Til E 110 A NO K E ' 15 E A COX. Published Every Friday. Eutered lu the Pout Office at Tly mouth N. C, an cond cltss mutter. We appeftito every reader of Tiik Roanoke BsacOn. to aid u in making it uu acceptable and profitable medium of news' to our citizen, l.i't Plymouth people- and .tliu public know what is going on in- Plymouth. Report (o us all item:' of news the. arrival and depnr'.uio of friend?, social event, deaths, aorious iltiu-Ki, accident, new buildings, new cnterpriH'8 and improvement of whatever character changes in busmen indeed anything aud everything that would be of interest to our people. , V Subscription price, S-1.00 per year. AdTertifleuientJ' inserted at low rt8. Obituary.Aioticvi exceeding ten lim five cents aline. Count lUe word, allowiiu; cinht to the line, aud send money with li. for all iu excess of teu llnei. " The editor will not be Responsible for the views of correspondents. All aticJ for publication must be accomuanied by trfejJWifciare 06 Ucwriten Correpoiwlnt arc requested not to write on but one side of 4hjper. , All comrjiurricat'tbns mud bvent in by Thursday morning or thy will not appear. Address all communications to THE KOANOKE BEACON, ,J ' Plymouth. N. C. OVrBItEAK OF DISEASE ' AMONG HOUSES. Hon. John' n.SiALi, : Washington, North Carolina. Dear Sm -.Referring to your commu nication of. the 22d ultiojo,' and enclosure, consisting' of" aMetter addressed to jou by E. A. Jones, 6f jjakleyville, Hyde county, North jCarpllpu, in regard to a serious and fatal outbreak of a disease among the hor ses pf thju section,- I would say that the following reply is based upon ths repprt of Dr. K. W. Hickman of the Bureau of Ani mal Industry, 'Department of j Agriculture, to Dr. D. iS; Salmon, Chief of the Bureau upon his. return from Hyde and Beaufort couaCie's'bu the 10th instant, aftr having, as you aire Aware, traveled over the territory in whicuitfre- disease prevailed. I sympathize with your people in their hiisfortune, and regret : that the Depart ment was not able to render you greater servjje.,,TQU are, he wever, familiar with all tjjiji "facts in regard to' the, investigation, aa well, as the quickly fatal character of the malady : as a result of which the aui- mdla that had been affected had died, or iu a very few instances recovered, except two which were well on -the' fray to recovery ; in which latter instances the ay rn pto&is, that might have been otherwise in a meas ure apparent, were masked by the con dition which had .resulted to tLem, at the lime. -of Dr. Hickman's visit, as a result largely of the character of the remedies which had beeu applied and the attempts at treatment by the owners. Consequently, uo cases Were -6een by him which exhibited .-'ft . . the symptoms characteristic of the staggers. or so-called 'befpbro spinal meniugetis. Iu the event of other cases of this disease being brought to your notice iu the near future, 6i during another season, I would BUggbsti.ihat the smoking of the head with tar and feathers, which seems to have beeu reported "to to a considerable extent in the treatment of this disease, also the adminis trattan of large doses of kerosene oil and the injection of kerosene and vinegar into the nostrils,' is certainly not to be recom meh'ded. In order to. secure success in the treatment of the disease of our. du.nosti - cute'd; animals, it; is important that bUch harsh measures should be avoided, and that cm ly'such remedies should be used as may be expected to as.-ist nature in its ef forts 10 r.egaiu a normal-sUe. The physiologicil 'action of drugs has been chiefly iemed tbVuugii experimenta tiou upou the lower animals, and remedies which ure ..applicable in the treatment of the diseases of man are likewise applicable in the treatmeut of the diseases of horses, nhen a similar line of symptoms indicate the use ofthe'sanle reuledies, or wheu the purpose to be gained in their use is prac tically tho'stttne ; for instance, if it were thought advisable to give inhalations of tar vapor to horses wLen suffering from a dis ease in which sued treatment would be in dicated, it would be -best to nearly till a bucket with swet hay,; pour upon it two or three ounces of inr and then pour boil ing water over the hay aud , tar, not um cient to entirely cover the hay, as otherw ise the animal's nose might be scalded ; place this bucket in a n.-al bug.' and then by tying the free end ol. the ba'g containing the bucket to the bend Mall of the horse so as to include the nose w ithin the bag, the steam will be directed to the horde's uomj and inhaled by him. Bat irritjung substan ces like kerosene aud vinegar under no circumstances should be ' injec'ted into a horse's nose, neither should Jhe irritating smoke from burning tar and leathers be inhaled by them. The iuUkhttiou of quan tities of smoke has of itself frequently pro. duced pneumonia in the horse. W hen is thewught desirable to adiiinis ter a purgative, an 8 ounce dose of Glauber ftalts way be given, dissolved iu a wine bot tle full of water, or a bill composed of 1 oz. of Barbadoes aloes, 1 dram of calomel, 1 oz. of castile soap, t drams of powdered ginger, to a 1100 lb. horse; for smaller animals, the amount of aloes should be decreased. The fyllowing treatment to excite a more healthy action of the kidneys for the pur pose of controlling tho fever, and at the same time for its louic effect, might follow the administration of the purgative : Nitrate of potassa, 2 oz. Powdered gentian root, 2 oz. Powdered mux vomica, J oz. Bicarbonate of soda, 1 oz. Powdered willow charcoal, .'J oz. Mix thoroughly aud give a table spoonful three times a day on feed. If the tempera ture is high, or if there is marked debility, sulphate of quinine may bo given in dotes of CO to SO grains twice a day, morning and evening. It seems to have been generally thought that sore throat and infliuimation of the lungs wert promiueut features in , this ifis: ease. I would suggest in this eon uectioh that the inhalation of smoke from burhiug tar and leathers, the iujectiou of kcroseue and viuegar into the nostrils, and drench ing the auimals through the nostrils' or inoutk with irritating mediciues, , whioh may gain entrance to the wind pipe and lungs, are not only capable of producing sore throat aud pneumonia but tire very liable lo. Dretiches should not bo adminis tered through the uoso, and great care should alwrys be exercised iu drenching' a, horse when there is manifested by him difficulty or inability to swallow, as it is quite possible that iu this trouble wo- often have a paralysis of the muscles which have to do with the act of swallowing. A good fever medicine in diseases such as sore throat aud inflammation of the lungs, which are accompanied with fever, would be a mixture such as the following : Tincture of acouite root, h oz. t Sweet spirits of nitre, 4 oz. Liquor r.mmonia acetate, 15 oz. Give two tablespooufals every four hours. Iu such cases as described by Mr. Jones aud other citizens of the locality, it may be said that in the majority of the cases of this disease which have occurred during the present outbreak, there was very little time for treatment. Greater attention should be given to preventive treatmeut, which in cludes all matters relating to hygiene iu conu cliou with the care of your animals. It has been found that it is not unusual for some of the farmers in your section to drive To be concluded on O'th page. A WORTHY SUCCESSOR. 'Something New Under The Sun." .' , ' . All Doctors have tried to cure CATAKUH by tbo us; of powders, acid gases, inhalers and drugs iu paste form. Their powders dry up the luucnons membra ues causing them to crack open and bleed. The powerful acids used in the inhalers have entirely eat en away the same membranes that their makers have aimed to cure, while putdes and ointments cannot reach the disease. An old and experienced practitioner who has for many years made a close study and specialty of the "treatment of CATABRii, has at last perfected a Treatment which wheu faith fully used, not only relieves at ouce, but permanently cures CATAKUH. by remov ing the cause, stopping the discharges, : and curing all inflammation. It is the only rem edy known to science that actually reaches tue afflicted parts. This wonderful remedy is known as "SNUFFLES the GUARAN TEED CATAIUUI CUKE" and is sold at the extremely low price of One Dollar, each package, containing interuai and ex ternal medicine sullicient tor a full moutLi's treatment and everything necessary to its' perfect ue -SNUFFLES" is the only perfect CA TAURH CURE ever made and is now rec ognized as the only tale aud positive cure for that annoying and disgusting disease. It cures ail inflammation quickly and per. maueiitly and is also wonderfully quick to relieve HAY FEVER of COLD in' the HEAD. CATAHUII wheu neglected of len' leads to CON'SUMP HON -"SNUFFLES" will save you if you use it at once. It is no or dinary remedy, but a complete treatment which is positively guaranteed to cure CA TAKUH iu any form or stage if used ac cording to the directions which accompany each package. Don't delay Lut send for it at once, and write full particulars as lo your condition, and you will receive special hdvice from the discoverer of this wonder ful remedy regarding jour case wi'liout cost to you beyond the regular price of "dslJFFLES" the ' GUARANTEED CA TARRH CUKE" Sent prepaid to any address iu the United StatfS or Canada on rt-Ceipt ot One Dollar. Address Dept C171 EDWIN B. GILES & COMPANY, and 233-' Market street, Philadelphia. ap KMy A fat wowau never realizes how fat she really is. Cold .Steel Or Death. "There is but one small chance to save your life and that is through an operation," was the awful prospect sft before Mrs. I. JJ. Hunt, of Lime Kidge, Wis., by her doctor after vainly trying to euro her of a fright ful esse of stomach trouble and yellow jaundice. He didn't count on the marvel lous power of Electric Bitters to cure Stomach and Liver troubles, but she heard of it, took seven bottles, was wholly cured, avoided surgeon's knife, now weighs more and feels better than ever. It's positively' guaranteed to curd Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles and never disuppoints. Price 50e at Hpruiil &, Bro's. l FO WERFIJL Um OF THE EAST. AN INTERESTING EXPLANATION OF THEui UNUSUAL STRENGTH, The Secret of their Marvellous Vital ity and Nerve Force Jealously Guarded. Women of the Harem Compound a Potion. Whoso Rejuvenating Et I'eets are'AlniosL Miraculous . and . Astonished the ' . Most fckejUieul. The fondest hopes of ancient or modern seekers alter the Fountain of Perpetual Youth, can scarcely have aimed higher than the results achieved by the marvellous compound, kuowu throughout the Etiit as EL MOKBIlt. Travellers returning to Europe have, from time to time, brought asiouishing tales of the rejuvenating eilVcts produced by this Wonder of tho Orient. t'rvdjly coinpounuViI by the Women of the Ila" rem, from formulas handed down orally from gen eration to fieneiati.ii. liie secret of this prepara tion thus jealousy guarded and ouowu only to tlie inmate of the Parem and the Ounrt I'liysieianc, EL MOKP-Ilt lias been pniclioahy unobtainable, excepting by iho favored ones for wh im u was iu . tended. Recently, however, a prominent native Arabian ' rtiysicinu, b.mitdied from his country for political offense, and deprived of hi vast possession, lias availed himself of li:s knov.ied , to earn a liveli. hood helium;,' his staiio"n, by r. pplyiug tins mar. vellous compound, EL MOK11IR, to the nobility and wti.lil-.ier tiass-es of all Kurope, who have cheerfully paid him lair;e fees in iclurn for the ben' eiits received. Content with the largo income derived from tlii practice, this uged Physician has repeatedly refus ed very liberal offers made to him for the formula of his liemedy, but ho h;is finally agreed with the importing house of TilR Noj'I.S-Fi'lleh Company, of Philadelphia, to put it up in convenient form for sale exclusively iu the United Slates, ami this firm having- the exclusive aoncy, now oilers it for the first time to the American public. This Iter.ied.T must not bo confounded with the numerous nervous exhaustion, lost manhood, and self abus! remeclios whieh are advertised under a variety of names, as there is absolutely l.othing wliicH scientific chemistry liac been able to pro duce, which can even approach the peerless KLi MOKBIlt, a purely vegetable compound, extracted from ram tropical roots and herbs. EL MO KIH It is a Kcmndy for ene specific pur' pof-e, which is to strengthen tin: viial fo:cr and pre vent decay Jn Aim. ks marvellous etieets in arrest ing decay ol the vital principles, especially in the male, being unparalleled and never-failing-, and as its use is universal al! over tne East, wiicr-; strong, virilo men wiih large families or descendants art! the rule, ther? must, be uo doubt, cither im to its ef ficacy or builetlt to the L'eneral system. While it is absolute sjieeillc and positively guar anteed to cure the-worst ense of nervous debility, lost manhood, or simitar weaknesses due to excesses or youthful errors, it is nlso usd with the :ieat.et ftucctks as a vituli.er, giving ptnver to all weak parts, and developing and maintaining the full uatural vigor of manhood It is put up for tlie American trade is tablet form,' and though extremely powerful, it is perfectly harmless and easily taken, one tablet being a dure ami dsing the woik at once, and so evidently it lo 1 ave no cionbt In the miud of the patient. It Will euro you so as to stay cured livery package is upem-d and carefully examined by the importers when received, and is tfien re packed under their seal and positive guarantee to cure. It will be sent prepaid, under plain cover, with full and comp ete directions on reneei.pt. of rho price, 5jl.no per packmen, or six packages 'tor $5.0u. Auures. nil! I'Ks-if ulIjKu Oo.iii'.vM, .uarket aud 'lth bis . Philadelphia. Marriage may be a failure without bank ruptcy. NEW MILLINERY. My stock of new Fall aud Winter Milli nery goods is dow fu'l and complete, and 1 cordially invite my friends and the publio generally to call aud inspect the same. My stock of hats, bonnets, infants' aud children's headwear, trimmings, etc., has been selected with the utmost care, aud I feel confident I can please you in style, material and price, if favored with your patronage. I also keep a uice line of Dress Goods, with trimmings to match. Give ine call before purchasing, and be conviuced. l'ours truly, MRS. L. E. PADGETT.. illornthal Bbock, nest door to new. bank, eep "-tf CJieap Goods,; by A. Marcus. He fere nee tin; people tit large. Home, sweet, new home.. ;1 have just moved to Ply mouth with a full stock of dry goods, notions, clothing, hats, caps, shoes and gent's and ladies' furnishing goods, . All tfoixls to be sold from 15 to 0 per cent, less than other dealers, be eau?e I buy for cash and sell for cash. le sure not to forget the place, for your own benefit y motto is quick sales and small profits. Give me a call and be convinced. A. MARCUS. Horn thai block, near Postoiliee. S500 Reward! Tv'u vilt pay the above reward for ati7 etse ol Liver Complaint Dyspepsia, ."let Headache In digestion Constipation or Costiveneia we cannot cure -vith West's Vegetable Liver fills, when the directions ore strictly complied with. Ther are purely Vegetable, in'J never foil to give ssi sfaction Sugar Coated. I,nrge tOTts, cei'v Beware of counterfeits nnd imitations. The Bsne mnni'-toctured only t-y TIIK JOIjN C. Wsii COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food, ltgivcs instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs- can take it. By its uso many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents format ion of gas on the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can't help hul do you good Vrcparcd only by E. C. DeWitt&"!o., Milca(?o The f 1. buttle contains 2t times the 50c. sizo. 8. P. IS ARC, Undertaker and Carriage Maker, I Cofflrif, Cutsets and Hurial-easeH of all Btjien, grades, &izen and prices. C-lTCloth Li nod Capes a Specialty. Special attention given to orders from a distance. If it ulionid be your misfortune to need anything in this line, call on me. I have as nice a line of open and top ve hicles 88 hit evor beeu shown in this tsec tion. Iu work and prices I defy compe tition. Examine my stock before placing your order. I have secured the services of a first-class trimmer, and all work is executed iu a thorough, workman-like manner. S. J. UAUCO, apl'-tf Koper, N. C. LIVE GOOD- To do this you want the best yon can get for your money. - YOU GET THE BEST OF J-L-SAVAGE, who always has on hand a large and well assorted line of frehh Groceries, snch as Meat, Meal, Flour, 8ngar, Coffee, Malaxes, iSymp, Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, Canned Goods, etc., etc. Also constantly receiving fresh shipments of the finest Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Vegetables and Confectioneries. Make no mistake, but go to J. L. Sav age's if you want your table supplied with the best. My saloon in the rear has just been re Yuooeled, making it the most neat and mod ,ern in thu town This department is alwiiys supplied with the most choice wines aud liquors to bt had. Polite and attentive salesmen stand ready to wait on yon. Thanking the public for past patronage and solicitiLg a continuance, I am Yours to please, apl-tf J. I j. SAVAGE. LITTLETON FEMALE OLLEGE. One of the most prosperous institutions for the ' higher education of young women in. the outli. Panacea Water kept in the building. Nineteenth Annual Session begins Sep tember 18th, For Catalogue address President Rhudes, Littleton, N. C. an l-2m SUBSCRIBE FOR THE RoanakE Beacon OBLY ONE DOLLAU A YEAR. Pages. PLYMOUTH ACADEMY, MALE AND FEMALE. Strictly Kon Sectarian. Prepares for College, Business, and for the Practical Duties of Life. Special course, for Teachers. Excellent advantages are offered in the Primary Department. Mrs. K. A. Carter, iu charge. ' ' vl Personal attention given to each prjpih.' JsTThe aim of this school is to develop power and character in every student. VVe try to make our pupils realize that thorough scholarship and strong Christian character prepare boys and girls to fight the battle of life successfully. Fall term opens Sept, 2, 1901. For further information apply to B. h UAcJSELL, Jn., Principal. Plymouth Primary I chol, Miss Lizzie Goelet, Teacher. . This old established and popular School for girls aud boys, will open its Fall Session' Monday, September 2nd, under the careful supervision of Miss' Liz zie Goelet, whose great success iu the past has exhibited her ability to train the minds of pupils iu the future. , With spacious rooms and comfortable desks, together with the manner of the instructor, this school commends itself to the parents of Plymouth and surrounding country. aug l-lni Mrs. M.J. Johnston's School i This school will open in' the town of Plymouth on September 1G, 1901. The teacher has had many year's eipe--rience as a trainer of young minds, and is' competent of giving theni the Very bent of instruction. She has personal supervision of all pu- pils under her care and gives each aud every one the best attention possible. Tehms : Primary......... $1,00 Advanced 1.25' Latin, extra, () Music, " ....... 1.50 Thanking the public iu - advance lor al liberal bhare of their patronage. I rtiinaiu Yonrs truly, ':' Mns. M. J. Johnston. uiifr 30-tf ... .,.M..J l.j., ..1Imt ,.Ml. Practical Education IN ' Agriculture. Engineering Mechanic Arts, aud Cotton Manufacturing ; a combination of theorj aud practice, of study and uiHiiual training. Tuition $20 a year. Total expense, including clothing and board, $125. Thirty tea chers, 'Ml students. Next session be gins September 4th. For catalogue address Geo, T. Winston, President N. C. C ( 1 EGE AGEIIUITWE AM) MECUAMC ABTS, RALEIGH, X, C. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovereddigest ant and tonic. Ko other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgla.Crampsand all other results of imperfect digestion. Price 50c. and $1. Large size contains 2 timet small size. Book all aboutdyspepsiamalledtree Prepared fey E. C DtWITT A CO Cfetccfi Plymouth Drug Co., and Uoper StoraCu I ? C!Bf!t!'Q von mraxea bex E.b Wfiuia o This remedr beluli Meeted directly t fc Meeted dlretW te the ftS j. 1 TSH of thoee dtseaeet organs, rtonire bi ehasce of dleW Cnti arnaranteril In 1 to 1 . '. day. Hmell plain t?ak.