. Summer . furnish tins paper wit a limited time to its great Mori Winter Keading. LIVE GOOD- To do this you want the best vou can p-i't for vonr inonev. ' t - o - - j ---- . ' J' YOL' (1 ET Til E BEST OF J. L. SAVAGE, who always has ou hand a large and well assorted line of fresh Groceries, such as Meat, Meal, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Hyrup, lobacco, Cigars, Huuff, Canned tjoo'ds, etc.'; etc. " ' ' Ajs cohs'tantly receiving fresh shipments of finest Foreign and Ijb'meslic Frutte, -Vcrgetables and Confectioneries. "'"'' 'Slake no mistake, but go lo J. L. Sav- . ...... IK . . . t , ..J .it o ii juu ua.ii juui m.JlD buppilt'U WJIIJ ,the best.-' '' " ' f ' ' i i My snlooh iu tTie fear has ust beeu re modeled, making it the most neat aud mod em iu the town Tbis tlepfirtiueut" is always liquors- Md' 'po rb'ad:' "PJliiVaiitfatUutiyt eailf shied 'stand ready to wait on'yoii: Thaukiug the public for past' patron ags and soliciting a contiuiiattrie, I aia"'",1,,; Yours to please, apl-tf J. L. SAVAGE. mw SPRING I most respectfully announce to my friends; and patrons that Iaui now receiving a full and complete 'ne of "yew and Sty lish Killinery good?, such as Hals, Bonnets, Flowers, Kibbons. Trimmings' of all kinds, Read'. tnadc Skirts, etc., and have recently added a full hue of La dies'- Dbess Goods, . - $ ' t j . . which I um offtriug at prices as low as can be found an where '! I wish to reiaiud py friends that I auj stiil tn busmessj aud cordially invite theui ope nnl ail to call and inspect my stocl: before purchasing elseu here. ' Yours truly, MRS. 4, IV AYERS. niarltf ' ' AGENTS WANTED FOR TUB ELECTRIC RAZOR IIONE.-Guar-antttd equal to the best lldne iuade. Cant use water oil or lather. Will last a life time. -Each Hone packed in neat card board cft;e. Every one perfect.' Just the thing fcir"irivare use. krice, 75c; " - W-e wtinr nu agent in -each township to whom exclusive sale will be given. Write lor sample -and agent's outfit. Sent b piail. Address, ' " - y MARSH MFG., CO., No. bit West Lake St., Chicagn. sepia-Cm' '-. Undertaker and Carriage Maker, Coffins, Caskets and Burial-cases cf all ' styfes, grades, sizes and' prices. 3Cloth Lined Cases a Specialty. Special attenticu given o orders from a distance. If it bhouid be your misfortune, to need anything in this line, call on me. 1 I have as nice a line cf open and top ve hicles as has evor been bhown in this sec tion. In work and prices I defy compe; lilion. Examine my stock before placing' your order. Yours truly, G.'jVBARCO, ap 1-tf Roper, N. C. LADIES, IIAYE YOU SEEN Or heard of Solid Cuevce Sliver Tablewear f This is the Ajcw melal that is rapidly superseding steri hug silver fur spoons, knives, forks and ether tablewear. It is exaclly the eame mtai thrcingj and throush, has no plating to wear off, looki just hke sterling silver, ia harder and will wear longer. It costs about one-sixth as m'iioh. " It ia not for aale in stores, but every lady In ihlsifitiily can obtain a set of these Solid Cuevee Silver Teaspoon) warranted to wear for twenty-five 3-ears, without paying a cent. Wrtte-forlthis .-free oSeratonce, before it is withdrawn. QiMKrA'-.yAtiJf Mro., Co., Morgan and Uarrlson Sta., Clilcaga,4''' ' P. S.-C'ut this notice out and return t with your request. Thi i important. - ' -